Singapore Standard (SS)

Last updated

Singapore Standard (SS) specifies the standards used for industrial activities in Singapore. The standardization process is coordinated by Singapore Standards Council [1] , administered by Enterprise Singapore, a Governmental body.



Prior to the creation of Enterprise Singapore, in 2017, by the merger a number of economic development and trade promotion departments, the Singapore Standards Council was administered by SPRING Singapore.

Development of Standards

As the national standards body, Enterprise Singapore administers the Singapore Standardisation Programme through an industry-led Singapore Standards Council, a Standards Organization. The Council approves the establishment, review and withdrawal of Singapore Standards and Technical References. It also advises Enterprise Singapore on the policies, strategies, initiatives and procedures for standards development and promotion. [2]

Standards are developed primarily through:

Singapore Standards are nationally recognized documents, established by consensus. They are functional or technical requirements in the form of specifications for materials, product system or process, codes of practice, methods of test, terminologies, and guides etc.

Technical References (TR) are transition documents developed to help meet urgent industry demand for specifications or requirements on a particular product, process or service in an area where there is an absence of reference standards. Unlike Singapore Standards, TRs are not gazetted and are issued without going through the full consensus process. They are prestandards 'tested' over two years before assessment on their suitability for approval as Singapore Standards. TRs can, therefore, become Singapore Standards after two years, continue as Technical References for further comments, or be withdrawn. [3]

List of Standards

The following list is incomplete, and based on the best-selling standards of 2018 by the eShop. [4]

SS ISO 14001 : 2015Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use
SS EN 1997 - 1 : 2010 (2018)Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design - General rules
SS ISO 9001 : 2015Quality management systems – Requirements
SS 551 : 2009Code of practice for earthing
SS 532 : 2016Code of practice for the storage of flammable liquids
SS 593 : 2013Code of practice for pollution control
SS 584 : 2015Multi-Tier Cloud Computing Standard
SS 554 : 2016Code of practice for indoor air quality for air-conditioned buildings
SS 510 : 2017Code of practice for safety in welding, cutting and other operations involving the use of heat
SS 553 : 2016Code of practice for air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings
SS 444 : 2018Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system for food industry – Requirements with guidance for use


  1. "Standards". Enterprise Singapore. Retrieved 6 October 2018.
  2. Standards Development
  3. USA Trade Department Report
  4. Singapore Standards eShop