The Birthday Honours 2011 for the Commonwealth realms were announced on 11 June 2011 in the United Kingdom,[1] New Zealand,[2][3] Barbados,[4] Grenada,[5] Papua New Guinea,[6] Solomon Islands,[7] Tuvalu,[8] Saint Lucia,[9] Antigua and Barbuda,[10] and on 13 June 2011 in Australia[11] to celebrate the occasion of the Queen's Official Birthday for 2011.
The recipients of honours are displayed or referred to as they were styled before their new honour and arranged first by country, honour and where appropriate by rank (Knight Grand Cross, Knight Commander etc.) then division (Military, Civil, Overseas or Police list).
Knight Commander of The Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG)
Diplomatic Service and Overseas List
Dr John Jenkins, CMG LVO, lately H.M. Ambassador, Iraq.
Professor Jeffrey Lionel Jowell, Q.C., lately member, Venice Commission, Council of Europe. For services to human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe.
Companion of The Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (CMG)
Diplomatic Service and Overseas List
David Charles Mount-Stephen Harley, lately deputy secretary general, European Parliament. For services to international diplomacy and UK/European Parliament relations.
Professor Newell Walter Johnson, Professor of Dental Research, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, and emeritus professor of Oral Health, King’s College, London. For services to oral medicine and to public health internationally.
Richard Edward Makepeace, lately H.M. Consul-General, Jerusalem.
Stephan Roman, regional director, British Council.
David Norman Teague, counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Ms Jenny Edwards, Chief Executive, Homeless Link. For services to Disadvantaged People.
Professor Peter Elias, Professor of Employment Research, University of Warwick. For services to Social Science.
Professor Peter Anthony Farndon, Director, National Genetics Education and Development Centre and Consultant Clinical Geneticist, Birmingham. For service to Medicine.
Bryan Ferry, Singer and Songwriter. For services to music.
Professor Brian George Gazzard, Professor of HIV Medicine and Clinical Research Director for HIV/ GUM, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London. For services to Medicine.
Dr. Christopher Shaw Gibson-Smith, Chairman, London Stock Exchange. For services to Business.
Dr. Peter Batchelor, Head of Electronics and Photonics, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
David Bateson, Headteacher, Ash Field School and Assistive Technology Assessment Centre, Leicester. For services to Special Educational Needs.
Geoffrey Anthony Baxter, Founder, Reflex Charity. For services to Youth Justice.
Geraldine Marion (Jodi), Mrs. Berg. For public service.
Dr. Kim Bevan. For services to Disabled Children and their Families.
John David Bewick, Director of Strategic Development, South West Strategic Health Authority. For services to the NHS.
Lewis Biggs, Chief Executive and Artistic Director, Liverpool Biennial. For services to the Arts in the North West.
Margaret Fraser, Mrs. Biondi, Area Implementation Manager, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Alison Margaret, Mrs. Blackburn, Chair, Board of Governors, Harper Adams University College. For voluntary service to Land-Based Higher Education.
Simon Anthony Blake. For services to the Voluntary Sector and to Young People.
Dr. John William Bond, Scientific Support Manager, Northamptonshire Police. For services to Forensic Science and to the Police.
Robert Booth, Executive Director, Land and Environmental Services, Glasgow City Council. For services to Local Government.
Richard Henry Boyd, D.L. For services to the community in Essex.
Dr. Stephen Brain, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence.
Helen, Mrs. Braithwaite, Resilience Manager, Government Office for the West Midlands, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Ms Helen Brand, Chief Executive, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. For services to the Accountancy Profession.
Tim Brooke-Taylor, Actor and Writer. For services to Light Entertainment.
Keith Brooker. For services to Vocational and Technical Education and Training.
Rosalind Jane, Mrs. Brown, Chief Executive Officer, South Yorkshire Probation Trust. For public service.
Sheelagh, Mrs. Brown, lately Headteacher, Warminster Kingdown School, Wiltshire and National Challenge Adviser. For services to Education.
Angela, Mrs. Burridge, Headteacher, Brentry Primary School, Bristol. For services to Education.
Professor Noreen Burrows, Jean Monnet Professor of European Law, University of Glasgow. For services to Scholarship and to Human Rights.
Professor Anthony Kim Burton. For services to Occupational Healthcare.
Professor Alexander Messent Cairncross. For services to Environmental Health Overseas.
Janette Elizabeth (Jan), Mrs. Campbell, Founder and Chair of Trustees, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Association. For services to Education.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Cavan, lately Chair, UK Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland.
Rodney Chambers, Leader, Medway Council. For services to Local Government.
Ms Allison Chin, Headteacher, Swinnow Primary School, Leeds. For services to Education.
Dr. Sophie Churchill, Chief Executive, National Forest Company. For services to the Environment.
Lee Vincent Coates. For services to Ethical Business and Finance.
Dr. Jane Mary Cocking, Humanitarian Director, Oxfam. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
The Honourable Anna Gwenllian Somers Cocks. For services to the Arts.
Ms Joanna Gabrielle da Silva. For services to Engineering and to Humanitarian Relief.
Professor Richard Charles Darton, Professor of Engineering Science, University of Oxford and President, European Federation of Chemical Engineering. For services to Engineering.
Maldwyn William Davies, lately Chairman, General Teaching Council for Wales and Headteacher, Willows High School, Cardiff. For services to Education.
Gerald Vincent Irwin Davis, Chair of Corporation, College of North West London. For voluntary service to Further Education.
Professor Richard John Davis, Professor of Astrophysics, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester. For services to Science.
