Municipalities in Sudetenland

Last updated

The list below gives German names and Czech names of towns along with county names and other information in the Sudetenland from World War I through the era of World War II known as interwar Czechoslovakia.

German nameCzech nameCounty
Part of the landMarket town
Abertham Abertamy Neudek Eger Bohemia 1579–1945
Aicha (Sudeten) Český Dub Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 2,007until 1943 Böhmisch Aicha
Asch Asch Eger Bohemia 187223,123
Arnau Hostinné Hohenelbe Aussig Bohemia 4,273
Auscha Úštěk Leitmeritz Aussig Bohemia 13612,078
Aussig Ústí nad Labem Aussig Aussig Bohemia 67,063
Bad Königswart Lázně Kynžvart Marienbad Eger Bohemia 1,762
Bärn Moravský Beroun Bärn Troppau Moravia 2,998
Bärringen Pernink Neudek Eger Bohemia 3,102
Bautsch Budišov nad Budišovkou Bärn Troppau Moravia 4,072
Bennisch Horní Benešov Freudenthal Troppau Moravia 3,414
Bensen Benešov nad Ploučnicí Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 13924,083
Bergstadt Horní Město Römerstadt Troppau Moravia 15801,251
Bilin Bílina Bilin Aussig Bohemia 12639,125
Bischofteinitz Horšovský Týn Bischofteinitz Eger Bohemia 2,995
Bleistadt Oloví Falkenau an der Eger Eger Bohemia 15581,723
Bodenbach Podmokly Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 20,082
Bodenstadt Potštát Bärn Troppau Moravia 13941,246
Böhmisch Kamnitz Česká Kamenice Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 4,360
Böhmisch Leipa Česká Lípa BohemianLeipa Eger Bohemia 138112,000
Böhmisch Wiesenthal Loučná pod Klínovcem Sankt Joachimsthal Eger Bohemia 15201,230former: Böhmisch Wiesenthal
Braunau Broumov Braunau Aussig Bohemia 5,383
Braunseifen Ryžoviště Römerstadt Troppau Moravia 1,586
Brüsau Březová nad Svitavou Zwittau Troppau Moravia 14971,286
Brüx Most Brüx Aussig Bohemia 36,454
Buchau Bochov Luditz Eger Bohemia bis 1947
ab 2006
Chiesch Chyše Luditz Eger Bohemia 1475-
ab 2007
Chodau Chodov Elbogen Eger Bohemia 5,461
Dauba Dubá Dauba Aussig Bohemia 1,474
Domstadtl Domašov nad Bystřicí Bärn Troppau Moravia 1,065
Dobrzan Dobřany Mies Eger Bohemia 5,443to 1938:Wiesengrund
Duppau Doupov Kaaden Eger Bohemia 15__1,453Town no longer exists, today part of Military Training Area Hradiště
Dux Duchcov Dux Aussig Bohemia 9,646
Eger Cheb Eger Eger Bohemia 124231,672
Eidlitz Údlice Komotau Aussig Bohemia 17902,196
Elbogen Loket Elbogen Eger Bohemia 3,594
Einsiedl Mnichov u Mariánských Lázní Marienbad Eger Bohemia 1437712
Engelsberg Andělská Hora ve Slezsku Freudenthal Troppau Moravia 1553-
Falkenau an der Eger Sokolov Falkenau an der Eger Eger Bohemia 11,291
Flöhau Blšany Podersam Eger Bohemia 13__–1945
Franzensbad Františkovy Lázně Eger Eger Bohemia 18653,784
Freiberg in Mähren Příbor Neu Titschein Troppau Moravia 4,313
Freiheit Svoboda nad Úpou Trautenau Aussig Bohemia 1,271
Freiwaldau Jeseník Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 15067,440until 1947 Frývaldov
Freudenthal Bruntál Freudenthal Troppau Moravia 9,569
Friedeberg Žulová Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 17931,612
