UniSport Nationals

Last updated
UniSport Nationals
Unisport nationals logo.png
FormerlyAustralian University Games
Founded1993;32 years ago (1993)
Organising body UniSport
No. of teams43
Country Australia
Headquarters Brisbane
Official website unisport.com.au/nationals
Sports current event.svg 2025 UniSport Nationals

The UniSport Nationals is a multi-sport event held annually between the 43 Australian universities and tertiary institutions. Overseen by UniSport, the peak governing body of university sport in Australia, the nationals is the flagship event on the university sporting calendar and attracts over 6,000 student athletes each year. The nationals consist of Division 1, Division 2 and a smaller number of standalone sporting competitions held throughout the year. [1]



Uni Games logo, 2017. Uni Games logo.png
Uni Games logo, 2017.

The inaugural Australian University Games were held in Brisbane in 1993. The 2015 Australian University Games hosted in Gold Coast was the largest in its history, with more than 8,000 student athletes competing across 32 sports. [2]

The University of Sydney has been the most successful amongst competing universities in the Australian University Games, having achieved "Overall Champion" a total of nine times (1995–1996, 1999–2003, 2007, 2014). The University of Western Australia became the first University outside the big 3 (the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne, and Monash University) to win the overall champion title since 1994, when it clinched the 2010 title. The final Australian University Games concluded in 2017 with the University of Technology Sydney, claiming their second overall champion title. The UniSport Nationals replaced the Australian University Games from 2018 onwards. [2]

Currently 31 of the sports are included in the main national championships event, which rotates between Perth and the Gold Coast in its location. The remaining national unisport championships are held as standalone championships through the year, often as part of partner events hosted by universities. [3]

While these championships are usually held annually, the 2020 and 2021 events that were set to take place on the Gold Coast were cancelled due to the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. [4] Along with its main national championships, UniSport Australia also cancelled the standalone championships throughout 2020. [5] The event returned successfully in 2022 in Perth. [6]

In July 2022, UniSport Australia announced that they would be adopting the National Integrity Framework, and associated integrity policies, after forming a partnership with Sport Integrity Australia. [7]

Member universities

Australian Catholic University (ACU)South,
Ballarat, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE)EastSydney
New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA)EastCanberra
Australian Capital Territory
Australian National University (ANU)EastCanberra
Australian Capital Territory
Avondale University (AVON)EastLake Macquarie
New South Wales
Bond University (BOND)NorthGold Coast
Central Queensland University (CQU)NorthBundaberg, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Brisbane
Charles Darwin University (CDU)NorthDarwin
Northern Territory
Charles Sturt University (CSU)EastAlbury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Manly, Wagga Wagga
New South Wales
Curtin University (CURT)WestPerth
Western Australia
Deakin University (DEAK)SouthGeelong, Melbourne, Warrnambool
Edith Cowan University (ECU)WestPerth
Western Australia
Federation University Australia (FED)SouthBallarat, Churchill, Berwick, Horsham
Flinders University (FU)SouthAdelaide
South Australia
Griffith University (GU)NorthBrisbane, Gold Coast
International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS)EastSydney
New South Wales
James Cook University (JCU)NorthCairns, Townsville
La Trobe University (LTU)SouthAlbury-Wodonga, Bendigo, Melbourne
Macquarie University (MQU)EastSydney
New South Wales
Monash University (MON)SouthMelbourne
Murdoch University (MDU)WestPerth
Western Australia
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)NorthBrisbane
RMIT University (RMIT)SouthMelbourne
Southern Cross University (SCU)EastLismore
New South Wales
Swinburne University of Technology (SUT)SouthMelbourne
The University of Adelaide (AU)SouthAdelaide
South Australia
The University of Melbourne (MELB)SouthMelbourne
The University of New England (UNE)NorthArmidale
New South Wales
University of Newcastle (NCLE)EastNewcastle
New South Wales
The University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA)WestPerth
Western Australia
The University of Queensland (UQ)NorthBrisbane
The University of Sydney (USYD)EastSydney
New South Wales
The University of Western Australia (UWA)WestPerth
Western Australia
Torrens University Australia (TUA)South,
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney
University of Canberra (UC)EastCanberra
Australian Capital Territory
University of New South Wales (UNSW)EastSydney
New South Wales
University of South Australia (USA)SouthAdelaide
South Australia
University of Southern Queensland (USQ)NorthToowoomba
University of Tasmania (TU)SouthHobart, Launceston
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)EastSydney
New South Wales
University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)NorthSunshine Coast
University of Western Sydney (UWS)EastSydney
New South Wales
University of Wollongong (UOW)EastWollongong
New South Wales
Victoria University, Australia (VU)SouthMelbourne

Map of host cities

Australia location map.svg
Host cities of Australian University Games (1993–2017) and UniSport Nationals (2018–present)


Overall Champion

The university with the most pennants across all sports is awarded the Overall Champion Trophy.

Per Capita Champion

The university with the highest points based on performance and enrolment numbers is awarded the Doug Ellis Per Capita Trophy.

Spirit Champion

The university that has shown the best sportsmanship is awarded John White Spirit Trophy.

Table of Results

YearHost CityHost UniversityOverall Champion UniversityPer Capita Champion UniversitySpirit Champion University
1993 Brisbane The University of Queensland The University of Queensland Charles Sturt University University of Western Sydney
1994 Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Ballarat
1995 Darwin Northern Territory University The University of Sydney Northern Territory University University of Technology Sydney
1996 Canberra Australian National University
University of Canberra
The University of Sydney Deakin University - Burwood Deakin University - Burwood
1997 Melbourne La Trobe University The University of Melbourne Deakin University - Burwood Deakin University - Burwood
1998 Melbourne Monash University
The University of Melbourne
Monash University University of Ballarat The University of Western Australia
1999 Perth Curtin University of Technology
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
The University of Notre Dame Australia
The University of Western Australia
The University of Sydney Charles Sturt University - MitchellThe University of New England
2000 Ballarat University of Ballarat The University of Sydney University of Ballarat The University of New South Wales
2001 Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney Charles Sturt University - BathurstThe University of Western Australia
2002 Adelaide The University of Adelaide
University of South Australia
Flinders University
The University of Sydney University of Ballarat Charles Sturt University - Bathurst
2003 Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Sydney University of Ballarat Australian Defence Force Academy
2004 Perth Curtin University of Technology
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
The University of Notre Dame Australia
The University of Western Australia
The University of Melbourne University of Ballarat Curtin University of Technology
2005 Brisbane Griffith University The University of Melbourne Macquarie University Queensland University of Technology
2006 [8] Adelaide The University of Adelaide
University of South Australia
Flinders University
The University of Melbourne The University of Adelaide Victoria University
2007 [9] Gold Coast Griffith University - Gold CoastThe University of Sydney Australian College of Physical Education Charles Sturt University
2008 [10] Melbourne Monash University
Victoria University
Monash University The University of New England Griffith University
2009 [11] Gold Coast Bond University Monash University Bond University The University of Queensland
2010 [12] Perth The University of Western Australia The University of Western Australia The University of Notre Dame Australia RMIT University
2011 [13] Gold Coast The University of Sydney Bond University Murdoch University
2012 Adelaide The University of Melbourne The University of Western Australia RMIT University
2013 Gold Coast The University of Melbourne Bond University Queensland University of Technology
2014 Sydney The University of Sydney Bond University Edith Cowan University
2015 Gold Coast The University of Sydney Bond University The University of Western Australia
2016 Perth University of Technology Sydney The University of Western Australia Monash University
2017 Gold Coast University of Technology Sydney Bond University Macquarie University
2018 Gold Coast The University of Queensland Bond University RMIT University
2019 Gold Coast The University of Sydney Bond University RMIT University
2020 Gold Coast Cancelled
2021 Gold Coast Cancelled
2022 Perth Curtin University
University of Western Australia
University of Sydney Bond University Western Sydney University
2023 Gold Coast Southern Cross University University of Sydney Bond University Western Sydney University
2024 Canberra University of Canberra
Australian National University
University of Sydney Bond University Australian National University

