Aa is a genus of plants of the family Orchidaceae.

Stanhopea is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) from Central and South America. The abbreviation used in horticultural trade is Stan. The genus is named for the 4th Earl of Stanhope (1781-1855), president of the Medico-Botanical Society of London (1829-1837). It comprises 55 species and 5 natural hybrids. These epiphytic, but occasionally terrestrial orchids can be found in damp forests from Mexico to Trinidad to NW Argentina. Their ovate pseudobulbs carry from the top one long, plicate, elliptic leaf.

Brachystele is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 20 species native primarily to South America but with a few species in Mexico, Central America, and Trinidad & Tobago.
- Brachystele arechavaletae(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele bicrinitaSzlach.
- Brachystele bracteosa(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele burkartiiM.N.Correa
- Brachystele camporum(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele chlorops(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Brachystele cyclochila(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele delicatula(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele dilatata(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele guayanensis(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele luzmarianaSzlach. & R.González
- Brachystele maasiiSzlach.
- Brachystele oxyanthosSzlach
- Brachystele pappulosaSzlach
- Brachystele scabrilinguaSzlach
- Brachystele subfiliformis(Cogn.) Schltr
- Brachystele tamayoanaSzlach.
- Brachystele unilateralis(Poir.) Schltr
- Brachystele waldemariiSzlach.
- Brachystele widgrenii(Rchb.f.) Schltr.

Cyclopogon is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is a fairly large genus distributed widely over much of South America, the Galápagos, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies, with 2 species (C. elatus + C. cranichoides) in southern Florida.

Deiregyne is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

Eltroplectris, the long-claw orchid, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, the West Indies, and Florida.
- Eltroplectris assumpcaoanaCampacci & Kautsky - Brazil
- Eltroplectris brachycentronSzlach. -Bolivia
- Eltroplectris calcarata(Sw.) Garay & H.R.Sweet - Florida, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Windward Islands, Trinidad, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay
- Eltroplectris cogniauxiana(Schltr.) Pabst - Brazil
- Eltroplectris dalessandroiDodson - Ecuador
- Eltroplectris janeirensis(Porto & Brade) Pabst - Brazil
- Eltroplectris kuhlmanniana(Hoehne) Szlach. & Rutk. in P.Rutkowski, D.L.Szlachetko & M.Górniak - Brazil
- Eltroplectris longicornu(Cogn.) Pabst - Brazil
- Eltroplectris macrophylla(Schltr.) Pabst - Brazil
- Eltroplectris misera(Kraenzl.) Szlach. - Brazil
- Eltroplectris rossiiDodson & G.A.Romero - Ecuador
- Eltroplectris schlechteriana(Porto & Brade) Pabst - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Eltroplectris triloba(Lindl.) Pabst - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay

Eurystyles is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 20 known species native to South America, Central America, the West Indies and Chiapas.
- Eurystyles actinosophila(Barb.Rodr.) Schltr.
- Eurystyles alticolaDod
- Eurystyles ananassocomus(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Eurystyles borealisA.H.Heller
- Eurystyles christensoniiD.E.Benn.
- Eurystyles cogniauxii(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Eurystyles cornu-bovisSzlach.
- Eurystyles cotyledonWawra
- Eurystyles cristata(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Eurystyles crocodilusSzlach.
- Eurystyles domingensisDod
- Eurystyles gardneri(Lindl.) Garay
- Eurystyles guentheriana(Kraenzl.) Garay
- Eurystyles hoehneiSzlach.
- Eurystyles lobataChiron & V.P.Castro
- Eurystyles lorenzii(Cogn.) Schltr.
- Eurystyles ochyrana(Szlach., Mytnik & Rutk.) F.Barros & L.R.S.Guim.
- Eurystyles rutkowskianaSzlach.
- Eurystyles splendissimaSzlach.
- Eurystyles standleyiAmes

Funkiella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae native to Mexico and Central America.
- Funkiella hyemalis(A.Rich. & Galeotti) Schltr - from central Mexico to Guatemala
- Funkiella laxispica(Catling) Salazar & Soto Arenas - Oaxaca
- Funkiella parasitica(A.Rich. & Galeotti) Salazar & Soto Arenas - from central Mexico to Costa Rica
- Funkiella stolonifera(Ames & Correll) Garay - Chiapas, Guatemala
- Funkiella tenella(L.O.Williams) Szlach. - Chihuahua, Durango
- Funkiella valerioi(Ames & C.Schweinf.) Salazar & Soto Arenas - Costa Rica, Guatemala
- Funkiella versiformisSzlach. - Costa Rica

