This page includes thoughts of other critics about Rymer, expressed in George Saintsbury (1911) ''History of English Criticism'', pp. 133–134, Herbert E. Cory (1911) ''Critics of Edmund Spenser'', pp. 120–121, Harko Gerrit De Maar (1924), ''History of Modern English Romanticism'', p. 34, and H. T. Swedenberg (1944), ''Theory of the Epic in England'', p. 47."},"parts":[{"template":{"target":{"wt":"efn ","href":"./Template:Efn"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"{{Cite web |title=Thomas Rymer: Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie: The Preface of the Translator |website=English Poetry 1579-1830: Spenser and the Tradition |url= |access-date=26 March 2019}} This page includes thoughts of other critics about Rymer, expressed in George Saintsbury (1911) ''History of English Criticism'', pp. 133–134, Herbert E. Cory (1911) ''Critics of Edmund Spenser'', pp. 120–121, Harko Gerrit De Maar (1924), ''History of Modern English Romanticism'', p. 34, and H. T. Swedenberg (1944), ''Theory of the Epic in England'', p. 47."}},"i":0}}]}"> [c] Following the principles set there, he composed a verse tragedy licensed on 13 September 1677, called Edgar, or the English Monarch, which failed. It was printed in 1678,[4] with a second edition in 1693.[9] Rymer's views on drama were again given to the world in a printed letter to Fleetwood Shepheard, a friend of Matthew Prior, entitled The Tragedies of the Last Age Consider'd (1678).[10] Here, in discussing Rollo Duke of Normandy by John Fletcher, Philip Massinger, Ben Jonson, and George Chapman, Rymer coined the term "poetical justice".[11][12]
To Ovid's Epistles Translated by Several Hands (1680), prefaced by Dryden, Rymer contributed Penelope to Ulysses.[d] He was also one of those who Englished the so-called Dryden's Plutarch of 1683–1686 (5 vols.): the life of Nicias fell to his share.[13] Rymer wrote a preface to Whitelocke's Memorials of English Affairs (1682),[14] and in 1681 A General Draught and Prospect of the Government of Europe, reprinted in 1689 and 1714 as Of the Antiquity, Power, and Decay of Parliaments,[15] where ignorant of a future dignity that would be his, he had the misfortune to observe, "You are not to expect truth from an historiographer royal."[10]
Rymer contributed three pieces to the collection of Poems to the Memory of Edmund Waller (1688)[16][e] (afterwards reprinted in Dryden's Miscellany Poems),[18][f] and wrote the Latin inscription on all four sides of Edmund Waller's monument in Beaconsfield churchyard.[19][10]
The preface ("Lectori salutem") to the posthumous Historia Ecclesiastica (1688)[20] of Thomas Hobbes seems to have been written by Rymer.[g] An English translation appeared in 1722.[23] The Life of Hobbes (1681), sometimes ascribed to him, was written by Richard Blackburne.[h] He produced a congratulatory poem on the arrival of Queen Mary in Westminster with William III on 12 February 1689.[4][i]
Rymer's next piece of authorship was to translate the sixth elegy of the third book of Ovid's Tristia for Dryden's Poetical Miscellanies. The only version to contain Rymer's rendering seems to be the second edition of the second part of the Miscellanies, subtitled Silvae (1692).[24][j]
Shortly after Rymer's appintment as Historiographer Royal in 1692, there appeared his much-discussed A Short View of Tragedy (1693),[31] criticising Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, which gave rise to The Impartial Critick (1693) of John Dennis, the epigram of Dryden.[32]
First edition
