Northern Ohio League

Last updated

The Northern Ohio League (NOL) was an OHSAA athletic league in north central Ohio that began competition in 1944 and disbanded in 2017 after six of its seven members joined the Sandusky Bay Conference. [1] [2] [3]


All-time members

The all-time member schools of the NOL. Northern Ohio League Map.PNG
The all-time member schools of the NOL.
SchoolNicknameLocationColorsTenureLeft forCurrent League (2019)
Bellevue Redmen Bellevue Red, White
1944-2017SBCSBC Lake Division
Bucyrus Redmen Bucyrus Red, White
1944–2002 NCC N10
Columbian Tornadoes Tiffin Blue, Gold
1954-2017SBCSBC Lake Division
Crestline Bulldogs Crestline Blue, White
1944–1954 JAC MBC
Fostoria Redmen Fostoria Red, Black
2002–2011 NBC NBC
Galion Tigers Galion Orange, Blue
Norwalk Truckers Norwalk Blue, Gold
1944-2017SBCSBC Lake Division
Ontario Warriors Ontario Blue, Gold
Sandusky Blue Streaks Sandusky Blue, White
2011-2017SBCSBC Lake Division
Shelby Whippets Shelby Red, Gray
Upper Sandusky Rams Upper Sandusky Black, Orange
Willard Crimson Flashes Willard Crimson, White
1944-2017SBCSBC Bay/River Divisions

League History





Northern Ohio League


Boys Championships

All league champions have been updated besides champions from Crestline, Fostoria and Galion.

