They were announced on 14 June 2008 in the United Kingdom,[1] on 9 June 2008 in Australia,[2] on 2 June 2008 in New Zealand,[3] and on 14 June 2008 in Barbados,[4] The Bahamas,[5] Grenada,[6] Papua New Guinea,[7] Solomon Islands,[8] Saint Lucia,[9] and Belize.[10]
The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour and arranged by the country (in order of precedence) whose ministers advised The Queen on the appointments, then by honour with grades i.e. Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander etc. and then divisions i.e. Civil, Diplomatic and Military as appropriate.
Professor Andrew James McMichael, FRS, Professor of Molecular Medicine and Director, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. For services to Medical Science.
Professor Anthony Howard Goldstone, Consultant Haematologist, University College London Hospital Trust and Director, North London Cancer Network. For services to Medicine.
Dr. John Menzies Low, Chief Executive, Charities Aid Foundation. For services to the Voluntary Sector and to Deaf People.
Michael Francis Lynch, AM, Chief Executive, Southbank Centre. For services to the Arts.
Brian Magenis, Senior Civil Servant, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service.
Howard Leslie Mathers, Senior Civil Servant, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service.
Brian Edward McHenry, lately General-Counsel, Office of Fair Trading. For public and voluntary service.
Professor Hugh McKenna, Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, University of Ulster. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Northern Ireland.
Janet Meacham, Deputy Director, Emergency Preparedness Division, Department of Health.
Robin Ernest Vincent Middleton, lately Secretary of State's Representative for Salvage and Intervention, Department for Transport. For public and voluntary service.
Colin McLeod Milne, President, Employment Tribunal, Scotland. For services to the Administration of Justice.
Duncan Mitchell, Senior Vice President, Cisco Systems UK and Ireland. For services to Business.
Dr. Michael John More, lately Chief Executive, Suffolk County Council. For services to Local Government.
Roy Alfred Morris, DL. For services to Economic Development and to the community in Merseyside.
Paul Newdick, Chair of LawWorks. For services to Pro Bono Legal Services.
Professor Peter Raymond Noyce, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Manchester. For services to Healthcare.
Graham Parker, Head of Public Sector Finance Team, HM Treasury.
Professor Ian Philp, lately National Director for Older People's Services and Neurological Conditions. For services to Healthcare.
Professor Michael John Pilling, lately Director, Natural Environment Research Council Distributed Institute for Atmospheric Composition, University of Leeds. For services to Chemistry.
Andrew William Reid, lately Divisional Manager, Institutional Inspections and Frameworks Division, Ofsted, Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Professor Randolph Richards, Professor in Aquatic Veterinary Studies, University of Stirling and Director, Institute of Aquaculture. For services to Veterinary Science.
Richard David Shepherd, OBE, Artist. For services to Charity and to Wildlife Conservation.
Philip Douglas Silvester, Headteacher, Westfield Technology College, Dorset. For services to local and national Special Needs Education.
Councillor Nicholas William Skellett, Leader, Surrey County Council. For services to Local Government.
David Thomas Smith, Director, Business Relations, Special Projects, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Peter David Smith, QC, Chairman, Life Sentence Review Commissioners. For services to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland.
Dr. Graham Nigel Spittle, Director, IBM Hursley Laboratory and Chair, Technology Strategy Board and Vice President, Software, UKISA (UK, Ireland and South Africa) IBM. For services to Industry.
Henry Leonard Tee, Chair, Electronics Leadership Council. For services to the Electronics Industry.
Henry Greville Cator, DL, Chairman, Norwich Cathedral Campaign. For voluntary service to the community in Norfolk.
Lorraine Cavanagh. For services to the community in East London.
Derek Anthony Chadbon, lately General-Secretary, Retained Firefighters' Union. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service.
Charles Ting Yim Chan. For voluntary service to the Chinese community in Greater Manchester.
William John Yendell Chapple, Deputy-Leader, Buckinghamshire County Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Aylesbury and Buckinghamshire.
Jashvant Chauhan, Inspector of Taxes, Leicester, HM Revenue and Customs. For public and voluntary service.
David Guy Clarke, TD, DL. For voluntary service to the community in Wales.
Professor John Richard Coggins, FRSE, Vice-Principal, Faculties of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow. For services to Science.
Dr. David John Comley, lately Director of Housing and Social Work, Glasgow City Council. For services to Local Government.
John Dinsmore Cooke, Head of Near-Market Research and Development, Innovation, Research and Technology Division, Invest Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Executive.
