Opinion polling for the 2020 Polish presidential election

Last updated

During the weeks leading up to the 2020 Polish presidential election , various organizations carry out opinion polling to gauge voters' intentions in Poland. Results of such polls are displayed in this article.


The date range for these opinion polls are from the previous presidential election, held on 24 May 2015, to election day.

First round

2020 Polish presidential election I round AVERAGE Opinion polling for the 2020 Polish presidential election (first round).png
2020 Polish presidential election I round AVERAGE
Poll sourceDate(s) administeredDon't know/
PiS [a]
28 June 2020-1.6% [b] 42.5%30.3%2.5%2.5%7.1%13.5%
IPSOS 21:00 UTC+2
28 June 2020-1.6% [c] 41.8%30.4%2.9%2.6%7.4%13.3%
28 June 202028 June 2020 (first round)
IBSP 25–26 June 2020-1.14%42.31%31.03%2.54%1.69%7.41%13.88%
Indicator 23–26 June 2020--41.1%30.2%3.8%5.4%7.2%12.3%
IBRiS 25 June 2020-1.0%41.2%30.7%3.9%4.1%7.2%12.0%
Estymator 24–25 June 2020-1.1%42.7%28.4%3.6%6.3%7.6%10.3%
Kantar 24–25 June 20208%-40%27%3%2%7%13%
Pollster 24–25 June 2020-1.30%41.27%30.30%3.35%5.81%7.23%10.74%
PGB Opinium 23–25 June 2020-0.7%40.5%29.7%3.8%7.0%7.3%11.0%
CBOS 15–25 June 202014%-45%20%2%4%4%11%
IBRiS 24 June 20206.6%1.3% [d] 41.1%26.4%4.9%5.4%4.6%9.7%
IPSOS 22–23 June 20204%1% [e] 40%27%4%5%7%10%
Social Changes 19–23 June 2020-2% [f] 41%29%4%4%7%13%
Pollster 22 June 2020-0.76%41.38%29.86%2.93%6.55%7.34%11.18%
Maison & Partners [g] 19–22 June 20205.5%-33.1%28.2%6.2%3.4%7.8%15.8%
IBRiS 20 June 20204.7%1.2% [h] 41.0%27.1%4.2%7.3%5.6%8.9%
IBRiS 19–20 June 20201.2%-43.1%27.4%4.5%7.5%6.2%10.1%
United Survey 19 June 20205.9%0.2%41.5%28.3%2.2%8.0%5.4%8.6%
Estymator 18–19 June 2020-0.9%44.6%29.3%2.1%6.9%7.3%8.9%
IBRiS 18 June 20204.5%1.3% [i] 41.3%28.2%3.8%8.3%4.6%8.1%
Kantar 17–18 June 20206%-40%32%2%3%7%10%
Pollster 16–17 June 2020-1.58%40.82%30.28%3.28%6.06%6.24%11.74%
IPSOS 16–17 June 20206%-40%30%2%4%7%10%
Social Changes 12–16 June 2020-2% [j] 39%28%3%6%7%15%
Maison & Partners [g] 12–15 June 20205.0%-37.0%28.4%4.0%4.4%6.3%14.8%
PGB Opinium 12–15 June 2020--40.5%28.9%3.8%8.6%7.3%10.6%
Estymator 12–13 June 2020-0.5%44.1%28.3%2.7%6.6%7.1%10.7%
IBRiS 12–13 June 20203.6%-40.7%28.0%3.0%9.7%7.1%7.8%
Pollster 9–10 June 2020-1.51%41.17%28.14%5.22%4.99%4.97%14.00%
Kantar 5–10 June 202011%-38%27%4%6%6%8%
Social Changes 5–9 June 2020-1% [k] 40%29%4%4%7%15%
N/A [l] N/A June 202012%5%36%31%2%8%N/A [m] 6%
IBRiS 5–6 June 20205.2%0.1% [n] 42.7%26.6%3.4%7.4%6.9%7.7%
Estymator 3–4 June 2020-0.4%43.1%25.3%2.6%6.8%7.4%14.4%
CBOS 22 May–4 June 202013.4%0.8%48.6%16.2%1.8%4.3%4.2%10.7%
3 June 2020Election is announced to be held on June 28. The campaign starts
Pollster 2–3 June 2020-1%40%28%4%6%7%14%
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 2020-1% [o] 41%29%5%5%6%13%
IBRiS 29–30 May 20205.0%-41.0%26.1%2.3%7.1%6.5%12.0%
United Survey 29 May 20204.0%-41.2%27.0%2.2%7.0%6.6%12.0%
