The recipients of honours are displayed here as they were styled before their new honour, and arranged firstly by the country whose ministers advised the Queen on the appointments, then by honour, with classes (Knight, Knight Grand Cross, etc.) and then divisions (Military, Civil, etc.) as appropriate.
Gerald Acher. Senior Partner, KPMG London Office and Vice Chairman, Motability. For services to Transport for Disabled People.
Stephen James Lister Adamson. For services to the Insolvency Profession.
Professor Michael William Adler. Chairman, National AIDS Trust; Professor of Genito-Urinary Medicine. For services to the Treatment of People with AIDS.
Joseph Brian Baldwin. Chairman, National Employers' Organisation and Joint Chairman National Joint Council for Local Government Services. For services to Local Government.
Professor Jangu Edal Banatvala. Professor of Clinical Virology, United Medical and Dental Schools. For services to the Prevention of Viral Hepatitis.
John Charles Barnard. Collector, Thames Valley, HM Board of Customs and Excise.
Dennis Bate. Managing Director, Bovis North. For services to the New Deal.
Professor Melhado Chevannes. For services to Multi-Cultural Nursing.
Lawrence Richard Christensen. Logistics Director, Safeway Stores plc; President, Freight Transport Association. For services to the Freight Transport and Logistics Industry.
Lady Antonia Fraser (Lady Antonia Pinter). Writer. For services to Literature.
Arthur Michael Johnstone Galsworthy, DL. Chairman, Trewithen Estates Management Company and Chairman, The In Pursuit of Excellence Partnership for Cornwall. For services to the community in Cornwall.
Professor Peter Bryan Garland. For services to Cancer Research and to Biotechnology.
Anthony John Gavin. Headteacher, St. Margaret's Academy Livingston. For services to Developing Standards in Education.
Christopher John Oakley. Chief Executive, Regional Independent Newspapers. For services to the Newspaper Industry.
Wallace Olins. For services to the use of Design in Business.
Christopher Stuart Parker. Headteacher, Nottingham High School and Chairman Advisory Group on Independent/State School Partnerships. For services to Education.
Chaitanya Patel. For services to the Development of Social Care Policies.
Anthony John Frith, Lately Head, Prison Catering Services, Prison Service, Home Office.
Michael John Fuhr, Project Director, Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Anne Alison Gee. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Dorset.
Marilyn Elizabeth Gibbons, Lately Headteacher, Caia Park Nursery School, Wrexham. For services to Nursery Education.
John Newton Gibbs, Head of Pathology, Forest Research, Forestry Commission.
Simon Gibson, President and Chief Executive, Ubiquity Software Ltd. For services to Industry and to the community in South Wales.
Professor Frederick James Gordon. For public service.
Professor David John Green RAF (Rtd). For services to the Spitfire Society.
Rosamund Lydia Griffin. For services to the Rothschild Collection, Waddesdon Manor.
John Lloyd Hamilton, Director and Chairman, County Durham Training and Enterprise Council. For services to Industrial Training and Education Issues.
Peter John Hammond, Lately Grade 7, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Dennis Harding. For charitable services in Derbyshire.
Tom Grafton Hassall, Lately Secretary/Chief Executive, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England.
Antony Worraker Hayward. For services to the National Association of Local Councils.
Beryl Minnie Hayward JP. For services to the Administration of Justice in Shropshire.
John Charles Frederick Hayward, Registrar and Secretary, University of Durham and Provost, University of Durham Stockton Campus. For services to Higher Education Management.
Professor Patsy Healey, Director, Centre For Research in European Urban Environments, Department of Town and Country Planning, University of Newcastle. For services to Planning.
Walter John Herriot, Managing Director, St John's Innovation Centre Ltd., Cambridge. For services to Industry in East England.
Peter James Hewitt, Lately Director, Community and Social Services, Salford City Council. For services to Social Services.
Dietrich Adolf Hofmann, Director, Design Unit, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. For services to the Royal Navy.
Sandra Horley, Chief Executive, Refuge. For services to the Protection of Women and Children suffering Domestic Violence.
Rosemarie Khan. For services to Standards in Dental Hygiene.
Ernest Townley Kinder JP, President, Bradford and District Association for Deaf People. For services to Disabled People and to the community in West Yorkshire.
Norman James King, Chairman, WHO Pan-European Task Force on National Environmental Health Action Plans. For services to Environment and Health.
Michael H. Kreuzer, Director, Technical and UK. For services to the Medical Systems Industry.
Alan George Ladd, Lately Assistant Comptroller, National Investment and Loans Office.
Bhupindar Kumar Lakhanpaul, Assistant Director, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
Professor Frederick Last, Lately Member, Scottish Natural Heritage. For services to Environmental Science.
Catherine Law (Mrs. Kennedy), Senior Research Fellow, MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton. For services to Public Health.
Susanna Lucy Lawrence, General Medical Practitioner, Leeds. For services to Patient Care, especially for Drug Misusers.
Robert Henry Layton, Lately Grade 6, Department of Social Security.
Alan John Leaman. For political and public services.
