Women's suffrage in the Cayman Islands

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Women's suffrage in the Cayman Islands was granted in 1959. Women created two separate petitions for women's suffrage and sent them to the government in 1948 and in 1957 to request the right to vote. The right to vote in the Cayman Islands was signed into law as Law 2 of 1959.



The fight for women's suffrage in the Cayman Islands began in George Town, when 24 women, including Georgette Hurlston, sent a letter to the Commissioner on 19 August 1948, informing him that they intended to vote. [1] There had been no law preventing women from voting, but they still had not been voting in elections. [2] The wording of existing laws used the word "people" which the women who wrote the 1948 petition drew on, pointing out that this did not exclude women. [3] This first group of women was not allowed to vote, being "told they did not have a constitutional right to vote." [1] There was also the custom of the word people only applying to men. [4]

In 1954, the issue of women participating in elections was brought up to the Colonial Secretary by Acting Attorney General, I.H. Cruchley. [5] Cruchley argued that "words importing the masculine gender shall include females." [6]

Another petition for the right to vote was sent on 29 May 1957 and had 358 signatures. [1] This petition was given to the Legislative Assembly of Justices and Vestrymen. [1] The Colonial Secretary requested that a law be formed to regarding the rights of women to vote. [7] The legislative assembly also agreed that women should be allowed to vote, deciding in October 1958. [8] On 8 December 1958, a law was passed that removed any disqualifications for women to vote. [9] This law became Law 2 of 1959. [9]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Suffrage</span> Right to vote in public and political elections

Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public, political elections and referendums. In some languages, and occasionally in English, the right to vote is called active suffrage, as distinct from passive suffrage, which is the right to stand for election. The combination of active and passive suffrage is sometimes called full suffrage.

Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote in elections. At the beginning of the 18th century, some people sought to change voting laws to allow women to vote. Liberal political parties would go on to grant women the right to vote, increasing the number of those parties' potential constituencies. National and international organizations formed to coordinate efforts towards women voting, especially the International Woman Suffrage Alliance.

Universal suffrage or universal franchise ensures the right to vote for as many people bound by a government's laws as possible, as supported by the "one person, one vote" principle. For many, the term universal suffrage assumes the exclusion of the young and non-citizens. At the same time, some insist that more inclusion is needed before suffrage can be truly universal. Democratic theorists, especially those hoping to achieve more universal suffrage, support presumptive inclusion, where the legal system would protect the voting rights of all subjects unless the government can clearly prove that disenfranchisement is necessary. Universal full suffrage includes both the right to vote, also called active suffrage, and the right to be elected, also called passive suffrage.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Timeline of women's suffrage</span>

Women's suffrage – the right of women to vote – has been achieved at various times in countries throughout the world. In many nations, women's suffrage was granted before universal suffrage, in which cases women and men from certain socioeconomic classes or races were still unable to vote. Some countries granted suffrage to both sexes at the same time. This timeline lists years when women's suffrage was enacted. Some countries are listed more than once, as the right was extended to more women according to age, land ownership, etc. In many cases, the first voting took place in a subsequent year.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women's suffrage in Australia</span>

Women's suffrage in Australia was one of the early achievements of Australian democracy. Following the progressive establishment of male suffrage in the Australian colonies from the 1840s to the 1890s, an organised push for women's enfranchisement gathered momentum from the 1880s, and began to be legislated from the 1890s, decades in advance of Europe and North America. South Australian women achieved the right to vote in 1894, and to stand for office in 1895 following the world first Constitutional Amendment Act 1894. This preceded even male suffrage in Tasmania. Western Australia granted women the right to vote from 1899, although with racial restrictions. In 1902, the newly established Australian Parliament passed the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902, which set a uniform law enabling European women to vote at federal elections and to stand for the federal parliament. All women of non-European descent were explicitly excluded from voting by the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902, and up until 1962, "aboriginal natives" could be excluded from voting rights based on state legislation. By 1908, the remaining Australian states had legislated for women's suffrage for state elections. Grace Benny was elected as the first councillor in 1919, Edith Cowan the first state Parliamentarian in 1921, Dorothy Tangney the first Senator and Enid Lyons the first Member of the House of Representatives in 1943.

