Southern Baptist Convention conservative resurgence

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Beginning in 1979, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) experienced an intense struggle for control of the organization. Its initiators called it the conservative resurgence [1] while its detractors labeled it the fundamentalist takeover. [2] It was launched with the charge that the seminaries and denominational agencies were dominated by liberals. The movement was primarily aimed at reorienting the denomination away from a liberal trajectory. [2]


It was achieved by the systematic election, beginning in 1979, of conservative individuals to lead the Southern Baptist Convention. Theologically moderate and liberal leaders were voted out of office. Though some senior employees were fired from their jobs, most were replaced through attrition. Conversely, moderate and liberal presidents, professors, and department heads of Southern Baptist seminaries, mission groups and other convention-owned institutions were replaced with conservatives. [3]

The resurgence is said by some to be the most serious controversy ever to occur within the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. [2] Albert Mohler later described it as a "reformation ... achieved at an incredibly high cost." [4] A part of that cost was the departure of 1,900 churches from the convention, which broke away in 1990 to form the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a moderate Baptist group which affirms women in ordained ministry, and emphasizes the Baptist principles of the autonomy of the local church, the priesthood of all believers, and soul liberty.

Earlier 20th-century controversies

Throughout the 20th century, controversy had flared up sporadically among Southern Baptists over the nature of biblical authority and how to interpret the Bible. Until 1925 the SBC did not have a specific, formal confession of faith; whenever an issue arose it had looked to two earlier and more general baptistic confessions of faith produced in the United States: the Philadelphia Confession of Faith (1742) and the New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith of 1833. [5]

This would change when in the 1920s, Baptist pastor J. Frank Norris, described as "one of the most controversial and flamboyant figures in the history of fundamentalism", led a campaign upon the SBC (from which he would later depart), particularly against Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth and Baylor University in Waco, Texas. In response, the SBC adopted its first formal confession of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message.


The famed Southern Baptist unity in the past has been more functional than theological. Southern Baptists have banded together to cooperate in ministry, in missions, evangelism, and in Christian education. So long as they emphasize functional ministry, the "rope of sand", as one historian called it, holds; when they switch from function to doctrine, unity is threatened.

Baptist historian, H. Leon McBeth [6]

The unity of the SBC had historically been functional rather than doctrinal. The founders wrote: "We have constructed for our basis no new creed; acting in this matter upon a Baptist aversion for all creeds but the Bible". [7]

Some have tried to argue that Baptists have always avoided creeds. In fact, doctrinal statements have been a part of Baptist life at least since the seventeenth century. The early SBC saw no need for such a statement since most of its member churches affirmed either the New Hampshire Confession of Faith or the Philadelphia Confession. By the 1920s, with the rise of liberalism and neo-orthodoxy in other denominations, Southern Baptists saw the need to define their beliefs in a formal doctrinal statement. Thus, they adopted the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message. By the 1970s, many conservatives in the SBC felt certain seminary professors had drifted from basic Baptist doctrines. In a formal statement, they declared their commitment to "doctrinal unity in functional diversity", placing an emphasis on biblical authority. [8] Conservatives argued that their beliefs did indeed represent a consensus among Southern Baptists. These individuals felt that while early Southern Baptists agreed on basic theological issues, by the 1970s many of these beliefs had come under attack in schools owned and operated by the Southern Baptist Convention. [1] [9] [10]

The "Genesis" controversy

In July 1961, Prof. Ralph Elliott, an Old Testament scholar at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, published a book entitled The Message of Genesis containing his interpretation of the first book of the Bible. Elliott considered his book a "very moderate" volume, though this is vastly disputed. [11] Some prominent Southern Baptists, however, saw the book in a different light and took issue with Elliot's use of historical-critical methodology, his portrayal of Genesis 1-11 as mythological literature and his speculation that Melchizedek was a priest of Baal and not, as generally believed by conservatives, of Yahweh. [12] [13]

The "Genesis Controversy" quickly pervaded the entire SBC. In strong reaction to the controversy, the 1962 SBC meeting elected as its president Rev. K. Owen White, pastor of First Baptist Church Houston, who had written a prominent criticism of Elliott's views. This began what has become an ongoing trend for SBC presidents to be elected on the basis of their theology. [5] Broadman Press, the publishing arm of the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay Christian Resources) in Nashville, was immediately criticized and their other materials, including Sunday School quarterlies, became suspect. Elliott's book was withdrawn from publication, and he was later dismissed from Midwestern for insubordination.