Dinah Cox, Chief Executive, Race on the Agenda. For services to Community Relations in London.
Dr. Harriet Mary Crabtree, Director, Inter Faith Network for the UK. For services to Community Relations.
John Denis Crawforth, Chief Probation Officer, Greater Manchester. For public and voluntary service.
Professor John Cummings, Professor of Experimental Gastroenterology, University of Dundee. For services to Medicine and to Nutrition.
Professor Candace Currie, Director, Child and Adolescent Health, University of Edinburgh. For services to Healthcare.
Professor Wendy Davies, FBA, Professor of History and lately Pro-Provost-Europe, University College London. For services to Research in the Humanities and to Higher Education.
Malcolm Edward Dawson, lately Pay and Grading Director, Ministry of Justice.
Lois Elizabeth Devey, Team Leader, Commercial and Procurement Services, Department for Children, Schools and Families. For public and voluntary services.
Glynis Dowling, Grade A, Northern Ireland Office. For public and voluntary service.
Anthony Duggan, Councillor and Chair, Bedfordshire and Luton Combined Fire Authority. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and to Local Government.
Professor John Harry Dunning. For services to International Business Scholarship.
Chris Freegard, Managing Director, Newport City Council. For services to Local Government in South Wales.
Andy Gale, lately Specialist Adviser, Housing Needs Team, Department for Communities and Local Government.
David Gardiner, Tenant Member, Estate Board, St. Martin's Community Partnership. For voluntary service to Social Housing in South London.
Malcolm Grenville Gasking, lately Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
John Brian Gillow, Chairman, Shropshire County Council. For services to Local Government and to the Voluntary Sector.
Godfrey Harold Glyn, Principal, Barton Peveril Sixth Form College, Eastleigh, Hampshire and Council Representative, Sixth Form Colleges Forum. For services to Further Education.
Robert Edward Green, Head of Forensic Science, Police Standards Unit, Home Office.
Professor Russel Griggs. For services to Business in Scotland.
Daniel Edward Gunn, Governor, HM Prison Glenochil. For public and voluntary service.
Professor Romesh Chand Gupta, Consultant Physician and Hospital Lead for Stroke Services, Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Medicine and to the community in Lancashire.
Dr. Susan Ann Jebb, Head of Nutrition and Health, Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research Unit, Cambridge. For services to Public Health.
Dr. Anthony Michael Jenner, Deputy Chief Dental Officer, Department of Health.
James Johnson, Deputy Head of Banking Operations, HM Revenue and Customs.
Arthur Anthony Joiner, JP, lately Chair, Bristol Magistrates' Bench. For services to the Administration of Justice.
Andrew Vincent Kelly, lately Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Professor Richard Donovan Kenway, FRSE, Vice-Principal, High Performance Computing and e-Science and Tait Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Edinburgh. For services to Science.
Peter Kershaw, Head of Upstream Infrastructure and Median Line Fields, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Raymond Kiddell, Vice-President, Football Association and Founder of Football in the Community. For services to Sport and to the community in Norfolk.
Dr. James Kerr Kirkwood. For services to Animal Welfare.
Margaret Elizabeth Knights, Policy and External Communications PAYE, HM Revenue and Customs.
Dr. Edward Major, lately Clinical Director, Intensive Therapy Unit, Swansea. For services to the NHS.
Rosemary Manning. For voluntary service to the community in Knowle West, Bristol.
Geoffrey Conway Marks. For services to Golf.
Keith McCosh Marshall, Chief Executive, SummitSkills. For services to Skills Training in the Building Services Industry.
Gordon Grier Thomson Masterton, Vice-President, Environment Business Centre, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. For services to Civil Engineering in Scotland.
Alan Moore McCulla, Chief Executive, Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation. For services to the Fishing Industry and to the community in Northern Ireland.
Hamish George McDonald. For public and voluntary service to Maritime Safety.
Dr. Azra Meadows. For services to UK and International Community Relations.
Trevor John Millington, Senior Lawyer, Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office.
Merron Mitchell, Director of Offender Learning, City College Manchester. For services to Education and Skills.
Dr. Abdalla Yassin Mohamed. For services to Community Relations in Wales.
Dr. Julia Kay Moore, Consultant Anaesthetist, Wirral Hospital Trust and Senior Medical Officer, Strategic Medical Workforce Issues. For services to Medicine and to the community in Merseyside.
Dr. James Michael Penman, Head of Response Strategies Branch, Climate, Energy and Ozone Science and Analysis Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The Reverend Sybil Theodora Phoenix, MBE. For services to the community in Lewisham, South London.
