Protostropharia alcis

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Protostropharia alcis
Protostropharia alcis 318591.jpg
On moose dung, Newfoundland, Canada
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Strophariaceae
Genus: Protostropharia
P. alcis
Binomial name
Protostropharia alcis
(Kytöv.) Redhead, Thorn & Malloch (2013)
Synonyms [1]
  • Stropharia alcisKytöv. (1999)

Protostropharia alcis is a species of coprophilous agaric fungus in the family Strophariaceae. The fungus produces fruit bodies on moose, elk, and deer dung. [2] The species has been recorded in Europe, Canada and Brazil. [3]



In Wigierski National Park in Poland, it occurs in wetland forests with conifers such as Norway spruce and Scots pine, together with common alder, silver birch and moor birch, and in dominated woodlands on swamp peat and wet acid-mineral soils. P. alcis tends to grow where moose are present. It appears from September to October. [4]

The type specimen was found in a spruce-hardwood forest in the eastern part of Northern Ostrobothnia region in Central Finland.

Taxonomic history

It was originally described by Finnish mycologist Ilkka Kytövuori in 1999, as one of six species in the "Stropharia semiglobata" group in northwestern Europe.

In 2013, the fungus was transferred by Redhead et al. to Protostropharia , [1] a genus circumscribed to contain Stropharia species characterized by the formation of astrocystidia rather than acanthocytes on their mycelium. [5]

The variety austrobrasiliensis was described from Rio Grande do Sul in 2008, where it grows on cow dung, or dung-enriched soil. [6]

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  1. 1 2 Redhead SA (2013). "Nomenclatural novelties" (PDF). Index Fungorum. 18: 1. ISSN   2049-2375.
  2. Kytövuori I. (1999). "The Stropharia semiglobata group in NW Europe". Karstenia. 39 (1): 11–32. doi: 10.29203/ka.1999.333 .
  3. Da Silva PS, Cortez VG, Da Silveira RM (2006). "The mycobiota of Itapua Park, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I. Species of Strophariaceae (Agaricales)". Mycotaxon. 97: 219–29.
  4. Halama, Marek; Kudławiec, Barbara (2014-06-30). "New localities of Protostropharia alcis (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Poland". Acta Mycologica. 49 (1): 47–57. doi: 10.5586/am.2014.004 . ISSN   2353-074X.
  5. Redhead SA (2013). "Nomenclatural novelties" (PDF). Index Fungorum. 15: 1–2. ISSN   2049-2375.
  6. Cortez VG, da Silveira RM (2008). "The agaric genus Stropharia (Strophariaceae, Agaricales) in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil" (PDF). Fungal Diversity. 32: 31–57.