1920 New Year Honours

Last updated

The New Year Honours 1920 were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by members of the British Empire. They were published on 1 January 1920 [1] and 30 March 1920 (referred to as the 1920 civilian war honours). [2]


The recipients of honours are displayed here as they were styled before their new honour, and arranged by honour, with classes (Knight, Knight Grand Cross, etc.) and then divisions (Military, Civil, etc.) as appropriate.

British Empire



Privy Counsellors



Knights Bachelor


Order of the Bath

Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB)

Civil Division

Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Civil Division

Companions of the Order of the Bath (CB)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Civil Division

Order of the Star of India

Knights Commander of the Order of the Star of India (KCSI)

Companions of the Order of the Star of India (CSI)

Order of Saint Michael and Saint George

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG)

Knights Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG)

Additional Knight Commander
  • Rear-Admiral Richard Webb, CB. In recognition of valuable services rendered during the later stages of the War.

Companions of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG)

Additional Companions

Order of the Indian Empire

Knights Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire (KCIE)

Companions of the Order of the Indian Empire (CIE)

Royal Victorian Order

Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO)

Knights Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO)

Commanders of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO)

Members of the Royal Victorian Order, 4th class (MVO)

Members of the Royal Victorian Order, 5th class (MVO)

  • Eric John Glynne Evans.
  • Christopher Lloyd.
  • Henry Cecil Sumner Maine.
  • Herbert Francis Montgomery.

Order of the British Empire

Dames Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE)

Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE)

Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE)

