"},"established":{"wt":"1930s"},"direction_a":{"wt":"South"},"terminus_a":{"wt":"{{jct|state=NY|NY|22}}in [[Peru (CDP),New York|Peru]]"},"direction_b":{"wt":"North"},"terminus_b":{"wt":"{{jct|state=NY|NY|3}}in [[Morrisonville,New York|Morrisonville]]"},"counties":{"wt":"[[Clinton County,New York|Clinton]]"},"previous_type":{"wt":"NY"},"previous_route":{"wt":"22A"},"next_type":{"wt":"NY"},"next_route":{"wt":"23"},"spur_type":{"wt":"NY"},"spur_of":{"wt":"22"}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwAg">.mw-parser-output .header-default,.mw-parser-output .header-UNK,.mw-parser-output .header-ATA,.mw-parser-output .header-BDI,.mw-parser-output .header-CAF,.mw-parser-output .header-COG,.mw-parser-output .header-COM,.mw-parser-output .header-DMA,.mw-parser-output .header-ERI,.mw-parser-output .header-FSM,.mw-parser-output .header-GAB,.mw-parser-output .header-HTI,.mw-parser-output .header-GMB,.mw-parser-output .header-GUY,.mw-parser-output .header-HRV,.mw-parser-output .header-KEN,.mw-parser-output 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New York State Route 22B | ||||
NY 22B highlighted in red | ||||
Route information | ||||
Auxiliary route of NY 22 | ||||
Maintained by NYSDOT | ||||
Length | 10.90 mi [1] (17.54 km) | |||
Existed | 1930s–present | |||
Major junctions | ||||
South end | ![]() | |||
North end | ![]() | |||
Location | ||||
Country | United States | |||
State | New York | |||
Counties | Clinton | |||
Highway system | ||||
New York State Route 22B is a short north-south New York State Route located within Clinton County. Its northern terminus is located at a junction with NY 3 in the hamlet of Morrisonville, near Clinton County Airport. Its southern terminus is located at a junction with NY 22 in the hamlet of Peru. It was assigned as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York. [2]
NY 22B begins at NY 22 in Peru, just north of a bridge over the Little Ausable River. It briefly runs west until it reaches the grounds of the Peru Central School District building, and makes a sharp curve to the north at the intersection of Clinton County Route 37 (CR 37; River Road), replacing the trajectory of CR 39 (Jarvis Road). It continues north through farmland on the west side and forestland on the east side but briefly curves northeast and runs over a small bridge over Arnold Brook. North of that waterway farmland begins to run along both sides of the road, before the intersection with Broad Hollow Road, where it then makes another curve to the northwest before the intersection with Fox Farm Road. Along the way it turns north again as it passes a local Veterans of Foreign Wars post, then after the intersects a local road named Blake Road curves back to the northwest before the intersection with Mason Avenue just before entering the former village of Schuyler Falls. From that point it intersects the northern terminus of CR 40 then crosses a bridge over the Salmon River while curving from northwest to north-northwest before a brief overlap with CR 33 between Norrisville Road (which leads to Macomb State Park) and Salmon River Road.
North of the community, the route runs through more local farmland and at one point intersects the western terminus of CR 32, a road known as Irish Settlement Road, which leads to NY 22 at exit 36 on the Adirondack Northway and the western edge of the Plattsburgh International Airport. At the intersection with Broadwell Road, NY 22B enters the western edge of Morrisonville, where it turns northeast and after the intersection with CR 31 (Sand Road), and enters the community entirely as it runs along the southern banks of the Saranac River, shortly before crossing a bridge over that river just west of the intersection with CR 16 (Rand Hill Road). From there the road runs along the north bank of the Saranac, which almost meets the road again at the bridge over Mead Brook, then river turns away to the southeast. NY 22B continues to run relatively east as it passes the north side of the Clinton County Airport, and finally terminates at NY 3, which continues east towards the City of Plattsburgh.
NY 22B was assigned as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York and first appears on the 1930 map. [2] [3]
The route continued east of Morrisonville as an overlap with NY 3 to Plattsburg, meeting its original northern terminus with NY 22 until the 1960's. [4]
The entire route is in Clinton County.
Location | mi [1] | km | Destinations | Notes | |
Peru | 0.00 | 0.00 | ![]() | Southern terminus; hamlet of Peru | |
Town of Plattsburgh | 10.90 | 17.54 | ![]() | Northern terminus; hamlet of Morrisonville | |
1.000 mi = 1.609 km; 1.000 km = 0.621 mi
New York State Route 28 (NY 28) is a state highway extending for 281.69 miles (453.34 km) in the shape of a "C" between the Hudson Valley city of Kingston and southern Warren County in the U.S. state of New York. Along the way, it intersects several major routes, including Interstate 88 (I-88), U.S. Route 20 (US 20), and the New York State Thruway twice. The southern terminus of NY 28 is at NY 32 in Kingston and the northern terminus is at US 9 in Warrensburg. In Kingston, NY 28 is co-designated as Interstate 587 from its southern terminus at NY 32 to the roundabout linking it to the Thruway (I-87).