Ian Dawson, Liaison Magistrate Pakistan, Crown Prosecution Service.
Brigadier William Ian Cotter Dobbie, General-Secretary, Council of Voluntary Welfare Workers. For services to the Armed Forces.
Paul Colin Docker, Head of Electoral Administration, Cabinet Office.
Christopher Dodson, Chairman, Mortimer Group. For services to Industry.
Susan, Mrs. Donnelly, J.P., Service Security Manager, Corporate IT, Department for Work and Pensions.
Timothy James Down, lately Deputy Director, Sector Skills, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Professor Susan Mary Downe, Director of Research in Childbirth and Health Unit and Professor of Midwifery Studies, University of Central Lancashire. For services to Midwifery.
Frank Duffield, Q.F.S.M., Chief Fire Officer, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Local Government.
Ms Lee Eggleston. For services to Issues Affecting Women.
Ms Lyn Evelyn Ewing. For services to Community Housing in Glasgow.
Andrew Nicholas Farrar, Head of Exchequer Losses, Benefits and Credits, Preston, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Gary Farrow. For services to the Music Industry and to Charity.
Richard Favier, Head of Insolvency and Restructuring, Pension Protection Fund. For services to Business.
William Stephen Ferris, Chief Executive, Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust. For services to Heritage.
Dr. Deborah Jane Fish, Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Professor Ian Kimber. Professor and Chairman of Toxicology, University of Manchester. For services to Science.
Ms Diane Kingaby, Sure Start Children’s Centres Service Manager, Nottinghamshire County Council. For services to Families.
Louise Anne, Mrs. Kingham, Chief Executive, Energy Institute. For services to the Energy Industry.
Douglas Kirkpatrick, Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Hawa Bibi, Mrs. Laher, Headteacher, Spring Grove Junior, Infants and Nursery, Kirklees, West Yorkshire. For services to Education.
Professor Richard Lane, lately Director of Science, Natural History Museum. For services to Museums.
Captain Victor Richard Law. For voluntary service to St. John Ambulance.
Michael Kenneth Lees, lately Governor, H.M. Prison Acklington, Northumberland, Ministry of Justice.
The Honourable John Barnabas Leith. For services to the Baha ́’ ́ı Faith and to Inter-Faith Relations.
Clive Oscar Lewis, Chairman, REACH Project and Director, Globis Ltd. For public service.
Rhisiart Tomos Lewis, lately Chairman, Board of Directors, South Caernarfon Creameries. For services to the Dairy Industry.
Dr. Ann Geraldine Limb, D.L. For public service and for services to Education.
Ms Beverly Isadore Lindsay. For services to Business and to the community in Birmingham.
Jean Elizabeth, Mrs. Llewellyn, Chief Executive, National Skills Academy for Nuclear. For services to the Energy Industry.
David Charles Lockwood, Managing Director, Thales. For services to Industry in Scotland.
Councillor Charles Edward Lord, J.P., Lead for Equalities and Social Inclusion, Local Government Association. For public service.
John Neil Loughhead, Executive Director, UK Energy Research Centre. For services to Technology.
Ian Moncrieff Lowrie, Chief Executive, Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council. For services to Local Government in West Sussex.
David Lyle, Chief Executive, Lyle Bailie International. For services to Road Safety in Northern Ireland.
Douglas Thomas Mahoney, International Trade Director, West Midlands Region, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Ms Rajinder Kaur Mann. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic People.
Graham Leslie Marchant. For services to the Arts.
Dr. Stephen Marsh-Smith. For services to the Environment and to Conservation on the Rivers Wye and Usk.
Ms Claire Martin, Jazz Singer. For services to Music.
Paul Darren Martin, Chief Executive, Lesbian and Gay Foundation. For services to Equal Opportunities.
Thomas McAlpine, Chairman, Mood Swings Network Charity. For services to Mental Healthcare.
Miss Christine Byrne McCann, lately Headteacher, Notre Dame Catholic College for Arts, Liverpool. For services to Education.
David Alexander McClurg, M.B.E., Chairman, Northern Ireland Police Fund. For services to the Police in Northern Ireland.
Philip McDonagh. For public service in Northern Ireland.
Roy James McEwan, Chief Executive, Scottish Chamber Orchestra. For services to Music.
Professor William Alexander Campbell McKelvey, Chief Executive and Principal, Scottish Agricultural College. For services to the Agricultural Industry. *David McKenna, Chief Executive, Victim Support Scotland. For services to Disadvantaged People.
Dr. Alan Lorimer McKenzie, Director of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Medicine.
John McMullan, M.B.E., Chief Executive, Bryson Charitable Group. For services to Social Enterprise in Northern Ireland.
Miss Bernadette McNally, Director, Social and Primary Care Services and Executive Director, Social Work, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. For public service.
Ms Heather Jean Mellows, lately Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South Yorkshire. For services to Medicine.
Emran Mian, lately Secretary, Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Iain Henry Miller, Vice-Chairman, Doosan Power Systems Ltd. For services to the Engineering Industry.
Jane White Bridgid, Mrs. Miller, Headteacher, West Earlham Infant School, Norfolk. For services to Education.
Dr. William Hugh Milroy, Chief Executive, Veterans’ Aid. For services to ex-Servicemen and Women.
Meena, Mrs. Modi, Headteacher, Chater Infant School, Hertfordshire. For services to Education.
Dr. John Michael Mohin. For services to Industry and to Charity in the North West.
Peter Kevin Moore. For services to the Life Sciences and Chemicals Industry in Scotland.
Graham John Morris. For services to the Motor Industry and to Charity.