SWPS 28–29 May 2020-1%32%25%6%5%9%22%
PGB Opinium 26–29 May 20207.6%0.4% [p] 36.5%25.0%3.5%8.4%6.5%12.0%
Pollster 26–27 May 2020-1.74%38.94%26.60%5.14%5.46%5.71%16.41%
Social Changes 22–25 May 2020-1% [q] 40%27%4%5%6%17%
Maison & Partners [g] N/A May 2020--40.9%23.2%3.7%3.5%6.9%17.5%
IBRiS 22–23 May 20206.1%-41.0%26.7%3.0%8.2%5.0%10.0%
IBRiS 22–23 May 20207.1%-42.3%23.2%2.7%9.3%4.0%11.4%
Estymator 21–22 May 2020-1.1%44.8%22.1%3.1%9.2%5.6%14.1%
PBS 19–20 May 2020--35%21%8%5%13%19%
Kantar 18–19 May 202012%4% [r] 39%18%2%3%8%15%
Maison & Partners [g] 15–18 May 2020 [s] 10%-34%17%6%6%7%21%
15–18 May 2020 [t] 6%-43%15%5%5%8%20%
Social Changes 11–18 May 2020-2% [u] 41%21%5%7%6%18%
Pollster 15–17 May 2020-2.13% [v] 43.76%16.54%5.51%9.73%6.45%15.88%
IBRiS 16 May 20207.7%-43.2%16.0%6.8%9.6%6.8%9.9%
United Survey 15 May 20207.1%-43.7%14.0%5.2%9.8%6.9%13.3%
Kantar Public 15 May 20206%1% [q] 51%11%3%6%5%17%
15 May 2020 Rafał Trzaskowski is declared as a new candidate of the Civic Coalition
Estymator 14–15 May 2020-1.3%52.7%10.2%5.7%11.8%7.8%10.5%
Poll sourceDate(s) administeredDon't know/
PiS [a]
Social Changes 12–14 May 2020-1% [w] 49%5%4%12%7%22%
10 May 2020Election de iure takes place despite no voting is held. The campaign ends
IBRiS 8–9 May 2020 [x] 3.1%0.0% [y] 45.0%4.5%2.6%16.6%9.0%19.2%
6 May 2020Postal election is announced to be cancelled in May
Social Changes 6–7 May 2020 [x] -4% [z] 54%5%5%9%8%15%
6–7 May 2020 [aa] -4% [z] 64%2%3%7%7%13%
Pollster 30 April-4 May 2020--40.57%10.49%9.56%14.39%4.65%20.34%
IPSOS 27–29 April 2020 [x] 11%-42%7%6%12%6%15%
IPSOS 27–29 April 2020 [aa] 5%-63%2%5%7%7%11%
IBRiS 27 April 20208.9%-49.7%6.7%6.4%14.1%5.0%9.2%
Social Changes 24–27 April 2020 [x] -1% [ab] 54%7%6%10%8%14%
Social Changes 24–27 April 2020 [aa] -1% [ab] 64%3%3%8%7%14%
CBOS 23–27 April 202010%1% [ab] 52%5%5%6%7%14%
Estymator 23–24 April 2020-0.4%51.7%8.4%7.7%16.6%6.4%8.8%
Social Changes 17–20 April 2020 [x] -1% [ab] 57%11%5%11%6%9%
Social Changes 17–20 April 2020 [aa] -2% [ac] 65%5%5%6%7%10%
Kantar 16–17 April 202011%3%59%4%5%7%5%7%
Social Changes 10–13 April 2020-1% [ab] 59%9%5%10%8%8%
Estymator 8–9 April 2020-0.3%53.1%13.4%9.4%15.6%3.3%4.9%
IBRiS 7 April 20207.1%-52.9%11.4%7.3%12.6%3.2%5.5%
Pollster 6–7 April 2020--44.53%14.23%6.70%15.25%6.21%13.08%
Maison & Partners [g] 3–7 April 202027.9%-29.5%10.5%7.1%10.6%3.4%11.2%
Social Changes 3–6 April 2020-2% [ac] 53%11%5%13%7%9%
IBRiS 3–4 April 20209.9%-47.6%12.4%6.7%12.0%5.4%6.0%
IBSP 31 March-2 April 2020-0.29%44.29%15.77%6.24%15.87%5.24%12.30%
29 March 2020 Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska calls to boycott May postal election
Social Changes 27–30 March 2020-1% [ab] 55%14%6%10%5%9%
IBRiS 27–28 March 2020 [ad] 5.6%-45.1%17.2%8.5%12.1%7.5%3.9%
27–28 March 2020 [ae] 5.3%-54.6%12.1%8.7%6.4%9.2%3.7%
Estymator 25–26 March 2020-0.9%49.8%17.1%10.8%15.4%3.1%2.9%
Kantar 23–24 March 2020 [af] 6%-65%10%5%4%6%4%
23–24 March 2020 [ag] 10%-44%19%7%8%5%7%
