1923 Birthday Honours

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The King's Birthday Honours 1923 were appointments in many of the Commonwealth realms of King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King. They were published on 1 and 29 June 1923. [1] [2]


The recipients of honours are displayed here as they were styled before their new honour, and arranged by honour, with classes (Knight, Knight Grand Cross, etc.) and then divisions (Military, Civil, etc.) as appropriate.

British Empire


Privy Councillor


Knight Bachelor

Dominions, Colonies, Protectorates, etc.

Order of the Bath

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB)

Civil Division

Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Royal Air Force
Civil Division

Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Royal Air Force
Civil Division

Order of the Star of India

Knight Grand Commander (GCSI)

Knight Commander (KCSI)

Companion (CSI)

  • Maharaja Shri Fateh Singh, Home Member of Council, Jodhpur State, Rajputana.
  • John Hullah, Indian Civil Service, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Revenue and Agriculture.
  • Steuart Edmund Pears, CIE, Resident, Waziristan, North West Frontier Province.
  • John Campbell, OBE , Indian Civil Service, Representative of the Government of India on the Opium Advisory Committee of the League of Nations.
  • George Frederick Paddison, Indian Civil Service, Commissioner of Labour, Madras.
  • James Milne, lately serving with the Inchcape Committee.

Order of Saint Michael and Saint George

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG)

Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG)

Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG)

Honorary Companion
  • His Highness Tunku Mahmud ibni Almerhum Sultan Ahmad Tajudin, vice-president of the State Council, Kedah, Malay States.

Order of the Indian Empire

Knight Grand Commander (GCIE)

Knight Commander (KCIE)

  • Henry Fraser Howard, CSI CIE , late Controller of Finance, India Office, and Secretary to the Inchcape Committee.

Companion (CIE)

  • Khan Bahadur Diwan Abdul Hamid, OBE , Chief Minister, Kapurthala State, Punjab.
  • Rao Bahadur Thakur Hari Singh, OBE, Military Member, State Council, Bikaner, Rajputana.
  • Wilfred Alder, OBE, Indian Civil Service, Officiating Auditor-General, Government of India, Finance Department.
  • James Rea Martin, Indian Civil Service, Secretary, Development Department, Bombay.
  • David George Mitchell, Indian Civil Service, lately Secretary to Government, Legal Department, and Secretary to the Legislative Council, Central Provinces.
  • Eardley Garforth Bryan Peel, His Majesty's Consul at Ahwaz, Persian Gulf.
  • Francis Farquhar Sladen, Indian Civil Service, Deputy Commissioner, United Provinces.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Henry Chenevix-Trench, OBE, Political Agent in Zhob, Baluchistan.
  • Albert Frederic Lucas Brayne, Indian Civil Service, Officer on Special Duty, Government of India, Finance Department.
  • Eric Charles Handyside, OBE, Officiating Commandant, Frontier Constabulary, North West Frontier Force.
  • Cecil Guy Barnett, Superintending Engineer, Burma, formerly Executive and Superintending Engineer, Delhi New Capital Works.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Asher Leventon, Indian Medical Service, Superintendent, Campbell Medical School and Hospital, Bengal.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Hunter, Indian Medical Service, Civil Surgeon, Lucknow, United Provinces.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Robert McCarrison, Indian Medical Service, on deputation to the Medical Research Department, India.
  • Joseph William Bhore, CBE , Indian Civil Service, Secretary to the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom, lately acting as High Commissioner.
  • Harry Graham Haig, Indian Civil Service, late Secretary, Indian Fiscal Commission.
  • Khan Bahadur Muhammad Bazlullah Sahib, OBE, Commissioner of the Corporation of Madras.
  • Reginald Maitland Maxwell, Indian Civil Service, Bombay.
  • James Herbert Hechle, late Registrar, High Court (Original Side), Bengal.
  • Major David Patrick Johnstone, OBE, Surgeon to His Excellency the Governor of Madras.
  • Khan Bahadur Muhammad Sher Baz Khan, Honorary Magistrate, Lahore District, Punjab.
  • Khan Bahadur Mian Muhammad Hayat Khan, Kureshi, of Sobbowal, Honorary Magistrate, Shahpur District, Punjab.
  • The Reverend George Dunsford Barne, OBE, Principal, Lawrence Royal Military School, Sanawar (2nd in Command, Simla Rifles Auxiliary Force, India), Punjab.
  • John Evershed, Director of the Kodaikanal Observatory, Madras.
  • Saw Hke, Sawba of Hsipaw, Burma.

