In mathematics, a real closed ring (RCR) is a commutative ring A that is a subring of a product of real closed fields, which is closed under continuous semi-algebraic functions defined over the integers.
Since the rigorous definition of a real closed ring is of technical nature it is convenient to see a list of prominent examples first. The following rings are all real closed rings:
A real closed ring is a reduced, commutative unital ring A which has the following properties:
The link to the definition at the beginning of this article is given in the section on algebraic properties below.
Every commutative unital ring R has a so-called real closure rcl(R) and this is unique up to a unique ring homomorphism over R. This means that rcl(R) is a real closed ring and there is a (not necessarily injective) ring homomorphism such that for every ring homomorphism to some other real closed ring A, there is a unique ring homomorphism with .
For example, the real closure of the polynomial ring is the ring of continuous semi-algebraic functions .
An arbitrary ring R is semi-real (i.e. −1 is not a sum of squares in R) if and only if the real closure of R is not the null ring.
The real closure of an ordered field is in general not the real closure of the underlying field. For example, the real closure of the ordered subfield of is the field of real algebraic numbers, whereas the real closure of the field is the ring (corresponding to the two orders of ). More generally the real closure of a field F is a certain subdirect product of the real closures of the ordered fields (F,P), where P runs through the orderings of F.
The class of real closed rings is first-order axiomatizable and undecidable. The class of all real closed valuation rings is decidable (by Cherlin-Dickmann) and the class of all real closed fields is decidable (by Tarski). After naming a definable radical relation, real closed rings have a model companion, namely von Neumann regular real closed rings.
There are many different characterizations of real closed fields. For example, in terms of maximality (with respect to algebraic extensions): a real closed field is a maximally orderable field; or, a real closed field (together with its unique ordering) is a maximally ordered field. Another characterization says that the intermediate value theorem holds for all polynomials in one variable over the (ordered) field. In the case of commutative rings, all these properties can be (and are) analyzed in the literature. They all lead to different classes of rings which are unfortunately also called "real closed" (because a certain characterization of real closed fields has been extended to rings). None of them lead to the class of real closed rings and none of them allow a satisfactory notion of a closure operation. A central point in the definition of real closed rings is the globalisation of the notion of a real closed field to rings when these rings are represented as rings of functions on some space (typically, the real spectrum of the ring).
In mathematics, an associative algebra is an algebraic structure with compatible operations of addition, multiplication, and a scalar multiplication by elements in some field. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over the field K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a field K, with the usual matrix multiplication.
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring in which the product of any two nonzero elements is nonzero. Integral domains are generalizations of the ring of integers and provide a natural setting for studying divisibility. In an integral domain, every nonzero element a has the cancellation property, that is, if a ≠ 0, an equality ab = ac implies b = c.
In algebra, a prime ideal is a subset of a ring that shares many important properties of a prime number in the ring of integers. The prime ideals for the integers are the sets that contain all the multiples of a given prime number, together with the zero ideal.
In commutative algebra the prime spectrum of a ring like R is the set of all prime ideals of R which is usually denoted by , in algebraic geometry it is simultaneously a topological space equipped with the sheaf of rings .
In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist. In other words, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers. Ring elements may be numbers such as integers or complex numbers, but they may also be non-numerical objects such as polynomials, square matrices, functions, and power series.
In ring theory, a branch of abstract algebra, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative. The study of commutative rings is called commutative algebra. Complementarily, noncommutative algebra is the study of noncommutative rings where multiplication is not required to be commutative.
In abstract algebra, a Dedekind domain or Dedekind ring, named after Richard Dedekind, is an integral domain in which every nonzero proper ideal factors into a product of prime ideals. It can be shown that such a factorization is then necessarily unique up to the order of the factors. There are at least three other characterizations of Dedekind domains that are sometimes taken as the definition: see below.
In abstract algebra, more specifically ring theory, local rings are certain rings that are comparatively simple, and serve to describe what is called "local behaviour", in the sense of functions defined on varieties or manifolds, or of algebraic number fields examined at a particular place, or prime. Local algebra is the branch of commutative algebra that studies commutative local rings and their modules.
In mathematics, an algebra over a field is a vector space equipped with a bilinear product. Thus, an algebra is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with operations of multiplication and addition and scalar multiplication by elements of a field and satisfying the axioms implied by "vector space" and "bilinear".
In algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the Zariski topology is a topology which is primarily defined by its closed sets. It is very different from topologies which are commonly used in the real or complex analysis, particularly it is not Hausdorff. This topology introduced primarily by Oscar Zariski and later generalized for making the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring a topological space, called the spectrum of the ring.
Commutative algebra is the branch of algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings. Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra. Prominent examples of commutative rings include polynomial rings; rings of algebraic integers, including the ordinary integers ; and p-adic integers.
Ring theory is the branch of mathematics in which rings are studied: that is, structures supporting both an addition and a multiplication operation. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.
In commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, localization is a formal way to introduce the "denominators" to a given ring or module. That is, it introduces a new ring/module out of an existing one, so that it consists of fractions such that the denominator s belongs to a given subset S of R. If S is the set of the non-zero elements of an integral domain, then the localization is the field of fractions: this case generalizes the construction of the ring of rational numbers from the ring of integers.
In mathematics, the Gelfand representation in functional analysis has two related meanings:
In mathematics, a scheme is a mathematical structure that enlarges the notion of algebraic variety in several ways, such as taking account of multiplicities and allowing "varieties" defined over any commutative ring.
In abstract algebra, a discrete valuation ring (DVR) is a principal ideal domain (PID) with exactly one non-zero maximal ideal.
In abstract algebra, a valuation ring is an integral domain D such that for every element x of its field of fractions F, at least one of x or x −1 belongs to D.
In commutative algebra, an element b of a commutative ring B is said to be integral overA, a subring of B, if there are n ≥ 1 and aj in A such that
This is a glossary of commutative algebra.