1963 Baptist Faith and Message revision

In 1963, the SBC adopted the first-ever revision of the Baptist Faith and Message, amending it to include confessional positions more conservative than contained in the original. However, it was not without its critics: one of the architects of the conservative resurgence described it as "having been infected with neo-orthodox theology." [13]

Broadman Bible Commentary

Also in the 1960s, the Sunday School Board, in its most ambitious publishing project, produced the 12-volume Broadman Bible Commentary. Its first volume, covering Genesis and Exodus, came out in 1969. In addition to providing further fuel for the controversy surrounding the Creation account in Genesis, a section written by G. Henton Davies, a Welsh Baptist, questioned the reliability of the biblical episode in which God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on the grounds that such an event was morally troubling. [14] This new publication immediately stirred a new phase of the ongoing controversy. Some argued that the Convention was trying to stifle dissent. Others pointed out that since Broadman Press was owned by the SBC, its publications should not stray so far from the beliefs of most Southern Baptists.

Seminary issues

Conservative Southern Baptists of this time also bemoaned what they claimed was the growing presence of liberal ideology within the SBC's own seminaries.

Clark H. Pinnock, who later became an advocate of open theism, taught at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Pinnock is said to have been much more conservative in those days, at which time he argued that liberal professors should be dismissed. He did not embrace more liberal views until later. Ironically, he was a great influence on future conservative leaders, including Paige Patterson. [15]

In 1976, a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) master's degree student, Noel Wesley Hollyfield, Jr., [16] presented survey results that revealed an inverse correlation between length of attendance at SBTS and Christian orthodoxy. While 87% of first year Master of Divinity students at SBTS reporting believing "Jesus is the Divine Son of God and I have no doubts about it, " only 63% of final year graduate students made that claim, according to Hollyfield's analysis. In 1981, redacted information from Hollyfield's thesis was put into tract form and distributed by conservatives as evidence of the need for reform from apostasy within SBC agencies.

A hostile meeting

The 1970 SBC meeting in Denver, Colorado, under the leadership of then-President W. A. Criswell, was marked by hostilities. Controversy erupted over a number of explosive issues. At least seventeen Baptist state papers questioned editorially the "unchristian, " "bitter, " "vitriolic, " "arrogant, " "militant" spirit and attitude of some of the messengers. [17] [14]

The messengers refused to hear an explanation about the Broadman Bible Commentary from the head of the Sunday School Board. Messengers actually booed ("hooted and hollered at...") Herschel H. Hobbs, the respected elder statesman and former president of the SBC, when he urged restraint. [14]

The abortion issue

At the 1971 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, almost two years before Roe v. Wade was decided, the messengers passed the SBC's first ever resolution on the topic of abortion. The resolution was by no means conservative: in addition to supporting abortion in cases of rape or incest—a position supported by some conservatives—it also supported it in such cases as "clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother". [18]

The messengers at the 1974 meeting in Dallas (the year after Roe was decided) reaffirmed the 1971 resolution, saying that it "dealt responsibly from a Christian perspective with complexities of abortion problems in contemporary society" while also in the same resolution saying that the SBC "historically held a high view of the sanctity of human life". [19]

The conservative strategy

In the early 1970s, William Powell, at the time an SBC employee, developed a rather simple strategy to take control of the SBC: elect the SBC president for ten consecutive years.

Under the SBC bylaws, the SBC's president has sole authority to appoint the entirety of the Committee on Committees (known during most of the controversy as the Committee on Boards); the appointments do not require approval of the Messengers at an annual meeting. This committee, in turn, nominates the members of the Committee on Nominations to be approved by the Messengers at the next annual meeting (i.e. one year after the SBC President is elected and he appoints the Committee on Committees), which in turn nominates appointees for vacant positions [20] to be approved by the messengers at the subsequent annual meeting (i.e., two years from the initial Committee on Committees appointments, and one year after the Committee on Nominations makes its recommendations). The process involves numerous overlaps: at an annual meeting the messengers approve (or reject) the nominees for positions recommended by the Committee on Nominations (the process of which started two years prior), approve nominations for the upcoming Committee on Nominations recommended by the Committee on Committees (which took place the prior year), and further elect the SBC's president, who will appoint the new Committee on Committees.