Royal Victorian Order

Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO)

Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO)

Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO)

  • Lieutenant-Colonel John Chaytor Brinton, DSO MVO .
  • Philip Colville Smith.

Member of the Royal Victorian Order, 4th class (MVO)

  • The Honourable Montague Charles Eliot, OBE .
  • Major Richard Hasell Sheepshanks, DSO, 5th King Edward's Own Probyn's Horse.
  • Herbert Arthur Previté Trendell, OBE MVO.
  • Major Henry Hudson Fraser Stockley, OBE.
  • Harry Clifford Longden, MVO.
  • John Lombard Hobson.
  • Henry Linnington Martyn, FRCS (Eng)
  • Herbert Mitchell.
  • Francis Jeune Willans, MRCS (Eng) (dated 3 February 1923.)

Member of the Royal Victorian Order, 5th class (MVO)

  • Jean Marie Claud Barlerin.
  • Charles Coleman.
  • Edward Septimus Courroux.
  • Henry John Thomas Joist.

Order of the British Empire

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE)

Civil Division

Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE)

Civil Division
  • Barbara, Lady Strickland. For public service, 1919–1922.
  • Belle, Lady Cox, OBE , for services in Iraq.

Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)

Military Division
Royal Navy
Civil Division
  • Arthur Balfour, JP . In recognition of his public services. President of Association of British Chambers of Commerce. Member of the Grand Council of the Federation of British Industries.
  • Walter Schroder, Coroner for Central London.
  • Percy Crosland Tempest, CBE , General Manager, Southern Railway.
  • Major-General Wilkinson Dent Bird, CB CMG DSO, late Lieutenant-Governor and Secretary, Royal Hospital Chelsea.
  • Colonel (Honorary Major-General) Ernest Dunlop Swinton, CB DSO (retired pay).
  • Horace Dickinson Nugent, CMG, His Majesty's Consul-General at Chicago, on retirement from the Consular Service.
  • Harry Gloster Armstrong, His Majesty's Consul-General at New York.
  • William Ford Coaker, lately Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Newfoundland, in recognition of his public services.
  • The Honourable Arthur Alfred Clement Cocks, Colonial Treasurer of the State of New South Wales.
  • Hugh Denison, of the City of Sydney, in recognition of his public services to the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Alfred Theodore Hennessy, of the City of Cape Town, in recognition of his public services to the Union of South Africa.
  • The Honourable William Murray McPherson, Treasurer of the State of Victoria.
  • Robert Howard Nolan, CBE, of the City of Auckland, Dominion of New Zealand, in recognition of his public services.
  • Claud Severn, CMG, Colonial Secretary, Hong Kong.

Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)