Knights Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Civil Division
  • Westcott Stile Abell, Chief Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
  • Martin Arnold Abrahamson, Vice-President and Chairman of the British Red Cross Society, Copenhagen Bureau; Commissioner for Repatriation of British Prisoners of War.
  • Patrick Dalreagle Agnew, C.B.E. Vice-chairman and Managing Director, Central Prisoners of War Committee.
  • Brigadier-General William Alexander, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D. Director-General of Purchases, Ministry of Munitions, and Controller of Aircraft Supply.
  • George Henry Ashdown, C.B.E., I.S.O. Director of Stores, Admiralty, and Admiralty Representative on International Petroleum Committee.
  • Henry Walter Badock, C.S.I. Accountant-General, India Office.
  • Thomas Baker, J.P. Ex-Mayor of Plymouth; for valuable war work.
  • Isaac Bayley Balfour, LL.D, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. Professor of Botany, University of Edinburgh, Regius Keeper of Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Captain Walter de Mouchet Baynham, R.D. Master, S.S. Ormonde
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Henry Egerton Barraclough, C.B.E. In charge of Australian Munition Workers
  • James Beattie, In charge of Jute Goods Depot and Honorary Director of Flax Office at Dundee, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply, War Office; Managing Director, Messrs. A.& S. Henry & Co. Limited.
  • Mayson Moss Beeton, For services in connection with the Newfoundland Forestry Corps.
  • Sir Thomas Henry Devereux Berridge.
  • Walter Wheeler Berry, J.P. Development Commissioner; representative of Board of Agriculture on the Hop Control Committee and on various other Committees; Member of Agricultural Advisory Council, etc.
  • Arthur Ernest Blake, J.P. For work in connection with War Loan, Savings Banks and services on the Nottingham Parliamentary Recruiting Committee and Tribunal.
  • William Henry Bragg, C.B.E., DSc., F.R.S. Quain Professor of Physics, University of London; Superintendent of Admiralty Experimental Station at Parkston.
  • Harry Samuel Bickertom Brindley, Ministry of Munitions.
  • Herbert Brown, Organiser of the British Farmers' Red Cross Fund.
  • Joseph Burn, C.B.E. Member of National War Savings Committee.
  • Cyril Kendall Butler, J.P. Chief British Representative, Inter-Allied Food and Relief Mission, Vienna.
  • Gordon Huntly Campbell, Chairman, Collections Committee, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John.
  • Frederick William Chance, J.P., D.L. Chairman of Committee for State Purchase undertakings in the Carlisle Area.
  • Captain James Thomas Walter Charles, C.B., C.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. Master, S.S. Aquitania.
  • Captain Benjamin Chave, Master, S.S. Carisbrooke Castle.
  • Robert Waley Cohen, Petroleum Adviser to the War Office
  • Henry Arthur Colefax, K.C. For services rendered in connection with the Ministry of Munitions and Admiralty.
  • James Currie, C.M.G. Director of Training, Ministry of Labour.
  • Stephen Demetriadi, Partner and Managing Director of Messrs. Ralli Brothers; Assistant Secretary, Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions.
  • Raymond Herbert Dennis, Services in connection with the supply of motor lorries and fire engines.
  • James Lyne Devonshire, Managing Director of London United Tramways, Ltd., and London and Suburban Electric Traction Co., Ltd.
  • John Dewrance, Member of Engineering Employers' Consultative Committee, Ministry of Munitions; Vice-chairman, Managing Committee, Engineering Employers' Federation; Chairman, Messrs. Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd.
  • William Henry Diamond, Services in South Wales in connection with Recruiting, War Savings, etc.
  • Lieutenant-Commander Charles Edward Down, O.B.E., R.N.R. Marine Superintendent, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company.
  • George Keith Buller Elphinstone, O.B.E. Head of Messrs. Elliott Bros., Westminster; valuable services in the design and manufacture of fire control apparatus for Navy.
  • Commander Thomas Fisher, C.B.E., R.N. Representative of Ministry of Shipping in the U.S.A.
  • Cecil Edwin Fitch, Services in connection with recruiting.
  • Philip Horace Freeman, C.B.E. Honorary Secretary, Officers' Families' Fund.
  • Major James German, O.B.E, J.P Services in connection with recruiting propaganda and war charities.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Gibbons. Donor of a large number of Red Cross Ambulances to the British and French Authorities; Donor of Willesden Auxiliary Hospital.
  • Philip Hamilton Gibbs, War Correspondent.
  • William Henry Neville Goschen, O.B.E., Prominent Member and Chairman for 1918 of Joint Stock 'Bankers' Committee; valuable services on many Government Committees.
  • Major Philip Lloyd-Greame, M.C, M.P. Conjoint Secretary, Ministry of National Service. (Later Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl of Swinton)
  • Arnold Babb Gridley, Services as Electrical Adviser to Government Departments.
  • Sidney Frederic Harmer, D.Sc., F.R.S. Director of Natural History Departments and Keeper of Zoology, British Museum.
  • Austin Edward Harris, Late Assistant Surveyor-General of Supply, War Office; Chairman of the Contracts Advisory Committee and Contracts Board.
  • Ernest Maes Harvey, Treasury Representative with British Commission to Russia.
  • Walter Risley Hearn, His Majesty's Consul-General in Paris.
  • Sir Cecil Hertslet, His Majesty's Consul-General for Belgium; Chairman of Belgian Trade Committee.
  • Major James William Beeman Hodsdon, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S, Member of Medical Advisory Board, Ministry of National Service.
  • Alan Hutchings, O.B.E. Secretary of Department of Director-General of Voluntary Organisations.
  • George Lawson Johnston, Member of Leather Control Board, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply, War Office.
  • Bertram Hyde Jones, Civil Assistant to Controller-General of Equipment, War Office.
  • Karl Fredrik Knudsen, Representative of Norwegian Shipowners on Neutral Tonnage Conference.