Social Changes 20–23 March 2020--47%19%10%11%6%7%
United Survey 20 March 202016.7%-42.7%16.6%5.7%8.7%6.6%2.9%
Pollster 17–18 March 2020--43.19%21.13%9.54%12.96%4.44%8.74%
Social Changes 13–17 March 2020--41%23%9%13%4%10%
CBOS 5–15 March 202010%-50%15%5%9%3%6%
Estymator 12–13 March 2020-0.2%46.4%20.4%11.4%10.1%4.6%6.9%
IBSP 10–13 March 2020-0.15%51.36%19.79%7.59%8.98%5.51%6.62%
Kantar 6–11 March 202013%-43%22%6%9%3%4%
Social Changes 6–10 March 2020--45%22%8%9%5%11%
4 March 2020First case of COVID-19 confirmed in Poland
IBRiS 2 March 20205.9%-41.2%23.1%6.1%11.4%4.8%7.6%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 2020--42%24%11%9%5%9%
Estymator 27–28 February 2020-0.1%44.8%24.4%9.7%10.4%4.9%5.7%
Indicator 26–28 February 20204.3%1.2%42.9%23.3%9.3%8.1%3.7%7.2%
Pollster 24–26 February 2020--42.44%22.14%9.45%11.71%4.92%9.34%
Social Changes 21–24 February 2020--43%24%10%7%5%11%
United Survey 22 February 20205.8%-41.9%22.2%8.2%10.4%4.1%7.4%
IPSOS 20–22 February 20206%-41%25%9%7%5%7%
IBSP 18–20 February 2020-0.58%45.16%26.42%8.78%6.56%4.44%8.06%
Social Changes 14–18 February 2020--40%25%9%9%5%12%
CBOS 6–16 February 202012%3%50%20%4%5%1%5%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 2020--41.34%24.02%11.21%8.11%5.31%10.01%
Estymator 12–13 February 2020-0.2%45.3%26.4%7.4%10.1%4.7%5.9%
Kantar 7–12 February 202017%1%40%21%7%5%3%6%
Social Changes 7–11 February 2020--46%24%9%7%5%9%
IBRiS 7–8 February 20204.3%-43.7%29.2%6.9%4.0%3.8%8.1%
IBRiS N/A8.2%-41.7%26.3%7.7%5.2%4.6%6.3%
5 February 2020Election is officially announced to be held on May 10. The campaign starts
Social Changes 1–4 February 2020-2% [ah] 42%25%10%6%3%12%
Kantar 29-30 January 20207%1%44%24%8%4%3%9%
Maison & Partners [g] 24–28 January 202010.0%-38.3%22.3%9.0%6.3%3.2%10.9%
Social Changes 24–27 January 2020-2% [ai] 43%24%10%7%4%10%
Estymator 23–24 January 2020-0.4%47.1%24.1%8.9%9.3%4.6%5.6%
18 January 2020 Krzysztof Bosak is declared as a candidate of the Confederation
Social Changes 17–21 January 2020--44%24%8%9%4%11%
Kantar 9-15 January 202022%2%38%20%7%4%1%6%
IBSP 14–16 January 2020--43.73%26.61%7.26%7.77%5.07%9.56%
Pollster 14–16 January 2020--44.96%23.11%9.09%7.86%5.12%9.86%
Social Changes 10–14 January 2020--45%22%9%8%3%13%
United Survey 10–11 January 20207.4%-43.0%23.3%7.3%7.0%5.3%6.7%
IBRiS 10-11 January 20208.2%-44%23.3%6.6%7.0%5.1%5.7%
Estymator 9–10 January-47.7%22.7%8.8%9%4.3%6.9%
5 January 2020 Robert Biedroń is declared as a candidate of the Left
Social Changes 3–7 January 2020-6% [aj] 42%26%-9%4%13%
Social Changes 27–31 December 2019-5% [ak] 43%26%-6%4%16%
Social Changes 20–24 December 2019-7% [al] 43%24%-9%4%13%
Estymator 19–20 December 2019-8.3% [am] 46.6%22.4%-9.2%4.6%7.9%
IBSP 17–20 December 2019-7.4% [an] 43.9%26.3%-7.3%5.4%9.7%
Social Changes 13–17 December 2019-7% [ao] 46%23%-7%4%13%
Social Changes 28 November-3 December 201914%11% [ap] 37%22%-8%-8%
Pre-2020 polls average Pre-2020 polls average.png
Pre-2020 polls average