Maureen Piggot, Director, MENCAP (Northern Ireland). For services to People with Learning Disabilities.
David Thomas Prest, County Adviser for Design and Technology, Cornwall County Council. For services to local and national Design and Technology Education.
Dr. Colin Price. For public service and for services to Business.
David John Price. For services to Music Education.
Dorothy Rose Purdew, Chair, Champneys. For services to the Health Spa Industry and to Charity.
Mark Radcliffe, DL, Chair, Youth Options. For services to Young People and to the community in Hampshire.
James Blair Raeburn. For services to the Scottish Newspaper Industry.
Paul Roberts, Chair, Creative and Cultural Education Advisory Board. For services to Education and to the Creative Industries.
Professor Brian Turnbull Robson, Director, Centre for Urban Policy Studies, University of Manchester. For services to Urban Regeneration.
Elizabeth Robson, Managing Director, Robson Builders (Hexham) Ltd. For services to the Construction Industry, to Women in Business and to the community in the North East.
John Surtees, MBE. For services to Motorsport and to Charity.
Dr. Per Olof Svanberg, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Sure Start, Sunderland. For services to Infants and their Families.
Maire Gabrielle Patricia Symons, Headteacher, Bishop Challoner Catholic School, King's Heath, Birmingham. For services to local and regional Education.
Margaret Lonsdale Brown. For charitable services to the community in Burgh-by-Sands, Cumbria.
Alexandra Buchan, Neighbourhood Renewal Officer, Greater West Team Belfast Regeneration Office, Department for Social Development, Northern Ireland Executive.
Gloria Eleanor Buckley, Member, Norfolk Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Group. For services to Community Relations.
Marie Ann Buckley, Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dorothy Bulled. For services to the community in Maesgeirchen, Bangor, Gwynedd.
Mary Burd, lately Director of Therapies, East London and City Mental Health Trust and Head of Psychology, Tower Hamlets. For services to Healthcare in East London.
Alfred Peter Paul Burden. For voluntary service to the Malaya and Borneo Veterans' Association.
Margaret Burke, Officer, Dundee Contact Centre, HM Revenue and Customs. For public and voluntary service.
Molly Margaret Burkett, Author. For services to Animal Welfare in Lincolnshire.
Ann MacDonald Burn, Chair, Moredun Community Association. For voluntary service to the community in Moredun, Fernieside and Craigour, South Edinburgh.
Celia Burn, lately Parental Involvement Co-ordinator for Scotland. For services to Education.
Doreen Burns, Staff Officer, Personnel Division, Department for Regional Development, Northern Ireland Executive. For public and voluntary service.
Kenneth Cyril Butcher. For voluntary service to Sport in Hampshire.
Brian William Butler, Director, Resource and Operations, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council. For services to Environmental Science.
Thomas John Butler, JP, Technical and Information Specialist, Cabinet Office. For public and voluntary service.
Linda Cairncross, Administrative Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service.
Penelope Ritchie Calder. For services to Museums and to the Voluntary Sector.
Ian Campbell. For services to the Pig Industry and to the Voluntary Sector.
Roy Canham. For services to Heritage in Wiltshire.
Paula Carpenter. For services to Disabled People in Carmarthenshire.
Janet Carter. For services to the Carter School of Dance and to the community in Hertford.
Michael Cashin, Operations Manager, PAYE and Processing Office, Rochdale, HM Revenue and Customs.
Edward Cassidy, lately Chair, East Midlands Regional Cultural Consortium, Culture East Midlands. For services to the Arts.
Dorothy May Charles. For voluntary service to the community in Leicestershire.
Robert Chicken, Founder, R. J. Chicken & Sons. For services to the Cycle Industry.
Margaret Curtis Chorlton. For services to Young People through the Woodmansterne Operatic and Dramatic Society in Surrey.
Anne Pearson Fleming. For services to the British Red Cross in Lothian.
Justin Fletcher, Television Presenter. For services to Children's Broadcasting and to the Voluntary Sector.
John Owen Foulkes, Deputy Head Teacher, St. Margaret's Church of England High School, Liverpool. For services to Education and to the community in Tuebrook.
Robert Martyn Richmond Fox. For voluntary service to the community in Norfolk.
Alison Frankland. For voluntary service to Swimming in Guernsey.
Alexandra Frith. For services to the Performing Arts, Young People and to Charity in Swansea.
