The family Campanulaceae, of the order Asterales, contains nearly 2400 species in 84 genera of herbaceous plants, shrubs, and rarely small trees, often with milky sap. Among them are several familiar garden plants belonging to the genera Campanula (bellflower), Lobelia, and Platycodon (balloonflower). Campanula rapunculus and Codonopsis lanceolata are eaten as vegetables. Lobelia inflata, L. siphilitica and L. tupa and others have been used as medicinal plants. Campanula rapunculoides may be a troublesome weed, particularly in gardens, while Legousia spp. may occur in arable fields.

Heliophila is a genus of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae. Members of this genus are either annuals or perennials and some are popular as ornamental plants. Endemic to southern Africa, the majority of the approximately 80 species grow in South Africa, particularly the Cape Floristic Region, while a few extend into the Namib Desert.

Trachyandra is a genus of plant in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae, first described as a genus in 1843. It is native to eastern and southern Africa, as well as to Yemen and Madagascar. Many of the species are endemic to South Africa.
- Trachyandra acocksiiOberm. - Cape Province in South Africa
- Trachyandra adamsonii(Compton) Oberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra affinisKunth - Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra arenicolaJ.C.Manning & Goldblatt - Cape Province
- Trachyandra aridimontanaJ.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra arvensis(Schinz) Oberm. - Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia
- Trachyandra asperataKunth - South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini
- Trachyandra brachypoda(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra bulbinifolia(Dinter) Oberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra burkei(Baker) Oberm. - Botswana, Limpopo, Free State, Cape Province
- Trachyandra capillata(Poelln.) Oberm. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra chlamydophylla(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra ciliata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra dissectaOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra divaricata(Jacq.) Kunth - Cape Province; naturalized in Australia
- Trachyandra ensifolia (Sölch) Roessler - Namibia
- Trachyandra erythrorrhiza(Conrath) Oberm. - Gauteng
- Trachyandra esterhuysenaeOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra falcata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra filiformis(Aiton) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra flexifolia(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra gerrardii(Baker) Oberm. - Eswatini, South Africa
- Trachyandra giffenii(F.M.Leight.) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra glandulosa(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra gracilentaOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hantamensisBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hirsuta(Thunb.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hirsutiflora(Adamson) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra hispida(L.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra involucrata(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra jacquiniana(Schult. & Schult.f.) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra kamiesbergensisBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra karrooicaOberm. - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra lanata(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra laxa(N.E.Br.) Oberm. - South Africa, Namibia, Botswana
- Trachyandra malosana(Baker) Oberm. - Malawi to Zimbabwe
- Trachyandra mandrarensis(H.Perrier) Marais & Reilly - Madagascar
- Trachyandra margaretaeOberm. - Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra montanaJ.C.Manning & Goldblatt - Cape Province
- Trachyandra muricata(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra oligotricha(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra paniculataOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra patensOberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra peculiaris(Dinter) Oberm. - Namibia
- Trachyandra proliferaP.L.Perry - Cape Province
- Trachyandra pyrenicarpa(Welw. ex Baker) Oberm. Huíla Province in Angola
- Trachyandra revoluta(L.) Kunth - Cape Province, Namibia
- Trachyandra sabulosa(Adamson) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra saltii(Baker) Oberm. - eastern + southern Africa from Ethiopia to Cape Province; Yemen
- Trachyandra sanguinorhizaBoatwr. & J.C.Manning - Cape Province
- Trachyandra scabra(L.f.) Kunth - Cape Province
- Trachyandra smallianaHilliard & B.L.Burtt - Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal
- Trachyandra tabularis(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra thyrsoidea(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra tortilis(Baker) Oberm. - Cape Province
- Trachyandra triquetraThulin - Somalia
- Trachyandra zebrina(Schltr. ex Poelln.) Oberm. - Cape Province
Microcodon is a genus of plants in the family Campanulaceae. It contains four known species, all endemic to South Africa.
Merciera is a genus of plants in the family Campanulaceae. It contains 6 known species, all endemic to Cape Province in South Africa.
Treichelia is a genus of plants in the Campanulaceae. It contains two known species, both endemic to Cape Province of South Africa.

Lobostemon is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Boraginaceae. Its native range is South Africa. The majority of species are limited to the winter rainfall area of the country, from Springbok to Mossel Bay. In Afrikaans these species are known as agtdaegeneesbos, or loosely translated, bush that will heal in eight days. As this name suggests, many species have medicinal properties. This is best known from Lobostemon fruticosus, which is used for treating wounds, blood poisoning, ringworm, skin diseases and syphilis.

Prismatocarpus is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Campanulaceae.