Prairie restoration is a conservation effort to restore prairie lands that were destroyed due to industrial, agricultural, commercial, or residential development. [1] The primary aim is to return areas and ecosystems to their previous state before their depletion. [2]
In the United States, after the Black Hawk War had subsided in the mid-1830s, settlers from northern Europe and north east of the US made a home for themselves. [3] They plowed up the tallgrasses and wild flowers in the area. By 1849 most species of prairie grass had disappeared to make room for crops (i.e.: soybeans, corn, etc.). [3] [4] Restored prairies and the grasses that survived the 1800 plowing represent only a fragment of the abundant verdure that once covered the midsection of North America from western Ohio to the Rockies and from southern Canada to Texas. [3] As an example, the U.S. state of Illinois alone once held over 35,000 square miles (91,000 km2) of prairie land and now just 3 square miles (7.8 km2) of that original prairie land is left. The over farming of this land as well as periods of drought and its exposure to the elements (no longer bound together by the tall grasses) was responsible for the Dust Bowls in the 1930s. [5]
Issues of erosion, and waning biodiversity have arisen in areas once populated by prairie grass species. [6] So in efforts of restoration, in Europe, when restoring previous crop land with prairie grasses, the most frequently used techniques involve: spontaneous succession, sowing seed mixtures, transfer of plant material, topsoil removal and transfer. [6] When maintaining these tall grasses, prescribed fire is a popular method. [7] It encourages taller and stronger regrowth as well as the recycling of nutrients in the soil. [8]
Although not fully able to restore the full diversity of an area, restoration efforts aid the thriving of the natural ecosystems. This is further improved by the specific reintroduction of key organisms from the native plants microbiome. [9] Prairie soil also effectively stores carbon. As carbon sinks, they work as a vital regulator of carbon in the atmosphere through carbon sequestration (withdrawal), and the carbon benefits the sustenance of diverse species in the prairie ecosystem. [10]
Erosion occurs when surface pressures wear away the material of the Earth’s crust. [11] Particularly with land previously dominated by prairie grasses, the loss of the tallgrass extensive fibrous root system left the soil exposed and unbound. [5] Ecologically, prairie restoration aids in conservation of earth's topsoil, which is often exposed to erosion from wind and rain (worsened by climate change's heavier and frequent rain) when prairies are plowed under to make way for new commerce. [12] Conversely, much more of the prairie lands have become the fertile fields on which cereal crops of corn, barley and wheat are grown. [13] Continued erosion reduces the long term productivity of the soil. [14]
Prairie restoration reintroduces this root system that once again binds the soil, strengthening it against water erosion through adequate water filtration. [11]
Prairie soil is also useful for carbon sequestration. [15] Carbon dioxide is a heat trapping gas, and 40% of it is produced by humans and remains in the atmosphere thus worsening the effects of global warming. [16] Prairie grass collects this carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and stores it in its soil. [17] [18] When left undisturbed, the prairie soil acts as a Carbon sink, meaning it absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. [16] [17]
Many prairie plants are also highly resistant to drought, temperature extremes, disease, and native insect pests. [19] They are frequently used for xeriscaping projects in arid regions of the American West. [20] On a larger scale, communities and corporations are creating areas of restored prairies which in turn will store organic carbon in the soil and help maintain the biodiversity of the 3000 plus species that count on the grasslands for food and shelter. [21] Research in Walnut Creek Restoration (Iowa) on the contribution of recently converted land (from row crop to prairie grass), shows the improvement in ground water quality over the span of 10 years. [22] By changing the type of plant and quality, the issue of groundwater contamination (of unwanted chemicals, as a result of climate change and an issue of water security) can be alleviated. [23]