Neil Froggett, Day Centre Officer, Langdale Centre, Blackpool Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the Voluntary Sector.
Sister Christine Frost. For voluntary service to Children, Older Adults and to the community in Poplar, East London.
Timothy William Frost, Solicitor. For services to the Criminal Justice System in Cumbria.
Ena Fry, Young People's Project Manager, Fostering Network. For services to Children in Care.
Ethel Joan Fry. For voluntary service to the community in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.
Jane Fry, Manager of Salisbury Tourist Information Centre. For services to Tourism in the South West.
Christine Fulton, President, Care of Police Survivors. For voluntary service to the Families of Police Officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
Kate Sandra Fyfe. For services to the Kiltmaking Industry in Scotland.
Pamela Bridget Galliers. For services to Foster Care and to the community in the London Borough of Merton.
Jonathan Edwin Gamble, Director for Adults and Lifelong Learning, Learning and Skills Council. For services to Further Education.
Stephen Geoffrey Gamgee, Chief Executive, The Wallich, Cardiff. For services to Homeless People.
Mahamad Gardi, Interpreter and Translator, Ministry of Defence.
Anne Bernice Abdy Gardner. For services to Mental Health through the Crumbs Project in Bournemouth, Dorset.
Patricia Elaine Gates, Personal Secretary, Health and Safety Executive.
David Gee. For services to the Police and to the Voluntary Sector.
Dorothy Olive Gee. For voluntary service to the community in Nottingham.
Michael Gee. For voluntary service to the community in Nottingham.
Patrick Kevin Hagan, Neighbourhood Manager, Toll Bar, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
Daisy May Hall. For voluntary service to the community in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.
Melanie Hall, Regional Director (South West) National Farmers' Union. For services to Animal Welfare and to the community in Gloucestershire.
Sheila Hamill. For services to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland and to the Voluntary Sector.
Eric Mansell Hammonds. For charitable services in South Wales.
Alice Mary Harbey. For voluntary service to the community in Starkholmes, Derbyshire.
Yvonne Susan Harding, Head of Nursing, North East Wales NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare and to the community in North East Wales.
Michael James Henry Hardwick, Chair and Chief Executive, Bristol Children's Help Society. For voluntary service to Children and Families.
Barry Hardy. For voluntary services to Lifelong Learning and to the Open University in Inverness.
Bridget Harrington, Caretaker and Lunchtime Welfare Supervisor, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Primary School. For services to Education and to the community in Blackburn.
John Shannon Harrison. For services to Photography in Northern Ireland.
Catherine Ann Hart. For voluntary service to Physically Disabled People in Leeds.
Sheila Maureen Harvey, Librarian, Landscape Institute. For services to Landscape Architecture.
Dr. Meraj Uddin Hasan, Director, South Wales Managed Clinical Network in Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Pontypridd and Rhondda NHS Trust. For services to Medicine and to the community in South Wales.
John Howey Hassan. For voluntary service to Young People in Cleveland through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Desmond David Hasson, Principal, Ballysally Primary School, Coleraine. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Elizabeth Joyce Ann Havard. For services to the community in Neath Port Talbot.
Gloria Hawkes, Housekeeper, House of Commons.
John Alexander Hay, Senior Lecturer, Deaf Studies, Wolverhampton University. For services to Higher Education and to Deaf People.
Robert John Haycock, Senior Reserves Manager, Countryside Council for Wales. For services to Nature Conservation in Pembrokeshire.
David Jonathan Healy. For services to Football and to the community in Northern Ireland.
Andrew Somervell Henson, Director, International Projects, National Physical Laboratory. For services to Measurement Science.
Angela Hesketh, Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service.
Jacqueline Edith Heslop. For services to the community in Spennymoor, County Durham.
Alexander Highlands. For services to the Voluntary Sector in Greater Manchester.
Sharon Hilditch, Founder, Crystal Clear Beauty. For services to Business.
Elizabeth Hill. For voluntary service to the community in Northern Ireland.
Frank Smyth Hill, Human Resources Manager. For services to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland.
Frances Betty Hinde, lately Deputy Headteacher, Swanley Technology College, Kent. For services to Education and to Vulnerable People.
Geoffrey Roger Hinde, Teacher, Wirral Grammar School for Boys. For services to Education and to the Performing Arts in Merseyside.
Christopher Ian Hines. For services to the Environment.
Susan Jean Holden. For voluntary service to the community in Oxford.
Denis Edwin Holliday. For voluntary service to the community in Dorchester, Dorset.