Sports Trophies

3x3 Basketball


2018Macquarie UniversityRMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Sydney
2019 [14] Macquarie UniversityThe University of NewcastleMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2021 [15] University of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityMonash UniversityRMIT University
2022 [16] Macquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyRMIT UniversityDeakin University
2023 [17] Div 1The University of SydneyMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityWestern Sydney University
Div 2Macquarie UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityUNSW SydneyEdith Cowan University
2024 [18] Div 1University of Canterbury (NZ)The University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityDeakin University
Div 2Victoria UniversityThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityCharles Sturt University


2018Monash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of New South Wales
2019 [19] University of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyDeakin University
2021 [15] Monash UniversityThe University of New South WalesUniversity of WollongongThe Australian National University
2022 [16] University of Technology SydneyLa Trobe UniversityRMIT UniversityMacquarie University
2023 [17] Div 1University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Div 2UNSW SydneyMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityWestern Sydney University
2024 [20] Div 1University of SydneyLa Trobe UniversityUniversity of Waikato (NZ)Victoria University
Div 2University of SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastMonash UniversityCharles Sturt University



2005The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityAustralian College of Physical Education
2006The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyAustralian College of Physical Education
2007The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2008The University of QueenslandMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2009The University of QueenslandMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2010The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaEdith Cowan University
2018The University of QueenslandUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyMonash University
2019The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of New South Wales


QLD Licensed Vietuallers Asc. IV Athletics Trophy

2005The University of QueenslandMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Sydney
2006The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneAustralian College of Physical Education
2007The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2008Monash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneVictoria University
2009Monash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyUniversity of Western Sydney
2010The University of SydneyEdith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2011The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of QueenslandUniversity of Tasmania
2012The University of SydneyUniversity of Sunshine CoastMacquarie UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2013The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
2014The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2015The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2016University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
2017University of Technology SydneyThe University of QueenslandUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Sydney
2018The University of QueenslandUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyMonash University
2019The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityLa Trobe University
2021 [21] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Melbourne
2022 [22] The University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology SydneyAustralian Catholic University
2023 [18] The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyAustralian Catholic University
2024 [23] The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandUniversity of Technology SydneyUNSW Sydney


The G.R. Hulbert Trophy

2005The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2006The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyAustralian College of Physical Education
2007The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneGriffith UniversityThe University of Sydney
2008The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMonash University
2009The University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityCurtin University of Technology
2011The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2012The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
2013The University of SydneyRMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2014The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneRMIT UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
2015The University of SydneyDeakin UniversityGriffith UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2016The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
2017The University of SydneyUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2018The University of QueenslandUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyMonash University
2019The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of New South Wales
2021 [21] The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales Sydney
2022 [22] The University of SydneyGriffith UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2023 [18] The University of SydneyAustralian Catholic UniversityMacquarie UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2024 [24] The University of SydneyGriffith UniversityThe University of QueenslandAustralian Catholic University

Australian Football

Men - Division One

The E.J Hartung Cup Intervarsity is Awarded to the Winning Men's Football Team

1999Deakin UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2000The University of MelbourneDeakin University
2001The University of MelbourneMonash University
2002The University of MelbourneDeakin University
2003The University of Melbourne
2004Australian Catholic UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2005The University of MelbourneDeakin UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMonash University
2006The University of AdelaideThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneDeakin University
2007Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaAustralian Catholic University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityLa Trobe UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2009The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityLa Trobe UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2010The University of Western AustraliaEdith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityVictoria University
2011The University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityMurdoch UniversityAustralian Catholic University
2012The University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of AdelaideMonash University
2013The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneMurdoch UniversityUniversity of Ballarat
2014The University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaRMIT UniversityFederation University
2015The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneRMIT UniversityMonash University
2016The University of Western AustraliaDeakin UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityEdith Cowan University
2017Federation University AustraliaDeakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityAustralian Catholic University
2018Federation University AustraliaThe University of SydneyUniversity of TasmaniaDeakin University
2019Federation University AustraliaTorrens University AustraliaAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of New South Wales

Men - Division Two

2008Victoria UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologyAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of Ballarat
2009Australian Catholic UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityGriffith UniversityBond University
2010No Competition


2005The University of MelbourneAustralian Catholic UniversityAustralian Defence Force AcademyDeakin University
2006Australian Catholic UniversityDeakin UniversityThe University of MelbourneLa Trobe University
2007Monash UniversityDeakin UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Ballarat
2008University of BallaratMonash UniversityVictoria UniversityLa Trobe University
2009University of BallaratLa Trobe UniversityMonash UniversityVictoria University
2010Victoria UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch University
2012RMIT UniversityMonash UniversityVictoria UniversityAustralian Catholic University
2019The University of MelbourneDeakin UniversityTorrens UniversityAustralian Catholic University

Mixed AFL 9s

2023The University of SydneyThe University of Sydney 2Bond University
2024University of Technology SydneyVictoria UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine CoastCharles Sturt University


Men Division 1

2005University of New South WalesQueensland University of TechnologyMonash UniversitySwinburne University of Technology
2006Curtin University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2007The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2008Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Sydney
2009The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of QueenslandMonash University
2012The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of South Australia
2013The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of Queensland
2014The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyCurtin University
2015Australian National UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2016Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Western Australia
2017Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Queensland
2018Monash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2019Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of QueenslandThe University of Melbourne
2022 [25] Curtin UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2023 [26] Monash UniversityRMIT UniversityThe University of SydneyDeakin University
2024 [27] UNSW SydneyDeakin UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney


2005University of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney
2006University of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2007Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Melbourne
2008Monash UniversityVictoria UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Sydney
2009The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2010Monash UniversityCurtin University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
2012The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Adelaide
2013The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2014The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2015Macquarie UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South Wales
2016The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneCurtin University
2017The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South Wales
2018The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South Wales
2019The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Queensland
2022 [25] The University of MelbourneUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Queensland
2023 [28] Monash UniversityThe University of QueenslandUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Sydney
2024 [29] The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Queensland

Men Division 2

2018Griffith UniversityDeakin UniversityUniversity of TasmaniaThe University of Newcastle
2022 [25] The Australian National UniversityRMIT UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin University


Australian Universities Championship Series

1994University of NewcastleThe University of MelbourneUniversity of WollongongUniversity of New South Wales
2004Edith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityUniversity of WollongongUniversity of Western Australia
2005Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2006The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie University
2007The University of Western AustraliaMacquarie UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2008The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityVictoria University
2009The University of SydneyGriffith UniversityMonash UniversityMacquarie University
2010The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
2011Monash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandGriffith UniversityThe University of Sydney
2012The University of MelbourneUniversity of NewcastleMonash UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2013The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityGriffith UniversityLa Trobe University
2014The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Newcastle
2015Griffith UniversityThe University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyMonash University
2016The University of MelbourneGriffith UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Newcastle
2017Griffith UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyUniversity of Newcastle
2018The University of SydneyGriffith UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of Technology
2019University of NewcastleThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne



AUSA Men's Basketball Shield

1994University of BallaratUniversity of New South Wales----
1995Central Queensland UniversityUniversity of Ballarat----
1996University of CanberraUniversity of Melbourne----
2005Macquarie UniversityGriffith UniversityDeakin UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
2006University of NewcastleRMIT UniversityThe University of AdelaideDeakin University
2007Monash UniversityDeakin UniversityGriffith UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
2008Monash UniversityLa Trobe UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology, Sydney
2009The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneGriffith UniversityMacquarie University
2010The University of MelbourneGriffith UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMonash University
2011Griffith UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Melbourne
2012Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneSydney UniversityVictoria University
2013Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Sydney
2014The University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2015Macquarie UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityDeakin UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2016The University of Western AustraliaVictoria UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
2017University of New South WalesRMIT UniversityVictoria UniversityLa Trobe University
2018Victoria UniversityRMIT UniversityThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
2019The University of AdelaideLa Trobe UniversityRMIT UniversityMacquarie University
2022 [25] Div 1La Trobe UniversityMonash UniversityVictoria UniversityRMIT University
Div 2University of WollongongAvondale University CollegeUniversity of CanberraWestern Sydney University
2023 [30] Div 1La Trobe UniversityThe University of AdelaideRMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Div 2Avondale UniversityVictoria UniversityUniversity of New South WalesMacquarie University
2024 [31] Div 1University of TasmaniaMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
Div 2Deakin UniversityFederation UniversityUniversity of WollongongSwinburne University of Technology


2005University of Western SydneyUniversity of New South WalesLa Trobe UniversityDeakin University
2006The University of AdelaideUniversity of New South WalesQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin University
2007Queensland University of TechnologyDeakin UniversityUniversity of New South WalesGriffith University
2008Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneVictoria University
2009Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneGriffith University
2010The University of SydneyMonash UniversityDeakin UniversityVictoria University
2022 [25] Div 1Victoria UniversityThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Div 2Federation UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityGriffith UniversitySouthern Cross University
2023 [30] Div 1La Trobe UniversityThe University of MelbourneDeakin UniversityThe University of Sydney
Div 2Australian Catholic UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideThe University of Queensland
2024 [32] The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Queensland

Beach Volleyball


2005Griffith University
The University of Queensland
Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Newcastle
2006Bond UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2007Queensland University of TechnologyDeakin UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2008Murdoch UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2009Griffith UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFlinders UniversityMurdoch University
2010Edith Cowan UniversityRMIT UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin University


2005The University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyGriffith University 1Griffith University 2
2006Queensland University of Technology 2Queensland University of Technology 3The University of QueenslandGriffith University - Gold Coast
2007Queensland University of TechnologyRMIT UniversityUniversity of NewcastleBond University
2008Murdoch UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityUniversity of NewcastleThe University of Queensland
2009Griffith UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFlinders UniversityMurdoch University
2010Edith Cowan UniversityRMIT UniversityDeakin UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2022 [25] Div 1The University of AdelaideCurtin UniversityGriffith UniversityJames Cook University
Div 2University of Notre Dame AustraliaUniversity of Sunshine CoastAdelaide University 2Murdoch University
2023 [33] Div 1Curtin UniversityGriffith UniversityRMIT UniversityWestern Sydney University
Div 2Griffith University 2The University of Adelaide 2University of Notre Dame AustraliaThe University of Adelaide
2024 [34] RMIT UniversityThe University of AdelaideVictoria UniversityThe University of Queensland


2005Griffith University 1Griffith University 2RMIT University 1University of the Sunshine Coast
2006Queensland University of Technology 2Queensland University of Technology 4Queensland University of Technology 1Queensland University of Technology 3
2007Queensland University of TechnologyMonash UniversityCurtin University of TechnologyDeakin University
2008Bond UniversityMurdoch UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2009The University of QueenslandBond UniversityMurdoch UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2010Edith Cowan UniversityGriffith UniversityMurdoch UniversityCurtin University of Technology
2022 [25] University of Western AustraliaJames Cook UniversityGriffith UniversityThe University of Adelaide 2
2023 [33] Div 1La Trobe UniversityJames Cook UniversityGrififth UniversityUniversity of Canberra
Div 2Flinders UniversityThe University of AdelaideUniversity of Sunshine CoastCurtin University
2024 [35] Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideJames Cook UniversityThe University of Melbourne


2005The University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyGriffith UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2006The University of AdelaideUniversity of NewcastleBond UniversityDeakin University
2007The University of AdelaideDeakin UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyMonash University
2008Murdoch UniversityMonash UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2009Edith Cowan UniversityRMIT UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyMurdoch University
2010RMIT UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityDeakin UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2012RMIT UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaAdelaide UniversityMonash University
2022 [25] Div 1The University of Sydney 2University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyMurdoch University
Div 2University of New South Wales SydneyWestern Sydney UniversityCurtin UniversitySouthern Cross University
2023 [33] Div 1University of QueenslandGriffith UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyMacquarie University
Div 2Griffith University 2University of New EnglandUniversity of New England 2Victoria University
2024Griffith UniversityGriffith University 2Macquarie UniversityQueensland University of Technology

Cheer and Dance


2018 [36] Queensland University of Technology

(16 overall points)

Australian College of Physical Education

(15.5 overall points)

University of Queensland

(12.5 overall points)

University of Southern Queensland

(4 overall points)

2019 [37] CheerMonash University (8 points)University of Queensland

(6.5 points)

Griffith University (4.5 points)Swinburne University of Technology

(8 points)

DanceMonash University (19 points)Queensland University of Technology

(17 points)

