Potato leafroll virus | |
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A potato plant infected with Potato leafroll virus | |
Virus classification ![]() | |
(unranked): | Virus |
Realm: | Riboviria |
Kingdom: | Orthornavirae |
Phylum: | Pisuviricota |
Class: | Pisoniviricetes |
Order: | Sobelivirales |
Family: | Solemoviridae |
Genus: | Polerovirus |
Species: | Potato leafroll virus |
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is a member of the genus Polerovirus and family Solemoviridae . The phloem limited positive sense RNA virus [1] infects potatoes and other members of the family Solanaceae. PLRV was first described by Quanjer et al. in 1916. [2] PLRV is transmitted by aphids, primarily the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae . PLRV is one of the most important potato viruses worldwide but particularly devastating in countries with limited resources and management. It can be responsible for individual plant yield losses of over 50%. One estimate suggests that PLRV is responsible for an annual global yield loss of 20 million tons. [3] Symptoms include chlorosis, necrosis and leaf curling.
PLRV infects members of the family Solanaceae. The most economically important host is the potato, Solanum tuberosum spp. In potato, symptoms of primary infection, infection in the growing season, occurs in the youngest leaves. Leaf margins become necrotic, turning brown and purplish and curl inwards towards the center of the leaf. Secondary infection, which starts from infected potato culls, produces more severe symptoms. Leaf rolling is more apparent and the entire leaf can become chlorotic and sometimes also has a purple discoloration. [4] Necrosis of the phloem tissue particularly in the haulm is observed after onset of symptoms. Plants infected with PLRV experience stunted growth and produce smaller tubers. Infected tubers retain normal shape but experience necrosis of the vascular tissue. Necrosis of the tuber may not be apparent at harvest and can develop in storage. This usually appears as small brown spots scattered throughout the tissue. Net necrosis of potato is the result of infection by potato leaf roll virus (PLRV). This symptom is caused by the selective death and damage to cells in the vascular tissues of the tuber. The fact that only specific cells within the tuber are affected by this problem while others remain normal causes the characteristic net symptom. Infection by the virus may directly cause the damage to and death of the vascular tissues or the presence of the virus may make these sensitive tissues more susceptible to damage from other stresses. There is a strong resemblance between PLRV net necrosis and another tuber defect known as stem end discoloration (SED). Unlike PLRV, SED is believed to be a physiological disorder.
The virus itself is an extremely small, nearly spherical particle with a diameter of 25 nanometres. [5] It can be spread by several aphid species that colonize potato, with the green peach aphid being the most efficient. The insect vector is absolutely essential to spread because mechanical transmission, like that which occurs when the leaves of an infected plant rub on a healthy one, does not occur with PLRV. The infection process is actually quite complicated with this virus. First the aphid must acquire the virus by feeding on a PLRV infected plant. Then the virus must circulate from the gut of the aphid, through the circulatory system until it finally gets into the salivary glands, from which it can be excreted when the aphid feeds on healthy plants. Only after this has happened can the aphid spread the virus. This sequence of events may require 24 hr. or more to occur. Unfortunately, once an aphid becomes infected, it remains so for the rest of its life. Spread of the virus between plants within a field and between fields can be done by the winged forms of the aphid but most spread within a field, especially from infected plants to nearby, healthy ones, is accomplished by the wingless forms.
Seed certification programs allow only a very small level of PLRV in certified seed. In Idaho, for instance, during the second field inspection the allowable amount of PLRV is only 0.05% for G4 seed, 0.01% for G3 and G2 and none at all allowed in nuclear and G1. Very small percentages of PLRV in seed potatoes do not normally pose any risk for the commercial producer. However, even very small percentages of virus can be a problem if green peach aphids appear very early and in abundance. In years that are very favorable for insects, like the 1996 season was, the aphid population can become so large that even a very low percentage of PLRV infected seed could result in sufficient spread to cause a problem, because as the aphid population increases, so does the probability that they will encounter an infected plant. Control of aphids with insecticide application is the only means of managing this problem in production years that are highly favorable for aphids.