David Hollingshead, lately Executive Officer, Disability and Carers' Service, Department for Work and Pensions. For public and voluntary service.
Dr. Margaret Holmes, Chair, North Belfast Senior Citizen's Forum. For voluntary service to the community in Northern Ireland.
Peter William Holmes. For services to Sport in the West Midlands and to the community in Wolverhampton.
Christine Alison Holvey, Chief Executive and Project Director, Opportunity Wales. For services to eCommerce for Small Businesses.
Lee Martin David Hopgood. For services to Animal Welfare in Gloucestershire.
Lynda Hoskins, Senior Development Worker of FRIEND. For services to Mental Healthcare in North Somerset.
William Peter Howard, Vice-Chair, Abbeyfield UK (Northern Ireland). For voluntary service to the community in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.
Dennis Hughes. For voluntary service to the community in Blaenau Gwent.
John Woodward Frederick Hughes. For voluntary service to the community in Chelmsford, Essex.
Mary Collette Hughes, lately Surgical Ward Manager, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Erne Hospital. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland.
Patricia Pauline Hughes. For services to the Water Industry in the West Midlands.
Peter Hamish Humphries, lately Interpretation Manager, Cadw, Welsh Assembly Government.
Peter David Hunt, Senior Water Sanitation Consultant Engineer, Mott MacDonald. For public service.
Roderick James Hunt. For services to Education, particularly Children's Literacy.
Zulfiqar Hussain, Chief Executive, Global Synergy Solutions. For services to Business and to Charity in Yorkshire and the Humber.
Peter Hutchinson. For services to the Insurance Industry and to Charity.
Charles Hutton, Senior Steward, Edinburgh Castle. For public and voluntary service.
Janette Hynes, Founder and Director, Positive Mental Attitude Football League. For services to Disability.
Alfred Coutts Ingram. For voluntary service to Mountain Rescue in Scotland.
Mabel Irving. For services to the Arts in Scotland.
Huedel Morgan-Isaac, Clinical Lead, Midwifery Led Unit, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Gillian Jackson, Director, Dyscover. For voluntary service to People with Speech and Language Disabilities.
Norman George Jacobs, Founder and Managing Director, Jacobs Theatre and Leisure Group Ltd. For services to Business and to Charity in East Anglia.
Stephen Jagger, Assistant Director (Strategic Housing), Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Hugh Richard James, Distinguished Specialist and Research Leader, Material Modelling Group, AWE. For services to the Defence Industry.
Raymond Jeffery. For voluntary service to the Thrapston Town Band and to the community in Thrapston, Northamptonshire.
Alfred Edward Jenkins. For services to Heritage and to the community in Clee Hill, South Shropshire.
Myra Gillian Jennings, Chairperson, The Blenheim Project (Bradford and West Yorkshire Methodist Housing Ltd). For voluntary service to the community in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
Linda Jerman, Administration Officer, The Butts Primary School, Alton, Hampshire. For services to Education.
Pamela Jervis, Headteacher, Brookfield High Sports College and Chair, Knowsley Community Sports Network. For services to Sports Education.
Alan Johnson. For services to Vintage and Veteran Vehicle Restoration and Heritage.
Brian Patrick Johnson, Senior Operational Manager, HM Revenue and Customs.
Judith Amy Waterlow Jones. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Taunton, Somerset.
Malcolm Brian Jones. For voluntary service to Pen Trade Heritage in Birmingham.
Peter Thomas Josephs, Outpatient Clerk, Barts and The London NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare and to the community in East London.
Dr. Prakash Chandra Kakoty, General Medical Practitioner, Barnsley. For services to Healthcare and to the community in South Yorkshire.
Kulwant Kaur, General Catering Assistant, University of Birmingham. For services to Higher Education and to the community in Birmingham.
Denise Frances Keenan. For services to the community through the St. Augustine's Centre in Halifax, West Yorkshire.
George Kelley. For services to Apethorpe Hall, Northamptonshire.
Aileen Probert Kells. For voluntary service to the Girls' Brigade in Scotland.
Lynne Marie Kemp. For services to Buckenham Horse Riding for the Disabled Group in Norfolk.
The Reverend David James Kerr, Chaplain, East Belfast Mission and lately President, Methodist Church in Ireland. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Robin Timothy Kiel, Higher Executive Officer, Music and Dance Scheme Team, Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Maureen Kiernan. For voluntary service to the community in Catrine, Ayrshire.
Hilary King, President, World Indoor Bowls Council. For services to Bowls in Wales.