Roger Geoffrey Luxton, Principal Inspector, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. For services to Education Standards.
Valerie Maciver, Chairman, Highland Council Education Committee. For services to Education.
Christopher Ian Mallender. For services to Unemployed People and to the New Deal in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
Jean Mary Mars,. Chairman, Shropshire County Council. For services to Local Government and to the community.
Ernest Harold Marshall. For services to the St John Ambulance Brigade in Essex.
Robert Purves, Lately Director of Operations, Nursing and Quality, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh NHS Trust. For services to Health Care.
Ruth Mary Rattenbury, Lately Head of Exhibitions, Tate Gallery. For services to Visual Arts.
Elsbeth Rea. For services to the Police.
The Reverend John Patrick Reardon, General Secretary, The Council for Churches of Britain and Ireland. For services to Ecumenicalism.
John Mackay Reid, Chartered Patent Agent. For services to the Patent Profession.
Janice Kay Richards MBE, Assistant Private Secretary to the Prime Minister.
James Richardson QPM, Lately Deputy Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police. For services to the Police.
Ann Clare Riches (Mrs. Coltman). For services to the Preservation of Buildings.
Rosamund Rigby, Co-Director, Folkworks. For services to Traditional Music and to the Arts in the North of England.
Ann Margaret Risman, Principal, Richmond Adult and Community College, Surrey. For services to Further Education.
William Malcolm Ritchie, Lately Chairman, North Ayrshire and Arran NHS Trust. For services to Health Care.
Philip Bradbury Robinson, Lately Chairman, Business Link North Derbyshire. For services to Industry and Commerce.
John William Rosenthal, Lately Chief Executive Officer, GKN Defence. For services to the Defence Industry.
William George Row, Director Technical Services, Corporation of London. For services to the City of London.
Usha Sahni, Headteacher, Argyle Primary School, Kings Cross, London. For services to Education.
Michaela Sarah Sheila Saunders, Headteacher, Shaw Park Primary School, Hull. For services to Education.
Richard Peter Scott, Grade6, Ministry of Defence.
Peter Charles Shiells, Divisional Director. Bachy Soletanche Ltd. For services to the Construction Industry.
Margaret Mary Smart, Director, Catholic Education Service. For services to Education.
Audrey Smith, Member, Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Committee. For services to the Inland Waterways Association.
Colin Smith, Chief Executive. Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to the Regeneration of Oldham, Lancashire.
Douglas Percy Smith. For services to the Royal British Legion.
Robert James Smith, Grade6, HM Land Registry, Lord Chancellor's Department.
Ian Sparks. For services to the Children's Society.
Derek James Spratling, Team Leader, Valuation Office Agency, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
Beryl Steele, Lately Director, Thames Reach. For services to Homeless People.
Professor Christopher David Stephens, Head, Division of Child Dental Health, University of Bristol. For services to the use of IT in the Dental Profession and to Education.
Edward Allen Stevens JP. For services to the Administration of Justice in Dorset.
Patricia Lesley Stewart, Headteacher, Clatterbridge School, Wirral. For services to Special Needs Education.
Aidan Bertram Gordon Stokes, Principal, North Warwickshire and Hinckley College. For services to Education Policy.
Norman Kelvin Stoller MBE DL, President, Seton Scholl Group plc. For services to the Business Community in Manchester.
Christopher Harry Stratton, Chairman, Forestry Commission's Regional Advisory Committee for the Midlands and East England. For services to Forestry.
Peter Thomas Swan. For services to the Sea Cadets Association.
Thomas Macklyn Swan, Chairman and Managing Director, Thomas Swan and Company. For services to the Chemical Industry.
The Honourable Jennet Campbell. For services to Education and to Music in Cornwall.
William Campbell. Plant and Transport Manager, Esso Exploration and Production UK Ltd. For services to the Oil Industry.
Eva Cathleen Carter. For services to the Boys' Brigade and to the community in Brighton, East Sussex.
Teresa Anne Carthew. For services to the Avon and Somerset Constabulary.
Howard Chadwick. Managing Director, Claro Precision Engineering Ltd. For services to Industry and Small Businesses in North Yorkshire.
Lasburn Chambers. For services to the Greater Manchester Probation Service and Community Relations.
Margaret Rose Chapman. Member, East Riding of Yorkshire Council. For services to the community in Bridlington
Annette Margaret Checksfield. Higher Executive Officer, Prison Service, Home Office
Judith Ann Cherry. Director, Korea Business Services. For services to Export to Korea.
Andrew Chester. Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office Nottinghamshire.
James Andrews Cheyne. Executive Officer, Department of Social Security.
Faizur Rahman Choudhury. For services to Community Relations in Birmingham.
Elizabeth Clark. Lately School Crossing Patrol, Annette Street Primary School, Glasgow. For services to Road Safety.
Peter Hewitt Peterson Clark. Coxswain Mechanic, Lerwick Lifeboat. For services to the RNLI.
Colonel Henry Leslie Clarke TD. For services to the community, especially Young People in Ealing.
Rose Clayton. Nursery Leader, Tartan Tots Day Nursery, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen. For services to Nursery Education.