Ms Mia Judith Morris. For services to Black Heritage and to the community in South London.
Keith Mowbray, Group Business Development Director, Dytecna Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
Ms Angela Mary Murphy, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), University of Central Lancashire. For services to Higher Education.
Wendy, Mrs. Murphy, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence. James Murray. For services to People with Autism.
Dr. Roger Harvey Neighbour, Primary Care Educator, London. For services to Medical Education.
Stephen Christopher Neville. For charitable services.
Professor Donald Nicolson, Director, University of Strathclyde Law Clinic. For services to the Legal Profession.
Bronwen Eileen, Mrs. Northmore, lately Director, Cleaner Fossil Fuels Directorate, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Frank Goodwin Norville, Chairman, Norville Optical. For services to Manufacturing.
Professor Elisabeth Willemien Paice, Visiting Professor, Professorial Department of Surgery, Imperial College. For services to Medicine.
John David Parkinson, Assistant Chief Constable, West Yorkshire Police. For services to the Police.
Mark Nigel Parkinson, Head, Devolution Branch, Devolved Countries Unit, H.M. Treasury.
Mayank Bachubhai Patel, Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Azibo Group. For services to the Financial Services Industry and to Entrepreneurship. *Professor Audrey Margarete Paterson, Director of Professional Policy, Society of Radiographers. For services to Healthcare.
Dr. Kay Pattison, National Research Programme Manager, Research and Development Directorate, Department of Health.
Ms Beverley Penney. For services to Ramblers in Cymru.
Dr. Geoffrey Norman James Port. For services to Higher Education.
Catherine, Mrs. Purdy, Chief Executive, Vela Homes. For services to Local Government.
Mark Pyper, lately Principal, Gordonstoun School, Elgin. For services to Education.
Samuel Glenn Reilly, lately Principal, Limavady High School. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Jeremy Whichcote Phillips Richardson, lately Chief Executive, Injured Jockey’s Fund. For services to Horseracing.
Charles Mark Ridgway, Managing Director, Group Rhodes. For services to Industry.
Philip Roberts, Assistant Director, Airspace Policy, Civil Aviation Authority. For services to the Airline Industry.
Simon Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Sustainable Energy. For services to the Renewables Industry.
Nicholas Robertson, Chief Executive, For services to the Fashion Industry.
Rebecca, Mrs. Rumpler, Founding Director, Side-by- Side. For services to Special Educational Needs.
Stephen Rumsey. For services to Nature Conservation.
Kuldip Rupra. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in the East of England.
Mark Henry Sanders, Chief Executive, Bury Council. For services to Local Government.
Christopher Schultheiss, Chief Executive, For services to the Armed Forces.
Diana Catherine Brett, Mrs. Schumacher. For services to the Environment, Sustainable Development and to Humanitarian Issues.
Paul Edwin Sewell. For services to Business and to the community in Kingston-upon-Hull.
Jill, Mrs. Shortland. For services to Local Government in Somerset.
Dr. Nasser Siabi, Chief Executive, Microlink PC (UK) Ltd. For services to Disabled People.
Professor Mona Siddiqui, Director, Centre for the Study of Islam, University of Glasgow. For services to Inter-Faith Relations.
Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh, Chair, British Sikh Educational Council. For services to Education and to Inter-Faith Understanding.
Alan Smith, Head, Data Visualisation Unit, Methodology Directorate, Office for National Statistics.
David Sparkes. For services to Swimming.
Ms Marcelle Speller, Philanthropist. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
John Hall Spencer. For services to Business, Charity and to Young People in London.
Gavin Stewart, lately Deputy Pension Centre Manager, Motherwell Pension Centre, Pension, Disability and Carers’ Service, Department for Work and Pensions.
Professor Peter Gregory Stone, Professor of Heritage Studies, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University. For services to Heritage Education.
Ms Tricia Brennan, head, Criminal Justice Department, Essex Police. For services to the Police.
Romy, Mrs. Briant. For services to the Prevention of Domestic Violence in Oxfordshire.
James Ronald Brooks. For services to Libraries in Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire.
Ms Deborah Browett, lately chair, Spectrum Support Network, Home Office.
James Brown. For services to the community in EastBelfast, Northern Ireland.
Margaret, Mrs. Bruhin. For voluntary service to the British Red Cross Society in North Wales.
Patricia Doris, Mrs. Budd, breast services manager, Essex County Hospital, Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Peter Bunting, programme manager, KBR. For services to the Defence Industry.
Gary Burchmore. For services to the community in Goldington, Bedford.
Christine Marjorie, Mrs. Burden. For services to Older People in Oxford.
Carolyn Mary, Mrs. Burgess. For services to Business in Yorkshire and the Humber.
Michael Richard Butler, D.L., county commissioner, Norfolk Scouts. For services to Young People.
Nazir Ahmed Butt. For services to Community Cohesion in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Councillor Joan Butterfield, chair, Rhuddlan Borough Council. For services to Local Government in Rhyl, Denbighshire.
Shaun Joseph Byatt, manager, Dorset Mental Health Forum. For services to Healthcare.
Pauline, Mrs. Byers, nurse and company director, Practice Development Unit, Derby. For services to Healthcare.
Diana Vivienne, Mrs. Caldicott. For voluntary service to the WRVS Laundry Service in Malvern, Worcestershire.
Princess, Mrs. Campbell. For services to the community in Bristol.
Lesley Catherine, Mrs. Caple. For services to the Medical Research Council.
Gilo Cardozo, director, Gilo Industries Research Ltd and Parajet UK Ltd. For services to Business.
