The 2003 New Year's Honours List is one of the annual New Year Honours, a part of the British monarch's honours system, where 1 January is marked by naming new members of orders of chivalry and recipients of other official honours. A number of other Commonwealth realms also mark this day in this way. These awards are presented by or in the name of the reigning monarch, i.e. Queen Elizabeth II or her vice-regal representative.
The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour, and arranged by the country (in order of their date of independence from the United Kingdom) whose ministers advised the Queen on the appointments, then by honour, with grades, such as Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander, and then divisions—Civil, Diplomatic and Military—as and where appropriate.
Professor David Michael Baldock Hall, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; Professor of Community Paediatrics, Sheffield. For services to Medicine.
Professor David Anthony King, F.R.S., Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government and Head, Office of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry.
Archibald Johnstone Kirkwood, M.P., Member of Parliament for Roxburgh and Berwickshire. For services to Parliament.
Professor Ravinder Nath Maini, Professor of Rheumatology and lately Head, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Imperial College, London. For services to Rheumatology.
The Right Honourable Sir Robin Berry Janvrin, K.C.V.O., C.B. For services as H.M. The Queen's Private Secretary, including the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
Pauline, Mrs Green, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Co-operative Union Limited. For services to the Co-operative Movement and to the development of the European Union.
Professor Louise Napier Johnson, F.R.S., David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics, University of Oxford. For services to Biophysical Science.
Christopher George Kenyon. For services to Higher and Specialist Education.
Charles Anthony Lawrence. Director, Wincanton plc. For services to the Transport Industry.
Peter Julian Lehmann. Chairman, Energy Saving Trust and chairman, Fuel Poverty Advisory Group. For services to the Gas and Energy Industry and its Customers.
Thomas Lehner. Chair, Basic and Applied Immunology, University of London. For services to Oral Immunology and Dental Health.
Ms Janet Lowe. Principal, Lauder College. For services to Further Education.
Peter Royston Male. Chief executive, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Professor David Raymond Owens. Director, Diabetes Research Unit, College of Medicine, University of Wales. For services to the NHS, particularly in the Field of Diabetes.
Mrs Judith Stager Ramsey Barker, Adviser, London Drug Prevention Advisory Service, Government Office for London.
Robert Bartlett, Senior Lawyer, H.M. Customs and Excise.
Michael Francis Baughan, Chief Executive, Learning and Teaching Scotland. For services to Education in Scotland.
Babu Singh Bawa, Councillor, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to the Community in Sandwell.
Raymond Frederic Baxter, Co-Founder and Honorary Admiral, Association of Dunkirk Little Ships.For services to Heritage.
Mrs Leonora Antoinette Beardon, Senior Teaching and Research Associate, Cambridge University School of Education. For services to Mathematical Education.
Keith Beattie, Chief Engineer, London Underground Limited. For services to Safety.
Clive Beddall, lately Editor, The Grocer Magazine. For services to the Food Industry.
Professor Clifford Beevers, Professor, Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University. For services to Higher Education.
Graham Benfield, Chief Executive, Wales Council for Voluntary Action. For services to the Voluntary Sector in Wales.
Rab Bennetts. For services to Architecture.
Mrs Natalie Beswetherick, Head, Physiotherapy Services, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Physiotherapy.
John Richard Bettinson. For services to the community in Birmingham.
Edgar Biss, Chairman, Tellermate plc, Cardiff, South Wales. For services to Exports.
Michael Blakemore, Theatre and Film Director. For services to Drama.
Henry Blofeld, Cricket Commentator. For services to Sports Broadcasting.
Ms Marie Louise Boden, Chief Nurse, University College London Hospitals Trust. For services to Nursing.
Ranjit Bolt, Translator. For services to Literature.
Roger Martin Bottomley. For services to Sport.
Leonard James Boulton, Operations Director, Remploy. For services to the employment of disabled people.
Edmund Thomas Bradley, lately Team Leader and Project Sponsor, Stonehenge Improvement, Department for Transport.
Douglas James Broom, lately Head of Events and Technical Services, Central Office of Information Communications.
Mrs Dilys Brotia, lately Headteacher, Torriano Junior School, Camden, London. For services to Education.
Douglas George Brydges, President, International Meat Trade Association and Meat Training Council. For services to the Meat Industry.
Anthony Malcolm Buckeridge. Writer. For services to Literature.
Susan Mary Burge, Consultant Dermatologist, Oxford Radcliffe Hospital. For services to Dermatology.
Victor Thomas Burgess, lately Headteacher, Elliott School, Wandsworth, London. For services to Education.
Miss Nancy Agnes Sinclair Burnett, Assistant Chief Nurse, Royal Marsden NHS Trust. For services to Nursing.
Mrs Stella Burnside, Chief Executive, Altnagelvin Hospital Health and Social Services Trust. For services to Health Care.
Mrs Mary Butterwick, Founder, Butterwick Hospices. For services to the Hospice Movement.
Mrs Margaret Cairns, lately Headteacher, Bailey Green Primary School, North Tyneside. For services to Education.
Samuel Cameron. For services to the Shipbuilding Industry.
Ms Georgina Elizabeth Campbell. For public service.
Melfort Andrew Campbell. For services to Industry in Scotland.
Stanley Bobbie Caplin. For charitable services.
Mrs Christine Joyce Challis, Secretary and Director of. Administration, London School of Economics and Political Science. For services to Higher Education.
David Watson Penn Chalmers, Director and Deputy Chief Executive, Dunfermline Building Society. For services to Housing in Scotland.
Fredrick Rignold Hyde-Chambers, Director, The Industry and Parliament Trust.
Professor John Harvey Chesshire, Chairman, EAGA Charitable Trust. For services to Energy Efficiency.
John Coventry Chesworth, Artistic Director, National Youth Dance Company. For services to Dance.