YearFootballCross CountryGolfSoccerBasketballBowlingSwimmingWrestlingBaseballTrack & FieldTennis
1944-45Bellevue, GalionBellevueStarted 2014-15Started 2008-09
1945-46Upper SanduskyNorwalkStarted 2008-09ShelbyUpper Sandusky
1946-47ShelbyBellevue, Upper SanduskyStarted 2008-09GalionUpper Sandusky
1947-48Upper SanduskyBellevueStarted 2008-09WillardUpper Sandusky
1948-49BucyrusBucyrusStarted 2008-09Galion
1949-50ShelbyShelby, WillardStarted 2008-09Upper Sandusky
1950-51ShelbyBucyrus, GalionStarted 2008-09GalionUpper Sandusky
1951-52BellevueNorwalkBellevueStarted 2008-09WillardShelby
1952-53Shelby, Upper SanduskyNorwalk, ShelbyBellevue, Bucyrus, ShelbyStarted 2008-09BucyrusBellevue
1953-54ShelbyShelbyBellevueStarted 2008-09GalionBellevue
1954-55ShelbyShelbyShelbyStarted 2008-09ShelbyShelby
1955-56Upper SanduskyShelbyShelbyStarted 2008-09ShelbyShelby
1956-57ShelbyShelbyStarted 2008-09GalionShelby
1957-58GalionGalionStarted 2008-09Bucyrus
1958-59GalionUpper Sandusky, WillardStarted 2008-09Bucyrus
1959-60ShelbyNorwalkStarted 2008-09Bucyrus
1960-61ShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09Bucyrus
1961-62BellevueNorwalkStarted 2008-09WillardColumbian
1962-63BellevueColumbianStarted 2008-09GalionColumbian
1963-64Bellevue, Bucyrus, WillardUpper SanduskyStarted 2008-09GalionColumbianBellevue
1964-65BellevueBucyrusStarted 2008-09GalionShelbyBellevue
1965-66ShelbyShelbyColumbianStarted 2008-09GalionColumbianShelby
1966-67BellevueColumbianStarted 2008-09GalionColumbianBellevue, Shelby
1967-68ShelbyBucyrus, WillardStarted 2008-09Galion, ShelbyShelbyShelby
1968-69ShelbyNorwalkBellevueStarted 2008-09Galion, ShelbyShelbyBellevue
1969-70ShelbyColumbianBellevue, ColumbianStarted 2008-09Columbian, WillardColumbianBucyrus
1970-71BucyrusColumbianUpper SanduskyColumbianStarted 2008-09NorwalkColumbianUpper SanduskyBucyrus
1971-72Columbian, ShelbyColumbianColumbianGalionStarted 2008-09NorwalkGalionShelbyBucyrus
1972-73BellevueWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkGalionBellevue
1973-74BellevueNorwalkGalion, WillardStarted 2008-09BellevueColumbianShelby
1974-75Columbian, Norwalk, ShelbyBucyrusShelbyGalionStarted 2008-09NorwalkNorwalkShelbyShelby
1975-76BellevueShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueNorwalk, ShelbyShelby
1976-77NorwalkColumbianShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkGalionShelbyNorwalk
1977-78ShelbyColumbianShelbyColumbianStarted 2008-09GalionUpper Sandusky
1978-79GalionColumbianShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkBellevueColumbianColumbian
1979-80WillardShelbyShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkColumbianWillard
1980-81ShelbyShelbyShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09ColumbianNorwalk, ShelbyGalionWillard
1981-82BellevueBellevueShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkShelbyGalionWillard
1982-83BellevueBellevueShelbyBellevueStarted 2008-09ColumbianShelbyGalionColumbian
1983-84ColumbianBellevueWillardStarted 2008-09ShelbyColumbianColumbian
1984-85ShelbyBellevue, ShelbyBellevueBellevueStarted 2008-09ShelbyShelbyNorwalk
1985-86GalionBellevueWillardStarted 2008-09ShelbyShelbyNorwalk
1986-87Columbian, GalionShelbyUpper SanduskyWillardStarted 2008-09Columbian, ShelbyShelbyNorwalk
1987-88ColumbianColumbianUpper SanduskyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueColumbianColumbianNorwalk
1988-89ColumbianShelbyUpper SanduskyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueBellevueColumbianNorwalk
1989-90Columbian, GalionColumbian, ShelbyUpper SanduskyBellevueStarted 2008-09BellevueBucyrusWillardNorwalk
1990-91WillardColumbianWillardStarted 2008-09NorwalkBucyrus, GalionColumbianNorwalk
1991-92Bellevue, Bucyrus, WillardColumbianBellevueShelby, WillardStarted 2008-09BellevueBucyrusColumbianShelby
1992-93BellevueColumbianBellevueBellevue, WillardStarted 2008-09BellevueBucyrusColumbianBucyrus, Shelby
1993-94BellevueColumbianBellevue, ShelbyBellevueStarted 2008-09Bellevue, NorwalkShelby, Upper SanduskyWillardNorwalk
1994-95BellevueColumbianShelbyBellevueStarted 2008-09BellevueBellevue, ColumbianWillardNorwalk
1995-96ColumbianColumbianUpper SanduskyBellevue, ColumbianStarted 2008-09BellevueColumbianUpper Sandusky
1996-97Bellevue, ColumbianWillardBellevueStarted 2008-09BellevueBucyrus, GalionShelbyNorwalk
1997-98Bellevue, GalionColumbianUpper SanduskyBellevue, ShelbyStarted 2008-09BellevueBellevueShelbyNorwalk
1998-99ShelbyColumbianShelbyShelbyStarted 2008-09BellevueShelbyColumbianNorwalk
1999-00Bellevue, WillardColumbianShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueGalionColumbianNorwalk
2000-01Bellevue, Columbian, ShelbyColumbianShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueNorwalkShelbyNorwalk
2001-02Bellevue, ColumbianColumbianWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueBellevue, ColumbianShelbyNorwalk
2002-03ColumbianColumbianShelbyWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueColumbianShelbyNorwalk
2003-04Bellevue, Columbian, Upper SanduskyColumbianNorwalkFostoriaStarted 2008-09Bellevue, WillardGalionShelbyNorwalk, Willard
2004-05BellevueColumbianUpper SanduskyUpper SanduskyStarted 2008-09WillardBellevueBellevueNorwalk
2005-06ColumbianNorwalk, WillardWillardStarted 2008-09BellevueNorwalk, ShelbyGalionColumbian, Norwalk
2006-07ColumbianColumbianUpper SanduskyStarted 2008-09ShelbyShelbyNorwalk
2007-08Columbian, FostoriaWillardFostoriaStarted 2008-09BellevueFostoriaShelbyBellevue
2008-09Columbian, FostoriaWillardColumbian, Upper SanduskyColumbianBellevueFostoriaColumbianWillard
2009-10GalionShelbyColumbian, ShelbyColumbianBellevue, Columbian, ShelbyGalionNorwalkBellevue, Columbian, NorwalkShelbyNorwalk
2010-11ColumbianColumbianUpper SanduskyNorwalk, ShelbyGalionNorwalkNorwalkShelbyNorwalk
2011-12SanduskyNorwalkWillardNorwalkSanduskyNorwalkColumbian, Bellevue, NorwalkBellevueNorwalk
2013-14ColumbianColumbianBellevueColumbianNorwalk, OntarioOntarioSanduskyOntarioNorwalkShelby
2014-15NorwalkWillardBellevueNorwalkOntarioWillardOntarioBellevue, SanduskyBellevueSanduskyShelby
2015-16BellevueNorwalkNorwalkOntarioOntario, SanduskyColumbianShelbyBellevueShelbyShelbyNorwalk
YearFootballCross CountryGolfSoccerBasketballBowlingSwimmingWrestlingBaseballTrack & FieldTennis

