The New Year Honours 2007 were appointments made by some of the 16 Commonwealth realms to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by citizens of those countries. The New Year Honours are awarded as part of the New Year celebrations at the start of January.
The New Year Honours were announced on 30 December 2006 in the United Kingdom,[1] New Zealand,[2] Cook Islands,[3] The Bahamas,[4] Grenada,[5] Solomon Islands,[6] Tuvalu,[7] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,[8] Belize,[9] Antigua and Barbuda,[10] and Saint Christopher and Nevis.[11]
The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour and arranged by the country (in order of precedence) whose ministers advised The Queen on the appointments, then by honour with grades i.e. Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander etc. and then divisions i.e. Civil, Diplomatic and Military as appropriate.
His Honour Stephen John Lindsay Oliver, QC, Presiding Special Commissioner and President, VAT and Duties Tribunals; President, Financial Services and Markets Tribunal. For public service.
John Codling, Finance Director General, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Terence Robin Fellgett, Director and Deputy Head, Economic and Domestic Affairs Secretariat, Cabinet Office.
Richard Mitchell Henderson, solicitor, Office of the Solicitor to the Scottish Executive.
Bernard Herdan, Executive Director, Identity and Passport Service, Home Office.
Dr. Colin Peter Hicks, lately Director-General, British National Space Centre and Member, Natural Environment Research Council. For services to Science.
Ronald John Marchant, Chief Executive, Patent Office, Department of Trade and Industry.
Anthony Joseph Henry Orhnial, director, Personal Tax and Welfare Reform, HM Treasury.
Andrew Charles Bruce Ramsay, Director-General, Culture, Creativity and Economy Group, Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Maurice John Smith, lately H.M. Chief Inspector of Schools, Office for Standards in Education, Department for Education and Skills.
Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE)
Yasmin Bevan, Headtecher, Denbigh High School, Luton, Bedfordshire. For services to Education.
Professor Margaret Mary Douglas, CBE, Fellow of University College London and Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology. For services to Anthropology.
Professor Ann Patricia Dowling, CBE, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge. For services to Science.
Professor Sheila Glennis Haworth, Professor of Developmental Cardiology; Head, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences, Institute of Child Health, University College London. For services to the NHS.
Professor Donald James Jeffries, Professor of Virology and Head, Department of Medical Microbiology, St. Bartholomew's and Royal London Hospitals. For services to Medicine.
Ms Angela Ann Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers. For services to the Financial Services Industry.
Professor Harry Andre Lee, Consultant Physician and Head of the Gulf Veterans' Medical Assessment Programme.
Richard Paniguian, co-Chair, Egyptian-British Business Council. For services to Business.
Professor Barbara Ann Parfitt, Dean, School of Nursing, Glasgow Caledonian University. For services to International Healthcare.
Professor Michael Henry Parkinson, director, European Institute for Urban Affairs, Liverpool John Moores University. For services to Urban Regeneration.
David Humphrey Gavin Penney, Vice-President, BT Global Business Markets. For services to the Communications Industry.
Michael John Snell, lately Principal and Chief Executive, Brockenhurst College, Hampshire. For services to Further Education.
Ramniklal Chhaganlal Solanki, O.B.E. For services to Publishing and to Community Relations.
Ms Sarah Ann Spencer, Chair, Equality and Diversity Forum and Associate Director, COMPAS, University of Oxford. For services to Equal Opportunities and Human Rights.
David John Astley, Chief Executive, St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Ms Celia Atherton, Director, Research in Practice. For services to Children and Families.
Richard Henry Aust, Headteacher, Chadsgrove Special School, Worcestershire. For services to Special Needs Education.
Professor Richard Nigel Bailey, lately Chair, Heritage Lottery Fund's Committee for the North East. For services to Heritage.
Robert Lawrence Banner, Chair, Rethink Charity. For services to Mental Health.
Dr. John Charles Barrett, Head, Zimbabwe Office, Department for International Development.
Trevor John Bayley, lately Acting Chief Executive and Director of Savings, National Savings and Investments, H.M. Treasury.
Christopher Ronald Beale, Chair, Institute of Directors. For services to Business.
Ms Linda Bellos, Co-Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Group. For services to Diversity.
Ian Charles Bennett, Principal and Chief Executive, Strode Tertiary College, Somerset. For services to Further Education.
Ms Linda Kristin Bennett, Founder and Designer, LK Bennett. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Professor Peter Beresford, Professor of Social Policy and Director, Centre for Citizen Participation, Brunel University and Chair, Shaping Our Lives. For services to Social Care.
Sister Rosaire Boden, Principal, Dominican College, Belfast. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Stephanie Ann, Mrs. Boyer (Miss Boobier), Head, Face-to-Face Transformation, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Douglas Frederick Boynton, Principal, Telford College. For services to Further Education in Shropshire.
Mary Rosamund, Mrs. Briggs, Chief Executive, Seven Stories, The Centre for Children's Books. For services to Literature.
Jacqueline, Mrs. Brookes, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Federation of Communication Services. For services to the Communications Industry.
Nicolas Milne Brown, Principal, Oldham Sixth Form College. For services to Further Education.
Paul Hacker Brown, Band A, Prime Minister's Office.
Professor Susanne Moira Brown, Director and Chief Scientist, Crusade Laboratories Ltd. For services to Healthcare.
Ms Sylvia Brown, Chief Executive, Action with Communities in Rural England. For services to Rural Communities.
Sandra, Mrs. Brusby, Chief Executive, Business Link Cheshire and Warrington. For services to Business.
Paul Anthony Bush, Chef De Mission, Scottish Commonwealth Games Team. For services to Sport.
Jennifer Susan, Mrs. Byers, lately Executive Director, Donor Services, Charities Aid Foundation. For services to Charity.
Anthony James Cairns, Deputy Chair, Leeds Bradford International Airport. For services to Civil Aviation and to the community in West Yorkshire.
Anthony Campbell, Principal, St. Richards Catholic College, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. For services to Education.
Ian Archer Hamilton Carstairs, M.B.E., Conservationist. For services to Heritage in Yorkshire and the Humber.
Kenneth Carstairs, Senior Manager, Lothians, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Ms Jane Cavanagh, Founder and Chief Executive, SCI Entertainment Group plc. For services to the Computer Games Industry.
Peter Michael Chapman, Founder, Shekinah Mission, Plymouth. For services to Homeless People.
Ms Michelle Chinery, Co-Chair, Learning Disability Task Force. For services to disabled people.
Daniel Clark. For services to the National Probation Service.
Professor Margaret MacDonald Clark, Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Birmingham and Visiting Professor, Newman College of Higher Education, Birmingham. For services to Early Years Education.