Pre-2020 opinion polls

Poll sourceDate(s) administeredDon't know/
PiS [a]
Social Changes 19–24 July 2019-1.9% [aq] 45%-21%6.9% [ar] -6.7%--4.3%8.2%-3.4%-2.7%
Kantar Public 16–19 May 20192%-41%-27%--7%--6%11%1%5%--
Kantar Public 8–10 May 20198%-41%-28%--7%--5%6%1%4%--
IBSP 7–9 May 2019-0.4%43.7%-34.7%-1.3%5.2%--6.3%6.9%-1.4%--
Pollster 4–6 April 2019--38%-27%-1%6%-0%5%16%2%5%--
Ariadna 22–26 February 201924%-34%-20%--6%--1%12%1%--2%
IBSP 31 January-6 February 20193.0%-38.8%-37.8%-0.7%2.2%--6.1%8.9%-2.4%--
IBRiS 13 November 20189%-37%-36%--4%--3%10%-1%--
Ariadna 17–21 August 201814%34%7% [as] 21%--6%--1%14%1%2%--
Pollster 11–12 July 2018-19%32%-21%--7%---17%-4%--
Millward Brown 25–26 April 20186%4%44%-24%--4%--2%15%1%---
Pollster 5 April 2018-4% [at] 36%-26%--7%-3%2%19%-3%--
IBRiS 4 April 20189.3%-33.5%-33.0%--6.8%--3.0%11.4%1.3%1.7%--
Pollster 3–5 January 2018--39%-21%-1%9%-2%3%15%3%4%-3%
Ariadna 29 September-2 October 201714.3%-42.7%-17.1%-0.4%9.6%--0.9%12.7%1.0%--1.3%
Pollster 16–17 August 2017--39%6% [au] 31%1% [av] 3%7%2%-3%-3%5%--
Ariadna 28–31 July 201714%-37%-23%-0%7%--2%14%2%--1%
IBRiS 26–27 July 20179.9%1.2% [aw] 36.2%-20.5%--7.7%1.5%-4.1%16.3%-2.6%--
Ariadna 23–26 June 201714%-35%-23%-2%11%--4%9%1%--1%
Ariadna 9–12 June 201714%-32%-27%-1%9%--1%12%1%--3%
Ariadna 12–16 May 201715.4%-31.9%-26.9%--8%---17.8%----
Kantar Public 26–27 April 201710%1%38%-31%--12%---8%----
Dobra Opinia 30 March-3 April 2017--37.4%-25.8%--9.5%7.9%-4.8%11.1%-3.5%--
Pollster 7–8 March 2017-8%45%-25%4% [ax] 5%2%--8%-3%--
Pollster 2–3 January 2017-17.18%41.23%2.19% [ay] 11.55%4.37% [az] -7.36%7.89%--2.62%0.44%3.93%1.27%-
IPSOS 19–21 December 201616%1%36%1%18%1% [ba] 5%8%--8%1%---
Pollster 5–8 February 2016-9%38%-16% [bb] -14%17%-3%-----
Presidential election 10 May 2015-7.3%34.8%--33.8% [bc] -20.8%-----3.3%--

Second round

Duda v. Trzaskowski

Duda vs Trzaskowski polling.png
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
12–13 July 202051.0%49.0%
12 July 202050.8%49.2%
IPSOS 21:00 UTC+2
12 July 202050.4%49.6%
12 July 202012 July 2020 (second round)
Social Changes 8–10 July 202047%46%7%
IBRiS 9 July 202045.7%47.4%6.9%
CBOS 30 June–9 July 202044.4%44.6%11.0%
Kantar 8–9 July 202045.9%46.4%7.7%
Pollster 8–9 July 202050.72%49.28%-
Indicator 8–9 July 202045.9%44.7%9.4%
CBOS 29 June – 9 July 202050.0%38.0%12%
IBRiS 8 July 202044.4%45.3%10.3%
PGB Opinium 7–9 July 202049.16%50.84%-
IPSOS 7–8 July 202050%47%3%
Kantar 3–8 July 202044%45%11%
Social Changes 3–7 July 202047%46%7%
IBRiS 4 July 202048.7%47.8%3.5%
United Surveys 4 July 202046.8%45.9%7.4%
IBRiS 4 July 202045.9%47.2%6.9%
PGB Opinium 2–4 July 202049.62%50.38%-
Estymator 2–3 July 202050.9%49.1%-
Kantar 2–3 July 202046%47%7%
IBRiS 1 July 202049.0%46.4%4.6%
Indicator 30 June–2 July 202050.7%49.3%-
IPSOS 30 June–1 July 202048%49%3%
Pollster 30 June–1 July 202051.14%48.86%-
Kantar 30 June 202044%45%11%
IBRiS 28 June 202045.8%48.1%6.1%
Indicator 28 June 202050.9%49.1%-
Kantar 28 June 202045.4%44.7%9.9%
28 June 202028 June 2020 (first round)
Social Changes 26–27 June 202048%43%9%
IBRiS 26 June 202045.8%48.1%6.1%
IBSP 25–26 June 2020 [bd] 48.51%51.49%-
Indicator 23–26 June 202050.9%49.1%-
Estymator 24–25 June 202050.6%49.4%-
Pollster 24–25 June 202044.83%46.48%8.69%
Kantar 24–25 June 202047%45%8%
IBRiS 24 June 202048.7%47.5%3.8%
IPSOS 22–23 June 202043%47%9%
Social Changes 19–23 June 202046%44%10%
Pollster 22 June 202051%49%-
IBRiS 20 June 202045.6%45.5%8.9%
IBRiS 19–20 June 202045.2%46.0%8.8%
United Survey 19 June 202045.8%46.9%7.4%
Estymator 18–19 June 202050.9%49.1%-
Kantar 17–18 June 202048%48%4%
IPSOS 16–17 June 202046%46%8%
Social Changes 12–16 June 202045%43%12%
Maison & Partners [g] 12–15 June 202043%46%11%
Estymator 12–13 June 202050.7%49.3%-
IBRiS 12–13 June 202048.8%48.0%3.2%
Pollster 9–10 June 202053%47%-
Kantar 5–10 June 202041%43%16%
Social Changes 5–9 June 202047%45%8%
Estymator 3–4 June 202051.1%48.9%-
Pollster 2–3 June 202053%47%-
N/A [be] 1–2 June 202047%53%-
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 202046%42%12%
United Survey 29 May 202044.5%44.3%11.2%
IBRiS 29 May 202049.0%46.4%4.6%
SWPS 28–29 May 202043%57%-
Pollster [bf] 26–27 May 202051.32%48.68%-
Social Changes 22–25 May 202046%45%9%
Maison & Partners [g] N/A May 202049%42%9%
IBRiS 22–23 May 202049.6%44.7%5.7%
Estymator 21–22 May 202054.2%45.8%-
N/A [bg] N/A May 202045%55%-
Kantar 18–19 May 202048%41%11%
Social Changes 11–18 May 202048%41%11%
Pollster 15–17 May 202053%47%-
United Survey 15 May 202049.3%40.5%10.2%
IBSP 31 January–6 February 201947.9%49.3%2.8%