Professor David Geoffrey Clark. For services to Scientific Research.
Francis John Clark, Senior Engineer, British Maritime Technology (Defence Services Ltd). For services to the Shipbuilding Industry.
Professor John Innes Clarke, D.L., Chairman, County Durham Foundation Grants Committee. For services to the community in Durham.
Peter Cloke, Head, Children and Young People's Team, Government Office for the South West.
James William Close, Deputy Director, Victoria and Albert Museum. For services to Museums.
Hugh Michael Thomas Cobbe, lately Head of British Collections, British Library. For services to Libraries.
Nicholas Sydney Cobbold. For public service.
Stephen Henry Cole, lately Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Professor David Robert Colman, lately Head, School of Economic Studies, University of Manchester. For services to Agricultural Economics.
Michael Cooper, Head of Minerals, Valuation Office, Inland Revenue.
Robert Cotton, Chief Executive, British Hospitality Association. For services to the Tourism and Hospitality Industries.
Brian George Coulter, Chief Executive, Fold Housing Association Limited. For services to Housing in Northern Ireland.
Stuart Craig, Production Designer. For services to the British Film Industry.
Professor Ann Rosalie David, Professor of Egyptology, University of Manchester. For services to Egyptology.
Robert Davis (Jasper Carrott), Entertainer. For charitable services.
Ms Fiona Dawe, Chief Executive, YouthNet UK. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Professor John Barry Dent, lately Principal, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. For services to Higher Education and Agriculture.
Mrs Kyra Dickinson. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Northumbria.
Alexander Ivan Donaldson, lately Head, Pirbright Laboratory of the Institute for Animal Health. For services to Veterinary Science and International Disease Control.
Nigel Druce, Director, Social Services, Cornwall County Council. For services to Social Care.
Thomas Peter Durie, M.B.E., G.M., D.L. For services to the community, especially to the Royal Hospital for Children in Bristol.
Professor Tariq Salim Durrani, Deputy Principal and Professor of Signal Processing, University of Strathclyde. For services to Electronics Research and Higher Education.
James Archibald Thomson Dyer, Medical Commissioner and Director, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland. For services to Mental Health in Scotland.
Mrs Alison Janet Elliot, Convenor, Scottish Churches Forum, Action of Churches Together in Scotland. For services to the Church of Scotland and Ecumenical Relationships.
Philip Thomas Ely, Member, Legal Services Commission. For services to Publicly Funded Legal Services.
William Samuel Huw Evans, Principal, Llandrillo College. For services to Further Education.
David John Fawbert, lately Headteacher, The Chase Technology College, Malvern, Worcestershire. For services to Education.
Michael John Fitt, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Parks, The Royal Parks.
Stuart Barron Fletcher, Chief Executive, Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Charles Gerard Jenkins, J.P. For services to Economic Development in Northern Ireland.
Nick Johnson, Deputy Chief Executive and Director, Social and Community Services, London Borough of Bexley. For services to Health Care.
Christopher Edward Ilsley Jones, lately Director of Operations, British Museum. For services to Museums.
Michael John Jones, J.P., Board Member, Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority. For services to the Pensions Industry.
Richard Jones. For services to Telecommunications.
Stephen Francis Jorgensen, Headteacher, Prescot Community Primary School, Knowsley, Merseyside. For services to Education.
Ms Hansa Patel-Kanwal. For services to Young People from Black and Ethnic Minority Backgrounds.
Sir John Lister-Kaye, Bt., President, Scottish Wildlife Trust. For services to Nature Conservation.
James Thomas Keating. For services to the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association.
Peter Keen, Performance Director, British Cycling Federation. For services to Cycling.
John Frederick Kissack, lately Head, Isle of Man Civil Service. For services to the Isle of Man Government.
Mrs Dorothy Knupfer, Executive Nurse Director, Salford Royal Hospital Trust. For services to Nursing.
Anthony Stephen Kravitz, Chairman, General Dental Services Committee, British Dental Association. For services to Dentistry.
William Stanley Kyte, Head, Corporate Sustainable Development Department, Powergen. For services to Environmental Improvement in the Power Sector.
John Ladley, Head, Operational Services, Hendon Data Centre, Police Information Technology Organisation.
Michael Neilson Laing, D.L., Managing Director, Laing the Jeweller. For services to the Incorporation of Goldsmiths of the City of Edinburgh.
Hanif Mohamed Lalani, Chief Executive, BT Northern Ireland. For services to Business in Northern Ireland.
Ian Alexander Lamont, Headteacher, Alva Academy, Clackmannanshire. For services to Education.
Mrs Harinder Kaur Lawley, Head, Access Development, London Metropolitan University. For services to Higher Education.
Mrs Doreen Delceita Lawrence, Co-Founder, Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust. For services to Community Relations.
Neville George Lawrence, Co-Founder, Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust. For services to Community Relations.
Professor Geoffrey Mark Layer, Dean, School of Lifelong Education and Development, University of Bradford. For services to Higher Education.
Christopher Garraway Lee, Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Thomas Peter Lee, lately Deputy Director-General, Takeover Panel. For services to the Financial Markets and the City of London.
Ms Melinda Jane Frances Letts, Chairwoman, Long-term Medical Conditions Alliance. For services to the NHS Modernisation Board.
Cantor Ernest Moshe Levy. For services to Inter-Faith Relations and to Holocaust Education.
Professor Richard William Lowne, lately Head, Biomechanics and Injury Prevention. For services to Vehicle Safety.
John Alexander Lowrie, Executive Director, Nottingham City Transport. For services to the Bus Industry.
Richard Neil Lucas. For services to the Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board.
Don Lusher, Musician. For services to the Music Industry.
Brian William Lyus, Head, Traffic Signs Technical Advice Branch, Department for Transport.