Air Commodore Charles Henry Clarke, RAF (Retd). For services to the Royal Air Forces Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
John Coales. Founder and lately Chairman, Francis Coales Charitable Foundation. For services to Conservation.
Quentin Coey, Chief Executive, Belfast City Hospital Trust. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. Peter Coomber, Project Manager, eDelivery Group, Department for Constitutional Affairs.
Donald Malcolm Dempsey, Director of ESFVON. For services to Voluntary and Community Organisations in the North East.
Susan Elizabeth, Mrs. Dewey. For services to the Sea Cadet Corps in Nottinghamshire.
Charles Dhanowa, Registrar, Competition Appeal Tribunal. For services to Competition Law.
Rodney William Dickinson, Business Development Director, FirstGroup plc. For services to Public Transport.
Susan Elizabeth Digby (Lady Eatwell), Founder and Principal, The Voices Foundation. For services to Music Education.
Councillor James Doig, Leader, Perth and Kinross Council. For services to Local Government.
Miss Zoe Dominic. For services to Arts Photography.
Christopher Peter Dorries, Chair, Yorkshire and Humber Mass Fatalities Working Group. For services to Emergency Planning.
Miss Lisa Dougherty, Nurse Consultant, The Royal Marsden Hospital. For services to the NHS.
Thomas Herbert Drake, Interim Chief Executive, Scottish Qualifications Authority. For services to Education.
Dr. Richard Dyer, lately Director, Babraham Institute, Cambridge. For services to Biology.
Miss Susan Margaret Eades, Head, Tuberculosis Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Toni Christine, Mrs. Eastwood, Training and Business Development Manager, Everywoman. For services to Equal Opportunities.
Professor Kimmy Ai Ngor Eldridge, Professor and Deputy Head, Department of Health and Human Sciences, University of Essex. For services to Healthcare.
Michael Henry Ellis, lately Fund Commissioner, Fund Distribution Ltd. For services to the Financial Services Industry.
Huw Evans, lately Headteacher, Watchfield Primary School, Oxfordshire. For services to Education.
Dr. Azhar Farooqi, General Medical Practitioner, East Leicester Medical Practice. For services to Healthcare.
David Leonard Finnis, lately National Trust Manager, Marsden Moor Estate and Hardcastle Crags. For services to the communities of Marsden and Colne Valley.
Donal Flanagan, Chief Executive, Council for Catholic Maintained Schools. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Graham Fortune, Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Ms Sue Foster, Assistant Director, Regeneration and Planning, London Borough of Hackney. For services to Planning.
Joseph Sands Furphy, Member, Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside. For services to Conservation in Northern Ireland.
Rosemary Isabella, Mrs. Peters-Gallagher, Board Member, Invest Northern Ireland. For services to Business and to the community in Northern Ireland.
Dr. Ashour Omar Gebreel, Special Co-ordinator, Complex Emergencies, World Health Organisation. For services to Healthcare Overseas.
Dr. Michael Gibson, Head of Support for Learning Division, Education Department, Scottish Executive.
James Harry Gill, Chief Executive, Liverpool Vision. For services to Regeneration.
Professor William John Gillespie, T.D., lately Foundation Dean, Hull York Medical School. For services to Medicine.
Dr. Garth Glentworth, Senior Governance Adviser. For public service overseas.
Michael Redvers Golding, Yachtsman. For services to Sport.
William Samuel Graham, Head of Education, Farming and Countryside Education. For services to Education and to Farming.
Ms Sally Greene (Mrs. Bourne), Owner and Director, Old Vic Productions plc. For services to Drama.
Alun Griffiths. For services to the Construction Industry and to the community in Wales.
Professor Richard Grimes. For services to Pro Bono Legal Services.
Garth Michael Guthrie. For services to Charity.
The Reverend Thomas Norman Hamilton, Minister, Ballysillan Presbyterian Church, North Belfast. For services to Community Relations in Northern Ireland.
Dr. Margaret Ann Harper, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Royal Group of Hospitals, Belfast and lately Senior Lecturer, Queen's University, Belfast. For services to Medicine.
David Cecil Lovell, lately Head of Public Affairs, Ordnance Survey, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Brian Lymbery, Chair, Lewisham Primary Care Trust. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Lewisham, London.
Professor Stuart Gowans Macpherson, Chair, Scottish Modernising Medical Careers Implementation Group. For services to Medicine in Scotland.
Peter John Malim, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence.
Ian Mason, Chair, Scottish Swimming. For services to Sport.
The Reverend John Clyne Matthews, Deputy-Chair, Scottish Enterprise Glasgow. For services to Economic Development.
Dr. Anne Christine McCartney, Director, Regional Microbiology Network, Health Protection Agency, London. For services to Public Health.
Clare Imogen, Mrs. McCarty, Chief Executive, Clanmil Housing Association Limited. For services to Social Housing in Northern Ireland.
Bertha, Mrs. McDougall, Interim Commissioner for Victims and Survivors. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
John Fraser McIvor, Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust. For services to the NHS.
Dr. Joseph McKee, Principal, City of Belfast School of Music. For services to Music.
Ms Mary McKee, Director, Groundwork Northern Ireland. For services to the Environment and to Community Relations.
Robert Francis McMinnis, Head of Tourism, Agency Liaison and Equality Division, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Executive.
Professor Geoffrey Peter Meen, Professor of Applied Economics, Department of Economics, University of Reading. For services to Social Housing.
Professor Stephen Henry Miller, lately Deputy Vice-Chancellor, City University. For services to Higher Education and to the Olive Tree Project.
Dr. Stuart Kinnaird Monro, Scientific Director, Our Dynamic Earth. For services to Science.
Christopher Moody, Principal, Moulton College, Northampton. For services to Further Education and to Training.
Isobel Margaret, Mrs. Morris, Director, Southwark and Child and Adolescent Services, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust. For services to Mental Health Care.
Ms Elizabeth Joyce Moseley. For services to Youth Justice.
Dennis Gordon Pepler, Technical Inspector, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Frank Joseph Perkins, J.P., H.M. Principal Inspector of Health and Safety, Health and Safety Executive, Department for Work and Pensions.
Thomas Stuart Peryer, Director of Education, London Diocesan Board for Schools. For services to Education.
Lynette Elaine, Mrs. Phillips, lately Chair, London Black and Ethnic Minority Network for NHS Staff and Allied Health Professionals. For services to Healthcare.
Dr. Mike Phillips, Writer and Broadcaster. For services to Broadcasting.
Edward Posey. For services to The Gaia Foundation.
Mayo, Mrs. Perceval-Price, Vice-President, Industrial Tribunals and the Fair Employment Tribunal. For services to Employment Relations in Northern Ireland.