Rymer's lasting contribution to scholarship was the Foedera (abbr.Foed.), a collection of "all the leagues, treaties, alliances, capitulations, and confederacies, which have at any time been made between the Crown of England and any other kingdoms, princes and states."[33] Begun under a royal warrant in 1693, it was "an immense labour of research and transcription on which he spent the last twenty years of his life".[34][35] Documents were presented in their original Latin. Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy's later Syllabus (1869-1885) provided summaries in English,[36][37] despite the multiple incorrect assertions of certain websites.[33]
During his last two decades Rymer prepared for the press the text of vols. 1 through 15, most of vol. 16, and some of vol. 17, but only lived to see the publication of vols. 1 though 15, with printing of the latter, according to Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, "finished on the 25th of August 1713, about four months before the death of Rymer"[38] These fifteen volumes of the 1st edition which Rymer saw to publication covered the period from May 1101 (Henry I) up to July 1586, half-way through the reign of Elizabeth I. He was assisted by Robert Sanderson, who completed and published by 1717 the material of Rymer's two unfinished volumes covering the period up to 1625 (death of James I), including an index to the whole work of which it was written, "nothing can well be more inconvenient".[39]
Sanderson, working on his own account (i.e. unsanctioned by a Royal warrant), published in the same format three further volumes (vols. 18–20, pub. 1731–1735) of lesser quality, dealing with domestic history rather than foreign affairs.[40] Hardy does not consider them to be properly part of Rymer's 1st edition. Hardy is highly critical of these last three volumes, saying that only about a quarter of the articles deserve to be there.[40] Sanderson added some extraneous material which, according to Hardy, change the whole focus of the work: "Instead of a Foedera he has rather produced a new work in the shape of materials for our domestic history, in which foreign affairs are slightly intermingled."[41]The Gentleman's Magazine of Edinburgh in 1834 described Sanderson's contributions as "the last three being supplementary."[35]
Later editions
The following section contains a general outline of the complex and involved publication history of further editions of the Foedera.
George Holmes, editor of the 2nd editionAdam Clarke, editor of the 4th ("Record") edition
Hardy states that Holmes was employed by the publisher of the first edition, Jacob Tonson, from p. 112 of Vol. 1, up to the end of Vol. 12 only; and that the subsequent third edition is essentially an edited reprint of the 17 vols. of the 2nd edition, plus Sanderson's last 3 volumes unredacted.[44]
A re-set and newly edited 3rd ("Hague") edition (10 vols. in two-column format, pub. 1737–1745, including Sanderson's 'supplemental' volumes 18-20), was published and possibly edited by John Neaulme in The Hague,[44] in "ten closely-printed folio volumes".[35][k] The first nine reprinted the 2nd edition by Holmes, with the tenth combining the French-language synopses (abrégés) of Vols. 1–17 by Jean Le Clerc and Paul de Rapin, which had appeared soon after the English publication of each successive volume, with a new index to this edition of the Foedera.[35][43] Rapin's abridgements of Vols. II–XIX (but not I or XX) had been earlier translated into English in 1733.[46][47]
The Record Commission in 1800 proposed a "Supplement and Continuation" to the Foedera; in 1809 it decided instead to make a complete revision,[35] the 4th ("Record") edition. Seven parts were prepared before the project was abandoned after the Commissioners became dissatisfied with the editing of Dr. Adam Clarke and others.[35][43] Six parts in three volumes were published from 1816 to 1830 and the seventh in 1869, along with miscellaneous notes.[l]Foedera was thus seemingly revised up to the year 1383,[35][43] but this edition has attracted considerable criticism.