Professor Barbara Anne MacGilchrist, Deputy Director, Institute of Education, University of London. For services to the Education and Professional Development of Teachers.
John Alexander MacIntyre, Team Leader, Waste Management Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Anne, Mrs. Martin. For services to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association—Forces Help in Wiltshire.
Vincent Mathieson, Councillor, North Lanarkshire Council. For services to Local Government and to the community.
Anthony Peter Matthews, Head, Inspection Quality Division, Office for Standards in Education.
Harry Paul Mawdsley, J.P., lately Chairman Magistrates' Association. For services to the Administration of Justice.
Peter Thomas McIntosh, Chairman, Thames Region of the Environment Agency's Fisheries, Ecology and Recreation Advisory Committee. For services to the Environment.
Werbayne McIntyre. For services to the National Employment Panel, particularly its Minority Ethnic Groups.
Alexander Lamb McLeod, lately Parliamentary Liaison Manager, Cabinet Office.
Christopher Hugh Barnard Mee. For services to Education.
Professor Anthony Roger Mellows, T.D., Chairman, Review of Bishops' Needs and Resources. For services to the Church of England.
Thomas William Miller, lately Director, Food Regulatory Affairs, Whitbread plc. For services to Food Safety.
David Morgan, Technical Expert, Novel Weapons, MBDA UK Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
Richard Keith Morris. For services to Archaeology.
Mrs Isobel Morton, District Manager, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
David Moses, Chairman, National Steering Committee on Warning and Informing the Public. For services to Emergency Planning in the UK.
John Graham Mumford, Director, BP Oil UK. For services to the Environment.
Roger James Munson. For services to the Competition Commission.
Professor Edgar Leslie Neufeld, lately Chairman,Board of Governors, Middlesex University. For services to Education and to the community in North London.
Professor Christopher O'Brien, Chair, Governing Body, Portland College, Nottingham. For services to Further Education for the Disabled.
Ms Elaine Anne Oddie. For services to the East of England Industrial Board.
Nicholas Richard Otter, Director of Technology and External Affairs, ALSTOM Power. For services to the UK Energy Industry.
Ms Una Padel, Director, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, King's College, London. For services to Prisoners and their Families.
The Reverend Margaret Ruth Patterson. For public service.
Professor John Percival, lately Pro Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University. For services to Higher Education.
Richard Percy, Grade 7, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Adrian Tregeare Perry, lately Principal, Lambeth College, London. For services to Further Education.
Professor Duc Truong Pham, Head of Systems Division, Cardiff School of Engineering. For services to Engineering.
Leroy Phillips. For services to Housing.
Peter Phizacklea, Chairman, Lake District National Park Authority. For services to the Lake District National Park and to Cumbria.
Mrs Linda Joyce Portis, Chief Executive, Bexley Training Group. For services to Vocational Training.
Mrs Dilys Margaret Price. For services to People in Wales with Special Needs.
Bhupendra Raja, lately Assistant Director, Department of Trade and Industry. For services to Racial Equality.
John Dominic Reid, Pageantmaster, Corporation of London. For services to the City of London and to the Golden Jubilee.
Colonel John Stream Riggall, M.B.E. For services to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmens' Families Association in Lincolnshire.
Alan William Tyler. For services to Welfare Reform.
Philip Duncombe Riley Venning, Secretary, Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. For services to British Conservation and Heritage.
Professor Colin Angus Vincent, Deputy Principal and Master of the United College, University of St Andrews. For services to Education.
Ralph Charles George Walker. For public service.
Mrs Judith Alison Walmsley, Police Officer. For services to the Homeless in Manchester.
Ian Watson, J.P., lately Chairman, Board of Management, BanV and Buchan College. For services to Education.
Jonathan Wilkes, Chief Executive, West Kent NHS and Social Care Trust. For services to the NHS.
Heather Ruth, Mrs. Williams, Headteacher, Whitecrest Primary School, Great Barr, Sandwell. For services to Education.
Janice Victoria, Mrs. Williams, Member, ACAS Council. For services to Employment Relations in the Health Sector.
Roy Williamson, Chief Fire Officer, Humberside Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
John Stewart Wilson, Head, Agri-Food Marketing Branch, Scottish Executive.
Roland Stanley Wilson, Director and Secretary Association for Road Traffic Safety and Management. For services to the Road Traffic Control Industry.
Mrs Susan Margaret Winfield. For services to the Probation Service.
Ms Elizabeth Winter, Chair, British Agencies Afghanistan Group. For services to Afghanistan.
Nicholas Hugh Winterton, Executive Director, Medical Research Council. For services to Medical Research.
Mrs Andrea Jean, Mrs. Wonfor, lately Creative Director, Granada Television. For services to Broadcasting.
Michael Wood, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen. For services to Cartography.
Laurence Joseph Woodman, Range E, H.M.Treasury.
Brian Guy Woodrow, D.L. For services to the community in Bedford.
Susan Lesley Woodward. For services to the Commonwealth Games and the Broadcasting.
Tom Wylie, Chief Executive, National Youth Agency. For services to Young People.
Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Civil Division:
George Granville Aaron, Nimrod Integrated Project Team Member, Turner Charles Agency. For services to the Defence Industry.
Jacqueline, Mrs. Ager, Supervisor, The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme. For services to Young People in Surrey.
Mohammed Maniruddin Ahmad, Executive Officer, Chemicals and GM Policy Division, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
William Aitken, Customer Service Manager, Inland Revenue.
Derrick Ashton Alford. For services to the Salisbury Hospice Care Trust.
Pauline Mary, Mrs. Allen, Area Housing Manager. For services to Housing.
Jean Elliot, Mrs.Allison, lately Principal Teacher of Music, Wester Hailes Education Centre, Edinburgh. For services to Education.