Pre-first round polls

Duda v. Hołownia

Duda vs Holownia polls average A999999998.png
Duda vs Hołownia polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Indicator 23–26 June 202050.6%49.4%-
IPSOS 22–23 June 202044%49%7%
Social Changes 19–23 June 202045%44%11%
Pollster 22 June 202048%52%-
IPSOS 16–17 June 202044%48%8%
Social Changes 12–16 June 202044%44%12%
Maison & Partners [g] 12–15 June 202042%50%8%
Estymator 12–13 June 202049.8%50.2%-
Pollster 9–10 June 202053%47%-
Social Changes 5–9 June 202045%47%8%
Kantar 5–10 June 202041%43%16%
Estymator 3–4 June 202050.4%49.6%-
Pollster 2–3 June 202052%48%-
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 202046%45%9%
United Survey 29 May 202043.4%43.1%13.5%
SWPS 28–29 May 202039%61%-
Pollster 26–27 May 202055.43%44.57%-
Social Changes 22–25 May 202046%45%9%
Maison & Partners [g] N/A May 202046%47%7%
IBRiS 22–23 May 202049.8%45.4%4.8%
Estymator 21–22 May 202050.9%49.1%-
Kantar 18–19 May 202047%45%8%
Maison & Partners [g] 15–18 May 2020 [s] 38%51%11%
15–18 May 2020 [t] 47%46%7%
Social Changes 11–18 May 202046%44%10%
Pollster 15–17 May 202051%49%-
Social Changes 1–4 May 202056%35%9%
Social Changes 17–20 April 202062%30%8%
Kantar 16–17 April 202069%23%8%
Social Changes 10–13 April 202061%28%11%
Maison & Partners [g] 3–7 April 202034%43%23%
Social Changes 3–6 April 202055%31%14%
Social Changes 27–30 March 202057%32%11%
Social Changes 20–23 March 202049%38%13%
Kantar 6–11 March 202046%30%24%
Social Changes 6–10 March 202046%41%13%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 202043%42%15%
Indicator 26–28 February 202053.2%46.8%-
Pollster 24–26 February 202051.99%48.01%-
Social Changes 21–24 February 202044%42%14%
IPSOS 20–22 February 202047%45%8%
IBSP 18–20 February 202052.08%47.92%-
Social Changes 14–18 February 202044%42%14%
CBOS 6–16 February 202054%27%19%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 202050.4%49.6%-
Kantar 7–12 February 202047%36%17%
Social Changes 7–11 February 202048%39%13%
Social Changes 1–4 February 202044%42%14%
Maison & Partners [g] 24–28 January 202044%43%13%
Social Changes 24–27 January 202046%38%16%
Social Changes 17–21 January 202045%37%18%
Social Changes 10–14 January 202047%38%15%
United Survey 10–11 January 202051.4%31.2%17.4%
Social Changes 3–7 January 202044%41%15%
Social Changes 27–31 December 201942%41%17%