Phyllis Elizabeth Margaret, Mrs. Carrothers, chair, Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Widows' Association. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Irene, Mrs. Carson. For services to the community in Greenisland, Northern Ireland.
Miss Jacqueline Anne Cass. For voluntary service to Thames Valley Kings Wheelchair Basketball Club.
Charles Cecil, director, Revolution Software Ltd. For services to the Computer Games Industry.
Dr. Betty Maureen Chambers, chair of Admissions Appeals Panel, Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. For services to Education.
Professor Jose Elizabeth Chambers, director, Winchester Comino Foundation and lately assistant vice-chancellor, University of Winchester. For services to Higher Education.
Jane, Mrs. Chapman, manager and director, Living Springs Family Centre. For services to Families in the West Midlands.
Major Ronald Charles William Chisholm, lately Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Alan Christie, senior professional and technology officer, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Charles Clapham, chairman, Palace Chemicals Ltd. For services to Manufacture and to Football in Merseyside.
Ms Claire Clark, patissier. For services to the Food Industry.
James Clark, chairman, Croft Community. For services to Special Needs in Northern Ireland.
Helen Mary, Mrs. Clarke. For services to Mental Healthcare in Surrey.
Miss Mary Ruth Clarke, head of Midwifery Services, Belfast Trust and chair, Managers' Forum, Royal College of Midwives Northern Ireland. For services to Healthcare.
Linda, Mrs. Clarkson. For services to the community in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire.
Miss Doreen Cheryl Class. For services to Young People in the London Borough of Hackney.
Ms Catherine Mary Clear. For services to the community in Tordmorden, West Yorkshire.
Dr. Robin Edward Stevenson Clegg, head of Science in Society, Science and Technology Facilities Council. For services to Science.
Shirley Grace, Mrs. Clemo. For services to Gardening in St. Austell, Cornwall.
Ms Jacqueline Ann Clifton. For services to Music and to Visually Impaired People.
Michael Carey Clinch. For services to Victims and Witnesses in Somerset.
Douglas Cobb. For services to the community in Ipswich, Suffolk.
Miss Christine Cole, epilepsy nurse specialist. For services to People with Special Needs.
Bryan Arthur Collier. For services to the community in the London Borough of Newham.
Roderick Anthony Crook. For services to Education and to Fostering in Devon.
Margaret, Mrs. Crooks. For services to the community in Cookstown, Northern Ireland.
Amanda Catherine, Mrs. Crust, administration officer, Lost Stolen and Recovered Passport Team Examiner, Identity and Passport Service Belfast, Home Office.
Jean, Mrs. Cullen. For services to the community in Eastham, Wirral, Merseyside.
Dr. Peter Gerard Cunningham, principal, Ceara Special School. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Scott Cunningham, administration officer, customer operations, Edinburgh, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Rosemary Theresa, Mrs. Cusack, chair, Debdale and Woodlands Community Association. For services to the community in Gorton, Manchester.
Mark Bernard Cutler. For services to Maxillofacial Prosthetics.
Sheila Maeve, Mrs. Daley, clerk to the corporation, Westminster Kingsway College. For services to Further Education.
Donald Dargavel. For services to the community in Hyde, Cheshire.
Margaret Rose, Mrs. Dargavel. For services to the community in Hyde, Cheshire.
Ms Susan Dauncey, legal adviser, Avon and Somerset Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Ann Peregrine, Mrs. Davies, lately chair, Neighbourhood Watch Association. For services to the community in Swansea.
Colonel David Llewellin Davies, T.D., D.L. For services to Farming in Wales.
Dr. Jeremy Robin Davies, honorary research associate, British Geological Survey. For services to Science.
John Davies, lately director for Wales, Planning Inspectorate, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Michael Davies. For services to Livestock Farming in West Wales.
Michael Roger Davies. For services to the Co-operative Movement and to the community in South Wales.
Richard James Davies, director, Marches Energy Agency. For services to Sustainable Energy.
Ann, Mrs. Davis, executive officer, Corporate IT, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Jane Davis, founder, Reader Organisation. For services to Reader Development.
Mark Anthony Davis, Grade C2, Ministry of Defence.
Teresa, Mrs. Dawes, lately teacher, Park House School and Sports College, Berkshire. For services to Education.
William Thompson Dawson. For voluntary service to Leukaemia Research in Northern Ireland.
James Julian Dean. For services to Social Housing in South West London.
John William Deeble. For services to the community in Alnwick, Northumberland.
Jane Elizabeth, Mrs. Delfino, director of enterprise and internationalism, United Learning Trust, Manchester Academy. For services to Education.
Christopher Peter Denard, head of Trading Standards, Surrey County Council. For services to Local Government and to Consumers.
Gurcharan Singh Dhesi, sergeant, Metropolitan Police Special Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Geoffrey Ronald Dicks. For services to Macroeconomics.
Ms Jan Dinsdale. For services to the Sport of Blind Golf in Northern Ireland.
Elsie, Mrs. Dixon. For services to the community in Benwell, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Robert Hugh David Dixon. For services to Heritage in the North East.
Councillor William Gene Dixon. For services to Local Government in Darlington, County Durham.
Ms Joy Doal. For services to Vulnerable Women in Birmingham.
Geoffrey Dodds. For services to the community in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear.
Heather, Councillor Mrs. Henshaw. For services to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and to the community in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.
Ms Joan Henthorn, lately senior laboratory scientist, National Screening Programme for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Programme, Central Middlesex Hospital, London. For services to Healthcare.