Susan Mary, Mrs. Price, Executive Director, Groundwork, Wales. For services to Regeneration in Wales.
Rita, Mrs. Sharma, Founder and Managing Director, Best at Travel plc. For services to the Travel Industry.
Ms Diana Winifred Shindler, Legal Adviser, Department for Transport.
Kenneth Alan Shooter, lately Specialist Technology, Ofsted H.M. Inspectorate and Lead Adviser, Specialist Schools Programme, Department for Education and Skills.
Professor Jonathan Richard Sibert, lately Paediatrician, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust and lately Professor of Child Health, Cardiff University. For services to Paediatrics and to Child Health.
Andrew Brian Simmons, Chief Executive, Hertfordshire Connexions Partnership. For services to Young People.
Jasminder Singh, Founder and Chair, Radisson Edwardian Hotel Group. For services to the Hotel Industry.
Tom Tar Singh, Founder and Non-Executive Director, New Look. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Dr. Geraldine Mary Strathdee, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director, Oxleas NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Peter Charles Styche, lately Director, Spatial Planning and Housing, Government Office for the North West, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Steven Norman Sumner, National Health and Safety Policy Adviser, Local Government Employers. For services to Local Government.
Ms Moira Swinbank, Chief Executive, TimeBank. For services to Volunteering.
Professor Ian Swingland, Founder, The Durrell Institute for Conservation and Ecology. For services to Conservation.
Graham Francis Taylor, lately Headteacher, The Downs School, Newbury, Berkshire. For services to Education.
Ms Edna Margaret Telfer, Director, Bristol Drugs Project. For services to People who Misuse Drugs.
Joyce Anne, Mrs. Thacker, Senior Head of Service for Children and Young People, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Young People.
Robert Russell Thompson, Director of Fundraising, Royal British Legion. For services to Ex-Servicemen and Women.
Duncan Gillies Thomson, lately Convenor, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority. For services to the Environment.
Sarah Winifred, Mrs. Todd, Grade A, Northern Ireland Office.
Martin John Devereux Traynor, Chief Executive, Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce. For services to Business and to the community in the East Midlands.
Stephanie Linda, Mrs. Trotter, President, CO-Gas Safety and Vice-President, Consumer Safety International. For services to Health and Safety in the Gas Industry.
Mohammed Tufail, Director, North Staffordshire Racial Equality Council. For services to Community Relations.
Adrian Underwood, lately National Director, Boarding Schools' Association. For services to Education.
Rosemary Margaret, Mrs. Varley, lately Regional Commissioner, NHS Appointments Commission and Chair, General Optical Council. For services to the NHS and to Healthcare.
Pauleen, Mrs. Davies, J.P., President, Radford Care Group. For services to Older People in Nottingham.
Peter Walters Davies. For services to Red Kite Conservation in Wales.
Robert Hugh Thomas Davies, Solicitor. For services to the Legal Profession and to the community in South East Wales.
Miss Pauline Davis, lately Switchboard Manager, National Assembly for Wales.
Peter Edward Davis. For services to Red Kite Conservation in Wales.
Rheta, Mrs. Davison, Chair, Cutsyke Community Group. For services to Young People in Castleford, West Yorkshire.
Dr. William Donald Davison. For services to Music in Northern Ireland.
Roger Davy, J.P. For services to the community in West Yorkshire.
Wendy May, Mrs. Deakin, Bursar, Cledford Junior School, Middlewich, Cheshire. For services to Education.
Alistair James Dent. For services to the community in Hilgay, Norfolk.
Ms Morag Deyes, Artistic Director, Dance Base. For services to Dance in Scotland.
Gurdarshan, Mrs. Dhanjal. For services to Community Relations in Bristol, in particular to South Asian families with disabled children.
Professor Soraya Dhillon, Chair, Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Jean Smith, Mrs. Dixon. For services to disabled people in Easington, County Durham.
Sonia, Mrs. Dixon, African and Caribbean Services Manager, Walsall Libraries. For services to Local Government in the West Midlands.
Norah Alice, Mrs. Dobinson, lately Trainbearer to the Lord Chancellor, Department for Constitutional Affairs.
Brian Dougherty, Co-ordinator, Tullyally and District Development Group. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Jessie, Mrs. Doull. For services to the community in Wick, Caithness.
William Hugh Alexander Duncan, J.P., College Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Management, Moray College. For services to Further Education in the Highlands.
Susan Elizabeth, Mrs. Dungey. For services to the Chaplaincy Team, Lister Hospital, Hertfordshire.
Dr. Euan Kennedy Dunn. For services to Marine Conservation.
Peter George Dunstan. For services to the Far Eastern Prisoners of War Association and Far East War Grave Archives.
Ruth Durrell, Administrator, Research Methods Programme, Economic and Social Research Council. For services to Social Science.
Cynthia, Mrs. Dyke. For services to Community Safety in Taffs Well, Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Carl Robert Eddy, Administrative Assistant, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Ms Diana Edmonds, Head, Haringey Libraries, Archives and Museum Service. For services to Local Government in North London.
George Tait Edwards, lately Senior Regional Property Adviser, Learning and Skills Council. For services to Further Education.
Colonel Samuel Mervyn Elder, T.D., J.P., D.L. For services to the Reserve Forces and Cadets' Association in Northern Ireland.
Alan Thomas Elliott, Founder and Director, Forest Fitness Centre. For services to Sport and voluntary community work in the Forest of Dean.
William Elliott, Chair, Mitford Parish Council. For services to the community in Northumberland.
Gordon Ellis, Area Business Manager, Scottish Executive.
John Anthony Ellis, Head, Technology Exploitation Division, Space Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. For services to Science.
Stella, Lady Empey. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Jerome Roy Evans, Manager, H.M. Young Offenders' Institution Thorn Cross, Warrington, Cheshire.
Judith Marion, Mrs. Evans, Leader, St. Ives District Rangers, Cambridgeshire. For services to Young People.
Olive Gwendoline, Mrs. Evans. For services to Education and to the community in Monmouthshire.
Sue Prudence Anne, Mrs. Evans, District Nurse. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Burwell, Cambridgeshire.
Susan, Mrs. Bowes-Evans, Chief Commandant, South Wales Police. For services to the Special Constabulary.
John Wallace Kerr Ewart, General Manager, Blackburn Local Employment Scheme. For services to Young People and to the community in West Lothian.
Hilary Joan, Mrs. Farley, lately Headteacher, Gladstone Primary School, Barry. For services to Education in Wales.
Glynis Mary, Mrs. Farrell, Specialist Music Teacher, Holwell Primary School, Hertfordshire. For services to Education.