Duda v. Kosiniak-Kamysz

Duda vs Kosiniak-Kamysz polls average A999999997.png
Duda vs Kosiniak-Kamysz polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Indicator 23–26 June 202051.9%48.1%-
Social Changes 19–23 June 202044%41%15%
Pollster 22 June 202050%50%-
IPSOS 16–17 June 202045%45%11%
Social Changes 12–16 June 202044%42%14%
Estymator 12–13 June 202050.1%49.9%-
Pollster 9–10 June 202051%49%-
Social Changes 5–9 June 202045%44%11%
Estymator 3–4 June 202050.9%49.1%-
Pollster 2–3 June 202051%49%-
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 202046%42%12%
United Survey 29 May 202045.3%45.3%9.4%
Pollster 26–27 May 202051.99%48.01%-
Social Changes 22–25 May 202046%44%10%
IBRiS 22–23 May 202047.7%47.0%5.3%
Estymator 21–22 May 202053.2%46.8%-
Kantar 18–19 May 202050%39%11%
Social Changes 11–18 May 202048%40%12%
Pollster 15–17 May 202051%49%-
Social Changes 1–4 May 202056%31%13%
Social Changes 17–20 April 202059%30%11%
Kantar 16–17 April 202066%22%12%
Social Changes 10–13 April 202060%28%12%
Maison & Partners [g] 3–7 April 202035%41%24%
Social Changes 3–6 April 202056%34%10%
Social Changes 27–30 March 202056%34%10%
Social Changes 20–23 March 202049%39%12%
United Survey 20 March 202049.2%36.6%14.2%
IBSP 10–13 March 202054.91%45.09%-
Kantar 6–11 March 202047%35%18%
Social Changes 6–10 March 202048%41%11%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 202043%42%15%
Indicator 26–28 February 202053.1%46.9%-
Social Changes 21–24 February 202047%40%13%
United Survey 22 February 202043.9%45.9%10.3%
IPSOS 20–22 February 202047%45%8%
IBSP 18–20 February 202052.23%47.77%-
Social Changes 14–18 February 202042%39%19%
CBOS 6–16 February 202054%31%15%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 202050.8%49.2%-
Social Changes 7–11 February 202048%40%12%
Social Changes 1–4 February 202045%39%16%
Maison & Partners [g] 24–28 January 202047%41%12%
Social Changes 24–27 January 202046%38%16%
Social Changes 17–21 January 202045%39%16%
Social Changes 10–14 January 202048%36%16%
United Survey 10–11 January 202049.1%36.0%14.8%
Social Changes 3–7 January 202045%39%16%
Social Changes 27–31 December 201946%34%20%
Social Changes 28 November-3 December 201946%34%20%

Duda v. Biedroń

Duda vs Biedron polls average A999999996.png
Duda vs Biedroń polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Indicator 23–26 June 202055.7%44.3%-
Social Changes 19–23 June 202044%40%16%
Pollster 22 June 202056%44%-
Social Changes 12–16 June 202045%39%16%
Pollster 9–10 June 202053%47%-
Social Changes 5–9 June 202047%41%12%
Pollster 2–3 June 202056%44%-
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 202046%38%16%
United Survey 29 May 202046.1%40.9%13.0%
Pollster 26–27 May 202055.07%44.93%-
Social Changes 22–25 May 202045%40%15%
Kantar 18–19 May 202052%35%13%
Social Changes 11–18 May 202048%37%15%
Social Changes 1–4 May 202057%29%14%
Social Changes 17–20 April 202063%25%12%
Kantar 16–17 April 202066%23%11%
Social Changes 10–13 April 202062%24%14%
Social Changes 3–6 April 202060%27%13%
Social Changes 27–30 March 202058%30%12%
Social Changes 20–23 March 202050%37%13%
Kantar 6–11 March 202048%31%21%
Social Changes 6–10 March 202051%35%14%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 202047%39%14%
Indicator 26–28 February 202055.1%44.9%-
Social Changes 21–24 February 202049%36%15%
IPSOS 20–22 February 202051%41%8%
IBSP 18–20 February 202054.64%45.36%-
Social Changes 14–18 February 202047%38%15%
CBOS 6–16 February 202056%27%17%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 202057%43%-
Kantar 7–12 February 202048%33%19%
Social Changes 7–11 February 202049%36%15%
Social Changes 1–4 February 202048%37%15%
Social Changes 24–27 January 202048%37%15%
Social Changes 17–21 January 202047%35%18%
Social Changes 10–14 January 202048%34%18%
United Survey 10–11 January 202054.1%31.0%14.8%
IBRiS 13 November 201849%41%10%
Millward Brown 25–26 April 201858%40%2%
IBRiS 14–15 October 201751.4%35.1%13.5%
Ariadna 28–31 July 201751%32%17%
Ariadna 12–16 May 201747%31%22%
Ariadna 12–16 May 201728.3%28.1%43.6% [bh]
IPSOS 17–19 March 201746.9%34.6%18.4%
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201649%32%19%