Alexander Kirk, Deputy Principal, John Wheatley College. For services to Further Education and to the community in Glasgow.
Captain David Martin Kirkland. For services to the Aviation Industry in the Orkney Islands.
The Reverend Desmond Robert Kitto, JP. For voluntary service to the community in South Wales.
Carl Klemm, Deputy Managing Director, Toyota (UK), Deeside. For services to the Automotive Industry and to the community in North Wales.
Edna Margaret Knight, Founder, Unique Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group. For voluntary services to People with a Chromosome Disorder and their Families.
Elizabeth Knowles, lately Director, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall. For services to Art and to Charity.
Alvin Kofi, Examiner, Identity and Passport Service and Chair, Disability Support Network, Home Office. For public and voluntary service.
Dr. Kumar Jayant Shamrao Kotegaonkar, General Medical Practitioner, Bury. For services to Healthcare and to Education.
Yuet-Wah Emily Lam-Kwok, Centre Manager, Learndirect Chinese Centre (North of England), Newcastle upon Tyne. For services to Learning and Skills and to the Chinese community in the North East.
Anthea Vivienne Lacey For services to Pharmacy and to the community in Ashford, Middlesex.
Lilian Mary Ladle. For services to Archaeology in Wareham, Dorset.
Ajibha Linney, Director of Public Health & President, Twins and Multiple Births Association and Vice-President, Woking Community Relations Forum. For services to Healthcare.
Michael Anthony Linton, Manufacturing Director, NP Aerospace Ltd. For services to the Armed Forces.
John McKechnie, Executive Officer, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service.
Ann Scott McLean. For services to People with Disabilities and to the community in Swale, Kent.
Joan McLoughlin, School Crossing Warden, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Education in Huyton, Knowsley.
Dr. Alexander McMinn. For services to the community in Ormskirk, Lancashire.
Mona McNee, Teacher of Reading and Writing. For voluntary service to Education.
Gordon McQuilton, Managing Director, Specialised Orthotic Services Ltd. For services to Business.
Yvonne Annette McVie, Grade D, Ministry of Defence.
Gerald Rudyard Struan Mee. For voluntary service to Heritage in Leek, Staffordshire.
Felicity Mendelson, Learning Council Project Manager, Newcastle upon Tyne City Council. For services to Skills Training in Local Government.
John Russell Metcalfe. For voluntary service to Dorchester Abbey in Oxfordshire.
Sheila Edith Millard, Vice-President and Archivist, Odiham Society. For voluntary service to the community in Hampshire.
Ian Kenneth Miller, Commandant, City of London Special Constabulary. For services to the Police in London and Tayside, Scotland.
Valerie Ann Miller, Subject Librarian, University of Kent. For services to Higher Education.
Irene Milson. For voluntary service to the community in Princes Park, Liverpool.
Hemendra Chhaganlal Mistry. For charitable services.
Winston George Mitchell, Higher Executive Officer, Equality Mainstreaming Team, Department for Children, Schools and Families. For public and voluntary service.
Colin Mitton, Construction Works Manager, Costain Ltd. For services to Civil Engineering and to Health and Safety.
Irene Anne Moffett. For voluntary service to the Girls' Brigade in Northern Ireland.
Andrew David William Moger, Senior Executive Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service.
James Mooney. For services to Disadvantaged and Unemployed People in Scotland.
Clifford John Moore, Chief Executive, Milibern Trust. For services to Social Housing in Northern Ireland.
Elizabeth Moore. For voluntary service to the community in Constantine, Cornwall.
Judith Moore, lately County Court Manager, Sheffield Combined Court Centre, Her Majesty's Courts Service.
Margaret Moore. For voluntary service to the community in North Anston, South Yorkshire.
Anastasia Osbourne, Team Leader, Special Projects, Operations Directorate, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Richard Oscroft. For voluntary service to the community in Essex.
Patricia Violet Ost. For charitable services.
Lilian Barbara Ostle, School Secretary, Walesby Church of England Primary School, Newark, Nottinghamshire. For services to Education and to the community in New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire.
Avril Owton, Hotelier. For services to the Hospitality Industry and to Charity in Hampshire.
Christopher Parkin, lately Senior Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service.
Dr. Colin Howard Parsons, Chief Executive Officer, North and Midlands School of Music. For services to Music Education and to Charity.
Balwantbhai Dayabhai Unka Patel, President, Hindu Association of Bilston. For services to the community in Wolverhampton.