Girls Championships

All league champions have been updated besides champions from Fostoria and Galion.

YearVolleyballCross CountryGolfSoccerTennisBasketballBowlingSwimmingSoftballTrack & Field
1974-75BellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Shelby, Upper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Started 1977-78Upper Sandusky
1975-76BellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyBellevueStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Started 1977-78
1976-77WillardStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Started 1977-78
1977-78BellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueUpper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyWillard
1978-79ColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianColumbianStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Shelby
1979-80ColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyColumbianStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyBellevue
1980-81Upper SanduskyBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyUpper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00GalionBellevue
1981-82NorwalkStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Upper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00GalionBellevue
1982-83Bellevue, Norwalk, WillardColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyColumbian
1983-84Bellevue, NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueBellevueStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Shelby
1984-85BellevueColumbian, NorwalkStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BucyrusUpper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00GalionWillard
1985-86ColumbianBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00WillardBellevue
1986-87NorwalkBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianGalionStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00BellevueBellevue
1987-88ShelbyBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Bellevue, BucyrusBellevue
1988-89Bellevue, ShelbyColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianShelby, Upper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Bellevue, BucyrusColumbian
1989-90BellevueColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Bucyrus, ColumbianWillardStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Bucyrus, ShelbyColumbian
1990-91Columbian, ShelbyColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BucyrusWillardStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00BucyrusColumbian
1991-92ColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyColumbian
1992-93NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianWillardStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyColumbian
1993-94NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyWillardStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00BucyrusShelby
1994-95Bellevue, Norwalk, ShelbyColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BucyrusColumbianStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Bellevue, BucyrusWillard
1995-96NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Bucyrus, ColumbianUpper SanduskyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00WillardShelby
1996-97NorwalkBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00WillardBellevue
1997-98BucyrusStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16NorwalkShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00Columbian, WillardUpper Sandusky
1998-99ColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Upper SanduskyShelbyStarted 2014-15Started 1999-00ShelbyUpper Sandusky
1999-00ColumbianBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianColumbian, Upper Sandusky, WillardStarted 2014-15GalionBellevueUpper Sandusky
2000-01ColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Upper SanduskyWillardStarted 2014-15GalionColumbianUpper Sandusky
2001-02WillardStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianWillardStarted 2014-15GalionWillardColumbian, Shelby
2002-03NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16BellevueStarted 2014-15GalionBellevueShelby
2003-04BellevueShelbyStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Upper SanduskyUpper SanduskyStarted 2014-15GalionBellevue, ShelbyShelby
2004-05Bellevue, NorwalkColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16Upper SanduskyStarted 2014-15BellevueShelby
2005-06BellevueUpper SanduskyStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyStarted 2014-15GalionBellevueBellevue
2006-07ColumbianBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyShelbyStarted 2014-15GalionBellevueShelby
2007-08NorwalkStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyShelbyStarted 2014-15ShelbyBellevueShelby
2008-09ColumbianColumbianStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ShelbyColumbianStarted 2014-15ShelbyBellevueColumbian
2009-10ColumbianShelbyStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16NorwalkColumbianStarted 2014-15ShelbyWillardShelby
2010-11NorwalkShelbyStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16WillardBellevueStarted 2014-15ShelbyShelbyColumbian
2011-12NorwalkBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16WillardBellevue, ShelbyStarted 2014-15SanduskyBellevueColumbian
2012-13NorwalkBellevueStarted 2013-14Started 2015-16ColumbianBellevue, ShelbyStarted 2014-15SanduskyBellevueBellevue
2013-14NorwalkBellevueShelbyStarted 2015-16NorwalkBellevueStarted 2014-15SanduskyBellevueBellevue
2014-15NorwalkBellevueStarted 2015-16NorwalkBellevueNorwalk, WillardSanduskyBellevueBellevue
2015-16NorwalkBellevueBellevueOntarioNorwalkBellevue, WillardWillardSanduskyBellevueOntario
2016-17NorwalkBellevueShelbyOntarioNorwalkBellevue, ShelbyWillardSanduskyBellevueOntario
YearVolleyballCross CountryGolfSoccerTennisBasketballBowlingSwimmingSoftballTrack & Field