Anne Mary, Mrs. Faulconer, J.P. For services to The Children's Society.
Angela Nancy, Mrs. Faulding, Specialist Health Visitor, North East Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Elaine, Mrs. Ferguson, Founder, Spark-Space and Right to Write Ltd. For services to People with Dyslexia.
Olive Marion, Mrs. Ferguson. For services to Oxfam in Morningside, Edinburgh.
Florence Arlene, Mrs. Ferry. For public service.
Ms Linda Jean Finnamore, Prison Officer, H.M. Prison and Young Offenders' Institution New Hall, Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
Councillor Barry Fippard, Councillor, Lincolnshire County Council. For services to Local Government in Lincolnshire.
Paul Roland Firman. For services to the community in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk.
Brian Douglas Flood, Q.P.M. For services to the Police.
Dr. Michael Wilfred Flowers. For charitable services in Yorkshire and Bangladesh.
Elizabeth Marlene, Mrs. Forbes, Captain, 1st Northern Ireland Company, Girls' Brigade. For services to Young People.
Dr. Fiona Mary Ford, General Medical Practitioner and Senior Lecturer, East Lancashire Teaching Primary Care Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Sue Joan Frances, Mrs. Grayson Ford, Director, Campaign for Drawing. For services to Art.
Peter Bernard Forsdick, Manager, Distribution Services Management, London Underground. For services to Public Transport.
Helen, Mrs. Foster, Founder, Saturday Club for Deaf Children, Isle of Wight. For services to disabled children.
Marian, Mrs. Fraser, Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Patricia, Mrs. Fry, Head of Education, Training and Careers, Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. For services to Science.
Graham Richard John Fryer, Chairman, Driving Instructors' Association. For services to Road Safety.
Robert John Fyffe. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Anne, Mrs. Gait. For services to disabled children in Leeds.
Richard Galliford. For services to the Youth of Barnsley and Overseas.
Anne, Mrs. Gandy. For services to the community in Walton, Liverpool.
John Edward Gardner, Events Planning Manager, London Buses. For services to Public Transport.
Georgina Mary, Mrs. Gaskin. For services to the community in Northamptonshire.
Martin John Gebbett, Executive Officer, Environmental Policy Officer, Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Daphne, Mrs. Geer, President, Southern Counties Amateur Swimming Association. For services to Sport.
Michael Geer, Swimming Coach and President, Royal Tunbridge Wells Monson Swimming Club. For services to Sport.
Stephen Paul Gelder, Managing Director, Gelder Ltd., Gainsborough. For services to Business and to the community in Lincolnshire.
Dr. Carol Gibbens. For services to the community in Dorset.
Lambert Gibbons, Driver, Government Car and Despatch Agency, H.M. Treasury.
Mary Dorothy Beckford, Mrs. Gibson. For services to the Bomber Command Association.
Miss Rita Rose Gibson. For services to the community in West Bromwich, West Midlands.
Ms Angela Jayne Gidden, Design Director and Founder, Attic 2 Ltd and Director and Co-Founder, Nomad and Nest Ltd. For services to Business in South Wales. *Barry Thomas Gifford, Director, Finance and Administration, Royal National Institute for the Blind. For services to People with Visual Impairment.
Evelyn Mary, Mrs. Gittens, lately School Crossing Warden, Halton Borough Council, Cheshire. For services to Education.
Tibor Gold, Patent and Trade Mark Attorney. For services to Intellectual Property.
June, Mrs. Goodchild. For services to the community in Easterside, Middlesbrough.
Patricia, Mrs. Gordon, Officer, National Insurance Contributions Office, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Stephen Grainger, Chief Executive, Youth Sport Trust. For services to School Sport.
Ivor John Frederick Gray, Youth Football Coach. For services to Sport in Northumberland.
William Grayson. For services to the community in Huddersfield.
Hazel, Mrs. Green. For services to the Welfare of Prisoners in Wakefield.
Barbara, Mrs. Greggains, Lay Representative, Clinical Radiology Patients Liaison Group, Royal College of Radiologists. For services to Healthcare.
John William Grey, Head Shoe Shiner, Virgin Atlantic. For services to Passengers.
Bernadette Philomena, Mrs. Grimes. For services to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Wing Commander Peter Ernest Guiver. For services to the Air Training Corps, London and South East Region.
Brian Guttridge, Naval Tailor. For services to the Armed Forces.
Elizabeth Ann, Mrs. Haddow, Co-Founder, National Holiday Fund. For services to children and Families.
Malcolm Haddow, Director and Trustee, National Holiday Fund. For services to Children and Families.
Roberta, Mrs. Haffey. For services to the Church of Ireland.
Thomas John Hall, Charge Nurse, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland.
Ms Ruby Hammer, Co-Founder, Ruby and Millie Cosmetics. For services to the Cosmetics Industry.
Albert Hampson, lately Business Manager, AA Hotel Services. For services to the Hospitality Industry.
Dilys Elvena, Mrs. Hanmer, President, Pembroke and District Committee, Macmillan Cancer Relief. For charitable services.
Mary Terese, Mrs. Hanna, Mid-day Supervisor, St. James's Roman Catholic Primary School, Twickenham, London. For services to Education.
Roy Hanna, Founder and Member, Aghalee Development Association. For services to the Rural Community in Northern Ireland.
Derek Graham Hardwell, Senior Manager, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Joseph Kenneth Hargreaves. For services to the community in Lancashire.
Thomas George Harland. For services to the British Standards Institution.
Ann Marilyn, Mrs. Harries, J.P., D.L. For services to the Cub Scouts in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Francis Andrew Harrington, Member, Castle Morpeth Borough Council, Northumberland. For services to Local Government.
Bill Harris, Chair and Member, Senior Citizen Forum, Shrewsbury. For services to the community in Shropshire.
Philip Arthur Harris, Assistant Director of Community Services (Housing Operations), Plymouth City Council. For services to Local Government.
Miss Ruth Alison Harte (Mrs. Langrish). For services to Music.
Ms Angela Hartnett, Executive Chef, Connaught Hotel and Restaurant Proprietor. For services to the Hospitality Industry.
Colin Walter Hassall, Drug and Alcohol Team Manager. For services to People who Misuse Drugs.
Rosemary, Mrs. Hawley, J.P., D.L., Chair, Knowsley Primary Care Trust. For services to Healthcare in Merseyside.
Rosemary, Mrs. Hayes, lately Grade E1, Ministry of Defence.
Ms Margaret Hazell. For services to the Trade Union Movement in Wales.
Aneurin John Wyn Heath, Paramedic Supervisor, Wales Air Ambulance Service, Swansea. For services to Healthcare.