A restoration project of prairie lands can on a large or small scale level. [24] Backyard prairie restoration can enrich soil, combat erosion, and absorb water in excessive rainfalls. [25] An example of a backyard prairie restoration is known as a micro-prairie. [26] Micro-prairies are mini prairie habitats that typically consist of less than one acre, usually isolated and surrounded by developed or urban land. [26] These small-scale prairie habitats, offer various benefits, particularly in developed or urban areas where natural prairies may have been lost or fragmented. [26] This miniature ecosystem can provide habitat for a diversity of native plant and animal species specifically adapted to prairie environments, thus helping to sustain local biodiversity. [26] Prairie flowers are attractive to native butterflies and other pollinators. [27] These pollinators have evolved to rely on specific types of plants for their nectar and pollen needs. [28] Micro-prairies can attract native pollinators in several ways. First, they can provide a diverse array of native plants that are adapted to the local environment as a food sources for native pollinators. [27] By including a variety of native plants in a micro-prairie restoration projects, it is possible to create an attractive and beneficial habitat for these insects. Second, micro-prairies can offer specific nesting sites for native pollinators. [21] Many species of bees and other pollinators require specific types of nesting sites, such as hollow plant stems or burrows. [21] Features such as bee boxes or native grasses provide suitable nesting sites for breeding and survival. [21] Finally, micro-prairies can serve as refuge from habitat loss and pesticide use. Pollinators are highly susceptible to these threats, and by restoring small-scale prairie habitats in developed or urban areas, it is possible to create secure environments for critical insects. [21]
Additionally, micro-prairie plants contribute to carbon sequestration, which can improve water quality by absorbing and filtering pollutants, and transforming soil compositions. [26] The ability to carbon sequester is due to the deep root system of prairie grasses that can store large amounts of carbon in the soil. [29] Prairie grasses also have a high rate of biomass production, that can capture and store carbon at a fast rate. [29] Research has shown that prairie plants are also adapted to nutrient-poor soils, promote nutrient cycling, and contribute to soil organic matter which are essential for maintaining soil fertility and structure. [30] Prairie plants leaves have a large surface area that can trap airborne pollutants such as dust, pollen, and particulate matter. [31] The diverse community of microorganisms in prairie soils can break down and metabolize pollutants into less harmful ones. [32] Prairie plants can absorb pollutants such as heavy metals and excess nutrients from water and soil that might enter into an ecosystem. [31]
In general micro-prairies have been found to have a positive impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity. However, some studies have identified potential negative effects of micro-prairies under certain circumstances. For example, studies show that when non-native plant species are introduced into a micro-prairie, they can outcompete native plants and reduce biodiversity. [33] Secondly, if not properly maintained, backyard prairies can overgrow and create a fire risk. [33] Implementing a safe and regular mowing or burning schedule is a recommended management practice to avoid fire risk and excessive plant growth. [33] Lastly, standing water in a micro prairie can provide a breeding habitat for mosquitoes. [33] Proper design and maintenance of micro-prairies can prevent stagnant water from accumulating and attracting mosquitoes. [33]
In urban areas, permaculture is well-suited for reconstructing micro-prairies due to the complementary approach to system design and management. [26] Permaculture is a form of ecological engineering inspired by natural ecosystems which utilize sustainable architecture and horticulture. [26] Utilizing permaculture principles allows for the possibility to create sustainable micro-prairie systems that benefit both the environment and society in urban contexts. For example, the permaculture system emphasizes diversity in plant and animal species, that sustain a healthy ecosystem. [34] Through observing and learning from natural ecosystems, permaculture practitioners apply designs that mimic natural patterns. [34] Companion planting is another principle in permaculture, where different plants are grown together to benefit each other. [34] Furthermore, micro-prairies serve as valuable tool for education and outreach. Micro-prairies allow people to learn about prairie ecosystems and the importance of preserving and restoring native habitats responsibly.