A three-volume English-language summary and index (Syllabus) to the 1st, 3rd and 4th editions of Foedera was published by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy in 1869–1885.[49] In the introduction to his second volume, Hardy was highly critical of Clarke who, although an industrious biblical and oriental scholar, was utterly unskilled in diplomacy or palaeography, and lacking any profound acquaintance with the English historical and antiquarian literature.[50] Hardy prints a short list of 50 errors he randomly found in Clarke's edition.[51] He spends ten whole pages berating the editors of the Record edition for both what they included and what they omitted, especially for copying from printed sources and not consulting original MS, even though they were easily available and to hand.[52] Hardy also blames Clarke for criticising Rymer and Holmes, although Clarke proceeded to commit the same sort of faults himself.[53] The Gentleman's Magazine of July 1834 also notes that although Clarke was a distinguished orientalist himself, the sole entry in Arabic in the 4th edition has a mistake.[35]
Despite Hardy's extensive condemnation of the editors and publications of the Record Commission, backed up by multiple examples of their errors, the Victoria County History recommends citing the Record Commission (RC) edition where available and the Hague edition otherwise.[54]
All the editions thus suffer from various defects, and no complete and correct revision has been published as of 2024. Hardy had intended in his Syllabus to correct not only all the errors in Clarke, but in the whole of the first three editions as well: but this proved to be beyond him, faced with a vast array of material.[55] Hardy's work is probably the most reliable guide to the Foedera, but even confirming a single fact can involve checking multiple sources of the various editions of the Foedera and their indexes, along with Holmes's 'Emendations' and his own copy of the 1st edition, against Hardy's Syllabus and its own index, and also his list of errata.[56]
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↑ A further unauthorised three volumes (18–20), published 1726–1735 in the same format and dealing with the years 1625–1654, were compiled by his assistant Robert Sanderson, but are technically not part of Rymer's 1st edition.
↑ A 1688 translation into English of William Bellenden's Ciceronis Princeps (first published anonymously in Paris in 1608)[5] sometimes said to be Thomas Rymer's first publication, has been shown by Curt Zimansky to be the work of Thomas Ross (1620–1675), courtier, poet and tutor to the first Duke of Monmouth.[6][7]
↑ "Thomas Rymer: Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie: The Preface of the Translator". English Poetry 1579-1830: Spenser and the Tradition. Retrieved 26 March 2019. This page includes thoughts of other critics about Rymer, expressed in George Saintsbury (1911) History of English Criticism, pp. 133–134, Herbert E. Cory (1911) Critics of Edmund Spenser, pp. 120–121, Harko Gerrit De Maar (1924), History of Modern English Romanticism, p. 34, and H. T. Swedenberg (1944), Theory of the Epic in England, p. 47.
↑ This went through numerous expanding editions: e. g. Ovid; Rymer, Thomas (1776). "Penelope to Ulysses". In Dryden, John (preface) (ed.). Ovid's Epistles: with his Amours. Translated into English Verse by the Most Eminent Hands. London: Printed for T. Davies, W. Strahan, W. Clarke, et al.
↑ The poems are: On Mr. Waller. T. Rymer (p. 4); Monsieur St. Euremon. 1684 (In French). In English, by T. R. (p. 10); To Mr. Riley, Drawing Mr. Waller's Picture. T. R. (p. 26). "It is not improbable that the initials T. R., signed to several of the pieces, are those of Thomas Rymer, who is believed to have edited the volume and who signed one of the poems in full."[17]
↑ The poems are again On Mr. Waller By Mr. T. Rymer (pp. 223–225); Monsieur St. Euremon. 1684. In English, by T. R. (p. 234); To Mr. Riley, Drawing Mr. Waller's Picture. By Mr. T. Rymer (p. 267). The attribution of the Riley poem is 'By Mr. Rymer', rather than 'T. R.' in the 1688 version.
↑ William Molesworth, in his 1845 edition of Hobbes[21] says that the preface is by Rymer and that the original title page and motto must be ascribed to him. Patricia Springborg also says the introduction is by Rymer.[22]
↑ See [Grant, Arthur Henry (1886). "Blackburne, Richard". Dictionary of National Biography. Vol.05. pp.124–125.] by Arthur Henry Grant in DNB, Volume 5: "Dr. Blackburne certainly wrote a Latin supplement to the short "Life", entitled "Vitae Hobbianie Auctarium", the first sentence of which supplies the chief evidence of his authorship of the "Life". Both these works would seem to have been derived from a larger and fuller "Life" in manuscript, written in English by John Aubrey and used with the knowledge and consent of the latter, and possibly with the assistance of Hobbes himself."