Suffrage in Australia is the voting rights in the Commonwealth of Australia, its six component states and territories, and local governments. The colonies of Australia began to grant universal male suffrage from 1856, with women's suffrage following between the 1890s and 1900s. Some jurisdictions introduced racial restrictions on voting from 1885, and by 1902 most Australian residents who were not of European descent were explicitly or effectively excluded from voting and standing for office, including at the Federal level. Such restrictions had been removed by 1966. Today, the right to vote at all levels of government is held by citizens of Australia over the age of 18 years.

Women in Switzerland gained the right to vote in federal elections after a referendum in February 1971. The first federal vote in which women were able to participate was the 31 October 1971 election of the Federal Assembly. However it was not until a 1990 decision by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland that women gained full voting rights in the final Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden.

This timeline highlights milestones in women's suffrage in the United States, particularly the right of women to vote in elections at federal and state levels.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women's suffrage in states of the United States</span>

Women's suffrage was established in the United States on a full or partial basis by various towns, counties, states, and territories during the latter decades of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century. As women received the right to vote in some places, they began running for public office and gaining positions as school board members, county clerks, state legislators, judges, and, in the case of Jeannette Rankin, as a member of Congress.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women's suffrage in Virginia</span> Overview of womens suffrage in Virginia

Women's suffrage was granted in Virginia in 1920, with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The General Assembly, Virginia's governing legislative body, did not ratify the Nineteenth Amendment until 1952. The argument for women's suffrage in Virginia began in 1870, but it did not gain traction until 1909 with the founding of the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. Between 1912 and 1916, Virginia's suffragists would bring the issue of women's voting rights to the floor of the General Assembly three times, petitioning for an amendment to the state constitution giving women the right to vote; they were defeated each time. During this period, the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia and its fellow Virginia suffragists fought against a strong anti-suffragist movement that tapped into conservative, post-Civil War values on the role of women, as well as racial fears. After achieving suffrage in August 1920, over 13,000 women registered within one month to vote for the first time in the 1920 United States presidential election.

The Women's suffrage movement in India fought for Indian women's right to political enfranchisement in Colonial India under British rule. Beyond suffrage, the movement was fighting for women's right to stand for and hold office during the colonial era. In 1918, when Britain granted limited suffrage to women property holders, the law did not apply to British citizens in other parts of the Empire. Despite petitions presented by women and men to the British commissions sent to evaluate Indian voting regulations, women's demands were ignored in the Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms. In 1919, impassioned pleas and reports indicating support for women to have the vote were presented by suffragists to the India Office and before the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and Commons, who were meeting to finalize the electoral regulation reforms of the Southborough Franchise Committee. Though they were not granted voting rights, nor the right to stand in elections, the Government of India Act 1919 allowed Provincial Councils to determine if women could vote, provided they met stringent property, income, or educational levels.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Edith L. Williams</span> US Virgin Islands educator and suffragist

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women's suffrage in Arizona</span>

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<i>Constitutional Amendment (Adult Suffrage) Act 1894</i> Act of the Parliament of South Australia

The Constitutional Amendment Act 1894 was an Act of the Parliament of South Australia to amend the South Australian Constitution Act 1856 to include women's suffrage. It was the seventh attempt to introduce voting rights for women and received widespread public support including the largest petition ever presented to the South Australian parliament. The proposed legislation was amended during debate to include the right of women to stand for parliament after an opponent miscalculated that such a provision would cause the bill to be defeated. Once passed, South Australia become the fourth state in the world to give women the vote and the first to give women the right to be elected to parliament.


  1. 1 2 3 4 "Women's voting rights honoured". Cayman Compass. 10 December 2008. Retrieved 2020-01-01.
  2. "Elections Office". Cayman Islands. Retrieved 2020-01-01.
  3. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 24-25.
  4. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 24.
  5. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 25.
  6. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 26.
  7. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 28.
  8. Cayman Islands 2004, p. 29.
  9. 1 2 Cayman Islands 2004, p. 30.
