Meloidogyne partityla

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Meloidogyne partityla
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Order: Tylenchida
Family: Heteroderidae
Genus: Meloidogyne
M. partityla
Binomial name
Meloidogyne partityla
Kleynhans, 1986

Meloidogyne partityla is a plant pathogenic nematode infecting pecan. One of the first described cases of this nematode where noted in pecan trees in South Africa by Brito et al. (2013). It is thought to have been introduced into South Africa by pecan seedlings that came from the United States (Eisenback, 2015). Today, this nematode is seen infecting pecan trees in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (Eisenback, 2015). They not only infect pecans, but they also infect the California black walnut, English walnut, shagbark hickory, and laurel oak (Eisenback, 2015). The first report in the US, was reported in South Carolina in which it infected laurel oaks but later started infecting neighboring pecan trees in the shared orchards (Eisenback, 2015). The health of infested trees continue to decline every year (Eisenback, 2015).


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