Therefore, if conservatives could gain the presidency, the president would nominate conservatives to the Committee on Committees, who would in turn nominate other conservatives to the Committee on Nominations, and then in turn fill the various vacancies with conservatives. If they could gain and hold the presidency for ten years, they would accomplish the goal of having all agency heads be conservatives. [5]

Takeover chronology

1967. Paul Pressler, a former state representative and a judge in Houston, Texas, and Paige Patterson, then president of Criswell College in Dallas, met in New Orleans to plan the successful political strategy to elect like-minded conservative convention presidents and in turn members of SBC boards. [2]

1978. W. A. Criswell and Adrian Rogers (both now deceased), along with Paul Pressler and Paige Patterson, met with a group of determined pastors and laymen at a hotel near the Atlanta airport to launch the resurgence. They understood William Powell's contention that electing the president of the Southern Baptist Convention was the key to redirecting the entirety of the denomination. The Atlanta group determined to elect Rogers, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, as the first Conservative Resurgence president of the convention. [4]

1979 Houston convention. The 1979 SBC meeting in Houston, Texas, [21] produced two important developments:

  1. The concept of Inerrancy. Southern Baptists applied a new word, "inerrancy", to their understanding of Scripture. Since 1650 the adjective most used by Baptists to describe their view of the Bible had been "infallible"; however, the term "inerrancy" had been implied in the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith ("truth without any mixture of error") in wording that, by this time, had already been incorporated into the 1925 and 1963 editions of the Baptist Faith and Message. The word "inerrancy" was also used by the prominent Southern Baptist scholar A. T. Robertson in the late nineteenth century. Some reformed theologians in Europe had utilized the term "inerrancy" in the same way that North American theologians used "infallibility." Many conservative leaders championed the word "inerrancy" in this phase of the ongoing controversy—a phase that would later become known as the "inerrancy controversy."
  2. Orchestration from the sky boxes. Also coming out of the 1979 Houston Convention was a well-organized political campaign, using precinct style politics, to wrest control of the SBC. Such tactics were not completely unprecedented; Jimmy Allen had openly campaigned for the office just two years earlier. Pressler and Patterson were accused of directing the affairs of the 1979 meeting from sky boxes high above The Summit where the SBC was meeting. Pressler said such accusations were false. [10] The election on the first ballot of the more conservative pastor Adrian Rogers began the ten-year process. Ever since that meeting, with the exception of 2004 and 2005 the conservatives of the denomination have nominated their choice for president. Each has appointed more conservative individuals, who in turn appointed others, who nominated the trustees, who elected the agency heads and institutional presidents, including those of the seminaries. [4] Throughout the 1980s, Conservative Resurgence advocates gained control over the SBC leadership at every level from the administration to key faculty at their seminaries and slowly turned the SBC towards more conservative positions on many social issues. By early 1989 nearly every one of the SBC boards had a majority of takeover people on it. [2] The book entitled The Fundamentalist Takeover in the Southern Baptist Convention [2] cites the following as further key events in the resurgence:

1980: At the annual meeting in St. Louis, the messengers completely reversed their original position on abortion (which was passed nine years earlier, ironically also in St. Louis). This time they passed a resolution condemning the practice, making an exception only to save the life of the mother. [22] Since then, every SBC resolution on the topic has been in strong opposition to reproductive rights, and has expanded into similar topics such as fetal tissue experimentation, RU-486, and taxpayer funding of abortions generally and Planned Parenthood specifically.

1981: Cecil Sherman, a leader of the moderate faction of Southern Baptists [23] declared in a debate with Paige Patterson, that he did not believe in an inerrant Bible but in "...a ‘dynamical’ view of the Bible's inspiration and then pointed to what he saw as contradictions in the biblical text. [24]

1984: The SBC voted in Kansas City to adopt a strongly worded resolution against women in the pastorate. The rationale cited [25] was that "the New Testament emphasizes the equal dignity of men and women (Gal. 3:28)" but that "The Scriptures teach that women are not in public worship to assume a role of authority over men lest confusion reign in the local church (1 Cor. 14:33-36)".

1987: William Randall Lolley, the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, resigned after the trustees voted to hire only faculty members who follow the Baptist Faith and Message. [2]

1987: The SBC voted in St. Louis to adopt a report from "The Peace Committee" that had been set up in 1985. The report identified the roots of the controversy as primarily theological, and called on Baptist seminaries to teach in accordance with the Bible.

1988: At the SBC Convention in San Antonio, a resolution was passed critical of the liberal interpretation of the "priesthood of the believer" and "soul competency." Moderates and liberals accused conservatives of elevating the pastor to the position of authority in the church he serves.