Friedland (Isergebirge) Frýdlant v Čechách Friedland (Isergebirge) Aussig Bohemia 5,829
Frühbüß Přebuz Neudek Eger Bohemia
Fulnek Fulnek Neu Titschein Troppau Moravia 3,308
Gablonz on the Neisse Jablonec nad Nisou Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 1808186628,774
Gastorf Hoštka Dauba Aussig Bohemia 1853–1945
Georgswalde Jiříkov Rumburg Aussig Bohemia 175319147,683
German Gabel Jablonné v Podještědí German Gabel Aussig Bohemia 2,159
German Kralup Kralupy u Chomutova Komotau Aussig Bohemia 1,274former: Německé Kralupy; no longer exists, today part of Málkov
Goldenstein Branná Moravia Schönberg Troppau Moravia 1,180
Görkau Jirkov Komotau Aussig Bohemia 15076,334
Gossengrün Krajková Falkenau an der Eger Eger Bohemia 14841,570
Gottesgab Boží Dar Sankt Joachimsthal Eger Bohemia 1520938
Graber Kravaře v Čechách Leitmeritz Aussig Bohemia 861
Graslitz Kraslice Graslitz Eger Bohemia 137012,597
Graupen Krupka Teplitz-Schönau Aussig Bohemia 3,905
Groß Schönau Velký Šenov Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 19074,459
Grottau Hrádek nad Nisou Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 12603,718
Grulich Králíky Grulich Troppau Moravia 3,427
Haid Bor u Tachova Tachau Eger Bohemia 1,942
Haida Nový Bor BohemianLeipa Eger Bohemia 17576,677
Haindorf Hejnice Friedland (Isergebirge) Aussig Bohemia 2,404
Hainspach Lipová u Šluknova Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 2,401
Heinrichsgrün Jindrichovice Graslitz Eger Bohemia 1,652
Hermannstadt Hermanovice Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 2,148
Hof Dvorce u Bruntálu Bärn Troppau Moravia 14062,460
Hohenelbe Vrchlabí Hohenelbe Aussig Bohemia 15336,333
Hohenstadt Zábřeh Hohenstadt Troppau Moravia 12756,554
Hostau Hostouň Bischofteinitz Eger Bohemia 15221587951
Hotzenpplotz Osoblaha Jägerndorf Troppau Moravia ~12502,138
Jägerndorf Krnov Jägerndorf Troppau Moravia 24,174
Jauernig Javorník Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 15492,923
Jechnitz Jesenice Podersam Eger Bohemia 1,507
Johannesberg Janov nad Nisou Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 2,371
Johannesthal Janov Jägerndorf Troppau Moravia 1535–19__
Kaaden Kadaň Kaaden Eger Bohemia 7,650
Karbitz Chabarovice Aussig Aussig Bohemia vor 15205,138
Karlsbad Karlovy Vary Karlsbad Eger Bohemia 137053,339
Katharinaberg Hora Svaté Kateřiny Brüx Aussig Bohemia
Kladrau Kladruby u Stříbra Mies Eger Bohemia –1960
Klostergrab Hrob Dux Aussig Bohemia 15942,811
Klösterle an der Eger Klášterec nad Ohří Kaaden Eger Bohemia 3,983
Komotau Chomutov Komotau Aussig Bohemia 139631,317
Königsberg an der Eger Kynšperk nad Ohří Falkenau an der Eger Eger Bohemia 13645,236
Königsberg in Schlesien Klimkovice Wagstadt Troppau Moravia 2,913
Kopitz Kopisty Brüx Aussig Bohemia 19116,752No longer exists, today part of Most
Kratzau Chrastava Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 15274,339
Kreibitz Chřibská Warnsdorf Aussig Bohemia 15701,365
Kriegern Kryry Podersam Eger Bohemia
Kupferberg Měděnec Preßnitz Aussig Bohemia 1,137
Ladowitz Ledvice Dux Aussig Bohemia 189819113,340
Landskron Lanškroun Landskron Troppau Bohemia 6,210
