Linking number

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The two curves of this (2, 8)-torus link have linking number four. 3D-Link.PNG
The two curves of this (2, 8)-torus link have linking number four.

In mathematics, the linking number is a numerical invariant that describes the linking of two closed curves in three-dimensional space. Intuitively, the linking number represents the number of times that each curve winds around the other. In Euclidean space, the linking number is always an integer, but may be positive or negative depending on the orientation of the two curves (this is not true for curves in most 3-manifolds, where linking numbers can also be fractions or just not exist at all).


The linking number was introduced by Gauss in the form of the linking integral. It is an important object of study in knot theory, algebraic topology, and differential geometry, and has numerous applications in mathematics and science, including quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and the study of DNA supercoiling.


Any two closed curves in space, if allowed to pass through themselves but not each other, can be moved into exactly one of the following standard positions. This determines the linking number:

Linking Number -2.svg Linking Number -1.svg Linking Number 0.svg
linking number −2linking number −1linking number 0
Linking Number 1.svg Linking Number 2.svg Linking Number 3.svg
linking number 1linking number 2linking number 3

Each curve may pass through itself during this motion, but the two curves must remain separated throughout. This is formalized as regular homotopy, which further requires that each curve be an immersion, not just any map. However, this added condition does not change the definition of linking number (it does not matter if the curves are required to always be immersions or not), which is an example of an h-principle (homotopy-principle), meaning that geometry reduces to topology.


This fact (that the linking number is the only invariant) is most easily proven by placing one circle in standard position, and then showing that linking number is the only invariant of the other circle. In detail:

Computing the linking number

With six positive crossings and two negative crossings, these curves have linking number two. Linking Number Example.svg
With six positive crossings and two negative crossings, these curves have linking number two.

There is an algorithm to compute the linking number of two curves from a link diagram. Label each crossing as positive or negative, according to the following rule: [1]

Link Crossings.svg

The total number of positive crossings minus the total number of negative crossings is equal to twice the linking number. That is:

where n1, n2, n3, n4 represent the number of crossings of each of the four types. The two sums and are always equal, [2] which leads to the following alternative formula

The formula involves only the undercrossings of the blue curve by the red, while involves only the overcrossings.

Properties and examples

The two curves of the Whitehead link have linking number zero. Labeled Whitehead Link.svg
The two curves of the Whitehead link have linking number zero.

Gauss's integral definition

Given two non-intersecting differentiable curves , define the Gauss map from the torus to the sphere by

Pick a point in the unit sphere, v, so that orthogonal projection of the link to the plane perpendicular to v gives a link diagram. Observe that a point (s, t) that goes to v under the Gauss map corresponds to a crossing in the link diagram where is over . Also, a neighborhood of (s, t) is mapped under the Gauss map to a neighborhood of v preserving or reversing orientation depending on the sign of the crossing. Thus in order to compute the linking number of the diagram corresponding to v it suffices to count the signed number of times the Gauss map covers v. Since v is a regular value, this is precisely the degree of the Gauss map (i.e. the signed number of times that the image of Γ covers the sphere). Isotopy invariance of the linking number is automatically obtained as the degree is invariant under homotopic maps. Any other regular value would give the same number, so the linking number doesn't depend on any particular link diagram.

This formulation of the linking number of γ1 and γ2 enables an explicit formula as a double line integral, the Gauss linking integral:

This integral computes the total signed area of the image of the Gauss map (the integrand being the Jacobian of Γ) and then divides by the area of the sphere (which is 4π).

In quantum field theory

In quantum field theory, Gauss's integral definition arises when computing the expectation value of the Wilson loop observable in Chern–Simons gauge theory. Explicitly, the abelian Chern–Simons action for a gauge potential one-form on a three-manifold is given by

We are interested in doing the Feynman path integral for Chern–Simons in :

Here, is the antisymmetric symbol. Since the theory is just Gaussian, no ultraviolet regularization or renormalization is needed. Therefore, the topological invariance of right hand side ensures that the result of the path integral will be a topological invariant. The only thing left to do is provide an overall normalization factor, and a natural choice will present itself. Since the theory is Gaussian and abelian, the path integral can be done simply by solving the theory classically and substituting for .

The classical equations of motion are

Here, we have coupled the Chern–Simons field to a source with a term in the Lagrangian. Obviously, by substituting the appropriate , we can get back the Wilson loops. Since we are in 3 dimensions, we can rewrite the equations of motion in a more familiar notation:

Taking the curl of both sides and choosing Lorenz gauge , the equations become

From electrostatics, the solution is

The path integral for arbitrary is now easily done by substituting this into the Chern–Simons action to get an effective action for the field. To get the path integral for the Wilson loops, we substitute for a source describing two particles moving in closed loops, i.e. , with

Since the effective action is quadratic in , it is clear that there will be terms describing the self-interaction of the particles, and these are uninteresting since they would be there even in the presence of just one loop. Therefore, we normalize the path integral by a factor precisely cancelling these terms. Going through the algebra, we obtain


which is simply Gauss's linking integral. This is the simplest example of a topological quantum field theory, where the path integral computes topological invariants. This also served as a hint that the nonabelian variant of Chern–Simons theory computes other knot invariants, and it was shown explicitly by Edward Witten that the nonabelian theory gives the invariant known as the Jones polynomial. [3]

The Chern-Simons gauge theory lives in 3 spacetime dimensions. More generally, there exists higher dimensional topological quantum field theories. There exists more complicated multi-loop/string-braiding statistics of 4-dimensional gauge theories captured by the link invariants of exotic topological quantum field theories in 4 spacetime dimensions. [4]


The Milnor invariants generalize linking number to links with three or more components, allowing one to prove that the Borromean rings are linked, though any two components have linking number 0. BorromeanRings.svg
The Milnor invariants generalize linking number to links with three or more components, allowing one to prove that the Borromean rings are linked, though any two components have linking number 0.

See also


  1. This is the same labeling used to compute the writhe of a knot, though in this case we only label crossings that involve both curves of the link.
  2. This follows from the Jordan curve theorem if either curve is simple. For example, if the blue curve is simple, then n1 + n3 and n2 + n4 represent the number of times that the red curve crosses in and out of the region bounded by the blue curve.
  3. Witten, E. (1989). "Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial". Comm. Math. Phys. 121 (3): 351–399. Bibcode:1989CMaPh.121..351W. doi:10.1007/bf01217730. MR   0990772. Zbl   0667.57005.
  4. Putrov, Pavel; Wang, Juven; Yau, Shing-Tung (September 2017). "Braiding Statistics and Link Invariants of Bosonic/Fermionic Topological Quantum Matter in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions". Annals of Physics. 384C: 254–287. arXiv: 1612.09298 . Bibcode:2017AnPhy.384..254P. doi:10.1016/j.aop.2017.06.019.

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