Some prominent tallgrass prairie grasses include big bluestem, indiangrass, and switchgrass. [35] Midgrass and shortgrass species include little bluestem, side oats grama, and buffalograss. [36] Many of the diverse prairie forbs (herbaceous, non-graminoid flowering plants) are structurally specialized to resist herbaceous grazers such as American bison. [36] Some have hairy leaves that may help deter the cold and prevent excessive evaporation. [37] Many of forbs contain secondary compounds that were discovered by indigenous peoples and are still used widely today. [38]
Early prairie restoration efforts tended to focus largely on a few dominant species, typically grasses, with little attention to seed source. [39] With experience, later restorers have realized the importance of obtaining a broad mix of species and using local ecotype seed. [39]
In Europe, when restoring previous crop land with prairie grasses, the most frequently used techniques involve: spontaneous succession, sowing seed mixtures, transfer of plant material, topsoil removal and transfer. [40] Spontaneous succession is an effective technique when quick results are not expected and where there is high availability of propagules. [40] Sowing mixtures can be low or high diversity, referring to the variety of seeds. Low diversity mixtures are great for restoring large areas in a short amount of time. [40] High diversity mixtures (because of their cost and success rate) are used for smaller areas. [40] A mixture of large low diversity areas and small high diversity areas are good rich source patches for the spontaneous colonization of neighboring areas. [40] This allows for the possibility of continued natural restoration. [40]
Fire is a big component to the success of grasslands, large or small as it is a fire dependent ecosystem. [41] Controlled burns, with a permit, are recommended every 4–8 years (after two growth seasons) to burn away dead plants; prevent certain other plants from encroaching (such as trees) and release and recycling nutrients into the ground to encourage new growth. [8] [7] A much more wildlife habitat friendly alternative to burning every 4–8 years is to burn 1/4 to 1/8 of a tract every year. [42] [43] This will leave wildlife a home every year and still accomplish the task of burning. The Native Americans may also have used the burns to control pests such as ticks. [44] These prescribed burn motivate grasses to grow taller, produce more seed, and flower more abundantly. [7] If controlled burns are not possible, rotational mowing is recommended as a substitute. [45]
One of the newer methods available is holistic management, which uses livestock as a substitute for the keystone species such as bison. [46] Some sites have bison which supports the conservation of the species. This allows the rotational mowing to be done by animals which in turn mimics nature more closely. [47] Holistic management also can use fire as a tool, but in a more limited way and in combination with the mowing done by animals. [46] [47] [48] In parts of Central Asia, grazing is a human factor that greatly affects the progression of grasses. [49]
In 1990, in South Africa, de Lange and Boucher reported the use of smoke to promote seed germination among prairie grasses. [50] It was shown to help break dormancy of certain seeds. Since then this technique has been promoted throughout South Africa, parts of Australia and North America. [50]
Some popular prairie restoration projects have been completed and maintained by conservation departments, such as Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, located in Wilmington, Illinois. [51] This restoration project is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. [51] It sits on part of the Joliet Army Ammunition Plant, specifically on an area once contaminated from TNT manufacturing. Since 1997, the project has opened some 15,000 acres (61 km2) of restored prairie to the public. [51]
Another large restoration project finds its home on the ample area of Fermilab; a U.S. governmental atomic accelerator laboratory located in Batavia, Illinois. [52] Fermilab's 6,800 acres (28 km2) sit a top fertile farmland and the prairie restoration project consists of approximately 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) of that. [53] This project began in 1975 and continues today with the help of Fermilab employees and many community teachers, botanists and volunteers. [53]
Prairies are ecosystems considered part of the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome by ecologists, based on similar temperate climates, moderate rainfall, and a composition of grasses, herbs, and shrubs, rather than trees, as the dominant vegetation type. Temperate grassland regions include the Pampas of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, and the steppe of Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Lands typically referred to as "prairie" tend to be in North America. The term encompasses the lower and mid-latitude of the area referred to as the Interior Plains of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It includes all of the Great Plains as well as the wetter, hillier land to the east. From west to east, generally the drier expanse of shortgrass prairie gives way to mixed grass prairie and ultimately the richer soils of the tallgrass prairie.