1990: Roy Honeycutt, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, was accused by a new trustee of "not believing the Bible." The trustee cited some of Honeycutt's own writings as evidence. This same trustee would later become chairman of the seminary board shortly after resurgency leader Al Mohler became president in 1993. [26]

1990: Al Shackleford and Dan Martin of the Baptist Press, the official news service of the SBC, were fired by the SBC's executive committee. [27] The executive committee gave no reason for their firing; moderates claimed that they were fired for perceived bias against conservatives in their news coverage.

1990: After the SBC had elected twelve straight conservative convention presidents, who then used their position to appoint conservative educators and administrators, a group of moderates broke away in 1990 to form the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). [23] Due in part to the perception that Shackleford and Martin were fired for bias against conservative leadership, the CBF formed the Associated Baptist Press (now Baptist News Global) to offer news from the moderate perspective.

1991: At their October meeting, the Foreign Mission Board trustees voted to defund the Baptist Theological Seminary in Rüschlikon, Switzerland.

1992: Keith Parks, president of the Foreign Mission Board, retired. In his thirteen years as president, missionaries entered forty new countries with a total of 3,918 missionaries.

1991: Lloyd Elder, president of the Sunday School Board, resigned under pressure and was replaced by former SBC president James T. Draper, a staunch conservative. A total of 159 employees retired (voluntarily or involuntarily) in November 1991.

1993: Al Mohler was appointed president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1993 and "hailed as a hero of SBC fundamentalism." [28]

1994: Russell Dilday, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth for fifteen years, was fired abruptly and trustees changed the locks on the president's office immediately, thus denying him access. The day before, these same trustees gave Dilday a favorable job performance evaluation. [29] These trustees sent letters to pastors and directors of missions to explain their reason for firing Dilday, saying he failed to support the resurgence at the convention and that he held liberal views of the scripture. The Seminary faculty disputed these charges. In a March 22 statement, the seminary's theology faculty claimed that Dilday was an "excellent administrator" who led Southwestern in a "highly effective and successful manner" and "with a spirit of Christlikeness." Dilday, the statement said, also kept the school doctrinally sound. [29]

During his administration, his doctrinal stance was completely consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message statement, which is the seminary's article of faith. The theology faculty affirms Russell H. Dilday for leading the seminary with a spirit of Christlikeness and a desire to be inclusive with regard to the finest theological and biblical perspectives represented in the Southern Baptist Convention. We deeply regret his firing as president of the seminary." [29]

1997: In October a forty-year staff member was fired at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for writing a private letter to the president of the SBC disagreeing with a statement he had made while speaking in chapel.[ citation needed ] Also in October 1997, a professor of systematic theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was relieved of his teaching duties because he "voiced dissent about actions of the administration of the institution."[ citation needed ]

1998: In June, Paige Patterson was elected president of the SBC without opposition. Jerry Falwell, who had criticized Southern Baptists in the days of moderate-liberal rule, attended his first SBC Convention as a messenger along with others from his church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Also the SBC amended the Baptist Faith and Message by adding a new Article XVIII ("The Family") to the Message; it included a complementarian statement about male-priority gender roles in marriage, including an adverbial modifier to the verb "submit": a wife is to "submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband", followed by a lengthy description of a husband's duty to "love his wife unconditionally."

2000: The SBC adopted a revised Baptist Faith and Message, which (for the first time) included statements opposing homosexuality and abortion.

2002: Jerry Rankin and the IMB trustees began requiring missionaries to sign their assent to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. Many missionaries resigned, and the requirement was said to "undermine missionary morale." [30]

2004: The Southern Baptist Convention withdrew as a member of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). [31]

Liberal and moderate reactions

Liberal reaction

In 1987, a group of churches criticized the fundamentalist resurgence for controlling the leadership and founded the Alliance of Baptists. [32] [33]

Moderate reaction

In 1990, another schism occurred in which a group of moderate churches criticized the denomination for the same reasons, as well as opposition to women's ministry, and founded the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in 1991. [34] [35]

State conventions react

Because each level of Baptist life is autonomous, changes at the national level do not require approval or endorsement by the state conventions or local associations. The majority of state conventions have continued to cooperate with the SBC. However, the state conventions in Texas and Virginia openly challenged the new directions and announced a "dual affiliation" with contributions to both the SBC's Cooperative Program and the CBF.

The Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT), the largest of the Southern Baptist state conventions, did not vote in 1998 to align itself with the CBF, despite some reports to the contrary. The BGCT did allow individual churches to designate their missions dollars to a number of different missions organizations, including the Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. One of the stated reasons for doing so was their objection to proposed changes in the 2000 revision of the Baptist Faith and Message, which the BGCT said made the document sound like a "creed" in violation of historic Baptist tradition which opposed their use.