Gavilea is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Islands.
- Gavilea araucana(Phil.) M.N.Correa - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea australis(Skottsb.) M.N.Correa - Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego
- Gavilea cardioglossa(Reiche) Martic. - Chile
- Gavilea gladysiaeChemisquy - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea glandulifera(Poepp. & Endl.) M.N.Correa - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea insularisM.N.Correa - Juan Fernández Islands
- Gavilea kingii(Hook.f.) M.N.Correa - southern Chile
- Gavilea litoralis(Phil.) M.N.Correa - southern Chile, southern Argentina, Falkland Islands
- Gavilea longibracteata(Lindl.) Sparre ex L.E.Navas - Chile
- Gavilea lutea(Comm. ex Pers.) M.N.Correa - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea odoratissimaPoepp. - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea platyantha(Rchb.f.) Ormerod - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea supralabellataM.N.Correa - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea trullataOrmerod - Chile, Argentina
- Gavilea venosa(Lam.) Garay & Ormerod - Chile
- Gavilea wittei(Hicken) Ormerod - Chile, Argentina

Hapalorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to Central America, South America, and the West Indies.
- Hapalorchis cymbirostrisSzlach. - Rio de Janeiro
- Hapalorchis lindleyanaGaray - Rio de Janeiro
- Hapalorchis lineata(Lindl.) Schltr. - widespread from Guatemala east to Puerto Rico and south to Brazil
- Hapalorchis longirostrisSchltr. - Colombia
- Hapalorchis neglectaSzlach. & Rutk. - Ecuador
- Hapalorchis pandurataSzlach. - Rio de Janeiro
- Hapalorchis piesikiiSzlach. & Rutk. - Colombia
- Hapalorchis pumila(C.Schweinf.) Garay - Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru
- Hapalorchis stellarisSzlach. - Rio Grande do Sul
- Hapalorchis trilobataSchltr. - Colombia
Kionophyton is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 3 known species, native to Mexico and Guatemala.
Microthelys is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. Its species are native to Mexico, Central America and Ecuador.
- Microthelys constricta(Szlach.) Szlach. - central Mexico
- Microthelys hintoniorum(Todzia) Szlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Nuevo León
- Microthelys intagana(Dodson & Dressler) Szlach. - Ecuador
- Microthelys markowskiana(Szlach.) Szlach. - Oaxaca
- Microthelys minutiflora(A.Rich. & Galeotti) Garay - from San Luis Potosí south to Guatemala
- Microthelys nutantiflora(Schltr.) Garay - Guatemala, Costa Rica
- Microthelys rubrocallosa(B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Garay - from central Mexico south to Guatemala

Myrosmodes is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to South America.

Pteroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, and Mexico.
- Pteroglossa euphlebia(Rchb.f.) Garay - Rio de Janeiro
- Pteroglossa glazioviana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay
- Pteroglossa hilariana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil
- Pteroglossa lurida(M.N.Correa) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa luteolaGaray - Argentina
- Pteroglossa macrantha(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela
- Pteroglossa magnificaSzlach. - Paraguay
- Pteroglossa regia(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Argentina
- Pteroglossa rhombipetalaGaray - Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa roseoalba(Rchb.f.) Salazar & M.W.Chase - widespread from Oaxaca to Argentina

Sarcoglottis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America from Mexico to Argentina, with one species extending northward into Trinidad and the Windward Islands.

Sauroglossum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae.
Schiedeella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to the Western Hemisphere: Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with one species (S. arizonica) in the southwestern United States.

Skeptrostachys is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to eastern South America.

Christensonella is a genus of orchids native to Mexico, South America and Central America.
- Christensonella echinophyta(Barb.Rodr.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro
- Christensonella ferdinandiana(Barb.Rodr.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Brazil
- Christensonella huntii(Christenson) S.Koehler - Peru
- Christensonella macleei(Bateman ex Lindl.) Solano - Oaxaca, Central America
- Christensonella nardoides(Kraenzl.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia
- Christensonella neowiedii(Rchb.f.) S.Koehler - Argentina, Brazil
- Christensonella pacholskii(Christenson) S.Koehler - Peru, Ecuador, Brazil
- Christensonella pachyphylla(Schltr. ex Hoehne) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Brazil
- Christensonella paranaensis(Barb.Rodr.) S.Koehler - Argentina, Brazil
- Christensonella pumila(Hook.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Peru, Guyana
- Christensonella seidelii(Pabst) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Rio de Janeiro
- Christensonella subulata(Lindl.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Brazil
- Christensonella subulifolia(Schltr.) S.Koehler - Colombia
- Christensonella uncata(Lindl.) Szlach., Mytnik, Górniak & Smiszek - Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, the Guianas
Veyretia is a genus of terrestrial orchids native to South America and to Trinidad.
- Veyretia aphylla(Ridl.) Szlach. - Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
- Veyretia caudata(R.J.V.Alves) Mytnik - Minas Gerais
- Veyretia cogniauxiana(Barb.Rodr. ex Cogn.) Szlach. - Minas Gerais
- Veyretia hassleri(Cogn.) Szlach. - Brazil, Paraguay
- Veyretia neuroptera(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Szlach. - Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil
- Veyretia rupicola(Garay) F.Barros - Brazil
- Veyretia sagittata(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Szlach. - French Guiana, Argentina, Brazil
- Veyretia simplex(Griseb.) Szlach. - Trinidad, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
- Veyretia sincorensis(Schltr.) Szlach. - Bahia
- Veyretia szlachetkoanaMytnik - Colombia, Venezuela
- Veyretia undulataSzlach. - Brazil