Hitesh Kaji Patel. For services to Pharmacy and to the communities in Rothwell and Desborough, Leicestershire.
Anne Pater, Conductor-in-Charge of Music Performance, The Queen Katherine School, Kendal. For services to Education and to the Voluntary Sector in Cumbria.
Christopher Pearman, For service to the Voluntary Sector and to Disadvantaged Young People.
Betty Pauline Pearson. For services to Animal Welfare.
Wendy Peek. For voluntary service to Visually Impaired Children and Young People in Sussex.
Catherine Latimer Peers. For services to the Hereford Garrison Play School and Creche.
Alan Pendlebury. For services to Agriculture in the South West.
David George Perkins. For voluntary service to the community in Ewhurst Green, East Sussex.
Ina Elaine Perry, Higher Officer, HM Revenue and Customs.
Philippa Perry. For services to the Natural Environment and to the community in North East Wales.
Dr. Richard Edward William Pettifer, Executive Director, Royal Meteorological Society. For services to Science and to the community in Sherborne St. John, Hampshire.
Laura Clare, Lady Phillips. For voluntary service to Contemporary Dance.
William John Pike. For services to the Hospitality Industry in Scotland and to Charity.
David Pinniger, Entomologist. For services to Pest Control and to Museum Conservation.
David John Pope. For services to School Rugby and Athletics and to the community in Northamptonshire.
Christopher Anthony George Powell. For services to the community in Starbeck, North Yorkshire.
Gloria Jean Powell. For voluntary service to the community in Hadleigh, Suffolk.
Edward Godwin Price, JP, lately President, Gloucester and District Archaeological Group. For voluntary service to Archaeology in Frocester.
Jack Prime, Higher Officer, HM Revenue and Customs.
Nicholas James Purdie, Temporary Inspector, Northamptonshire Police. For services to the Police.
Joan Purves. For voluntary service to the community in Hutton, Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Saleem Arif Quadri, Artist. For services to Art.
Sheliagh Ann Ram. For voluntary services to the Samaritans in London.
Rosemarie Ramsey, Founder and Headteacher, Mount Zion Supplementary School, Lewisham. For services to Education and to the community in South East London.
Moira Randall, Sergeant, South Wales Police. For services to the Police.
Jocelyn Rawlence. For voluntary service to the community in Pulham Market, Norfolk.
Juliet Rawlings, Chair, Tenant Management Organisation. For services to Social Housing.
Lorraine Robertson, Grade E1, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service.
Maureen Leonard Robertson, Chair, Glasgow Children's Panel Advisory Committee. For voluntary service to the Children's Hearings System.
Eileen Mary Robinson. For voluntary service to the Caterpillar Club.
Gillian Ann Robinson, Founder, Milton Keynes Community Cardiac Group. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Buckinghamshire.
June Robinson. For public service.
Desiree Leila Margaret Roderick. For voluntary services to the Commandos Benevolent Fund.
Shirley Julianne Rodwell. For voluntary services in the field of Appeals and Public Relations, for People with Learning Disabilities in Westminster, London.
Roger Hannant Rowe. For voluntary service to Music in Norfolk.
Iris Roy, Non-Teaching Assistant and lately School Crossing Warden, St. James Church of England Primary School, Haslingden, Lancashire. For services to Education.
Ann Margaret Ruddick, Chair, Tynedale Talking Newspaper Association. For voluntary service to Visually Impaired People in the North East.
Ian James Russell, Curriculum and Quality Leader, Forth Valley College. For services to Further Education in Central Scotland.
Farouk Saeed, Deputy Director, Export Control Compliance and Regulations, Thales. For services to the Defence Industry.
Paul Salveson, Head of Government and Community Strategies, Northern Rail. For services to the Rail Industry.
Brian Samuel Samuels, Regional Field Officer, East Midlands Region, National Association of Head Teachers. For services to Education and to the Voluntary Sector.
Henry Sandon. For services to Broadcasting, the Ceramics Industry and to Charity.
Dudley Alexander Temple Savill. For charitable services in London.
Matthew Thomas Savill, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Ronald Simison. For services to Archaeology and to the Tourist Industry in Orkney.
James White Simpson, Chair, Scottish Coastal Forum. For services to the Environment and to the Voluntary Sector.
Anne Sinclair, Higher Executive Officer, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service.
Bernard Gerald Sinclair. For voluntary service to Redbridge Jewish Youth and Community Centre, London.