In a reversal from the national convention (where the moderates left and the conservatives stayed), many Texas conservatives formed their own state convention, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. Local congregations either disassociated completely from BGCT or sought "dual alignment" with both groups. The BGCT remains the much larger of the two state conventions, and universities such as Baylor only receive money from the BGCT. Similarly, conservative Baptists in Virginia formed the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia.

In Missouri, the exact opposite took place. The Missouri Baptist Convention (the existing state body) came under the control of the more conservative group which subsequently attempted to take over the boards of the state's agencies and institutions and reshape them along the theological lines of the current SBC. In 2002, some congregations withdrew and affiliated with a new convention called Baptist General Convention of Missouri. Five of the old Missouri Baptist Convention agencies changed their charters in 2000 and 2001 to elect their own trustees instead of allowing them to be appointed by the Missouri Baptist Convention. Leaders of the Missouri Baptist Convention saw this as a blatant violation of convention bylaws. When the trustees of the agencies refused to settle the matter out of court, the Missouri Baptist Convention filed suit against them. As of April, 2010, two of the agencies named have been released from lawsuit, [36] and the other agencies have prevailed in court, although the judgments are being appealed. To date, in excess of $10 million in lawyers' fees and court costs have been expended by these lawsuits. To fund these lawsuits, the Missouri Baptist Convention mortgaged its headquarters building in Jefferson City, Missouri. [37] Missouri Baptist University, [38] Missouri Baptist Foundation, The Baptist Home and the Missouri Baptist Children's home all settled individually to be brought back under the control of the Missouri Baptist Convention.

The Virginia and Texas SBC Executive Committees receive and distribute funds from two conventions—one the traditional/original convention (BGAV and BGCT) and one new one that is only SBC (SBCVA and SBCTX). The Missouri SBC Executive Committee declined to receive money from the new more moderate Missouri group. They said it was not in Southern Baptists' best interest to cooperate with another group opposed to the conservative leadership of the Missouri Baptist Convention. Individual churches in the newer convention may contribute to the SBC directly.


The American denominational landscape has experienced significant shifts in recent times, but one major story stands out among them all—the massive redirection of the Southern Baptist Convention. America's largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention was reshaped, reformed, and restructured over the last three decades, and at an incredibly high cost.

Albert Mohler, an architect of the Conservative Resurgence [4]

...the takeover issue was never whether Baptists believed the Bible. The issue is and has always been Creedalism and Fundamentalism. Baptists have always been basically conservative, believing the Bible to be true, trustworthy, and authoritative. There have been individuals who deviated from that mindset but they did not last long among us. They went on to other movements in the Christian family.

Jimmy R. Allen (President, SBC, 1978-79) [39]

Critics of the takeover faction assert that the "civil war" among Southern Baptists has been about power lust and right-wing secular politics. Russell H. Dilday, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1978 to 1994, has analogized what he calls "the carnage of the past quarter century of denominational strife in our Baptist family" to "friendly fire" where casualties come as a result of the actions of fellow Baptists, not at the hands of the enemy. He writes that "Some of it has been accidental, " but that "some has been intentional." He characterizes the struggle as being "far more serious than a controversy, " but rather a "self-destructive, contentious, one-sided feud that at times took on combative characteristics." [40]

Former president of the SBC Jimmy R. Allen writes that the resurgence/takeover leaders searched for a battle cry to which Baptists would respond. They found it in the fear that we were not "believing the Bible." They focused on the few who interpreted the Bible more liberally and exaggerated that fact. Allen's assessment is that "It was like hunting rabbits with howitzers. They destroyed more than they accomplished." [39]

A spokesman for the new leadership of the SBC, Morris Chapman, claims that the root of the controversy has been about theology. [41] He maintains that the controversy has "returned the Southern Baptist Convention to its historic commitments." Speaking as president of the "new" SBC's executive committee, Chapman cites as examples some of the Conservative Resurgency's claims:

While resurgence/takeover architect Paige Patterson believes the controversy has achieved its objective of returning the SBC from an alleged "leftward drift" to a more conservative stance, he admits to having some regrets. Patterson points to vocational disruption, hurt, sorrow, and disrupted friendships as evidence of the price that the controversy has exacted. "Friendships and sometimes family relationships have been marred. Churches have sometimes been damaged even though local church life has proceeded for the most part above the fray and often remains largely oblivious to it. No one seriously confessing the name of Jesus can rejoice in these sorrows", Patterson writes. "I confess that I often second guess my own actions and agonize over those who have suffered on both sides, including my own family." [13]