Ronald Hamby Hepworth. For services to the community in Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Peter Hewitt. For services to the community in Tilbury, Essex.
Nigel Hildreth, head of music and performing arts, Colchester Sixth Form College. For services to Education.
Edward John Hill. For services to the Voluntary Sector in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and London.
Elliott Hill. For services to Young People in Berwick- upon-Tweed, Northumberland.
Michael James Hill, chairman, Charing Cross Kidney Patients' Association. For services to Healthcare.
Rodney Augustus Sidney Hodgman. For services to the community in Bath, Somerset.
Penelope Christine, Mrs. Hoey. For services to Heritage in Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lincolnshire.
Joyce, Mrs. Holgate. For services to Local Government in Ribble Valley, Lancashire.
David Andrew Holmes, director, How Hill Trust. For services to Environmental Education in Norfolk.
Jenifer Ann (Jane), Mrs. Holmes. For services to Save the Children in Wells, Somerset.
Frank Horwill, Athletics Coach. For voluntary service to Sport.
Laurie, Mrs. Hough, senior executive officer, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Kathleen Patricia, Mrs. Hovey. For services to the community in Kendal, Cumbria.
Ms Carolyn Howell. For services to the Mortgage Rescue Scheme.
Amanda, Mrs. Hudson. For services to the community in Fleetwood, Lancashire.
Ms Bronach Hughes. For services to the community in Thames Ditton, Surrey.
David Brinley Hughes. For services to HMS Trincomalee and to the Tourist Industry in Hartlepool, County Durham.
Michael John Hughes. For services to Legal Education.
Rowenna Margaret, Mrs. Hughes, lately physiotherapist, King’s College Hospital, London. For services to Healthcare and to Disabled People.
Robert Hull, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Delyth, Mrs. Humfryes, chair, Dyfed Powys Police Authority. For services to the community in West Wales.
Raymond John Humphries. For services to the community in Shaftesbury, Dorset.
Barbara Doris, Mrs. Hobbs-Hurrell, foster carer, Southend-on-Sea Council. For services to Families.
Maurice Hobbs-Hurrell, foster carer, Southend-on-Sea Council. For services to Families.
Azhar Hussain. For services to Motorsport.
Louis Charles Hylton, constable, West Mercia Police. For services the Police.
Susan Elizabeth, Mrs. Jenkinson. For charitable services.
Ms Jennifer Angela Johnson. For services to Homeless Young People in the West Midlands.
James Johnsone, director, Tees Valley Living. For services to the Housing Sector in the North East.
Robert John Johnston, councillor, Fermanagh District Council. For services to Local Government in Northern Ireland.
Rosemary Christine, Mrs. Jolly. For services to the community in Lancashire.
Christopher Rufus Jones, national president, Farm Crisis Network. For services to Agriculture.
Cyril Jones. For services to the community in Rhondda Cynon Taff.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Martin-Jones, J.P., chair of Governors, Penydre High School. For services to Education and to the community in Merthyr Tydfil.
Richard Jones, lately deputy director and head of the Employment Relations Team, Royal College of Nursing. For services to Healthcare in Wales.
The Reverend Winifred Jones. For services to the community in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire.
Dilys, Mrs. Joyce. For voluntary service to the National Blood Service.
Walter Anselm Henry Kahn. For services to Gliding.
Devinder Kalhan, group manager, Adults and Communities Directorate, Birmingham City Council. For services to Local Government and to Inter-Faith Relations.
Ms Kamaljit Kaur. For services to Equal Opportunities for Asian Women.
Ian Keith Kemp, head of Operational Command, Traffic, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Gillian, Mrs. Kennett. For services to Healthcare and to the community in the Isle of Wight.
Margaret, Mrs. Kerr. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Oswestry, Shropshire.
Dr. Edward Kessler, founding director, Woolf Institute. For services to Inter-Faith Relations.
Dr. Christopher John Rossiter Kettler. For services to Orthodontics.
Ashley Michael Kidd, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence. Robert King. For services to the Tourist Industry and to Disadvantaged People in Norfolk.
Miss Brooke Kinsella. For services to the Prevention of Knife Crime.
Julie Hilda, Mrs. Kirby, foster carer, Children’s Family Trust, Worcestershire. For services to Families.
John Robson Kirkup, curator, Hunterian Museum. For services to Medical Heritage.
Malcolm Kitson. For voluntary service to Southampton General Hospital.
Steven Knapik. For services to Young People in Merthyr Tydfil and in Poland.
David Knight, for services to the Sport of Motorcycling.
Jyotsna Arun, Mrs. Kotnis. For services to Community Relations in Northamptonshire.
Parvinder Singh Lalli, executive officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Donald Ramsay Lamont, H.M. Principal Specialist Inspector of Health and Safety (Civil Engineering), Department for Work and Pensions.
Sharon, Mrs. Lamont, head of Foundation Stage, Millburn Primary School. For services to Early Years Education in Northern Ireland.
Margaret Christine, Mrs. Langton. For services to the community in Chattisham, Suffolk.
John Stephen Scott Langtree, vice-president, Chester Civic Trust. For services to the community in Cheshire.
Kenneth Lawrence. For charitable services in Neath Port Talbot.
Joan Elizabeth, Mrs. Lean, deputy head, Cathays Park Facilities Management, Welsh Assembly Government.
Iris Doreen, Mrs. Leary. For services to the community in Newport Pagnall, Buckinghamshire.
Joanne, Mrs. Lewis, higher officer, Finance and Performance Team, Benefit and Credits, Preston, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Martin John Lightfoot. For services to Heritage in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.