Miss Janet Elizabeth Anderson. For services to the British Heart Foundation and the Royal Society for the PreventionofCrueltytoAnimals.
Margaret Patricia, Mrs. Andreasen, Senior Executive Officer, Human Resources, Department for Work and Pensions.
John Leslie Andrews.For services to the community in Wolverhampton.
Miss Naomi Christine Arnold, Director of Arena. For services to the Hospitality Industry.
Jill Mary, Mrs. Aylott, Director, Disability Initiative. For services to disabled people Community in Camberley, Surrey.
Michael John Badger. For services to the British Bee Keeping Industry.
Ms Gloria Bailey, Manager, Publishers' Association. For services to Book Publishing.
Noel Bakes. For services to the community of Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire.
Mary, Mrs. Ballantyne, lately Adult Basic Organiser, West Lothian Council. For services to Adult Education.
Diana Beryl, Mrs. Ballardie. For services to the Centre Pre-School, Newton Abbott, Devon.
Cecil George Barbaro, Community Volunteer—working with Surrey Police.For services to the community in Surrey.
Nicholas Birchall Barber. For services to the Children's Hearing System.
Muhammad Abdul Bari, Member, Inner Cities Religious Council. For services to Neighbourhood Renewal.
Joy Margaret, Mrs. Barnes, lately International Co-ordinator, Inland Revenue.
John Robert Barr. For Public Service.
William Charles Barrington. For services to the community in Oystermouth, Swansea.
Charles Albert Bason. For services to the community in Clungunford, Shropshire.
James Edmond Bateman. For services to Medical Imaging.
Muriel Helen, Mrs. Beardshaw. For services to the Samaritans and to the community in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.
Arthur William Beattie, Religious Education Teacher, Ernest Bevin College, Wandsworth, London. For services to Education.
Kenneth Beeken, J.P., Life President, Grimsby Fish Merchants Association Ltd. For services to the Fishing Industry.
Jane, Mrs. Belfield, Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Hugh Bell. For services to Action Cancer.
Barbara Elizabeth, Mrs. Bennett, Personal Secretary, H.M. Customs and Excise.
Irene, Mrs. Bennett, Caretaker, Ballymoney Teachers' Centre. For services to Education.
Paul Christopher James Bennett. For Public Service.
Peter Bennett. For services to Heritage and to Education in the West Midlands.
Susan, Mrs. Bernerd. For services to Children's Charities.
Sheila Marie, Mrs. Bersin. For services to the communities in Halewood and Knowsley, Merseyside.
Lincoln Beswick, Councillor. For services to community safety.
Nerys Haf, Mrs. Biddulph, Member, OFWAT Customer Service Committee for Wales. For services to the Water Industry in Wales.
Alan Birchall, General Medical Practitioner. For services to Primary Health Care in Nottingham.
Alan Birchenall. For Charitable Services to the community in Leicestershire.
Ann, Mrs. Birnie, lately First Assistant, Westerhouse Nursery School, Easterhouse, Glasgow. For services to Early Years Education.
Gerald Edward Bisson. For services to the Royal British Legion and Ex-Servicemen in Jersey.
William George Bittle. For public service.
Anthony Blackburn, Commercial Services Manager, Meat and Livestock Commission. For services to the Meat and Livestock Industries.
Terence Bernard Boden. Assistant Director, Belfast Institute. For services to Further Education.
Florence Elsie, Mrs. Bond, Volunteer Assistant, Highfield Primary School, Plymouth. For services to Education.
Alan Booth. Crime Prevention Officer, Nottinghamshire Police. For services to Neighbourhood Watch.
The Reverend Theodore Reginald Bott. For services to Chemical Engineering.
Peter Ernest Bottomley. For services to the Water Industry.
Margaret Veronica, Mrs. Boughton, Contracts Assistant, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Windscale, Cumbria.
Margaret, Mrs.Bowden, lately Head Receptionist, Newman College of Higher Education, Halesowen, West Midlands. For services to Higher Education.
Wing Commander Charles Boyack (Retd.), A.F.C. For services to the Royal Air Forces Association in Devizes and the Royal British Legion, and the community in Potterne, Wiltshire.
Donald Alexander Boyd. For services to Meteorology in Inverness-shire.
William Boyd, Postman. For services to the community in Bellshill, Lanarkshire.
Anthony Michael Boyer, Assistant Inspector, H.M. Fire Services Inspectorate.
Frederick Noel Boyne, Head Porter, Robinson College, Cambridge. For services to Higher Education.
Christine Susan, Mrs. Bradley, lately Assistant Team Manager, Highways Agency, Department for Transport.
Ms Patricia Josephine Bradley. For services to Financial Regulation within the Financial Services Authority.
Joseph Bragg. For services to the community in Whitehaven, Cumbria.
Mary, Mrs. Brailsford. For services to the War Widows Association of Great Britain.
Elizabeth Mary, Mrs. Braithwaite, Councillor, South Lakeland District Council. For services to the Local Government in South Lakeland.
Leslie Brandon, Manager, London Underground Ltd. For services to Public Transport.
Peter Edward Bridle. For services to Music Education in the West Midlands.
Robert Joseph Brolly. For services to Radio Broadcasting and to Charity.
Miss Sybil Alexandra Brookes, Personal Secretary, Inland Revenue.
Miss Alexa Jane Murray Brooks, Private Secretary, Radio Authority. For services to Broadcasting.
Daphne Gillian, Mrs. Brown, Contact Co-ordinator, Cambridgeshire Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Doris Miriam, Mrs. Cranmer-Brown. For services to the community in Tickenham, Somerset.
John Kevin Howard Brown, Senior Manager, Northern Bank Ltd. For services to Banking.
Peter Brown. For services to the community in Essex.
Stanley Frederick Brown, Member, Pantand Llanymynech Parish Council, Shropshire. For services to Local Government and to the community.