Duda v. Bosak

Duda vs Bosak polls average A999999995.png
Duda vs Bosak polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Indicator 23–26 June 202052.0%48.0%-
Social Changes 19–23 June 202041%34%25%
Pollster 22 June 202058%42%-
Social Changes 12–16 June 202040%33%27%
Estymator 12–13 June 202060.1%39.9%-
Pollster 9–10 June 202061%39%-
Social Changes 5–9 June 202042%32%26%
Pollster 2–3 June 202060%40%-
Social Changes 29 May–2 June 202044%29%27%
United Survey 29 May 202046.3%30.7%23.0%
Pollster 26–27 May 202058.53%41.47%-
Social Changes 22–25 May 202042%33%25%
Social Changes 11–18 May 202047%30%23%
Social Changes 1–4 May 202057%27%16%
Social Changes 17–20 April 202060%21%19%
Social Changes 10–13 April 202061%26%13%
Social Changes 3–6 April 202055%23%22%
Social Changes 27–30 March 202056%23%21%
Social Changes 20–23 March 202052%24%24%
Social Changes 6–10 March 202049%23%28%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 202047%25%28%
Indicator 26–28 February 202061.9%38.1%-
Social Changes 21–24 February 202049%24%27%
Social Changes 14–18 February 202045%24%31%
CBOS 6–16 February 202056%13%31%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 202074.5%25.5%-
Social Changes 7–11 February 202052%23%25%
Social Changes 1–4 February 202047%22%31%

Duda v. Kidawa-Błońska

Duda vs Kidawa-Blonska polls average Bez tytulu1.png
Duda vs Kidawa-Błońska polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Social Changes 1–4 May 202060%26%14%
Social Changes 17–20 April 202061%28%11%
Kantar 16–17 April 202069%21%10%
Social Changes 10–13 April 202062%25%13%
Maison & Partners [g] 3–7 April 202038%37%25%
Social Changes 3–6 April 202057%29%14%
Social Changes 27–30 March 202058%30%12%
Kantar 23–24 March 2020 [ag] 53%39%8%
Social Changes 20–23 March 202051%38%11%
United Survey 20 March 202055.6%35.9%8.5%
IBSP 10–13 March 202055.88%44.12%-
Kantar 6–11 March 202048%38%14%
Social Changes 6–10 March 202048%38%14%
Social Changes 28 February-2 March 202044%43%13%
Indicator 26–28 February 202053.9%46.1%-
Pollster 24–26 February 202053.83%46.17%-
Social Changes 21–24 February 202046%42%12%
United Survey 22 February 202049.6%41.6%8.8%
IPSOS 20–22 February 202048%46%6%
IBSP 18–20 February 202051.62%48.38%-
Social Changes 14–18 February 202045%43%12%
CBOS 6–16 February 202054%29%17%
Dobra Opinia 10–14 February 202050.3%49.7%-
Kantar 7–12 February 202049%37%14%
Social Changes 7–11 February 202048%41%11%
Social Changes 1–4 February 202046%42%12%
Maison & Partners [g] 24-28 January 202049%42%9%
Social Changes 24–27 January 202047%40%13%
Social Changes 17–21 January 202045%39%16%
IBSP 14–16 January 202050.09%49.91%-
Social Changes 10–14 January 202047%38%15%
United Survey 10–11 January 202047.8%40.8%11.4%
Social Changes 3–7 January 202045%42%13%
Social Changes 27–31 December 201945%42%13%
Pollster 20–22 December 201954.14%45.86%-
IBSP 17–20 December 201950.67%49.33%-
Social Changes 28 November-3 December 201946%39%15%

Duda v. Tusk

Duda vs Tusk polls average Duda vs Tusk polls average.png
Duda vs Tusk polls average
Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Kantar Public 16–19 May 201955%44%1%
Kantar Public 8–10 May 201956%40%4%
IBSP 7–9 May 201948.4%47.3%4.3%
Ariadna 22–26 February 201946%36%18%
IBSP 31 January-6 February 201945.3%52.9%1.8%
Millward Brown 19–20 November 201850%45%5%
IBRiS 13 November 201846%44%10%
Pollster 9–10 August 201851%49%-
IBRiS 26–27 July 201850%45%5%
Pollster 13–14 June 201852.5%47.5%-
Millward Brown 25–26 April 201853%44%3%
Kantar Public 20–21 November 201748%27%25%
IBRiS 14–15 October 201749.4%37.8%12.8%
Ariadna 29 September-2 October 201747.5%36.0%16.5%
Pollster 20–21 September 201747%53%-
Ariadna 28–31 July 201745%41%14%
Millward Brown 11–12 July 201752%44%4%
Pollster 30 June-4 July 201752%48%-
Ariadna 23–26 June 201745%38%17%
IPSOS 19–21 June 201749.9%37.2%13%
Ariadna 12–16 May 201733%33.8%33.2%
Ariadna 12–16 May 201730.8%27.4%41.8% [bi]
Millward Brown 24–25 April 201745%50%5%
Pollster 20–21 April 201739%49%12%
IPSOS 17–19 March 201743.7%43.9%12.4%
Millward Brown 5 October 201649%45%6%
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201647%41%12%

Duda v. Kukiz

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Ariadna 12–16 May 201726.4%16.3%57.3% [bj]
IPSOS 17–19 March 201744.9%26.7%28.4%
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201644%26%30%

Duda v. Petru

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201647%41%12%

Duda v. Schetyna

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201648%33%19%

Duda v. Sikorski

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Social Changes 11–18 May 202050%36%14%

