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Events from the year 1797 in art.
Events in the year 1810 in Art.
Events from the year 1787 in art.
Events from the year 1792 in art.
Events from the year 1856 in art.
Events in the year 1824 in Art.
The year 1804 in art involved some significant artistic events and new works.
Events in the year 1814 in Art.
Events in the year 1825 in Art.
Events from the year 1799 in art.
Events in the year 1806 in art.
Events from the year 1798 in art.
Events from the year 1769 in art.
Events from the year 1796 in art.
Events from the year 1794 in art.
Events from the year 1793 in art.
Events from the year 1791 in art.
Events from the year 1790 in art.
Events from the year 1788 in art.
Events from the year 1750 in art.
Events from the year 1775 in art.