Thomas Henry Brown.For services to the Fishing Industry.
Edwin Fraser Buddle, Manager, Croslink. For services to disabled people.
Ms Mary Theresa Burke, Community and Tenant Representative, Notting Hill Trust. For services to Social Housing.
Adah, Mrs. Burns. For services to OXFAM in Glasgow.
Malcolm Butt, Administrative Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Anthony Thomas Bywater. For services to the Caravan Industry and to Tourism in Wales.
Major Hugh Cameron, Retired Officer 2, Ministry of Defence.
John Cameron, Farmer. For services to the community in Blair Atholl, Perthshire.
Michael Terence Carden. For services to Conservation of the Built Heritage in Hampshire.
William Richard Charles Carey. For services to the St. Clement Danes Holborn Estate Charity.
David Alan Carley, Manager, Playing for Success Partnerships Team, Schools Plus Division, Department for Education and Skills.
Alan John Samuel Carpenter, Senior Inspector, Gaming Board for Great Britain.
Patrick Anthony Casey, Maintenance Officer, Omagh Leisure Complex. For services to Local Government.
Clifford Wallace Casstles. For services to the Sea Cadet Corps in Bridport, Dorset.
Terence John Catton. For services to Young People in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Vijay, Mrs. Chadha, Customer Service Adviser, Inland Revenue.
Eric Chalkley, Crossword Setter. For services to the Newspaper Industry.
Valerie Ellen Catherine, Mrs. Chalmers, J.P. For services to the Administration of Justice in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Anita Susan, Mrs. Chapman. For services to Archery.
Catherine Fiona, The Honourable Mrs. Chapman, Member, Mid Bedfordshire District Council. For services to Local Government and to the Community. Evelyn *Joyce, Mrs. Chattenton, Cleaning Hand, Shaws Launderies Ltd.
Joginder Singh Cheema, General Medical Practitioner, Lambeth, London. For services to Health Care.
John Cherry, Driver, University of Ulster. For services to Higher Education.
John Maurice Childs, British Executive Service Overseas. For services to Eastern Europe.
Om Prakash Chopra, Director, Ethnic Minority Enterprise Centre, Glasgow. For services to Community Relations.
Andrew Christie, Co-Founder and Partner, Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust, Ayrshire. For services to Scottish Wildlife.
Gay, Mrs. Christie, Co-Founder and Partner, Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust, Ayrshire. For services to Scottish Wildlife.
Cynthia Margaret, Mrs. Clare. For services to the community in Worstead, Norfolk.
Kenneth Claude Clark. For services to the League of Friends, Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup, Kent.
David William Clarke, Mining Records Manager, Coal Authority.
Miss Eileen Janet Clarke, Administrative Officer, Marine Office, Liverpool, Department for Transport.
Thomas Patrick Clements, Prison Visitor, H.M. Prison Bristol. For services to Prisoners.
Janette McKay, Mrs. Clinkenbeard, General Medical Practitioner, Edinburgh. For services to Medicine.
David Robert Coghill, Office Scheduler, BAE Systems Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
Maxie Cohen, Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, Redbridge Jewish Youth and Community Centre. For services to Young People.
Anthony George Colborn, Senior Inspector, North Somerset Council.
Miss Sandra Cole, lately Administrative Officer, Department of Trade and Industry.
Edwin Arthur Coleman. Borough Councillor, Wellingborough. For services to the Local Government and the community.
Muriel, Mrs. Colquhoun. For services to Equestrianism in Scotland.
Terence Francis Confield, Team Leader, Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team. For services to Mountain Rescue.
Miss Bronwen Angela Millicent Cook. For services to the St. Lawrence Church Rural Discovery Centre and to the community in St. Lawrence, Essex.
David William Cook, Chair, Board of Governors, St. Michael's CE Junior School, Chelmsford, Essex. For services to Education.
George William Cook, Deputy Commandant, Essex Special Constabulary. For services to the Special Constabulary.
Colin Copeland, Premises Manager, Ealdham School, Greenwich, London. For services to Education.
Vera Norma, Mrs. Corbett, Founder, GKN Sankey Employees' Charity Trust.
Brian Edward Le Corre, Cleaner, Ministry of Defence.
Frankla, Mrs. Corris. For services to Heritage in West Derby, Liverpool.
Iris Elvina, Mrs. Costin, Station Cook, London Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
Valerie June, Mrs. Cottam. For services to the community in Stockport, Cheshire.
Dorothy, Mrs. Courtnell, Pre-School Manager, School of Army Aviation, Middle Wallop. For services to the Ministry of Defence.
Rex Michael Hamilton-Cox. For services to the Royal British Legion in Somerset.
William Coyle. Management Information Officer, East Renfrewshire Council. For services to Education.
Denise Mary, Mrs. Cramer, Senior Personal Secretary, Home Office.
Grace, Mrs. Croall. For services to those affected by Parkinson's Disease in Monklands and Motherwell, Glasgow.
Ms Beverley Cruise, Senior Personal Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Joy Pauline, Mrs. Cunningham. For services to the community in Abbey Wood, South East London.
Clifford Alexander Cutts, Constable, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Keith Dainty, Chief Inspector, Nursing Homes, Sheffield. For services to Health Care.
Robert John Dale, Supervisor, Environment Agency. For services to the Environment.
Hugh Dallas. For services to Association Football.
Margaret, Mrs. Dalton, Office Manager, Employment Tribunal Services, Department of Trade and Industry.
Angela Mary, Mrs. Dangerfield. For services to Hospice Care in Jersey.
Sheila Ann, Mrs. Davenport, Voluntary Worker, Inland Waterways Association. For services to Waterways.
Richard Carruthers Davidson, Farmer. For services to the Rural Community in Cumbria.
Albert Llewellyn Davies. For services to Local Government and to the community in the Cynon Valley.