New York State Route 97 (NY 97) is a 70.53-mile-long (113.51 km) north–south scenic route in southern New York in the United States. It runs from U.S. Route 6 (US 6) and US 209 in Port Jervis to NY 17 in Hancock. Its most famous feature is the Hawk's Nest, a tightly winding section of the road along the Delaware River, located a few miles north of Port Jervis. NY 97 intersects NY 52 in Narrowsburg and indirectly connects to three Pennsylvania state highways due to its proximity to the state line.
New York State Route 3 (NY 3) is a major east–west state highway in New York, in the United States, that connects central New York to the North Country region near the Canada–US border via Adirondack Park. The route extends for 245.88 miles (395.71 km) between its western terminus at an intersection with NY 104A in the Cayuga County town of Sterling and its eastern terminus at a junction with U.S. Route 9 (US 9) in the Clinton County city of Plattsburgh. NY 3 traverses eight counties and is a lakeside roadway from Mexico to Sackets Harbor, a mountainous route in Adirondack Park, and an urban arterial in Fulton, Watertown, and Plattsburgh.
New York State Route 22 (NY 22) is a north–south state highway that parallels the eastern border of the U.S. state of New York, from the outskirts of New York City to the hamlet of Mooers in Clinton County near the Canadian border. At 337 miles (542 km), it is the state's longest north–south route and the third longest state route overall, after NY 5 and NY 17. Many of the state's major east–west roads intersect with, and often join, NY 22 just before crossing into the neighboring New England states, where U.S. Route 7 (US 7), which originally partially followed NY 22's alignment, similarly parallels the New York state line.
State Road 44 is an east–west state highway in the U.S. state of Florida. It runs from Crystal River on the Gulf of Mexico east to New Smyrna Beach on the Atlantic Ocean, passing through Inverness, Wildwood, Leesburg and DeLand.
New York State Route 12 (NY 12) is a state highway extending for 222.27 miles (357.71 km) through central and northern New York in the United States. The southern terminus of the route is at U.S. Route 11 (US 11) in the town of Chenango in the Southern Tier. The northern terminus is at NY 37 near the village of Morristown in the North Country. In between, the route serves three cities of varying size: Norwich, Utica, and Watertown. NY 12 intersects several primary routes, including US 20 in Sangerfield, New York State Thruway via Interstate 790 (I-790) in Utica, overlaps NY 28 from Barneveld to the town of Remsen, NY 3 in Watertown, and I-81 in Pamelia and Orleans.
New York State Route 42 (NY 42) is a north–south, discontinuous state highway in the Catskill Mountains region of New York in the United States. The southernmost of the highway's two segments begins at an intersection with U.S. Route 6 (US 6) and US 209 in Port Jervis and ends at a junction with NY 55 near the Rondout Reservoir in Neversink. NY 42's northern segment runs from NY 28 in Shandaken to NY 23A in Lexington. The 41-mile (66 km) southern segment is located in Orange County and Sullivan County, while the 11-mile (18 km) northern segment is in Ulster County and Greene County.
New York State Route 240 (NY 240) is a 51.64-mile (83.11 km) state highway in western New York in the United States. The southern terminus of the route is at an intersection with NY 242 in the Ellicottville community of Ashford Junction in northern Cattaraugus County. Its northern terminus is at a junction with NY 324 and Interstate 290 (I-290) in Amherst in northern Erie County. The route passes through the villages of Springville and Orchard Park, where it meets NY 39 and U.S. Route 20A (US 20A), respectively. Much of NY 240 between Concord and Aurora follows the west branch of Cazenovia Creek. The northern part of NY 240 in Erie County, named Harlem Road, is a major north–south route through the suburbs east of the city of Buffalo.
New York State Route 270 (NY 270) is a north–south state highway in western New York in the United States. It runs through rural and wooded areas of the town of Amherst in Erie County and the town of Pendleton in Niagara County. The southern terminus of the route is at an intersection with NY 263 south of the hamlet of Getzville. Its northern terminus is at a junction with NY 31 and NY 93 west of the city of Lockport. The entirety of NY 270 is known as Campbell Boulevard, named after New York State Senator William W. Campbell of the Niagara–Orleans district.
New York State Route 41 (NY 41) is a north–south state highway in Central New York in the United States. The southern terminus of the route is at an interchange with NY 17 in the town of Sanford in Broome County, New York. Its northern terminus is at an intersection with U.S. Route 20 (US 20) in the village of Skaneateles. The route is almost 100 miles (161 km) long and passes through Broome, Chenango, Cortland, and Onondaga counties. NY 41 was assigned as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York, replacing New York State Route 70 from Homer to Skaneateles. The route initially extended as far north as Jordan; however, NY 41 was cut back to its current northern terminus c. 1933.