Duda v. Nowacka

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Millward Brown 20–22 May 201650%30%20%

Kaczyński v. Tusk

Poll sourceDate(s)
Undecided/would not vote
PiS [a]
Pollster 9–10 August 201835%65%-
IBRiS 26–27 July 201841%50%9%


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The President of Poland traditionally resigns from party membership after taking office. Although Duda is officially an independent, his campaign is endorsed and funded by Law and Justice.
  2. Includes: 0.5% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.3% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.3% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.3% – Waldemar Witkowski, 0.2% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  3. Includes: 0.5% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.3% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.3% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.3% – Waldemar Witkowski, 0.2% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  4. Includes: 0.7% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.3% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.2% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.1% – Waldemar Witkowski, 0.0% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  5. Includes: 1% – Waldemar Witkowski.
  6. Includes: 1% – Paweł Tanajno, 1% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0% – Marek Jakubiak, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hołownia's campaign staff internal poll
  8. Includes: 0.5% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.4% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.2% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.1% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0.0% – Waldemar Witkowski.
  9. Includes: 0.6% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.4% – Waldemar Witkowski, 0.2% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.1% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.1% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  10. Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak, 1% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  11. Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak.
  12. PiS / Duda's campaign staff internal poll
  13. 5% others
  14. Includes: 0.1% – Marek Jakubiak.
  15. Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak, 0% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0% – Paweł Tanajno, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  16. Includes: 0.1% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.0% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.3% – Paweł Tanajno, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  17. 1 2 Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak, 0% – Paweł Tanajno, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0% – Stanisław Żółtek.
  18. Includes: 2% – Marek Jakubiak, 2% – Stanisław Żółtek, <1% – Paweł Tanajno, <1% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  19. 1 2 The poll measures voting intention in case election is held in traditional form in July.
  20. 1 2 The poll measures voting intention in case election is held next Sunday (24 May).
  21. Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak, 1% – Paweł Tanajno, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0% – Stanisław Żółtek.
  22. Includes: 0.82% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.80% – Marek Jakubiak, 0.43% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0.08% – Stanisław Żółtek.
  23. Includes: 1% – Paweł Tanajno, 0% – Marek Jakubiak, 0% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0% – Stanisław Żółtek.
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 The poll measures voting intention in case voting in person at polling stations is conducted.
  25. Includes: 0.0% – Stanisław Żółtek, 0.0% – Paweł Tanajno, 0.0% – Mirosław Piotrowski, 0.0% – Marek Jakubiak.
  26. 1 2 Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak, 1% – Paweł Tanajno, 1% – Stanisław Żółtek, 1% – Mirosław Piotrowski.
  27. 1 2 3 4 The poll measures voting intention in case all-postal voting is conducted.
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Includes: 1% – Marek Jakubiak.
  29. 1 2 Includes: 2% – Marek Jakubiak.
  30. The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held during the polling period.
  31. The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held on 10 May 2020.
  32. The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held during the coronavirus pandemic.
  33. 1 2 The poll measures voting intention in case the election is held after the end of the coronavirus pandemic.
  34. Includes: 2% – Piotr Liroy-Marzec.
  35. Includes: 2% – Piotr Liroy-Marzec.
  36. Includes: 6% – Adrian Zandberg.
  37. Includes: 5% – Adrian Zandberg.
  38. Includes: 7% – Adrian Zandberg.
  39. Includes: 8.3% – Adrian Zandberg.
  40. Includes: 7.2% – Adrian Zandberg.
  41. Includes: 7% – Adrian Zandberg.
  42. Includes: 7% – Adrian Zandberg, 4% – Grzegorz Braun.
  43. Includes: 1.9% – Grzegorz Braun.
  44. Includes: 5.2% – Rafał Trzaskowski, 1.7% – Bartosz Arłukowicz.
  45. Includes: 5% – Mateusz Morawiecki, 1% – Jarosław Kaczyński, 1% – Zbigniew Ziobro.
  46. Includes: 4% – Monika Jaruzelska.
  47. Includes: 6% – Beata Szydło
  48. Includes: 1% – Grzegorz Schetyna
  49. Includes: 1.2% – Marian Kowalski.
  50. Includes: 4% – Bronisław Komorowski
  51. Includes: 1.60% – Beata Szydło, 0.59% – Jarosław Kaczyński
  52. Includes: 3.96% – Bronisław Komorowski, 0.24% – Grzegorz Schetyna, 0.17% – Ewa Kopacz
  53. Includes: 1% – Grzegorz Schetyna
  54. Includes: 3% – Grzegorz Schetyna
  55. Bronisław Komorowski
  56. The poll has been updated with exit poll data.
  57. PiS / Duda's campaign staff internal poll
  58. Determined people, without undecided ones
  59. PiS / Duda's campaign staff internal poll
  60. 13.8% undecided, 29.8% would not vote
  61. 17.3% undecided, 24.5% would not vote
  62. 16.7% undecided, 40.6% would not vote

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