Terminal nerve

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Terminal nerve
Lawrence 1960 1.3.png
Left The terminal nerve as it is shown on the ventral side of a dog-fish brain. (Topmost label)
Latin nervus terminalis
TA98 A14.2.01.002
TA2 6179
FMA 76749
Anatomical terminology

The terminal nerve, also known as cranial nerve zero or simply as CN 0, is a nerve that was not included in the seminal classification of the cranial nerves as CN I through CN XII, but has since been recognized and listed in TA2. [1] It was discovered by German scientist Gustav Fritsch in 1878 in the brains of sharks, and was first found in humans in 1913. [2] Studies have confirmed that the terminal nerve is a common finding in the adult human brain. [3] [4]


The accepted name of terminal nerve is due to its entrance in the lamina terminalis regions. [1] The nerve has previously been called cranial nerve XIII, zero nerve, nerve N, and NT. [5] [6]


The original images (1878) of Fritsch's dogfish shark brain showing the nerve marked by an asterisk Fritsch dogfish shark brain.png
The original images (1878) of Fritsch's dogfish shark brain showing the nerve marked by an asterisk

The terminal nerve appears just in front of the other cranial nerves and would, if earlier recognized, have been classified as cranial nerve one. It first appears bilaterally as a microscopic plexus of unmyelinated peripheral nerve fibers in the subarachnoid space covering the straight gyrus. The plexus appears near the cribriform plate and travels posteriorly toward the olfactory trigone and lamina terminalis. [3]

The terminal nerve is clearly seen in the human embryo but loses some of its ganglion cells before birth making it less recognizable in adults. [7] The nerve is therefore often overlooked in autopsies, and is often torn out upon exposing the brain. [5] Careful dissection is necessary to visualize the nerve.


The zebrafish was used as a developmental model in research from 2004. [8]

The connections between the terminal nerve and the olfactory system have been extensively studied in human embryos. Olfactory nerve fibers enter the brain at stage 17, vomeronasal fibers and fibers of the terminal nerve enter the brain at stages 17 and 18. [9] During prenatal development some of the ganglion cells are lost. [7]


The functions of the terminal nerve are only speculated on together with possible pathological implications. [1] Although very close to the olfactory nerve, the terminal nerve is not connected to the olfactory bulb, where smells are analyzed. This suggests that the nerve is either vestigial or may be related to the sensing of pheromones. [10] The nerve may modulate olfactory inputs making pheromones more detectable. [1] This hypothesis is further supported by the fact that the terminal nerve projects to the medial and lateral septal nuclei and the preoptic areas, all of which are involved in reproduction in mammals, [2] A 1987 study found that mating in hamsters is reduced when the terminal nerve is severed. [11]

Clinical significance

Alterations in the terminal nerve structure may be implicated in Kallmann syndrome. [7] [12]

Additional images

See also

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The rostral neuropore or anterior neuropore is a region corresponding to the opening of the embryonic neural tube in the anterior portion of the developing prosencephalon. The central nervous system develops from the neural tube, which initially starts as a plate of cells in the ectoderm and this is called the neural plate, the neural plate then undergoes folding and starts closing from the center of the developing fetus, this leads to two open ends, one situated cranially/rostrally and the other caudally. Bending of the neural plate begins on day 22, and the cranial neuropore closes on day 24. giving rise to the lamina terminalis of the brain.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 Ruqa WA, Pennacchia F, Rusi E, Zoccali F, Bruno G, Talarico G, Barbato C, Minni A (March 2024). "Smelling TNT: Trends of the Terminal Nerve". Int J Mol Sci. 25 (7): 3920. doi: 10.3390/ijms25073920 . PMC   11011448 . PMID   38612730.
  2. 1 2 Fields, R. Douglas (2007). "Sex and the Secret Nerve". Scientific American Mind. 18: 20–7. doi:10.1038/scientificamericanmind0207-20.
  3. 1 2 Fuller GN, Burger PC (1990). "Nervus terminalis (cranial nerve zero) in the adult human". Clinical Neuropathology. 9 (6): 279–83. PMID   2286018. The presence of an additional cranial nerve (the nervus terminalis or cranial nerve zero) is well documented in many non-human vertebrate species. However, its existence in the adult human has been disputed. The present study focused on the structure and incidence of this nerve in the adult human brain. The nerve was examined post-mortem in 10 adult brains using dissection microscopy, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno­histo­chemistry. In all specimens, the nervus terminalis was identified bilaterally as a microscopic plexus of unmyelinated peripheral nerve fascicles in the subarachnoid space covering the gyrus rectus of the orbital surface of the frontal lobes. The plexus appeared in the region of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid and coursed posteriorly to the vicinity of the olfactory trigone, medial olfactory gyrus, and lamina terminalis. We conclude that the terminal nerve is a common finding in the adult human brain, confirming early light microscopic reports.
  4. Berman, Laura (March 25, 2008). "Scientists discover secret sex nerve". TODAY.com . Archived from the original on June 27, 2019. Retrieved June 27, 2019.
  5. 1 2 Bordoni, Bruno; Zanier, Emiliano (March 13, 2013). "Cranial nerves XIII and XIV: nerves in the shadows". Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 6. Dove Medical Press: 87–91. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S39132 . eISSN   1178-2390. ISSN   1178-2390. OCLC   319595339. PMC   3601045 . PMID   23516138.
  6. Vilensky, JA (January 2014). "The neglected cranial nerve: nervus terminalis (cranial nerve N)". Clinical Anatomy. 27 (1): 46–53. doi:10.1002/ca.22130. PMID   22836597. S2CID   21454488.
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  8. Whitlock KE (September 2004). "Development of the nervus terminalis: origin and migration". Microscopy Research and Technique. 65 (1–2): 2–12. doi: 10.1002/jemt.20094 . PMID   15570589. S2CID   8736656.
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  10. Von Bartheld CS (September 2004). "The terminal nerve and its relation with extrabulbar "olfactory" projections: lessons from lampreys and lungfishes". Microscopy Research and Technique. 65 (1–2): 13–24. doi: 10.1002/jemt.20095 . PMID   15570592.
  11. Wirsig, Celeste (11 August 1987). "Terminal nerve damage impairs the mating behavior of the male hamster". Brain Research. 417 (2): 293–303. doi:10.1016/0006-8993(87)90454-9. PMID   3308003. S2CID   33371658.
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