In mathematics, a quotient algebra is the result of partitioning the elements of an algebraic structure using a congruence relation. Quotient algebras are also called factor algebras. Here, the congruence relation must be an equivalence relation that is additionally compatible with all the operations of the algebra, in the formal sense described below. Its equivalence classes partition the elements of the given algebraic structure. The quotient algebra has these classes as its elements, and the compatibility conditions are used to give the classes an algebraic structure. [1]
The idea of the quotient algebra abstracts into one common notion the quotient structure of quotient rings of ring theory, quotient groups of group theory, the quotient spaces of linear algebra and the quotient modules of representation theory into a common framework.
Let A be the set of the elements of an algebra , and let E be an equivalence relation on the set A. The relation E is said to be compatible with (or have the substitution property with respect to) an n-ary operation f, if for implies for any with . An equivalence relation compatible with all the operations of an algebra is called a congruence with respect to this algebra.
Any equivalence relation E in a set A partitions this set in equivalence classes. The set of these equivalence classes is usually called the quotient set, and denoted A/E. For an algebra , it is straightforward to define the operations induced on the elements of A/E if E is a congruence. Specifically, for any operation of arity in (where the superscript simply denotes that it is an operation in , and the subscript enumerates the functions in and their arities) define as , where denotes the equivalence class of generated by E ("x modulo E").
For an algebra , given a congruence E on , the algebra is called the quotient algebra (or factor algebra) of modulo E. There is a natural homomorphism from to mapping every element to its equivalence class. In fact, every homomorphism h determines a congruence relation via the kernel of the homomorphism, .
Given an algebra , a homomorphism h thus defines two algebras homomorphic to , the image h() and The two are isomorphic, a result known as the homomorphic image theorem or as the first isomorphism theorem for universal algebra. Formally, let be a surjective homomorphism. Then, there exists a unique isomorphism g from onto such that g composed with the natural homomorphism induced by equals h.
For every algebra on the set A, the identity relation on A, and are trivial congruences. An algebra with no other congruences is called simple.
Let be the set of congruences on the algebra . Because congruences are closed under intersection, we can define a meet operation: by simply taking the intersection of the congruences .
On the other hand, congruences are not closed under union. However, we can define the closure of any binary relation E, with respect to a fixed algebra , such that it is a congruence, in the following way: . Note that the closure of a binary relation is a congruence and thus depends on the operations in , not just on the carrier set. Now define as .
For every algebra , with the two operations defined above forms a lattice, called the congruence lattice of .
If two congruences permute (commute) with the composition of relations as operation, i.e. , then their join (in the congruence lattice) is equal to their composition: . An algebra is called congruence permutable if every pair of its congruences permutes; likewise a variety is said to be congruence-permutable if all its members are congruence-permutable algebras.
In 1954, Anatoly Maltsev established the following characterization of congruence-permutable varieties: a variety is congruence permutable if and only if there exist a ternary term q(x, y, z) such that q(x, y, y) ≈ x ≈ q(y, y, x); this is called a Maltsev term and varieties with this property are called Maltsev varieties. Maltsev's characterization explains a large number of similar results in groups (take q = xy−1z), rings, quasigroups (take q = (x / (y \ y))(y \ z)), complemented lattices, Heyting algebras etc. Furthermore, every congruence-permutable algebra is congruence-modular, i.e. its lattice of congruences is modular lattice as well; the converse is not true however.
After Maltsev's result, other researchers found characterizations based on conditions similar to that found by Maltsev but for other kinds of properties. In 1967 Bjarni Jónsson found the conditions for varieties having congruence lattices that are distributive [2] (thus called congruence-distributive varieties), while in 1969 Alan Day did the same for varieties having congruence lattices that are modular. [3] Generically, such conditions are called Maltsev conditions.
This line of research led to the Pixley–Wille algorithm for generating Maltsev conditions associated with congruence identities. [4]
In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. The equipollence relation between line segments in geometry is a common example of an equivalence relation.
In mathematics, especially in category theory and homotopy theory, a groupoid generalises the notion of group in several equivalent ways. A groupoid can be seen as a:
In algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures of the same type. The word homomorphism comes from the Ancient Greek language: ὁμός meaning "same" and μορφή meaning "form" or "shape". However, the word was apparently introduced to mathematics due to a (mis)translation of German ähnlich meaning "similar" to ὁμός meaning "same". The term "homomorphism" appeared as early as 1892, when it was attributed to the German mathematician Felix Klein (1849–1925).
In mathematics, a semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an associative internal binary operation on it.
In algebra, the kernel of a homomorphism is generally the inverse image of 0. An important special case is the kernel of a linear map. The kernel of a matrix, also called the null space, is the kernel of the linear map defined by the matrix.