George Alborough Cockman. For services to the community, especially Education in Steyning, West Sussex.
Sheila Coggrave. For services to the Samaritans Prison Support.
Margaret McCubbin Cole. For services to the community, especially Stanmore Primary School in Hampshire.
Margaret Collins. Site Manager, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend. For services to the NHS.
Freda Compton (Mrs. Lucas). For services to the community in Hartlepool, Cleveland.
Undine Concannon. For services to the London Planetarium.
Stephen Leslie Connock. Chairman and Chief Executive, Institute of Customer Service. For services to Human Resource Management.
Barbara Mary Connolly. For services to the Liverpool College Choral (Choir) Society.
Seamus Connolly. For services to Industry.
Ivan James Constance. Lately Senior Captain, ARC Manne Ltd. For services to the Marine Dredging Industry.
Laurence Douglas Cook. For services to the Royal Naval Association and to Young People in Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
Sheila Maureen Cooper. Lately Welfare Director. For services to the Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund.
Maureen Cope. For services to the Ardenglen Housing Association.
Robert Jerome Corran. Coxswain, Douglas Lifeboat. For services to the RNLI on the Isle of Man.
Robert Charles Cotton. For services to the Preservation of Churches.
Peter Courtier. Director, Bristol Racial Equality Council. For services to the community.
Kathleen Cowap. For services to the community, especially First Aid in Swansea.
Anne Louise Cowie. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau and the community in Saltash, Cornwall.
John Andrew Cox. For services to the Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Cheshire.
Michael Joseph Eugene Cox. For services to the community in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.
Dinah Coyne. For services to the Campden Voluntary Help Group in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire.
David Darcy Cozens. For services to the Huntingdonshire Local History Society.
Michael Crabb. For services to Music in Southend on Sea, Essex.
Edmund Bootes Cranmer. For services to the community in Denton, Manchester.
Maurice Crathorne. Member, Durham City Council and Coxhoe Parish Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Coxhoe.
Douglas Andrew Cribb. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bordon, Hampshire.
Clifford Charles Croft. For services to Disabled People in Neath and Port Talbot.
James Crozier. For services to the Fire Service.
Rita Culwick. Lately Senior Personal Secretary, Department of Health.
Gillian Curtis. For services to Disabled People on Jersey.
Margaret Mary Curtis JP. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Chelmsley Wood, West Midlands.
Janet Margaret Dalglish. For services to Children's Play Schemes.
Albert Davidson. For services to the Alnwick Talking Newspaper in Northumberland.
Basil John Davidson. For public service.
The Reverend Canon Norman William Dawson. For services to RELATE in Greater Manchester.
Cyril Clive Beynon Day. For services to the Development of Education and Technical Provision in South East Wales.
Darron Day. Milkman. For services to the communities of Ightham and Borough Green, Kent.
Peter Dean. For services to Photographic Journalism in Lincolnshire.
Joyce Sylvia Deering. Personal Secretary, Ministry of Defence.
Douglas John Dennis. Chairman, Guidance Enterprises Group. For services to Education in North Yorkshire.
Jane Dickinson. Senior Personal Secretary, Department for Education and Employment.
Sylvia Helen Louise Dingley. Lately Administrative Assistant, Department of Social Security.
Derina Tanya Dinkin. For services to the community in Surrey.
John Doak. Farm Manager, Balig Farm, Ayrshire. For services to Agriculture.
Dorothy Ann Dobson. Assistant Director, Department of Physical Education, University of Dundee. For services to Physical Education, particularly for Elderly People.
Eric Hopper Dodds. For services to the community in King's Lynn, Norfolk.
Major Gordon Ronald Dodds. For services to the Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society.
Gerard Patrick Antony Dolan. General Medical Practitioner, Paisley. For services to Medicine.
Sharatchandra Anant Dongre. Lately Higher Executive Officer, Department for Education and Employment.
Joseph Patrick Dornan. For public service.
Alfred Thomas Dove. Lately Member, Basildon District Council. For services to Local Government in Basildon, Essex.
Ian Malcolm Dowell. Editor, Birmingham Evening Mail. For services to the Newspaper Industry.
Mary Elisabeth Christina Doyle, Administrative Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Eileen Drayne. For charitable services to the community.
Clarence Drew. For political and public services.
John Beaumont Drinkwater. Member, Harbury Parish Council. For services to the community in Harbury, Warwickshire.
John Henry Drury. For services to the community in Binbrook, Lincolnshire.
Josephine Dugdale JP. For services to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.
Elizabeth Johnston Wilson Dunlop. For services to the community in Wittering, Cambridgeshire.
Gillian Margaret Durrant. For services to the WRVS in Norfolk.
John Charles Kennedy Elliott. For services to the NSPCC in Manchester.
Roderick Elliott. Duty Station Manager, Northern Line, London Underground. For services to London Transport.
William Frederick Edmond Elliott. For services to the community, especially Young People's Sport, in East Ham London.
Annie England. School Nurse, Wigan Leigh Area Health Service Trust. For services to Health Care.