Christopher Charles Linacre, lately executive director of service development, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare.
John Rodney Lingard, T.D., lately higher executive officer, Estates and Facilities Management Division, Department for Education.
Jason Coeur-de-Lion, IT officer, customer operations, Northampton, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Ms Sarah Lloyd. For services to the community in Winchester, Hampshire.
Kathleen, Mrs. Lovatt, health visitor, NHS Sheffield. For services to Healthcare.
Derrick Lovell. For voluntary service to Archery.
Dr. Tim Lucas. For services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People.
Mary, Mrs. Lythgoe. For charitable services in South West Wales.
Dr. Kenneth James MacDonald. For voluntary service to the Royal British Legion Scotland.
Michael William Macey. For services to Music and to the community in Welling, Kent.
Ms Margaret MacKenzie. For services to the community in the Isle of Arran.
Eric James Walter MacKie. For services to the community in East Grinstead, West Sussex.
Ms Helen MacKinnon, director of nursing, NHS Education for Scotland. For services to Healthcare.
Dr. Frederick James MacSorley, general medical practitioner, Lurgan. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland.
Andrea, Mrs. Maddocks, founder and chief executive, Mentor Link Charity. For services to Young People.
Stephen Magorrian, managing director, Botanic Inns Ltd. For services to the Hospitality Industry and to the community in Northern Ireland.
Patricia, Mrs. Mann, superintendent registrar, East Riding of Yorkshire. For services to Local Government.
Judith, Mrs. Manners. For services to the Independent Monitoring Board, H.M. Prison Featherstone, Wolverhampton.
Winifred Valerie, Mrs. Marrison, lately research postgraduate administrator and student disability officer, School of Geography, University of Leeds. For services to Higher Education.
John James Shepherd Marston, chairman, Estates and Capital Projects Committee, Ealing Hammersmith and West London College. For services to Further Education.
David Martin. For services to the community in Leeds.
Evelyn, Mrs. Martin. For services to Islington Home Care Service, London.
Kathie, Mrs. Martin, manager, Orbit Care and Repair. For services to Older People in Coventry, West Midlands.
Dr. Raymond William Matthews, chairman, Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve. For services to Conservation in Cambridgeshire.
Dolores, Mrs. McAlinden, Home Help. For services to Older People in Kilkeel, County Down.
Sheila Ann, Mrs. Taylor, chief executive, Safe and Sound Charity, Derby. For services to Children.
Stephen Taylor, teacher, Greenwood Academy, North Ayrshire. For services to Schools Chess.
Ms Pauline Teddy. For services to Young People in Southmead, Bristol.
David Gwyn Thomas, Grade D, Ministry of Defence.
Susan Dawn, Mrs. Thomas. For charitable services in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
Chief Charles Coblah Cheata Thompson. For services to the Black Film Industry.
Judith Elizabeth, Mrs. Thompson, lately chair, board of trustees, Pre-school Learning Alliance. For services to Families.
Joan Constance, Mrs. Thomson. For services to the community in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Dorothy, Mrs. Thornhill. For services to Local Government in Watford, Hertfordshire.
Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. Titmuss. For public service.
Karen Lorraine, Mrs. Todd. For public service.
Rabbi Dr. Chanan Tomlin. For services to Education and to the Jewish community in Manchester and London.
John Leslie Townend, communication support worker, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. For services to Deaf People.
Megan Dorothy Ivy, Mrs. Traice. For services to the community in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex.
Patricia, Mrs. Trembath. For services to the community in Sydenham, London Borough of Lewisham.
Gary Trew. For services to People with Special Needs in Northern Ireland.
Dr. Christopher Upton, co-founder, Poole Branch of Diabetes UK. For services to Healthcare.
Miss Christella Vasili, ministerial support officer, Ministerial and Communications Group, H.M. Treasury.
Susan, Mrs. Vincent, head of Disability Employment Solutions, Birmingham City Council. For services to Local Government.
Ms Jill Voller, higher officer, Business Change, Excise and Customs, Southend-on-Sea, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Anne Elizabeth, Mrs. Wade. For services to the community in Rochester, Kent.
Richard John Wagstaff, lately managing ranger, Afan Forest Park, Neath Port Talbot. For services to the Tourist Industry in Neath Port Talbot.
Regina, Mrs. Waldman. For charitable services in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Cecil Walker. For services to Cricket in Northern Ireland.
Jean, Mrs. Walker. For services to Older People in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
Michael Wallace. For voluntary service to the National Railway Museum.
Miriam, Mrs. Wallington. For services to Rural Affairs and to Agriculture.
Christopher Henry Walton. For services to the community in Oxford.
Dr. Allen Warren, senior lecturer, Department of History and founder, York Students in Schools, University of York. For services to Higher Education.
Dr. Susan Mary Waterworth, forensic medical examiner, Durham Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Alan Watson, B.E.M. For services to Young People in Durham.
Dr. Andrew William Watson. For public service.
Valerie, Mrs. Watson, Crown Court manager, H.M. Courts and Tribunals Service, Ministry of Justice.
Ms Judith Webb. For services to Conservation in England and Wales.
Timothy Gerald Webb, founder, Oily Cart Theatre. For services to Drama for Children with Special Needs.
Jonathan Philip Millward Webber, director of international trade and development, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry. For services to Business.
Miss Nichola Jane Webber. For services to Road Safety.
Margaret, Mrs. Wellock, lately president, Morecambe Division, Girlguiding Association. For services to Young People.