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, the isomorphism theorems are theorems that describe the relationship between quotients, homomorphisms, and subobjects. Versions of the theorems exist for groups, rings, vector spaces, modules, Lie algebras, and various other algebraic structures. In universal algebra, the isomorphism theorems can be generalized to the context of algebras and congruences.
In abstract algebra, a congruence relation is an equivalence relation on an algebraic structure that is compatible with the structure in the sense that algebraic operations done with equivalent elements will yield equivalent elements. Every congruence relation has a corresponding quotient structure, whose elements are the equivalence classes for the relation.
In ring theory, a branch of abstract algebra, a quotient ring, also known as factor ring, difference ring or residue class ring, is a construction quite similar to the quotient group in group theory and to the quotient space in linear algebra. It is a specific example of a quotient, as viewed from the general setting of universal algebra. Starting with a ring R and a two-sided ideal I in R, a new ring, the quotient ring R / I, is constructed, whose elements are the cosets of I in R subject to special + and ⋅ operations.
In set theory, the kernel of a function may be taken to be either
In mathematics, a congruence subgroup of a matrix group with integer entries is a subgroup defined by congruence conditions on the entries. A very simple example would be invertible 2 × 2 integer matrices of determinant 1, in which the off-diagonal entries are even. More generally, the notion of congruence subgroup can be defined for arithmetic subgroups of algebraic groups; that is, those for which we have a notion of 'integral structure' and can define reduction maps modulo an integer.
In mathematics, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are two closely related subjects. While algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties, analytic geometry deals with complex manifolds and the more general analytic spaces defined locally by the vanishing of analytic functions of several complex variables. The deep relation between these subjects has numerous applications in which algebraic techniques are applied to analytic spaces and analytic techniques to algebraic varieties.
In mathematics, a join-semilattice is a partially ordered set that has a join for any nonempty finite subset. Dually, a meet-semilattice is a partially ordered set which has a meet for any nonempty finite subset. Every join-semilattice is a meet-semilattice in the inverse order and vice versa.
In algebraic geometry, the Néron–Severi group of a variety is the group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence; in other words it is the group of components of the Picard scheme of a variety. Its rank is called the Picard number. It is named after Francesco Severi and André Néron.
In mathematics, a quotient category is a category obtained from another one by identifying sets of morphisms. Formally, it is a quotient object in the category of categories, analogous to a quotient group or quotient space, but in the categorical setting.
In universal algebra and in model theory, a structure consists of a set along with a collection of finitary operations and relations that are defined on it.
In abstract algebraic logic, a branch of mathematical logic, the Leibniz operator is a tool used to classify deductive systems, which have a precise technical definition and capture a large number of logics. The Leibniz operator was introduced by Wim Blok and Don Pigozzi, two of the founders of the field, as a means to abstract the well-known Lindenbaum–Tarski process, that leads to the association of Boolean algebras to classical propositional calculus, and make it applicable to as wide a variety of sentential logics as possible. It is an operator that assigns to a given theory of a given sentential logic, perceived as a term algebra with a consequence operation on its universe, the largest congruence on the algebra that is compatible with the theory.
In mathematics, the congruence lattice problem asks whether every algebraic distributive lattice is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of some other lattice. The problem was posed by Robert P. Dilworth, and for many years it was one of the most famous and long-standing open problems in lattice theory; it had a deep impact on the development of lattice theory itself. The conjecture that every distributive lattice is a congruence lattice is true for all distributive lattices with at most ℵ1 compact elements, but F. Wehrung provided a counterexample for distributive lattices with ℵ2 compact elements using a construction based on Kuratowski's free set theorem.
In universal algebra and lattice theory, a tolerance relation on an algebraic structure is a reflexive symmetric relation that is compatible with all operations of the structure. Thus a tolerance is like a congruence, except that the assumption of transitivity is dropped. On a set, an algebraic structure with empty family of operations, tolerance relations are simply reflexive symmetric relations. A set that possesses a tolerance relation can be described as a tolerance space. Tolerance relations provide a convenient general tool for studying indiscernibility/indistinguishability phenomena. The importance of those for mathematics had been first recognized by Poincaré.
In universal algebra, a congruence-permutable algebra is an algebra whose congruences commute under composition. This symmetry has several equivalent characterizations, which lend to the analysis of such algebras. Many familiar varieties of algebras, such as the variety of groups, consist of congruence-permutable algebras, but some, like the variety of lattices, have members that are not congruence-permutable.
Arithmetic Fuchsian groups are a special class of Fuchsian groups constructed using orders in quaternion algebras. They are particular instances of arithmetic groups. The prototypical example of an arithmetic Fuchsian group is the modular group . They, and the hyperbolic surface associated to their action on the hyperbolic plane often exhibit particularly regular behaviour among Fuchsian groups and hyperbolic surfaces.