West Virginia High School Football State Championships and playoff history

Last updated

The West Virginia High School Football State Championships have been held since the early 1900s. The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (WVSSAC) began its formal recognition of WV State Football Championships in 1937 [1] with the state's sports writers' vote. The WVSSAC began a class system, dividing larger and smaller schools in 1947. WVSSAC official playoff games began in 1948. Prior to the WVSSAC's involvement in an official playoff, there were other systems in play. From 1916 to 1955 the WVSSAC was called the West Virginia Athletic Association.



Getting started

In the early 1900s, teams claimed state titles by virtue of their records against other WV schools. Some of the major newspapers would have input as well. [2] Often coaches would contact one another and arrange championship games themselves. This system may have been flawed, but it was what most WV schools used for at least 33 years.


Before Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, high school football was segregated just like the schools. About 45 colored schools existed in WV. More than 25 Black school football programs existed in West Virginia during segregation. In 1914, WV's Black leaders came together and formed what would become the West Virginia Athletic Union (WVAU), which would govern high school athletic championships in WV for African American students. The WVAU ceased to exist in 1956, as only two schools remained in the organization.

Private schools

Prior to 1977 most private schools did not participate in the WVSSAC or its football playoff system. Nearly all the private schools that fielded football teams were Catholic, so the WVCHSAA was formed. In 1962 Catholic leadership began a championship game process for their schools. The West Virginia Catholic State Football Champion was crowned until the 1976 season. Wheeling Central Catholic joined the WVSSAC in 1970. By 1977 the WVCHSAA numbers were so low the organization was dissolved.

WVSSAC takes the reins

Tie breakers

Prior to 1965 season, games played against teams in a higher class were not considered in the point system if the smaller school lost. Before 1976, if two teams tied for the last playoff spot they were both removed from the playoff. This happened in 1963 when Charleston and Welch both tied for the #2 playoff position. #1 Buckhannon-Upshur was awarded the AAA title without a game. In 1975, in single A, both Meadow Bridge and Rivesville finished the regular season 10–0–0, but tied for the #4 playoff spot. They were both eliminated and #1 Wirt was given a bye. There is now a tie break system for teams whose playoff points average out the same.


Championship games were played in a variety of locations over the years, but that changed in 1979. From 1979 to 1993 the three WV Football Championship games were played at Laidley Field, now University of Charleston Stadium at Laidley Field in Charleston. The West Virginia State High School Football Championship games were played at Wheeling Island Stadium from 1994 to 2023. In 2024, the championship games returned to UC Stadium at Laidley Field.

Eras and classes

The different eras of West Virginia State Football Championships are listed below: A small number of West Virginia high schools sponsored football teams prior to 1900, but the first known game played between two West Virginia schools occurred in 1901 when Huntington High met Charleston High. [2] The first claimed state title that has been discovered, so far, was Fairmont Senior in 1903. [3] It is not yet certain if state titles were claimed every season between 1903 and 1915.

From 1947 to 1954, there were only two classes; Class A (big schools) and Class B (small schools). From 1955 to 1957, there were three classes; Class AA (big schools), Class A (medium-sized schools) and Class B (small schools). From 1958 to 2023 there have been three classes as well, however the names have been changed to: Class AAA (big schools), Class AA (medium-sized schools) and Class A (small schools). From 2024 to the present there have been four classes: Class AAAA (big schools), Class AAA (medium-big schools), Class AA (medium-small schools) and Class A (small schools).

Single class

(*school no longer exists)

Recognized by Spalding Bros. 1911 Football Guide as WV State Football Champions, this was the first of Parkersburg High's 17 State Football Titles. 1911 Parkersburg High School Football Team. WV State Champions.jpg
Recognized by Spalding Bros. 1911 Football Guide as WV State Football Champions, this was the first of Parkersburg High's 17 State Football Titles.
1913 WV State Football Champions, Wheeling High School 1913 Wheeling High School, WV State Football Champions.jpg
1913 WV State Football Champions, Wheeling High School
Clarksburg-Washington Irving High School, WV State Football Champions, 1926. Coach Clay Hite lead the Hilltoppers to state championships in 1922 and 1926. The downtown football field, now used by Washington Irving Middle School, still bears his name, Hite Field. 1926 WV State Football Champions, Washington Irving High School.jpg
Clarksburg-Washington Irving High School, WV State Football Champions, 1926. Coach Clay Hite lead the Hilltoppers to state championships in 1922 and 1926. The downtown football field, now used by Washington Irving Middle School, still bears his name, Hite Field.
1903 Fairmont Senior (8–0–0)
1907 Fairmont Senior (2) (6–3–0)
1908Wheeling* [11]
1909 (Old) Huntington* (5–1–0) [12]
1911 Parkersburg (10–0–0) [6] [13]
1912 (Old) Huntington* (2) (5–3–0) [12]
1913Wheeling* (2) [11]
1915Buckhannon (8–0–0) [14]
1916Wheeling* (3) (8–0–1) [11]
1917 (Old) Huntington* (3) (5–0–0) [12]
1918 Parkersburg (2) (2–1–0) [13]
Buckhannon (2) (4–0–0) [14]
1919 Parkersburg (3) (7–1–0) [13]
1920 Charleston* (8–0–1) [15]
1921 Parkersburg (4) (9–0–0) [13]
1922 Charleston* (2) (9–1–2) [15]
Parkersburg (5) (9–2–0) [13]
Clarksburg Washington Irving* (8–1–0) [16] [17]
St. Marys (9–1–0)
Wheeling* (4) (5–2–1) [11]
(Old) Huntington* (4) (4–4–1) [12]
Mannington* (9–0–0) [18]
1923 (Old) Huntington* (5) (9–2–0) [12]
1924Buckhannon (3) (8–0–0) [14]
Fairmont Senior (3) (8–0–1)
Charleston* (3) (11–1–1) [15]
1925Clarksburg-Victory* (8–0–0) [19]
Wheeling* (5) (8–1–1) [11]
1926Benwood Union* (8–1–0) [20]
Williamson* (11–0–0) [21]
Magnolia (9–0–0)
Clarksburg Washington Irving* (2) (8–0–1) [16] [17]
1927 Morgantown (9–0–0)
Parkersburg (6) (10–0–0) [13]
1928Benwood Union* (2) (8–0–0) [20]
Elkins (9–0–0)
(Old) Huntington* (6) (10–0–2) [12]
1929 Fairmont Senior (4) (8–0–0)
Clarksburg Roosevelt-Wilson* (8–0–0) [16]
1930 (Old) Huntington* (7) (7–3–1) [12]
1931Benwood Union* (3) (9–0–0) [20]
1932Big Creek* (9–0–0) [22]
1933 Charleston* (4) (13–1–0) [15]
Doddridge (9–0–0) [23]
1934 (Old) Huntington* (8) (10–0–0) [12]
Big Creek* (2) (9–0–0) [22]
1935Weir (10–0–0)
Clarksburg-Victory* (2) (9–0–0) [19]
1936 Doddridge (2) (10–0–0) [23]

During the 1926 season Williamson and Magnolia arranged a state title game. Williamson defeated Magnolia 14–13. However, after accusations on both sides of ineligible players the WVAA (now known as the WVSSAC) stepped in and forced both teams to forfeit all their games. [2] Doug Huff, one of WV's leading sports historians, left both schools in his book, History of Sports in West Virginia, so they are included on this list as well.

Colored State Football Champions

African American students were barred from playing football with White Americans. This changed in 1954 with the Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education , which overturned school segregation. Black school athletics were governed by the WV Athletic Union but did not receive as consistent media attention as their white counterparts. This makes research difficult. Information on the Colored State Football Champions has been provided by Robert Bonner, WV high school football researcher. More will be entered as the information becomes available.

Single class

(*school no longer exists)

Charleston, West Virginia, Garnet High School. WVAU (West Virginia Athletic Union governed athletics for African American students during segregation) 1922 State Football Champions. First row: Robert Burks, James Field, Paul (or Roland, who later became a Charleston fireman) Wilcher, Bennie Patterson, Leonard Bicket, Ted Gallion, and Percy Terrel. Second row: Claude Morris, Tob Davis, William Buchanan, Hyte Boyd, Herbert Cain, and Earl Smith. Third row: Elijah Edwards, Ben Mitchell, Dallas Forney, Earl Powell, Bus Irving, Archibald Walker, and Lewis Jones. Fourth row: William Preston, Asst. Coach Smith, Principal J. F. J. Clark, Coach Bartlet. WVAU State Football Champions, Garnet High School, 1922.jpg
Charleston, West Virginia, Garnet High School. WVAU (West Virginia Athletic Union governed athletics for African American students during segregation) 1922 State Football Champions. First row: Robert Burks, James Field, Paul (or Roland, who later became a Charleston fireman) Wilcher, Bennie Patterson, Leonard Bicket, Ted Gallion, and Percy Terrel. Second row: Claude Morris, Tob Davis, William Buchanan, Hyte Boyd, Herbert Cain, and Earl Smith. Third row: Elijah Edwards, Ben Mitchell, Dallas Forney, Earl Powell, Bus Irving, Archibald Walker, and Lewis Jones. Fourth row: William Preston, Asst. Coach Smith, Principal J. F. J. Clark, Coach Bartlet.
Stratton High School, WVAU State Football Champions, 1954. Beckley, West Virginia. 1954 Stratton High School WVAU State Football Champions.jpg
Stratton High School, WVAU State Football Champions, 1954. Beckley, West Virginia.
1917Sumner* [24]
1920Frederick Douglass* [25]
1921Frederick Douglass* (2) [25] & Sumner* (2) [24] (tie)
1922Frederick Douglass* (3) [25]
1923Garnet* [26]
1926Booker T. Washington* [27]
1927Kelly Miller* [28]
1928Kelly Miller* (2) [28]
1929Kelly Miller* (3) [28]
1930Garnet* (2) (6–0–0) [26]
1931Fairmont-Dunbar* [29]
1932Gary District* [30]
1933Garnet* (3) (7–0–0) [26]
1934Fairmont-Dunbar* (2) (8–0–0) [29]
1935Excelsior* [31]
1936DuBois* [32]
1937Frederick Douglass* (4) [25]
1938DuBois* (2) [32]
1939DuBois* (3) [32]
1940Monongalia* [33]
1941Stratton* (8–0–2) [34]
1942DuBois* (4) [32]
1943Fairmont-Dunbar* (3) [29]
1944Elkhorn* (6–0–3) [35]
1945Excelsior* (2) [31]
1946Stratton* (2) (10–0–0) [34]
1947Frederick Douglass* (5) [25]
1948Aracoma* [36]
1949Aracoma* (2) [36]
1950Garnet* (4) (9–1–0) [26]
1951Conley* [37]
1952Kimball* [38]
1953Fairmont-Dunbar* (4) [29]
1954Stratton* (3) (9–0–0) [34]
1955Byrd Prillerman* [39]
1956Gary District* (2) [30]

WV Catholic Schools State Football Champions

Prior to 1977, most Catholic schools did not participate within the WVSSAC.

Single class

(*school no longer exists)

1962Charleston Catholic13–7Wheeling Central
1963Wheeling Central40–6Charleston Catholic
1964Wheeling Central (2)28–20Charleston Catholic
1965Wheeling Central (3)no game played
1966Wheeling Central (4)46–6Weirton-Madonna
1967Wheeling Central (5)no game played
1968Weirton-Madonnano game played
1969Charleston Catholic (2)12–7Parkersburg Catholic
1970Parkersburg Catholic21–0Clarksburg-Notre Dame
1971Weirton-Madonna (2)44–6Bishop Donahue* [40]
1972Weirton-Madonna (3)22–6Charleston Catholic
1973Charleston Catholic (3)27–6Weirton-Madonna
1974Clarksburg-Notre Dame 20–16Weirton-Madonna
1975Weirton-Madonna (4)39–13Clarksburg-Notre Dame
1976Charleston Catholic (4)6–0Morgantown-St. Francis*

WV sports writers' vote

Single class

(*school no longer exists)

1937Hinton* (7–0–1) [41]
1938 Parkersburg (7) (11–0–0) [13]
1939 Charleston* (5) (9–0–3) [15]
1940 Parkersburg (8) (12–0–0) [13]
1941 Mullens* (9–0–0) [42]
1942 Weir (2) (6–3–1)
1943 Parkersburg (9) (9–0–0) [13]
1944 Williamson* (2) (8–1–0) [21]
1945 South Charleston (11–0–0)
1946 Fairmont Senior (5) (9–0–1)

Two-class system (A, B) 1947–1954 / WVSSAC Ratings

The WVSSAC (WVAA at the time) used a power rating system to choose the state champions in a two-class system in 1947. The WVSSAC started a playoff game system in 1948. From 1948 to 1971, only the top two teams in each class went to the playoff. In 1972 the playoff field was expanded to four teams. In 1978 the playoffs were expanded to eight teams per class. Finally, in 1991, the top 16 in each class were awarded a playoff spot.

Class A

Champion Selected Using Power Rankings (1947)

(*school no longer exists)

1947 Woodrow Wilson (10–0–0) and Stonewall Jackson* (10–0–0) [15] tie, no game played

Two-Team Playoff (1948-1954)

(*school no longer exists)

1948Woodrow Wilson (2) (10–0–0)no game played
1949Weir (3) (11–0–0)37–13Milton* (10–1–0) [43]
1950 Parkersburg (10) (11–0–0) [13] 40–0 Oak Hill (10–1–0)
1951Woodrow Wilson (3) (10–0–0)26–0Gary* (10–1–0) [44]
1952Grafton (11–0–0)6–0Big Creek* (9–1–0) [45]
1953Barboursville* (11–0–0) [43] 27–0Benwood Union* (8–1–2) [20]
1954Follansbee* (11–0–0) [46] 7–0Barboursville* (10–1–0) [43]

Class B

Champion Selected Using Power Rankings (1947)

(*school no longer exists)

1947Webster Springs* (9–0–0) [47] no game played

Two-Team Playoff (1948–1954)

(*school no longer exists)

1948Vinson* (10–1–0) [48] 25–6Alderson* (8–3–0) [49]
1949Romney* (10–1–0) [50] 20–19Wirt County (8–2–1)
1950Poca (8–1–0) and Vinson* (2) (8–1–1) [48] [51] tieno game
1951Vinson* (3) (11–0–0) [48] 26–7 Sissonville (9–2–0)
1952Monongah* (9–0–0) [18] 20–14Winfield (9–1–0)
1953Sistersville* (10–0–1) [52] 26–13Romney* (9–1–0) [50]
1954Farmington* (9–0–1) [53] 39–13Rupert* (8–1–1) [54]

Three-class system (AA, A, B) 1955–1957 / WVSSAC ratings

Class AA

Two-Team Playoff

(*school no longer exists)

1955St. Albans (10–0–0)no game played
1956Grafton (2) (9–0–1)no game played
1957Weir (4) (11–0–0)19–12 Fairmont Senior (10–1–0)

Class A

Two-Team Playoff

(*school no longer exists)

1955 Bridgeport (8–1–0)39–13Webster Springs* (9–1–0) [47]
1956Keyser (11–0–0)12–0Mullens* (7–4–0) [42]
1957Vinson* (5) (11–0–0) [48] 14–13Keyser (10–1–0)

Class B

Two-Team Playoff

(*school no longer exists)

1955Monongah* (2) (8–0–2) [18] 14–13Wirt County (10–1–0)
1956Vinson* (4) (7–4–0) [48] 19–7Monongah* (6–2–2) [18]
1957Ravenswood (9–1–0)34–13Rupert* (9–1–0) [54]

Three-class system (AAA, AA, A) 1958–2023 / WVSSAC Ratings

Before becoming a record setting head football coach at LSU and Alabama, Nick Saban, was a quarterback for the 1968 "A" WV State Champion Monongah High School football team. Record setting University of Alabama Head Football Coach, Nick Saban, was a Monongah High School, "A" WV State Football Champion, Quarterback, in 1969.jpg
Before becoming a record setting head football coach at LSU and Alabama, Nick Saban, was a quarterback for the 1968 "A" WV State Champion Monongah High School football team.

Class A

Two-Team Playoff (1958–1971)

(*school no longer exists)

1958Meadow Bridge (10–1–0)6–0 Winfield (9–1–0)
1959 Ravenswood (2) (10–1–0)15–13Winfield (10–1–0)
1960Winfield (8–1–2)20–13Alderson* (9–1–0) [49]
1961Winfield (2) (11–0–0)19–13 Williamstown (9–1–1)
1962Rainelle* (11–0–0) [54] 32–7Sophia* (5–4–0) [55]
1963Winfield (3) (10–0–1)26–13Northfork* ( (6–3–1) [44]
1964Sistersville* (2) (7–4–0) [52] 27–0Fairview* (9–1–0) [18]
1965Crum* (8–1–1) [56] 20–18Masontown Valley* (9–1–0) [57]
1966Wirt County (11–0–0)27–6Crum* (10–1–0) [56]
1967Marlinton* (11–0–0) [58] 26–0Wirt County (10–1–0)
1968Monongah* (11–0–0) [18] 20–12 Paden City (9–2–0)
1969Monongah* (2) (10–1–0) [18] 26–0Paden City (8–3–0)
1970Paden City (9–2–0)20–6Wirt County (8–3–0)
1971Ansted* (10–0–0) [59] 20–14Fairview* (7–2–0) [18]

Four-Team Playoff (1972–1977)

(*school no longer exists)


Semi-finals Final
1 Anstead* (9-0-0) [59] 33
4 Harrisville* (9-1-0) [60] 12
1 Anstead* (10-0-0) (2) 8
3 Monongah* (9-1-1) 7
3 Monongah* (8-1-1) [18] 7
2 Wirt County (10-0-0) 6


Semi-finals Final
1 Anstead* (10-0-0) [59] 6
4 Monongah* (8-2-0) [18] 14
4 Monongah* (9-2-0) (3) 26
2 South Harrison (9-1-0) 20
3 Meadow Bridge (9-1-0) 6
2 South Harrison (8-1-0) 40


Semi-finals Final
1 Anstead* (9-1-0) [59] 14
4 Hamlin* (8-2-0) [61] 18
4 Hamlin* (9-2-0) 0
3 Musselman (9-2-0) 8
3 Musselman (8-2-0) 28
2 Mannington* (9-1-0) [18] 22


Semi-finals Final
1 Wirt County (10-0-0) 13
3 Hamlin* (9-0-0) [61] 8 2 Ridgeley (11-0-0) 20
2 Ridgeley* (10-0-0) [62] 12

When the 1975 football season ended, Meadow Bridge (10–0–0) and Rivesville* (10–0–0), were tied for the #4 playoff spot in Class A. With no tie break rules, both were eliminated and #1 Wirt County received a bye in the semi-final round. The WVSSAC has since made a comprehensive tie break rule.