Deakin University (13 points)Macquarie University (4 points)
2023 [38] CheerMonash University (9 points)TIE (5 points)University of Melbourne

Queensland University of Technology

University of Queensland

DanceMonash University (25 points)University of Technology Sydney

(14 points)

University of Queensland

(12.5 points)

Queensland University of Technology

(4 points)

2024 [39] CheerMonash University

(12 points)

University of Sydney

(4 points)

Western Sydney University

(1.5 points)

TIE (0 points)

Australian National University

Bond University

International College of Management, Sydney

Macquarie University

University of Technology Sydney

DanceMacquarie University

(20 points)

Monash University

(16.5 points)

University of Sydney

(16 points)

Western Sydney University

(5 Points)


2018 [36] Category 1 All Girl TeamQueensland University of Technology
Category 2 All Girl Team Level 1Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of QueenslandAustralian Catholic University
Category 2 Coed Team Level 1University of Southern QueenslandAustralian College of Physical EducationUniversity of Sunshine Coast
Category 2 All Girl Team Level 2Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of Queensland
Category 2 Coed Team Level 2Western Sydney UniversityAustralian College of Physical EducationUniversity of Queensland
Open All Girl Stunt GroupQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin University
2019 [40] Category 1 All Girl Team Level 3/4Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Queensland
Category 1 Coed Level 3/4Queensland University of TechnologyMonash UniversityThe University of Queensland
Category 2 All Girl Team Level 1/2 NTQueensland University of TechnologyGriffith UniversityThe University of Queensland
Category 2 Coed Team Level 1/2 NTDeakin UniversityThe University of Queensland
2023 [41] Category 1 Coed 3/4Queensland University of TechnologyMonash UniversityUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 All Girl 3/4Monash UniversityMelbourne UniversityUniversity of Queensland
Category 2 All Girl 1/2 NTMelbourne UniversityUniversity of WollongongQueensland University of Technology
Category 2 Coed 1/2 NTMonash UniversitySwinburne UniversityUniversity of Queensland
2024 [42] Category 1 All Girl Team Level 3/4Monash University
Category 1 Coed Team Level 3/4Monash UniversityUniversity of Sydney
Category 2 All Girl Team Level 1/2 NTMonash UniversityUniversity of Sydney
Category 2 Coed Team Level 1/2 NTMonash University


2018 [36] Category 1 Team PomAustralian College of Physical EducationUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of Southern Queensland
Category 1 Team JazzQueensland University of TechnologyAustralian College of Physical EducationUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 Team Hip HopAustralian College of Physical EducationQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Queensland
Category 2 Doubles PomAustralian College of Physical Education
Category 2 Doubles JazzUniversity of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyAustralian College of Physical Education
Category 2 Doubles Hip HopAustralian College of Physical EducationQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Queensland
2019 [40] Category 1 Team PomMonash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology
Category 1 Team JazzMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 Team Hip HopMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 Team PomMonash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology
Category 1 Doubles JazzUniversity of QueenslandMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Category 1 Doubles Hip HopMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyAustralian College of Physical Education
Category 1 Doubles PomMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of Technology
Category 2 Contemporary/LyricalMonash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandMelbourne University of Technology
2023 [41] Category 1 Team JazzMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 Team Hip HopMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Queensland
Category 1 Team PomMonash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology
Category 1 Doubles JazzUniversity of QueenslandMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Category 1 Doubles Hip HopMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyAustralian College of Physical Education
Category 1 Doubles PomMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of Technology
Category 2 Contemporary LyricalMonash UniversityUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of Melbourne
2024 [43] Category 1 Team JazzMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
Category 1 Team Hip HopMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityWestern Sydney University
Category 1 Team PomMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Sydney
Category 1 Doubles JazzUniversity of SydneyMacquarie UniversityMonash University
Category 1 Doubles Hip HopUniversity of SydneyWestern Sydney UniversityMacquarie University
Category 1 Doubles PomMacquarie UniversityMonash UniversityUniversity of Sydney
Category 2 Contemporary LyricalUniversity of SydneyMonash UniversityMacquarie University
Category 2 Doubles Contemporary LyricalUniversity of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney

Cross Country


2005The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
2006The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityMonash University
2007The University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyMonash University


The 2013 AUGs were essentially dominated by the strong team from Sydney University (SUVelo), who took out the men's, women's, and overall champion trophies.


2005The University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandLa Trobe University
Macquarie University
2006The University of MelbourneLa Trobe UniversityThe University of SydneyFlinders University
2007The University of MelbourneVictoria UniversityGriffith UniversityRMIT University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityUniversity of Ballarat
2009The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South WalesMonash University
2010The University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of New South WalesMurdoch University
2021 [44] Men (students)University of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of South AustraliaQueensland University of Technology
Women (Students)Southern Cross UniversityThe Australian National University
StaffMonash UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityLa Trobe UniversityRMIT University
2022 [45] RMIT UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneThe Australian National University
2023 [45] RMIT UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandCharles Sturt University
2024 [46] MenThe University of SydneyCharles Sturt UniversityJames Cook UniversityThe University of Queensland
WomenThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of CanberraCharles Sturt University

Distance Running

2021 [47] Women's Half MarathonFlinders UniversityThe University of AdelaideThe University of QueenslandUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
Women's MarathonUniversity of Technology SydneyAustralian Defence Force AcademyGriffith University
Men's Half MarathonThe University of QueenslandUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of the Sunshine CoastCharles Stuart University
Men's MarathonQueensland University of TechnologyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of QueenslandDeakin University
2022 [45] Women'sThe University of SydneyThe University of New South WalesAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
Men'sUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyCharles Sturt University
2023 [45] Women'sSouthern Cross UniversityThe University of New South WalesCharles Stuart UniversityThe University of Sydney
Men'sQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin UniversityUniversity of Southern QueenslandGriffith University
2024 [48] Women'sThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe Australian National UniversityMacquarie University
Men'sThe University of SydneyThe Australian National UniversityThe University of New South WalesAustralian College of Physical Education



2005The University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of South AustraliaDeakin University



2007The University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandUniversity of New South WalesLa Trobe University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityAdelaide UniversityMurdoch University
2009The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of Sydney
2022 [45] Curtin UniversityThe University of Melbourne
The University of Western Australia
Monash University
2023 [45] University of MelbourneUniversity of Sydney

Monash University

RMIT University



1993Victoria UniversityMonash University
1996University of NewcastleUniversity of Queensland
1999University of CanberraUniversity of Newcastle
2005The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyVictoria University
2006The University of SydneyGriffith UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2007The University of New South WalesGriffith UniversityThe University of MelbourneQueensland University of Technology
2008Macquarie UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2009The University of MelbourneThe University of New South WalesThe University of SydneyLa Trobe University
2010Edith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Western Sydney
2011The University of SydneyThe University of New South WalesMonash UniversityLa Trobe University
2014The University of Technology SydneyVictoria UniversityLa Trobe UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2015University of MelbourneVictoria UniversityLa Trobe UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2022 [25] Western Sydney UniversityUniversity of WollongongThe University of New South WalesVictoria University