In 2019, after the scandals of sexual abuse accusations involving Paul Pressler and sexual abuse cover-ups involving Paige Patterson, the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary removed the stained glass windows depicting the actors of the conservative resurgence, located in the MacGorman Chapel and opened in 2011. [42]

See also


  1. 1 2 Hefley, James C.The Truth in Crisis: The Conservative Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention, vol. 6. Hannibal Books, 2008. ISBN   0-929292-19-7.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 James, Rob B. The Fundamentalist Takeover in the Southern Baptist Convention, Fourth Edition, Wilkes Publishing Co., Inc. Washington, Georgia. Available free at "Home". Archived from the original on 2013-10-02. Retrieved 2013-09-30.
  3. Humphreys, Fisher.The Way We Were: How Southern Baptist Theology Has Changed and what it Means to Us All. Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys, 2002. ISBN   1-57312-376-5
  4. 1 2 3 4 Mohler, Albert."The Southern Baptist Reformation—A First-Hand Account."
  5. 1 2 3 McBeth, Harry L.Texas Baptists: a Sesquicentennial History. Dallas: BaptistWay Press, 1998. Dr. McBeth is a prominent Baptist theologian who has chronicled the Conservative Resurgence/Fundamentalist Takeover both here and elsewhere.
  6. McBeth, H. Leon. "Baptist Beginnings." September 27, 2009
  7. "Baptists have debated creeds & confessions for centuries". Archived from the original on 2015-04-02. Retrieved 2015-03-18.
  8. Shurden, Walter. "The Southern Baptist Synthesis: Is It Cracking?" and "The Inerrancy Debate: A Comparative Study of Southern Baptist Controversies." Baptist History and Heritage. 16 (April 1981): 2-19.
  9. Sutton, Jerry.The Baptist Reformation: The Conservative Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000. ISBN   978-0-8054-4091-1.
  10. 1 2 Pressler, Paul.A Hill on Which to Die, p. 99, 100. B&H Publishing Group, 1999. ISBN   0-8054-1677-3
  11. Elliott, Ralph H.The Genesis Controversy and Continuity in Southern Baptist Chaos: A Eulogy for a Great Tradition. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1992. ISBN   0-86554-415-8.
  12. Faught, Jerry L. Jr."The Ralph Elliott Controversy: Competing Philosophies of Southern Baptist Seminary Education." Baptist History and Heritage. Summer-Fall, 1999.
  13. 1 2 3 Patterson, Paige.Anatomy of a Reformation: The Southern Baptist Convention 1978–2004. Office of Public Relations at 2001 West Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, 76115
  14. 1 2 3 Faught, Jerry L. Jr."Round Two, Volume One: the Broadman Commentary Controversy." Baptist History and Heritage Winter-Fall, 2003.
  15. "McMaster Divinity College | Preparing Christian leaders for the church, academy, society". McMaster Divinity College.
  16. "Papers of Harold Lindsell". Archived from the original on August 6, 2007.
  17. The term "messenger" is used to denote delegates from SBC congregations to the Annual Meeting.
  18. "Southern Baptist Convention > Resolution on Abortion". Archived from the original on 2018-03-19. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  19. "Southern Baptist Convention > Resolution on Abortion and Sanctity of Human Life". Archived from the original on 2018-03-17. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  20. SBC bylaws do not permit removal of anyone from an appointed position; a vacancy occurs only if the position is for a term of years (most positions had a five-year term and an individual was limited to two such terms, or ten years total), or if the appointee dies, retires, or resigns.
  21. "Southern Baptist Convention-The Summit", Baptist Press, March 12, 1979, As Retrieved 2010-02-20
  22. "Southern Baptist Convention > Resolution on Abortion". Archived from the original on 2018-03-17. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  23. 1 2 Cecil Sherman, Who Led a Faction of Moderate Baptists, Is Dead at 82, New York Times, Published: May 1, 2010, Accessed June 12, 2012
  24. David C. Bennett, D. Min., THE FUNDAMENTALIST & BIBLICAL SEPARATION, Accessed June 12, 2012
  25. "Southern Baptist Convention > Resolution On Ordination And The Role Of Women In Ministry". Retrieved 2018-11-01.
  26. "Baptist Briefs 12/22/2003." (Texas) Baptist Standard." Web:
  27.,19-Jul-1990.pdf [ bare URL PDF ]
  28. Web: Archived 2002-06-09 at the Wayback Machine 24 Dec 2009
  29. 1 2 3 "Charges fly in firing of seminary president─Russell Dilday, former president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary." Christian Century, April 13, 1994. Web: 24 Dec 2009
  30. Walter Shurden.The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms. Smyth & Helwys Publishing, 1993. ISBN   978-1-880837-20-7
  31. SBC 2004 Annual Report, Recommendation #6, p. 49.
  32. William H. Brackney, Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Rowman & Littlefield, USA, 2021, p. 14
  33. Brackney, William H. (2006-07-05). Baptists in North America: An Historical Perspective. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 138. ISBN   1-4051-1865-2.
  34. William H. Brackney, Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Rowman & Littlefield, USA, 2021, p. 169
  35. Richard Leigh Walker, Southern Baptists: Moderates Form Alternative Fellowship,, USA, June 24, 1991
  36. Brown, Vicki (April 26, 2010), Missouri Baptist Convention Releases Newspaper from Lawsuit, Associated Baptist Press, retrieved 2010-09-20
  37. Perry, Bob (August 6, 2009), Missouri Baptist Lawsuits: Winners and Losers,, archived from the original on 2010-01-17, retrieved 2010-09-20
  38. "Missouri Baptist University". Retrieved 2020-08-29.
  39. 1 2 Allen, Jimmy R."The Takeover Resurgence is Creedalism." Texas Baptists Committed. Aug. 2004. Accessed September 28, 2009.
  40. Dilday, Russell.Higher Ground: A Call for Christian Civility. Macon, Georgia: Smyth and Helwys, 2007. ISBN   1-57312-469-9. Dilday was president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1978 to 1994.
  41. Chapman, Morris H. "The Root of the SBC Controversy."
  42. Bob Allen, Seminary removes stained glass windows celebrating conservative takeover of SBC,, USA, April 12, 2019

