1945 Birthday Honours (Mention in Despatches)

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This is a list of Mention in Despatches awarded in the 1945 Birthday Honours.


Royal Navy

Mention in Despatches (Posthumous)

Royal Air Force

Acting Air Marshal
Air Vice-Marshals
Air Commodores
Acting Air Commodores
Group Captains
Honorary Group Captain
Acting Group Captains
Wing Commanders
Honorary Wing Commander
Acting Wing Commanders
Squadron Leaders
Honorary Squadron Leader
Acting Squadron Leaders
Flight Lieutenants
Honorary Flight Lieutenants
Acting Flight Lieutenants
Flying Officers
Pilot Officers
Warrant Officers
Acting Warrant Officers
Flight Sergeants
Acting Flight Sergeants
Acting Sergeants
Acting Corporals
Leading Aircraftmen
Aircraftmen 1st Class
Aircraftmen 2nd Class

Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service

Acting Senior Sister

Women's Auxiliary Air Force

Squadron Officers
Acting Squadron Officer
Flight Officers
Acting Flight Officers
Section Officers
Warrant Officers
Flight Sergeants
Acting Sergeants
Acting Corporals
Leading Aircraftwomen
Aircraftwomen 1st Class
Aircraftwomen 2nd Class

Royal Australian Air Force

Wing Commander
Acting Wing Commanders
Squadron Leaders
Acting Squadron Leaders
Flight Lieutenants
Acting Flight Lieutenants
Flying Officers
Pilot Officers
Warrant Officers
Flight Sergeants
Leading Aircraftman

Royal Canadian Air Force

Acting Group Captains
Wing Commanders
Acting Wing Commanders
Squadron Leaders
Honorary Squadron Leaders
Acting Squadron Leaders
Flight Lieutenants
Acting Flight Lieutenants
Flying Officers
Pilot Officers
Warrant Officers
Warrant Officers 1st Class
Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Acting Warrant Officers
Flight Sergeants
Acting Flight Sergeants
Acting Sergeants
Acting Corporals
Leading Aircraftmen
Aircraftman 1st Class
Royal Canadian Air Force (Women's Division)
Acting Squadron Officers
Flight Officers
Section Officer
Leading Aircraftwoman

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Acting Wing Commander
Acting Squadron Leaders
Flight Lieutenants
Acting Flight Lieutenants
Flying Officers
Flight Sergeant
Leading Aircraftman

South African Air Force

Lieutenant Colonels
Acting Lieutenant Colonel
2nd Lieutenant
Warrant Officers
Flight Sergeants
Acting Sergeant
Temporary Air Corporal
Air Mechanics
South African Air Force (Women's Division)
Flight Sergeant

Royal Indian Air Force

Flight Lieutenants
Acting Flight Lieutenant
Pilot Officer
Lance Corporal
Non-Commissioned Engineer Follower

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The 1944 King's Birthday Honours, celebrating the official birthday of King George VI, were announced on 2 June 1944 for the United Kingdom and British Empire, New Zealand, and South Africa.