Oonagh, Mrs. Werngren, head of Development, GDF Suez-Exploration and Production. For services to the Oil and Gas Industries.
Alan Paul West, chief executive, Exscitec. For services to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education.
Graham Richard Westcott. For services to the Road Transport Industry.
Leo Joseph Westhead, engineering development manager, RAF Fylingdales, Serco Group plc. For services to the Defence Industry.
Diana Emmerson, Mrs. Wharton, practice nurse, Ministry of Defence.
Elizabeth Ann, Mrs. White. For voluntary service to the Cloud 9 Charity in Gloucestershire.
Kenneth James White. For services to Lifesaving through the Royal Life Saving Society.
Maria, Mrs. Whitehead, director, Hawkshead Relish Company Ltd. For services to the Food Industry in Cumbria.
Mark Richard Whitehead, director, Hawkshead Relish Company Ltd. For services to the Food Industry in Cumbria.
Suzanne Cecilia, Mrs. Whitewood. For services to the community in the Isle of Wight.
Carole, Mrs. Whittingham. For services to Support and Care after Road Death and the Campaign against Drinking and Driving.
William John Wilding, head forester, Clinton Devon Estates. For services to the Environment.
Roger John Willey, lately station manager, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the community in Mullion.
Cuthbert Hugh Williams. For voluntary service to Black and Minority Ethnic People in Brighton and Hove.
Eifion Williams, director of finance, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board. For services to the NHS in Wales.
Janet Mary, Mrs. Williams. For charitable services to Breast Cancer Patients in Powys.
Linda Mary, Mrs. Williams, executive officer, Pension, Disability and Carers' Service, Department for Work and Pensions.
Brian Conn Wilson, drum major. For voluntary service to Music in Northern Ireland.
Gerald Bernard Wilson, airport duty manager, Belfast International Airport. For services to the Aviation Industry.
Terry Denise, Mrs. Wilson, head of Keppel Unit, H.M. Young Offenders' Institution, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, Ministry of Justice.
William Macpherson Wilson. For services to the Arts in Caithness.
Alison, Mrs. Winks. For voluntary service to the British Malignant Hyperthermia Association.
Karen Jean, Mrs. Heppleston Winn. For services to Special Needs and Elderly People in Greater Manchester.
John Frank Winnard, director, William Santus & Co Ltd. (Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls). For services to the Confectionery Trade in the North West.
William Wisden, photographer. For services to Art.
Janet, Mrs. Wood. For services to the community in the Uley area of Stroud, Gloucestershire.
Sandra Ann, Mrs. Wooledge, director, East Berkshire Business Partnership. For services to Education.
Anne, Mrs. Wright. For services to the community in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Kenneth Wright. For services to the community in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Audrey Caroline Ann, Mrs. Wynne. For voluntary service to Paulton Memorial Hospital, Somerset.
Terence George Wynne. For voluntary service to Paulton Memorial Hospital, Somerset.
Doreen Marie, Mrs. Yate For voluntary service to the Samaritans in Pendle, Burnley and Rossendale, Lancashire.
Elizabeth Jean, Mrs. Young. For services to Young People in Perth and Kinross.
Commander of The Order of The British Empire (CBE)
The Most Reverend Dr the Honourable John Walder
Dunlop Holder. For services to Religion.
Ms Teresa Ann Marshall. For services to the Foreign Service.
Everton Gay Walters. For services to the Maritime industry.
Member of The Order of The British Empire (MBE)
Lieutenant Colonel Atheline Deighncourte Cynthia Branch. For services to the Military.
Norman St. Tomburn Howard. For services to business.
The Queen's Birthday Honours List for 2011 was announced in the London Gazette on 10 June 2011[5]
The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire
Commander of The Order of The British Empire (CBE)
Civil Division
Hugh DOLLAND. For services to business.
Member of The Order of The British Empire (MBE)
Beryl Lucina, Mrs. ISAAC. For public service.
Queen's Police Medal (QPM)
Superintendent Anthony JOSEPH. For services to the State (Police).
Papua New Guinea
The Queen's Birthday Honours List for 2011 was announced in the London Gazette on 10 June 2011[6]
Knights Bachelor
Wasangula Noel Levi, C.B.E., M.P. For services to public administration in his former roles of Minister of State, senior public servant and diplomat and secretary general of the Pacific Forum.
John Ralston Wild, C.B.E. For services to commerce, particularly in air transport and tourism, and to the community and for humanitarian endeavours.
The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
Companion of The Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (CMG)
The Honourable Andrew Kumbakor, M.P. For service to the community as a member of National Parliament and Minister of State.
Erna Kathleen, Mrs. Pita. For services to the community and to the advancement of women’s status and welfare.
The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire
Commander of The Order of The British Empire (CBE)
(Civil Division)
Gari Liborius Baki, O.B.E. For services to the community and to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
The Honourable Peter Humphrey, M.P. For services to the community, as a member of National Parliament and as Governor of West New Britain.
Charles Watson Lepani, O.B.E. For services to public administration and to the diplomatic service, including his appointment as High Commissioner in Australia.
Matthew Tjoeng. For services to agricultural development and sustainable forestry.
Military Division
Brigadier General Francis Wanji Agwi, O.B.E., Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Officer of The Order of The British Empire (OBE)
Doctor Umadevi Ambihaipahar. For services to the community, to mental health and to traditional medicine.
Ni, Mrs. Cragnolini. For services to commerce, sports administration and to the community.
Neville Henry Howcroft. For services to eco-forestry and to the conservation of commercial tree species.
Richard Nelson Maru. For services to development banking and to rural development.