Military Division
Royal Navy
  • Paymaster Captain Kenneth Sydney Hay.
Royal Air Force
Civil Division
  • Max Julius Bonn. For services in connection with juvenile employment.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel John Southey Bostock, MB ChB, Director of Medical Service, Ministry of Pensions.
  • Frederick Gatus Bowers, OBE, Accountant General, Ministry of Labour.
  • David Caird, Director of Information Section, War Office.
  • Colonel Robert Clark, OBE DL VD JP , Chairman of City of Edinburgh Territorial County Association.
  • Harold Claughton, OBE, Secretary of Disposal and Liquidation Commission.
  • Charles Henry Colson, OBE, deputy director of Works, Admiralty.
  • John Ainsworth Dale, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Northern Ireland.
  • The Reverend Canon Frederick Charles Davies, . In recognition of his public services as vice-chairman of the Consultative Council on National Health Insurance.
  • Rachael Annie Cox-Davies, Late Matron, Royal Free Hospital, and late Principal Matron of the Territorial Army Nursing Service. Member of General Nursing Council.
  • Walter Davies, JP, chairman, Manchester Hospitals Voluntary Committee.
  • Francis Lindsay Fisher, FCA, Member of Disposal Board.
  • Walter Miller Gaul, Assistant Secretary, War Office.
  • John Fitzhugh Gelston, Deputy Inspector General and Commissioner of Police, Northern Ireland.
  • James Scott Gordon, OBE , Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland.
  • Douglas Houstoun, Solicitor to HM Duchy of Lancaster.
  • William Henry Kendal, OBE, Secretary of the Office of Commissioner of Metropolitan Police.
  • John Lee, Controller of Central Telegraph Office, General Post Office.
  • Gertrude Margaret McCowan, JP. For public services in Glasgow and the West of Scotland.
  • Lewis McQuibban, OBE, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Northern Ireland.
  • William Thomas Madden, OBE. In recognition of his services as Honorary Manager, State Liquor Undertaking at Enfield from 1916 to 1922.
  • Alderman Charles Henry Margrett, JP. For public services.
  • George Torrance Milne, OBE, Senior Trade Commissioner, Montreal.
  • Ernest Tom Neathercoat, JP, President of the Pharmaceutical Society. In recognition of his services in connection with Dangerous Drugs Regulations.
  • Agnes Helen Harty (Agnes Nicholls), A leading Soprano in both Oratorio and Opera.
  • Francis George Nutt, OBE, Assistant Secretary, Air Ministry.
  • Walter Peel, OBE, JP, Member of the Central Advisory Committee, Ministry of Pensions. For public services.
  • Herbert Ward, Chief Inspector of Training College, Board of Education.
  • Samuel Watt, CB , Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Northern Ireland.
  • Francis Bernard Bourdillon, a Member of the Upper Silesian Plebiscite Commission.
  • Captain Ulick de Burgh Charles, Commercial Secretary (Grade I) at His Majesty's Embassy at Madrid.
  • Reginald Gerard Leigh, OBE, Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel James Procter, for valuable services in connection with the relief of refugees from Russia and Anatolia.
  • Hubert Wilberforce Wilson, OBE, His Majesty's Consul-General at Buenos Aires.
  • Laurence Frederic Rushbrook Williams, OBE.
  • Jamsetji Framjee Madan, OBE, Merchant, Bengal.
  • Alexander Richard Chancellor, Inspector-General of Police and Official Member of the Legislative Council, Straits Settlements.
  • James Richard Collins, CMG , Secretary to the Treasury, Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Edwin Mortimer Drower, Adviser to the Ministry of Justice, Iraq.
  • John Thomas Easterbrook, of Manly, New South Wales, in recognition of his services to the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Honorary Colonel Edward James Hayward, VD , formerly Officer Commanding Ceylon Garrison Artillery.
  • Cornewall Lewis Warwickshire Mansergh, ISO , lately Secretary of the Provincial Council of the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Major Robert McKeeman Oakley, VD, Deputy Comptroller-General, Department of Trade and Customs, Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Arthur James Philbrick, Chief Commissioner, Northern Territories, Gold Coast.
  • Reginald Arthur Roberts, Senior Resident, Southern Provinces, Nigeria.
  • Alfred Allen Simpson, of the City of Adelaide, in recognition of his public services to the Commonwealth of Australia.
Honorary Commander
  • His Highness Syed Alwi ibni almerhum Syed Safi, Raja of Perlis, Malay States.

Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)