Hugh McCredie Trophy " The Intervarsity Cup" is Awarded for Women's Winning Team

2005University of WollongongThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandThe University of Sydney
2006University of WollongongThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Adelaide
2007The University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongUniversity of New South WalesMacquarie University
2008The University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
2009University of WollongongUniversity of New South WalesThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyCurtin University of TechnologyUniversity of New South Wales
2022 [25] The University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongLa Trobe UniversityThe Australian National University


Men's Division 1

2013Monash UniversityThe University of New South WalesUniversity of Western SydneyMacquarie University
2014Monash UniversityThe University of New South WalesUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2015University of CanberraMonash UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine CoastThe University of Western Australia
2016RMIT UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityMonash UniversityAustralian Catholic University
2017University of Technology SydneyThe University of New South WalesThe University of QueenslandUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2018University of Technology SydneyRMIT UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine CoastThe University of New South Wales
2019RMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyAustralian Catholic UniversityMacquarie University
2022 [25] Curtin UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyCurtin UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityQueensland University of Technology

Women's Division 1

2013University of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine CoastEdith Cowan University
2014University of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityGriffith University
2015University of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaGriffith University
2016Curtin UniversityThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2017University of Technology SydneyGriffith UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2018University of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2019Southern Cross UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2022 [25] University of Technology SydneyAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of the Sunshine CoastWestern Sydney University
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Sunshine Coast

Men's Division 2

2018University of TasmaniaWestern Sydney UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyInternational College of Management Sydney
2022 [25] University of TasmaniaUniversity of the Sunshine CoastSwinburne University of TechnologyEdith Cowan University
2023 [45] University of TasmaniaDeakin UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologySouthern Cross University

Women's Division 2

2018The University of New South WalesMacquarie UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityUniversity of Tasmania



2006Griffith UniversityMacquarie UniversityThe University of SydneyVictoria University
2007Griffith UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyLa Trobe University
2008Victoria UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityMacquarie University
2009Griffith UniversityThe University of MelbourneBond UniversityMurdoch University


2006Griffith UniversityMacquarie UniversityVictoria UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2007Griffith University 1Victoria University 1Griffith University 2Macquarie University
2008Victoria UniversityGriffith UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie University
2009Griffith UniversityThe University of MelbourneBond UniversityMurdoch University
2022 [45] Southern Cross UniversityBond UniversityUniversity of SydneyUniversity of Notre Dame Australia
2023 [45] UNSW SydneyUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney


2006Griffith UniversityThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2007The University of Western AustraliaGriffith UniversityThe University of SydneyLa Trobe University
2008The University of Western AustraliaVictoria UniversityMonash UniversityMacquarie University
2022 [45] University of New South Wales
2023 [45] University of MelbourneUniversity of Sydney


Mixed Division 1

2007 [* 1] Griffith UniversityUniversity of New South Wales University of Sydney University of South Australia
2008Macquarie UniversityRoyal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyVictoria UniversityUniversity of Melbourne
2009Bond UniversityMacquarie UniversityVictoria University University of Sydney
2010Curtin UniversityUniversity of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityEdith Cowan University
2011 University of Sydney University of Western AustraliaEdith Cowan UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2012University of Technology Sydney University of Sydney Monash UniversityUniversity of Ballarat
2013University of Technology Sydney University of Queensland University of Western Australia University of Sydney
2014 University of Sydney Deakin UniversityUniversity of Western AustraliaUniversity of Technology Sydney
2015University of Technology SydneyDeakin UniversityAustralian College of Physical Education University of Sydney
2016Deakin UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Adelaide
2017Griffith UniversityUniversity of CanberraQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Western Sydney
2018 University of Queensland University of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyAustralian College of Physical Education
2019 University of Queensland University of Technology SydneyUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2023 [33] University of Queensland Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Western Sydney
  1. Only men

Mixed Division 2

2009University of New South WalesUniversity of Western AustraliaUniversity of Technology SydneyEdith Cowan University
2010No Tournament
2011University of Technology SydneyBond University University of Queensland Deakin University
2012Victoria UniversityUniversity of WollongongGriffith UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
2013Deakin UniversityGriffith UniversityAustralian College of Physical EducationQueensland University of Technology
2014Australian College of Physical EducationUniversity of AdelaideQueensland University of TechnologyGriffith University
2015Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of CanberraGriffith UniversityRMIT University
2016Griffith UniversityUniversity of CanberraFlinders UniversityUniversity of Wollongong



The Syme Cup is Awarded to the Winning Men's Hockey Team.

1993Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Newcastle ???? ????
1994University of Wollongong ???? ????
1995The University of Western Australia Northern Territory University Monash UniversityRMIT University
1996University of CanberraThe University of Western AustraliaAustralian National University ????
1997University of Tasmania - Hobart ???? ???? ????
1998University of CanberraUniversity of Tasmania - HobartMonash UniversityAustralian National University
1999The University of MelbourneCurtin University of TechnologyThe University of Western AustraliaRMIT University
2000The University of MelbourneCharles Sturt University - MitchellAustralian National UniversityThe University of Sydney
2001RMIT UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaLa Trobe University - Bundoora
2002Curtin University of TechnologyUniversity of Tasmania - HobartThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2003RMIT UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of NewcastleThe University of Western Australia
2004The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyLa Trobe University - BundooraRMIT University
2005The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneThe University of AdelaideThe University of Sydney
2006The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityLa Trobe University
2007The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Adelaide
2008The University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2009The University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of Melbourne
2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of AdelaideMonash UniversityCurtin University
2011The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Adelaide
2012The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideMonash University
2013The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of Western Australia
2017The University of Queensland
2018The University of Queensland
2019The University of Queensland
2022 [25] Curtin UniversityDeakin UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
2023 [33] University of TasmaniaThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Melbourne


Inter University Women's Hockey Cup is Awarded to the Winning Women's Hockey Team.