Further reading

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Baptists form a major branch of evangelical Protestantism distinguished by baptizing only professing Christian believers, and doing so by complete immersion. Baptist churches also generally subscribe to the doctrines of soul competency, sola fide, sola scriptura and congregationalist church government. Baptists generally recognize two ordinances: baptism and communion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southern Baptist Convention</span> Christian denomination

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), alternatively the Great Commission Baptists (GCB), is a Christian denomination based in the United States. It is the world's largest Baptist denomination, and the largest Protestant and second-largest Christian denomination in the United States. In 1845 the Southern Baptists separated from the Triennial Convention in order to support slavery, which the southern churches regarded as "an institution of heaven". During the 19th and most of the 20th century, it played a central role in Southern racial attitudes, supporting racial segregation and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy while opposing interracial marriage. In 1995, the organization apologized for its history. Since the 1940s, it has spread across the United States, having member churches across the country and 41 affiliated state conventions.

The Baptist Faith and Message (BF&M) is the statement of faith of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). It summarizes key Southern Baptist thought in the areas of the Bible and its authority, the nature of God as expressed by the Trinity, the spiritual condition of man, God's plan of grace and salvation, the purpose of the local church, ordinances, evangelism, Christian education, interaction with society, religious liberty, and the family.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southern Baptists of Texas Convention</span>

The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) is an association of conservative Baptist churches in Texas, supportive of the Southern Baptist Convention and its entities. The Southern Baptists of Texas were formed by churches within the Baptist General Convention of Texas so that they might partner more closely with the national body in a fellowship based on a common, conservative commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture. As of 2011, it had approximately 2,300 affiliated churches.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Baptist General Convention of Texas</span> Baptist body in Texas

The Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT), more commonly known as the Texas Baptists, is a Baptist Christian denomination in the U.S. state of Texas. It is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist World Alliance. Texas Baptist offices are located in the city of Dallas, though convention staff are located across the state. According to a denomination census released in 2023, it claimed 2,038,53 members and 5,375 churches

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Seminex</span> Lutheran seminary, 1974–1987

Seminex is the widely used abbreviation for Concordia Seminary in Exile, which existed from 1974 to 1987 after a schism in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS). The seminary in exile was formed due to the ongoing Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy that was dividing Protestant churches in the United States. At issue were foundational disagreements on the authority of Scripture and the role of Christianity. During the 1960s, many clergy and members of the LCMS grew concerned about the direction of education at their flagship seminary, Concordia Seminary, in St. Louis, Missouri. Professors at Concordia Seminary had, in the 1950s and 1960s, begun to utilize the historical-critical method to analyze the Bible rather than the traditional historical-grammatical method that considered scripture to be the inerrant Word of God.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary</span> Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.