Lauterbach Čistá u Rovné Elbogen Eger Bohemia 15511,019former: Litrbachy; no longer exists
Leitmeritz Litoměřice Leitmeritz Aussig Bohemia 122717,267
Leskau Lestkov Tepl Eger Bohemia 820
Liebenau Hodkovice nad Mohelkou Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 2,013
Lobositz Lovosice Leitmeritz Aussig Bohemia 16005,144
Luditz Žlutice Luditz Eger Bohemia 13411,970
Mährisch Altstadt Staré Město pod Sněžníkem Schönberg (Moravia) Troppau Moravia 13362,250
Mährisch Aussee Úsov Hohenstadt Troppau Moravia 1,420
Mährisch-Neustadt Uničov Sternberg (Moravia) Troppau Moravia 4,442
Mährisch Schönberg Šumperk Schönberg (Moravia) Troppau Moravia 15,611
Mährisch Trübau Moravská Třebová Trübau (Moravia) Troppau Moravia 8,199
Marienbad Mariánské Lázne Marienbad Eger Bohemia 18667,706
Maschau Mašťov Podersam Eger Bohemia
Michelsberg Michalovy Hory Tachau Eger Bohemia 625
Mies Stříbro Mies Eger Bohemia ~12455,662
Morchenstern Smržovka Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 19056,719
Müglitz Mohelnice Hohenstadt Troppau Moravia 12504,325
Neudek Nejdek Neudek Eger Bohemia 16028,441
Neumarkt Úterý Tepl Eger Bohemia –1949
Neustadt an der Tafelfichte Nové Město pod Smrkem Friedland (Isergebirge) Aussig Bohemia 15923,905
Neu Titschein Nový Jičín Neu Titschein Troppau Moravia 131312,925
Niedereinsiedel Dolní Poustevna Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 2,626
Niedergeorgenthal Dolní Jiřetín Brüx Aussig Bohemia 157118623,099From 1943 to Obergeorgenthal; no longer exists, today part of Horní Jiřetín
Niemes Mimoň German Gabel Aussig Bohemia 5,964
Niklasberg Mikulov Teplitz-Schönau Aussig Bohemia 561
Nixdorf Mikulášovice Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 19166,160
Nürschan Nýřany Mies Eger Bohemia 4,042
Obergeorgenthal Horní Jiřetín Brüx Aussig Bohemia 20063,357
Oberleutensdorf Horní Litvínov Brüx Aussig Bohemia 18528,284
Odrau Odry Neu Titschein Troppau Moravia 4,134
Olbersdorf Město Albrechtice Jägerndorf Troppau Moravia 2,582
Oschitz Osečná Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 601
Ossegg Osek Dux Aussig Bohemia 7,701
Petschau Bečov nad Teplou Tepl Eger Bohemia 2,158
Pilnikau Pilníkov Trautenau Aussig Bohemia 1,748
Plan Planá u Mariánských Lázní Tachau Eger Bohemia 4,110
Platten Horní Blatná Neudek Eger Bohemia
Podersam Podborany Podersam Eger Bohemia 15753,198
Postelberg Postoloprty Saaz Eger Bohemia 2,561
Preßnitz Přísečnice Preßnitz Aussig Bohemia 13522,486
Priesen Březno Komotau Aussig Bohemia 1,269
Puschwitz Buškovice Podersam Eger Bohemia 1,307
Radonitz Radonice u Kadaně Kaaden Eger Bohemia 858
Reichenau Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 3,063
Reichenberg Liberec Reichenberg Aussig Bohemia 157769,195
Reichstadt Zákupy German Gabel Aussig Bohemia 1,904
Rokitnitz im Adlergebirge Rokytnice v Orlických horách Grulich Troppau Moravia 1,025
Römerstadt Rýmařov Römerstadt Troppau Moravia 5,858
Ronsperg Poběžovice Bischofteinitz Eger Bohemia 142415022,995
Rudig Vroutek Podersam Eger Bohemia 2,152
Rumburg Rumburk Rumburg Aussig Bohemia 13479,453
Saaz Žatec Saaz Eger Bohemia 16,247