A grassland is an area where the vegetation is dominated by grasses (Poaceae). However, sedge (Cyperaceae) and rush (Juncaceae) can also be found along with variable proportions of legumes, such as clover, and other herbs. Grasslands occur naturally on all continents except Antarctica and are found in most ecoregions of the Earth. Furthermore, grasslands are one of the largest biomes on Earth and dominate the landscape worldwide. There are different types of grasslands: natural grasslands, semi-natural grasslands, and agricultural grasslands. They cover 31–69% of the Earth's land area.
A meadow is an open habitat or field, vegetated by grasses, herbs, and other non-woody plants. Trees or shrubs may sparsely populate meadows, as long as these areas maintain an open character. Meadows can occur naturally under favourable conditions, but are often artificially created from cleared shrub or woodland for the production of hay, fodder, or livestock. Meadow habitats, as a group, are characterized as "semi-natural grasslands", meaning that they are largely composed of species native to the region, with only limited human intervention.
In agriculture, grazing is a method of animal husbandry whereby domestic livestock are allowed outdoors to free range and consume wild vegetations in order to convert the otherwise indigestible cellulose within grass and other forages into meat, milk, wool and other animal products, often on land that is unsuitable for arable farming.
The tallgrass prairie is an ecosystem native to central North America. Historically, natural and anthropogenic fire, as well as grazing by large mammals provided periodic disturbances to these ecosystems, limiting the encroachment of trees, recycling soil nutrients, and facilitating seed dispersal and germination. Prior to widespread use of the steel plow, which enabled large scale conversion to agricultural land use, tallgrass prairies extended throughout the American Midwest and smaller portions of southern central Canada, from the transitional ecotones out of eastern North American forests, west to a climatic threshold based on precipitation and soils, to the southern reaches of the Flint Hills in Oklahoma, to a transition into forest in Manitoba.
Habitat destruction occurs when a natural habitat is no longer able to support its native species. The organisms once living there have either moved to elsewhere or are dead, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and species numbers. Habitat destruction is in fact the leading cause of biodiversity loss and species extinction worldwide.
Ecological restoration, or ecosystem restoration, is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, destroyed or transformed. It is distinct from conservation in that it attempts to retroactively repair already damaged ecosystems rather than take preventative measures. Ecological restoration can reverse biodiversity loss, combat climate change, support the provision of ecosystem services and support local economies. The United Nations has named 2021-2030 the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Fire ecology is a scientific discipline concerned with the effects of fire on natural ecosystems. Many ecosystems, particularly prairie, savanna, chaparral and coniferous forests, have evolved with fire as an essential contributor to habitat vitality and renewal. Many plant species in fire-affected environments use fire to germinate, establish, or to reproduce. Wildfire suppression not only endangers these species, but also the animals that depend upon them.
California coastal prairie, also known as northern coastal grassland, is a grassland plant community of California and Oregon in the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome. This ecosystem is found along the Pacific Coast, from as far south as Los Angeles in Southern California to southern Oregon. It typically stretches as far inland as 100 km, and occurs at altitudes of 350 m or lower.
Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge was created on October 12, 2004, the 545th National Wildlife Refuge in the United States. Its creation was the result of cooperation between at least 30 agencies or governmental entities. The creation of the refuge was spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy, and the initial endowment of 2,300 acres (9.3 km2) of land was donated by the Conservancy. In light of its planned final size of 37,756 acres (153 km2), it is described by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as "the largest tallgrass prairie and wetland restoration project in U.S. history."
Conservation grazing or targeted grazing is the use of semi-feral or domesticated grazing livestock to maintain and increase the biodiversity of natural or semi-natural grasslands, heathlands, wood pasture, wetlands and many other habitats. Conservation grazing is generally less intensive than practices such as prescribed burning, but still needs to be managed to ensure that overgrazing does not occur. The practice has proven to be beneficial in moderation in restoring and maintaining grassland and heathland ecosystems. Conservation or monitored grazing has been implemented into regenerative agriculture programs to restore soil and overall ecosystem health of current working landscapes. The optimal level of grazing and grazing animal will depend on the goal of conservation. Different levels of grazing, alongside other conservation practices, can be used to induce desired results.