Semi-finals Final
1 Mannington* (10-0-0) [18] 32
4 Gilbert* (10-0-0) 12
1 Mannington* (11-0-0) 28
2 Gauley Bridge* (10-1-1) 6
3 Pineville* (9-1-0) [42] 0
2 Gauley Bridge (9-1-0) 22


Semi-finals Final
1 Mannington* (10-0-0) [18] 16
4 Paden City (9-1-0) 8
1 Mannington* (11-0-0) (2) 28
2 Pineville* (11-0-0) 20
3 South Harrison (10-0-0) 0
2 Pineville* (10-0-0) [42] 23

Eight-Team Playoff (1978–1990)

(*school no longer exists)


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Sistersville* (10-0-0) 26
8 Franklin* (8-1-0) 0
1 Sistersville* (11-0-0) 7
4 Duval* (10-1-0) 34
5 Matewan* (8-2-0) 7
4 Duval* (9-1-0) 13
4 Duval* (11-1-0) 27
6 Doddridge County (11-1-0) 14
3 Paden City (9-1-0) 0
6 Doddridge County (9-1-0) 6
6 Doddridge County (10-1-0) 27
7 Pineville* (10-1-0) 14
7 Pineville* (9-1-0) [42] 28
2 Mannington* (8-1-0) [18] 20


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Paden City (9-0-1) 41
8 Weirton Madonna (8-2-0) 14
1 Paden City (10-0-1) 21
4 Fayetteville* (9-2-0) 8
5 Duval* (8-2-0) 6
4 Fayetteville* (8-2-0) 22
1 Paden City (11-0-1) (2) 19
6 Bishop Donahue (10-2-0) 6
3 Gilbert* (9-1-0) 8
6 Bishop Donahue* (8-2-0) 18
6 Bishop Donahue* (9-2-0) 34
7 Peterstown* (10-1-0) 6
7 Peterstown* (9-1-0) 47
2 Hamlin* (9-0-0) [61] 7


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Hamlin* (9-1-0) [61] 36
8 Franklin* (9-1-0) 22
1 Hamlin* (10-1-0) 6
5 Sistersville* (10-1-0) 36
5 Sistersville* (9-1-0) 16
4 Paden City (9-1-0) 0
5 Sistersville* (11-1-0) (3) 28
2 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (10-2-0) 0
3 Pineville* (9-1-0) [42] 12
6 Matewan* (7-2-0) 6
3 Pineville* (10-1-0) 0
2 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (9-2-0) 13
7 Rivesville* (9-1-0) 0
2 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (8-2-0) [18] 23


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Sistersville* (10-0-0) 22
8 Weriton Madonna (7-2-1) 0
1 Sistersville* (11-0-0) 48
4 Pineville* (9-1-0) 0
5 Franklin* (9-1-0) 14
4 Pineville* (8-1-0) [42] 38
1 Sistersville* (12-0-0) (4) 28
6 Peterstown (9-2-1) 3
3 Clear Fork* (9-0-0) 0
6 Peterstown* (7-2-1) 28
6 Peterstown (8-2-1) 16
2 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (11-0-0) 7
7 Van (8-1-0) 0
2 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (10-0-0) 30


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Gilbert* (9-0-0) 43
8 Morgantown-St. Francis* (9-1-0) 15
1 Gilbert* (10-0-0) 23
5 Duval* (10-1-0) 27
5 Duval* (9-1-0) 42
4 Rivesville* (9-0-0) 6
5 Duval* (11-1-0) (2) 28
2 Sistersville (12-0-0) 15
3 Mullens* (9-0-0) 28
6 Clear Fork* (8-0-0) 6
3 Mullens (10-0-0) 13
2 Sistersville* (11-0-0) 56
7 Pineville* (8-2-0) [42] 0
2 Sistersville* (10-0-0) 40


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Sistersville* (10-0-0) 57
8 Matewan* (8-2-0) 6
1 Sistersville* (11-0-0) 37
5 Morgantown-St. Francis* (11-0-0) 13
5 Morgantown-St. Francis* (10-0-0) 9
4 Meadow Bridge (9-0-0) 8
1 Sistersville* (12-0-0) 14
7 Tyler County* (11-1-0) 16
3 Van (9-0-0) 15
6 Mullens* (9-1-0) 34
6 Mullens* (10-1-0) 0
7 Tyler County* (10-1-0) 40
7 Tyler County* (9-1-0) 19
2 Gilbert* (10-0-0) 14


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Fayetteville* (10-0-0) 17
8 Van (9-1-0) 12
1 Fayetteville* (11-0-0) 27
5 Mullens* (9-2-0) 13
5 Mullens* (8-2-0) 24
4 Buffalo-Putnam (9-1-0) 2
1 Fayetteville* (12-0-0) 11
6 Sistersville (11-1-0) (5) 42
3 Clay-Battelle (9-1-0) 0
6 Sistersville* (9-1-0) 40
6 Sistersville* (10-1-0) 47
2 Gilbert* (11-0-0) 14
7 Tyler County* (9-1-0) 8
2 Gilbert* (10-0-0) 22


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Morgantown-St. Francis* (10-0-0) 35
8 Burch* (8-2-0) 0
1 Morgantown-St. Francis* (11-0-0) 27
4 Peterstown* (10-1-0) 6
5 Mt. Hope* (9-1-0) 0
4 Peterstown* (9-1-0) 21
1 Morgantown-St. Francis* (12-0-0) 13
2 Sistersville* (11-1-0) (6) 22
3 Gilbert* (9-1-0) 40
6 Tygarts Valley (9-1-0) 13
3 Gilbert* (10-1-0) 0
2 Sistersville* (10-1-0) 17
7 Buffalo-Putnam (9-1-0) 12
2 Sistersville* (9-1-0) 20


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Sistersville* (9-0-0) 48
8 Gilbert* (8-2-0) 0
1 Sistersville* (10-0-0) 32
5 Van (10-1-0) 16
5 Van (9-1-0) 20
4 Mullens* (8-2-0) 14
1 Sistersville* (11-0-0) (7) 14
3 Tyler County (11-1-0) 0
3 Tyler County* (9-1-0) 48
6 Notre Dame-Clarksburg (8-2-0) 14
3 Tyler County* (10-1-0) 21
2 Wahama (10-1-0) 0
7 Pineville* (7-3-0) [42] 24
2 Wahama (9-1-0) 25


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Weirton Madonna (10-0-0) 32
8 Mullens* (9-1-0) 6
1 Weirton Madonna (11-0-0) 34
5 Moorefield (9-1-0) 6
5 Moorefield (8-1-0) 30
4 Wahama (9-1-0) 7
1 Weirton Madonna (12-0-0) (5) 22
7 Matewan* (10-1-1) 8
3 Tyler County* (10-0-0) 7
6 Guyan Valley* (9-1-0) 6
3 Tyler County* (11-0-0) 6
7 Matewan* (9-1-1) 8
7 Matewan* (8-1-1) 22
2 Wirt County (9-1-0) 17


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Pineville* (10-0-0) [42] 20
8 Wahama (8-2-0) 7
1 Pineville* (11-0-0) 24
4 Guyan Valley* (11-0-0) 6
5 Buffalo-Putnam (8-2-0) 7
4 Guyan Valley* (10-0-0) 16
1 Pineville* (12-0-0) 6
6 Meadow Bridge (11-1-0) (2) 7
3 Tyler County* (10-0-0) 12
6 Meadow Bridge (9-1-0) 15
6 Meadow Bridge (10-1-0) 32
2 Peterstown* (11-0-0) 20
7 Wirt County (9-1-0) 0
2 Peterstown* (10-0-0) 60


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Peterstown* (10-0-0) 34
8 Bishop Donahue* (7-3-0) 6
1 Peterstown* (11-0-0) 6
4 Sistersville* (8-3-0) 0
5 Vinson* (9-1-0) 19
4 Sistersville* (7-3-0) 34
1 Peterstown* (12-0-0) 8
2 Mt. Hope* (11-1-0) (3) 32
3 Tygarts Valley (9-1-0) 12
6 Matewan* (7-3-0) 29
6 Matewan* (8-3-0) 8
2 Mt. Hope* (10-1-0) 10
7 Mullens* (7-3-0) 0
2 Mt. Hope* (9-1-0) 18


Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Duval* (10-0-0) 52
8 Union-Monroe (8-2-0) 19
1 Duval* (11-0-0) 30
4 Cameron (10-1-0) 10
5 Williamstown (8-2-0) 0
4 Cameron (9-1-0) 6
1 Duval* (12-0-0) (3) 37
2 Peterstown (11-1-0) 20
3 Mullens* (9-1-0) 36
6 East Hardy (8-2-0) 8
3 Mullens* (10-1-0) 20
2 Peterstown* (10-1-0) 22
7 Moorefield (7-2-0) 6
2 Peterstown* (9-1-0) 8

Sixteen-Team Playoff (1991–2023)


(*school no longer exists)


First round Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
1 Peterstown* (10-0-0) 56
16 Clear Fork* (6-4-0) 14
1 Peterstown* 30
8 East Hardy 0
8 East Hardy (8-1-0) 24
9 Doddridge County (7-3-0) 6
1 Peterstown* 22
4 Duval* 11
5 Van (9-1-0) 36
12 Tyler County* (7-3-0) 15
4 Duval* 10
5 Van 7
4 Duval* (9-0-0) 42
13 Moorefield (7-2-0) 8
1 Peterstown* 26
3 Matewan* 21
6 Union-Monroe* (7-3-0) 20
11 Cameron (9-1-0) 13
6 Union-Monroe* 8
3 Matewan* 24
3 Matewan* (10-0-0) 51
14 Wahama (7-3-0) 13
3 Matewan* 12
10 Valley-Wetzel 6
7 Wirt County (9-1-0) 14
10 Valley-Wetzel (7-3-0) 20
10 Valley-Wetzel 28
2 Fayetteville* 7
2 Fayetteville* (10-0-0) 30
15 Meadow Bridge (6-4-0) 6


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Fayetteville* (9-1-0) 21
16 Meadow Bridge (6-4-0) 0
1 Fayetteville* 14
8 Peterstown* 0
8 Bishop Donahue* (8-2-0) 21
9 Peterstown* (7-3-0) 34
1 Fayetteville* 21
4 Tyler County* 14
5 Valley-Wetzel (8-1-0) 14
12 Parkersburg Catholic (7-3-0) 0
4 Tyler County* 16
5 Valley-Wetzel 15
4 Tyler County* (9-1-0) 28
13 Clay-Battelle (7-3-0) 0
1 Fayetteville* 15
2 Matewan* 9
6 Van (9-1-0) 21
11 East Hardy (7-3-0) 14
3 Wirt County 12
6 Van 41
3 Wirt County (10-0-0) 13
14 Williamson* (6-4-0) 7
2 Matewan* 20
6 Van 18
7 Mount Hope* 8-2-0) 22
10 Ceredo-Kenova* (7-3-0) 8
2 Matewan* 14
7 Mount Hope* 6
2 Matewan* (9-0-0) 26
15 Athens (7-3-0) 0


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Valley-Wetzel (10-0-0) 13
16 Paden City (6-4-0) 6
1 Valley-Wetzel
9 Mount Hope*
8 Midland Trail (8-2-0) 19
9 Mount Hope* (6-3-0) 21
5 Ceredo-Kenova* (8-2-0) 8
12 Peterstown* (6-4-0) 3
4 Fayetteville*
3 Meadow Bridge
4 Meadow Bridge (9-1-0) 51
13 East Hardy (7-3-0) 32
1 Valley-Wetzel 13
2 Matewan* 21
6 Van (7-2-0) 28
11 Wirt County (8-2-0) 12
5 Ceredo-Kenova*
9 Gilbert*
3 Fayetteville* (9-1-0) 42
14 Doddridge County (6-4-0) 8
Meadow Bridge
7 Gilbert* (7-3-0) 39
10 Athens* (8-2-0) 20
2 Matewan*
6 Van
2 Matewan* (9-1-0) 40
15 Clay-Battelle (6-4-0) 6


First Round Quarterfinals Semifinals State Championship
1 Ceredo-Kenova* (10-0-0) 38
16 Parkersburg Catholic (7-3-0) 7
1 Ceredo-Kenova* 42
9 East Hardy 8
8 Gilbert* (7-3-0) 12
9 East Hardy (9-1-0) 17
1 Ceredo-Kenova* 30
5 Matewan* 0
5 Matewan* (8-2-0) 24
12 Fayetteville* (6-4-0) 6
4 Mount Hope* 6
5 Matewan* 34
4 Mount Hope* (8-1-0) 20
13 Guyan Valley* (7-3-0) 8
1 Ceredo-Kenova* (11) 44
2 Valley-Wetzel 0
6 Big Creek* (7-2-0) 25
11 Paden City (7-3-0) 0
3 St. Marys 28
6 Big Creek* 0
3 St. Marys (7-3-0) 32
14 Buffalo-Putnam (6-4-0) 16
2 Valley-Wetzel (OT) 13
3 St. Mary's 7
7 Franklin* (8-1-0) 13
10 Bishop Donahue* (7-3-0) 18
2 Valley-Wetzel 21
10 Bishop Donahue* 6
2 Valley-Wetzel (10-0-0) 27
15 Wirt County (6-4-0) 14


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Valley-Wetzel (10-0-0) 38
16 Franklin* (5-5-0) 6
1 Valley-Wetzel 33
8 Moorefield 6
8 Moorefield (8-2-0) (OT) 17
9 East Hardy (7-3-0) 14
1 Valley-Wetzel 40
4 Mount Hope* 27
5 Paden City (9-1-0) 6
12 Doddridge County (6-4-0) 0
4 Mount Hope* 3
5 Paden City 0
4 Mount Hope* (9-1-0) 28
13 Big Creek* (6-4-0) 0
1 Valley-Wetzel 20
6 Gilbert* 28
2 Matewan* (9-0-0) 32
15 Williamstown (5-5-0) 0
2 Matewan* 50
7 Buffalo-Putnam 20
7 Buffalo-Putnam (8-2-0) 49
10 Parkersburg Catholic (8-2-0) 6
2 Matewan* 8
6 Gilbert* 14
6 Gilbert* (7-3-0) 48
11 Vinson* (7-3-0) 6
3 Hamlin* 6
6 Gilbert* 28
3 Hamlin* (10-0-0) 22
14 Ceredo-Kenova* (5-5-0) 6


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Gilbert* (10-0-0) 12
16 Wheeling Central (6-4-0) 6
1 Gilbert* 29
8 Wahama 12
8 Wahama (8-2-0) 41
9 Big Creek* (8-2-0) 14
1 Gilbert* 20
5 Moorefield 30
5 Moorefield (8-1-0) 61
12 Van (9-1-0) 8
4 Mount Hope* 31
5 Moorefield 41
4 Mount Hope* (9-1-0) 24
13 Ceredo-Kenova* (7-3-0) 21
5 Moorefield 16
6 Valley-Wetzel 14
2 Midland Trail (8-2-0) 7
15 Buffalo-Putnam (7-3-0) 6
2 Midland Trail 28
10 Matewan* 6
7 Parkersburg Catholic (9-1-0) 14
10 Matewan* (8-2-0) 40
2 Midland Trail 7
6 Valley-Wetzel 33
3 Hamlin* (9-1-0) 0
14 Vinson* (6-4-0) 21
14 Vinson* 6
6 Valley-Wetzel 29
6 Valley-Wetzel (9-1-0) 26
11 East Hardy (7-2-0) 6


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Gilbert* 36
16 Meadow Bridge 6
1 Gilbert* 28
9 Parkersburg Catholic 8
8 Cameron 8
9 Parkersburg Catholic 28
1 Gilbert* 9
4 Moorefield 13
4 Moorefield 57
13 Mullens* 0
4 Moorefield 21
5 Valley-Wetzel 14
5 Valley-Wetzel 26
12 Tygarts Valley 8
4 Moorefield (2) 15
3 Big Creek* 12
2 Ceredo-Kenova* 6
15 Guyan Valley* 12
15 Guyan Valley* 16
7 Burch* 14
7 Burch* 30
10 Franklin* 12
15 Guyan Valley* 0
3 Big Creek* 15
3 Big Creek* (2OT) 32
14 Clay-Battelle 26
3 Big Creek* 6
6 East Hardy 0
6 East Hardy 40
11 Wahama 20


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Fayetteville* 35
16 Gauley Bridge* 0
1 Fayetteville* 17
8 Matewan* 6
8 Matewan* 26
9 Clay-Battelle 0
1 Fayetteville* 0
12 Valley-Wetzel 7
4 Gilbert* 7
13 Wahama 25
13 Wahama 6
12 Valley-Wetzel 12
5 Bishop Donahue* 7
12 Valley-Wetzel 12
12 Valley-Wetzel 9
2 Moorefield (3) 29
2 Moorefield 64
15 Williamson* 6
2 Moorefield 48
7 Parkersburg Catholic 0
7 Parkersburg Catholic 33
10 Guyan Valley* 6
2 Moorefield 39
11 Pendleton County 6
3 Cameron 28
14 Hamlin* 7
3 Cameron 24
11 Pendleton County 25
6 Buffalo-Putnam 0
11 Pendleton County 3


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Moorefield 46
16 Valley-Wetzel 7
1 Moorefield 61
9 Burch 14
8 Bishop Donahue* 11
9 Burch* 50
1 Moorefield 30
12 Wheeling Central 7
4 Valley-Fayette* 0
13 Matewan* 24
13 Matewan* 22
12 Wheeling Central 40
5 Buffalo-Putnam 6
12 Wheeling Central 28
1 Moorefield (4) 29
7 Fayetteville* 13
2 Gilbert* 38
15 Gauley Bridge* 12
2 Gilbert* 24
7 Fayetteville* 52
7 Fayetteville* 56
10 Williamson* 20
7 Fayetteville* 55
6 Parkersburg Catholic 20
3 Cameron 6
14 Doddridge County 24
14 Doddridge County 23
6 Parkersburg Catholic 29
6 Parkersburg Catholic 34
11 East Hardy 18


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Wheeling Central 42
16 Valley-Wetzel 20
1 Wheeling Central 61
8 Pendleton County 12
8 Pendleton County 28
9 Valley-Fayette* 20
1 Wheeling Central 42
4 Fayetteville* 14
4 Fayetteville* 42
13 Oceana* 6
4 Fayetteville* 28
5 Matewan* 6
5 Matewan* 40
12 Burch* 22
1 Wheeling Central (7) 34
6 Moorefield 6
2 Cameron 52
15 Gilbert* 22
2 Cameron 26
7 Williamson* 0
7 Williamson* 20
10 Parkersburg Catholic 0
2 Cameron 14
6 Moorefield 41
3 Buffalo-Putnam 47
14 Weirton-Madonna 7
3 Buffalo-Putnam 26
6 Moorefield 35
6 Moorefield 28
11 East Hardy 18


YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2001#1 Midland Trail (8–2–0)45–6#16 Guyan Valley* (6–4–0)#2 Wheeling Central (8–2–0)47–14#15 Buffalo-Putnam (6–4–0)
#3 Williamson* (9–1–0)40–18#14 Valley-Fayette* (6–4–0)#4 Van (9–1–0)48–16#13 Meadow Bridge (7–3–0)
#12 Wahama (7–3–0)14–7#5 Parkersburg Catholic (8–2–0)#11 Mt. Hope* (7–3–0)29–20#6 Cameron (8–2–0)
#10 Matewan* (7–3–0)28–6#7 Fayetteville* (7–3–0)#8 Moorefield (7–2–0)46–0#9 Paden City (8–2–0)
Moorefield50–16Midland TrailWheeling Central28–0Matewan*
Williamson*46–20Mt. Hope* Wahama 40–16Van
Moorefield52–12 Wahama Wheeling Central36–14Williamson*
#8 Moorefield (5) (11–2–0)13–0#2 Wheeling Central (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2002#1 Williamstown (10–0–0)46–12#16 Valley-Fayette* (6–4–0)#9 Meadow Bridge (9–1–0)28–22#8 Williamson* (8–2–0)
#5 Tolsia (8–2–0)41–8#12 Duval* (7–3–0)#4 Moorefield (9–1–0)47–16#13 Midland Trail (7–3–0)
#6 Wheeling Central (8–2–0)51–0#11 Sherman (7–3–0)#14 South Harrison (8–2–0)12–7#3 Wahama (10–0–0)
#7 Parkersburg Catholic (9–1–0)33–8#10 Matewan* (8–2–0)#2 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)32–6#15 Valley-Wetzel (6–4–0)
Williamstown19–14Meadow BridgeMoorefield21–6Tolsia
Wheeling Central29–0South HarrisonParkersburg Catholic20–14Greenbrier West
Moorefield41–7WilliamstownWheeling Central34–14Parkersburg Catholic
#6 Wheeling Central (8) (12–2–0)     14–7 (ot)#4 Moorefield (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2003#1 Williamstown (10–0–0)67–16#16 Gilbert* (6–3–1)#9 Tucker County (7–3–0)31–21#8 Greenbrier West (7–3–0)
#5 Tolsia (7–3–0)20–8#12 Fayetteville (7–3–0)#4 Parkersburg Catholic (9–1–0)31–0#13 Pendleton County (8–2–0)
#3 Wahama (10–0–0)71–6#14 Doddridge (8–2–0)#11 Matewan* (7–3–0)20–14#6 Clarksburg-Notre Dame (9–1–0)
#10 Wheeling Central (7–3–0)44–6#7 Van (8–1–0)#2 Moorefield (9–1–0)48–6#15 Cameron (7–3–0)
Williamstown54–6Tucker CountyTolsia21–0Parkersburg Catholic
Wahama 34–20MatewanMoorefield24–14Wheeling Central
Williamstown21–0TolsiaMoorefield30–6 Wahama
#2 Moorefield (6) (13–1–0)20–18#1 Williamstown (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2004#1 Williamstown (9–0–0)43–6#16 Valley-Wetzel (7–3–0)#9 Parkersburg Catholic (8–2–0)38–7#8 Buffalo-Putnam (8–2–0)
#4 Weirton-Madonna (10–0–0)47–0#13 Matewan* (6–4–0)#5 South Harrison (9–1–0)35–8#12 Clay-Battelle (8–2–0)
#3 Matewan* (8–2–0)42–13#14 Tucker County (7–3–0)#6 Moorefield (7–2–0)41–0#11 Guyan Valley* (7–3–0)
#7 Wheeling Central (7–2–0)58–26#10 Gilbert* (7–3–0)#2 Wahama (8–2–0)55–0#15 Pocahontas County (8–2–0)
Williamstown17–6Parkersburg CatholicWeirton-Madonna25–7South Harrison
Moorefield21–14(ot)Matewan*Wheeling Central31–6 Wahama
Weirton-Madonna16–7WilliamstownWheeling Central30–7Moorefield
#7 Wheeling Central (9) (11–2–0)34–7#4 Weirton-Madonna (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2005#1 Williamstown (10–0–0)67–0#16 Tucker County (7–3–0)#15 Wheeling Central (6–4–0)41–26#2 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)
#3 Buffalo-Putnam (10–0–0)26–15#14 Midland Trail (7–3–0)#4 South Harrison (9–1–0)41–6#13 Weirton-Madonna (8–2–0)
#5 St. Marys (9–1–0)36–20#12 Clay-Battelle (8–2–0)#6 Tygarts Valley (8–2–0)35–28#11 Calhoun County (8–2–0)
#7 Parkersburg Catholic (7–3–0)22–20#10 Pocahontas County (8–2–0)#9 Man (7–3–0)14–0#8 Hamlin* (9–1–0)
Williamstown26–12ManSt. Marys47–20South Harrison
Tygarts Valley21–20Buffalo-PutnamWheeling Central21–6Parkersburg Catholic
Williamstown17–0St. MarysWheeling Central24–13Tygarts Valley
#15 Wheeling Central (10) (10–4–0)35–20#1 Williamstown (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2006#1 Wheeling Central (10–0–0)62–18#16 Parkersburg Catholic (6–4–0)#8 St. Marys (9–1–0)28–6#9 East Hardy (8–2–0)
#4 Greenbrier West (8–2–0)22–16#13 Buffalo-Putnam (6–4–0)#12 Clarksburg-Notre Dame (7–3–0)13–7#5 Wahama (8–2–0)
#2 Williamstown (10–0–0)34–20#15 South Harrison (6–4–0)#10 Pendleton (7–3–0)21–7#7 Gilbert* (8–2–0)
#3 Mt. Hope* (10–0–0)52–0#14 Meadow Bridge (7–3–0)#6 Clay-Battelle (9–1–0)28–8#11 Tug Valley (8–2–0)
Wheeling Central42–14St. MarysGreenbrier West30–0Clarksburg-Notre Dame
Williamstown44–14Pendleton CountyMt. Hope*29–12Clay-Battelle
Wheeling Central57–22Greenbrier WestWilliamstown21–6Mt. Hope*
#1 Wheeling Central (11) (14–0–0)14–7#2 Williamstown (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2007#1 Wheeling Central (10–0–0)56–13#16 Clarksburg-Notre Dame (7–3–0)#9 Moorefield (7–3–0)15–12#8 Calhoun County (8–2–0)
#5 Fayetteville* (8–2–0)21–0#12 Greenbrier West (7–3–0)#4 Weirton-Madonna (9–1–0)42–8#13 Pendleton County (8–2–0)
#14 Buffalo-Putnam (6–4–0)34–6#3 Gilbert* (9–1–0)#11 St. Marys (8–2–0)26–21#6 Meadow Bridge (9–1–0)
#7 Wahama (8–2–0)26–14#10 Pocahontas County (8–2–0)#2 Williamstown (8–2–0)34–14#15 Midland Trail (7–3–0)
Wheeling Central55–33MoorefieldWeirton-Madonna28–21Fayetteville*
St. Marys36–12Buffalo-PutnamWilliamstown48–3 Wahama
Wheeling Central47–6Weirton-MadonnaWilliamstown23–0St. Marys
#1 Wheeling Central (12) (14–0–0)51–14#2 Williamstown (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2008#1 Williamstown (9–1–0)48–7#16 Parkersburg Catholic (6–4–0)#9 Man (7–3–0)27–6#8 Mt. Hope* (9–1–0)
#4 Wheeling Central (8–2–0)42–20#13 Midland Trail (6–4–0)#5 Matewan* (9–0–0)25–13#12 Moorefield (7–3–0)
#2 Pocahontas County (10–0–0)68–12#15 Big Creek* (7–2–0)#7 Weirton-Madonna (10–0–0)16–0#10 Calhoun County (7–3–0)
#3 Fayetteville* (9–1–0)35–33#14 Tucker County (7–3–0)#6 St. Marys (9–1–0)25–14#11 Clay-Battelle (8–2–0)
Williamstown21–16ManWheeling Central40–23Matewan*
Weirton-Madonna16–14Pocahontas CountySt. Marys56–36Fayetteville*
Williamstown14–13Wheeling CentralWeirton-Madonna27–6St. Marys
#1 Williamstown (13–1–0)23–7#7 Weirton-Madonna (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2009#1 Weirton-Madonna (10–0–0)48–6#16 Gilbert* (6–3–0)#9 Tucker County (8–2–0)36–18#8 Clay-Battelle (9–1–0)
#4 Williamstown (8–2–0)62–6#13 Valley-Fayette* (7–3–0)#5 Wheeling Central (7–3–0)47–6#12 Moorefield (7–3–0)
#2 Man (9–1–0)25–20#15 Parkersburg Catholic (7–3–0)#7 Fayetteville* (8–2–0)23–20#10 Wahama (8–2–0)
#3 Richwood (10–0–0)44–26#14 Pendleton County (7–3–0)#6 Wirt County (8–2–0)34–12#11 Iaeger* (8–2–0)
Weirton-Madonna48–0Tucker CountyWheeling Central28–14Williamstown
Man37–26Fayetteville*Richwood44–26Wirt County
Weirton-Madonna18–7Wheeling CentralMan27–20Richwood
#1 Weirton-Madonna (6) (14–0–0)27–7#2 Man (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2010#1 Wahama (10–0–0)19–0#16 St. Marys (6–4–0)#9 East Hardy (7–3–0)30–12#8 Tucker County (7–3–0)
#4 Wirt County (8–2–0)38–24#13 Weirton-Madonna (8–2–0)#5 Williamstown (8–2–0)42–21#12 Fayetteville* (7–3–0)
#2 Meadow Bridge (10–0–0)54–30#15 Parkersburg Catholic (7–3–0)#7 Matewan* (8–2–0)40–34#10 Buffalo-Putnam (7–3–0)
#3 Bishop Donahue* (10–0–0)34–14#14 Pocahontas County (6–4–0)#6 Wheeling Central (6–4–0)48–7#11 Pendleton County (7–3–0)
Wahama 73–38East HardyWirt County13–10Williamstown
Matewan*54–16Meadow BridgeWheeling Central24–20Bishop Donahue*
Wahama 31–14Wirt CountyWheeling Central34–12Matewan*
#6 Wheeling Central (13) (10–4–0)28–14#1 Wahama (13–1–0)