  • Captain George Edward Wickham Legg, M.V.O. Secretary of the Sailors' and Soldiers' Families' Association.
  • Frederick Lobnitz, D.L., J.P. Director of Munitions in Scotland.
  • Brigadier-General George Charles, Earl of Lucan, C.B., Head of Wounded and Missing Enquiry Department, British Red Cross Society.
  • Thomas Callan Macardle, J.P., D.L., Chairman of the Louth Recruiting Committee, and pioneer of the Irish Tillage Movement.
  • Frederick Larkins Macleod, C.B.E. Adviser on Foreign Iron Ores, Ministry of Munitions
  • The Honourable Malcolm Martin Macnaghten, K.C. Director of the Foreign Claims Office.
  • Hector Murray Macneal, For valuable services rendered to the Ministry of Shipping.
  • Alfred Mansfield, C.B.E. Director of Oils and Fats, Ministry of Food.
  • Basil Edgar Mayhew, Secretary of Finance Department and Secretary of the Central Demobilisation Board, British Red Cross Society.
  • George Metcalfe, C.B.E, J.P. Representative of Stock Exchange on American Dollar Securities Committee.
  • John Joseph Mooney, J.P. Member of Advisory Committee on Repatriation and Internment of Aliens.
  • George Murray, Casualties Branch, War Office.
  • Thomas Drysdale Nicol, Controller and Financial Adviser, Aircraft Contracts, Ministry of Munitions, services in connection with Disposals Board.
  • Commander Franke Bartlett Stuart Notley, R.D., R.N.R. Marine Superintendent, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company Ltd.
  • Charles William Chadwick Oman, LL.D., M.P. Chichele Professor of Modern History, Oxford University; services rendered to Foreign Office in connection with historical research.
  • Arthur Eugene O'Neill, C.B.E. Voluntary services in Requisitioning Branch, Ministry of Shipping.
  • Edward Hussey Packe, Private Secretary to successive First Lords of the Admiralty.
  • Alfred Vaughan Paton, President of the Liverpool Cotton Association.
  • Joseph Ernest Petavel, D.Sc., F.R.S. Chairman of Aero-Dynamics Sub-Committee of the Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.
  • William Petersen, Chairman of British Committee of the International Shipping Registry.
  • Percival Phillips, Senior War Correspondent on the Western Front during the War.
  • George Walter Prothero, Litt.D., LL.D. Head of Historical Section, Foreign Office, and Editor of the series of Handbooks compiled for use at the Peace Conference.
  • Captain James Robert Rae, O.B.E. Master, S.S.City of Exeter.
  • Ernest Manifold Raeburn, C.B.E. Head of the Ministry of Shipping in New York.
  • Harry Benedetto Renwick, Late Director of Feeding Stuffs Department, Ministry of Flood; Chairman and Managing Director of County of London Electric Supply Company Ltd.
  • Harry Perry Robinson, War Correspondent of "The Times."
  • Herbert Thomas Robson, President of the Board of Directors of the Wheat Export Co., New York.
  • Major-General Richard Matthews Ruck, C.B., C.M.G. Vice-chairman of Air Inventions Committee.
  • Herbert William Henry Russell, War Correspondent of Reuter's and the Press Association.
  • Sir Archibald Tutton James Salvidge, J.P. For public services in Liverpool.
  • Edward Marlay Samson, O.B.E., K.C. Recorder of Swansea; Chairman of South Wales and Monmouthshire Joint War Pensions Committee.
  • Charles John Ough Sanders, C.B.E. Chairman of Shipbuilding Employers' Federation.
  • William Schooling, C.B.E. Member of the National War Savings Committee.
  • William Anker Simmons, C.B.E., J.P. Agricultural Adviser, Ministry of Food.
  • Mortimer Singer, J.P. Donor and Organiser, Milton Hill Auxiliary Hospital, Steventon, Berkshire.
  • Lieutenant-Commander Sampson Sladen, R.N. Late Chief Officer, London Fire Brigade.
  • Thomas Smethurst, J.P. Chairman of Manchester War Savings Committee; ex-Lord Mayor of Manchester.
  • Malcolm Smith, J.P. Ex-Provost of Leith.
  • Harold Edward Snagge, For work in connection with the Ministry of Information.
  • Arthur Munro Sutherland, Ex-Lord Mayor of Newcastle.
  • John Swaish, D.L., J.P. Lord Mayor of Bristol, 1914-1915.
  • Major Robert William Tate, C.B.E. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin; Officer Commanding Trinity College O.T.C.
  • William Beach Thomas, War Correspondent of the Daily-Mail.
  • Percy Thompson, C.B. Deputy Chairman, Board of Inland Revenue.
  • Thomas George Owens Thurston, Services in connection with Admiralty Inventions; Managing Director of the Forth Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
  • Captain William Hugh Tomasson, C.B.E., M.V.O Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire.
  • Joseph Turner, J.P. Managing Director, British Dyes, Ltd.
  • Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel David Wallace, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.B., F.R.C.S. Organiser and Consulting and Operating Surgeon, Dalmeny House Auxiliary Hospital; Red Cross Commissioner and Military Inspection Officer to Auxiliary Hospitals.
  • Nicholas Edwin Waterhouse, Director of Costings, War Office; Partner in Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co.
  • Lawrence Weaver, C.B.E. Commercial Secretary to Board of Agriculture.
  • Brevet Colonel Arthur Lisle Ambrose Webb, C.B., C.M.G. Director-General of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions.
  • Captain Maynard Francis Colchester-Wemyss, C.B.E. County Director, Auxiliary Hospitals and V.A.D.'s, Gloucestershire Branch, British Red Cross Society; late Head of the Food Control for Auxiliary Hospitals; Deputy Chairman, Red Cross Central Demobilisation Board; High Sheriff of Gloucestershire.
  • Frederick James Willis, C.B. Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health.
  • Colonel William Charles Wright, C.B Director of Baldwins, Ltd., and Port Talbot Steel Company, Ltd
For services rendered on behalf of the Dominions, Crown Colonies, Protectorates, etc., and in connection with the War.
  • Sir Ernest Frederick George Hatch, Bart ., Chairman of Council, "Beyond Seas" Association for the Reception of Officers and Relatives from beyond the seas.
  • The Honourable Robert Heaton Rhodes, for services as New Zealand Red Cross Commissioner in England, and in connection with the welfare of the troops of the Dominion.
Honorary Knight Commander