Kay Kathleen Ethel Ennals. For services to the WRVS in Dorset.
Audrey Trevor-Evans. For services to the community, especially the provision of Health Care in Barnet, London.
Beryl Evans. Vice President, Gloucestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services. For services to Young People.
Diana Grace Evans. Lately Warden, King George VI Memorial Hostel Capel-Y-Ffin. For services to Young People and to the community.
Glenys Margaret Evans. Personal Secretary, Ministry of Defence.
Patricia Margaret Evans. For services to Berkshire Family Mediation.
Lynn Every. Typist, Lord Chancellor's Department.
The Honourable Elizabeth Fairbairn. Chairman, Lothian Housing Association. For services to Housing.
Peter Richard Fay. Senior Trades Officer, Prison Service, Home Office.
Winifred Finch Feaver. For services to Tennis in Yorkshire.
Margaret Rose Linda Fellows. Typist, Crown Prosecution Service.
Susan Fennell. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Hertfordshire.
Forbes Ferguson. Lately Retained Sub-Officer, Strathclyde Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
Sheila Elizabeth Ferres. For services to Physiotherapy in Banchory, Kincardineshire.
Robert Field. Lately Senior Professional and Technology Officer, Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Judith Campbell Figgures. For services to Sailing for People with Disabilities.
Margaret Yvonne Firth. For services to the London North War Pensions Committee.
John Boyd Fisher. Principal, Fisher Associates. For services to Education and Training in the Construction Industry.
William George Fisher. Signaller, Railtrack. For services to the Railway Community in the Cotswolds.
Mary Bernadette Fitzgerald. C2, Cabinet Office.
William Dennis Frederick Foden. For services to the Stafford League of Hospital Friends and to Mental Health Care.
Ronald Foster. For services to Countryside Conservation on the North Yorkshire Moors.
Nicholas Martin Fox. Senior Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Peter John Fox. For services to the community in Redbourn, Hertfordshire.
Charles Frederick Frampton. School Crossing Patrol. For services to Road Safety and the community in Titchfield, Hampshire.
Victor Edward Percy Frampton. Senior Scientific Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Helga Maud Tonynbee Frankland. Vice-President Cumbria Wildlife Trust. For Services to Nature Conservation in Cumbria.
Sarah Jane Frapple. For political and public services.
Christopher Edward Berkeley Friend. For services to Sight Savers International.
Alfred Fullman. For services to the Salvation Army in Port Talbot.
Raymond Gainer. For charitable services in Wigan.
Daphne Gammon. For services to the community, especially Young People, in Harting, West Sussex.
Charles Henry Ronald Garner. For services to the Master Tailors' Benevolent Association and Tailors' Benevolent Institution.
Beryl June Garrett. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Bedfordshire.
Anthony Douglas Gay. Deputy Principal, Kidderminster College, Worcestershire. For services to Further Education.
Christina May Gee. Lately Curator, Keats' House, Hampstead. For services to Literary Scholarship.
Ursula Margaret Gent. For services to the community in Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Irene Gillies. District Nurse, Brechin Health Centre, Angus NHS Trust. For services to Health Care.
Raymond Hugh Gladden. For services to the community, especially through the Rotary Club in Crewe, Cheshire.
William Gleave. Managing Director, Northern Textiles plc. For services to Employment Creation in Lancashire.
Malcolm John Graham. For services to the community in Back, Isle of Lewis.
Kathleen Maude Gratland. For services to the community in Neath, South Wales.
Alan Gregory. Senior Executive Officer, Department of Social Security.
James Mundie Greig. For services to War Disabled in Aberdeenshire.
Christopher Beaufort Grimaldi. Youth Worker, Southmead, Bristol. For services to Young People.
Flora May Grindley. For services to the community, especially Ringmer Link, in Ringmer, East Sussex.
William Albert Gulliver. For services to the community in Reading, Berkshire.
Graham David Gwilliam. For services to the community in Barry, South Wales.
Mollie Haikings. For services to the community in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear.
Florence Hall. For services to the WRVS in County Durham.
Phyllis Hall. For services to the St John Ambulance Brigade in North Yorkshire.
Joan Alexandrina Hamann. Administrative Officer, Procurator Fiscal's Office, Lochmaddy.
Phyllis Hampton. For services to the community in Deeside, Flintshire.
Keith Albert Hancox. Lately Telephonist. For services to Barclays Bank.
Stephen Philip Hardy. Member, Ibstock Community Enterprise Ltd. For services to the Regeneration of Ibstock, Leicestershire.
Anthony Martin Harris. Senior Fire Control Operator, Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the Fire Service.
David Fletcher Harrison. Group Customer Services Manager, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
Carol Hart (Mrs. Houghton), TB Clinical Nurse Specialist, Kingston and Richmond, Surrey. For services to Health Care.
Alfred Thomas William Harvey. Trustee, Leopold Muller Estate. For services to Charity.
The Reverend John Wilfred Harvey. Woodworker. For services to Truro Cathedral, Cornwall.
Mahmud Hasan. For services to Community Relations in London.
William John Haxby. Environment Protection Officer, Environment Agency. For services to Environmental Protection and the communities in Filey and Scarborough.
