Silicon isotope biogeochemistry is the study of environmental processes using the relative abundance of Si isotopes. As the relative abundance of Si stable isotopes varies among different natural materials, [2] the differences in abundance can be used to trace the source of Si, and to study biological, geological, and chemical processes. [1] The study of stable isotope biogeochemistry of Si aims to quantify the different Si fluxes in the global biogeochemical silicon cycle, to understand the role of biogenic silica within the global Si cycle, and to investigate the applications and limitations of the sedimentary Si record as an environmental and palaeoceanographic proxy. [1]
Silicon in nature is typically bonded to oxygen, in a tetravalent oxidation state. The major forms of solid Si are silicate minerals and amorphous silica, whereas in aqueous solutions the dominant forms are orthosilicic acid and its dissociated species. [3] There are three stable isotopes of Si, associated with the following mean natural abundances: 28Si– 92.23%, 29Si– 4.67%, and 30Si– 3.10%. [2] The isotopic composition of Si is often formulated by the delta notation, as the following:
The reference material (standard) for defining the δ30Si of a sample is the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) 28 Sand Quartz, which has been certified and distributed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and is also named NIST RM 8546. [3] Currently, there are four main analytical methods for the measurement of Si isotopes: Gas Source Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-IRMS), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC–IPC–MS), and Laser Ablation MC–ICP–MS. [3]
Primary minerals are the minerals that crystalize during the formation of Earth's crust, and their typical δ30Si isotopic value is in the range of −0.9‰ – +1.4‰. [1] Earth's crust is constantly undergoing weathering processes, which dissolve Si and produce secondary Si minerals simultaneously. The formation of secondary Si discriminates against the heavy Si isotope (30Si), creating minerals with relatively low δ30Si isotopic values (−3‰ – +2.5‰, mean: −1.1‰). [4] It has been suggested that this isotopic fractionation is controlled by the kinetic isotope effect of Si adsorption to Aluminum hydroxides, which takes place in early stages of weathering. [5] As a result of incorporation of lighter Si isotopes into secondary minerals, the remaining dissolved Si will be relative enriched in the heavy Si isotope (30Si), and associated with relatively high δ30Si isotopic values (−1‰ – +2‰, mean: +0.8‰). [4] The dissolved Si is often transported by rivers to the oceans.
Silicon uptake by plants typically discriminates against the light Si isotope, forming 30Si-enriched plants (δ30Si of 0–6‰). [1] The reason for this relatively large isotopic fractionation remains unclear, mainly because the mechanisms of Si uptake by plants are yet to be understood. Silicon in plants can be found in the xylem, which is associated with exceptionally high δ30Si values. [6] Phytoliths, microscopic structures of silica in plant tissues, have relatively lower δ30Si values. [6] For example, it was reported that the mean δ30Si of phytoliths in various wheat organs were -1.4–2.1‰, [7] which is lower than the typical range for vegetation (δ30Si of 0–6‰). Phytoliths are relatively soluble, and as plants decay they contribute to the terrestrial dissolved Si budget. [1]
In aquatic environments (rivers, lakes and ocean), dissolved Si is utilized by diatoms, dictyochales, radiolarians and sponges to produce solid bSiO2 structures. The biomineralized silica has an amorphous structure and therefore its properties may vary among the different organisms. [8] Biomineralization by diatoms induces the largest Si flux within the ocean, and thus it has a crucial role in the global Si cycle. [9] During Si uptake by diatoms, there is an isotopic discrimination against the heavy isotope, forming 30Si-depleted biogenic silica minerals. [10] As a result, the remaining dissolved Si in the surrounding water is 30Si-enriched. Since diatoms rely on sunlight for photosynthesis, they inhabit in surface waters, and thus the surface water of the ocean are typically 30Si-enriched. [1] Although there is less available data on the isotopic fractionation during biomineralization by radiolarians, it has been suggested that radiolarians also discriminate against the heavy isotope (30Si), and that the magnitude of isotopic fractionation is of a similar range as biomineralization by diatoms. [11] Sponges also show an isotopic preference for 28Si over 30Si, but the magnitude of their isotopic fractionation is often larger [1] (For quantitative comparation, see Figure 2).