Military Division
Royal Navy
  • Engineer Commander Ernest William Roberts.
Royal Air Force
  • Squadron Leader Lionel Douglas Dalzell McKean.
  • Flight Lieutenant Francis John Linnell.
  • Flight Lieutenant Christopher Thomas O'Neill, MB.
Civil Division
  • Harold Frederic Andorsen, Parliamentary and General Branch, Disposals Board.
  • John William Bloe, FSA, Senior Investigator, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
  • Frederick Ambrose Britten, County Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Oscar Browning, Scholar and author.
  • Alfred William Clapham, FSA, Technical Editor, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
  • David Lionel Clarke, Accountant, Ministry of Home Affairs, Northern Ireland.
  • George Eades, deputy director of Stores and Transport, Disposals Board.
  • Richard Dale Winnett Harrison, County Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • John Blake Harrold, MBE , Registrar-General of Shipping, Board of Trade.
  • Major David Alfred William Ker, County Commandant, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Henry Benson Wyndham Ball Lenthall, County Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • John McNally, County Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Captain Cyril Hamley Petherick, Principal Clerk, Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland.
  • Bertram Roskruge Seagrave, Principal, HM Office of Works.
  • Charles James Gerrard Tate, Controller, Pension Issue Office, Ministry of Pensions.
  • Matthew Tearle, Secretary, Cardiff Branch of Sailors' and Firemen's Union. For public services.
  • William Donald McDonald Cruickshank, a Member of the Upper Silesian Plebiscite Commission.
  • Reginald Eustace Richard Chandos Brinsley Richards, an assistant director at the Department of Overseas Trade.
  • Leonard Arthur de Lacey Meredith, a Senior Intelligence Officer at the Department of Overseas Trade.
  • Ernest Gabriel Lomas, His Majesty's Consul at Rabat.
  • Thomas Emanuel Kavanagh Cormac, honorary Legal Adviser to His Majesty's Consulate-General at San Francisco.
  • Robert William Urquhart, His Majesty's Vice-Consul at Smyrna.
  • Charles Buckmaster, Foreign Office.
  • Mary Birch Mitchell, MBE , Foreign Office.
  • Philip Crawford Vickery, of the Punjab Police.
  • Khan Bahadur Sardar Liakat Hayat Khan, Superintendent of Police in the Punjab.
  • Rao Bahadur Keshav Vithal Kokje, Honorary Deputy Superintendent of Police, Criminal Investigation Department, Bombay.
  • Robin Lescher, Planter, Madras.
  • Charles Frederick Belcher, MBE , Attorney-General, Nyasaland Protectorate.
  • Major Frederick William Bewsher, DSO MC , Commandant of the Palestine Gendarmerie.
  • Captain Robert Ernest Cheesman, Private Secretary to the High Commissioner for Iraq.
  • Charles Francis Clarkson, Member of the Provincial Council of Natal, Union of South Africa.
  • Leonard Hawthorn Darlot, in recognition of his public services to the State of Western Australia.
  • Edwin Evans, assistant director of Education, Ceylon, in recognition of his services to Education.
  • Frederick William Flanagan, Permanent Head of the Valuation Department, Dominion of New Zealand.
  • Captain Thomas John Hallinan, Royal Army Medical Corps, Medical Officer of Health, Basra.
  • Eldon Harvey, Medical Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum and Health Officer, Western District, Bermuda.
  • Joseph Huber, Treasurer, Malta.
  • The Reverend Brother James, Manager, St. Xaviers Branch School, Pulau Tikus, and Visitor, St Xaviers Institution, Penang, Straits Settlements, in recognition of his services to Education.
  • Major John Walter McLean, Brigade Major of Railways and Harbours Brigade, Union of South Africa.
  • Captain Frederick Gerald Peake, Inspector General of Gendarmerie, Trans-Jordan.
  • The Reverend Thomas William Pearce, , in recognition of his services to Education in the Colony of Hong Kong.
  • Ralph Henry Pinhorn, Headmaster of the Penang Free School, Straits Settlements, in recognition of his services to Education.
  • Benjamin William Quartey-Papafio, MD, Member of the Legislative Council of the Gold Coast Colony and formerly Assistant Colonial Surgeon.
  • Francis Ernest Reed, Secretary of the Jamaica Schools Commission, in recognition of his services to Education.
  • Rose Lilian Vintcent, MBE , in recognition of her services in connection with the aftercare of blinded soldiers in the Union of South Africa.
  • The Reverend Canon Herbert Thomas Candy Weatherhead, Head of the Buddo High School, Uganda, in recognition of his services to Education.

Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)

