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In plasma physics, magnetic helicity is a measure of the linkage, twist, and writhe of a magnetic field. [1] [2]
Magnetic helicity is a useful concept in the analysis of systems with extremely low resistivity, such as astrophysical systems. When resistivity is low, magnetic helicity is conserved over longer timescales, to a good approximation. Magnetic helicity dynamics are particularly important in analyzing solar flares and coronal mass ejections. [3] Magnetic helicity is relevant in the dynamics of the solar wind. [4] Its conservation is significant in dynamo processes, and it also plays a role in fusion research, such as reversed field pinch experiments. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
When a magnetic field contains magnetic helicity, it tends to form large-scale structures from small-scale ones. [10] This process can be referred to as an inverse transfer in Fourier space. This property of increasing the scale of structures makes magnetic helicity special in three dimensions, as other three-dimensional flows in ordinary fluid mechanics are the opposite, being turbulent and having the tendency to "destroy" structure, in the sense that large-scale vortices break up into smaller ones, until dissipating through viscous effects into heat. Through a parallel but inverted process, the opposite happens for magnetic vortices, where small helical structures with non-zero magnetic helicity combine and form large-scale magnetic fields. This is visible in the dynamics of the heliospheric current sheet, [11] a large magnetic structure in the Solar System.
Generally, the helicity of a smooth vector field confined to a volume is the standard measure of the extent to which the field lines wrap and coil around one another. [12] [2] It is defined as the volume integral over of the scalar product of and its curl, :
Magnetic helicity is the helicity of a magnetic vector potential where is the associated magnetic field confined to a volume . Magnetic helicity can then be expressed as [5]
Since the magnetic vector potential is not gauge invariant, the magnetic helicity is also not gauge invariant in general. As a consequence, the magnetic helicity of a physical system cannot be measured directly. In certain conditions and under certain assumptions, one can however measure the current helicity of a system and from it, when further conditions are fulfilled and under further assumptions, deduce the magnetic helicity. [13]
Magnetic helicity has units of magnetic flux squared: Wb2 (webers squared) in SI units and Mx2 (maxwells squared) in Gaussian Units. [14]
The current helicity, or helicity of the magnetic field confined to a volume , can be expressed as
where is the current density. [15] Unlike magnetic helicity, current helicity is not an ideal invariant (it is not conserved even when the electrical resistivity is zero).
Magnetic helicity is a gauge-dependent quantity, because can be redefined by adding a gradient to it (gauge choosing). However, for perfectly conducting boundaries or periodic systems without a net magnetic flux, the magnetic helicity contained in the whole domain is gauge invariant, [15] that is, independent of the gauge choice. A gauge-invariant relative helicity has been defined for volumes with non-zero magnetic flux on their boundary surfaces. [11]
The name "helicity" is because the trajectory of a fluid particle in a fluid with velocity and vorticity forms a helix in regions where the kinetic helicity . When , the resulting helix is right-handed and when it is left-handed. This behavior is very similar to that found concerning magnetic field lines.
Regions where magnetic helicity is not zero can also contain other sorts of magnetic structures, such as helical magnetic field lines. Magnetic helicity is a continuous generalization of the topological concept of linking number to the differential quantities required to describe the magnetic field. [11] Where linking numbers describe how many times curves are interlinked, magnetic helicity describes how many magnetic field lines are interlinked. [5]
Magnetic helicity is proportional to the sum of the topological quantities twist and writhe for magnetic field lines. The twist is the rotation of the flux tube around its axis, and writhe is the rotation of the flux tube axis itself. Topological transformations can change twist and writhe numbers, but conserve their sum. As magnetic flux tubes (collections of closed magnetic field line loops) tend to resist crossing each other in magnetohydrodynamic fluids, magnetic helicity is very well-conserved.