1993The University of Queensland ???? ???? ????
1994University of Wollongong ????La Trobe University ????
1995The University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongSouthern Cross UniversityThe University of Melbourne
1996The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Queensland ????
1997Deakin University - Burwood ???? ???? ????
1998Deakin University - BurwoodMonash UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of Sydney
1999The University of SydneyMonash University ???? ????
2000The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandCharles Sturt University - Mitchell
2001The University of SydneyCharles Sturt University - BathurstThe University of QueenslandLa Trobe University - Bundoora
2002The University of SydneyCharles Sturt University - BathurstUniversity of Tasmania - HobartLa Trobe University - Bundoora
2003The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of NewcastleThe University of Western Australia
2004Queensland University of TechnologyCharles Sturt University - BathurstThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2005Charles Sturt University - BathurstThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2006The University of SydneyCharles Sturt University - BathurstMonash UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2007Monash UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityUniversity of WollongongMacquarie University
2008Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of WollongongThe University of Sydney
2009The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2011The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaMonash University
2012The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2013The University of MelbourneQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of NewcastleMonash University
2022 [25] Div 1The University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaThe Australian National UniversityUniversity of Wollongong
Div 2The University of SydneyRMIT UniversityUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of Tasmania
2023 [33] Div 1The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandUniversity of NewcastleThe Australian National University
Div 2University of WollongongMonash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesWestern Sydney University



2006Macquarie UniversityThe University of AdelaideUniversity of South AustraliaMonash University
2007The University of New South WalesThe University of QueenslandMacquarie UniversityThe University of Sydney
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney
2009The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandMacquarie UniversityAustralian National University
2010The University of Western Australia
2022 [45] The University of SydneyMonash UniversityCurtin UniversityUniversity of South Australia
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of QueenslandMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney



2006The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityMonash University
2007The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityMacquarie University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of New South Wales
2009University of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityThe University of Sydney
2010Monash UniversityUniversity of BallaratThe University of New South WalesMurdoch University
2011The University of New South WalesMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Southern Queensland
2022 [45] The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe Australian National UniversityMurdoch University &
The University of Melbourne (Tie)
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyUNSW SydneyWestern Sydney University


2022 [25] RMIT UniversityUniversity of MelbourneEdith Cowan UniversityUniversity of New South Wales Sydney

Lawn Bowls


2006University of New EnglandJames Cook UniversityCurtin University of TechnologyThe University of Melbourne
2007Curtin University of TechnologyUniversity of New EnglandThe University of QueenslandEdith Cowan University
2008University of New EnglandCurtin University of TechnologyEdith Cowan UniversitySouthern Cross University
2009Edith Cowan UniversityCurtin University of TechnologyThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie University
2010Edith Cowan UniversityCurtin University of TechnologyThe University of Western AustraliaCharles Sturt University
2023 [33] UNSW SydneyUniversity of NewcastleCharles Sturt UniversityCharles Sturt University 2

League of Legends

2021 [49] Div 1University of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe Australian National UniversityThe University of Sydney
Div 2Curtin UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyMurdoch UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2022 [45] Div 1Deakin UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Queensland
Div 2Monash University 2University of New South Wales Sydney 2The University of Queensland 2Queensland University of Technology 2



2005The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandMacquarie University
2006Victoria UniversityThe University of MelbourneFlinders UniversityRMIT University
2007The University of MelbourneVictoria UniversityThe University of SydneyMonash University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityVictoria UniversityThe University of Sydney
2009Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of New South WalesGriffith University
2010The University of MelbourneLa Trobe UniversityMonash UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2018Griffith UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Newcastle
2019Griffith UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyBond University
2022 [25] Div 1The University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyWestern Sydney University
Div 2Federation University AustraliaUniversity of Southern QueenslandJames Cook UniversityUniversity of Wollongong
2023 [33] Div 1Australian Catholic UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyWestern Sydney UniversityThe University of Melbourne
Div 2University of WollongongCharles Sturt UniversityLa Trobe UniversityUniversity of Canberra


2005The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyDeakin UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
2006Deakin UniversityMonash UniversityVictoria UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2007Monash UniversityVictoria UniversityThe University of AdelaideThe University of Western Australia
2008Victoria UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
2009University of Technology SydneyVictoria UniversityThe University of AdelaideThe University of Western Australia
2010Victoria UniversityMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Western Australia
2012RMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2018Monash UniversityVictoria UniversityRMITDeakin University
2019Macquarie UniversityVictoria UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyLa Trobe University
2019The University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyWestern Sydney University
2022 [25] Div 1University of CanberraMacquarie UniversityLa Trobe UniversityThe University of Western Australia
Div 2University of New South Wales SydneyUniversity of New EnglandSwinburne University of TechnologyWestern Sydney University
2023 [33] Div 1Monash UniversityUniversity of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyLa Trobe University
Div 2Griffith UniversityCharles Stuart UniversityUniversity of Southern AustraliaThe University of Adelaide


Rowing was one of the first events competed for between Australian universities. Men's Eights have been raced since 1888, lightweight fours since 1963, and women's eights since 1978. The NSW Centenary Cup [50] is awarded for the university that scores the most points overall in all events; however, the most prestigious events remain the Men's and Women's Eights.


1993The University of AdelaideThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South WalesEdith Cowan University
1994The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Adelaide
1995The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyGriffith UniversityThe University of Adelaide
1997University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Queensland
1998The University of Melbourne
2001The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Canberra
2002The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Tasmania - Hobart
2003The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology Sydney
2004The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of Tasmania - HobartThe University of Western Australia
2005The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandMacquarie University
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityThe University of Adelaide
2007The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of AdelaideMacquarie University
(Not part of AUG)
The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandAustralian National University
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandMonash University
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of AdelaideMonash University
2022 [45] The University of SydneyThe University of Technology SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Adelaide
2023 [45] The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Queensland

Men's Eight

The Oxford and Cambridge Cup is awarded to the winning Men's Eight. [51]

1993The University of Sydney
1994University of TasmaniaThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
1995The University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandThe University of Western Australia
1996University of Technology SydneyThe University of Sydney
1997The University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Technology Sydney
1998The University of Western Australia
1999The University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2000The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2001The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney
2002University of Technology SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2003University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of Queensland
2004The University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideThe University of Melbourne
2005The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandThe University of Adelaide
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideThe University of Melbourne
2007The University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideThe University of Melbourne
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of AdelaideThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2010The University of AdelaideThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne
2022 [45] The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Technology Sydney
2023 [45] The University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideUniversity of Technology Sydney

Women's Eight

The Godfrey Tanner Cup is awarded to the winning Women's Eight. [52]

1993The University of Adelaide
1994University of New South WalesThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Tasmania
1995The University of MelbourneThe University of AdelaideThe University of Sydney
1996The University of Adelaide
1997University of Technology SydneyUniversity of CanberraThe University of Adelaide
1998The University of AdelaideThe University of Melbourne
2000The University of MelbourneThe University of AdelaideRMIT University
2001The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneRMIT University
2002The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2003The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology Sydney
2004The University of MelbourneUniversity of Tasmania - HobartThe University of Western Australia
2005The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2007The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western Australia
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Adelaide
(Not Part of AUG)
The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandThe University of Melbourne
2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyThe University of Adelaide
2022 [45] The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Adelaide
2023 [45] The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of Melbourne

Rugby Union 7's


The Nick Farr-Jones Cup is Awarded to the Winning Men's Rugby Union Team.