First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Wheeling Central 39
16 Parkersburg Catholic 14
1 Wheeling Central 34
9 Moorefield 16
8 Clay-Battelle 13
9 Moorefield 42
1 Wheeling Central 37
5 East Hardy 14
4 Wirt County 19
13 Bishop Donahue* 42
5 Bishop Donahue* 26
13 East Hardy 40
5 East Hardy 48
12 Buffalo-Putnam 15
1 Wheeling Central (14) 35
2 Williamstown 21
2 Williamstown 38
15 Madonna 31
2 Williamstown 45
7 Valley-Fayette* 8
7 Valley-Fayette* 22
10 Meadow Bridge 6
2 Williamstown 24
3 Wahama 7
3 Wahama 31
14 Pocahontas County 20
6 Wahama 45
3 Fayetteville* 20
6 Fayetteville* 35
11 Van 0
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2012#1 Tucker County (10–0–0)27–14#16 Moorefield (5–4–0)#8 Clay-Battelle (9–1–0)33–28#9 Valley-Fayette* (8–2–0)
#4 Weirton-Madonna (9–1–0)58–12#13 Tug Valley (8–2–0)#5 St. Marys (9–1–0)40–14#12 Wirt County (7–3–0)
#2 Magnolia (9–1–0)34–7#15 Williamstown (6–4–0)#7 East Hardy (9–1–0)60–34#10 Wheeling Central (7–3–0)
#3 Wahama (10–0–0)38–0#14 Buffalo-Putnam (7–3–0)#6 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)48–6#11 Meadow Bridge (8–2–0)
Tucker County48–14Clay-BattelleWeirton-Madonna29–14St. Marys
Magnolia19–14East HardyWahama21–12Greenbrier West
Weirton-Madonna20–14(ot)Tucker CountyWahama10–7Magnolia
#3 Wahama (14–0–0)43–42 (ot)#4 Weirton-Madonna (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2013#1 Weirton-Madonna (10–0–0)52–0#16 Tucker County (6–4–0)#8 Wahama (9–1–0)49–27#9 Clay-Battelle (8–1–0)
#12 Bishop Donahue* (7–3–0)21–18#5 Man (9–1–0)#4 Williamstown (8–2–0)27–25#13 Wheeling Central (6–4–0)
#14 Magnolia (6–4–0)42–14#3 Valley-Fayette* (10–0–0)#6 Moorefield (9–1–0)22–16#11 Meadow Bridge (8–2–0)
#7 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)54–7#10 Clarksburg-Notre Dame (7–3–0)#2 St. Marys (10–0–0)21–6#15 East Hardy (7–3–0)
Weirton-Madonna77–50 Wahama Williamstown54–12Bishop Donahue*
Magnolia37–7MoorefieldGreenbrier West18–0St. Marys
Weirton-Madonna42–28WilliamstownGreenbrier West21–14Magnolia
#1 Weirton-Madonna (7) (14–0–0)24–14#7 Greenbrier West (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2014#1 St. Marys (10–0–0)40–20#16 Wahama (6–4–0)#9 Moorefield (8–2–0)44–24#8 Tyler Consolidated (7–3–0)
#12 Bishop Donahue* (8–2–0)17–14#5 Meadow Bridge (9–1–0)#4 Clay-Battelle (9–1–0)14–7#13 Greenbrier West (6–4–0)
#14 East Hardy (7–3–0)30–22#3 Clarksburg-Notre Dame (8–2–0)#6 Williamstown (8–2–0)24–0#11 Pendleton County (7–3–0)
#10 Buffalo-Putnam (8–2–0)20–0#7 Doddridge (8–2–0)#2 Tug Valley (9–1–0)16–12#15 Man (6–4–0)
St. Marys36–0MoorefieldClay-Battelle30–20Bishop Donahue*
Williamstown42–22East HardyTug Valley36–19Buffalo-Putnam
St. Marys20–14Clay-BattelleWilliamstown42–28Tug Valley
#6 Williamstown (2) (12–2–0)33–32 (3ot)#1 St. Marys (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2015#1 Magnolia (10–0–0)54–22#16 Van (7–3–0)#2 East Hardy (9–1–0)23–20#15 Bishop Donahue* (7–3–0)
#3 South Harrison (9–1–0)53–12#14 Valley-Wetzel (7–3–0)#4 Moorefield (9–1–0)42–20#13 Meadow Bridge (7–3–0)
#12 Tug Valley (7–3–0)38–28#5 Man (8–2–0)#11 St. Marys (8–2–0)23–21#6 Buffalo-Putnam (10–0–0)
#7 Wheeling Central (9–1–0)42–28#10 Pendleton County (7–3–0)#8 Williamstown (8–2–0)21–14#9 Pocahontas County (8–2–0)
Magnolia14–13WilliamstownEast Hardy16–14Wheeling Central
St. Marys37–0South HarrisonMoorefield55–26Tug Valley
Magnolia13–7MoorefieldEast Hardy36–19St. Marys
#1 Magnolia (4) (14–0–0)62–0#2 East Hardy (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2016#1 East Hardy (10–0–0)54–22#16 Tyler Consolidated (6–4–0)#8 Williamstown (8–2–0)55–27#9 South Harrison (9–1–0)
#12 Pendleton County (8–2–0)50–30#5 Cameron (10–0–0)#4 Tolsia (7–2–0)26–20#13 Tug Valley (7–3–0)
#3 Fayetteville* (10–0–0)28–0#14 Van (6–4–0)#6 Wheeling Central (8–1–0)45–8#11 Sherman (8–2–0)
#7 Gilmer County (10–0–0)34–20#10 Summers County (8–2–0)#2 St. Marys (10–0–0)49–7#15 Buffalo-Putnam (7–3–0)
East Hardy20–14WilliamstownPendleton County46–16Tolsia
Fayetteville*27–20Wheeling CentralSt. Marys47–0Gilmer County
East Hardy48–20Pendleton CountySt. Marys47–0Fayetteville*
#2 St. Marys (2) (14–0–0)23–8#1 East Hardy (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2017#1 East Hardy (10–0–0)14–10#16 Williamstown (5–4–0)#9 Sherman (8–2–0)37–14#8 Weirton-Madonna (8–2–0)
#11 Summers County (6–4–0)28–0#6 Webster County (9–1–0)#3 Midland Trail (9–1–0)35–7#14 Fayetteville* (6–4–0)
#4 Tug Valley (9–1–0)30–29#13 Pocahontas County (7–3–0)#5 St. Marys (8–1–0)44–14#12 Doddridge (8–2–0)
#10 Wheeling Central (6–4–0)34–20#7 Cameron (9–1–0)#2 South Harrison (9–1–0)58–19#15 Richwood (6–4–0)
East Hardy42–14ShermanSt. Marys47–0Tug Valley
Wheeling Central39–6South HarrisonSummers County6–0Midland Trail
St. Marys27–21East HardyWheeling Central42–14Summers County
#10 Wheeling Central (15) (10–4–0)40–21#5 St. Marys (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2018#1 Wheeling Central (9–1–0)61–30#16 Tyler Consolidated (6–4–0)#9 Magnolia (7–3–0)28–6#8 Pendleton County (8–2–0)
#5 Cameron (10–0–0)30–12#12 Van (8–2–0)#4 Doddridge (10–0–0)40–14#13 Webster County (6–4–0)
#3 Mt. View (9–1–0)34–14#14 Ritchie County (7–3–0)#6 Williamstown (8–2–0)27–12#11 Summers County (7–3–0)
#7 Sherman (9–1–0)44–8#10 Parkersburg Catholic (9–1–0)#2 Midland Trail (10–0–0)14–2#15 Tucker County (6–4–0)
Wheeling Central40–19MagnoliaDoddridge27–0Cameron
Williamstown23–12Mt. ViewMidland Trail20–14Sherman
Wheeling Central47–7DoddridgeWilliamstown56–8Midland Trail
#1 Wheeling Central(16) (13–1–0)44–15#6 Williamstown (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2019#1 Doddridge County (10–0–0)57–7#16 Weirton-Madonna (6–3–1)#8 East Hardy (7–3–0)12–7#9 Midland Trail (6–4–0)
#5 Williamstown (8–2–0)42–0#12 Tug Valley (6–3–0)#4 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)52–13#13 Tygarts Valley (7–3–0)
#3 Pendleton County (9–1–0)26–7#14 Moorefield (6–4–0)#11 St. Marys (8–2–0)51–28#6 Cameron (7–3–0)
#10 Wheeling Central (6–4–0)13–12#7 Tolsia (7–3–0)#2 Ritchie County (9–1–0)40–6#15 South Harrison (6–4–0)
Doddridge County21–6East HardyWilliamstown34–22Greenbrier West
Pendleton County13–2St. MarysWheeling Central13–0Ritchie County
Doddridge County27–3WilliamstownWheeling Central27–7Pendleton County
#10 Wheeling Central(17) (10–4–0)38–21#1 Doddridge County (13–1–0)

In 2020 the COVID-19 [63] [ circular reference ] epidemic effected the football season greatly. Health officials developed a map, which was published each Saturday, and used to determine which counties could participate in WVSSAC activities the upcoming week. [64]


First Round

November 15, 2020


November 21, 2020


November 28, 2020

State Championship

December 5, 2020

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling WV

1 Tug Valley 0
16 Tygarts Valley 1
16 Tygarts Valley 17
8 Pendleton County 41
8 Pendleton County 14
9 Moorefield 7
8 Pendleton County 7
4 St. Marys 21
4 St. Marys 1
13 Wheeling Central 0
4 St. Marys 52
5 Midland Trail 49
5 Midland Trail 1
12 Buffalo 0
4 St. Marys (3) 1
7 Ritchie County 0
2 Greenbrier West 58
15 Madonna 0
2 Greenbrier West 29
7 Ritchie County 38
7 Ritchie County 16
10 Wirt County 7
7 Ritchie County
3 Doddridge County 19
14 East Hardy 25
14 East Hardy F
11 Tolsia F
6 Williamstown 0
11 Tolsia 1



First Round

November 12-13, 2021


November 19-20, 2021


November 26-27, 2021

State Championship

December 4, 2021

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling, WV

1 Cameron (9-1-0) 14
16 Gilmer County (6-4-0) 19
16 Gilmer County 0
8 Wheeling Central 55
8 Wheeling Central (7-3-0) 35
9 Moorefield (7-3-0) 7
8 Wheeling Central 16
4 Ritchie County 20
4 Ritchie County (9-1-0) 46
13 Clay-Battelle (8-2-0) 14
4 Ritchie County 34
5 Mount View 6
5 Mount View (9-1-0) 18
12 Sherman (6-4-0) 6
4 Ritchie County 42
6 Williamstown 21
2 Doddridge County (9-1-0) 40
15 Midland Trail (6-4-0) 21
2 Doddridge County 14
7 James Monroe 0
7 James Monroe (7-3-0) 32
10 Trinity-Morgantown (7-3-0) 0
2 Doddridge County 0
6 Williamstown 43
3 East Hardy (9-1-0) 45
14 Meadow Bridge (6-4-0) 6
3 East Hardy 24
6 Williamstown 44
6 Williamstown (8-2-0) 48
11 Greenbrier West (6-4-0) 20


First Round

November 11, 2022


November 18, 2022


November 25, 2022

State Championship

December 3, 2022

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling, WV

1 James Monroe (10-0-0) 37
16 Petersburg (7-3-0) 13
1 James Monroe 48
8 Greenbrier West 13
8 Greenbrier West (8-1-0) 35
9 South Harrison (7-3-0) 0
1 James Monroe 27
4 Wheeling Central 7
4 Wheeling Central (8-1-0) 41
13 Man (7-3-0) 7
4 Wheeling Central 48
5 Wahama 14
5 Wahama (10-0-0) 52
12 St. Marys (7-3-0) 21
1 James Monroe 20
6 Williamstown (3) 52
2 Cameron (10-0-0) 20
15 Tyler Consolidated (6-3-0) 6
2 Cameron 6
10 Doddridge County 21
7 Van (10-0-0) 0
10 Doddridge County (8-2-0) 43
10 Doddridge County 21
6 Williamstown 53
3 Tucker County (9-1-0) 6
14 East Hardy (8-2-0) 34
14 East Hardy 6
6 Williamstown 49
6 Williamstown (9-1-0) 49
11 Clay-Battelle (8-2-0) 6


First Round

November 10, 2023


November 17, 2023


November 24, 2023

State Championship

December 2, 2023

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling, WV

1 James Monroe (9-1-0) 48
16 Sherman (6-4-0) 15
1 James Monroe 17
8 Cameron 0
8 Cameron (9-1-0) 40
9 Man (7-3-0) 8
1 James Monroe 7
4 Greenbrier West 27
4 Greenbrier West (10-0-0) 49
13 Wirt County (6-4-0) 0
4 Greenbrier West 22
5 Wahama 20
5 Wahama (10-0-0) 65
12 Summers County (6-4-0) 14
4 Greenbrier West 12
3 Williamstown (4) 42
2 Tucker County (10-0-0) 46
15 Midland Trail (5-5-0) 6
2 Tucker County 42
7 Tug Valley 0
7 Tug Valley (8-2-0) 28
10 Tyler Consolidated (8-2-0) 26
2 Tucker County 8
3 Williamstown 45
3 Williamstown (10-0-0) 49
14 Doddridge County (6-4-0) 6
3 Williamstown 48
11 East Hardy 15
6 St. Mary's (9-1-0) 30
11 East Hardy (6-3-0) 38

Class AA

Two-Team Playoff (1958–1971)

(*school no longer exists)

1958Roosevelt Wilson* (7–2–0) [16] 19–12Sissonville (6–4–0)
1959Mt. Hope* (8–1–2) [65]
and Mullens* (2) (8–2–1) [42]
1960Mt. Hope* (2) (9–0–2) [65]
and Williamson* (3) (9–1–1) [21]
1961 Williamson* (4) (9–2–0) [21] 20–13Mt. Hope* (10–1–0)
1962Keyser (2) (10–1–0)35–20 Nicholas County (9–1–0)
1963Ceredo-Kenova* (9–2–0) [66] 19–13Hinton* (8–2–1) [41]
1964 Magnolia (2) (8–3–0)15–7Mt. Hope* (8–3–0) [65]
1965Ceredo-Kenova* (2) (11–0–0) [66] 26–6Mt. Hope* (8–2–0) [65]
1966Gary* (9–2–0) [44] 33–14Ceredo-Kenova* (9–2–0) [66]
1967Ceredo-Kenova* (3) (11–0–0) [66] 47–13Monongah* (10–1–0) [18]
1968Hinton* (2) (10–1–0) [41] 9–0 Oceana* (9–2–0) [67]
1969Keyser (3) (10–1–0)21–20Winfield (10–1–0)
1970Gary* (2) (11–0–0) [44] 33–14Oceana* (10–1–0) [67]
1971Ceredo-Kenova* (4) (9–1–1) [66] 14–8Oceana* (9–2–0) [67]

Four-Team Playoff (1972–1977)

(*school no longer exists)


Semi-finals State Championship
1 Magnolia 26
4 Scott 16
1 Magnolia 6
2 Ravenswood (3) 14
3 Ravenswood 35
2 Ceredo-Kenova* 14


Semi-finals Finals
1 Northfork* 14
4 Vinson* 7
1 Northfork* 14
3 Ceredo-Kenova* 13
2 Magnolia 6
3 Ceredo-Kenova* 12


Semi-finals State Championship
1 Ceredo-Kenova* 28
4 Montgomery* 12
1 Ceredo-Kenova* (5) 34
2 Northfork* 14
2 Northfork* 32
3 Stoco* 0


Semi-finals State Championship
1 Ceredo-Kenova* (OT) 6
4 Vinson* 0
1 Ceredo-Kenova* (6) 18
3 Sherman 6
2 Doddridge County 0
3 Sherman 40


Semi-finals State Championship
1 Big Creek* 28
4 Greenbrier West 6
1 Big Creek* 7
2 Ravenswood (4) 15
2 Ravenswood 28
3 Winfield 0


Semi-finals State Championship
1 Poca 20
4 Ceredo-Kenova* 6
1 Poca 20
2 Man 6
2 Man (OT) 14
3 Greenbrier West 8

Eight-Team Playoff (1978–1990)

(*school no longer exists)