As with many quantities in electromagnetism, magnetic helicity is closely related to fluid mechanical helicity, the corresponding quantity for fluid flow lines, and their dynamics are interlinked. [10] [16]
In the late 1950s, Lodewijk Woltjer and Walter M. Elsässer discovered independently the ideal invariance of magnetic helicity, [17] [18] that is, its conservation when resistivity is zero. Woltjer's proof, valid for a closed system, is repeated in the following:
In ideal magnetohydrodynamics, the time evolution of a magnetic field and magnetic vector potential can be expressed using the induction equation as
respectively, where is a scalar potential given by the gauge condition (see § Gauge considerations). Choosing the gauge so that the scalar potential vanishes, , the time evolution of magnetic helicity in a volume is given by:
The dot product in the integrand of the first term is zero since is orthogonal to the cross product , and the second term can be integrated by parts to give
where the second term is a surface integral over the boundary surface of the closed system. The dot product in the integrand of the first term is zero because is orthogonal to The second term also vanishes because motions inside the closed system cannot affect the vector potential outside, so that at the boundary surface since the magnetic vector potential is a continuous function. Therefore,
and magnetic helicity is ideally conserved. In all situations where magnetic helicity is gauge invariant, magnetic helicity is ideally conserved without the need for the specific gauge choice
Magnetic helicity remains conserved in a good approximation even with a small but finite resistivity, in which case magnetic reconnection dissipates energy. [11] [5]
Small-scale helical structures tend to form larger and larger magnetic structures. This can be called an inverse transfer in Fourier space, as opposed to the (direct) energy cascade in three-dimensional turbulent hydrodynamical flows. The possibility of such an inverse transfer was first proposed by Uriel Frisch and collaborators [10] and has been verified through many numerical experiments. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] As a consequence, the presence of magnetic helicity is a possibility to explain the existence and sustainment of large-scale magnetic structures in the Universe.
An argument for this inverse transfer taken from [10] is repeated here, which is based on the so-called "realizability condition" on the magnetic helicity Fourier spectrum (where is the Fourier coefficient at the wavevector of the magnetic field , and similarly for , the star denoting the complex conjugate). The "realizability condition" corresponds to an application of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, which yields: with the magnetic energy spectrum. To obtain this inequality, the fact that (with the solenoidal part of the Fourier transformed magnetic vector potential, orthogonal to the wavevector in Fourier space) has been used, since . The factor 2 is not present in the paper [10] since the magnetic helicity is defined there alternatively as .
One can then imagine an initial situation with no velocity field and a magnetic field only present at two wavevectors and . We assume a fully helical magnetic field, which means that it saturates the realizability condition: and . Assuming that all the energy and magnetic helicity transfers are done to another wavevector , the conservation of magnetic helicity on the one hand and of the total energy (the sum of magnetic and kinetic energy) on the other hand gives:
The second equality for energy comes from the fact that we consider an initial state with no kinetic energy. Then we have the necessarily . Indeed, if we would have , then:
which would break the realizability condition. This means that . In particular, for , the magnetic helicity is transferred to a smaller wavevector, which means to larger scales.
In physics, specifically in electromagnetism, the Lorentz force law is the combination of electric and magnetic force on a point charge due to electromagnetic fields. The Lorentz force, on the other hand, is a physical effect that occurs in the vicinity of electrically neutral, current-carrying conductors causing moving electrical charges to experience a magnetic force.
In physics and engineering, magnetohydrodynamics is a model of electrically conducting fluids that treats all interpenetrating particle species together as a single continuous medium. It is primarily concerned with the low-frequency, large-scale, magnetic behavior in plasmas and liquid metals and has applications in multiple fields including space physics, geophysics, astrophysics, and engineering.
The Navier–Stokes equations are partial differential equations which describe the motion of viscous fluid substances. They were named after French engineer and physicist Claude-Louis Navier and the Irish physicist and mathematician George Gabriel Stokes. They were developed over several decades of progressively building the theories, from 1822 (Navier) to 1842–1850 (Stokes).
In electromagnetism, the magnetic moment or magnetic dipole moment is the combination of strength and orientation of a magnet or other object or system that exerts a magnetic field. The magnetic dipole moment of an object determines the magnitude of torque the object experiences in a given magnetic field. When the same magnetic field is applied, objects with larger magnetic moments experience larger torques. The strength of this torque depends not only on the magnitude of the magnetic moment but also on its orientation relative to the direction of the magnetic field. Its direction points from the south pole to north pole of the magnet.
In physics and mathematics, the Helmholtz decomposition theorem or the fundamental theorem of vector calculus states that certain differentiable vector fields can be resolved into the sum of an irrotational (curl-free) vector field and a solenoidal (divergence-free) vector field. In physics, often only the decomposition of sufficiently smooth, rapidly decaying vector fields in three dimensions is discussed. It is named after Hermann von Helmholtz.
In classical electromagnetism, magnetic vector potential is the vector quantity defined so that its curl is equal to the magnetic field: . Together with the electric potential φ, the magnetic vector potential can be used to specify the electric field E as well. Therefore, many equations of electromagnetism can be written either in terms of the fields E and B, or equivalently in terms of the potentials φ and A. In more advanced theories such as quantum mechanics, most equations use potentials rather than fields.
A classical field theory is a physical theory that predicts how one or more fields in physics interact with matter through field equations, without considering effects of quantization; theories that incorporate quantum mechanics are called quantum field theories. In most contexts, 'classical field theory' is specifically intended to describe electromagnetism and gravitation, two of the fundamental forces of nature.