Hydrothermal vents contribute dissolved Si to the ocean Si reservoir. Currently, it is challenging to determine the magnitude of hydrothermal Si fluxes, due to lack of data on the δ30Si values associated with this flux. [1] There are only two published data points of the δ30Si value of hydrothermal vents (−0.4‰ and −0.2‰). [12]
The δ30Si value of sediment porewater may be affected by post-depositional (diagenetic) precipitation or dissolution of Si. It is important to understand the extent and isotopic fractionations of these processes, as they alter the δ30Si values of the originally deposited sediments, and determine the δ30Si preserved in the rock record. [1] Generally, precipitation of Si prefers the light isotope (28Si) and leads to 30Si-enriched dissolved Si in the hosting solution. [13] The isotopic effect of Si dissolution in porewater is yet to be clear, as some studies report a preference for 28Si during dissolution, [14] while other studies document that isotopic fractionation was not expressed during dissolution of sediments. [15]
The silicic acid leakage hypothesis (SALH) is a suggested mechanism that aims to explain the atmospheric CO2 variations between glacial and interglacial periods. [16] This hypothesis proposes that during glacial periods, as a result of enhanced dust deposition in the southern ocean, diatoms consume less Si relative to nitrogen. The decrease in the Si:N uptake ratios leads to Si excess in the southern ocean, which leaks to lower latitudes of the ocean that are dominated by coccolithophores. As the Si concentrations rise, the diatom population may outcompete the coccolithophores, reducing the CaCO3 precipitation and altering ocean alkalinity and the carbonate pump. [17] These changes would induce a new ocean-atmosphere steady state with lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations, consistent with the draw down of CO2 observed in the last glacial period. [16] The δ30Si and δ15N isotopic values archived in the southern ocean diatom sediments has been used to examine this hypothesis, [18] as the dynamics of Si and N supply and utilization during the last deglaciation could be interpreted from this record. In alignment with the silicic acid leakage hypothesis, these isotopic archives suggest that Si utilization in the southern ocean increased during the deglaciation. [18]
There have been attempts to reconstruct ocean paleotemperatures by chert Si isotopic record, which proposed that the Archean seawater temperatures were significantly higher than modern (~70 °C). [19] However, subsequent studies question this palaeothermometry method and offer alternative explanation for the δ30Si values of Archean rocks. [3] These signals could result from diagenetic alteration processes that overprint the original δ30Si values, [20] or reflect that Archean cherts were composed of different Si sources. It is plausible that in during the Archean the dominant sources of Si sediments were weathering, erosion, silicification of clastic sediments or hydrothermal activity, [21] in contrast to the vast SiO2 biomineralization in the modern ocean.
According to empirical calibrations, the difference in δ30Si (denoted as Δ30Si) between sponges and their hosting water is correlated with the Si concentration of the hosting solution. [22] Therefore, it has been suggested that the Si concentrations in bottom waters of ancient oceans can be interpreted from the δ30Si of coexisting sponge spicules, which are preserved in the rock record. [22] It has been proposed that this relation is determined by the growth rate and the Si uptake kinetics of sponges, [22] but the current understanding of sponge biomineralization pathways is limited. [1] Although the mechanism behind this relation is yet to be clear, it appears consistent among various laboratory experiments, modern environments, and core top sediments. [1] However, there is also evidence that the δ30Si of carnivorous sponges may differ significantly from the expected correlation. [23]
Magnesite is a mineral with the chemical formula MgCO
3. Iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel may occur as admixtures, but only in small amounts.
A micrometeorite is a micrometeoroid that has survived entry through the Earth's atmosphere. Usually found on Earth's surface, micrometeorites differ from meteorites in that they are smaller in size, more abundant, and different in composition. The IAU officially defines meteorites as 30 micrometers to 1 meter; micrometeorites are the small end of the range (~submillimeter). They are a subset of cosmic dust, which also includes the smaller interplanetary dust particles (IDPs).
A microfossil is a fossil that is generally between 0.001 mm and 1 mm in size, the visual study of which requires the use of light or electron microscopy. A fossil which can be studied with the naked eye or low-powered magnification, such as a hand lens, is referred to as a macrofossil.
Orthosilicic acid is an inorganic compound with the formula Si(OH)4. Although rarely observed, it is the key compound of silica and silicates and the precursor to other silicic acids [H2xSiOx+2]n. Silicic acids play important roles in biomineralization and technology.