↑ (Rymer 1689). Rymer compares Mary to Pyhrra, Deucalion's bride: according to Ovid, after the Deluge the couple threw rocks over their shoulders, which metamorphosed into babies who grew up and re-populated the world.
↑ Dryden and Jacob Tonson's Poetical Miscellanies has a somewhat involved publishing history of numerous editions with various titles, reprints and bindings.[25] The second edition of the second part (1692) seems to be the only one to contain Rymer's translation, and was apparently only published bound up with some copies of the second edition of the first part (also 1692).[26] The first edition of the second Ppart appeared as Sylvæ: or the Second Part of Poetical Miscellanies (1685).[27] A second edition of Sylvae was published in 1692 and was bound with the second edition of part one of the Miscellany Poems (1692) (Part One, 1st ed. published 1684, reissued 1685). This second edition of the first and second Parts was published in 1692 (Dryden 1692). It seems to be the only version to contain Rymer's translation. There are online copies or text-only versions, but none seem to be freely available. In addition, some copies of the first edition of Sylvæ (not containing Rymer's Ovid) were bound with the second edition of the Miscellany Poems. Rymer's Ovid does not seem to appear in the third edition of the first part of the Miscellany Poems (1702)[28] or in the fourth edition of the second part of the Miscellany Poems.[29] The third part (or volume) is Examen Poeticum (1693).[30]
↑ All volumes are scanned at the Internet Archive.[45] Volumes 8 to 12 (of 20, covering 1397 to 1502) are available at British History Online, collated with the English summaries from Hardy's Syllabus, but not implementing his considerable list of errata, and without attribution.[33]
Bond, Christopher (September 2009). "The Phœnix and the Prince: The Poetry of Thomas Ross and Literary Culture in the Court of Charles II". The Review of English Studies. 60 (246): 588–604. doi:10.1093/res/hgn169.
Dennis, John (1909) [1693]. "The Impartial Critick". In Spingarn, Joel Elias (ed.). Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century, Vol. III: 1685–1700. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Hobbes, Thomas (1722). Rymer, Thomas (ed.). A True Ecclesiastical History, from Moses to the time of Martin Luther, in Verse. Made English from the Latin original. Historia ecclesiastica, carmine elegiaco concinnata. Translated by John Rooke. London: Printed for E. Curll. hdl:2027/njp.32101073248617.
Oppenheimer, Carl H. (1940). The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library. 3. New York: Privately Printed.
Plutarch (1693). "Nicias". The third volume of Plutarch's lives. Translated from the Greek, by several hands. Translated by Thomas Rymer. (Early English Books Online – text only). London: Printed by R. E. for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges Head in Chancery-Lane, near Fleet-street.
Rymer, Thomas (1688a). "Preface". In Hobbes, Thomas (ed.). Historia ecclesiastica carmine elegiaco concinnata Authore, Thoma Hobbio Malmesburiensi. (Early English Books Online – text only) (in Latin). Augustae Trinobantum (London).
Rymer, Thomas (1693a) [1678]. Edgar, or the English Monarch: an Heroick Tragedy. (Early English Books Online – text only) (2nded.). London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Pauls-Church-yard.
Rymer, Thomas (1853) [1682]. "Preface to the first edition". In Whitelocke, Bulstrode (ed.). Memorials of the English affairs from the beginning of the reign of Charles the First to the happy restoration of King Charles the Second, Vol. 1. (4 vols.) (Repr. of 2nd, 1732ed.). Oxford University Press.
Sherbo, Arthur (2013) [2004]. "Rymer, Thomas (1642/3–1713)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (onlineed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/24426. Retrieved 17 October 2017.(subscription required)
Irving Ribner: "Dryden's Shaksperian criticism and the neo-classical paradox", The Shakespeare Association Bulletin Vol. 21, No. 4 (October 1946), pp. 168–171. Published by: Oxford University Press Published by Jacob Tonson, Bookseller
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