In plasma physics, the Vlasov equation is a differential equation describing time evolution of the distribution function of plasma consisting of charged particles with long-range interaction, such as the Coulomb interaction. The equation was first suggested for the description of plasma by Anatoly Vlasov in 1938 and later discussed by him in detail in a monograph.
In the physics of gauge theories, gauge fixing denotes a mathematical procedure for coping with redundant degrees of freedom in field variables. By definition, a gauge theory represents each physically distinct configuration of the system as an equivalence class of detailed local field configurations. Any two detailed configurations in the same equivalence class are related by a certain transformation, equivalent to a shear along unphysical axes in configuration space. Most of the quantitative physical predictions of a gauge theory can only be obtained under a coherent prescription for suppressing or ignoring these unphysical degrees of freedom.
In quantum mechanics, the probability current is a mathematical quantity describing the flow of probability. Specifically, if one thinks of probability as a heterogeneous fluid, then the probability current is the rate of flow of this fluid. It is a real vector that changes with space and time. Probability currents are analogous to mass currents in hydrodynamics and electric currents in electromagnetism. As in those fields, the probability current is related to the probability density function via a continuity equation. The probability current is invariant under gauge transformation.
Micromagnetics is a field of physics dealing with the prediction of magnetic behaviors at sub-micrometer length scales. The length scales considered are large enough for the atomic structure of the material to be ignored, yet small enough to resolve magnetic structures such as domain walls or vortices.
In plasma physics, the Hasegawa–Mima equation, named after Akira Hasegawa and Kunioki Mima, is an equation that describes a certain regime of plasma, where the time scales are very fast, and the distance scale in the direction of the magnetic field is long. In particular the equation is useful for describing turbulence in some tokamaks. The equation was introduced in Hasegawa and Mima's paper submitted in 1977 to Physics of Fluids, where they compared it to the results of the ATC tokamak.
In quantum mechanics, the Pauli equation or Schrödinger–Pauli equation is the formulation of the Schrödinger equation for spin-1/2 particles, which takes into account the interaction of the particle's spin with an external electromagnetic field. It is the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation and can be used where particles are moving at speeds much less than the speed of light, so that relativistic effects can be neglected. It was formulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1927. In its linearized form it is known as Lévy-Leblond equation.
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence concerns the chaotic regimes of magnetofluid flow at high Reynolds number. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) deals with what is a quasi-neutral fluid with very high conductivity. The fluid approximation implies that the focus is on macro length-and-time scales which are much larger than the collision length and collision time respectively.
The Darwin Lagrangian describes the interaction to order between two charged particles in a vacuum where c is the speed of light. It was derived before the advent of quantum mechanics and resulted from a more detailed investigation of the classical, electromagnetic interactions of the electrons in an atom. From the Bohr model it was known that they should be moving with velocities approaching the speed of light.
Multipole radiation is a theoretical framework for the description of electromagnetic or gravitational radiation from time-dependent distributions of distant sources. These tools are applied to physical phenomena which occur at a variety of length scales - from gravitational waves due to galaxy collisions to gamma radiation resulting from nuclear decay. Multipole radiation is analyzed using similar multipole expansion techniques that describe fields from static sources, however there are important differences in the details of the analysis because multipole radiation fields behave quite differently from static fields. This article is primarily concerned with electromagnetic multipole radiation, although the treatment of gravitational waves is similar.
In analytical mechanics and quantum field theory, minimal coupling refers to a coupling between fields which involves only the charge distribution and not higher multipole moments of the charge distribution. This minimal coupling is in contrast to, for example, Pauli coupling, which includes the magnetic moment of an electron directly in the Lagrangian.
In ideal magnetohydrodynamics, Alfvén's theorem, or the frozen-in flux theorem, states that electrically conducting fluids and embedded magnetic fields are constrained to move together in the limit of large magnetic Reynolds numbers. It is named after Hannes Alfvén, who put the idea forward in 1943.
In mathematical physics, the Gordon decomposition of the Dirac current is a splitting of the charge or particle-number current into a part that arises from the motion of the center of mass of the particles and a part that arises from gradients of the spin density. It makes explicit use of the Dirac equation and so it applies only to "on-shell" solutions of the Dirac equation.
In plasma physics, Woltjer's theorem states that force-free magnetic fields in a closed system with constant force-free parameter represent the state with lowest magnetic energy in the system and that the magnetic helicity is invariant under this condition. It is named after Lodewijk Woltjer who derived it in 1958. A force-free magnetic field with flux density satisfies