Thomas Vivian Hay. For services to Local Government and to the community in Pembroke Dock, West Wales.
Geoffrey Sidney William Hayhoe. For services to the RAF Benevolent Fund.
Robert David Heap. President, Institute of Refrigeration. For services to the Refrigeration Industry.
Sarah Winifred Joy Hill. For services to the Cardiac Care Association.
Peter Hitchmough JP. Sub Officer, Merseyside Fire Brigade. For services to the community in Merseyside.
Martin Neil Hodson. For services to the community in Caerphilly.
Lucienne Holt. Dog Carer, Greater Manchester Police. For services to Animal Welfare.
Mary Ann Hoole. For services to the community in Wroot, North Lincolnshire.
Roy Hopkins. Lately Chief Steward I, Royal Logistics Corps, Ministry of Defence.
The Reverend Brian Howell. For services to the community in the Teams area of Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
Christopher John Hughes. Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Jill Mary Hughes. Executive Officer, Benefits Agency, Department of Social Security.
Leroy Billy Hughes. For services to Youth Sport in Manchester.
Barbara Hull. For services to MIND in Kettering, Northamptonshire.
Bessie Humphreys. For services to the community in Glasgow.
Harold Joseph Hunter. For services to the Police.
Lilian Marguarite Hutchison. For services to Elderly People in Dunfermline, Fife.
Daniel McGregor Ince. For services to Young People and the community in East London.
Fred Innes. For services to the community in Winlaton, Tyne and Wear.
Wilham Fraser Ireland. Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Bert Isaac. For services to Art Education in Wales.
Vera Ivers. For services to Elderly People in Staffordshire.
Janet Evelyn Jacklin. For services to Mentally Ill People in Colchester, Essex.
Ahmed Abdi Jama. Assistant Director Facilities, Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Andrew James. For services to Tourism in Nottingham.
Auriel Irene James. For services to Charity Search.
Edmund David Ninian James. For charitable services in Newport, South Wales.
Ann Jameson JP. For charitable services to the community in Middleton, Greater Manchester.
Howard Philip Maxim Jeffrey. Mentor Programme Co-ordinator, City and Islington College, London. For services to the Mentor Programme and to Further Education.
Ann Vicki Johnson. For services to the Probation Service in Cheltenham.
Anne Faith Johnson. Assistant Establishment Officer, House of Lords.
Derek Joseph Johnson, Patrol, The Automobile Association. For services to Motorists.
Harold Keith Johnson, Company Secretary, Derby Community Transport. For services to Transport in Derby.
Alan Reginald Walter Jones JP. For services in the community, especially Sport, in Preston, Lancashire.
Dorothy Jones. For services to Music in Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland.
Eluned Jones. For services to the community, particularly Physically Handicapped People, in Nefyn and District, Gwynedd.
Elwyn Owen Jones. For services to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Clwyd.
Jemima Parry-Jones. Director, the National Birds of Prey Centre, Newent, Gloucestershire. For services to Bird Conservation.
John Hamar Jones. For services to the Landing Craft Gun and Flak Association.
Vincent Jones. Senior Instructional Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Richard Henry James Joy. For services to the community in Landkey, North Devon.
Surinder Kaur. Training Manager, HM Board of Customs and Excise.
Robert Howard Kay. For services to the Architectural Profession.
Andrew Hedges Keachie. Musical Director, Kilmarnock Concert Brass. For services to Brass Band Music in Ayrshire.
Gillian Carol Frances Keating. Lately Private Secretary to the Bishop of Rochester. For services to the Church of England.
Arlene Kee. For services to Youth Work.
Arthur Kemp JP. For services to the community, especially the Boys Brigade, in Nottingham.
Derek George Kemp. For services to the community in Horsham, West Sussex.
John Kendall. For services to the community, especially People with Learning Disabilities, in Christchurch, Dorset.
Ann Patricia Kent. For charitable services in the community in Horsham, West Sussex.
Nansi Rita Kent, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Swansea. For services to the Care of Diabetics
Stephen Frederick Killick, Senior Movement Area Officer, Airside Operations, Heathrow, BAA. For services to Aviation.
Robert Julian Kindred. For services to the Institute of Historic Building Conservation.
Audrey King. For services to the community in Penwortham, Lancashire.
Judith Lansdell. For services to the Shepway Victim Support Scheme.
George Bernard Lawrence. For services to the Agricultural Community and to Young People in Cheshire.
Joan Barrie Lawrence. For services to Ladies' Amateur Golf.
May Fulton Thomson Lawson. Lately Directorate Secretary, Royal Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Captain Ronald Leask. Lately Captain MV Gardyloo . For services to Public Sanitation.
Barbara Mary Lee. For services to the Friends of Cookridge Hospital, Leeds.
Rosemary Renee Leigh. For services to the WRVS in Lancashire.
Charles Lemon. For services to the Bronte Society.
Angela Isabella Agnes Lennox. General Medical Practitioner, Leicester. For services to Medicine and to the community.
Cynthia Kathleen Emily Leonard. For services to the community in Solihull, West Midlands.