Brenda Chamberlin, Mrs. Heesom. For services to the Sea Cadet Corps in Gravesend, Kent.
Ms Phiona Jane Hesketh, Probation Officer, H.M. Prison, Kirkham, Lancashire. For services to Diversity.
Gaye Stanford, Mrs. Hessay, Defence Section Translator, British Embassy, Madrid, Ministry of Defence.
David Edward Highley, lately Minerals Geologist. For services to Science.
Harry David Higman, Curator, National Cycle Museum Trust, Llandrindod Wells. For services to the Tourist Industry in Wales.
Margaret, Mrs. Bradbury-Hiles, Chair, Friends of Whitchurch Community Hospital. For services to the community in Shropshire.
Dr. Rowan Hillson, Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, The Hillingdon Hospital, Middlesex. For services to Medicine.
Ann Christine, Mrs. Hilton, Teacher, Dame Janet Community Junior School, Ramsgate, Kent. For services to Education.
Penelope Ann, Mrs. Hilton, Learning Facilitator, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Gregory Hinds, Chair of Governors, St. Alban's Roman Catholic High School Pontypool, Torfaen. For services to Education.
Jillian Isla, Mrs. Hinds. For services to the community in Kelvedon, Essex.
Ronald Michael Hitchens, Teacher, Roskear School, Camborne, Cornwall. For services to Education.
Jennifer Ann, Mrs. Hocking, Associate Dean, Warwick Business School. For services to Higher Education.
Mary, Mrs. Hodgson. For services to disabled people in Croydon, Surrey.
Malcolm Joseph Holmes, Senior Archivist, Camden Library. For services to Local Government.
Colin Peter Honey. For charitable services.
Nicholas Peter Hopkinson. For services to Bolton Lads' and Girls' Club and to young people in Bolton.
Kenneth Hopley, lately Area Manager, Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, Department of Transport.
Sally, Mrs. Hopson, Retail Managing Director, East Division, Asda Stores. For services to Diversity.
Dr. William Donald Hoskins. For services to Music in East London.
Michael Huber, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Hugh George Hughes. For services to the Sheep Industry in Wales.
Councillor Joseph Clifford Hughes. For services to St. Catherine's Hospice and to the community in South Ribble, Lancashire.
Miss Margaret Anne Hughes. For services to the League of Friends, Oxford Churchill Hospital.
Kay, Mrs. Hurwitz, Violin and Viola Teacher. For services to Music.
Misbah Sultana, Mrs. Hussain. For services to Asian communities in South Yorkshire.
Margaret, Mrs. Hutchins, Nursing Sister, Bellsdyke Hospital, Larbert. For services to Mental Health Nursing in Stirling.
Patricia Jean, Mrs. Hutchison, Senior Officer, Child Trust Fund Office, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Vera Margaret Pamela, Mrs. Ide. For services to the Women's Royal Voluntary Service in Reading.
Roger Mason Ingham. For services to Sport in North Yorkshire.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Irlam. For services to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in Sussex.
Shelagh Dickson, Mrs. Iwanowicz, Human Resources Manager, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Edward Ewart Jackson, Chair, Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts and Chair, Lancashire Wildlife Trust. For services to Conservation.
Elizabeth Joan, Mrs. Jackson, Founder, Great Guns Marketing. For services to Business.
Mary Elizabeth, Mrs. Jackson, Supply Teacher, Shanklin Church of England Primary School, Isle of Wight. For services to Education.
Victoria Irene, Mrs. Jackson, Director, Kingston Recruitment Ltd. For services to Business and to the community in Kingston-upon-Hull.
Evelyn, Lady Jacomb, Chair, Friends of Moorfields Hospital. For charitable services in London.
Ms Darryl Jaffray, lately Director of Education and Access, Royal Opera House. For services to Dance.
Peter Thomas John Jefferis. For services to the community in the West Midlands.
Joanna, Mrs. Jenkins, J.P. For services to the Independent Monitoring Board, H.M. Prison Parc, Bridgend, and to the National Council.
Edwin Gordon Jenner, Council Member, Natural Environment Research Council. For services to Environmental Science.
Enid Lois, Mrs. Johns. For services to the Multiple Sclerosis Society and to the community in Helston, Cornwall.
John Duncan Johnston, lately Harbour Master, Eyemouth. For services to the community in Berwickshire.
Doris May, Mrs. Jones. For services to People with Learning Disabilities and to the community in Anglesey.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Jones. For services to Education and to the community in Flintshire.
Professor Emeritus Gareth Elwyn Jones. For services to Education in Wales.
The Reverend Robert Lynton Jones, University Chaplain, Roehampton University. For services to Higher Education.
Dr. William Richard Bevan Jones. For services to the community in Sawston, Cambridge.
David Anthony Welton Joy. For services to the Environment in the North East.
Thomas Joyce. For services to the community in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
Beryl Genevieve, Mrs. Juma, Clinical Lead, Leeds Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Service. For services to Healthcare.
Syed Kifayat Hussain Kazmi. For services to the community in Derby.
Richard Alan Keeves, Senior Valuer, Valuation Office Agency, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Kenneth Kelley, Bandmaster, Burghclere Primary School Brass Band, Berkshire. For services to Music Education.
Ms Millie Kendall, Co-Founder, Ruby and Millie Cosmetics. For services to the Cosmetic Industry.
Lewis Thomas Kent, Honorary Treasurer, Oakley Holidays for Young People. For services to Young People.
Alexander John King, Deputy Leader, Kent County Council. For services to Local Government.
Ernest Charles King, Member, London Travelwatch. For services to Public Transport.
Margaret Susanna, Mrs. Knott. For services to the community in Northern Ireland and to Children Overseas.
Dr. Bernard Knowles. For services to the community in West Yorkshire.
Kim Robert Knowles, Executive Director, Midlands Fashion Showcase. For services to the Fashion Industry.
John Hugh Knox. For public service.
Anil Krishnarao Koshti, Nuclear Regulator, Environment Agency. For services to the Environment.
Julia, Mrs. Kury, Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Ronald Lamb. For services to the community in Durham.
Peter William Lambley, lately Conservation Officer, English Nature. For services to Conservation in Norfolk.
John Henry Lander, Senior Leading Hand Air Frame Fitter, Marshall Aerospace. For services to the Aerospace Industry.
Joseph Charles Lansdell, Foster Carer, West Sussex. For services to Children and Families.
Rita Eileen, Mrs. Lansdell, Foster Carer, West Sussex. For services to Children and Families.
Ivor Lask, lately Optometrist, Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Ronald Anthony Lass, Chair, Cocoa Research Committee. For services to the Food Industry.
Susan, Mrs. Law, Head of Library Service. For services to Local Government in East Lancashire.