Military Division
Royal Air Force
  • Flying Officer Rowland John Divers.
  • Flying Officer Leslie Hamilton, DFC .
  • Observer Officer Louis James Chandler.
  • No.531 Sergeant-Major, 1st Class, Clarence Herbert Baker.
Civil Division
  • William Allen, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Labour, Northern Ireland.
  • William Atteridge, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Captain Harry John Aukett, Adjutant in County Tyrone, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • William John Cairns, Assistant Principal, Ministry of Education, Northern Ireland.
  • Henry Jackson Clark, District Commandant, Special Constabulary, Northern Ireland.
  • Captain Hope Crisp, Regional Awards Officer, Ministry of Pensions.
  • Samuel George Fenton, District Commandant, Special Constabulary, Northern Ireland.
  • Rowland Herbert Fisher, Acting Principal, Disposals Board.
  • Thomas Henry Fletcher, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Captain Horace Ash Gaussen, Adjutant in Belfast, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Ewing Gilfillan, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Donal Charles Blake Jennings, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Douglas Egerton Keatinge. In charge of Lahore Depot, Disposals Board.
  • Edward David Kerr, District Commandant, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Charles Magill Kirkpatrick, Assistant Principal, Ministry of Commerce, Northern Ireland.
  • Sydney Richard Lamb, Secretary, Sheffield Joint Hospitals Council.
  • James McBrien, Superintendent, Metropolitan Police.
  • John McCarthy, Late Superintendent, Metropolitan Police.
  • Louis James Mason, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland.
  • John William Nixon, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Guy Carleton Richardson, Adjutant in County Fermanagh, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Richard Gray Ronaldson, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs, Northern Ireland.
  • James Ross, Paymaster to County Down Special Constabulary.
  • Captain Raymond Sheppard, First Class Clerk, Imperial War Graves Commission.
  • Kathleen Maria Margaret Sissmore, Administrative Assistant, General Staff, War Office. Cover description: actually in MI5.
  • Reginald Rowland Spears, District Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
  • Henry Taylor, District Commandant, Special Constabulary, Northern Ireland.
  • George Charles Gillespie Young, District Commandant, Special Constabulary, Northern Ireland.
  • Mary Frances Casson, Foreign Office.
  • Charles John Gibbons, Foreign Office Press.
  • Eleanor Harriet Fulcher, Foreign Office.
  • Mabel Palling, Foreign Office.
  • Emily Townsend, Foreign Office.
  • Clarence Rose Macaulay Schmidt, Director of Office Systems, Madras.
  • Harold Mackenzie Browne, Inspector of the Bombay City and Harbour Veterinary Department, Bombay.
  • Khan Bahadur Syed Allah Band, Indian Attaché, Meshed.
  • Sardar Bahadur Diwan Singh Duggal, Civil Surgeon, Punjab.
  • Rao Sahib Raghunath Balkrishna Rajadhyaksha, Head Clerk to the Inspector General of Police, Bombay.
  • Rai Sahib Nelson Charles Bose, Confidential Assistant to His Excellency the Governor of Bengal.
  • Agnes Henderson, Lady Doctor, Central Provinces.
  • Elsie Evelyn Crocker, of the City of Johannesburg, in recognition of her public services.
  • Charles Henry Dowsett, of the City of Durban, in recognition of his public services.
  • Dikran Ekmekjian, Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, Iraq.
  • Alexander James Gill, of Oudtshoorn, Union of South Africa, in recognition of his public services.
  • Claude Reuben Grice, Personal Assistant to the Director of Health Services, Iraq.
  • Lee Peck Hock, of Singapore, Straits Settlements, in recognition of his public services.
  • Rashid Khamis, in recognition of his services to the Uganda Protectorate.
  • Oliver Lea, of the City of Durban, in recognition of his public services.
  • Phyllis Bruce Lys, of the City of Johannesburg, in recognition of ex-public services.
  • Alice Mary McClure, Acting Matron of the Mosul Civil Hospital, Iraq.
  • Engela Elizabeth Mackenzie, of the City of Johannesburg, in recognition of her public services.
  • George Douglas Mackie, Treasurer and Collector of Customs of the Island of Saint Lucia.
  • Robert Albert James Mathieson, Press Superintendent, Ministry of Interior, Iraq.
  • Ada Pitts, in recognition of her services to Education in the Colony of Hong Kong.
  • Nevins Selvadurai, Principal of the Hindu College, Jaffna, Ceylon, in recognition of his services to Education.
  • William Henry James Turner, Sub-Engineer, Ministry of Communications and Works, Iraq.
  • Robert Ward, Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens, British Guiana.
  • Sinnatamby Welayden, Chief Inspector, Vernacular Schools, Ceylon, in recognition of his services to Education.

Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

Bar to the Distinguished Service Order

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

Companion of the Imperial Service Order (ISO)

Home Civil Service
Overseas Dominions
Indian Civil Services

Imperial Service Medal

Indian Civil Services

British Empire Medal (BEM)

Military Division
For Gallantry
For services rendered in connection with military operations in Malabar, 1921-1922.
For Meritorious Service.
Civil Division

Military Cross (MC)

Military Medal (MM)

2nd Battalion, The Dorsetshire Regiment
For bravery in connection with military operations in Malabar, 1921-1922.

Air Force Cross (AFC)

Air Force Medal (AFM)

Kaisar-i Hind Medal

Bar to the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal

First Class
  • Lilian Agnes Starr, Matron-in-charge of the CMS Mission Hospital, Peshawar, North West Frontier Province.

Mention in Despatches

For distinguished services rendered in connection with military operations in Malabar, 1921-1922.


To the rank of Air Marshal in the Royal Air Force

Honorary rank

Honorary Major

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The 1924 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 3 June 1924.

The 1925 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 3 June 1925.

The 1927 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 3 June 1927.

The 1928 Birthday Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The King, and were published in The London Gazette on 4 June 1928.


  1. "No. 32830". The London Gazette (Supplement). 1 June 1923. pp. 3943–3954.
  2. "No. 32840". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 June 1923. pp. 4605–4610.