2005Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of New EnglandThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie University
2006Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of Notre Dame AustraliaMacquarie UniversityAustralian Defence Force Academy
2007Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityThe University of Notre Dame Australia
2008University of Technology SydneyUniversity of New EnglandThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology
2009The University of QueenslandUniversity of New South WalesThe University of SydneyThe University of Notre Dame Australia
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaGriffith UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2022 [25] The University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Melbourne
2023 [33] The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyThe University of Technology SydneyThe University of Newcastle


2005University of NewcastleUniversity of WollongongQueensland University of TechnologyAustralian National University
2022 [25] The University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongCharles Sturt UniversityUniversity of New England
2023 [33] The University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of NewcastleJames Cook University


A demonstration sport in 2010 and a full sport in 2011, having been revived after a long period of decline. See Australian University Sailing.

Teams Racing

2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of New South WalesMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney/Macquarie University
2011The University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of New South Wales

Match Racing

2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyUniversity of Notre DameThe University of New South Wales
2015Australian Maritime CollegeThe University of New South WalesAustralian National University


Overall University Rankings by Medals

2022 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongThe University of Melbourne
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of CanberraThe University of New South Wales

Overall Men's Rankings by Medals

2022 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyUniversity of WollongongRMIT University
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of New South WalesThe University of SydneyThe University of Canberra

Overall Women's Rankings by Medals

2022 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of New South Wales
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyThe University of CanberraThe University of SydneyAustralian National University


2005The University of SydneyUniversity of BallaratMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Southern Queensland
2006Macquarie UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
2007Macquarie UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyUniversity of Western Sydney
2008The University of SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
2009The University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Western Sydney
(Combined with Baseball)



2006The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2007The University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityGriffith UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityLa Trobe UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2009The University of MelbourneLa Trobe UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMonash University
2010Edith Cowan UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityCurtin University of Technology


2006Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of SydneyQueensland University of Technology
2009The University of Western AustraliaThe University of MelbourneMonash UniversityLa Trobe University
2010Monash UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaEdith Cowan University


2022 [25] Tie - University of Tasmania & University of Western AustraliaUniversity of MelbourneMonash University
2023 [33] The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of New South Wales Sydney



Berge Phillips Trophy is Awarded for Winning Team Overall

2005The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2006The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2007The University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneMacquarie UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2008Macquarie UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of Western Australia
2009Monash UniversityThe University of SydneyQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Queensland
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Notre Dame AustraliaThe University of QueenslandThe University of Melbourne
2021 [53] Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of QueenslandGriffith UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney
2022 [54] Bond UniversityUniversity of SydneyMonash UniversityDeakin University
2023 [45] Bond UniversityThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology of Sydney


Overall Champion

2022 [45] Southern Cross UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney

Women's Overall Champion

2022 [45] Southern Cross UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityUniversity of WollongongThe University of Queensland

Men's Overall Champion

2022 [45] The University of QueenslandUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyThe University of Melbourne

T20 Cricket

2015The University of SydneyThe University of New South WalesUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
2016The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityCurtin University
2017The University of New South WalesMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology Sydney
2019The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyDeakin UniversityUniversity of South Australia
2022The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of TasmaniaThe University of Queensland
2023The University of Sydney &

University of Technology Sydney

Macquarie University &

The University of New South Wales

2024The University of QueenslandThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie UniversityUniversity of Technology Sydney

Table Tennis


2008Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneSwinburne University of Technology
2009University of New South WalesSwinburne University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2010University of New South Wales
2011University of New South Wales
2012The University of Melbourne
2013The University of Melbourne
2014University of New South Wales
2015University of New South Wales
2016University of New South Wales
2017The University of Melbourne
2018Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneThe University of Queensland
2022 [25] The University of MelbourneUniversity of New South WalesThe University of QueenslandThe University of Sydney
2023 [33] The University of QueenslandUniversity of New South Wales SydneyThe University of SydneyDeakin University


2018Monash UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2022 [25] The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyTie: Monash University & The University of Queensland
2023 [33] The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South Wales SydneyThe University of Queensland



2006University of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneRoyal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyMonash University
2007University of New South WalesMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyEdith Cowan University
2008The University of MelbourneRoyal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney
2009Monash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesVictoria UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2010Monash University
2013University of New South Wales
2022 [45] The University of New South WalesMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney
2023 [45] University of New South Wales SydneyMonash UniversityThe University of MelbourneThe University of Sydney



2005The University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin University
2006The University of SydneyMacquarie UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2007The University of SydneyMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2008The University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Western Australia
2009Murdoch UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaGriffith UniversityThe University of Sydney
2010The University of SydneyMurdoch UniversityThe University of MelbourneMonash University
2022 [25] Div 1RMIT UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of SydneyUniversity of New South Wales
Div 2University of South AustraliaUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityDeakin University
2023 [33] The University of SydneyMonash UniversityBond UniversityMacquarie University


2005Monash UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Queensland
2006University of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyBond UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2007The University of SydneyAustralian College of Physical EducationUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of Newcastle
2008Monash UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of NewcastleThe University of Melbourne
2009Monash UniversityGriffith UniversityThe University of SydneyUniversity of Newcastle
2010The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaMonash UniversityLa Trobe University
2011The University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaRoyal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Melbourne
2022 [25] The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2023 [33] Div 1Macquarie UniversityThe University of QueenslandGriffith UniversityAustralian National University
Div 2The University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyCurtin UniversityBond University

Tenpin Bowling

2008Australian College of Physical EducationLa Trobe UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney
2009University of NewcastleLa Trobe UniversityUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Sydney
2010Curtin University of TechnologyThe University of Western AustraliaCharles Darwin UniversityMonash University
2011RMIT UniversityThe University of New South WalesMonash UniversityCurtin University
2012RMIT UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Canberra
2013RMIT UniversityMonash University
2014RMIT UniversityMonash University
2015Western Sydney UniversityRMIT UniversityMonash University
2016Curtin UniversityRMIT UniversityThe University of Western Australia
2017RMIT UniversityUniversity of AdelaideThe University of Western Australia
2022 [45] Edith Cowan UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityRMIT UniversityThe University of New South Wales
2023 [45] University of Technology SydneyRMIT UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityThe University of Queensland
2024 [45] RMIT UniversityWestern Sydney UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of Queensland



2005The University of QueenslandUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of NewcastleQueensland University of Technology
2006University of Technology SydneyMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South WalesQueensland University of Technology
2007Griffith UniversityThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of New South Wales
2008University of New South WalesGriffith UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Technology Sydney
2009Griffith UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of Newcastle
2010University of New South WalesMonash UniversityMacquarie UniversityQueensland University of Technology
2012 James Cook University - Seahawks
2022 [25] University of Technology SydneyWestern Sydney UniversityUniversity of WollongongMonash University
2023 [33] Western Sydney UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of WollongongUniversity of Technology Sydney


