Vermifilter toilet

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Vermifilter toilet, also known as a primary vermifilter, vermidigester toilet, tiger toilet [1] [2] or tiger worm toilet, [3] is an on-site sanitation system in which human excreta are delivered from a toilet (usually by flushing) onto a medium containing a worm-based ecosystem. Faecal solids are trapped on the surface of the vermifilter where digestion takes place. [2] Liquids typically flow through drainage media, before the effluent is infiltrated into the soil. [2]



A vermifilter toilet contains composting worms such as Eisenia fetida that digest human faeces, thus reducing the accumulation of solids in the system and reducing the need for frequent emptying, in comparison with pit latrines. Further, worm-based digestion is virtually complete and produces vermicompost, so emptying does not involve handling of sludge or require a specialist service. This is a key benefit to users, as is the associated lack of smells. [2]

In field trials in rural India, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and faecal indicators were reduced by 60% and 99% respectively in the effluent. [2]

A worm colony can live inside the vermifilter indefinitely as long as the correct environmental conditions are maintained. Worms need air, food (human faeces) and added (flush) water. An aerobic environment must be provided (e.g. ventilation), and the liquid effluent must be able to drain away. It is important to site the vermifilter correctly so that any risk of flooding is avoided.

Maintenance consists of occasionally removing the accumulated vermicompost: it is estimated that vermicompost removal will be required every 6–8 years, about one-half to one-third of the fill rate for an equivalent size of pit latrine with the same number of users. [4] Emptying latrines can be expensive and often comes with smell and contamination issues: in long-term refugee camps vermifilter toilets reduce the need to replace filled pit latrines and are more cost-effective. [5]

A vermifilter toilet provides primary treatment of human excreta. Providing they are used correctly and maintenance is carried out safely, they offer an affordable route towards safely managed sanitation, the new ambition for global sanitation, [6] for all.



Anna Edey constructed a vermicomposting flush toilet in 1995, called the Solviva Biocarbon filter system. This was later adapted by Wendy Howard. [20] Dean Cameron in Australia developed the "dowmus" vermifilter toilet in the mid 1990s which morphed into the biolytyx system. [21] Colin Bell from New Zealand began marketing his "wormorator" in the late 1990s, a twin-chamber vermifilter toilet. [22]

Later, attention began to focus on applications in the developing world in 2009-2012 through the Sanitation Ventures project at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This project had the goal of finding solutions to the problem of pit latrine filling: vermifilter toilets appeared to be an attractive option. Colin Bell provided the design [21] and technical development was led by Claire Furlong in collaboration with Professor Michael Templeton of Imperial College London, [23] [24] and was carried out at the Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT) in Wales. [25] By the end of the project, the team had built a usable prototype at CAT, [1] determined key operating parameters [2] [26] and shown that there was consumer interest.

In parallel with the LSHTM work and also with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding, Biofilcom (under Kweko Annu) developed a vermifilter toilet which has been commercialised in Ghana and Bangladesh. Development of the GSAP (Ghana Sustainable Aid Project) Microflush vermifilter toilet was also funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Oxfam subsequently funded the construction of field-based trials in Ethiopia (in 2013), Liberia (in 2013 [27] ), while ACTED funded the development and construction of a communal (school) vermifilter toilet in Pakistan.

In continuation of the earlier Sanitation Ventures work, in 2013 Bear Valley Ventures was awarded a Development Innovation Ventures grant from USAID to support field testing in three countries and three different settings. This work was carried out in partnership with Oxfam (humanitarian relief camp, Myanmar), Water for People (peri-urban, Uganda) and PriMove (rural, India). After a year long trial the conclusion was that it worked well in all three settings: the results from India have been published. [2]

After field testing Bear Valley Ventures and PriMove (under Ajeet Oak) continued to collaborate from 2014 onwards on developing and marketing the Tiger Toilet band vermifilter toilet to low income rural and peri-urban households. From 2015 to 2017 they worked with the Institute for Transformative Technologies [28] (under Shashi Bulaswar) to rigorously test the product and explore paths to scale. In 2018 Bear Valley Ventures and PriMove set up TBF Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd [12] to commercialise the Tiger Toilet and related technologies.

Oxfam (under Andy Bastable) have collaborated closely with Dr Claire Furlong to further develop applications for emergency and humanitarian camps.

In 2020 the International Worm-based Sanitation Association was formed under the leadership of Prof. Michael Templeton of Imperial College London to share, develop and promote best practice in vermifiltration for sanitation. [29]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fecal sludge management</span> Collection, transport, and treatment of fecal sludge from onsite sanitation systems

Fecal sludge management (FSM) is the storage, collection, transport, treatment and safe end use or disposal of fecal sludge. Together, the collection, transport, treatment and end use of fecal sludge constitute the "value chain" or "service chain" of fecal sludge management. Fecal sludge is defined very broadly as what accumulates in onsite sanitation systems and specifically is not transported through a sewer. It is composed of human excreta, but also anything else that may go into an onsite containment technology, such as flushwater, cleansing materials, menstrual hygiene products, grey water, and solid waste. Fecal sludge that is removed from septic tanks is called septage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vermifilter</span> Aerobic treatment system, consisting of a biological reactor containing media

A vermifilter is an aerobic treatment system, consisting of a biological reactor containing media that filters organic material from wastewater. The media also provides a habitat for aerobic bacteria and composting earthworms that purify the wastewater by removing pathogens and oxygen demand. The "trickling action" of the wastewater through the media dissolves oxygen into the wastewater, ensuring the treatment environment is aerobic for rapid decomposition of organic substances.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Container-based sanitation</span> Sanitation system which uses removable containers

Container-based sanitation refers to a sanitation system where toilets collect human excreta in sealable, removable containers that are transported to treatment facilities. This type of sanitation involves a commercial service which provides certain types of portable toilets, and delivers empty containers when picking up full ones. The service transports and safely disposes of or reuses collected excreta. The cost of collection of excreta is usually borne by the users. With suitable development, support and functioning partnerships, CBS can be used to provide low-income urban populations with safe collection, transport and treatment of excrement at a lower cost than installing and maintaining sewers. In most cases, CBS is based on the use of urine-diverting dry toilets.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emergency sanitation</span> Management and technical processes required to provide sanitation in emergency situations

Emergency sanitation is the management and technical processes required to provide sanitation in emergency situations. Emergency sanitation is required during humanitarian relief operations for refugees, people affected by natural disasters and internally displaced persons. There are three phases of emergency response: Immediate, short term and long term. In the immediate phase, the focus is on managing open defecation, and toilet technologies might include very basic latrines, pit latrines, bucket toilets, container-based toilets, chemical toilets. The short term phase might also involve technologies such as urine-diverting dry toilets, septic tanks, decentralized wastewater systems. Providing handwashing facilities and management of fecal sludge are also part of emergency sanitation.


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