1978#3 Ceredo-Kenova* (9–1–0) [66] 22–6#6 Magnolia (8–2–0)#1 Poca (10–0–0)7–3#8 Ravenswood (7–3–0)
#2 Man (9–1–0)28–20#7 Greenbrier West (8–2–0)#5 Central Preston* (9–1–0)15–12#4 Wayne (8–2–0)
Ceredo-Kenova*28–7ManPoca39–0Central Preston*
#3 Ceredo-Kenova* (7) (12–1–0) [66] 21–6#1 Poca (12–1–0)
1979#2 Wheeling Central (9–1–0)28–25#7 Poca (7–2–0)#1 Buffalo-Wayne* (10–0–0)21–19#8 Williamstown (8–2–0)
#5 Man (8–2–0)21–7#4 Iaeger* (10–0–0)#3 Big Creek* (8–1–0)14–6#6 Central Preston* (9–1–0)
Wheeling Central31–0Big Creek*Buffalo-Wayne*20–0Man
#2 Wheeling Central (6) (12–1–0)39–21#1 Buffalo Wayne* (12–1–0) [48]
1980#1 Ceredo-Kenova* (9–1–0)26–6#8 Valley-Fayette* (8–2–0)#2 Man (9–1–0)21–6#7 Hinton* (9–1–0)
#3 Poca (9–1–0)21–7#6 University (8–2–0)#5 Big Creek* (9–1–0)30–0#4 Midland Trail (9–1–0)
Man28–14PocaCeredo-Kenova*21–6Big Creek*
#1 Ceredo-Kenova* (8) (12–1–0) [66] 18–13#2 Man (11–2–0)
1981#1 Magnolia (9–1–0)55–6#8 Poca (8–2–0)#2 Musselman (9–1–0)36–8#7 Iaeger* (10–0–0)
#3 Ceredo-Kenova* (9–1–0)21–6#6 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)#5 Man (9–1–0)26–0#4 Milton* (8–2–0)
#3 Ceredo-Kenova* (9) (12–1–0) [66] 22–15#1 Magnolia (11–2–0)
1982#1 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)26–0#8 Northfork* (8–2–0)#2 Musselman (10–0–0)26–21#7 South Harrison (9–1–0)
#3 Central Preston* (9–1–0)20–6#6 Winfield (9–1–0)#5 Ceredo-Kenova* (8–2–0)20–8#4 Richwood (9–1–0)
Ceredo-Kenova*9–6Greenbrier WestMusselman24–0Central Preston*
#2 Musselman (2) (13–0–0)12–7#5 Ceredo-Kenova* (10–3–0) [66]
1983#1 Grafton (9–1–0)31–13#8 Calhoun County (9–1–0)#7 Ceredo-Kenova* (8–2–0)14–8#2 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)
#3 Winfield (9–1–0)37–30#6 Magnolia (8–2–0)#4 Musselman (8–1–1)28–8#5 Frankfort (9–1–0)
#7 Ceredo-Kenova* (10) (11–2–0) [66] 34–15#4 Musselman (10–2–1)
1984#1 Man (9–1–0)38–0#8 Big Creek* (7–1–0)#7 Grafton (8–2–0)27–22#2 Winfield (9–1–0)
#3 Bridgeport (8–2–0)13–7#6 Buffalo-Wayne* (9–1–0)#5 St. Marys (10–0–0)28–0#4 Musselman (8–1–0)
Man34–0St. MarysGrafton7–6Bridgeport
#7 Grafton (3) (11–2–0)14–10#1 Man (11–2–0)
1985#1 Winfield (10–0–0)47–14#8 Poca (7–3–0)#2 Buffalo-Wayne* (10–0–0)12–8#7 Oceana* (8–2–0)
#3 Bridgeport (9–1–0)20–0#6 Spencer* (8–1–0)#5 Tucker County (8–2–0)21–20#4 Chapmanville (10–0–0)
Winfield12–0Tucker CountyBuffalo-Wayne*20–0Bridgeport
#1 Winfield (13–0–0)28–6#2 Buffalo Wayne* (12–1–0) [48]
1986#1 Bridgeport (9–1–0)21–13#8 Magnolia (7–3–0)#2 Independence (10–0–0)12–0#7 Man (7–3–0)
#3 Tucker County (9–1–0)34–13#6 Valley-Fayette* (9–1–0)#5 Winfield (9–1–0)23–21#4 Chapmanville (10–0–0)
Bridgeport10–8WinfieldTucker County20–19Independence
#1 Bridgeport (4) (12–1–0)10–7#3 Tucker County (11–2–0)
1987#1 Winfield (10–0–0)29–7#8 University (8–2–0)#7 Bridgeport (7–3–0)13–0#2 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)
#3 Tucker County (9–1–0)22–13#6 Sissonville (8–2–0)#5 Grafton (8–2–0)17–14#4 Buffalo-Wayne* (9–1–0)
Winfield42–6GraftonTucker County26–20(ot)Bridgeport
#1 Winfield (2) (13–0–0)48–14#3 Tucker County (11–2–0)
1988#1 Bridgeport (10–0–0)22–0#8 East Bank* (7–3–0)#2 Magnolia (9–1–0)35–21#7 Sissonville (8–2–0)
#3 Winfield (9–1–0)33–7#6 Buffalo-Wayne* (9–1–0)#4 Musselman (9–1–0)14–7#5 Ceredo-Kenova* (9–1–0) [66]
#1 Bridgeport (5) (13–0–0)29–28
#3 Winfield (11–2–0)
1989#1 Man (8–0–0)35–7#8 Grafton (8–2–0)#2 Bridgeport (10–0–0)27–8#7 Frankfort (9–1–0)
#3 Musselman (10–0–0)42–20#6 Midland Trail (9–1–0)#4 East Bank* (9–1–0)34–7#5 Williamstown (10–0–0)
East Bank*15–14ManMusselman14–7Bridgeport
#4 East Bank* (4) (12–1–0) [68] 14–9#3 Musselman (12–1–0)
1990#1 East Bank (10–0–0)35–6#8 Midland Trail (9–1–0)#2 Spencer* (10–0–0)24–8#7 Frankfort (10–0–0)
#3 Oceana* (9–1–0)16–13#6 Bridgeport (8–2–0)#5 Wheeling Central (10–0–0)13–10#4 Grafton (9–1–0)
East Bank*28–10Wheeling CentralSpencer*16–8Oceana*
#1 East Bank* (5) (13–0–0) [68] 15–12#2 Spencer* (12–1–0) [69]

Sixteen-Team Playoff (1991–2023)


(*school no longer exists)

YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1991#1 Spencer* (10–0–0)37–0#16 Grafton (6–4–0)#9 Sherman (8–2–0)22–11#8 Musselman (8–2–0)
#4 Buffalo-Wayne* (10–0–0)46–6#13 Clay County (8–2–0)#5 Wheeling Central (9–1–0)26–8#12 Gilbert* (7–2–0)
#2 Magnolia (9–1–0)26–0#15 Sissonville (7–3–0)#7 Bridgeport (7–3–0)3–0#10 Frankfort (7–3–0)
#3 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)22–0#14 Independence (6–4–0)#6 East Bank* (7–3–0)7–0#11 Man (7–3–0)
Spencer*38–0ShermanBuffalo-Wayne*19–0Wheeling Central
Magnolia16–3BridgeportGreenbrier West27–0East Bank*
Spencer*35–14Buffalo-Wayne*Greenbrier West6–0Magnolia
#1 Spencer* (14–0–0) [69] 31–22#3 Greenbrier West (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1992#1 South Harrison (10–0–0)35–0#16 Grafton (6–4–0)#3 Magnolia (10–0–0)28–0#14 Richwood (7–3–0)
#15 Pocahontas County (7–3–0)26–7#2 Musselman (10–0–0)#4 East Bank* (8–2–0)14–8#13 Ritchie County (8–2–0)
#12 Wheeling Central (7–3–0)30–0#5 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)#11 Poca (7–3–0)12–6#6 Clay County (9–1–0)
#7 Sissonville (8–2–0)21–0#10 Iaeger* (9–1–0)#8 Buffalo-Wayne* (8–2–0)19–0#9 Webster County (7–3–0)
Buffalo-Wayne*7–6South HarrisonSissonville17–6Pocahontas County
Magnolia31–16PocaEast Bank*29–27Wheeling Central
Buffalo-Wayne*6–0East Bank*Magnolia24–0Sissonville
#8 Buffalo Wayne* (12–2–0) [48] 7–3#3 Magnolia (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1993#6 Tyler Consolidated (8–2–0)20–0#11 Bridgeport (6–4–0)#9 St. Marys (7–3–0)20–13#8 South Harrison (6–3–1)
#2 East Bank* (9–1–0)14–3#15 Petersburg (7–3–0)#4 Wayne (9–1–0)12–7#13 Frankfort (7–3–0)
#5 Iaeger* (9–1–0)14–7#12 Pocahontas County (7–3–0)#7 Richwood (8–2–0)20–17#10 Lincoln (6–4–0)
#1 Magnolia (9–1–0)34–6#16 Oceana* (6–4–0)#14 Musselman (6–4–0)28–26#3 Poca (8–2–0)
East Bank*28–14RichwoodWayne12–7Tyler Consolidated
Musselman15–12Iaeger*Magnolia42–0St. Marys
East Bank*14–6WayneMagnolia31–0Musselman
#2 East Bank* (6) (13–1–0) [68] 16–14#1 Magnolia (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1994#1 Sissonville (9–1–0)20–14#16 Lincoln (6–4–0)#9 Midland Trail (8–2–0)14–12#8 Tug Valley (8–2–0)
#4 Ritchie County (9–1–0)31–0#13 Duval* (7–3–0)#5 Bluefield (7–3–0)28–7#12 Tucker County (7–3–0)
#15 Iaeger* (7–3–0)26–16#2 Independence (9–1–0)#7 Frankfort (9–1–0)29–0#10 Ravenswood (7–3–0)
#6 Bridgeport (8–2–0)21–14#11 East Bank* (6–4–0)#3 Poca (8–2–0)7–6#14 Sherman (6–4–0)
Sissonville8–7Midland TrailRitchie County27–23Bluefield
Sissonville21–20Ritchie CountyPoca28–0Frankfort
#3 Poca (2) (12–2–0)19–0#1 Sissonville (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1995#16 Musselman (6–4–0)19–8#1 South Harrison (9–1–0)#2 Poca (9–1–0)20–0#15 Grafton (7–3–0)
#3 Bluefield (7–2–0)32–8#14 East Bank* (6–3–0)#13 Tolsia (8–2–0)10–0#4 Frankfort (9–0–0)
#12 Duval* (7–2–0)28–7#5 James Monroe (8–2–0)#6 Bridgeport (8–2–0)35–0#11 Iaeger* (9–1–0)
#10 Midland Trail (8–2–0)28–27#7 Ritchie County (10–0–0)#9 Greenbrier West (8–2–0)7–0#8 Summers County (8–2–0)
Musselman38–7#9 Greenbrier WestPoca28–9Midland Trail
#16 Musselman (3) (10–4–0)19–0#3 Bluefield (10–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1996#16 Tucker County (5–4–0)38–13#1 Grafton (10–0–0)#8 Keyser (7–3–0)42–6#9 James Monroe (7–3–0)
#13 Ravenswood (7–3–0)14–8#4 Frankfort (10–0–0)#5 Poca (9–1–0)34–7Liberty-Harrison (6–3–0)
#3 East Bank* (9–1–0)65–3#14 Pike View (7–3–0)#6 Tolsia (9–1–0)34–7#11 Braxton County (8–2–0)
#7 Iaeger* (8–2–0)27–14#10 Buffalo-Wayne* (7–3–0)#2 Bluefield (9–1–0)73–8#15 Ritchie County
Keyser27–7Tucker CountyPoca29–0Ravenswood
East Bank*30–7TolsiaBluefield41–14Iaeger*
Poca14–0KeyserEast Bank*22–14Bluefield
#3 East Bank* (7) (13–1–0) [68] 20–14#5 Poca (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1997#1 Bluefield (10–0–0)32–20#16 Liberty-Harrison (6–4–0)#8 Man (6–3–0)33–14#9 Clay County (8–2–0)
#12 Keyser (7–3–0)7–3#5 Frankfort (9–1–0)#4 Weir (8–2–0)42–14#13 Summers County (7–3–0)
#3 Tolsia (10–0–0)34–14#14 Chapmanville (7–3–0)#6 Magnolia (8–2–0)13–10#11 East Bank* (7–3–0)
#7 Richwood (8–2–0)26–2#10 Greenbrier West (8–2–0)#2 Grafton (10–0–0)46–28#15 Liberty-Raleigh (7–3–0)
#1 Bluefield (7) (14–0–0)42–13#2 Grafton (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1998#1 DuPont* (9–1–0)49–14#16 Liberty-Raleigh#8 East Bank* (8–2–0)40–14#9 Mt. View (8–2–0)
#5 Tucker County (9–1–0)41–13#12 Shady Spring (9–1–0)#4 James Monroe (10–0–0)42–18#13 Richwood (8–2–0)
#3 Magnolia (10–0–0)55–0#14 Ritchie County (8–2–0)#11 Bridgeport (7–3–0)28–19#6 Ravenswood (9–1–0)
#7 Tyler Consolidated (9–1–0)28–21#10 Scott (10–0–0)#2 Weir (10–0–0)49–13South Harrison (6–4–0)
DuPont*21–20East Bank*James Monroe39–13Tucker County
Magnolia35–34 (ot)BridgeportWeir41–12Tyler Consolidated
DuPont*21–14James MonroeWeir20–7Magnolia
#2 Weir (5) (14–0–0)20–17#1 DuPont* (12–2–0) [68]
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1999#1 Bluefield (9–1–0)21–6#16 Mt. View (6–4–0)#8 Liberty-Harrison (7–3–0)14–9#9 Clay County (8–2–0)
#5 Shady Spring (9–1–0)20–9#12 Webster County (8–2–0)#4 Grafton (9–1–0)21–7#13 Poca (6–4–0)
#11 Tyler Consolidated21–9#6 Bridgeport (7–3–0)#3 James Monroe (9–0–0)42–26#14 Wayne (7–3–0)
#2 Wyoming East (10–0–0)40–13#15 South Harrison (6–4–0)#7 Sherman (8–2–0)47–20#10 Chapmanville (8–2–0)
Bluefield71–46Liberty-HarrisonGrafton14–13Shady Spring
James Monroe45–17Tyler ConsolidatedWyoming East76–12Sherman
Bluefield24–17GraftonWyoming East31–24James Monroe
#2 Wyoming East (14–0–0)57–21#1 Bluefield (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2000#1 Bridgeport (10–0–0)48–8#16 Sherman (7–3–0)#8 Tyler Consolidated (8–2–0)32–6#9 Williamstown (8–2–0)
#4 Shady Spring (8–1–0)34–7#13 Magnolia (7–3–0)#5 Oak Hill (8–2–0)27–7#12 Independence (7–3–0)
#14 Winfield (7–3–0)17–14(ot)#3 Clay County (10–0–0)#11 Iaeger* (8–2–0)22–6#6 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)
#7 Wyoming East (8–2–0)34–6#10 Ritchie County (8–2–0)#2 Wayne (10–0–0)21–11#15 Frankfort (6–4–0)
Bridgeport42–12Tyler ConsolidatedShady Spring25–13Oak Hill
Iaeger*36–7WinfieldWayne14–13(ot)Wyoming East
Bridgeport42–7Shady SpringWayne33–8Iaeger*
#1 Bridgeport (6) (14–0–0)14–6#2 Wayne (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore


2001#1 Bridgeport (10–0–0)50–7#16 Grafton (6–4–0)#15 Mt. View (6–4–0)14–12#2 Wayne (9–0–0)
#14 Clay County (7–3–0)7–0#3 Ravenswood (9–1–0)#4 Williamstown (9–1–0)28–6#13 Iaeger* (8–2–0)
#5 Oak Hill (8–2–0)36–35#12 James Monroe (7–3–0)#6 Poca (7–3–0)27–7#11 Tolsia (7–3–0)
#10 Magnolia (7–3–0)17–13#7 Frankfort (7–3–0)#8 Wyoming East (7–3–0)6–0#9 Independence (8–2–0)
Bridgeport38–6Wyoming EastMagnolia15–11Mt. View
Poca42–13Clay CountyWilliamstown34–20Oak Hill
#6 Poca (3) (11–3–0)21–7#1 Bridgeport (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2002#1 James Monroe (10–0–0)18–0#16 Braxton County (6–4–0)#9 Bluefield (6–4–0)63–6#8 Webster County (9–1–0)
#5 Wayne (8–2–0)20–12#12 Mt. View (6–3–0)#4 Frankfort (8–2–0)48–0#13 Berkeley Springs (7–3–0)
#6 Poca (7–3–0)24–13#11 Oak Hill (7–3–0)#14 Herbert Hoover (7–3–0)13–6#3 Bridgeport (9–1–0)
#10 Ravenswood (7–3–0)20–0#7 Liberty-Raleigh (8–2–0)#2 Keyser (9–1–0)42–6#15 Iaeger* (7–3–0)
Bluefield3–0James MonroeWayne22–6 Frankfort
Poca15–12Herbert HooverKeyser34–28Ravenswood
#7 Poca (4) (11–3–0)27–7#9 Bluefield (9–5–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2003#1 Bluefield (8–1–0)61–16#16 Oak Hill (6–4–0)#8 Weir (8–2–0)17–7#9 Clay County (8–2–0)
#5 Westside (9–1–0)28–0#12 Liberty-Raleigh (8–2–0)#13 Wayne (7–3–0)20–19#4 Scott (9–1–0)
#14 Bridgeport (7–3–0)30–7#3 Frankfort (8–2–0)#11 Mt. View (8–2–0)27–26#6 Tyler Consolidated (8–2–0)
#10 Ravenswood (8–2–0)8–7#7 Keyser (7–3–0)#2 Poca (8–2–0)46–20#15 James Monroe (7–3–0)
Mt. View35–7BridgeportPoca14–7Ravenswood
Bluefield35–8WestsidePoca24–2Mt. View
#2 Poca (5) (12–2–0)21–20(ot)#1 Bluefield (11–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2004#1 Bluefield (10–0–0)58–0#16 Mt. View (6–3–0)#8 Keyser (7–3–0)53–16#9 Sherman (8–2–0)
#4 James Monroe (9–1–0)12–10#13 Liberty-Raleigh (7–3–0)#5 Weir (8–2–0)57–14#12 Lincoln (7–3–0)
#3 Ravenswood (9–1–0)35–12#14 Winfield (6–4–0)#6 Shady Spring (8–2–0)48–0#11 Clay County (7–3–0)
#7 Braxton County (9–1–0)53–21#10 Westside (8–2–0)#2 Wayne (10–0–0)41–10#15 Scott (6–4–0)
Bluefield36–7KeyserWeir63–23James Monroe
Shady Spring14–7RavenswoodWayne47–21Braxton County
Bluefield21–20(ot)WeirWayne33–6Shady Spring
#1 Bluefield (8) (14–0–0)69–24#2 Wayne (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2005#1 Wayne (10–0–0)83–42#16 Liberty-Raleigh (6–4–0)#2 James Monroe (10–0–0)61–7#15 Winfield (5–5–0)
#14 Grafton (5–5–0)29–27#3 Herbert Hoover (9–1–0)#4 Weir (9–1–0)66–0#13 Logan (5–5–0)
#5 Scott (9–1–0)21–6#12 Berkeley Springs (5–5–0)#11 Bluefield (5–4–0)24–8#6 Liberty-Harrison (9–1–0)
#7 Tolsia (7–3–0)27–8#10 Independence (7–3–0)#9 Magnolia (7–3–0)49–14#8 Mt. View (7–3–0)
Bluefield35–0GraftonJames Monroe34–27Tolsia
Weir22–7WayneBluefield24–14James Monroe
#4 Weir (6) (13–1–0)40–0#11 Bluefield (8–5–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2006#1 James Monroe (10–0–0)55–8#16 Independence (7–3–0)#8 Keyser (7–3–0)41–6#9 Magnolia (7–3–0)
#4 Tolsia (8–2–0)35–8#13 Wyoming East (7–3–0)#5 Bluefield (6–3–0)46–6#12 Liberty-Harrison (7–3–0)
#2 Scott (9–1–0)42–7#15 Sissonville (6–4–0)#7 Grafton (7–3–0)33–14#10 Mt. View (7–3–0)
#3 Wayne (8–2–0)34–8#14 Roane County (7–3–0)#6 Poca (7–3–0)50–6#11 Webster County (7–3–0)
James Monroe24–0KeyserTolsia15–14Bluefield
Tolsia7–6James MonroeWayne14–7Grafton
#3 Wayne (12–2–0)33–6#4 Tolsia (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2007#1 Bluefield (9–0–0)52–20#16 Roane County (5–5–0)#9 Chapmanville Regional [70] (7–3–0)18–14#9 Keyser (7–3–0)
#5 Scott (7–3–0)40–27#12 Sissonville (6–4–0)#4 Berkeley Springs (8–2–0)55–40#13 Logan (6–4–0)
#3 James Monroe (9–1–0)48–6#14 Tolsia (6–4–0)#6 Magnolia (8–2–0)26–0#11 Wyoming East (7–3–0)
#7 Tyler Consolidated (8–2–0)42–14#10 Liberty-Raleigh (7–3–0)#2 Wayne (10–0–0)34–20#15 Grafton (6–4–0)
Bluefield41–18Chapmanville Regional [70] Scott54–20Berkeley Springs
James Monroe13–7MagnoliaWayne35–15Tyler Consolidated
Bluefield41–6ScottJames Monroe21–14Wayne
#1 Bluefield (9) (13–0–0)20–12#3 James Monroe (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2008#1 Keyser (9–0–0)47–0#16 Wyoming East (6–4–0)#8 Magnolia (7–3–0)21–20#9 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)
#4 Weir (8–2–0)23–14#13 Independence (7–3–0)#12 James Monroe (7–3–0)33–0#5 Chapmanville Regional [70] (8–2–0)
#2 Grafton (9–1–0)41–16#15 Philip Barbour (6–4–0)#3 Wayne (9–1–0)22–0#14 Shady Spring (6–4–0)
#7 Ravenswood (8–2–0)46–22#10 Webster County (8–2–0)#11 Bluefield (6–4–0)39–14#6 Scott (7–3–0)
Magnolia23–19KeyserJames Monroe14–7Weir
Magnolia13–7James MonroeGrafton42–12Wayne
#2 Grafton (4) (13–1–0)56–25#8 Magnolia (9–4–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2009#1 Wayne (10–0–0)34–12#16 Oak Glen (6–4–0)#8 Ravenswood (8–2–0)24–14#9 James Monroe (8–2–0)
#4 Frankfort (9–1–0)42–16#13 Herbert Hoover (6–4–0)#12 Pike View (7–3–0)34–21#5 Westside (9–1–0)
#2 Magnolia (10–0–0)57–8#15 Roane County (6–4–0)#7 Keyser (7–3–0)29–6#10 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)
#3 Sherman (10–0–0)48–21#14 Chapmanville Regional [70] (6–4–0)#6 Bluefield (8–2–0)62–24#11 Liberty-Raleigh (7–3–0)
Wayne27–0RavenswoodFrankfort35–14Pike View
#6 Bluefield (10) (12–2–0)27–7#1 Wayne (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2010#1 Ravenswood (10–0–0)63–14#16 Poca (6–4–0)#9 Roane County (8–2–0)33–28#8 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)
#4 Bluefield (9–1–0)42–0#13 Liberty-Harrison (7–3–0)#5 Wayne (8–2–0)34–8#12 Shady Spring (7–3–0)
#2 Magnolia (10–0–0)62–0#15 Tug Valley (8–2–0)#10 Chapmanville Regional [70] (7–3–0)30–14#7 Pike View (8–2–0)
#3 Greenbrier West (10–0–0)42–10#14 Herbert Hoover (6–4–0)#11 Frankfort (7–3–0)32–22#6 River View (8–1–1)
Ravenswood48–20Roane CountyBluefield54–8Wayne
Magnolia56–14Chapmanville Regional [70] Greenbrier West21–15Frankfort
Ravenswood24–19BluefieldMagnolia41–7Greenbrier West
#2 Magnolia (3) (14–0–0)28–13#1 Ravenswood (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore


YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2011#1 Point Pleasant (10–0–0)41–0#16 Ritchie County (6–4–0)#9 Oak Glen (9–1–0)28–20#8 Roane County (8–2–0)
#12 Braxton County (7–3–0)42–14#5 Greenbrier West (9–1–0)#13 Chapmanville Regional [70] (7–3–0)26–7#4 Lincoln (9–1–0)
#2 Shady Spring (10–0–0)34–22#15 Scott (6–4–0)#10 River View (8–2–0)28–23#7 Ravenswood (8–2–0)
#6 Wayne (8–2–0)56–14#11 Grafton (7–3–0)#14 Keyser (6–4–0)48–6#3 Westside (9–1–0)
Point Pleasant66–40Oak GlenChapmanville Regional [70] 20–14Braxton County
Shady Spring33–26River ViewWayne38–8Keyser
Point Pleasant33–13Chapmanville Regional [70] Wayne52–9Shady Spring
#6 Wayne (2) (12–2–0)34–7#1 Point Pleasant (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2012#1 Wayne (10–0–0)63–24#16 Clay County#9 Nicholas County (6–3–0)31–7#8 Ritchie County (7–3–0)
#4 Robert C. Byrd (9–1–0)27–21#13 Braxton County (6–4–0)#5 Bluefield (8–2–0)63–27#12 Roane County (6–4–0)
#2 Keyser (9–1–0)61–14#15 Mingo Central (5–5–0)#7 Scott (7–3–0)46–16#10 Wyoming East (7–3–0)
#3 Bridgeport (7–2–0)54–6#14 River View (6–4–0)#6 Frankfort (8–2–0)38–7#11 Summers County (7–3–0)
Wayne47–0Nicholas CountyRobert C. Byrd34–20Bluefield
Keyser53–8ScottBridgeport28–0 Frankfort
Wayne18–0Robert C. ByrdKeyser42–14Bridgeport
#1 Wayne (3) (14–0–0)35–0#2 Keyser (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2013#1 Wayne (10–0–0)53–25#16 Philip Barbour (6–4–0)#8 Sissonville (9–1–0)28–18#9 Mingo Central (8–2–0)
#12 Ritchie County (7–3–0)24–14#5 Summers County#13 Robert C. Byrd (7–3–0)21–17#4 Frankfort (8–2–0)
#3 Bluefield (8–2–0)31–14#14 Ravenswood (6–4–0)#11 Nicholas County (8–2–0)35–14#6 Wyoming East (9–1–0)
#7 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)49–28#10 Keyser (7–3–0)#2 Bridgeport (9–1–0)54–20#15 Roane County (7–3–0)
Wayne48–7SissonvilleRobert C. Byrd36–6Ritchie County
Bluefield26–14 Nicholas County Bridgeport28–0Fairmont Senior
Wayne44–20Robert C. ByrdBridgeport42–21Bluefield
#2 Bridgeport (7) (13–1–0)14–13#1 Wayne (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2014#1 Bridgeport (9–1–0)50–14#16 Liberty-Raleigh (8–2–0)#8 Robert C. Byrd (8–2–0)38–14#9 Keyser (7–3–0)
#5 Wayne (8–2–0)43–40#12 Fairmont Senior (7–3–0)#4 Mingo Central (9–1–0)35–13#13 Sissonville (7–3–0)
#14 Ravenswood (7–3–0)42–41#3 Bluefield (9–1–0)#6 Westside (8–2–0)56–52#11 Weir (8–2–0)
#7 Nicholas County (9–1–0)28–22#10 Scott (7–3–0)#2 Frankfort (10–0–0)39–0#15 Wyoming East (7–3–0)
Bridgeport35–14Robert C. ByrdWayne35–17Mingo Central
Westside42–25RavenswoodFrankfort26–20Nicholas County
#1 Bridgeport (8) (13–1–0)43–7#2 Frankfort (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2015#1 Bridgeport (9–0–1)41–7#16 Independence (7–3–0)#2 Bluefield (8–1–0)32–13#15 Weir (7–3–0)
#3 Tolsia (9–1–0)28–6#14 Liberty-Raleigh (7–3–0)#4 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)28–14#13 Lincoln (7–3–0)
#5 Keyser (8–2–0)45–14#12 Westside (7–3–0)#11 Herbert Hoover (7–3–0)55–40#6 James Monroe (8–2–0)
#7 Mingo Central (8–2–0)68–28#10 Summers County (8–2–0)#9 Robert C. Byrd (7–3–0)42–14#8 Chapmanville Regional [70] (7–3–0)
Bridgeport41–13Robert C. ByrdMingo Central35–22Bluefield
Tolsia54–0Herbert HooverFairmont Senior58–42Keyser
Bridgeport28–20Fairmont SeniorTolsia22–0Mingo Central
#1 Bridgeport (9) (13–0–1)39–0#3 Tolsia (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2016#1 Bridgeport (10–0–0)28–7#16 Roane County (6–4–0)#8 Lincoln (8–2–0)35–12#9 Independence (8–2–0)
#5 Fairmont Senior (7–2–0)48–27#12 Herbert Hoover (7–3–0)#13 Weir (7–3–0)29–27#4 Sissonville (9–1–0)
#3 Point Pleasant (10–0–0)45–42#14 North Marion (6–4–0)#6 James Monroe (9–1–0)38–28#11 Winfield (7–3–0)
#10 Keyser (7–3–0)50–12#7 Nicholas County (9–1–0)#2 Mingo Central (10–0–0)55–7#15 Liberty-Harrison (6–4–0)
Bridgeport45–14LincolnFairmont Senior30–15Weir
James Monroe21–0Point PleasantMingo Central41–21Keyser
Fairmont Senior22–21(2ot)BridgeportMingo Central32–7James Monroe
#2 Mingo Central (14–0–0)32–7#5 Fairmont Senior (10–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2017#1 Mingo Central (10–0–0)76–40#16 Robert C. Byrd (6–4–0)#8 Liberty-Harrison (8–2–0)27–7#9 Nicholas County (8–2–0)
#11 Winfield (7–3–0)29–0#6 James Monroe (8–2–0)#3 Bridgeport (9–1–0)35–12#14 Weir (7–3–0)
#4 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)34–12#13 Keyser (7–3–0)#5 Wayne (9–1–0)54–28#12 Sissonville (7–3–0)
#7 Point Pleasant (8–2–0)63–14#10 Philip Barbour (8–2–0)#2 Bluefield (10–0–0)46–14#15 Braxton County (7–3–0)
Mingo Central53–22Liberty-HarrisonBridgeport42–13Winfield
Fairmont Senior43–8WayneBluefield49–17Point Pleasant
Fairmont Senior35–6Mingo CentralBluefield37–14Bridgeport
#2 Bluefield (11) (14–0–0)29–26#4 Fairmont Senior (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2018#1 Fairmont Senior (10–0–0)56–6#16 Lewis County (6–4–0)#8 Point Pleasant (8–1–0)65–36#9 Mingo Central (8–2–0)
#12 Weir (8–2–0)41–14#5 Poca (9–1–0)#4 Nicholas County (10–0–0)41–10#13 Petersburg (7–2–0)
#3 Bridgeport (9–1–0)49–13#14 Frankfort (8–2–0)#6 Robert C. Byrd (8–2–0)35–15#11 Shady Spring (8–2–0)
#7 Keyser (8–2–0)28–8#10 Wayne (8–2–0)#2 Bluefield (9–1–0)56–7#15 Oak Hill (7–3–0)
Fairmont Senior66–13Point PleasantWeir63–43Nicholas County
Bridgeport42–7Robert C. ByrdBluefield35–0Keyser
Fairmont Senior59–0WeirBluefield35–14Bridgeport
#1 Fairmont Senior(6) (14–0–0)23–13#2 Bluefield (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2019#1 Fairmont Senior (10–0–0)63–34#16 Winfield (7–3–0)#8 Frankfort (8–2–0)58–12#9 Nicholas County (8–2–0)
#5 Keyser (9–1–0)53–0#12 Liberty-Harrison (8–2–0)#4 Bluefield (9–1–0)48–16#13 Man (8–2–0)
#3 Poca (10–0–0)42–17#14 North Marion (7–3–0)#6 Oak Glen (10–0–0)55–13#11 Wyoming East (8–2–0)
#10 Mingo Central (8–2–0)13–7#7 Shady Spring (9–1–0)#2 Bridgeport (9–1–0)56–15#15 Lewis County (7–3–0)
Fairmont Senior31–7FrankfortBluefield43–20Keyser
Oak Glen25–20PocaBridgeport28–8Mingo Central
Bluefield40–24Fairmont SeniorBridgeport38–7Oak Glen
#2 Bridgeport(10) (13–1–0)21–14#4 Bluefield (12–2–0)

In 2020 the COVID-19 [63] [ circular reference ] epidemic effected the football season greatly. Health officials developed a map, which was published each Saturday, and used to determine which counties could participate in WVSSAC activities the upcoming week. [64]


First Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals State Championship
1 Sissonville 27
16 Elkins 42
16 Elkins 6
8 Robert C Byrd 33
8 Robert C Byrd 1
9 Poca 0
8 Robert C Byrd F
5 Oak Glen F
4 Liberty-Raleigh 33
13 Herbert Hoover 34
13 Herbert Hoover 26
5 Oak Glen 53
5 Oak Glen 42
12 Point Pleasant 0
6 Fairmont Senior (7)
2 Bluefield 47
15 Clay County 6
2 Bluefield 33
10 North Marion 10
7 Keyser 0
10 North Marion 1
2 Bluefield 19
6 Fairmont Senior 21
3 Frankfort 0
14 Independence 1
14 Independence 15
6 Fairmont Senior 43
6 Fairmont Senior 60
11 Braxton County 34



First Round

November 12-13, 2021


November 19-20, 2021


November 26-27, 2021

State Championship

December 3, 2021

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling

1 Herbert Hoover (10-0-0) 28
16 Fairmont Senior (6-4-0) 30
16 Fairmont Senior 33
8 Robert C Byrd 28
8 Robert C Byrd (7-3-0) 45
9 Scott (7-3-0) 28
16 Fairmont Senior 41
5 Poca 7
4 Lincoln (8-2-0) 17
13 Frankfort (6-4-0) 21
13 Frankfort 49
5 Poca 56
5 Poca (8-2-0) 28
12 Liberty-Raleigh (7-3-0) 6
16 Fairmont Senior (8) 21
2 Independence 12
2 Independence (9-0-0) 73
15 Shady Spring (7-3-0) 7
2 Independence 22
10 Roane County 8
7 Nicholas County (8-2-0) 15
10 Roane County (8-2-0) 18
2 Independence 34
14 Bluefield 20
3 Point Pleasant (9-1-0) 20
14 Bluefield (6-3-0) 44
14 Bluefield 35
6 North Marion 21
6 North Marion (8-2-0) 64
11 Grafton (8-2-0) 14


First Round

November 11, 2022


November 18, 2022


November 25, 2022

State Championship

December 2, 2022

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling

1 Winfield (9-1-0) 43
16 Logan (6-4-0) 0
1 Winfield 26
9 Herbert Hoover 27
8 Clay County (8-1-0) 26
9 Herbert Hoover (7-2-0) 63
9 Herbert Hoover 17
5 Frankfort 10
4 Scott (9-1-0) 35
13 East Fairmont (7-3-0) 31
4 Scott 6
5 Frankfort 41
5 Frankfort (9-1-0) 14
12 Nicholas County (7-3-0) 0
9 Herbert Hoover 7
2 Independence 42
2 Independence (9-0-0) 20
15 Bluefield (5-5-0) 12
2 Independence 42
7 Fairmont Senior 7
7 Fairmont Senior (7-3-0) 42
10 Chapmanville (7-3-0) 20
2 Independence 58
6 North Marion 19
3 Roane County (10-0-0) 40
14 Weir (7-3-0) 20
3 Roane County 12
6 North Marion 13
6 North Marion (8-2-0) 37
11 Lincoln (7-3-0) 7


First Round

November 10, 2023


November 17, 2023


November 24, 2023

State Championship

December 1, 2023

Wheeling Island Stadium, Wheeling

1 North Marion 35
16 Lincoln 14
1 North Marion 35
9 Herbert Hoover 17
8 East Fairmont 14
9 Herbert Hoover 28
1 North Marion 48
5 Weir 14
4 Scott 27
13 Nitro 0
4 Scott 33
5 Weir 35
5 Weir 23
12 Frankfort 21
1 North Marion 48
2 Fairmont Senior (9) 49
2 Fairmont Senior 31
15 Wayne 27
2 Fairmont Senior 42
10 Philip Barbour 0
7 Mingo Central 21
10 Philip Barbour 28
2 Fairmont Senior 42
14 Independence 21
3 Roane County 21
14 Independence 54
14 Independence 13
6 Winfield 0
6 Winfield 57
11 Lewis County 21

Class AAA

Two-Team Playoff (1958–1971)

(*school no longer exists)

Charleston High School, WV, Head Coach Frank Vincent was the first to win three consecutive AAA football titles. The Lions won in 1968, 1969 and 1970. Charleston High School Football Coach, Frank Vincent, with players, 1970.jpg
Charleston High School, WV, Head Coach Frank Vincent was the first to win three consecutive AAA football titles. The Lions won in 1968, 1969 and 1970.
1958 Parkersburg (11) (11–0–0) [13] 35–12East Bank* (10–1–0) [68]
1959Bluefield (11–0–0)19–13 Parkersburg (9–1–1) [13]
1960Weir (10–1–0)40–0 Nitro (10–1–0)
1961Weir (2) (10–1)27–6 St. Albans (9–2–0)
1962Bluefield (2) (11–0–0)40–12 Parkersburg (9–1–1)
1963Buckhannon-Upshur (4) (10–0–0) [71] no game played
1964East Bank* (10–0–1) [68] 6–0 (Old) Huntington* (9–2–0) [12]
1965Bluefield (3) (11–0–0)13–0Dunbar* (9–2–0) [72]
1966Buckhannon-Upshur (5) (11–0–0)21–2 (Old) Huntington* (10–1–0) [12]
1967Bluefield (4) (11–0–0)27–7 Stonewall Jackson* (9–2–0) [15]
1968 Charleston* (6) (10–0–1) [15] 3–0St. Albans (9–2–0)
1969 Charleston* (7) (11–0–0) [15] 6–0Buckhannon-Upshur (10–1–0)
1970 Charleston* (8) (9–0–1) [15] 32–7 Clarksburg-Victory* (9–1–1) [19]
1971East Bank* (2) (10–1–0) [68] 22–16 Morgantown (9–2–0)

Four-Team Playoff (1972–1977)

(*school no longer exists)

1972#1 Bridgeport (10–0–0)18–15#4 St. Albans (9–1–0)#2 Dupont* (10–0–0)34–32(2ot)#3 Bluefield (10–0–0)
#1 Bridgeport (2) (12–0–0)16–14#2 DuPont* (11–1–0) [68]
1973#1 East Bank* (10–0–0)21–6#4 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] #3 Weir (9–1–0)26–20#2 Fairmont Senior (10–0–0)
#1 East Bank* (3) (12–0–0) [68] 10–0#3 Weir (10–2–0)
1974#4 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 32–0#1 Buckhannon-Upshur (10–0–0)#2 Stonewall Jackson* (10–0–0)22–3#3 Ravenswood (10–0–0)
#2 Stonewall Jackson* (12–0–0) [15] 16–0#4 Parkersburg (10–2–0) [13]
1975#4 Bluefield (9–1–0)42–0#1 Buckhannon-Upshur (10–0–0)#2 South Charleston (9–1–0)48–8#3 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)
#4 Bluefield (5) (11–1–0)20–7#2 South Charleston (10–2–0)
1976#4 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 38–6#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)#2 DuPont* (10–0–0)33–12#3 East Fairmont (8–2–0)
#4 Parkersburg (12) (10–2–0) [13] 30–0#2 DuPont* (11–1–0) [68]
1977#1 Fairmont Senior (10–0–0)20–14#4 Herbert Hoover#2 Woodrow Wilson (10–0–0)7–3#3 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13]
#2 Woodrow Wilson (3) (12–0–0)6–0#1 Fairmont Senior (11–1–0)

Eight-Team Playoff (1978–1990)

(*school no longer exists)

1978#8 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 21–0#1 Fairmont Senior (9–0–0)#2 DuPont* (9–1–0)36–12#7 Huntington East* (8–2–0)
#4 Bridgeport (9–1–0)14–6#5 George Washington (8–2–0)#6 Stonewall Jackson* (8–2–0)12–7#3 Brooke (9–1–0)
Parkersburg22–0BridgeportDuPont*25–6Stonewall Jackson*
#8 Parkersburg (13) (11–2–0) [13] 6–0#2 DuPont* (11–2–0) [68]
1979#1 St. Albans (10–0–0)18–13#8 Martinsburg (7–2–1)#2 Bridgeport (10–0–0)35–8#7 Lincoln (9–1–0)
#6 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 28–0#3 Brooke (9–1–0)#4 Point Pleasant (10–0–0)27–8#5 George Washington (9–1–0)
Bridgeport7–6ParkersburgSt. Albans21–0Point Pleasant
#2 Bridgeport (3) (13–0–0)20–7#1 St. Albans (12–1–0)
1980#1 North Marion (10–0–0)21–7#8 Barboursville* (9–1–0)#2 Huntington East* (10–0–0)29–13#7 Charleston* (8–2–0) [15]
#6 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 14–12#3 George Washington (9–1–0)#5 Brooke (8–1–1)28–0#4 Elkins (9–1–0)
Brooke42–0Huntington East*North Marion21–3Parkersburg
#1 North Marion (13–0–0)10–3#6 Brooke (10–2–1)
1981#1 Charleston* (9–1–0) [15] 28–0#8 Bridgeport (9–1–0)#2 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)17–0#7 Barboursville* (9–1–0)
#6 Brooke (9–1–0)30–0#3 Martinsburg (9–1–0)#5 North Marion (9–1–0)20–6#4 Parkersburg (9–1–0)
Fairmont Senior13–3BrookeNorth Marion27–0Charleston* [15]
#5 North Marion (2) (12–1–0)21–6#2 Fairmont Senior (11–2–0)
1982#1 George Washington (10–0–0)14–7#8 Princeton (9–1–0)#2 North Marion (9–0–0)45–7#7 Hurricane (9–1–0)
#6 Brooke (9–1–0)28–0#3 Martinsburg (9–1–0)#4 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 12–7#5 Buckhannon-Upshur (8–1–0)
George Washington13–6ParkersburgNorth Marion3–0Brooke
#1 George Washington (13–0–0)13–9#2 North Marion (11–1–0)
1983#1 Morgantown (8–1–0)24–8#8 Fairmont Senior (7–2–0)#7 Charleston* (8–2–0) [15] 10–0#2 Parkersburg (9–1–0)
#6 Barboursville* (9–1–0)24–15#3 East Bank* (9–1–0)#4 Weir (9–1–0)19–13#5 Woodrow Wilson (8–1–0)
Morgantown19–0WeirBarboursville*14–3Charleston* [15]
#1 Morgantown (11–1–0)42–20#6 Barboursville* (11–2–0) [43]
1984#1 Barboursville* (10–0–0)28–7#8 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)#2 Brooke21–19#7 Hurricane (8–2–0)
#3 Bluefield (8–2–0)21–15#6 Woodrow Wilson (7–2–0)#4 Stonewall Jackson*14–7#5 Greenbrier East (8–2–0)
Barboursville*36–27Stonewall Jackson*Bluefield17–0Brooke
#3 Bluefield (6) (11–2–0)13–7#1 Barboursville* (12–1–0) [43]
1985#8 Brooke (8–2–0)43–7#1 Stonewall Jackson*#2 George Washington (9–1–0)21–20#7 Point Pleasant (8–2–0)
#3 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 10–7#6 John Marshall (9–1–0)#5 North Marion (9–1–0)12–7#4 Charleston* (9–1–0)
Brooke30–0North MarionParkersburg28–13George Washington
#8 Brooke (11–2–0)6–0#3 Parkersburg (11–2–0) [13]
1986#8 St. Albans (8–2–0)10–0#1 DuPont* (9–0–1)#7 Ripley (8–2–0)9–8#2 Martinsburg (9–1–0)
#3 Brooke (9–1–0)29–6#6 Princeton (9–1–0)#5 Stonewall Jackson* (8–1–1)24–21#4 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)
Stonewall Jackson*14–7St. AlbansBrooke28–10Ripley
#5 Stonewall Jackson* (2) (11–1–1) [15] 17–14#3 Brooke (11–2–0)
1987#1 Stonewall Jackson* (10–0–0)42–14#8 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)#2 Brooke (10–0–0)42–14#7 Ripley (8–2–0)
#6 Charleston* (8–2–0) [15] 17–14#3 DuPont* (9–1–0)#4 Huntington East* (9–1–0)23–6#5 Jefferson County (8–2–0)
Brooke14–7Charleston* [15] Stonewall Jackson*14–12Huntington East*
#2 Brooke (2) (13–0–0)12–0#1 Stonewall Jackson* (12–1–0) [15]
1988#1 Charleston* (10–0–0) [15] 24–0#8 DuPont* (8–2–0)#2 Greenbrier East (10–0–0)15–0#7 George Washington (8–2–0)
#6 (Old) Huntington* (8–2–0)24–8#3 Weir (9–1–0)#5 North Marion (7–2–0)9–6#4 Buckhannon-Upshur (9–1–0)
Charleston* [15] 42–0 North Marion Greenbrier East53–21(Old) Huntington*
#1 Charleston* (9) (13–0–0) [15] 17–0#2 Greenbrier East (12–1–0)
1989#1 Capital (9–0–0)12–9#8 Buckhannon-Upshur (7–3–0)#7 Brooke (7–3–0)27–14#2 Ripley (10–0–0)
#3 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)30–21#6 Herbert Hoover (8–2–0)#5 Mt. View (7–2–0)12–0#4 Martinsburg (8–2–0)
Capital27–12Mt. ViewBrooke40–16Wheeling Park
#1 Capital (12–0–0)20–13#7 Brooke (9–4–0)
1990#1 Brooke (10–0–0)10–0#8 South Charleston (7–3–0)#7 Mt. View (8–1–0)21–6#2 Capital (9–1–0)
#6 Martinsburg (8–2–0)14–13#3 Logan (8–1–0)#5 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)33–16#4 Greenbrier East (9–1–0)
Brooke24–0Wheeling ParkMt. View13–0Martinsburg
#1 Brooke (3) (13–0–0)14–7#7 Mount View (10–2–0)

