Polly Matzinger

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Polly Matzinger
Polly Matzinger.jpg
Born (1947-07-21) July 21, 1947 (age 77)
Alma mater University of California, Irvine (BS)
University of California, San Diego (PhD)
Known for Danger model
Scientific career
Fields Immunology
Institutions National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Polly Celine Eveline Matzinger (born July 21, 1947) is a French-born immunologist who proposed the danger model theory of how the immune system works. [1]


Early years

Polly Matzinger was born on July 21, 1947, in France, to a French mother (Simone) and a Dutch father (Hans). [1] In 1954, she immigrated to the US with her sister, Marjolaine, and parents. Her prior jobs included being a bass jazz musician, carpenter, dog trainer, waitress, and Playboy Bunny. [2] [3] Although it took her eleven years to finish her undergraduate degree, she finished her BS in biology at the University of California, Irvine, in 1976. [3] She was talked into going to graduate school by Professor Robert Schwab of UC Davis and finished her PhD in biology at the University of California, San Diego in 1979. [4] [5] She then did four years of postdoctoral work at the University of Cambridge [3] and was a scientist at the Basel Institute for Immunology for six years, before heading to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. [5]

Ghost Lab at NIAID

Matzinger is chief of the T-Cell Tolerance and Memory Section at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The lab has been referred to as the "Ghost Lab" for Matzinger's choice to conduct the first nine months of her research alone with a focus on chaos theory. In 2013, while reorganizing the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, NIAID transferred Matzinger's section to the Laboratory of Immunogenetics. [6]

In 2015, Matzinger recorded an eight-part series on the danger model of the immune system, covering transplant rejection, tumors, autoimmunity, T cells, parasites, and alarmins. [7]


The danger model

The Self/Non-self Model proposed by Macfarlane Burnet and Frank Fenner in 1949 faced challenges in the late 1980s as immunologists recognized that T cells depend on antigen-presenting cells showcasing materials and sending co-stimulatory signals. Driven by the writings of Thomas Kuhn on paradigm shifts in science, Charles Janeway made a 1989 proposal that the innate immune system was the real gatekeeper of immune system responses. He also theorized that the innate immune system used ancient pattern-recognition receptors to make these decisions, recognizing a pathogen by its unchanging characteristics.

Danger signals

In her 1994 article "Tolerance, Danger, and the Extended Family", Matzinger extended the danger model, arguing that antigen-presenting cells respond to "danger signals" released from cells undergoing unprogrammed cell death when injured or stressed, as opposed to apoptosis (controlled cell death). The alarm signals released by these cells let the immune system know that there is a problem requiring an immune response. She argued that T cells and the immune response they orchestrate occurs not because of a neonatal definition of "self", as in the previous model, nor because of ancient definitions of pathogens, as in Janeway's argument, but because of a dynamic and constantly updated response to danger as defined by cellular damage. [8]


The danger model is broad, covering topics as diverse as transplantation, maternal/fetal immunity, autoimmunity, cancer treatments, and vaccines. Matzinger argues that prior models failed to explain why immune system responses vary based on the specific threat's location and severity. Prior models also fail to explain how the immune system rejects tumors, induces autoimmune diseases, or generates allergic responses.

Some immunologists still maintain Janeway's ideas, believing that the immune response is mainly fueled by innate evolutionarily conserved "pattern recognition receptors" that recognize similarities between microorganisms, minimizing the effects of unprogrammed cell death.

Pattern recognition and a tissue-driven immune system

Seung-Yong Seong and Matzinger have proposed exposed hydrophobic regions on biological compounds as among the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) of the danger model. Facing stressors, cells misfold and denature their proteins, exposing hydrophobic regions that aggregate into clumps to avoid exposure to the water-filled environment. [9]

In a 2013 article in Nature Immunology , Matzinger highlighted the danger model's primary implication that bodily tissues drive immune responses. As research continues to show the bacteria of each organ's microbiome guiding its function and outputs, Matzinger theorizes that microbes may be shown as driving immune system responses. [10] Matzinger argues that DAMPs may explain why toll-like receptors respond to both external and endogenous ligand signals with her danger model suggesting a multitude of signalling pathways determining the extent and nature of each immune system response.