Seed borne infection generally results in small, stunted, badly impaired plants which have reduced yield both in tuber numbers and in tuber size. Large tubers that show the typical net necrosis symptom may well be the result of current season infection.
PLRV infects other hosts including moonflower, Datura stramonium causing interveinal necrosis and hairy nightshade, Solanum villosum causing chlorosis, leafroll and leathery texture of leaves. Husk tomato, Physalis floridana symptoms include chlorosis, rolling of the leaves and stunting. PLRV infects many other plants in the family Solanacea and can also infect some non-solanaceous plants. [6]
Because of the wide array of symptoms that occur in different hosts, diagnosis of PLRV must be done based on the infected species. In potatoes PLRV is diagnosed by stunting and leafroll. Diagnosis of other species mentioned previously is by the above-mentioned symptoms. PLRV can be detected on site using PLRV AgriStrip-magnetic. This lateral flow test uses microbeads coated with an anti-body specific to PLRV. Virus particles are separated from the plant tissue using a powerful magnet. The PLRV AgriStrip-magnetic can detect low titers that were previously thought to be too low for traditional lateral flow tests. [7]
PLRV can be introduced to potatoes by planting infected seeds or by insect vectors. The green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) is the primary vector of PLRV. Aphids acquire the virus by feeding on infected plants. The infected phloem is taken up through the aphid stylet into the digestive system. The virus then crosses the membrane of the gut and enters the hemocoel where it then can cross the membrane into the salivary glands. [8] This process takes several hours, after which time the aphid will continue to transmit the virus for its remaining life. [9] This process is known as persistent transmission. In temperate regions, the green peach aphid is able to persist through the winter by laying eggs in woody species of the genus Prunus. Eggs hatch in early spring, and early instar aphids feed on tree phloem until summer, when they switch to more preferred herbaceous hosts, including agricultural crops. During this time the green peach aphid can transmit PLRV present in weeds of the family Solanaceae to potatoes and other crops. Potato plants infected with PLRV will produce infected tubers. If infected tubers are planted they will give rise to infected plants. Aphids can also spread PLRV to tubers in storage, especially after they sprout. Winged aphids can be carried several hundred kilometers by wind currents, allowing for widespread infection. [10]
Because PLRV is transmitted by aphid vectors it is more prevalent in environments that are conducive to aphid development. Warm humid conditions are preferred, but aphids can thrive in a number of climates as long as it is not too hot and dry, as their soft bodies make them prone to desiccation. In the tropics, aphids persist year round but the efficiency of PLRV transmission is reduced at temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius. [11] The optimal temperatures for the green peach aphid are between 13 and 19 degrees Celsius. [12]
PLRV is an economically important disease due to the yield loss it can cause. Along with other aphid vectored viruses PLRV causes an annual potato loss in the U.S. of 100 million dollars. [13] Plants that are infected with the virus produce only small to medium tubers that are not preferable in market. When plants are grown from infected tubers yield can be reduced 33-50%. Since potatoes are produced by planting the tubers produced the previous season, PLRV is especially problematic in seed potato production. Plantings from infected tubers will not yield acceptable market quality potatoes and can cause a significant loss. [14] Thus any amount of infection is above the economic threshold. In the United States the potato industry is an important source of revenue, with the top producing states in 2009 being Idaho ($735,250,000), Washington ($627,995,000) and Wisconsin ($246,330,000). [15]
Since PLRV is persistently transmitted it makes for easier means of control. Studies have shown a minimum of twelve hours is required for the virus to be transmissible by an aphid. Therefore, PLRV can be controlled effectively by reducing aphid populations. Systemic and foliar insecticides can be used to prevent aphid feeding. Since virus takes several hours to be transmitted by aphids systemic insecticides are utilized and the aphid dies before it can transmit the virus. Foliar pesticides are utilized when colonizing aphid populations get too high and are useful as a knockdown method, to rapidly reduce aphid populations. [16] Imidacloprid, Methamidophos and Endosulfan are commonly used in aphid control. [17] One study found that ethyl-methyl parathion pesticides are less effective at controlling the green peach aphid at lower temperatures. At 25 degrees Celsius aphid mortality was 95%. At 17 degrees Celsius mortality was 90%, at 10 degrees Celsius mortality was 80%, and at 7 degrees Celsius mortality was 67%. This suggests that some chemical controls are more effective at higher temperatures. [18] Other management strategies include sanitation and seed certification. Cleaning any volunteer tubers from a field reduces any reservoirs that may persist. Seed certification programs test seed lots utilizing ELISA for the detection of multiple potato viruses. [19] Seed lots can then be rated by the amount of infection. Highly infected seed lots are rejected and not used the next season.
The potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) was the first viroid to be identified. PSTVd is a small, single stranded circular RNA molecule closely related to the chrysanthemum stunt viroid. Present within the viroidal RNA is the Pospiviroid RY motif stem loop common to its genus. The natural hosts are potatoes and tomatoes. All potatoes and tomatoes are susceptible to PSTVd and there is no form of natural resistance. Natural infections have also been seen in avocados and infections in other solanaceous crops have been induced in the laboratory. Until 2017 PSTVd was thought to be unable to infect Solanum sisymbriifolium. Then in May seeds exported by a Dutch company were noticed to be infected. These seeds were shipped from the company, but had been originally bred to their specifications in two Asian countries. Pstv also causes Tomato bunchy top and is seed transmitted in tomato.
Barley yellow dwarf (BYD) is a plant disease caused by the barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), and is the most widely distributed viral disease of cereals. It affects the economically important crop species barley, oats, wheat, maize, triticale and rice.
Plum pox, also known as sharka, is the most devastating viral disease of stone fruit from the genus Prunus. The disease is caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), and the different strains may infect a variety of stone fruit species including peaches, apricots, plums, nectarine, almonds, and sweet and tart cherries. Wild and ornamental species of Prunus may also become infected by some strains of the virus.
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is a typical potyvirus, which causes one of the major virus diseases of lettuce crops worldwide.
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is a viral species of the genus Closterovirus that causes the most economically damaging disease to its namesake plant genus, Citrus. The disease has led to the death of millions of Citrus trees all over the world and has rendered millions of others useless for production. Farmers in Brazil and other South American countries gave it the name "tristeza", meaning sadness in Portuguese and Spanish, referring to the devastation produced by the disease in the 1930s. The virus is transmitted most efficiently by the brown citrus aphid.
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) is a pathogenic plant virus of the family Potyviridae. Depending on the corn plant’s growth stage, the virus can have severe implications to the corn plant’s development which can also result in economic consequences to the producer of the crop.
Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) is a plant pathogenic virus transmitted through the vector Spongospora subterranea that affects potatoes. PMTV belongs to family of Virgaviridae, and the genus Pomovirus. The virus was first identified in 1966 by Calvert and Harrison in Britain, and is now reported in many other potato cultivating regions of the world including U.S.A., Canada, China, Pakistan, Japan, South American countries and many parts of Europe. Many disease management systems have been found to be ineffective against the virus, although a combination of sanitation and vector controls seems to work well.
Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production.
Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) is a pathogenic plant virus. Over 400 species of plants from 50 families are susceptible to infection.
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is a member of the plant virus genus Potyvirus. It infects mainly plants belonging to the family Fabaceae but has also been found infecting other economically important crops. SMV is the cause of soybean mosaic disease that occurs in all the soybean production areas of the world. Soybean is one of the most important sources of edible oil and proteins and pathogenic infections are responsible for annual yield losses of about $4 billion in the United States. Among these pathogens, SMV is the most important and prevalent viral pathogen in soybean production worldwide. It causes yield reductions of about 8% to 35%, but losses as high as 94% have been reported.