Sixteen-Team Playoff (1991–2023)


(*school no longer exists)

YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1991#1 Capital (9–0–0)3–0#16 Jefferson (6–4–0)#8 Hedgesville (8–2–0)18–14#9 Bluefield (7–3–0)
#4 Barboursville* (9–1–0)28–12#13 St. Albans (7–3–0)#5 Brooke (8–2–0)42–8#12 Philip Barbour (7–3–0)
#2 Wheeling Park (9–1–0)21–13#15 Greenbrier East (6–3–0)#10 John Marshall (7–3–0)19–14#7 Parkersburg South (8–2–0)
#5 Mt. View (9–0–0)20–0#14 DuPont* (6–4–0)#11 South Charleston (7–3–0)14–7#6 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)
Capital 24–18(ot)HedgesvilleBarboursville*20–14Brooke
Wheeling Park37–21John MarshallMt. View27–21South Charleston
Capital29–6Barboursville*Wheeling Park22–12Mt. View
#1 Capital (2) (13–0–0)15–14 (ot)#2 Wheeling Park (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1992#16 North Marion (6–4–0)17–10#1 John Marshall (9–1–0)#2 Barboursville* (9–1–0)34–29#15 Greenbrier East (6–3–0)
#3 Capital (8–2–0)21–3#14 Jefferson (6–4–0)#4 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)36–15#13 Hedgesville (7–3–0)
#5 Huntington East* (8–2–0)26–17#12 Herbert Hoover (7–3–0)#6 Bluefield (7–2–0)17–0#11 Man (7–3–0)
#7 DuPont* (7–3–0)35–0#10 South Charleston (7–3–0)#9 Brooke (7–3–0)25–7#8 Elkins (8–2–0)
Brooke20–3 North Marion DuPont*20–8Barboursville*
Capital21–7BluefieldFairmont Senior20–12Huntington East*
Brooke13–12(ot)Fairmont SeniorDuPont*33–17Capital
#7 DuPont* (11–3–0) [68] 36–7#9 Brooke (10–4–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1993#8 Hurricane (8–2–0)12–7#9 Martinsburg (8–2–0)#1 Barboursville* (9–1–0)15–7#16 John Marshall (6–4–0)
#11 Capital (8–2–0)28–6#6 Princeton (9–1–0)#3 DuPont* (9–1–0)20–0#14 Man (7–3–0)
#15 Herbert Hoover (7–3–0)33–13#2 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)#4 Hedgesville (9–1–0)33–0#13 Clarksburg Washington Irving* (7–2–1) [16] [17]
#10 Oak Glen (8–2–0)34–15#7 North Marion (8–2–0)#5 South Charleston (9–1–0)28–0#12 Nicholas County (8–2–0)
Barboursville*10–7HedgesvilleCapital13–7South Charleston
DuPont*21–6HurricaneHerbert Hoover36–20Oak Glen
DuPont*34–14Barboursville*Capital35–21Herbert Hoover
#3 DuPont* (2) (13–1–0) [68] 29–3#6 Capital (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1994#1 DuPont* (10–0–0)39–16#16 Princeton (7–3–0)#8 St. Albans (7–3–0)20–19#9 Parkersburg (7–3–0)
#4 Woodrow Wilson (9–1–0)41–13#13 Pike View (8–2–0)#5 South Charleston (8–2–0)19–13#12 Hedgesville (7–3–0)
#15 Weir (7–3–0)21–14(ot)#2 Brooke (9–0–0)#7 University (8–2–0)14–0#10 Cabell Midland (6–3–0)
#6 Herbert Hoover (8–2–0)22–0#11 Hurricane (7–3–0)#3 North Marion (9–1–0)43–14#14 Greenbrier East (6–3–0)
DuPont*47–15St. AlbansSouth Charleston57–0Woodrow Wilson
University20–14WeirHerbert Hoover25–14North Marion
South Charleston10–7DuPont*University15–6Herbert Hoover
#5 South Charleston (2) (12–2–0)29–7#7 University (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1995#1 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 47–0#16 North Marion (6–4–0)#2 Capital (9–1–0)41–0#15 St. Albans (6–4–0)
#3 Princeton (9–1–0)18–0#14 Morgantown (6–4–0)#13 Hedgesville (7–3–0)61–8#4 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)
#5 Herbert Hoover (8–2–0)30–13#12 Buckhannon-Upshur (7–3–0)#6 Brooke (8–2–0)35–3#11 Preston (7–3–0)
#9 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)19–6#8 Ripley (8–2–0)#10 Cabell Midland (6–3–0)34–7#7 John Marshall (8–2–0)
Hedgesville35–14Herbert HooverBrooke28–12Princeton
Parkersburg28–7Wheeling ParkCapital7–6Cabell Midland
#2 Capital (3) (13–1–0)20–0#5 Hedgesville (10–4–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1996#1 John Marshall (9–1–0)36–0#16 University (6–4–0)#8 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)20–10#9 Parkersburg (7–3–0)
#4 North Marion (8–2–0)40–14#13 Ripley (7–3–0)#5 St. Albans (8–2–0)14–7(ot)#12 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)
#14 Morgantown (6–4–0)24–21#3 Musselman (9–1–0)#11 Greenbrier East (7–3–0)19–7#6 Bridgeport (9–1–0)
#7 Herbert Hoover (8–2–0)21–14#10 Woodrow Wilson (7–3–0)#2 Capital (9–1–0)56–20#15 Nitro (7–3–0)
John Marshall24–10Wheeling ParkNorth Marion40–7St. Albans
Morgantown31–12Greenbrier EastCapital50–20Herbert Hoover
John Marshall27–18 North Marion Capital56–7Morgantown
#1 John Marshall (13–1–0)29–22#2 Capital (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1997#16 Ripley (6–4–0)24–21#1 Morgantown (10–0–0)#8 Hedgesville (8–2–0)23–17#9 Bridgeport (8–2–0)
#5 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 29–0#12 Greenbrier East (7–3–0)#4 Capital (8–2–0)26–12#13 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)
#3 Nitro (8–1–0)41–14#14 Oak Hill (7–3–0)#6 DuPont* (8–2–0)35–13#11 Brooke (6–4–0)
#10 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)19–6#7 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)#2 North Marion (9–1–0)28–7#15 Wheeling Park (6–4–0)
DuPont*49–40NitroNorth Marion34–8 (New) Huntington
Parkersburg42–13HedgesvilleNorth Marion24–19DuPont*
#2 North Marion (3) (13–1–0)24–19#5 Parkersburg (11–3–0) [13]
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1998#1 Musselman (10–0–0)35–6#16 Spring Valley (6–4–0)#9 Capital (7–3–0)28–0#8 Robert C. Byrd (8–2–0)
#5 Morgantown (9–1–0)43–13#12 Point Pleasant (7–3–0)#4 University (8–2–0)27–21#13 North Marion (6–4–0)
#3 Nitro (10–0–0)56–3#14 Wheeling Park (6–4–0)#6 (New) Huntington (8–2–0)19–13#11 Martinsburg (7–3–0)
#10 Buckhannon-Upshur (7–3–0)13–7#7 Greenbrier East (8–2–0)#2 Parkersburg (10–0–0) [13] 58–7#15 Hurricane (6–4–0)
Nitro27–14 (New) Huntington Parkersburg31–15Buckhannon-Upshur
#3 Nitro (14–0–0)69–52#5 Morgantown (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
1999#1 Parkersburg (10–0–0) [13] 57–6#16 Hurricane (6–4–0)#9 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)21–0#8 Spring Valley (8–2–0)
#5 Musselman (9–1–0)32–28#12 George Washington (7–3–0)#4 Morgantown (9–1–0)21–18#13 Princeton (7–3–0)
#6 Robert C. Byrd (9–1–0)20–10#11 Keyser (8–2–0)#3 Capital (9–1–0)49–14#14 John Marshall (7–3–0)
#10 Riverside (7–3–0)59–22#7 Martinsburg (9–1–0)#2 University (10–0–0)34–20#15 Woodrow Wilson (7–3–0)
Parkersburg21–18 (New) Huntington Musselman29–13Morgantown
Capital13–0Robert C. ByrdRiverside35–7University
#1 Parkersburg (14) (14–0–0) [13] 31–28#10 Riverside (10–4–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2000#1 Morgantown (10–0–0)48–7#16 Fairmont Senior (6–4–0)#8 Robert C. Byrd (9–1–0)14–0#9 Keyser (9–1–0)
#4 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)20–15#13 George Washington (7–3–0)#12 Princeton (8–2–0)32–28#5 Wheeling Park (9–1–0)
#3 Parkersburg (9–1–0)69–0#14 Hampshire (8–2–0)#6 Riverside (8–2–0)30–7#11 Martinsburg (8–2–0)
#10 University (8–2–0)40–14#7 Hurricane (8–2–0)#2 Woodrow Wilson (9–0–0)28–0#15 Philip Barbour (7–3–0)
Morgantown18–9Robert C. ByrdCabell Midland27–8Princeton
Parkersburg14–0RiversideUniversity38–7Woodrow Wilson
Morgantown33–18Cabell MidlandParkersburg27–21(ot)University
#1 Morgantown (2) (14–0–0)38–13#3 Parkersburg (12–2–0)


YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2001#1 Morgantown (9–1–0)28–0#16 Lewis County (7–3–0)#2 Riverside (9–1–0)55–3#15 Herbert Hoover (6–4–0)
#3 University (9–1–0)14–9#14 Musselman (6–4–0)#4 Martinsburg (9–1–0)47–6#13 Philip Barbour (7–3–0)
#5 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)27–14#12 Cabell Midland (6–4–0)#6 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 56–12#11 Hampshire (8–2–0)
#7 Woodrow Wilson (8–2–0)40–7#10 Spring Valley (7–3–0)#8 North Marion (8–2–0)26–6#9 George Washington (7–3–0)
Morgantown38–20North MarionRiverside25–21Woodrow Wilson
Parkersburg28–14UniversityMartinsburg43–21Parkersburg South
#6 Parkersburg (15) (12–2–0) [13] 28–17#4 Martinsburg (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2002#1 Morgantown (10–0–0)52–0#16 Woodrow Wilson (5–5–0)#8 University (8–2–0)20–14(ot)#9 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)
#5 Ripley (9–1–0)26–14#12 Buckhannon-Upshur (7–3–0)#4 Riverside (9–1–0)41–15#13 Robert C. Byrd (7–3–0)
#6 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)32–6#11 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)#3 Princeton (9–1–0)14–7#14 North Marion (6–4–0)
#7 George Washington (8–2–0)63–19#10 Hurricane (8–2–0)#2 Martinsburg (10–0–0)48–13#15 Spring Valley (5–5–0)
Parkersburg South9–8PrincetonMartinsburg36–14George Washington
Morgantown19–14RiversideParkersburg South24–21Martinsburg
#1 Morgantown (3) (14–0–0)37–14#6 Parkersburg South (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2003#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)53–12#16 Robert C. Byrd (7–3–0)#9 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)55–28#8 Nitro (8–2–0)
#5 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)28–12#12 Hampshire (7–3–0)#13 Parkersburg (6–4–0) [13] 20–18#4 Riverside (8–2–0)
#3 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)35–0#14 Capital (6–4–0)#6 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)30–6#11 George Washington (7–3–0)
#10 University (7–3–0)54–13#7 Elkins (8–2–0)#2 Morgantown (9–1–0)34–21#15 Spring Valley (6–4–0)
Martinsburg21–7 (New) Huntington Cabell Midland13–9Parkersburg
Parkersburg South24–3Wheeling ParkMorgantown42–21University
Martinsburg28–14Cabell MidlandParkersburg South14–13Morgantown
#3 Parkersburg South (13–1–0)26–20#1 Martinsburg (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2004#1 Morgantown (10–0–0)49–7#16 Cabell Midland (5–5–0)#8 Nitro (8–2–0)34–31#9 Robert C. Byrd (9–1–0)
#4 Capital (8–2–0)13–10(ot)#13 George Washington (6–4–0)#12 Riverside (6–4–0)21–14#5 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)
#3 Parkersburg (8–2–0) [13] 42–13#14 Wheeling Park (6–4–0)#11 Bridgeport (8–2–0)20–12#6 (New) Huntington (8–2–0)
#10 Jefferson (7–3–0)20–10#7 Buckhannon-Upshur (9–1–0)#2 Martinsburg (9–1–0)33–13#15 University (5–5–0)
#1 Morgantown (4) (14–0–0)38–12#2 Martinsburg (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2005#1 Morgantown (10–0–0)38–13#16 St. Albans (6–4–0)#2 Jefferson (10–0–0)39–7#15 Fairmont Senior (6–4–0)
#3 Nitro (9–1–0)37–0#14 Capital (6–4–0)#13 Cabell Midland (6–4–0)38–35#4 Woodrow Wilson (9–1–0)
#12 Hurricane (7–3–0)26–21#5 Martinsburg (9–1–0)#11 Parkersburg (7–3–0) [13] 35–7#6 Buckhannon-Upshur (9–1–0)
#10 University (7–3–0)28–24#7 Bridgeport (9–1–0)#8 South Charleston (8–2–0)33–0#9 John Marshall (8–2–0)
Morgantown14–7South CharlestonCabell Midland24–21Hurricane
Morgantown28–12Cabell MidlandNitro50–23University
#1 Morgantown (5) (14–0–0)27–24
#3 Nitro (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2006#1 Parkersburg (10–0–0) [13] 17–13#16 Cabell Midland (6–4–0)#9 St. Albans (7–3–0)20–0#8 Bridgeport (8–2–0)
#4 Morgantown (8–2–0)35–14#13 (New) Huntington (6–4–0)#5 Robert C. Byrd (9–1–0)15–8#12 East Fairmont (7–3–0)
#2 Martinsburg (9–1–0)49–7#15 Brooke (7–3–0)#10 South Charleston (7–3–0)35–22#7 Hurricane (8–2–0)
#3 Nitro (9–1–0)30–26#14 Princeton (6–4–0)#6 Fairmont Senior (8–2–0)40–21#11 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
Parkersburg21–0St. AlbansMorgantown33–14Robert C. Byrd
Martinsburg13–2South CharlestonFairmont Senior35–28Nitro
Parkersburg42–14MorgantownMartinsburg40–0Fairmont Senior
#1 Parkersburg (16) (14–0–0) [13] 34–6#2 Martinsburg (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2007#1 George Washington (9–1–0)45–8#16 Nicholas County (7–3–0)#8 East Fairmont (8–2–0)20–16#9 Hurricane (8–2–0)
#5 St. Albans (9–1–0)37–20#12 Brooke (7–3–0)#13 Nitro (6–4–0)52–31#4 Robert C. Byrd (10–0–0)
#3 Parkersburg (9–1–0) [13] 35–0#14 John Marshall (7–3–0)#6 Bridgeport (9–1–0)27–26#11 Martinsburg (7–3–0)
#7 Capital (8–2–0)28–21(ot)#10 Riverside (7–3–0)#2 University (9–1–0)20–14#15 Morgantown (6–4–0)
East Fairmont14–3George WashingtonSt. Albans52–49Nitro
St. Albans14–12East FairmontParkersburg31–21University
#3 Parkersburg (17) (13–1–0) [13] 22–15#5 St. Albans (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2008#1 South Charleston (10–0–0)62–21#16 Musselman (6–4–0)#9 Martinsburg (8–2–0)7–0#8 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)
#4 Morgantown (9–1–0)47–13#13 Nicholas County (8–2–0)#5 Capital (9–1–0)35–14#12 Hurricane (7–3–0)
#2 George Washington (9–1–0)46–13#15 Preston (6–4–0)#7 Bridgeport (9–1–0)42–35#10 Parkersburg South (8–2–0)
#3 Wheeling Park (9–1–0)49–0#14 Fairmont Senior (6–4–0)#6 University (9–1–0)35–14#11 Spring Valley (7–3–0)
South Charleston28–21MartinsburgMorgantown21–0Capital
George Washington29–14BridgeportUniversity21–13Wheeling Park
South Charleston34–18MorgantownGeorge Washington19–17University
#1 South Charleston (3) (14–0–0)39–8#2 George Washington (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2009#1 Brooke (10–0–0)33–17#16 Princeton (6–4–0)#9 Ripley (8–2–0)21–14#8 Nicholas County (9–1–0)
#13 University (7–3–0)23–0#4 Spring Valley (9–1–0)#5 Fairmont Senior (9–1–0)35–21#12 Parkersburg South (7–3–0)
#2 South Charleston (9–1–0)45–18#15 Lewis County (7–3–0)#7 Martinsburg (8–2–0)19–13#10 Morgantown (7–3–0)
#3 Bridgeport (10–0–0)24–17#14 Parkersburg (6–4–0) [13] #6 George Washington (8–2–0)49–21#11 Capital (6–4–0)
Brooke34–14RipleyUniversity31–28Fairmont Senior
South Charleston38–28MartinsburgBridgeport31–0George Washington
Brooke32–15UniversitySouth Charleston28–25Bridgeport
#2 South Charleston (4) (13–1–0)28–7#1 Brooke (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2010#1 George Washington (10–0–0)42–8#16 Logan (6–4–0)#8 Brooke (8–2–0)49–13#9 Nicholas County (9–1–0)
#4 South Charleston (9–1–0)62–7#13 Parkersburg (6–4–0) [13] #5 Hurricane (9–1–0)39–17#12 Spring Valley (7–3–0)
#2 Martinsburg (10–0–0)54–0#15 Lewis County (7–3–0)#7 Bridgeport (9–1–0)23–14#10 University (8–2–0)
#3 Morgantown (9–1–0)45–29#14 Robert C. Byrd (6–4–0)#6 Capital (8–2–0)35–16#11 Fairmont Senior (7–3–0)
Brooke28–21George WashingtonSouth Charleston30–26Hurricane
South Charleston(forfeited, see below)29–28BrookeMartinsburg24–10Morgantown
#2 Martinsburg (14–0–0)30–0#8 Brooke (11–3–0)

With 14 seconds remaining in the Hurricane vs. South Charleston quarter-final game, an on-field fight occurred. This resulted in five South Charleston and four Hurricane players being ejected. Ejection from a game results in a WVSSAC mandatory suspension from the next contest. However, four of the South Charleston players' parents filed a lawsuit and a Kanawha County judge ruled the players could play in the semi-final game against Brooke. After losing 29–28 to South Charleston, Brooke parents filed their own lawsuit in Brooke County, stating that South Charleston had used the ejected players illegally. The AAA state title game was postponed one week while the case went to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia ruled the Kanawha County judge had overstepped her bounds and that the WVSSAC had final say in the matter. South Charleston was forced to forfeit its game against Brooke. Brooke then advanced to the AAA title game against Martinsburg. [73]


YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2011#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)49–13#16 Woodrow Wilson (5–5–0)#8 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)56–20#9 Parkersburg (7–3–0) [13]
#5 Morgantown (8–2–0)48–14#12 Musselman (7–3–0)#13 Parkersburg South (6–4–0)51–8#4 Logan (8–2–0)
#2 Bridgeport (10–0–0)28–21#15 Robert C. Byrd (6–4–0)#7 Cabell Midland (7–3–0)27–24(ot)#10 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
#11 Hurricane (7–3–0)54–30#6 Elkins (8–2–0)#3 George Washington (10–0–0)42–7#14 Spring Valley (6–4–0)
Martinsburg46–7 (New) Huntington Morgantown45–22Parkersburg South
Bridgeport41–8Cabell MidlandGeorge Washington33–6Hurricane
Martinsburg38–14MorgantownGeorge Washington21–14Bridgeport
#1 Martinsburg (2) (14–0–0)35–27#3 George Washington (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2012#1 Cabell Midland (10–0–0)52–20#16 Oak Hill (7–3–0)#8 Spring Valley (7–3–0)31–7#9 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
#4 (New) Huntington (8–2–0)69–32#13 Elkins (7–3–0)#5 Morgantown (8–2–0)49–28#12 Point Pleasant (8–2–0)
#2 Martinsburg (9–1–0)39–0#15 Woodrow Wilson (6–4–0)#10 Musselman (7–3–0)42–23#7 Capital (7–3–0)
#3 George Washington (8–2–0)35–10#14 Hurricane (6–4–0)#11 Lewis County (8–2–0)24–23#6 University (8–2–0)
Cabell Midland28–26 Spring Valley Morgantown35–14 (New) Huntington
Martinsburg50–7MusselmanGeorge Washington41–14Lewis County
Cabell Midland35–28MorgantownMartinsburg63–14George Washington
#2 Martinsburg (3) (13–1–0)38–14#1 Cabell Midland (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2013#1 (New) Huntington (10–0–0)31–7#16 Lewis County (7–3–0)#8 George Washington (8–2–0)21–14(ot)#9 Oak Hill (8–2–0)
#5 Wheeling Park (9–1–0)55–34#12 South Charleston (7–3–0)#4 Point Pleasant (10–0–0)41–14#13 Logan (7–3–0)
#3 Capital (9–1–0)38–10#14 Hurricane (6–4–0)#6 University (9–1–0)9–3#11 Morgantown (8–2–0)
#7 Cabell Midland (8–2–0)38–10#10 Washington (8–2–0)#2 Martinsburg (9–1–0)36–0#15 Spring Valley (6–4–0)
(New) Huntington 17–13George WashingtonWheeling Park28–7Point Pleasant
Capital65–14UniversityMartinsburg54–28Cabell Midland
(New) Huntington 34–21Wheeling ParkMartinsburg35–21Capital
#2 Martinsburg (4) (13–1–0)9–7#1 (New) Huntington (13–1–0) [74]
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2014#1 Capital (9–0–0)70–0#16 Parkersburg South (6–4–0)#8 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)35–3#9 Lewis County (8–2–0)
#5 Point Pleasant (9–0–0)38–20#12 Jefferson (7–3–0)#4 Martinsburg (9–1–0)52–3#13 Buckhannon-Upshur (7–3–0)
#3 University (9–1–0)28–6#14 Woodrow Wilson (6–3–0)#6 South Charleston (8–2–0)55–36#11 Spring Valley (7–3–0)
#7 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)27–7#10 Hurricane (7–3–0)#2 Cabell Midland (9–1–0)45–42#15 Parkersburg (6–4–0) [13]
Capital35–14Wheeling ParkMartinsburg49–28Point Pleasant
South Charleston24–20University (New) Huntington 28–21Cabell Midland
Capital35–7MartinsburgSouth Charleston35–21 (New) Huntington
#1 Capital (4) (13–0–0)55–15#6 South Charleston (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2015#1 Cabell Midland (10–0–0)55–7#16 Princeton (5–5–0)#2 Point Pleasant (10–0–0)54–14#15 Musselman (6–4–0)
#3 Wheeling Park (8–1–1)37–14#14 Spring Valley (6–4–0)#4 Capital (7–2–0)62–7#13 Spring Mills (7–3–0)
#5 Martinsburg (7–2–0)47–28#12 Greenbrier East (7–3–0)#11 South Charleston (7–3–0)28–8#6 Jefferson (8–2–0)
#7 (New) Huntington (8–2–0)25–7#10 George Washington (7–3–0)#9 Brooke (7–3–0)27–14#8 Morgantown (8–2–0)
Cabell Midland30–7BrookePoint Pleasant49–0 (New) Huntington
Wheeling Park41–0South CharlestonCapital35–30Martinsburg
Capital35–13Cabell MidlandWheeling Park35–14Point Pleasant
#3 Wheeling Park (12–1–1)23–15#4 Capital (10–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2016#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)69–0#16 Hedgesville (5–5–0)#8 George Washington (7–3–0)37–6#9 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
#12 Hurricane (6–4–0)38–14#5 University (8–2–0)#4 Morgantown (8–2–0)25–7#13 Spring Mills (6–4–0)
#14 Jefferson (5–5–0)36–0#3 Musselman (8–2–0)#6 Capital (7–3–0)28–7#11 Cabell Midland (6–4–0)
#10 South Charleston (6–4–0)31–28#7 (New) Huntington #2 Spring Valley (9–1–0)54–7#15 Buckhannon-Upshur (5–4–0)
Martinsburg34–0George WashingtonMorgantown29–14Hurricane
Capital33–7JeffersonSpring Valley55–7South Charleston
Martinsburg51–0MorgantownSpring Valley20–14Capital
#1 Martinsburg (5) (14–0–0)49–7#2 Spring Valley (12–2–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2017#1 (New) Huntington (10–0–0)44–14#16 South Charleston (4–6–0)#9 Hurricane (6–4–0)52–21#8 Hedgesville (7–3–0)
#4 Spring Valley (8–2–0)31–0#13 George Washington (5–5–0)#12 Cabell Midland (5–5–0)28–18#5 Musselman (8–2–0)
#6 Capital (7–3–0)63–21#11 Wheeling Park (6–4–0)#3 University (10–0–0)37–7#14 Spring Mills (5–5–0)
#10 John Marshall (7–3–0)42–35#7 Parkersburg (7–3–0) [13] #2 Martinsburg (10–0–0)61–0#15 Morgantown (4–6–0)
(New) Huntington 28–27HurricaneCapital48–24University
Spring Valley15–0Cabell MidlandMartinsburg54–0John Marshall
Martinsburg49–28CapitalSpring Valley10–7 (New) Huntington
#2 Martinsburg (6) (14–0–0)44–16#4 Spring Valley (11–3–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2018#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)35–0#16 Hurricane (5–5–0)#9 Parkersburg (6–4–0)28–21#8 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
#5 Ripley (9–1–0)43–15#12 Greenbrier East (6–4–0)#4 Musselman (9–1–0)60–14#13 John Marshall (6–4–0)
#3 Capital (9–1–0)42–0#14 Morgantown (5–5–0)#11 Hedgesville (6–4–0)35–29#6 Parkersburg South (7–3–0)
#7 (New) Huntington (7–3–0)14–7#10 Cabell-Midland (6–4–0)#2 Spring Valley (10–0–0)77–7#15 Spring Mills (5–5–0)
Capital48–14HedgesvilleSpring Valley36–0(New) Huntington
Martinsburg42–14MusselmanSpring Valley56–14Capital
#1 Martinsburg(7) (14–0–0)31–7#2 Spring Valley (13–1–0)
YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2019#1 Martinsburg (10–0–0)84–0#16 Preston (4–6–0)#9 Spring Mills (6–4–0)28–27#8 Greenbrier East (7–3–0)
#5 Musselman (8–2–0)48–29#12 Parkersburg (5–5–0)#4 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)47–13#13 South Charleston (4–6–0)
#3 Spring Valley (9–1–0)34–6#14 Hurricane (4–6–0)#11 Capital (5–5–0)45–21#6 Wheeling Park (8–2–0)
#7 George Washington (7–3–0)17–10#10 Huntington (5–5–0)#2 Cabel-Midland (10–0–0)42–6#15 Riverside (4–6–0)
Martinsburg70–0Spring MillsParkersburg South52–33Musselman
Spring Valley30–0CapitalCabel-Midland28–18George Washington
Martinsburg77–20Parkersburg SouthCabel-Midland31–0Spring Valley
#1 Martinsburg(8) (14–0–0)49–21#2 Cabel-Midland (13–1–0)

In 2020 the COVID-19 [63] [ circular reference ] epidemic effected the football season greatly. Health officials developed a map, which was published each Saturday, and used to determine which counties could participate in WVSSAC activities the upcoming week. [64]

YearFirst roundScoreFirst roundScore
2020#1 Cabell-Midland (5–0–0)Cabell-Midland granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Marshall County#16 John Marshall (5–4–0)#9 Spring Mills (5–2–0)Spring Mills granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Wood County#8 Parkersburg (6–2–0)
#5 Bridgeport (6–1–0)55–7#12 Washington (5–4–0)#4 Martinsburg (4–1–0)62–0#13 George Washington (3–2–0)
#3 Musselman (6–1–0)64–26#14 University (3–3–0)#6 Spring Valley (4–1–0)Spring Valley granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Putnam County#11 Hurricane (4–2–0)
#10 Princeton (6–2–0)Princeton granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Ohio County#7 Wheeling Park (7–1–0)#2 South Charleston (5–0–0)S. Charleston granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Jackson County#15 Ripley (6–3–0)
Cabell-MidlandCabell-Midland granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Berkeley CountySpring MillsBridgeportBridgeport granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Berkeley CountyMartinsburg
MusselmanMusselman granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Wayne CountySpring ValleySouth Charleston57–18Princeton
BridgeportBridgeport granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Cabell CountyCabell-MidlandSouth CharlestonS. Charleston granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Berkeley CountyMusselman
#2 South Charleston (6–0–0) S. Charleston granted win due to COVID-19 numbers in Harrison County#5 Bridgeport (7–1–0)


YearFirst RoundScoreFirst RoundScore
2021#1 (New) Huntington (11–0–0)48–21#16 Wheeling Park (4–5–0)#9 George Washington (8–3–0)21–7#8 Greenbrier East (8–3–0)
#5 Cabell Midland (10–1–0)49–12#12 South Charleston (5–6–0)#4 University (11–0–0)52–10#13 Woodrow Wilson (5–6–0)
#3 Bridgeport (11–0–0)34–7#14 Morgantown (5–6–0)#6 Jefferson (10–1–0)31–18#11 Hurricane (6–5–0)
#2 Martinsburg (10–1–0)83–20#15 Parkersburg South (5–6–0)#7 Spring Valley (9–2–0)56–14#10 Princeton (5–4–0)
(New) Huntington (12–0–0)29–13George Washington (8–4–0)Cabell Midland (11–1–0)46–21University (11–1–0)
Bridgeport (12–0–0)74–49Jefferson (10–2–0)Martinsburg (11–1–0)42–6Spring Valley (9–3–0)
(New) Huntington (13–0–0)37–15Cabell Midland (11–2–0)Martinsburg (12–1–0)21–0Bridgeport (12–1–0)
#2 Martinsburg (9) (13–1–0)62–21#1 (New) Huntington (13–1–0)
YearFirst RoundScoreFirst RoundScore
2022#1 Parkersburg South (9–1–0)78–12#16 Hedgesville (5–5–0)#8 Musselman (7–3–0)28–23#9 Wheeling Park (7–3–0)
#2 (New) Huntington (9–1–0)62–22#15 Woodrow Wilson (6–4–0)#10 Jefferson (7–3–0)34–14#7 Spring Valley (8–2–0)
#3 Martinsburg (8–2–0)42–14#14 Morgantown (6–4–0)#6 Bridgeport (8–2–0)41–13#11 Cabell Midland (6–3–0)
#4 Hurricane (8–2–0)56–13#13 University (7–3–0)#5 George Washington (8–2–0)31–28#12 Princeton (6–4–0)
Parkersburg South58–14Musselman(New) Huntington51–7Jefferson
Martinsburg21–3BridgeportHurricane56–28George Washington
Parkersburg South58–27Hurricane(New) Huntington28–21Martinsburg
#2(New) Huntington28–3#1Parkersburg South
YearFirst RoundScoreFirst RoundScore
2023#1 Cabell Midland (9–1–0)63–22#16 Musselman (4–7–0)#2 (New) Huntington (9–1–0)59–13#15 Morgantown (7–3–0)
#3 Martinsburg (9–0–0)55–7#14 Parkersburg South (6–4–0)#13 Parkersburg (7–3–0)47–23#4 Hurricane (8–2–0)
#5 Princeton (9–1–0)37–7#12 Oak Hill (8–2–0)#6 Jefferson (8–2–0)21–14#11 Wheeling Park (7–2–0)
#7 Spring Mills (8–2–0)20–17#10 Spring Valley (6–4–0)#8 Bridgeport (9–1–0)28–27George Washington (6–4–0)
Bridgeport41–21Cabell Midland(New) Huntington41–6Spring Mills
Martinsburg49–26(New) HuntingtonPrinceton73–70Bridgeport
#3 Martinsburg (10)57–13#5 Princeton

Four-class system (AAAA, AAA, AA, A) 2024–present / WVSSAC Ratings

The 2024 playoffs were delayed following multiple court actions. On December 20, 2023 - following the decision to expand to four classifications for football, cheer, volleyball, baseball, and softball, in addition to basketball - the WVSSAC released its classifications for the 2024–25 to 2027–28 academic years. [75] Following the release of the classifications, on August 12, 2024, the WVSSAC reclassified eleven schools, after they successfully appealed. John Marshall, Oak Hill, Preston, St. Albans, and Spring Valley were moved from AAAA to AAA; Frankfort, Sissonville, and Wayne were moved from AAA to AA; and Petersburg, St. Marys, and Tyler Consolidated were moved from AA to A. [76] Then on August 16, 2024, eleven more schools were reclassified. Buckhannon-Upshur, Capital, Riverside, and South Charleston were moved from AAAA to AAA; Chapmanville Regional, Independence, Lincoln, Nicholas County, and PikeView were moved from AAA to AA; Ritchie County and Summers County were moved from AA to A. [77]

This change meant that schools were now scheduled to play opponents who could be worth less points for playing than had originally been thought when those twenty-two schools were classified higher. Given this, on November 8, 2024, the Wood County Board of Education, joined by its three high schools - Parkersburg, Parkersburg South, and Williamstown - filed for an injunction asking that points be awarded based upon schools original classifications and not as the schools were currently classified. On November 9, 2024, a Wood County Circuit Judge entered an order granting the injunction and ordered the WVSSAC to calculate the ratings based upon the prior classifications. [78] Following this order, four schools that would have otherwise made the playoffs, were left out of the sixteen-team field: Hampshire and Point Pleasant were replaced by Capital and St. Albans in AAA, Westside was replaced by Lincoln in AA, and Tolsia was replaced by St. Marys in A. This led to Point Pleasant filing for an injunction in the Circuit Court of Mason County. There a circuit judge entered an order granting injunctive relief and ordering play-in games in AAA, pitting Point Pleasant against St. Albans and Hampshire against Capital. Westside also filed for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Wyoming County requesting that the WVSSAC return to the original rating plan. [79] The play-in games forced the WVSSAC to postpone the other playoff games by a week and those games were set for November 16, 2024 at 1:00pm at neutral sites. [80]

However, on November 14, 2024, the WVSSAC filed two separate petitions with the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia requesting the Wood County and Mason County orders be prohibited from enforcement and requested the Court grant expedited relief. [81] On November 15, 2024, the Supreme Court granted both motions for expedited relief and ordered responses filed in the case by noon on November 18, 2024. As a result, the play-in games in class AAA were called off, awaiting the result of the Supreme Court's ruling. [82] Also on November 15, a Wayne County circuit judge ordered a play-in game between St. Marys and Tolsia be held within five days. [83]

On November 19, 2024, the Supreme Court of Appeals ruled that the injunctions in Wood and Mason Counties exceeded the circuit court's authority and ruled in favor of the WVSSAC and reinstated the original football ratings. [84]

Class A

Sixteen-Team Playoff (2024–present)



First Round
November 22-24
at Higher Seed
November 29-30
at Higher Seed
December 6-7
at Higher Seed
December 13
UC Stadium at Laidley Field, Charleston
1 Tug Valley (10-0-0) 48
16 Tolsia (6-4-0) 8
1 Tug Valley (11-0-0) 49
8 Petersburg (6-5-0) 20
8 Petersburg (5-5-0) 49
9 River View (7-3-0) 8
1 Tug Valley (12-0-0) 0
4 Cameron (11-1-0) 36
5 Doddridge County (8-2-0) 28
12 Wirt County (7-3-0) 8
5 Doddridge County (9-2-0) 13
4 Cameron (10-1-0) 28
4 Cameron (9-1-0) 62
13 Valley-Wetzel (7-2-0) 0
4 Cameron (12-1-0) 22
3 Wahama (2) (13-0-0) 29
6 Sherman (8-2-0) 30
11 Tyler Consolidated (6-4-0) 14
6 Sherman (9-2-0) 0
3 Wahama (11-0-0) 61
3 Wahama (10-0-0) 68
14 Madonna (7-3-0) 13
3 Wahama (12-0-0) 29
2 Tucker County (12-0-0) 6
7 Pendleton County (7-3-0) 44
10 Meadow Bridge (7-3-0) 30
7 Pendleton County (8-3-0) 0
2 Tucker County (11-0-0) 50
2 Tucker County (10-0-0) 30
15 East Hardy (4-6-0) 0

Class AA

Sixteen-Team Playoff (2024-Present)



First Round
November 22-24
at Higher Seed
November 29-30
at Higher Seed
December 6
at Higher Seed
December 13
UC Stadium at Laidley Field, Charleston
1 Frankfort (10-0-0) 45
16 Westide (7-3-0) 0
1 Frankfort (11-0-0) 27
8 Bluefield (5-5-0) 6
8 Bluefield (4-5-0) 20
9 South Harrison (8-2-0) 18
1 Frankfort (12-0-0) 49
4 Williamstown (10-2-0) 7
5 Wheeling Central (8-2-0) 41
12 Nicholas County (6-4-0) 20
5 Wheeling Central (9-2-0) 21
4 Williamstown (9-2-0) 29
4 Williamstown (8-2-0) 47
13 Moorefield (4-6-0) 21
1 Frankfort (13-0-0) 49
2 Roane County (13-0-0) 14
6 Philip Barbour (7-3-0) 28
11 Clay County (7-3-0) 17
6 Phillip Barbour (8-3-0) 17
3 Independence (7-3-0) 49
3 Independence (6-3-0) 41
14 James Monroe (7-3-0) 23
3 Independence (8-3-0) 7
2 Roane County (12-0-0) 42
7 Scott (8-2-0) 40
10 Wayne (6-4-0) 12
7 Scott (9-2-0) 0
2 Roane County (11-0-0) 21
2 Roane County (10-0-0) 35
15 Chapmanville Regional (5-5-0) 14

Class AAA

Sixteen-Team Playoff (2024–present)



First Round
November 22-23
at Higher Seed
November 29-30
at Higher Seed
December 6-7
at Higher Seed
December 14
UC Stadium at Laidley Field, Charleston
1 Princeton (10-0-0) 63
16 Hampshire (5-5-0) 9
1 Princeton (11-0-0) 34
8 North Marion (8-3-0) 20
8 North Marion (7-3-0) 47
9 Ripley (7-3-0) 10
1 Princeton (12-0-0) 12
4 Herbert Hoover (12-0-0) 35
5 Oak Hill (9-1-0) 27
12 Lewis County (5-5-0) 6
5 Oak Hill (10-1-0) 14
4 Herbert Hoover (11-0-0) 56
4 Herbert Hoover (10-0-0) 49
13 Elkins (5-5-0) 7
4 Herbert Hoover (13-0-0) 7
3 Bridgeport (11) (13-0-0) 49
6 Nitro (9-1-0) 41
11 Shady Spring (7-3-0) 7
6 Nitro (10-1-0) 21
3 Bridgeport (11-0-0) 70
3 Bridgeport (10-0-0) 65
14 Robert C. Byrd (4-6-0) 0
3 Bridgeport (12-0-0) 36
2 Fairmont Senior (11-1-0) 7
7 Spring Valley (7-3-0) 54
10 East Fairmont (5-4-0) 6
7 Spring Valley (8-3-0) 6
2 Fairmont Senior (10-1-0) 29
2 Fairmont Senior (9-1-0) 35
15 Point Pleasant (4-5-0) 6

Class AAAA

Sixteen-Team Playoff (2024–present)



First Round
November 22-23
at Higher Seed
November 29-30
at Higher Seed
December 7
at Higher Seed
December 14
UC Stadium at Laidley Field, Charleston
1 Martinsburg (9-1-0) 77
16 Parkersburg (4-6-0) 7
1 Martinsburg (10-1-0) 56
8 Parkersburg South (6-5-0) 14
8 Parkersburg South (5-5-0) 24
9 Washington (6-4-0) 17
1 Martinsburg (11-1-0) 35
5 (New) Huntington (11-1-0) 34
5 (New) Huntington (9-1-0) 56
12 University (4-6-0) 28
5 (New) Huntington (10-1-0) 51
4 Wheeling Park (8-3-0) 39
4 Wheeling Park (7-3-0) 43
13 Musselman (2-8-0) 0
1 Martinsburg (11) (12-1-0) 24
2 Spring Mills (12-1-0) 17
6 Hurricane (7-3-0) 14
11 George Washington (7-3-0) 13
6 Hurricane (8-3-0) 57
3 Jefferson (8-3-0) 21
3 Jefferson (7-3-0) 48
14 Cabell Midland (5-5-0) 28
6 Hurricane (9-3-0) 7
2 Spring Mills (11-1-0) 49
7 Morgantown (7-3-0) 35
10 Woodrow Wilson (6-4-0) 10
7 Morgantown (8-3-0) 7
2 Spring Mills (10-1-0) 14
2 Spring Mills (9-1-0) [n 1] 56
15 Hedgesville (2-8-0) 0

[n 2]

Schools with multiple football championships

(*school no longer exists) 63 schools have won multiple football championships, 32 of which have since been consolidated. Parkersburg High School [13] has won the most titles, with 17. Wheeling Central Catholic has also won 17 state titles, five of which were Catholic State Championships.