Carl Rex Owen Lawrence. For services to Victim Support in Leicestershire and Rutland.
Derek Charles Lawson. For public service and to the community in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire.
Sarah Elizabeth, Mrs. Lee, J.P., D.L., lately High Sheriff of South Yorkshire. For services to the Administration of Justice.
John Leese. For services to the Douglas Macmillan Hospice, Stoke-on-Trent.
John Eugene Lenney (Junior). For services to Music and to Young People in Cardiff.
Ann Elizabeth, Mrs. Lewis, Councillor, Holyhead Town Council. For services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey.
Heather, Mrs. Lewis, Food, Health and Safety Manager, Rhondda Cynon Taff. For services to Local Government.
Dr. Alan William Lillington, D.L. For services to the community in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear.
William Arthur Lindop. For services to the community in The Gambia.
John Joseph Linehan. For charitable services in Northern Ireland.
John William Littlechild, J.P. For services to the community in South Wales.
Jane Helen Violet, Lady Lloyd of Berwick, D.L., Chair, Family Welfare Association. For charitable services.
Sallie Loretta, Mrs. Lockwood. For services to the community in Carlton, North Yorkshire.
Rajyasree, Mrs. Lodh, lately Administrative Officer, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed Lone, J.P., General Medical Practitioner, Middlesbrough. For services to Healthcare.
Ms Jeanette Anne Longfield. For services to Food Policy Issues.
Miss Mary Grace Longsdon. For services to the Fell Pony Society.
Gillian Lesley, Mrs. Lowndes. For services to the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Ysgol Bryn Elian, Colwyn Bay, Conwy.
Peter Gradwell Lund. For services to the community in Oxfordshire.
Lynn Avis, Mrs. Lynch, Consultant Midwife, North Glamorgan NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Thomas Lynch. For services to Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) Racing and to Ambulance Service Cycling.
Ms Mary Geraldine Lyons, Chief Executive and Director, Springvale Training Ltd. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Ronald John MacAuley. For public service.
James William Ian Macdonald, J.P. For services to the Administration of Justice in Salford.
William Keith MacGillivray, Assistant Chief Officer, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue. For services to the Fire Service National Benevolent Fund.
Norma Ann, Mrs. MacLellan, lately Clerical Assistant and Typist, Caol Primary School, Fort William. For services to Education and to the community in Inverness-shire.
Ruby Irene Dorothy, Mrs. Mallinson. For services to the Women's Auxiliary Air Force Association.
Patricia, Mrs. Mancini. For charitable services in Blackpool, Lancashire.
Angelo Manorajah, Financial Director, Fairbridge. For services to Disadvantaged Young People.
Neale Charles Marney, Supervisor, Newbury Ambulance Station. For services to the NHS.
Robert Norwood Marris. For services to the RAF Association in Hertfordshire.
Harry Marsh, Board Member, Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service and Vice-Chair, National Children's Bureau. For services to Children and Families.
Dr. Elizabeth Carole Martin, lately Director of Public Health and Medical Director, Kingston Primary Care Trust. For services to Medicine.
Peter Duncan Arthur Marwood, Chair, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Leukaemia Research Fund. For charitable services.
Mary, Mrs. Mathie. For services to Foster Care in Scotland.
Arthur Mathieson, Customer Services Manager, Standard Life. For services to the community in Leith, Edinburgh.
Commander Barry John Mattey, Royal Navy. For services to the Sea Cadet Corps.
Peter Charles Maudlin. For services to the community in Upper Caldecote, Bedfordshire.
David Maughan. For services to Farming in County Durham.
Councillor Walter McAdam, D.L., Councillor, Clackmannanshire Council. For services to Local Government.
Wesley John McCabe. For services to the Communication Industry.
Joan Heather, Mrs. McClelland, University Governor and lately Principal, Castlewellan Primary School. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Anthony Maurice McDermott, Leader, Halton Borough Council. For services to Local Government in Cheshire.
John Patrick McDowall, Commander, Counter-Terrorism Command, Specialist Operations, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Maureen, Mrs. McEvoy. For services to the Adoption of Children in Scotland.
Miss Margaret Mary Bridget McEwen. For services to Children Overseas.
Alison, Mrs. McFaul, RSPB Information Warden, Rathlin Island, County Antrim. For services to the Environment in Northern Ireland.
George McGrattan, Principal Teacher of Computing, Garnock Academy, North Ayrshire. For services to Education.
Kevin McKillop, Accommodation Officer, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Northern Ireland, Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland Executive.
Alan McKinney, lately Chief Executive, Scottish Stone Liaison Group. For services to the Stonemason Industry in Scotland.
Sheila Elizabeth Isobel, Mrs. McLaughlin. For services to Music in Northern Ireland.
Pamela, Mrs. McLean, Administrative Officer, Child Support Agency, Department for Work and Pensions.
Ida, Mrs. McMaster. For services to Archaeology in Essex.
Yvonne, Mrs. McQuinn, J.P., Non-Executive Director, former North Kirklees Primary Care Trust. For services to the NHS.
Major Robert Harold Medley, D.L. For services to Ex-Servicemen and Women in Wales.
Jayne Denise, Mrs. Medlicott, Nursing Director, Hospice of the Valleys, Blaenau Gwent. For services to Healthcare.
Malcolm Coubrough Meikle, Member, Wychavon District Council, Fladbury Ward. For services to Local Government.
Dr. Althea Melling, Head of the Centre for Volunteering and Community Action, University of Central Lancashire. For services to Higher Education.
James Duncan Alan Michael. For services to Visually Impaired and Disadvantaged People in the Highlands.
Violet, Mrs. Miles. For services to the community in Milton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire.
David St. John Nasmyth-Miller, Inspector, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Kenneth Angus Milroy, Chief Executive, Aberdeen Foyer. For services to Disadvantaged People in Scotland.
Christopher David Minty, Special Projects Officer, Belize, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. For services to the Conservation of the Central American Rainforest.
Ann, Mrs. Mitchell, lately Customer Services Assistant, Refectory, Lauder College. For services to Further Education in Dunfermline.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Mitchell, District Nurse, Dunfermline and West Fife Community Health Partnership. For services to Healthcare.
Lynn Mittell, Radio Presenter and Comedy Music Performer. For services to Entertainment in Wales.
James Andrew Moar, Retained Station Officer, Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Fire Safety.
Anthony Mooney, lately Administrative Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions.
Phillip Edward Stephen Morgan, Director, Support Services, Bedford Hospital NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Susan, Mrs. Morgan, Macmillan Nurse Specialist for Teenagers and Young Adults, St. James's University Hospital, Leeds. For services to the NHS.