New York State Route 221 (NY 221) is a state highway in Cortland County, New York, in the United States. Its western terminus is at an intersection with NY 38 in the town of Harford. The eastern terminus is at a junction with NY 26 and NY 41 in the town of Willet. Near its western end, NY 221 intersects New York State Route 200. Together, NY 200 and NY 221 form a loop route off NY 38 between the hamlets of Harford and Harford Mills within the town of Harford. NY 221 originally followed modern NY 200 and ended at U.S. Route 11 (US 11) in Marathon when it was assigned as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York. It was extended to its present length by the following year and realigned to serve Harford later in the decade. NY 200 was assigned in the 1940s.
New York State Route 34B (NY 34B) is a north–south state highway located within Tompkins and Cayuga counties in Central New York in the United States. Its northern terminus is located at a junction with NY 34 by the hamlet of Fleming within the town of the same name in Cayuga County. The southern terminus is located at a junction with NY 38 in the town of Dryden in Tompkins County.
New York State Route 414 (NY 414) is a north–south state highway in the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions of New York in the United States. It extends for 83.20 miles (133.90 km) from an intersection with NY 352 in the Steuben County city of Corning to a junction with NY 104 in the Wayne County town of Huron. NY 414 spans five counties and roughly parallels NY 14 between Watkins Glen and Huron. It intersects every major east–west arterial in western New York, including the Southern Tier Expressway, U.S. Route 20 (US 20) and NY 5, and the New York State Thruway (I-90). The route passes through mostly rural areas as it travels between the several villages and cities along its routing.
New York State Route 175 is an east–west state highway located entirely within Onondaga County, New York, in the United States. The 15.46-mile (24.88 km) route begins at an intersection with U.S. Route 20 (US 20) east of the village of Skaneateles and passes through the village of Marcellus before ending at a junction with US 11 in Syracuse. The highway was designated in the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York.
New York State Route 10 (NY 10) is a north–south state highway in the Central New York and North Country regions of New York in the United States. It extends for 155 miles (249 km) from the Quickway (NY 17) in Deposit, Delaware County to NY 8 at Higgins Bay, a hamlet in the Hamilton County town of Arietta. NY 10 begins concurrent with NY 8. While NY 8 follows a more westerly alignment between Deposit and Higgins Bay via Utica, NY 10 veers to the east, serving Delhi, Cobleskill, and Canajoharie. Along the way, the road intersects Interstate 88 (I-88) near Cobleskill and U.S. Route 20 (US 20) in Sharon Springs.
County Route 513 is a county highway in the U.S. state of New Jersey. The highway extends 66.83 miles (107.55 km) from Kingwood Avenue in Frenchtown to Lakeside Road in West Milford. South of Frenchtown, the road continues as Route 29. It is the third longest county route in New Jersey, following CR 519 and CR 527.
New York State Route 374 (NY 374) is a state highway in the North Country of New York in the United States. The route follows a generally northwest to southeast progression; however, the portion of the route within Franklin County runs north–south and is signed in the same manner. The western terminus of NY 374 is at a junction with U.S. Route 11 in the village of Chateaugay. Its eastern terminus is at an intersection with NY 22 north of the city of Plattsburgh.
New York State Route 12B (NY 12B) is a state highway in the central part of New York in the United States. NY 12B is a north–south highway connecting Oneida County in the north to Chenango County in the south, passing through Madison County in between. The southern terminus of NY 12B is at NY 12 in the village of Sherburne. The northern terminus is at NY 5 in the town of New Hartford. In Madison County, NY 12B directly abuts the campus of Colgate University in the village of Hamilton.
New York State Route 145 (NY 145) is a state highway in eastern New York in the United States. The highway extends for 46.99 miles (75.62 km) from NY 23 in the Greene County town of Cairo to U.S. Route 20 (US 20) in the Schoharie County town of Sharon. Along the way, NY 145 intersects NY 30 in Middleburgh and Interstate 88 (I-88) east of Cobleskill. NY 145 is a two-lane highway its entire length, with a passing lane on hills leaving Middleburgh in both directions. The route follows parts of the Susquehannah Turnpike from Cairo through East Durham and west.
New York State Route 58 (NY 58) is a north–south state highway located in St. Lawrence County, New York, in the United States. The highway runs in a northwest to southeast direction as it traverses the county. The southern terminus of the route is at a junction with NY 3 in the hamlet of Fine within the town of the same name. Its northern terminus is at an intersection with NY 37 near the St. Lawrence River in the village of Morristown. Part of NY 58 passes through the Adirondack Mountains.
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