Miniature neutron source reactor

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The Chinese built Miniature Neutron Source reactor (MNSR) is a small and compact research reactor modeled on the Canadian HEU SLOWPOKE-2 design.


The MNSR is tank-in-pool type, with highly enriched fuel (~ 90% U235 ). The tank is immersed in a large pool, and the core is, in turn, immersed in the tank. The maximum nominal power is ~ 30 kW, the power being removed by natural convection. The central core is formed of about 347 fuel rods, with 4 tie rods and 3 dummy elements distributed on a total of ten circles, each consisting of a number of fuel rods ranging between 6 and 62. A thick beryllium reflector (~ 10 cm) surrounds the core radially.

China operates three MNSRs and has supplied Ghana, Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria with reactors of this type as well as the highly enriched uranium (HEU) to fuel them. Since 1978, various national and international activities have been underway to convert research and test reactors from the use of HEU to LEU fuel. [1]

List of all MNSR reactors built around the world

Research centers that operate or have previously operated an MNSR:

Reactor NameCountryCityInstitutionStatusEnrichmentOperation DateClosure DateNotes
MNSR IAE China Beijing China Institute of Atomic Energy Operational12.5%, LEU 1984Converted to LEU in 2016 [2] .
In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator-Mark 1 (IHNI-1) China Beijing Beijing

Capture Technology Co. Ltd (BCTC)

Operational12.5%, LEU [3] 2009
MNSR-SD China Jinan Shandong University of Science and Technology Permanent Shutdown90%, HEU 19882010
MNSR-SH China Shanghai Shanghai Institute of Measurement And Testing TechnologyPermanent Shutdown90%, HEU 19912008
MNSR-SZ China Shenzhen Shenzhen University Operational90%, HEU [4] 1988
Ghana Research Reactor-1 (GHARR-1) Ghana Accra Ghana Atomic Energy Commission Operational13%, LEU [5] 1994Converted to LEU in 2017 [6] .
ENTC MNSR Iran Isfahan Isfahan Nuclear Technology/Research Center Operational90%, HEU [4] 1994
Nigeria research reactor-1 (NIRR-1) Nigeria Zaria Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT)Operational13%, LEU [7] 2004Converted to LEU in 2018 [8] .
Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor-2 (PARR-2) Pakistan Islamabad Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology Operational90.2%, HEU [9] 1989
SRR-1 Syria Damascus Atomic Energy Commission of Syria (AECS)Operational90%, HEU [4] 1998

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  1. "CRP on Conversion of Miniature Neutron Source Research Reactors (MNSR) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU)". Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Waste Technology. International Atomic Energy Agency. 13 January 2014. Retrieved 25 October 2015.
  2. "One of China's MNSR reactors converted to LEU". IPFM Blog. 2016-03-29. Retrieved 2024-08-05.
  3. Zhang, Zizhu; Liu, Tong (2018-10-30). "A review of the development of In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator-1 and boron neutron capture therapy clinical research on malignant melanoma". Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2: 49. doi: 10.21037/tro.2018.10.03 . ISSN   2616-2768.
  4. 1 2 3 Read "Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors" at
  5. Odoi, H. C.; Abrefah, R. G.; Aboh, I. J. K.; Gbadago, J. K.; Birikorang, S. A.; Amponsh-Abu, E. O. (October 2015). "Implementation of Reactor Core Conversion Program of GHARR-1" (PDF). 36th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors. Seoul, South Korea.
  6. "Ghanaian research reactor now set to run on LEU - World Nuclear News". Retrieved 2024-08-05.
  7. Simon, J.; Ibrahim, Y. V.; Adeyemo, D. J.; Garba, N. N.; Asuku, A. (2021-11-01). "Comparative analysis of core life-time for the NIRR-1 HEU and LEU cores". Progress in Nuclear Energy. 141: 103970. Bibcode:2021PNuE..14103970S. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2021.103970. ISSN   0149-1970.
  8. "Nigeria Converts its Research Reactor from HEU to LEU Fuel". 2018-12-20. Retrieved 2024-08-05.
  9. Bokhari, Ishtiaq Hussain; Pervez, Showket (2010-01-01). "Safety analysis for core conversion (from HEU to LEU) of Pakistan research reactor-2 (PARR-2)". Nuclear Engineering and Design. 240 (1): 123–128. Bibcode:2010NuEnD.240..123B. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2009.10.009. ISSN   0029-5493.

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