Terrig Goronwy Morgan, lately Chair, National Farmers' Union Milk Committee. For services to the Dairy Industry.
John Keith Mortin, lately Manager, H.M. Prison Manchester, H.M. Prison Service.
Betty, Mrs. Morton. For services to the British Red Cross Society in Lincolnshire.
Moses, Trustee, Brent Community Transport. For services to the community in North London.
David Rhodri Mugridge, Inspector, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Christine, Mrs. Mullen, Associate Director, Workforce Strategy NHS North West. For services to the NHS.
Miss Sandra Mullin. For services to the community in Earlesfield Estate, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
Councillor Ronald Munby. For services to the community in Keswick, Cumbria.
Susan Mrs. Murrell. For services to the Civil Service Benevolent Fund, Home Office.
Miss Eileen Myers, Executive Officer, Health and Safety Executive, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Frank Edward Neal, Chair, Rotherham Hospice Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Brian Needham. For services to the Duke of Edinburgh Award and to Young People.
Jean Diana, Mrs. Newman. For services to the community in South Somerset.
Lilian, Mrs. Newman, lately Chair, Inverclyde Tourist Group. For services to the Tourist Industry in Scotland.
Roger Edward Newman. For charitable services.
Dr. Jennifer Margaret Newton. For services to Conservation in North Lancashire.
Andrew James Nisbet, Works Manager, Historic Scotland, Scottish Executive.
Kathleen, Mrs. Nisbet, Councillor, Blyth Valley District Council. For services to Local Government in Blyth, Northumberland.
Peter Noot, Woodland Officer, West Sussex, Forestry Commission.
David Norman, Retained Sub-Officer, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Fire Safety.
Yvonne Mary, Mrs. Norton, Chair, West Midlands Lupus Group. For services to Healthcare.
Daniel Terrence O'Connell. For services to Youth Justice and to the community in Cumbria.
Carmen Winifred, Mrs. O'Hagan, Teacher, Northern Ireland Prison Service.
John O'Leary, Councillor, Staffordshire County Council. For services to Local Government.
Audrey, Mrs. O'Neill. For services to the Sport of Baton Twirling.
Miss Linda Joyce Oakley, Director, Ideas21. For services to Invention and Innovation.
Peter William Ogles. For services to the Royal Mail and to St. John Ambulance Brigade in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.
Jean, Mrs. Oliver, Vice-Chair, Parkfield and Mill Lane Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder Board. For services to the community in Stockton-on-Tees.
Peter James Stephen Olney. For services to Zoos and to Conservation.
Comfort, Mrs. Omoko, Senior Catering Manager, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Mary, Mrs. Ord. For services to the Huntly and District Macmillan Cancer Research Branch, Aberdeen.
Keith Stuart Osborn, lately Chief Scientist, United Utilities plc. For services to Business and to Public Health.
Ronald Frederick Osborn, lately Director, Osborn and Simmons Ltd. For services to Surgical Instruments Manufacture.
Jean Ellen, Mrs. Outhwaite. For services to the Cub Scouts in Lancashire and Cheshire.
Bridget Carlile, Mrs. Overton, lately Manager, Maidstone Volunteer Bureau. For services to the community in Kent.
Theresa Josephine, Mrs. Owen, Volunteer Services Manager, Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to the NHS in Merseyside.
William Robert Palmer, T.D., Corporation Tax Manager, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Charles Edgar Park. For services to Raptor Conservation in South West Scotland.
George Parker. For services to the community in Barford St. Michael, Oxfordshire.
Dr. John Merfyn Hywell Lloyd Parry. For services to Sports Medicine.
Raymond Harold Parry, Emergency Planning Manager, London Underground. For services to Public Transport.
Geoffrey Lloyd Parsons, Teacher, Vyners School, Ickenham, Hillingdon, London. For services to Education.
Richard John Patterson, lately Chairman, Dorset ME Support Group. For charitable services to those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
Michael Norman Pearn. For services to the community in Torpoint, Cornwall.
Ann, Mrs. Pearse. For services to the community in Somerset.
Thomas Perrett, Chair, Walsall New Deal for Communities. For services to the community in the West Midlands.
Miss Eve Pettinger, Ballet Teacher, Arts Educational School, Tring. For services to Dance.
Patricia Jane, Mrs. Phillips. For services to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
Stanley William Pike, lately Deputy Headteacher, Bosmere Junior School, Hampshire. For services to Education.
Ms Julia Lucille Plaine, Co-ordinator, Sex Workers' Empowerment, Education and Training Project, Huddersfield. For services to Women.
Sheila, Mrs. Pollitt, J.P., Member, Independent Monitoring Board. For services to H.M. Young Offenders' Institution Lancaster Farms, Lancashire.
Catherine, Mrs. Potter, Specialist Bed Co-ordinator, Medway NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Mary, Mrs. Potts. For services to the community in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear.
Bevan Powell, Deputy Chair, Metropolitan Black Police Association. For services to the Police.
Douglas Powell, Warden and Manager, East Mersea Youth Camp, Essex. For services to Young People. Ms Frances Mary Powell. For services to the Tourist Industry in Lincolnshire.
Marguerita, Mrs. Powlesland. For services to the community in Hertfordshire.
Bronwen, Mrs. Preece. For Charitable services to Healthcare in Swansea.
Malcolm Preece, Project Manager, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Ms Carol Virginia Priestley, Director, International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. For services to Science in developing countries and emerging economies.
Captain Ronald Pritchard, lately Regional Welfare Officer, Combat Stress. For services to Ex-Servicemen and Women.
Canon Walter Patterson Quill. For services to the community in Castlederg, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
Brian Alfred Rae. For services to the Meteorological Office and to the community in the Isle of Man.
Gurdial Singh Rai. For services to the Sikh community in Dartford, Kent.
Miss Sybil Evelyn Ralphs, Member, Bagnall Parish Council. For services to the community in North Staffordshire.
Lillian Jane, Mrs. Ramsay, Founder and Director, The Eyeless Trust for Children and Young People Born Without Eyes. For services to Children and Families.
Donald William Randall. For services to Law Enforcement in the City of London.
Percival Rankin. For services to the Royal British Legion in Northern Ireland.
Anthony James Ratcliffe. For services to the Environment in Suffolk.
Dr. Keith Ray, County Archaeologist, Herefordshire Council. For services to Local Government.
Linda Janice, Mrs. Rees, J.P. For services to the Administration of Justice in Port Talbot.
Geraldine, Mrs. Rice, Councillor, Castlereagh Borough Council. For services to Local Government in Northern Ireland.
The Reverend William Thomas John Richardson, lately Minister, Hillhall Presbyterian Church, Lisburn. For services to the community in Northern Ireland.