Challenges to Matzinger's theories

Regulatory T cells have been shown suppressing immune responses, exemplified by the autoimmune IPEX syndrome occurring when the master regulator of these Treg cells is dysfunctional. [11] Matzinger has incorporated Treg cells into her danger model, arguing that their regulation activity is not absolute, based on transplant organs being rejected at higher rates if infected, showing that danger signals continue to dictate the immune response. [12]

Criticisms of the danger model focus on two key points: First, Matzinger argued that tumors persist to cause cancer because their cells undergo programmed cell death, failing to release danger signals for an immune response. However, recent research has shown the immune system detecting and destroying some tumors. Second, the danger model explains transplant rejection as the result of surgery-induced damage, but this explanation fails to account for greater tolerance of autotransplantation, the movement of tissue between parts of the same body. [13]

Terms coined by Matzinger, such as "professional antigen-presenting-cell", "danger signal", and "DAMPs", are frequently repurposed for explanations of the self/non-self model of the immune system. The immunologist Russell E. Vance has argued that immunological paradigms like the danger model are inevitably inaccurate representations of distinct mechanisms generated under evolutionary pressure. [14]

Dog co-author controversy

In 1978, Matzinger published her fourth paper in the Journal of Experimental Medicine , listing her Afghan Hound, Galadriel Mirkwood, as a coauthor to write in a third-person active voice. [15] Upon identifying the misconduct, she was banned from publishing in the journal. [16]


At the 1986 Köln Film Festival, Polly Matzinger won the Award for Special Excellence in Educational Films for the German translation of Immunity: The Inside Story. In 1996, she was inducted as an honorary lifetime member of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology. In 2002, Discover magazine recognized Matzinger as one of the fifty most important women in science. [17] In 2003, she received an honorary doctorate from Hasselt University. In 2008, she was listed as a "Highly Cited" research among the top 1% of citations for her field on the Web of Science. [6]

Since 2009, the biotechnology company EpiVax has funded the Polly Matzinger Fearless Scientist Scholarship for women scientists at the University of Rhode Island's Institute for Immunology & Informatics that overcome challenges. [18]



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Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are molecules within cells that are a component of the innate immune response released from damaged or dying cells due to trauma or an infection by a pathogen. They are also known as danger signals, and alarmins because they serve as warning signs to alert the organism to any damage or infection to its cells. DAMPs are endogenous danger signals that are discharged to the extracellular space in response to damage to the cell from mechanical trauma or a pathogen. Once a DAMP is released from the cell, it promotes a noninfectious inflammatory response by binding to a pattern recognition receptor (PRR). Inflammation is a key aspect of the innate immune response; it is used to help mitigate future damage to the organism by removing harmful invaders from the affected area and start the healing process. As an example, the cytokine IL-1α is a DAMP that originates within the nucleus of the cell which, once released to the extracellular space, binds to the PRR IL-1R, which in turn initiates an inflammatory response to the trauma or pathogen that initiated the release of IL-1α. In contrast to the noninfectious inflammatory response produced by DAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) initiate and perpetuate the infectious pathogen-induced inflammatory response. Many DAMPs are nuclear or cytosolic proteins with defined intracellular function that are released outside the cell following tissue injury. This displacement from the intracellular space to the extracellular space moves the DAMPs from a reducing to an oxidizing environment, causing their functional denaturation, resulting in their loss of function. Outside of the aforementioned nuclear and cytosolic DAMPs, there are other DAMPs originated from different sources, such as mitochondria, granules, the extracellular matrix, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the plasma membrane.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Danger model</span>

The danger model of the immune system proposes that it differentiates between components that are capable of causing damage, rather than distinguishing between self and non-self.

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Seung-Yong Seong is a South Korean immunologist and microbiologist known for his study of innate immune system response and his development of the damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) model of immune response initiation in collaboration with Polly Matzinger. Seong is also known for his research on the bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi and his research on immunological adjuvant when he was a student. Since 2013 he has served as Director of the Wide River Institute of Immunology – Seoul National University in conjunction with his Professor position in the Microbiology and Immunology department of Seoul National University College of Medicine. In 2012, he became Editor in Chief of the World Journal of Immunology.

Mitchell Kronenberg is an American immunologist and the chief scientific officer at La Jolla Institute for Immunology. He served as president of the institute from 2003 to 2021. 


  1. 1 2 Oakes, Elizabeth H. (2014-05-14). A to Z of STS Scientists. Infobase Publishing. ISBN   9781438109251.
  2. Cooper, Glenda (April 16, 1997). "Clever Bunny". The Independent . Archived from the original on 2018-07-27. Retrieved 2018-07-27.
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  5. 1 2 Oakes, Elizabeth H. (2007). Encyclopedia of World Scientists. Infobase Publishing. ISBN   9781438118826.
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  7. Matzinger, Polly (2015-09-22), Immunology Course based on the Danger Model: Session 1, National Institutes of Health , retrieved 2023-01-10
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  10. Matzinger, Polly (January 1, 2007). "Friendly and Dangerous Signals: Is the Tissue in Control?". Nature Immunology . 8 (1): 11–13. doi:10.1038/ni0107-11. ISSN   1529-2916. PMID   17179963. S2CID   6448542.
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  15. Polly Matzinger; Galadriel Mirkwood (1978). "In A Fully H-2 Incompatible Chimera, T Cells of Donor Origin Can Respond to Minor Histocompatibility Antigens in Association With Either Donor or Host H-2 Type". Journal of Experimental Medicine . 148 (1): 84–92. doi:10.1084/jem.148.1.84. PMC   2184911 . PMID   78964. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg
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