Sheila Slingsby, Chief Emergency Planning Officer, Sheffield City Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
Andrew Smith, Purchasing Director, BSW Timber plc. For services to the Scottish Forestry Industry.
Brian John Robert Smith, Administrative Officer, HM Prison Stocken, Rutland.
Douglas Young Smith, QVRM. For services to the Water Industry, particularly Overseas.
Ian Trevor Gordon Smith, lately Conductor, Southampton Youth Brass Band and Senior Music Teacher, Southampton Music Service. For services to Young People.
Jennifer Mary Smith. For voluntary service to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
John Wilson Smith. For voluntary service to the community in Newchurch, Isle of Wight.
Pauline Smith, Deputy Head of Communications, Staffordshire Police. For services to the Police.
Dr. Philip Harold Smith, Co-ordinator, Teacher Scientist Network. For services to Science Education.
Raymond John Smith, Sailing Instructor, Mersea Island. For voluntary service to Young People and to Sport in Essex.
Roger William Smith. For services to Young People in the London Boroughs of Barnet and Brent.
Steve Smith. For services to the NHS and to the community in Hampshire.
Linda Diane Soderberg, Manager, Radiological Sciences Directorate, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare in Oxfordshire.
Joanna Christonie Annie Spiers, Founder and Trustee, Big Buzz, Everton, Liverpool. For voluntary service to Children.
The Reverend Robert Percival Spratt, lately Prison Chaplain, HM Prison Preston, Lancashire. For public and voluntary service.
John Stafford. For services to Rural Crafts, particularly Hedge Laying.
Giles Justin Maxwell Stimson. For services to the Financial Services Industry.
John Francis Stocker. For charitable services to the Hospice Movement and to the community in St. Albans, Hertfordshire.
Diana Miranda Stratton. For charitable services in Norfolk.
Louise Stuart, Consultant Podiatrist, Manchester Primary Care Trust and Senior Lecturer in Podiatry, University of Salford. For services to the Allied Health Professions.
Giles Patrick Sturdy, DL. For services to the community in Dorset.
Brian Summers, Chair, Tourism West Midlands. For services to the Tourist Industry and to the Voluntary Sector.
Veronica Summers. For voluntary service to Older People in Cranbrook, Kent.
Peter Berkeley Douglas Sutherland, Founder and President, Upper Thames Rowing Club. For voluntary service to Sport.
Raymond Albert Sykes. For services to Brass Band Music and to the community in South Elmsall, West Yorkshire.
Shahien Taj, Founder and Executive Director, Henna Foundation. For services to Diverse Community Engagement.
Gerald Tasker. For voluntary service to the community in Royton, Lancashire.
Anthony Peter Taylor, Chair of Governing Body, Walsall College. For voluntary service to Further Education.
Paul Duncan Taylor. For charitable services in West Yorkshire.
Susan Terry. For voluntary service to the community in Shellingford, Oxfordshire.
Beryl Julia, Lady Tindle. For voluntary service to the community in Farnham, Surrey.
Margaret Elizabeth Tobin. For voluntary service to Children and Families in Leicestershire.
Anne Rosemary Tootle. For voluntary service to the Leprosy Mission, West Bengal, India.
George Torrance, lately Facilities Management Team Leader, Linlithgow Academy, West Lothian. For services to Education.
Louis Andreas Ttofa. For voluntary service to the community in Ormskirk, Lancashire.
The Reverend Canon William Reginald Twaddell, Chair of the Board of Governors, Clounagh Junior High School Portadown. For voluntary service to Education in Northern Ireland.
Anne Elizabeth Tyrrell, Founder and Managing Director, Anne Tyrrell Design Consultancy. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Honor Ussher. For voluntary service to the community in Gloucester.
Morgan Lewis Vaughan, former Councillor, Gwynedd County Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Tywyn.
Amanda Elizabeth Wadsworth, Senior Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service.
John Wainwright, Regional Winter Service Officer, Highways Agency.
Janet Wales, Study Support Manager, Runshaw College. For services to Special Needs Further Education and to the community in Preston, Lancashire.
Richard Edward Walker, Acting Sergeant, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to the Police.
Jennifer Wallace, Co-ordinator, Central England, Women's Royal Voluntary Service. For services to the community in the West Midlands.
Edwin John Walsh. For services to the community in Blackburn, Lancashire.
Marian Walters, lately School Secretary, Kempsey Primary School, Worcester and Clerk to the Governors, Kingfisher School, Redditch. For services to Education and to the Arts.
Dr. Anthony Edward Warn. For services to the Water Industry.
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