Miss Anwen Davies, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Chemotherapy, Swansea. For services to the NHS in Wales.
Josephine, Mrs. Davies, Founder, Green Island Holiday Trust for Disabled and Disadvantaged People in Poole, Dorset.
Miss Susan Davies. For services to Food Safety.
Fred Davis, Chairman, Shepton Mallet Amenity Trust. For services to Local Conservation.
George Davis. For services to the community in Radford, Coventry.
Peter Harry Davis, Chairman, Galleon Scout Fellowship and London Scout Councils. For services to Young People.
Sue, Mrs. Dawkins. For services to Carers in Portsmouth.
John Deans, External Affairs Adviser, Support Industrial Partnership, BAE Systems. For services to Industrial Relations.
Sheila, Mrs.Dear, Head Cook, Upham Primary School, Southampton. For services to Education.
Richard John Debenham. For services to the community in Farnborough, Hampshire.
Bernard John Dennis, Export Director, Conren International. For services to International Business Development in Wales.
George Edward Desmond. Audio Visual Technician, London School of Economics and Political Science. For services to Higher Education.
William James Dillon, J.P., Councillor, Lisburn City Council. For services to Local Government.
Beryl, Mrs. Dixon, Chairperson, Bath and North East Somerset Racial Equality Council. For services to Racial Equality.
Martin John Dodgson. For services to Deaf and Blind people in Leeds.
Ramesh Chander Dogra, Librarian, School of Oriental and African Studies. For services to South Asian Studies.
Angus Donaldson, Councillor. For services to Local Government in South East Wales.
Mary, Mrs. Dorrington. For services to the Samaritans.
James Doull. For services to the community in Orkney.
Georgia Hilary, Mrs. Draper. For services to Social Security Appeal Tribunals and to the Guide Movement.
Robert Sidney Drayton, Deputy Group Editor, Somerset County Gazette Group. For services to the Newspaper Industry and to the local communities in Chard and Ilminster, Somerset.
David Leslie Giaretta. For services to Space Science.
Judith Ann, Mrs. Gibbons, Head, Access Audit, Birmingham Local Education Authority. For services to the Education of Physically Disabled Children.
Bryan Donald Gibson, Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Engineers. For services to Engineering.
Rupert Gillard. For services to Blind and Partially Sighted People in Devon.
Miss Wendy Gilroy, Customer Care Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Susan Elaine, Mrs. Glass, Administration Manager, Goole Hospital. For services to the NHS in Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire.
Philip Gleave, Constable, Greater Manchester Police. For services to the Police.
Ms Tina Glover, Director, Junction Arts, the Arts and Regeneration Agency for the District of Bolsover. For services to Art.
Patricia Anne, Mrs. Godfrey. For services to Youth Badminton.
Miss Gertrude Joan Goldsmith, Chairman, Workers' Educational Association, Croydon Branch. For services to Adult Education in the South East.
David Pottie Graham, J.P., D.L. Chairman, Age Concern. For services to the community in Sunderland.
John Graham, Managing Director, York Nutritional Laboratory. For services to International Trade and the Business Community in Yorkshire and the Humber.
Sharon Annette, Mrs. Graham, Voluntary Worker.For services to the community.
Conrad Paul Grant, Managing Director, Mackays Ltd. For services to Industry in Carnoustie.
Ms Sharon Jacqueline Grant, Programme Office Manager, Business Development Division, Cabinet Office.
Edward Ernest Green, Liaison Officer, Windsor Forest and Great Park. For services to Nature Conservation.
Howard Green. For services to the Avery Historical Weighing Museum, Smethwick, West Midlands.
Jane Jenifer, Mrs. Green, Branch Director, The Samaritans. For services to the community in Cardiff.
Joan, Mrs.Green, Voluntary English Nature Reserve Warden, Dorset. For services to Nature Conservation.
Robert John Green. For services to the community in Weston Turville, Buckinghamshire.
William Edward Greene, Function Manager, Chadwick Hotel. For services to the Hospitality Industry in Lytham St Anne's, Lancashire.
Anthony Victor Greenwood, Chair, Board of Governors, Sir Jonathan North Community College and Lancaster School, Leicester. For services to Education.
Barrington Ivor Guest. For services to conservation on Brownsea Island, Dorset and to the local community.
Barbara, Mrs. Gull, Chair, Board of Governors, Maesbury County Primary School, Oswestry.For services to Education.
Ms Grace Gunnell, Integration Manager, New Community Schools, West Dunbartonshire. For services to Education.
Barbara, Mrs.Haley. For services to the community in Stockport, Cheshire.
Catherine Stella, Mrs. Hall, Senior Teacher, Haxby Road Primary School, York. For services to Education.
Muriel Hall. For charitable services through the Friends of Kent Churches Sponsored Bicycle Ride.
John Philip Hamon, GreYer. For services to Sark.
Ronald Hansell, Clerk, Nether Poppleton Parish Council. For services to the Villages of Nether Poppleton and Upper Poppleton.
Maureen, Mrs. Marfani. For services to the Pakistani Resource Centre.
Ian John Marks, J.P. For services to the community in Great Barr, Birmingham.
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Nettleship Marshall, T.D. For services to Priory School, Southsea, Hampshire.
Paula Mary, Mrs. Martin, Transport Manager, Bridge Accessible Transport. For services to Community Transport.
William Herbert Masefield, Chair, Friends of Ledbury Hospital. For services to Health Care in Ledbury, Herefordshire.
Ms Joan Mason, Founding Chair, Association for Women in Science and Engineering (AWiSE). For services to Women in Science.
John Mason. For services to the Sea Cadet Unit in Wallasey.
Walter Stanley Matchett. For services to Photo Journalism.
Margaret, Mrs. Maxwell. For services to Equestrian Sport.