17 Parkersburg [13] 1911, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1927, 1938, 1940, 1943, 1950 (A), 1958 (AAA), 1976 (AAA), 1978 (AAA), 1999 (AAA), 2001 (AAA), 2006 (AAA), 2007 (AAA)
Wheeling Central [86] 1963, [87] 1964, [87] 1965, [87] 1966, [87] 1967, [87] 1979 (AA), 2000 (A), 2002 (A), 2004 (A), 2005 (A), 2006 (A), 2007 (A), 2010 (A), 2011 (A), 2017 (A), 2018 (A), 2019 (A)
11 Bluefield 1959 (AAA), 1962 (AAA), 1965 (AAA), 1967 (AAA), 1975 (AAA), 1984 (AAA), 1997 (AA), 2004 (AA), 2007 (AA), 2009 (AA), 2017 (AA)
Bridgeport 1955 (A), 1972 (AAA), 1979 (AAA), 1986 (AA), 1988 (AA), 2000 (AA), 2013 (AA), 2014 (AA), 2015 (AA), 2019 (AA), 2024 (AAA)
Martinsburg 2010 (AAA), 2011 (AAA), 2012 (AAA), 2013 (AAA), 2016 (AAA), 2017 (AAA), 2018 (AAA), 2019 (AAA), 2021 (AAA), 2023 (AAA), 2024 (AAAA)
Ceredo-Kenova* [48] 1963 (AA), 1965 (AA), 1967 (AA), 1971 (AA), 1974 (AA), 1975 (AA), 1978 (AA), 1980 (AA), 1981 (AA), 1983 (AA), 1994 (A)
9 Charleston* [15] 1920, 1922, 1924, 1933, 1939, 1968 (AAA), 1969 (AAA), 1970 (AAA), 1988 (AAA)
Fairmont Senior 1903, 1907, 1924, 1929, 1946, 2018 (AA), 2020 (AA), 2021 (AA), 2023 (AA)
8 (Old) Huntington* [12] 1909, 1912, 1917, 1922, 1923, 1928, 1930, 1934
Weir 1935, 1942, 1949 (A), 1957 (AA), 1960 (AAA), 1961 (AAA), 1998 (AA), 2005 (AA)
7 East Bank* [68] 1964 (AAA), 1971 (AAA), 1973 (AAA), 1989 (AA), 1990 (AA), 1993 (AA), 1996 (AA)
Weirton-Madonna [88] 1968, [87] 1971, [87] 1972, [87] 1975, [87] 1987 (A), 2009 (A), 2013 (A)
6 Moorefield 1996 (A), 1997 (A), 1998 (A), 1999 (A), 2001 (A), 2003 (A)
Morgantown 1927, 1983 (AAA), 2000 (AAA), 2002 (AAA), 2004 (AAA), 2005 (AAA)
Poca 1950 (B), 1977 (AA), 1994 (AA), 2001 (AA), 2002 (AA), 2003 (AA)
Sistersville* [52] 1953(B), 1964 (A), 1980 (A), 1981 (A), 1984 (A), 1985 (A), 1986 (A)
5Buckhannon High [14] / Buckhannon-Upshur 1915, 1918, 1924, 1963 (AAA), 1966 (AAA)
Frederick Douglass* [89] 1920, 1921, 1922, 1937, 1947
Monongah* [18] 1952 (B), 1955 (B), 1968 (A), 1969 (A), 1973 (A)
South Charleston 1945, 1994 (3A), 2008 (AAA), 2009 (AAA), 2020 (AAA)
Vinson* [48] 1948 (B), 1950 (B), 1951 (B), 1956 (B), 1957 (A)
Wheeling* [11] 1908, 1913, 1916, 1922, 1925
Winfield 1960 (A), 1961 (A), 1963 (A), 1985 (AA), 1987 (AA)
4 Capital 1989 (AAA), 1991 (AAA), 1995 (AAA), 2014 (AAA)
Charleston Catholic [88] 1962, [87] 1969, [87] 1973, [87] 1976 [87]
DuBois* [89] 1936, 1938, 1939, 1942
Fairmont-Dunbar* [89] 1931, 1934, 1943, 1953
Garnet* [89] 1923, 1930, 1933, 1950
Grafton 1952 (A), 1956 (AA), 1984 (AA), 2008 (AA)
Magnolia 1926, 1964 (AA), 2010 (AA), 2015 (A)
Ravenswood 1957 (B), 1959 (A), 1972 (AA), 1976 (AA)
Williamson* [21] 1926, 1944, 1960 (AA), 1961 (AA)
Williamstown 2008 (A), 2014 (A), 2022 (A), 2023 (A)
3 Benwood Union* [20] 1926, 1928, 1931
Brooke 1985 (AAA), 1987 (AAA), 1990 (AAA)
Duval* [61] 1978 (A), 1982 (A), 1990 (A)
Kelly Miller* [89] 1927, 1928, 1929
Keyser 1956 (A), 1962 (AA), 1969 (AA)
Mannington* [18] 1922, 1976 (A), 1977 (A)
Mount Hope* [65] 1959 (AA), 1960 (AA), 1989 (A)
Musselman 1974 (A), 1982 (AA), 1995 (AA)
North Marion 1980 (AAA), 1981 (AAA), 1997 (AAA)
St. Marys 1922, 2016 (A), 2020 (A)
Stonewall Jackson* [15] 1947(A), 1974 (AAA), 1986 (AAA)
Stratton* [34] [89] 1941, 1946, 1954
Wayne 2006 (AA), 2011 (AA), 2012 (AA)
Woodrow Wilson 1947 (A), 1948 (A), 1951 (A)
2Anstead* [59] 1971 (AA), 1972 (AA)
Aracoma* [89] 1948, 1949
Big Creek* [22] 1932, 1934
Doddridge County [23] 1933, 1936
DuPont* [68] 1992 (AAA), 1993 (AAA)
Excelsior* [89] 1935, 1945
Gary* [44] 1966 (AA), 1970 (AA)
Gary District* [89] 1932, 1956
Hinton* [41] 1937, 1968 (AA)
Meadow Bridge 1958 (A), 1988 (A)
Mullens* [42] 1941, 1959 (AA)
Paden City 1970 (A), 1979 (A)
Roosevelt-Wilson - Clarksburg* [16] 1929, 1958 (AA)
Victory-Clarksburg* [19] 1925, 1935
Washington Irving-Clarksburg* [16] 1922, 1926
Sumner* [89] 1917, 1921
Wahama 2012 (A), 2024 (A)

Schools with one football championship

(*school no longer exists) There are 37 WV schools that have one state football championship. Of those 37, 21 have been closed or consolidated into new schools.

1940 WVAU State Champions, Monongalia High School. Monongalia High was a school for Black students prior to integration. MHS won one WV state title. The WV Athletic Union (WVAU) governed athletics for African American students from 1914 to 1956. WVAU 1940 State Football Champions Monongalia High School.jpg
1940 WVAU State Champions, Monongalia High School. Monongalia High was a school for Black students prior to integration. MHS won one WV state title. The WV Athletic Union (WVAU) governed athletics for African American students from 1914 to 1956.
The 1954 Follansbee High School WVSSAC Class "A" Football Champions. In 1954, WV had just two school size classifications; "A" for bigger schools and "B" for smaller schools. The WVSSAC started a three-class system in 1955. Follansbee High is one of 37 schools that won a single WV State Football title. Follansbee consolidated with Wellsburg and Bethany High Schools in 1969 to form Brooke High School. 1954 Follansbee High School Football WVSSAC state champions.jpg
The 1954 Follansbee High School WVSSAC Class "A" Football Champions. In 1954, WV had just two school size classifications; "A" for bigger schools and "B" for smaller schools. The WVSSAC started a three-class system in 1955. Follansbee High is one of 37 schools that won a single WV State Football title. Follansbee consolidated with Wellsburg and Bethany High Schools in 1969 to form Brooke High School.
Booker T. Washington* [89] 1926
Elkins 1928
Monongalia* [89] 1940
Elkhorn* [89] 1944
Webster Springs*1947 (B)
Romney*1949 (B)
Conley* [89] 1951
Kimball* [89] 1952
Barboursville*1953 (A)
Farmington*1954 (B)
Follansbee*1954 (A)
Byrd Prillerman* [89] 1955
St. Albans 1955 (AA)
Rainelle*1962 (A)
Crum*1965 (A)
Wirt County 1966 (A)
Marlinton*1967 (A)
Parkersburg Catholic [87] 1970
Northfork*1973 (AA)
Notre Dame-Clarksburg [87] 1974
Ridgeley* 1975 (A)
Man 1979 (AA)
George Washington 1982 (AAA)
Tyler County*1983 (A)
Peterstown*1991 (A)
Spencer*1991 (AA)
Fayetteville*1992 (A)
Buffalo-Wayne*1992 (AA)
Matewan* 1993 (A)
Gilbert*1995 (A)
John Marshall 1996 (AAA)
Nitro 1998 (AAA)
Wyoming East 1999 (AA)
Parkersburg South 2003 (AAA)
Wheeling Park 2015 (AAA)
Mingo Central 2016 (AA)
Ritchie County 2021 (A)
(New) Huntington 2022 (AAA)
Independence 2022 (AA)
Frankfort 2024 (AA)


(*school no longer exists)

8 Williamstown 1961 (A), 2003 (A), 2005 (A), 2006 (A), 2007 (A), 2011 (A), 2018 (A), 2021 (A)
7 Bluefield 1995 (AA), 1999 (AA), 2002 (AA), 2003 (AA), 2005 (AA), 2018 (AA), 2019 (AA)
6 Parkersburg [13] 1959 (AAA), 1962 (AAA), 1974 (AAA), 1985 (AAA), 1997 (AAA), 2000 (AAA)
Weirton-Madonna 1966, [90] 1973, [90] 1974, [90] 2004 (A), 2008 (A), 2012 (A)
5 Brooke 1980 (AAA), 1986 (AAA), 1992 (AAA), 2009 (AAA), 2010 (AAA)
Fairmont Senior 1957 (AA), 1977 (AAA), 1981 (AAA), 2016 (AA), 2017 (AA)
Magnolia 1972 (AA), 1981 (AA), 1992 (AA), 1993 (AA), 2008 (AA)
Valley-Wetzel 1993 (A), 1994 (A), 1995 (A), 1996 (A), 1998 (A)
Wirt County 1949 (B), 1955 (B), 1967 (A), 1970 (A), 1975 (A)
4 DuPont* 1972 (AAA), 1976 (AAA), 1978 (AAA), 1998 (AA)
Man1977 (AA), 1980 (AA), 1984 (AA), 2009 (A)
Martinsburg 2001 (AAA), 2003 (AAA), 2004 (AAA), 2006 (AAA)
St. Albans 1961 (AAA), 1968 (AAA), 1979 (AAA), 2007 (AAA)
Wayne 2000 (AA), 2004 (AA), 2009 (AA), 2013 (AA)
Winfield 1952 (B), 1958 (A), 1959 (A), 1988 (AA)
3Barboursville*1954 (A), 1983 (AAA), 1984 (AAA)
Big Creek* 1952 (A), 1976 (AA), 1997 (A)
Capital 1993 (AAA), 1996 (AAA), 2015 (AAA)
Ceredo-Kenova* 1966 (AA), 1973 (AA), 1982 (AA)
Charleston-Catholic 1963, [90] 1964, [90] 1972 [90]
Notre Dame-Clarksburg 1970, [90] 1975, [90] 1980 (A)
Greenbrier West 1991 (AA), 2013 (A), 2023 (A)
Matewan* 1987 (A), 1991 (A), 1992 (A)
Monongah* 1956 (B), 1967 (AA), 1972 (A)
Mt. Hope*1961 (AA), 1964 (AA), 1965 (AA)
Sissonville 1951 (B), 1958 (AA), 1994 (AA)
Spring Valley 2016 (AAA), 2017 (AAA), 2018 (AAA)
2Alderson*1948 (B), 1960 (A)
Bishop Donahue* 1971, [90] 1979 (A)
Bridgeport 2001 (AA), 2020 (AAA)
Buffalo-Wayne*1979 (AA), 1985 (AA)
Cabell Midland 2012 (AAA), 2019 (AAA)
Doddridge County 1978 (A), 2019 (A)
East Hardy 2015 (A), 2016 (A)
Fairview*1964 (A), 1971 (A)
Fayetteville*1984 (A), 1999 (A)
George Washington 2008 (AAA), 2011 (AAA)
(Old) Huntington* 1964 (AAA), 1966 (AAA)
(New) Huntington 2013 (AAA), 2021 (AAA)
James Monroe 2007 (AA), 2022 (A)
Keyser 1957 (A), 2012 (AA)
Moorefield 2000 (A), 2002 (A)
Morgantown 1971 (AAA), 1998 (AAA)
Morgantown-St. Francis*1976, [90] 1985 (A)
Musselman 1983 (AA), 1989 (AA)
Nitro 1960 (AAA), 2005 (AAA)
Northfork*1963 (A), 1974 (AA)
North Marion 1982 (AAA), 2023 (AA)
Oceana* 1970 (AA), 1971 (AA)
Paden City 1968 (A), 1969 (A)
Parkersburg South 2002 (AAA), 2022 (AAA)
Peterstown*1981 (A), 1990 (A)
Pineville* 1977 (A), 1988 (A)
Poca 1978 (AA), 1996 (AA)
Rupert*1954 (B), 1957 (B)
South Charleston 1975 (AAA), 2014 (AAA)
St. Marys2014 (A), 2017 (A)
Stonewall Jackson* 1967 (AAA), 1987 (AAA)
Tolsia 2006 (AA), 2015 (AA)
Tucker County 1986 (AA), 1987 (AA)
Herbert Hoover 2022 (AA), 2024 (AAA)
Wheeling Central 1962, [90] 2001 (A)
1Benwood Union*1953 (A)
Buckhannon-Upshur 1969 (AAA)
Crum*1966 (A)
Dunbar*1965 (AAA)
East Bank*1958 (AAA)
Frankfort 2014 (AA)
Gary*1951 (A)
Gauley Bridge*1976 (A)
Grafton1987 (AA)
Greenbrier East 1988 (AAA)
Hamlin*1974 (A)
Hedgesville 1995 (AAA)
Hinton*1963 (AA)
Independence 2021 (AA)
Masontown-Valley*1965 (A)
Milton*1949 (A)
Mt. View 1990 (AAA)
Mullens* 1956 (A)
Nicholas County 1962 (AA)
Oak Hill 1950 (A)
Parkersburg Catholic 1969 [90]
Point Pleasant 2011 (AA)
Princeton 2023 (AAA)
Ravenswood 2010 (AAA)
Ritchie County2020 (A)
Riverside 1999 (AAA)
Robert C. Byrd2020 (AA)
Romney*1953 (B)
Sherman 1975 (AA)
Sistersville*1983 (A)
Sophia*1962 (A)
South Harrison 1973 (A)
Spencer*1990 (AA)
Tyler County*1986 (A)
University 1994 (AAA)
Victory-Clarksburg* [19] 1970 (AAA)
Wahama 2010 (A)
Webster Springs*1955 (A)
Weir 1973 (AAA)
Wheeling Park 1991 (AAA)
Cameron 2024 (A)
Roane County 2024 (AA)
Spring Mills 2024 (AAAA)

See also


  1. Spring Mills was ordered to forfeit four wins following a determination by the WVSSAC that an ineligible player played in those games. Later a judge in the Circuit Court of Berkeley County ordered that the WVSSAC decision violated federal law as the player qualified as homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act. [85]
  2. Only sixteen teams were classified as class AAAA in 2024, as such, all sixteen teams qualified for the playoffs.


  1. "State Champion History". www.wvssac.org.
  2. 1 2 3 Fields, Rick; Bonar, Robert. The Kanawha County Football Almanac: A Complete Record of High School Football in Kanawha County 1901–2015 via Amazon.
  3. "Museum Shop – Marion County Historical Society & Museum". www.marionhistorical.org.
  4. Source: Knights of the Laughing Waters by George W. Ramsey, Jr., 1915 Source: Buckhannon Record newspaper November 1915. 1909, 1912 Source: Huntington Advertiser newspaper. 1908 & 1913 Wheeling Genealogical Society "Schools". www.wvgenweb.org.
  5. Libraries, WVU. "About Us – West Virginia & Regional History Center – West Virginia & Regional History Center". wvrhc.lib.wvu.edu.
  6. 1 2 1911 Source: Spaldings 1911 Football Guide page 251Association, National Collegiate Athletic (21 January 2018). "The Official National Collegiate Athletic Association Football Guide". NCAA Publishing Service. via Google Books.
  7. 1916–1936 Source: "History of Sports in West Virginia" by Doug Huff (sports writer for the Wheeling Intelligencer, The Intelligencer and Wheeling News Register).
  8. "Classifications « WVSSAC". www.wvssac.org.
  9. "Rules and Regulation Handbook« WVSSAC". www.wvssac.org.
  10. "WVSSAC approves four-class system for high school sports". www.wboy.com/. 21 December 2023.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 consolidated with Wheeling, Triadelphia, Warwood and West Liberty into Wheeling Park High School 1976.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Consolidated with Huntington East High School in 1996 into New Huntington High School.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 "Parkersburg High School Big Reds Football". www.phsbigredsfootball.com.
  14. 1 2 3 4 consolidated with Upshur High School to form Buckhannon-Upshur High School 1933.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Consolidated into Capital High School in 1989.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 consolidated into Robert C. Byrd High School 1995.
  17. 1 2 3 Cork, Tim (7 November 2014). "Segment One".
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Consolidated into North Marion High School in 1979.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 Victory, Salem and Bristol consolidated in 1973 to form Liberty High School.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 consolidated into John Marshall High School 1968.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 consolidated with Gilbert, Matewan and Burch High Schools to form Mingo Central High School 2011.
  22. 1 2 3 consolidated into River View High School 2009.
  23. 1 2 3 formed by consolidating Carr and West Union High Schools in 1933.
  24. 1 2 Charles Sumner* High School, Parkersburg, West Virginia, Wood County, West Virginia
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 Frederick Douglass High School, Huntington, Cabell County, WV
  26. 1 2 3 4 Henry Highland Garnet High School, Charleston, WV Kanawha County, WV
  27. Booker T. Washington High School London, Kanawha County, WV
  28. 1 2 3 Kelly Miller (scientist) High School Clarksburg, WV Harrison County, WV
  29. 1 2 3 4 Paul Laurence Dunbar, Dunbar School (Fairmont, West Virginia), Marion County, West Virginia
  30. 1 2 Gary District High School, Gary, WV, McDowell County, WV
  31. 1 2 Excelsior High School, War, West Virginia, McDowell County, WV
  32. 1 2 3 4 W. E. B. DuBois High School, Mount Hope, West Virginia, Fayette County, WV
  33. Morgantown, WV, Monongalia County, WV
  34. 1 2 3 4 Rev. Daniel Stratton High School, Beckley, WV, Raleigh County, West Virginia
  35. Elkhorn High School, Elkhorn, West Virginia, McDowell County, West Virginia
  36. 1 2 Aracoma High School, Aracoma, West Virginia, Logan County, WV
  37. Conley High School, Mullens, WV, Wyoming County, WV
  38. Kimball High School, Kimball, West Virginia, McDowell County, WV
  39. Dr. Byrd Prillerman High School, Amigo, West Virginia, Raleigh County, West Virginia
  40. Closed in 2017, students moved to Wheeling Central
  41. 1 2 3 4 Consolidated into Summers County High School in 1995.
  42. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Consolidated into Wyoming East High School in 1998.
  43. 1 2 3 4 5 Consolidated into Cabell Midland High School in 1994.
  44. 1 2 3 4 5 Consolidated into Mount View High School in 1975.
  45. Consolidated into River View High School in 2010.
  46. Follensbee, Wellsburg and Bethany consolidated to form Brooke High School in 1969.
  47. 1 2 Webster Springs and Cowen consolidated to create Webster County High School (West Virginia) in 1974
  48. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Consolidated into Spring Valley High School in 1998.
  49. 1 2 Consolidated into Greenbrier East High School in 1968.
  50. 1 2 Consolidated into Hampshire High School in 1964.
  51. No game was held due to inclement weather.
  52. 1 2 3 Consolidated into Tyler Consolidated High School in 1993.
  53. Closed in 1975.
  54. 1 2 3 Consolidated into Greenbrier West High School in 1968.
  55. Consolidated into Independence High School in 1976.
  56. 1 2 Consolidated with Fort Gay to form Tolsia High School in 1988.
  57. Consolidated into Preston High School in 1991.
  58. Consolidated into Pocahontas County High School in 1968.
  59. 1 2 3 4 5 Consolidated into Midland Trail High School in 1976.
  60. consolidated into Ritchie County 1986
  61. 1 2 3 4 5 Consolidated into Lincoln County High School in 2006.
  62. Consolidated into Frankfort High School in 1976.
  63. 1 2 3 "COVID-19".
  64. 1 2 3 "DHHR COVID-19 map". wvde.us.
  65. 1 2 3 4 5 Merged into Oak Hill High School in 2011.
  66. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 consolidated with Buffalo-Wayne and Vinson to form Spring Valley High School (West Virginia)
  67. 1 2 3 Consolidated into Westside High School in 2002.
  68. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Consolidated into Riverside High School in 1999.
  69. 1 2 Consolidated into Roane County High School in 1993.
  70. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 formed from consolidation of Chapmanville and Harts in 2007
  71. no game: Charleston* and Welch* tied for second place playoff slot so B-U received BYE
  72. merged into South Charleston High School 1990.
  73. "West Virginia High School Football". wvwoodman.com.
  74. Formed from consolidation of Huntington East and "Old" Huntington High
  75. Brocato, Joe (December 20, 2023). "Fourth class added to five WVSSAC sports starting in the 2024-2025 academic year". WV MetroNews.
  76. Carey, Greg (August 13, 2024). "Eleven high schools to be reclassified for 2024 football season". WV MetroNews.
  77. Brocato, Joe (August 16, 2024). "Eleven more schools reclassified by WVSSAC for 2024 football season". WV MetroNews.
  78. Campbell, Chase (November 11, 2024). "Judge grants Wood County BOE's request for injunctive relief from WVSSAC". WTAP.
  79. Carey, Greg (November 11, 2024). "Judge issues late night injunction ordering play-in scenario for AAA football playoffs as SSAC anticipates more court challenges". WV MetroNews.
  80. Brocato, Joe (November 14, 2024). ""Play-in" games tentatively scheduled; Spring Mills seeks restoration of four victories". WV MetroNews.
  81. Carey, Greg (November 14, 2024). "WVSSAC files motion for expedited relief, petition for writ of prohibition with state Supreme Court". WV MetroNews.
  82. Brocato, Joe (November 15, 2024). "Scheduling order issued by state Supreme Court, "Play-in" games called off". WV MetroNews.
  83. "Wayne County judge orders Class A play-in game; Class AAA play-in games in question". WCHS. November 15, 2024.
  84. Brocato, Joe (November 19, 2024). "Supreme Court of Appeals of WV rules in favor of WVSSAC; original football ratings plan restored". WV MetroNews.
  85. "Berkeley County judge restores four victories for Spring Mills". WV MetroNews. November 14, 2024.
  86. includes five Catholic state titles prior to private schools being allowed in WVSSAC playoffs
  87. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WV Catholic State Champion
  88. 1 2 includes four Catholic titles prior to private schools being allowed in WVSSAC playoffs
  89. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WVAU State Champions during segregation
  90. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Catholic State Title Game