James Edward Letch. Lately Senior Information Officer/Chief Engineer, Central Office of Information.
Rose Elizabeth Lever. For services to Out of School Childcare in Royton, Lancashire.
John Lewis. Higher Executive Officer, Home Office.
Ursil Lewis. Foster Carer, London. For services to Fostering.
Heinrich Fritz Heinz Liebrecht. For services to the Arts in Norfolk.
Edward Colin Livingston JP. For services to the Jewish community in Middlesex.
George Fredrick Livingstone QGM. For services to the Police.
Helen Livingstone. Chairman, Glenochil Young Offenders' Institution Visiting Committee. For services to Prisoners' Welfare.
William Frederick Login. For services to the community, especially Disabled People in Holbeach and Spalding, Lincolnshire.
Anthony Peter Long. For services to the Thamesdown and District Scope Association.
Jillian Longson. For services to the community, especially the Girls' Brigade in Gawsworth, Cheshire.
Irene Loughran. Revenue Assistant, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
Audrey May Lovell. For services to the community in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire.
Roy Gordon Lowe. Bus Driver, Stagecoach East Midland. For services to the Bus Industry and to the community.
Yvonne Lydon. Personal Assistant to the Chief Fire Officer, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service.
Roderick Lynch. Support Grade1, Home Office.
John Roland Machin. Senior Teacher, Heathfield High School, Congleton. For services to Careers Education.
John Stuart Mackie. Lately Chairman, Stockton City Challenge Partnership Board. For services to the Regeneration of Stockton.
John Irvine Macleod. Lately Office Manager, Scottish Office.
John Bennett MacNair. For services to the community in North Berwick, East Lothian.
George Makey. For services to Disabled Children through Golf Masters Anonymous.
Rabbi Malcolm Henry Malits. For services to the community in Merseyside.
Christopher Peter Maloney. For services to Sport for Disabled People.
Avtar Singh Mangat. Headteacher, Wilkes Green Junior School, Handsworth, Birmingham. For services to Education.
John W. L. Mann. For services to Scouting and to the community in Stanton, Suffolk.
Richard Howard Mann. For services to the community in Donhead St Andrew, Wiltshire.
Thomas William Smith Mann. Assistant Divisional Officer, Central Scotland Fire Brigade. For services to the Fire Service and to the community in West Lothian.
Valerie Faith Mann. For services to the community, especially those suffering Mental Illness, in Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Sarah Manners. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Hampshire.
John Albert Marchment. For services to Local History in Andover, Hampshire.
Martha Sheila Wilhelmina Mark. For public service.
Amy Elizabeth Markham. Lately School Cook. For services to the William Marshall VC Primary School, Welney, Cambridgeshire.
Brian Marston. For services to the Royal Air Forces Association in Norwich, Norfolk.
Olive Marston. For services to the community in Heather, Leicestershire.
David Bennett Martin. For services to the Cupar Highland Games.
Ian McCrindle Martin. For services to the Stars of Scotland for Cerebral Palsy.
Catherine Matheson. For charitable services to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association in Inverness.
Kenneth David Matthews. Lately Higher Linguist Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Joyce Mary Maxwell. For services to the MRC Child Psychiatry Unit.
Helen Janet Crichton McCulloch. For services to the Farmers' Club London.
John Peter McDonald. Personal Aid and Inquiries Officer (Welfare), Corporation of London. For services to the community, especially Homeless People.
Sidney Claude McFarlane. Lately Retired Officer 2, Ministry of Defence.
Patrick Denis McGillion. For services to the Fire Service.
John McGowan. Lately Laboratory Analyst, Scottish Agricultural College. For services to Agriculture and to Employee Relations.
Margaret McIntyre. Staff Nurse. For services to Cardiology Care.
John McLeod. Head of Education and Training, Suffolk Training and Enterprise Council. For services to the New Deal in Suffolk.
Margaret Ann McMillan. For services to the South Ayrshire Children's Panel.
The Reverend William McMillan. For charitable services.
Fay Annette Catherine McNab. Nuclear Licensing Adviser, Department of Trade and Industry.
Robert James McNeil. Senior Post Mortem Technician, West Glasgow Hospitals University NHS Trust. For services to Pathology.
Samuel William James McNeilly. For services to Industry.
Stanley Roy McNish. For services to Community Relations in London.
Nitin Mehta. For services to Community Relations in Croydon, Surrey.
Frank Albert William Mellor. For services to the Royal Mail and to the community in East London.
Peter Mercer. President, the Gypsy Council for Education, Culture, Welfare and Civil Rights. For services to Gypsy/Traveller Education.
Clarissa Joan Millbank. For services to Cambridge House and to the community in Southwark, London.
Francis James Miller. For services to the Fintry Community Council, Dundee.
Joseph Miller. For services to Local Government.
Lesley Millett. Director, Wastebusters Ltd. For services to the Environment.
Gloria Helenly Mills. Director of Equal Opportunities, UNISON. For services to the Trade Union Movement.