The Reverend Father Patrick McIndoe. For services to the Catholic Church and to the community of Sandaun Province.
Ricky Moke Mitio. For services to the community and to the coffee industry.
Stephen Mokis. For services to public administration and to New Ireland Provincial Government.
Frederick Sheekiot, Q.P.M. For services to the community and to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Doctor. Robin Sios. For services to the community, to healthcare and to hospital administration.
Akuila Tubal. For public service in the East New Britain Provincial Administration.
John Wauwia. For services to education, to radio broadcasting and to the community of East Sepik.
Military Division
Colonel Joseph Fabila, M.B.E., Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Member of The Order of The British Empire (MBE)
Ian Andrew Chow. For services to commerce and to the community.
Igo Daure. For services to the community and to the United Church.
Chief Inspector Cathy Dobb, Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Robert IanHowden. For services to commerce and to the Scouts Movement.
Guwi Kambi. For services to the community and to rural healthcare.
Alphonse Krau. For services to the community.
Anthony Kundila. For services to the community.
Ms Kay Wakerley Liddle. For services to the community, to the Bible Society and to religion.
Aravapo Lohia. For services to air transport and to Air Niugini.
Moses Makis. For public service in the New Ireland Provincial Administration.
David Kym Mitchell. For services to agriculture and the environment among rural communities.
Kandaso Napi. For services to the community and to business development.
Simon Passingan. For services to the rural community.
Gerard Phillip. For services to the community, to Air Transport and to Sport.
Graham Pople. For services to rural development and communities.
Wayne Leslie Satchell. For services to the community and to Cricket.
Awan Sete. For services to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Lahui Tau. For services to the community.
Sebulon Tovaira. For public service in the Department of Defence.
Alois Chris Valuka. For services to the community and to local government.
Russell Waibauru. For services to the community and rural development.
John Warbat. For services to Music as Composer, Singer and Instrumentalist.
The Reverend Dondoli Wawe. For services to the community and to Religion.
Julius Yeoh. For services to the Rubber and Agricultural industries.
Military Division
Commander (N) Michael David, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Augustine Daniel, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Kumun, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Imperial Service Order
Tommy Nahuet. For public service.
David Naon. For public service.
British Empire Medal
Civil Division
Dominic Bre. For services to the community.
Michael Sigoho Buka. For services to Oil Palm development.
Nancy, Mrs. Dabada. For public service.
Peter Du. For services to the community.
John Hinalu. For services to the community.
Mavis, Mrs. Holland. For services to the Police Force.
Clare, Mrs. Ivia. For services to the Police Force.
Juliana, Mrs. Jiki. For services to rural healthcare.
Alois Rokoa Kanakana. For public service.
Avosa Kave. For services to Education.
Helen, Mrs. Kavo. For public service.
Peter Nere Kupo. For services to Education.
Timothy Laemeta. For public service.
Timothy Meria Lapeya. For services to the community.
Ding Mathew. For services to Government House.
The Reverend Mondopa Mini. For services to the PNG Bible Church.
Joseph Muna. For public service.
Giyame Mashleen Nagwi. For public service.
Yaku Nolepo. For services to the community.
Joseph Panu. For services to the community.
Arimax Magabe Peyape. For services to the community.
Bothen Pusembo. For public service.
Paias Puwa. For services to the Catholic Church.
Michael Sau. For public service.
Yori, Mrs. Sauna. For services to the Police Force.
Araga Dikana, Mrs. Sere. For services to Education.
Gitene Somole. For services to the community.
Elijah Taksir. For services to the community.
Joyce, Mrs. Talibe. For service to rural healthcare.
Imbi Tanda. For services to Education.
Janet Diribu, Mrs. Telabe. For services to the community.
Kee Tine. For services to the community.
Walter Unam. For services to the community.
Richard Warea. For public service.
Edward Yaliui. For services to rural healthcare.
Military Division
Warrant Officer Steven Narimonda, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Warrant Officer Jonah Pomeleu, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Chief Warrant Officer Dick Roy, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Warrant Officer Francis Tule, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Warrant Officer Michael Taram Valuka, Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Queen's Police Medal (QPM)
Chief Superintendent Wini Henao, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Chief Superintendent Fred Yeis Yakasa, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Superintendent Donald Yamasombi, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Solomon Islands
The Queen's Birthday Honours List for 2011 was announced in the London Gazette on 10 June 2011[7]
The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire
Civil Division
Officer of The Order of The British Empire (OBE)
Senda Fifi’i. For services to Community Development, Public Service and to Government.
Member of The Order of The British Empire (MBE)
Assistant Commissioner PeterAoraunisaka. For services to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and to the Community.
British Empire Media
Civil Division
Sergeant Jonathan Ben, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
Sergeant Mary Wale Bennett, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
Superintendent Daniel Gideon Hunikera. For services to the Community and to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
Inspector Cedar Bea Nevol, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
Superintendent Lence Rina, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
The Queen's Birthday Honours List for 2011 was announced in the London Gazette on 10 June 2011[8]
The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire
Member of The Order of The British Empire (MBE)
Ms Eleni Tapumanaia. For Public and Community Service.
Saint Lucia
The Queen's Birthday Honours List for 2011 was announced in the London Gazette on 10 June 2011[9]
The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire
Civil Division
Commander of The Order of The British Empire (CBE)
Michael Bruce GarnetGordon. For services to the Legal Profession and to National Development.
Officer of The Order of The British Empire (OBE)
Dr. Jonathan Romel Daniel. For services to Medicine.
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