Margaret, Mrs. McAlpine. For services to Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children.
Hugh McCann. For services to the community in Wishaw, Lanarkshire.
Rosemary, Mrs. McCarton. For services to the community in Monsall, Manchester.
Andrew Price McConaghy, Councillor, Moyle District Council. For services to Local Government.
Cyrus McCormick. For public service.
Alistair McCowan. For services to the Applecross Community, Strathcarron, Ross-shire.
William McCreadie, Lockkeeper, Eynsham, Oxfordshire. For services to the River Thames and to the community.
Miss June Alison Alexandra McCulloch. For services to the Royal Air Force Association in East Sussex.
Miss Susan McDonald. For services to Cernach Housing Association.
Thomas Whigham McDougall, Inspector, Central Scotland Police. For services to the Police and to the community in Falkirk and Stirling.
Edward McGarrell, Volunteer, British Red Cross Scotland. For services to the British Red Cross.
Margaret, Mrs. McInnes, Programme Centre Leader, Lauder College. For services to Unemployed People In Lanarkshire.
Richard Fraser McIntosh, J.P. For services to Local Government in Forres, Moray.
Noel McKee. For services to charities in Northern Ireland.
Patrick Joseph McKeever. For services to Young People in Belfast.
Robert Bayne McKinnon, lately Retained Station Officer, Tayside Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
Clare, Mrs. McManus. For services to Wood End Community Centre, Coventry, West Midlands.
Derek Leslie Beatson McNaught. For services to the St Andrews Ambulance Association, Edinburgh.
Mary McQueen, Mrs. Megan, lately Teacher-in-Charge, Loatland Primary School Nursery Unit, Desborough, Northamptonshire. For services to Early Years Education.
Peter Kaye Menhennet. For services to the Leukaemia Research Fund in Nottingham.
Anne, Mrs. Middleton, lately Deputy Scottish Secretary, UNISON. For services to the Trade Union Movement.
Miss Mary Louise Miles. For services to the community in Worcestershire.
Ashley Miller, J.P., Executive Officer, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Herman Miller, Site Security Officer and Caretaker, Canterbury College. For services to Further Education.
Philip Aaron Miller, Chief Executive, Adventure Island and Sea Life Adventure. For services to the community in Southend-on-Sea, Essex.
William Millett, Chair, Mackwest Tenants' Association. For services to the community.
Eileen Rennie, Mrs. Milne, Co-ordinator, Good Neighbour Network, Livingston. For services to the community in West Lothian.
Professor John Alexander Milne, Deputy Director, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute. For services to Agriculture and the Environment.
Barbara Annette Stacey, Mrs. Minta. For services to the community in Guernsey.
Miss Jean Scott Mitchell. For services to Equestrian Sport.
Roy Mitchell, Technical Manager, Thales Avionics Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
William John Mockler. For services to the XVII Commonwealth Games.
Manzoor Elahi Moghal. For services to Racial Equality and community life in Leicester.
Ernest Hugh Moir, lately School Janitor, Strathburn Primary School, Inverurie. For services to Education.
Captain Robert William Moland, R.N. Rtd. For services to the King George's Fund for Sailors in Norfolk.
Commander Donald Moore, R.D., R.N.R. (Retd.) Archaeologist and Art Historian. For services to Archaeology and to Welsh Cultural Life.
Derek George Morgan. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Gwenneth Elizabeth, Mrs Morgan. For services to Home Care in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.
Gwenyth Mary, Mrs. Morgan. For services to the community of Magor, South East Wales.
Robina Young, Mrs. Morrison. For services to the community in Alva, Clackmannanshire.
Miss Lucille Janette Munro. For services to the community in West London.
Robert John Fisher Murphy, Retained Sub-Officer, Central Scotland Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
Rosemary Ann, Mrs. Musgrave. For services to the Heritage of Clifton and Bristol.
Brian Leslie Myers. For services to the community in Willington, Durham.
Judith Diana Hamilton, Mrs. Naqvi, Branch Librarian. For services to the Public Library in Finaghy, Belfast.
John Frederick Neale. For services to Conservation and to the community in Chaldon, Surrey.
Archibald Nelson. For public service.
Yvonne, Mrs. Nelson. For services to the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy, Christchurch, Dorset.
Bridie, Mrs. Nesbitt, Cleaner. For services to the Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland.
Geoffrey Roland Newey, Clockmaker. For services to Horology in York.
David William Nicholas, Special Adviser, Business Link Wessex. For services to Business.
Hugh Nicholl. For services to the community and to Rural Development in Northern Ireland.
Thomas Harold Nicholson, Owner and Managing Director, T. H. Nicholson. For services to the Northern Ireland Fishing Industry.
Eyo Ita Eyo Nkune, Chairman, Grahame Park Residents Association. For services to the London Borough of Barnet.
Alan Noble, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Officer, Buckinghamshire. For services to Adult and Community Education.
Nadia, Mrs.Noble, Senior Messenger, Department for International Development.
Norman John Noble, lately Traffic Warden and Civilian Driver, Hampshire Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Robert Noble, lately Borders Area Secretary, National Farmers Union Scotland. For services to Agriculture in Scotland.
Roger Nock. For services to the community in Brechfa, Carmarthenshire.
Gillian Margaret, Mrs. Norris. For services to Young People in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Nigel David Leonard Norris, Honorary Secretary, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Plymouth. For services to Yopung People.
William Patrick O'Reilly, Chairman, Fisheries Ecology and Recreation Advisory Committee, Environment Agency, Wales. For services to Angling and Conservation.
Paul Hereford Oliver. For services to Architectural Education.
John Frederick Oulton. For services to Athletics Coaching in Scotland.
Julian Owen, Chairman, Associated Self Build Architects. For services to Architecture.
Gordon Padley. For services to Netball.