Kenneth Trevor Mills. Lately Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Anthony Milner. Section Officer, Derbyshire Special Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Leslie Harold Milner. Lately Inspector of Taxes, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
John Stanley Milward JP. For services to the community in Reading, Berkshire.
Betty Irene Mitchell. For services to the community in Gravesend, Kent.
Desmond R. D. Mitchell. For services to Local Government.
Ruby June Margot Montgomery. Lately Tax Enquiry Centre Manager, HM Board of Inland Revenue.
Jean Moore JP. For services to Local Government and to the community in Newark, Nottinghamshire.
Jean Moore. For services to the community in Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire.
John Verdun Moore. For services to the Roofing Industry.
Stephanie Susan Moore. Cabin Service Director, British Airways. For services to the Bobby Moore Fund.
John Alfred Moreels. Group Managing Director, Ward Philipson Group Ltd. For services to Small Businesses.
Neil William Morgan JP. For services to the community in Sussex.
Pamela Morgan. MPB3, Employment Service, Department for Education and Employment.
Sheila Joan Morgan. For services to the community, especially the Volunteer Bureau in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire.
Clare Morpurgo. Co-founder, Farms for City Children. For services to Young People.
Michael Morpurgo. Co-founder, Farms for City Children. For services to Young People.
John Richard Morris. For services to OXFAM.
Robert Morris. For services to University College, Oxford.
Miriam Alma Moyle. For services to the community, especially Music, in St Keverne, Cornwall.
Leo Peter Mulligan. For services to Electrical Engineering and to the community.
David Owen Mumford. For services to Drama for Visually Impaired People.
Dorcas Elisabeth Munday. Vice-Chair, Wellingborough Council for the Disabled. For services to Disabled People.
James Munkley. For services to Sport for Disabled People.
Joan Mary Murphy. Lately Messenger, Department of Social Security.
Thomas Loch Murray. For services to the community in Cumnock, Ayrshire.
David John Mutch. Production Manager, Devonport Management Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry.
William Scott Neish. Lately General Manager, Marks and Spencer, Glasgow. For services to Retailing and to the community.
Florence Newton. For services to the community, especially Health Care, in Putney London.
John Christopher Newton. For services to the Southern Electric Museum, Christchurch, Dorset.
Philip Reginald Thomas Nicholls. Inspector, Avon and Somerset Constabulary. For services to the Police and to Young People.
Isobel Lucy Wishart Nicolson. For services to the community in Plockton, Ross-shire.
Ian Lyneburn Galbraith Niven. For services to Young People and to Association Football in Manchester.
Ernest Albert Norman. For services to People with Learning Disabilities in Plymouth, Devon.
Valerie Norman. For services to the Musgrove Leukaemia Group, Taunton, Somerset.
Mary Catherine Patricia O'Doherty. Business Support, HM Board of Customs and Excise.
April Ann O'Nions. PB8, Employment Services, Department for Education and Employment.
Helen O'Shea. Intelligence Officer, HM Customs and Excise.
Mary Margaret Oakes. Chair of Governors, Anchorsholme County Primary School, Blackpool. For services to Education and to the community.
Samuel Francis Desmond Orr. Honorary Treasurer, Padstones. For services to Young Homeless People.
Royston Douglas Orringe. For services to the National Association of Retired Firefighters.
John (Desmond Jack) Ougham. For services to the Sea Cadet Corps in Whitstable, Kent.
David Anthony Page. Director, Wigan Borough Partnership. For services to Business and to the community in Wigan, Lancashire.
Albert John Palmer, Lately Steward II, Britannia Royal Naval College, Ministry of Defence.
John Raymond Parke. For services to the Engineering Industry.
Ian Rodney Parrish. Assistant Vehicle Examiner, Vehicle Inspectorate Executive Agency, Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Richard Lewis Parsey. Auxiliary Coastguard in Charge, Suffolk. For services to Marine Safety.
Jasper Parsons. For services to the Aquaculture and Fishing Industry.
Alfred George Charles Partridge. For services to the community on the Beecholme Estate, Clapton, London.
Patrick John Patrick. Lately Director and Chief Executive, Consumer Credit Trade Association. For services to the Consumer Credit Industry.
Ruth Isabel Patterson. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Geoffrey Kenneth Payne. Project Manager, BSI Standards. For services to Quality Standards.
Alec Alfred Pease. For services to the Far East Prisoners of War Association.
Alec John Peaty. Stores Assistant, BSG Builders Merchants. For services to the Builders Merchants Industry.
Peter John Perkins. Chairman, National Association of Taxi and Private Hire Licensing and Enforcement Officers. For services to Standards of Taxi and Private Hire Licensing.
Audrey Peters. For services to the community through the Salvation Army.
Gloria Phillips. Service Unit Manager, Planned Hospital Discharge Scheme, Lewisham. For services to Home Care for Elderly People.
Judith Pitchers JP. For services to the Board of Visitors, HM Prison Gartree.
Gerald Harold David Pitman. For services to the community, especially Local History in Sherborne, Dorset.
Leslie George Pitts. For services to the community in Buntingford, Hertfordshire.