2005Queensland University of TechnologyGriffith UniversityUniversity of NewcastleUniversity of Southern Queensland
2006Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of New South WalesThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2007University of New South WalesGriffith UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Sydney
2008University of New South WalesGriffith UniversityThe University of SydneyMonash University
2009Griffith UniversityUniversity of New South WalesMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney
2010University of New South WalesUniversity of Technology SydneyThe University of SydneyMonash University
2022 [25] University of Technology SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of MelbourneGriffith University
2023 [33] Div 1The University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyCharles Stuart UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
Div 2The University of MelbourneUniversity of New South WalesGriffith UniversitySouthern Cross University


2005University of Western SydneyAustralian College of Physical EducationQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
2006University of Western SydneyAustralian College of Physical EducationCharles Sturt UniversityThe University of Melbourne
2007University of Western SydneyThe University of MelbourneThe University of Western AustraliaMacquarie University
2008Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of WollongongThe University of MelbourneMacquarie University
2009Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Wollongong
2010Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneAustralian Catholic UniversityGriffith University
2022 [25] Div 1The University of NewcastleQueensland University of TechnologyMacquarie UniversityBond University
Div 2University of WollongongCharles Stuart UniversityUniversity of Notre Dame AustraliaUniversity of Southern Queensland
2023 [33] Div 1The University of NewcastleThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Sunshine Coast
Div 2Griffith UniversityBond UniversityUniversity of WollongongDeakin University


2021 [55] Women'sUniversity of New South Wales SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyWestern Sydney UniversityAustralian National University
Men'sThe University of SydneyUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastQueensland University of Technology
2022 [45] Women'sThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Sunshine CoastGriffith University
Men'sThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyGriffith UniversityBond University
2023 [45] Women'sMonash UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
Men'sQueensland University of TechnologyDeakin UniversityRMIT UniversityThe University of Melbourne

Ultimate Frisbee

2005University of New South WalesUniversity of NewcastleThe University of SydneyMacquarie University
2006Macquarie UniversityThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Newcastle
2007The University of QueenslandMacquarie UniversityUniversity of New South WalesMonash University
2008Flinders UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of AdelaideThe University of Melbourne
2009The University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityFlinders University
2010Monash UniversityThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of Newcastle
2022 [25] Div 1The University of SydneyRMIT UniversityUniversity of Technology SydneyMonash University
Div 2Macquarie UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of NewcastleThe University of Western Australia
2023 [33] Div 1The University of SydneyUniversity of New South WalesThe University of MelbourneUniversity of Wollongong
Div 2RMIT UniversityUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyMacquarie University



2005Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
2006Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of Western SydneyThe University of AdelaideDeakin University
2007Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyThe University of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology 2
2008Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
2009Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of SydneyMonash UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
2010The University of Western AustraliaThe University of Notre Dame AustraliaMonash UniversityCurtin University of Technology
2022 [25] Div 1The University of Western AustraliaFlinders UniversityCurtin UniversityWestern Sydney University
Div 2Queensland University of TechnologyUniversity of New South WalesAustralian Catholic UniversityDeakin University
2023 [33] Div 1The University of MelbourneThe University of QueenslandMacquarie UniversityGriffith University
Div 2Flinders UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of AdelaideUniversity of New South Wales


2005The University of QueenslandThe University of MelbourneQueensland University of TechnologyThe University of Sydney
2006The University of MelbourneRMIT UniversityMonash UniversityThe University of Sydney
2007Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of MelbourneThe University of SydneyEdith Cowan University
2008The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityThe University of SydneyQueensland University of Technology
2009The University of MelbourneThe University of AdelaideThe University of QueenslandMonash University
2010The University of SydneyCurtin University of TechnologyUniversity of New South WalesThe University of Melbourne
2022 [25] Div 1University of Sunshine CoastMacquarie UniversityThe University of MelbourneUniversity of New South Wales
Div 2Western Sydney UniversityThe University of Western AustraliaEdith Cowan UniversityThe University of Western Australia 2
2023 [33] Div 1Macquarie UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyMonash UniversityUniversity of New South Wales
Div 2Deakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityGriffith UniversityUniversity of South Australia

Water Polo


1992 [56] The University of Western Australia University of New South Wales University of Wollongong
2005 The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne RMIT University The University of Western Australia
2006 The University of Sydney The University of Queensland University of South Australia The University of Melbourne
2007 The University of Queensland Macquarie University The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne
2008 The University of Sydney The University of Western Australia The University of Queensland The University of Melbourne
2009 Macquarie University The University of Sydney The University of Queensland The University of Melbourne
2010 The University of Western Australia The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne Macquarie University
2011 The University of Queensland The University of Sydney Macquarie University Monash University
2012 The University of Sydney Macquarie University The University of Melbourne University of New South Wales
2013 The University of Western Australia The University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney The University of Melbourne
2014 The University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney University of New South Wales The University of Melbourne
2015 University of Newcastle (Australia) University of Technology Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne
2016 University of Technology Sydney The University of Western Australia The University of Notre Dame Australia University of Newcastle (Australia)
2017 Queensland University of Technology The University of Sydney University of Newcastle (Australia) University of Technology Sydney
2018 University of New South Wales Queensland University of Technology The University of Sydney The University of Queensland
2019 University of Newcastle (Australia) The University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney Queensland University of Technology
2022 [25] The University of Sydney Australian Catholic University University of Western Australia University of Technology Sydney
2023 [33] University of Technology Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Queensland University of Newcastle (Australia)
2024 Australian Catholic University The University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney Australian National University


2005 The University of Sydney The University of Queensland The University of Western Australia University of New South Wales
2006 The University of Sydney The University of Adelaide The University of Western Australia The University of Melbourne
2007 The University of Sydney Griffith University The University of Western Australia University of Newcastle (Australia)
2008 The University of Sydney Queensland University of Technology University of Technology Sydney The University of Western Australia
2009 The University of Sydney The University of Queensland Queensland University of Technology Griffith University
2010 The University of Sydney University of New South Wales University of Technology Sydney The University of Western Australia
2011 The University of Sydney Queensland University of Technology University of New South Wales University of Technology Sydney
2012 The University of Sydney University of New South Wales Macquarie University Monash University
2013 Macquarie University The University of Sydney University of New South Wales University of Technology Sydney
2014 Macquarie University University of New South Wales The University of Sydney University of Newcastle (Australia)
2015 University of Newcastle (Australia) Macquarie University University of Technology Sydney The University of Sydney
2016 Australian Catholic University The University of Notre Dame Australia The University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney
2017 University of Technology Sydney University of New South Wales The University of Sydney Queensland University of Technology
2018 Queensland University of Technology Australian Catholic University University of Technology Sydney University of New South Wales
2019 University of Technology Sydney Australian Catholic University Queensland University of Technology University of Newcastle (Australia)
2022 [25] The University of Sydney Australian Catholic University University of Newcastle (Australia) University of Wollongong
2023 [33] Australian Catholic University The University of Sydney University of Newcastle (Australia) The University of Queensland
2024 University of Technology Sydney Australian Catholic University The University of Sydney The University of Queensland


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