The ecology of the Great Plains is diverse, largely owing to their great size. Differences in rainfall, elevation, and latitude create a variety of habitats including short grass, mixed grass, and tall-grass prairies, and riparian ecosystems.
Grassland degradation, also called vegetation or steppe degradation, is a biotic disturbance in which grass struggles to grow or can no longer exist on a piece of land due to causes such as overgrazing, burrowing of small mammals, and climate change. Since the 1970s, it has been noticed to affect plains and plateaus of alpine meadows or grasslands, most notably being in the Philippines and in the Tibetan and Inner Mongolian region of China, where 2,460 km2 (950 sq mi) of grassland is degraded each year. Across the globe it is estimated that 23% of the land is degraded. It takes years and sometimes even decades, depending on what is happening to that piece of land, for a grassland to become degraded. The process is slow and gradual, but so is restoring degraded grassland. Initially, only patches of grass appear to die and appear brown; but the degradation process, if not addressed, can spread to many acres of land. As a result, the frequency of landslides and dust storms may increase. The degraded land's less fertile ground cannot yield crops, or animals graze in these fields. With a dramatic decrease in plant diversity in this ecosystem, more carbon and nitrogen may be released into the atmosphere. These results can have serious effects on humans such as displacing herders from their community; a decrease in vegetables, fruit, and meat that are regularly acquired from these fields; and a catalyzing effect on global warming.
Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting biosequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil.
Soil regeneration, as a particular form of ecological regeneration within the field of restoration ecology, is creating new soil and rejuvenating soil health by: minimizing the loss of topsoil, retaining more carbon than is depleted, boosting biodiversity, and maintaining proper water and nutrient cycling. This has many benefits, such as: soil sequestration of carbon in response to a growing threat of climate change, a reduced risk of soil erosion, and increased overall soil resilience.
Woody plant encroachment is a natural phenomenon characterised by the area expansion and density increase of woody plants, bushes and shrubs, at the expense of the herbaceous layer, grasses and forbs. It refers to the expansion of native plants and not the spread of alien invasive species. Woody encroachment is observed across different ecosystems and with different characteristics and intensities globally. It predominantly occurs in grasslands, savannas and woodlands and can cause regime shifts from open grasslands and savannas to closed woodlands.
Grazing is a method of feeding in which a herbivore feeds on low-growing plants such as grasses or other multicellular organisms, such as algae. Many species of animals can be said to be grazers, from large animals such as hippopotamuses to small aquatic snails. Grazing behaviour is a type of feeding strategy within the ecology of a species. Specific grazing strategies include graminivory ; coprophagy ; pseudoruminant ; and grazing on plants other than grass, such as on marine algae.
Prairie strips are strips of native perennial vegetation that are strategically integrated into row crop fields. This technique is used in conservation farming to improve biodiversity, and protect soil and water.
Cemetery prairies are remnants of native North American prairie that survive on land set aside by settlers as burial grounds. These places were thus left unplowed and largely undisturbed, such that the cemeteries became de facto nature preserves. Natural prairie grasses are often perennial species that regrow from the roots after ruminant grazing or grassfire; plowing destroys the root system and eventually the ecosystem.
The Louis René Barrera Indiangrass Wildlife Sanctuary is a 281 acres (114 ha) preserved wildlife sanctuary in northeast Austin, Texas, on the north shore of Lake Walter E. Long. Created in 1967 as part of Austin's network of conservation lands, it focuses on conserving native grasslands and wildlife while promoting the restoration of the Blackland Prairie. The Blackland Prairie ecoregion, one of the most threatened ecosystems in Texas, is estimated to have less than 1% of its original area remaining because that rest was converted to row crops and pasture by European settlers.
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