
Last updated
TypeChocolate Beverage
Country of origin  Mexico
Ingredientstoasted and ground tortilla, canela, roasted cocoa bean, Annatto in pasta, sugar or Panela

Tascalate (alternative spelling Tazcalate) is a chocolate drink made from a mixture of roasted maize, roasted cocoa bean, ground pine nuts, achiote and sugar or panela, very common in the Mexican state of Chiapas. [1]

Tascalate means tortilla water (agua de tortilla) [2] and their origins can be rooted to their noble prehispanic lineage. [3]

Ingredients could vary, so that some variants are dominated by the taste of roasted corn, whilst other mixtures are dominated by chocolate flavor. But actually the ingredients are mostly standardized without major variations. [4] [5]

For preparing the hot drink, the ground ingredients are mixed with milk and heated. For a cold drink, ingredients are stirred in cold water and consumed with ice cubes.

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  1. Guitiérrez, Tuxla. "El tascalate, una bebida con sabor a Chiapas". El Universal. Retrieved 2 February 2015.
  2. "Tascalate, elíxir prehispánico orgullosamente chiapaneco". mexico desconocido. Retrieved 2 May 2023.
  3. "Tejate: Theobroma Cacao and T. bicolor in a Traditional Beverage..." (PDF). Explorations in the History and Culture of Food and Foodways. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-08-09. Retrieved 12 May 2024.
  4. "Tascalate, elíxir prehispánico orgullosamente chiapaneco". mexico desconocido. Retrieved 2 May 2023.
  5. "Tascalate". mexico lingo y querido. Archived from the original on 2012-11-27. Retrieved 12 May 2023.