Sandau Žandov BohemianLeipa Eger Bohemia 14__1,306
Sangersberg Prameny Marienbad Eger Bohemia 13801,422
Sankt Georgenthal Jiříkov Warnsdorf Aussig Bohemia 19142,134
Sankt Joachimsthal Jáchymov Sankt Joachimsthal Eger Bohemia 15206,388
Schatzlar Žacléř Trautenau Aussig Bohemia 3,217
Scheles Žihle Podersam Eger Bohemia 1,121
Schildberg Štíty Hohenstadt Troppau Moravia 1,366
Schlaggenwald Horní Slavkov Elbogen Eger Bohemia 15473,022
Schluckenau Šluknov Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 13595,319
Schönbach Luby Eger Eger Bohemia 4,268
Schönfeld Krásno nad Teplou Elbogen Eger Bohemia 13801,995
Schönlinde Krásná Lípa Rumburg Aussig Bohemia 173118706,076
Schönthal Krásné Údolí Tepl Eger Bohemia 457
Schumburg an der Desse Šumburk nad Desnou Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 2,8511942 Tannwald
Sebastiansberg Hora Svatého Šebestiána Komotau Aussig Bohemia 1597-1,226
Seestadtl Ervěnice Komotau Aussig Bohemia 4,221No longer exists, today part of Most
Sonnenberg Výsluní Komotau Aussig Bohemia 1565–1945
1,240former Suniperk
Staab Stod Mies Eger Bohemia 18502,839
Stadt Liebau Město Libavá Bärn Troppau Moravia 2,998
Starkstadt Stárkov Braunau Aussig Bohemia 1573750
Stein-Schönau Kamenický Šenov Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 19004,936
Sternberg Šternberk Sternberg (Moravia) Troppau Moravia 12,141
Stramberg Štramberk Neu Titschein Troppau Moravia 3,524
Tachau Tachov Tachau Eger Bohemia 6,425
Tannwald Tanvald Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia 19056,069
Tepl Teplá Tepl Eger Bohemia 13852,475
Teplitz-Schönau Teplice Teplitz-Schönau Aussig Bohemia 26,281
Tetschen Děčín Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 13__12,647
Theusing Toužim Tepl Eger Bohemia 14691,911
Trautenau Trutnov Trautenau Aussig Bohemia 14,811
Troppau Opava Stadtkreis Troppau Moravia 122444,740
Tschernoschin Černošín Mies Eger Bohemia 18461,529
Turn Trnovany Teplitz-Schönau Aussig Bohemia 14,125
Tuschkau Město Touškov Mies Eger Bohemia 15431,754
Unter Sandau Dolní Žandov Marienbad Eger Bohemia 1,467
Wagstadt Bílovec Wagstadt Troppau Moravia ~13204,607
Warnsdorf Varnsdorf Warnsdorf Aussig Bohemia 186821,179
Wartenberg am Roll Stráž pod Ralskem German Gabel Aussig Bohemia 1,141
Wegstädtl Štětí Dauba Aussig Bohemia 1,684
Weidenau Vidnava Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 14282,158
Weipert Vejprty Preßnitz Aussig Bohemia 160710,667
Wernstadt Verneřice Tetschen-Bodenbach Aussig Bohemia 18471,401
Weseritz Bezdružice Tepl Eger Bohemia
Wiesenthal on the Neisse Lucany nad Nisou Gablonz on the Neisse Aussig Bohemia
Wigstadtl Vítkov Troppau Troppau Moravia 15234,490
Wildstein Skalná Eger Eger Bohemia 186519052,452to 1950 Vildštejn
Willomitz Vilémov Kaaden Eger Bohemia 882
Wölmsdorf Vilémov Schluckenau Aussig Bohemia 1,435
Wscherau Všeruby u Plzně Mies Eger Bohemia 933
Würbenthal Vrbno pod Pradědem Freudenthal Troppau Moravia 4,029
Zuckmantel Zlaté Hory Freiwaldau Troppau Moravia 13064,363
Zwickau in Bohemia Cvikov German Gabel Aussig Bohemia 13914,273
Zwittau Svitavy Zwittau Troppau Moravia 10,405