See also

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This is a list of high school athletic conferences in the Northwest Region of Ohio, as defined by the OHSAA. Because the names of localities and their corresponding high schools do not always match and because there is often a possibility of ambiguity with respect to either the name of a locality or the name of a high school, the following table gives both in every case, with the locality name first, in plain type, and the high school name second in boldface type. The school's team nickname is given last.

This is a list of former high school athletic conferences in the Northwest Region of Ohio, as designated by the OHSAA. If a conference had members that span multiple regions, the conference is placed in the article of the region most of its former members hail from. Because the names of localities and their corresponding high schools do not always match and because there is often a possibility of ambiguity with respect to either the name of a locality or the name of a high school, the following table gives both in every case, with the locality name first, in plain type, and the high school name second in boldface type. The school's team nickname is given last.


  1. Centers, Joe (March 12, 2016). "Fisk: There is interest in forming a new league". Norwalk Reflector. Retrieved March 13, 2016.
  2. Day, Courtney (March 9, 2016). "Ontario joining MOAC as NOL disbands". Mansfield News Journal. Retrieved March 9, 2016.
  3. Centers, Joe (March 16, 2016). "NOL to merge with Sandusky Bay Conference". Norwalk Reflector. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  4. Northern Ohio League Index,
  5. Hazelwood, Mark (August 25, 2010). "Major shakeup in Northern Ohio League members?". . Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  6. Associated Press (January 29, 2003). "Bucyrus changes own losing legacy". Bryan Times . Retrieved October 1, 2014.
  7. "Fostoria may quit Great Lakes". Toledo Blade. November 15, 1961. Retrieved October 2, 2014.
  8. "Upper Sandusky approved by the NCC". WMFD-TV. February 6, 2009. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  9. Hazelwood, Mark (March 2009). "Galion officially leaves Northern Ohio League". Sandusky Register . Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  10. Norwalk Reflector Staff (February 2009). "Upper, Galion consider leaving NOL". Norwalk Reflector . Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  11. Sandusky Register Staff (May 24, 2010). "JUST IN: Sandusky accepted into Northern Ohio League". Sandusky Register . Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  12. "Fostoria votes to join NBC". Toledo Blade. August 18, 2009. Retrieved January 12, 2014.
  13. "Fostoria applies to join new league - Friday, July 24, 2009 | Fostoria Review Times - Fostoria, Ohio: SPORTS". Archived from the original on 2011-07-15.
  14. Staff (November 1, 2011). "NOL accepts Vermilion as seventh team". []. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  15. "The Senior Reports - Ohio". Archived from the original on 2013-09-04. Retrieved 2013-04-18.
  16. Norwalk Reflector Staff (March 14, 2012). "School board gives OK to become Northern Ohio League's eighth team". Norwalk Reflector . Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  17. Schmidt, Dave (February 22, 2013). "Willard: Northern Ohio League or Sandusky Bay Conference?". The Senior Reports . Retrieved February 22, 2013.{{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)
  18. Centers, Joe (March 16, 2016). "NOL to merge with Sandusky Bay Conference". Norwalk Reflector. Retrieved March 16, 2016.