Commanders of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)

Civil Division

Civilian war CBE honours list, 30 March 1920 [4]

Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)

Civil Division
  • Captain and Quartermaster Richard Alexander Barber, Royal Engineers, Clerk to the Overseas Defence Committee.
  • Bimbashi Robert Arthur Langdale Kelham, Alexandria City Police. For services rendered in Egypt.

Civilian war OBE honours list, 30 June 1920 [5]

Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)

Civil Division

Civilian war MBE honours list, 30 June 1920 [6]

Kaisar-i-Hind Medals

First Class


Dated 31 December 1919.

Royal Navy
Commander to Captain
Lieutenant-Commander to Commander
Engineer Captain to Engineer Rear-Admiral
Engineer Commander to Engineer Captain
Paymaster Commander to Paymaster Captain

To date from 1 January 1920.

Royal Naval Reserve
Commander to Captain

Dated 31 December 1919.

Lieutenant-Commander to Commander

Dated 31 December 1919.

King's Police Medals (KPM)

England & Wales
Fire Brigades
Police and Fire Brigades
British Dominions Beyond The Seas

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The 1924 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 3 June 1924.

The 1925 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 3 June 1925.


  1. "No. 31712". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 December 1919. pp. 1–10.
  2. "No. 31840". The London Gazette (1st supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3757–3772.
  3. "No. 31712". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 December 1919. p. 6.
  4. "No. 31840". The London Gazette (1st supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3760–3774.
  5. "No. 31840". The London Gazette (1st supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3776–3812.
  6. "No. 31840". The London Gazette (1st supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3812–3870.