A paleothermometer is a methodology that provides an estimate of the ambient temperature at the time of formation of a natural material. Most paleothermometers are based on empirically-calibrated proxy relationships, such as the tree ring or TEX86 methods. Isotope methods, such as the δ18O method or the clumped-isotope method, are able to provide, at least in theory, direct measurements of temperature.
Biogenic silica (bSi), also referred to as opal, biogenic opal, or amorphous opaline silica, forms one of the most widespread biogenic minerals. For example, microscopic particles of silica called phytoliths can be found in grasses and other plants.
Cholestane is a saturated tetracyclic triterpene. This 27-carbon biomarker is produced by diagenesis of cholesterol and is one of the most abundant biomarkers in the rock record. Presence of cholestane, its derivatives and related chemical compounds in environmental samples is commonly interpreted as an indicator of animal life and/or traces of O2, as animals are known for exclusively producing cholesterol, and thus has been used to draw evolutionary relationships between ancient organisms of unknown phylogenetic origin and modern metazoan taxa. Cholesterol is made in low abundance by other organisms (e.g., rhodophytes, land plants), but because these other organisms produce a variety of sterols it cannot be used as a conclusive indicator of any one taxon. It is often found in analysis of organic compounds in petroleum.
Siliceous ooze is a type of biogenic pelagic sediment located on the deep ocean floor. Siliceous oozes are the least common of the deep sea sediments, and make up approximately 15% of the ocean floor. Oozes are defined as sediments which contain at least 30% skeletal remains of pelagic microorganisms. Siliceous oozes are largely composed of the silica based skeletons of microscopic marine organisms such as diatoms and radiolarians. Other components of siliceous oozes near continental margins may include terrestrially derived silica particles and sponge spicules. Siliceous oozes are composed of skeletons made from opal silica SiO2·nH2O, as opposed to calcareous oozes, which are made from skeletons of calcium carbonate (CaCO3·nH2O) organisms (i.e. coccolithophores). Silica (Si) is a bioessential element and is efficiently recycled in the marine environment through the silica cycle. Distance from land masses, water depth and ocean fertility are all factors that affect the opal silica content in seawater and the presence of siliceous oozes.
The Barberton Greenstone Belt of eastern South Africa contains some of the most widely accepted fossil evidence for Archean life. These cell-sized prokaryote fossils are seen in the Barberton fossil record in rocks as old as 3.5 billion years. The Barberton Greenstone Belt is an excellent place to study the Archean Earth due to exposed sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks.
Dinosterol (4α,23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol) is a 4α-methyl sterol that is produced by several genera of dinoflagellates and is rarely found in other classes of protists. The steroidal alkane, dinosterane, is the 'molecular fossil' of dinosterol, meaning that dinosterane has the same carbon skeleton as dinosterol, but lacks dinosterol's hydroxyl group and olefin functionality. As such, dinosterane is often used as a biomarker to identify the presence of dinoflagelletes in sediments.
Clumped isotopes are heavy isotopes that are bonded to other heavy isotopes. The relative abundance of clumped isotopes (and multiply-substituted isotopologues) in molecules such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbonate is an area of active investigation. The carbonate clumped-isotope thermometer, or "13C–18O order/disorder carbonate thermometer", is a new approach for paleoclimate reconstruction, based on the temperature dependence of the clumping of 13C and 18O into bonds within the carbonate mineral lattice. This approach has the advantage that the 18O ratio in water is not necessary (different from the δ18O approach), but for precise paleotemperature estimation, it also needs very large and uncontaminated samples, long analytical runs, and extensive replication. Commonly used sample sources for paleoclimatological work include corals, otoliths, gastropods, tufa, bivalves, and foraminifera. Results are usually expressed as Δ47 (said as "cap 47"), which is the deviation of the ratio of isotopologues of CO2 with a molecular weight of 47 to those with a weight of 44 from the ratio expected if they were randomly distributed.
Reverse weathering generally refers to the formation of a clay neoformation that utilizes cations and alkalinity in a process unrelated to the weathering of silicates. More specifically reverse weathering refers to the formation of authigenic clay minerals from the reaction of 1) biogenic silica with aqueous cations or cation bearing oxides or 2) cation poor precursor clays with dissolved cations or cation bearing oxides.