Kenneth Palmer, Cricket Umpire. For services to Cricket.
Frederick Panton. For services to Aviation Heritage.
Keith Parker, Operations Manager, Coal Authority. For services to the Coal Industry and Environmental Protection.
Helen Kathryn, Mrs. Parsons, Higher Executive Officer, National Assembly for Wales.
Anne, Mrs. Partington, Senior Social Worker, Dundee City Council. For services to Children.
Mohamed Abdulla Pasha. For services to the community, especially to Health and Community Relations in Southend, Essex.
Catherine Frances Paterson. For services to Occupational Therapy.
Russell Philip Taylor, Cartoonist and Writer. For services to the Newspaper Industry.
Margaret, Mrs. Telfer, Janitor and Cleaner, Carmichael Primary School, Biggar, Lanarkshire. For services to Education.
Jean Marian, Mrs. Terry, J.P., Senior Executive Officer, Facilities Management Services, Commercial Services Division, Department for Education and Skills.
Francis Gerald Thain. For services to Swimming and Water Polo.
William Edgar Thom. For services to the Ulster Cancer Foundation.
Christopher Thomas, Senior Telecommunications Engineer, Cabinet Office.
Edward John Thomas, Secretary, Clynderwen and Cardiganshire Farmers Ltd. For services to Agriculture in South West Wales.
Alan David Thompson, Lead Court Manager, Preston Combined Court, The Court Service, Lord Chancellor's Department.
Beryl Joyce, Mrs. Thompson, School Crossing Warden, Derby. For services to the Community.
Graham Franklin Thompson, Head, Science and Physics, Keswick School, Cumbria. For services to Education.
Wesley James Thornton, Sub-Postmaster. For services to the community in Spondon, Derbyshire.
Richard Linley Tickell. For services to Family Mediation and to the community in Wiltshire.
Susan Jane, Mrs. Timbrell, Head of Pensions. For services to the Environment Agency.
Martin Henry Rendell Tomlinson, Senior Manager, West Sussex County Youth Services. For services to Young People.
Edward George Topping. For charitable services in Preston, Lancashire.
Joan Evelyn, Mrs. Towle, J.P. For services to the community in Cornwall.
Jeremy Pettican Tracy, Chief Tes Pilot (Canada), Westland Helicopters. For services to the Defence Industry.
Robert John Travers, Senior Policy Development Manager, Department of Health.
Stella Maris Treharne, Mrs. Turk, Strandings Recorder. For services to Nature Conservation, Cornwall.
Ms Gillian Mary Turner. For services as National Co-ordinator, Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Support Network.
Patricia Ann, Mrs. Vadaszffy. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Dacorum, Hertfordshire.
Ian Mervyn Vaughan. For Voluntary Services to the Homeless in Gloucestershire.
Victor Vivian Verrier. For services to Horticulture and to the community in Somerset.
Charlie George Vickery, Agricultural Craftsman, H.M. Young Offenders Institution Portland, Home Office.
Vivian Arthur Vines. For services to the community in Chippenham, Wiltshire.
Janet Mary, Mrs. Wade. For services to the community in Bradford and Craven, West Yorkshire.
Linda Carole, Mrs. Wade, Administrative Officer, Defence and Overseas Secretariat, Cabinet Office.
Pat, Mrs. Wade, Play Specialist. For services to the Burned Children's Club.
Ulric Fred-Gibson Walcott, J.P. For services to Community Life and Racial Equality in Bristol.
Ms Annette Jane Walker, Managing Director, Opportunity Links, Cambridgeshire. For services to Childcare.
Thomas Brian Walker. For services to Health and Safety in the Construction Industry.
William Wallace. For services to Conservation.
Adrian James Walsh, Information Officer, Publicity Division, Department for Education and Skills.
William Arthur Walsh. For services to the Antrim and Randalstown Multiple Sclerosis Group.
The Reverend Canon Trevor William Walt. For services to the Chaplaincy, Broadmoor Hospital, Berkshire.
Gerard Anthony Walters, Manager, West Oxfordshire Training Services. For services to Training and Social Exclusion.
James Robin Ward, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Josephine, Mrs. Ward, Customer Support Programmes Manager, MBDA UK Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
Martin Wareing, Councillor, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to the community.
Patricia Ann, Mrs. Warwick, Voluntary Cycle Instructor, Cambridgeshire. For services to Road Safety.
Peter John Washbourn. For services to the community in Lincoln.
David Anthony Waters, Distribution Director, Northern Electric plc. For services to the Electricity Industry.
Miss Norma Christine Waterson (Mrs. Carthy), Folk Singer and Songwriter. For services to the Music Industry.
Anne Jane, Mrs. Watson, Head, Jigsaw Nursery Centre, Muirhead, North Lanarkshire. For services to Early Years Education.
Gloria Mary, Mrs. Watts. For services to People with Cerebral Palsy and their Carers in Swansea.
Keith Richard Weaver, Team Leader, Vosper Thorneycroft UK Ltd. For services to the Shipbuilding Industry.
Roy Webster, Director General's Staff Officer (Information and Communication), H.M. Prison Service Headquarters, Home Office.
Mary Josephine, Mrs. Weeks, Manager, Nightingale Community Playgroup, Eastleigh, Hampshire.For services to Early Years Education.
Henry George Barling Weir, lately Finance and Business Manager, H.M. Prison Greenock, Prison Service, Home Office.
Irving Goldsby-West, J.P. For services to the Administration of Justice in South Yorkshire.
Robert Leslie Westworth. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Clydesdale.
Elaine, Mrs. Whalley, Chair, Governing Body, Holywell High School, Flintshire. For services to Education.
Barrie Whyman. For services to the community in Derbyshire and Staffordshire.
William Allan Wilcocks. For services to Music and to the community on the Isle of Man.
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