The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is a Baptist theological institute in Fort Worth, Texas. It is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. It was established in 1908 and in 2005 was one of the largest seminaries in the world. It is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, and the National Association of Schools of Music to award diplomas and bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Adrian Rogers</span> American pastor and author (1931–2005)

Adrian Pierce Rogers was an American Baptist pastor and conservative author. He served three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

L. Paige Patterson served as the fifth president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., from 1992 to 2003, as president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) from 1998 to 2000, and as the eighth president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, from 2003 until his firing in 2018. He played a major role in the Southern Baptist "conservative resurgence", called "Fundamentalist Takeover" by opponents. He has been alternately described as a fundamentalist and a conservative evangelical.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Benajah Harvey Carroll</span>

Benajah Harvey Carroll, known as B. H. Carroll, was a Baptist pastor, theologian, teacher, and author.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fundamentalist–modernist controversy</span> Christian religious issue

The fundamentalist–modernist controversy is a major schism that originated in the 1920s and 1930s within the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. At issue were foundational disputes about the role of Christianity; the authority of the Bible; and the death, resurrection, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Two broad factions within Protestantism emerged: fundamentalists, who insisted upon the timeless validity of each doctrine of Christian orthodoxy; and modernists, who advocated a conscious adaptation of the Christian faith in response to the new scientific discoveries and moral pressures of the age. At first, the schism was limited to Reformed churches and centered around the Princeton Theological Seminary, whose fundamentalist faculty members founded Westminster Theological Seminary when Princeton went in a liberal direction. However, it soon spread, affecting nearly every Protestant denomination in the United States. Denominations that were not initially affected, such as the Lutheran churches, eventually were embroiled in the controversy, leading to a schism in the United States.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">W. A. Criswell</span> American pastor and author (1909–2002)

Wallie Amos Criswell, was an American pastor, author, and a two-term elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1968 to 1970. As senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas for five decades he became widely known for expository biblical preaching at a popular level, and is regarded as a key figure in the late 1970s "Conservative Resurgence" within the Southern Baptist Convention.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southern Baptist Theological Seminary</span> Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, USA

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) is a Baptist theological institute in Louisville, Kentucky. It is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. The seminary was founded in 1859 in Greenville, South Carolina, where it was at first housed on the campus of Furman University. The seminary has been an innovator in theological education, establishing one of the first Ph.D. programs in religion in the year 1892. After being closed during the Civil War, it moved in 1877 to a newly built campus in downtown Louisville and moved to its current location in 1926 in the Crescent Hill neighborhood. In 1953, Southern became one of the few seminaries to offer a full, accredited degree course in church music. For more than fifty years Southern has been one of the world's largest theological seminaries, with an FTE enrollment of over 3,300 students in 2015.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">H. Dale Jackson</span>

Reverend Dr. H. Dale Jackson was a Baptist minister, denominational leader and ethicist. He is most remembered for his efforts in promoting the historic distinctives of the Baptist faith; among those being the ideals of absolute separation of church and state, the authority of the Holy Scriptures, the autonomy of the local church, the priesthood of the individual, perseverance of the saints and the ordinances of believer's baptism by immersion and Holy Communion. For twenty years, he served as senior pastor of the Overland Baptist Church in St. Louis, Missouri.

Russell Hooper Dilday was an American pastor, educator, seminary president, and chancellor of the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute. He was best known for his tenure as president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary until his abrupt dismissal in 1994 during the Southern Baptist Convention conservative resurgence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Morris Chapman</span> American pastor (born 1940)

Morris H. Chapman was elected president and chief executive officer of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee on October 1, 1992. In September 2009 he announced that he would retire from this position effective September 30, 2010.

Harold Lindsell was an evangelical Christian author and scholar who was one of the founding members of Fuller Theological Seminary. He is best known for his 1976 book The Battle for the Bible.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">William Randall Lolley</span> American Christian clergyman (1931–2022)

W. Randall Lolley (1931-2022) was an American Christian clergyman of the Baptist tradition. His principal contribution to religious and academic life was a 14-year presidency (1974-1988) of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in the town of Wake Forest, North Carolina. Lolley's leadership of the seminary—one of six owned by the Southern Baptist Convention—ended as a result of theological and political strife within the denomination.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jimmy Allen (pastor)</span> American pastor

Jimmy Raymond Allen was an American pastor and President of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) from 1977 to 1979. As president of the SBC, Allen was noted for his moderation and commitment to compassion in the church and was the last president before the SBC's conservative resurgence. After leaving his post as president, he continued to serve in the SBC before eventually becoming involved in other baptist organizations.