Southern Sudetenland

German nameCzech nameCounty
Part of the CountryMarket town
Auspitz Hustopeče Nikolsburg Lower Danube Moravia 15722,971
Bergreichenstein Kašperské Hory Bergreichenstein Lower Bavaria Bohemia 2,635
Deutsch Beneschau Benešov nad Černou Kaplitz Upper Danube Bohemia 1881-1,538
Feldsberg Valtice Nikolsburg Lower Danube Moravia 2,857
Gratzen Nové Hrady Kaplitz Upper Danube Bohemia 1,170
Hohenfurth Vyšší Brod Kaplitz Upper Danube Bohemia -195_
Kaplitz Kaplice Kaplitz Upper Danube Bohemia 13822,281
Krummau Český Krumlov Krummau Upper Danube Bohemia 8,368
Lundenburg Břeclav Nikolsburg Lower Danube Moravia 1526187210,583
Mährisch Kromau Moravský Krumlov Znaim Lower Danube Moravia 12602,849
Neubistritz Nová Bystřice Neubistritz Lower Danube Moravia 13412,824
Neuern Nýrsko Markt Eisenstein Lower Bavaria Bohemia 3,443
Neumark Všeruby u Kdyne Markt Eisenstein Lower Bavaria Bohemia 816
Nikolsburg Mikulov Nikolsburg Lower Danube Moravia 7,886
Pohrlitz Pohořelice Nikolsburg Lower Danube Moravia 13503,189
Prachatitz Prachatice Prachatitz Lower Bavaria Bohemia 14364,442
Proßmeritz Prosiměřice Znaim Lower Danube Moravia 1,431
Rosenberg an der Moldau Rožmberk nad Vltavou Kaplitz Upper Danube Bohemia 985
Unterrreichenstein Rejštejn Bergreichenstein Lower Bavaria Bohemia 15841,006
Wallern Volary Prachatitz Lower Bavaria Bohemia 18714,099
Winterberg Vimperk Prachatitz Lower Bavaria Bohemia 4,581
Zlabings Slavonice Waidhofen an der Thaya Lower Danube Moravia 2,216
Znaim Znojmo Znaim Lower Danube Moravia 122623,770

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World War I (WWI), also known as the First World War, was a global conflict fought between two coalitions, the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Fighting took place throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia. One of the deadliest wars in history, it resulted in an estimated 9 million soldiers dead and 23 million wounded, plus another 5 million civilian deaths from various causes. Millions more died as a result of genocide, and the war was a major factor in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Syria</span> Country in West Asia

Syria, officially the Syrian Arab Republic, is a country in West Asia located in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Levant. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east and southeast, Jordan to the south, and Israel and Lebanon to the southwest. Cyprus lies to the west across the Mediterranean Sea. It is a unitary republic that consists of 14 governorates (subdivisions). A country of fertile plains, high mountains, and deserts, Syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including the majority Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens, Assyrians, Circassians, Armenians, Albanians, Greeks, and Chechens. Religious groups include Muslims, Christians, Alawites, Druze, and Yazidis. The capital and largest city is Damascus, followed by Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, Hama, Deirezor and Raqqa. Arabs are the largest ethnic group, and Sunni Muslims are the largest religious group. Syria is now the only country that is governed by Ba'athists, who advocate Arab socialism and Arab nationalism.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States Navy</span> Maritime service branch of the U.S. military

The United States Navy (USN) is the maritime service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the eight uniformed services of the United States. It is the largest and most powerful navy in the world, with the estimated tonnage of its active battle fleet alone exceeding the next 13 navies combined, including 11 allies or partner nations of the United States as of 2009. It has the highest combined battle fleet tonnage and the world's largest aircraft carrier fleet, with 12 in service, two new carriers under construction, and five other carriers planned. With 336,978 personnel on active duty and 101,583 in the Ready Reserve, the United States Navy is the third largest of the United States military service branches in terms of personnel. It has 299 deployable combat vessels and about 4,012 operational aircraft as of July 18, 2023.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">North Macedonia</span> Country in Southeast Europe

North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe. It shares land borders with Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, and Albania to the west. It constitutes approximately the northern third of the larger geographical region of Macedonia. Skopje, the capital and largest city, is home to a quarter of the country's 1.83 million people. The majority of the residents are ethnic Macedonians, a South Slavic people. Albanians form a significant minority at around 25%, followed by Turks, Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks, Aromanians and a few other minorities.