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) is a member of the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae. It is most widely recognized as one of the most regularly occurring causal agents of sweet potato viral disease (SPVD) and is currently observed in every continent except Antarctica. The number of locations where it is found is still increasing; generally, it is assumed that the virus is present wherever its host is. The virus has four strains that are found in varying parts of the world.
Myzus persicae, known as the green peach aphid, greenfly, or the peach-potato aphid, is a small green aphid belonging to the order Hemiptera. It is the most significant aphid pest of peach trees, causing decreased growth, shrivelling of the leaves and the death of various tissues. It also acts as a vector for the transport of plant viruses such as cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potato virus Y (PVY) and tobacco etch virus (TEV). Potato virus Y and potato leafroll virus can be passed to members of the nightshade/potato family (Solanaceae), and various mosaic viruses to many other food crops.
Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) also known as Marrow mosaic virus, Melon mosaic virus, and until recently Watermelon mosaic virus type 2 (WMV-2), is a plant pathogenic virus that causes viral infection in many different plants. The virus itself is referred to as Watermelon Mosaic Virus II or WMV-2 and is an isolate of the U.S. WMV-2 is a ssRNA positive strand virus that is part of the Potyviridae or Potyvirus clade. Like all RNA viruses, it contains a protein capsid which protects the inner viral RNA. First described on squash in Florida, WMV arose from a unique recombination of genetic material contributed by Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) along with Peanut Stripe virus (PSV).
Blueberry shoestring virus (BBSSV) is a disease-causing virus that is commonly transmitted by the aphid vector, Illinoia pepperi. The blueberry shoestring virus disease is very prominent in highbush and lowbush blueberry plants in the northeastern and upper Midwest of the United States. Symptoms can vary significantly depending on the environment, but the most common disease symptoms are reddish streaking on young stems, reduced vigor and strap-shaped leaves. The blueberry shoestring virus disease can be managed by eliminating the aphid vector through the use of biological, chemical or cultural controls. In severe cases, the disease leads to an extensive loss of yield and marketable fruit.
Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) is a virus that belongs to the genus Gammacarmovirus of the family Tombusviridae. It has been observed in several countries of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. It is considered to be an endemic virus in greenhouses and field productions of Cucurbitaceae crops, including melon, cucumber, and watermelon. MNSV is mainly spread through infected soil, seedlings, insects, and by the root-inhabiting fungus vector Olpidium bornovanus. Symptoms vary between Curbitaceae crops, but generally consist of chlorosis, brown necrotic lesions, leaf wilt, fruit decay, and plant death. Management of the disease consists of preventing infection by rotating fields and crops, steam sterilization, and disposal of infected plants. Also, treated seeds with heat or chemicals are efficient in preventing infection. MNSV is important in melon plants as it causes vast economical damage worldwide reducing significant yields.
Polerovirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Solemoviridae. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are 26 species in this genus. Diseases associated with this genus include: PLRV causes prominent rolling of the leaves of potato and a stiff upright habit of the plants; necrosis of the phloem and accumulation of carbohydrates in the leaves.
Carrot virus Y (CarVY) is a (+)ss-RNA virus that affects crops of the carrot family (Apiaceae), such as carrots, anise, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill and parsnip. Carrots are the only known crop to be infected in the field. Infection by the virus leads to deformed roots and discolored or mottled leaves. The virus is spread through insect vectors, and is currently only found in Australia.
Viral diseases of potato are a group of diseases caused by different types of Viruses that affect potato crops worldwide and, although they do not affect human or animal health since they are viruses that only infect vegetables, they are a source of great economic losses annually. About 28 viruses have been reported infecting potato crops. However, potato virus X (PVX), potato virus Y (PVY), and potato leafroll virus (PLRV) are the most important viruses worldwide. Some others are of economic importance only in some regions. Such is the case of potato virus M (PVM) in some Asian and European countries.
The tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is an RNA virus belonging to the genus crinivirus, a group of plant-infecting viruses in the family Closteroviridae.