Carbonate-associated sulfates (CAS) are sulfate species found in association with carbonate minerals, either as inclusions, adsorbed phases, or in distorted sites within the carbonate mineral lattice. It is derived primarily from dissolved sulfate in the solution from which the carbonate precipitates. In the ocean, the source of this sulfate is a combination of riverine and atmospheric inputs, as well as the products of marine hydrothermal reactions and biomass remineralisation. CAS is a common component of most carbonate rocks, having concentrations in the parts per thousand within biogenic carbonates and parts per million within abiogenic carbonates. Through its abundance and sulfur isotope composition, it provides a valuable record of the global sulfur cycle across time and space.
Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide to carbohydrates via several metabolic pathways that provide energy to an organism and preferentially react with certain stable isotopes of carbon. The selective enrichment of one stable isotope over another creates distinct isotopic fractionations that can be measured and correlated among oxygenic phototrophs. The degree of carbon isotope fractionation is influenced by several factors, including the metabolism, anatomy, growth rate, and environmental conditions of the organism. Understanding these variations in carbon fractionation across species is useful for biogeochemical studies, including the reconstruction of paleoecology, plant evolution, and the characterization of food chains.
Microbial oxidation of sulfur is the oxidation of sulfur by microorganisms to build their structural components. The oxidation of inorganic compounds is the strategy primarily used by chemolithotrophic microorganisms to obtain energy to survive, grow and reproduce. Some inorganic forms of reduced sulfur, mainly sulfide (H2S/HS−) and elemental sulfur (S0), can be oxidized by chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing prokaryotes, usually coupled to the reduction of oxygen (O2) or nitrate (NO3−). Anaerobic sulfur oxidizers include photolithoautotrophs that obtain their energy from sunlight, hydrogen from sulfide, and carbon from carbon dioxide (CO2).
The silica cycle is the biogeochemical cycle in which biogenic silica is transported between the Earth's systems. Silicon is considered a bioessential element and is one of the most abundant elements on Earth. The silica cycle has significant overlap with the carbon cycle and plays an important role in the sequestration of carbon through continental weathering, biogenic export and burial as oozes on geologic timescales.
CM chondrites are a group of chondritic meteorites which resemble their type specimen, the Mighei meteorite. The CM is the most commonly recovered group of the 'carbonaceous chondrite' class of meteorites, though all are rarer in collections than ordinary chondrites.
Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry is the study of the distribution of sulfur isotopes in biological and geological materials. In addition to its common isotope, 32S, sulfur has three rare stable isotopes: 34S, 36S, and 33S. The distribution of these isotopes in the environment is controlled by many biochemical and physical processes, including biological metabolisms, mineral formation processes, and atmospheric chemistry. Measuring the abundance of sulfur stable isotopes in natural materials, like bacterial cultures, minerals, or seawater, can reveal information about these processes both in the modern environment and over Earth history.
The lithium cycle (Li) is the biogeochemical cycle of lithium through the lithosphere and hydrosphere.
In geology, silicification is a petrification process in which silica-rich fluids seep into the voids of Earth materials, e.g., rocks, wood, bones, shells, and replace the original materials with silica (SiO2). Silica is a naturally existing and abundant compound found in organic and inorganic materials, including Earth's crust and mantle. There are a variety of silicification mechanisms. In silicification of wood, silica permeates into and occupies cracks and voids in wood such as vessels and cell walls. The original organic matter is retained throughout the process and will gradually decay through time. In the silicification of carbonates, silica replaces carbonates by the same volume. Replacement is accomplished through the dissolution of original rock minerals and the precipitation of silica. This leads to a removal of original materials out of the system. Depending on the structures and composition of the original rock, silica might replace only specific mineral components of the rock. Silicic acid (H4SiO4) in the silica-enriched fluids forms lenticular, nodular, fibrous, or aggregated quartz, opal, or chalcedony that grows within the rock. Silicification happens when rocks or organic materials are in contact with silica-rich surface water, buried under sediments and susceptible to groundwater flow, or buried under volcanic ashes. Silicification is often associated with hydrothermal processes. Temperature for silicification ranges in various conditions: in burial or surface water conditions, temperature for silicification can be around 25°−50°; whereas temperatures for siliceous fluid inclusions can be up to 150°−190°. Silicification could occur during a syn-depositional or a post-depositional stage, commonly along layers marking changes in sedimentation such as unconformities or bedding planes.