Joseph Porter. For services to Church Bell Ringing and to the community in Bury, Lancashire.
William Geddes Potts. Waterway Supervisor, British Waterways. For services to the Grantham Canal.
George Powell. State Enrolled Nurse, South Manchester Hospitals University Trust. For services to Health Care.
Martin Prater. Internal Auditor. For services to the Notting Hill Housing Trust.
Paul Preston. Mobile Library Unit Driver/Library Assistant. For services to the community in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Mary Pretty. For services to Limbless People in Roehampton, London.
John Richard Price. Local Supervisor Turkey, Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Laurie Anthony Prince. Head of Engineering, Hawk Integration BAe. For services to Engineering.
Josephine Ann Pringle. For services to Riding for the Disabled in Wales.
Alice Mary Prior DL. For services to the Bristol Cathedral Trust.
Herbert Gerald Procter. For services to Business and to the community in Yorkshire.
Thomas Proctor. For services to the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and to Young People in Staffordshire.
Eileen Mary (Molly) Vannan. For services to the community.
Ved Prakash Venayak. For services to Community Relations in Tyne and Wear.
John Howard Vokins. For services to the Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Patricia Wakeman. Executive Officer, Forensic Science Service, Home Office.
Alan James Charles Walker. Sergeant, Staffordshire Police. For services to the Police.
John Thomas Walker JP. Member, Burntwood Town Council and Lichfield District Council. For services to the community in Burntwood.
Rose Gwendoline Walker. For services to the community in Stockport, Greater Manchester.
James Walton. Secretary, Halfway Elderly People's Club. For services to the community in Holbrook, Sheffield.
Betty Eileen Ward. For services to the Fortis Green Health Clinic, Haringey Health Care NHS Trust.
Jeanette Warke. For services to Young People.
Brian Waterhouse. For services to the National Grocers' Benevolent Fund.
Christine Lynn Waterman. Curator. For services to the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust.
Anthony George Andor Wates. Lately Headteacher, Tavistock County Primary School, West Devon. For services to Education.
David Gordon Watkins. General Dental Practitioner, Norfolk. For services to Dentistry.
Alan Watson. For services to Engineering and to Young People in Bolton, Lancashire.
Jean Ann Webster. Support Team Member, Department of Trade and Industry.
Phyllis Wells. For the maintenance of War Graves in Barry, South Glamorgan.
Grenville Ethelbert Welsh. For services to the Pig Industry.
Josephine Ann Whatmough. For services to the Environment.
John Wheatley. Senior Professional and Technology Officer, Ministry of Defence.
Derrick William Charles White. For services to the RAF St Athan Voluntary Band.
Margaret Joan Whitfield. For services to Young People.
Cecilia Whittle. SEA Consultant Training and Research Associates. For services to Young People.
Henry Whitworth. Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office, Cornwall.
John George Wild. Operations Manager Falsane, Babcock Rosyth Defence Ltd. For services to the Submarine Industry.
Frank Noon Wilkinson. Export Development Counsellor, Business Link. For services to Export.
Pamela Wilkinson. Cleaner in Charge. For services to the Wirksworth Infant School, Matlock, Derbyshire.
Edward Thomas Williams. For services to the South Wales Autistic Society and to the community in Porthcawl, South Wales.
Harold Williams. For services to Rugby Union Football.
Jean Williams. Tutor in English and Drama, Hartlepool Sixth Form College. For services to Education.
Professor Sonia Anne Williams. Dental Practitioner, West Yorkshire. For services to Children's Dental Health, especially for Ethnic Minorities.
Joseph Edward Kenneth Willson. For services to Conservation in the North of England.
Alan Wilson. For services to Horticulture.
Graham Keith Wilson. For services to the Knitting, Dyeing and Lace Industries' Joint Health and Safety Committee.
Hill Wilson. For services to Industry and to Engineering.
Peter Garnet Wilson. For public service.
Shelah Wilson. For services to the Cancer Research Campaign.
Eric Henry Frank Wood. For services to Leeds General Hospital.
James Patrick Wood. For services to Karate.
Norman Alan Wood. For services to the Royal British Legion in Northamptonshire.
Harry Woodford. Member, Kingston upon Hull City Council. For services to the community in Kingston upon Hull.
Lorraine Woolley. Deputy Chief Commandant, Metropolitan Police Special Constabulary. For services to the Police.
Patricia Wooster. Director, Midwifery and Paediatric Services, Ealing. For services to Midwifery.
Michael Edwin Wragg. Rivers Operative, Environment Agency. For services to Employee Relations and Environmental Protection.
Kenneth William Wright. Manager, Scouts Offshore in Colchester Essex. For services to Young People.
Stephen Wheldon Wright. Honorary Secretary, Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils. For services to Local Councils and to the community in Gloucestershire.
Steve Wright. Chairman, London Private Hire Car Association. For services to Transport in London.
John Ian Wyles JP. Lately Member, Stirling Council. For services to Local Government.
Lilian Wylie. For services to Glasgow College of Nautical Studies and to The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice Glasgow.
Order of the British Empire (Civil Division), Diplomatic Service and Overseas List
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