Paul Christopher Ridgeon, Head of Special Projects, OYce of Government Commerce, H.M. Treasury.
Miss Nancy Elizabeth Riegen. For services to the community in Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire.
William Ritchie, Crofter Fisherman. For services to the Environment and to Sustainable Development in the Highlands and Islands.
Ann Adele Susan Maria, Mrs. Roberts. For services to the community in Edenbridge, Kent.
Anne, Mrs. Roberts, Head of Health Visiting and School Nursing, North Glamorgan NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Derek Paul de Villamar Roberts. For services to the History and Sport of Cycling.
Miss Jean McHattie Roberts, Stoma Care Adviser, Sangers (NI) Ltd. For services to Stoma Care Nursing in Northern Ireland.
Christina Waters Clapperton, Mrs. Robertson, lately Head of Department of Business, Management and Computing, Dumfries and Galloway College. For services to Lifelong Learning.
Ms Suzanne Robson. For public service.
Jennifer, Mrs. Rodgers, Administrative Assistant, The Pension Service, Department for Work and Pensions.
Eileen, Mrs. Roscoe, Youth Team Manager, Lancashire Learning and Skills Council. For services to Education and to Business.
Dr. Euan James Ferguson Ross, lately Administrator, Chemistry Department, University of Durham. For services to Higher Education.
Keith Raymond Roszell, Vice-Chair, Cornwall Area Committee, Fire Services National Benevolent Fund. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service.
Robert Michael Rothenberg. For services to Business and to the community in London.
Henry Rumbold. For services to Conservation and to the community in Ripon, North Yorkshire.
Philip William Russell, Management Board Member, Workers' Safety Adviser Challenge Fund. For services to Health and Safety in the Construction Industry.
David Sanderson, Chief Executive, Derwent Training Association, North Yorkshire. For services to Young People.
Ms Jane Shepherdson, Brand Director, TopShop. For services to the Retail Industry.
Paul Edward Siddall, Executive Officer, Disability and Carers Service, Department for Work and Pensions.
David Ross Simpson. For services to the community in Harrow, Middlesex.
John Simpson, Works Operational Manager, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust. For services to the NHS.
Margaret Anne, Mrs. Sims, Senior Health Promotion Specialist, South Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Nirmala, Mrs. Singhvi. For services to the community in Watford, Hertfordshire.
Keith Victor Skipper, D.L. For services to the community in Norfolk.
Offord Slater. For services to the Waste Management Industry and to the Environment in West Yorkshire.
William Barry Slater. For services to the Boys' Brigade in Orkney.
Donald Smallwood, Chair, Preston Road Neighbourhood Development Company. For services to the community in Kingston-upon-Hull.
Peter Alexander Smart, Director of Adult Learning, Chichester College, West Sussex. For services to Further Education.
Adrienne Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Assistant Headteacher, The North School, Ashford, Kent. For services to Education.
Ms Lesley Smith, County Secretary, Devon Association of Parish Councils. For services to Local Government in the South West.
Margaret Montgomery, Mrs. Smith. For services to the community in Glasgow.
Irene Matilda, Mrs. Smyth, Recycling Centre Attendant, Magherafelt Recycling Centre. For services to Local Government in Northern Ireland.
Samuel Alfred Matthew Smyth, Main Grade Officer, Limited. For services to the Farming Industry. Northern Ireland Prison Service.
Ms Liz Snape, Director, Policy and Political AVairs, UNISON. For services to Diversity.
Roy Malcolm Dudley-Southern, Team Leader and Strategic Planning Manager, Greater Manchester Primary Care Trusts Collaborative Commissioning Team. For services to the NHS.
Miss Barbara Mary Speake, Founder, The Barbara Speake Theatre School and Agency. For services to Drama in London.
Angela, Mrs. Spellman. For services to the community in Newbury, Berkshire.
Anthony Noel Spencer, Chair, North West Housing Forum. For services to Social Housing.
Lieutenant Commander Victor William Spong, Royal Naval Reserve (Ret'd). For services to the Sea Cadet Corps in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Trevor Kenneth Stanbury, Partner, The Milky Way Adventure Park. For services to the Tourist Industry in the South West.
Anthony John Stannard, Head Trainer, Malmesbury Amateur Boxing Club. For services to Sport in Wiltshire.
Thomas Michael Robert Sterry. For charitable services.
Dr. Peter Michael Collinson Stevens. For services to Conservation.
Rosemary, Mrs. Stevenson. For services to the community in Ballantree, Ayrshire.
Jacqueline June, Mrs. Stimpson, Water Skier. For services to Disabled Sport.
Lynn Maureen, Mrs. Storey, Lead Court Manager, Reading County Court, Her Majesty's Court Service.
David Thomas Streeter, Reader in Ecology, University of Sussex. For services to Higher Education.
Nancy, Mrs. Stuart, Grade B2, Sierra Leone Office, Department for International Development.
John Christopher Sugden. For services to the community in Haslemere, Surrey.
Matthew Tanner, Director, SS Great Britain Trust. For services to Maritime Conservation.
Adelene Jarn, Mrs. Tasker. For services to Community Relations in North Lincolnshire.
Dr. Trevor Taylor, Technical and Projects Director, MBDA UK. For services to the Defence Industry.
Ms Elizabeth Joanna Terry, Managing Director, The Leisure Media Company Ltd. For services to the Publishing Industry.
Nellie, Mrs. Thornton. For services to the community in Ilkley, West Yorkshire.
Gwendoline May, Mrs. Timmins. For services to the community in Kingswinford, West Midlands.
Michael John Tombs, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Volunteer Recognition, National Trust. For services to Heritage.
Simon Manville Topman, Chair, Aston New Deal for Communities and Chief Executive, Acme Whistle Company. For services to Business and to the community in Birmingham.
Edward Traynor. For services to the community in Easterhouse, Glasgow.
Peter Quintrell Treloar. For services to the community in Calne, Wiltshire.
Robert John Trevatt. For services to Homeless People in South Devon.
Dr. John Kenneth Trigg, Vice-Principal, Tomlinscote School and Sixth Form College, Frimley, Surrey. For services to Education.
Miss Florence Irene Tristram, Governor, Oliver Goldsmith Primary School, Southwark, London. For services to Education.
Peter Troy, Head of Humanitarian Response Team.
Paul Keith Trumble. For services to the community in Thanet, Kent.
Fiona, Mrs. Tunstall, Clerical Assistant, St. Brigid's Primary School, Glasgow. For services to Special Needs Education.
William Richard Turnbull, President, Network Russia Scout Fellowship. For services to International Scouting.
Joseph Turner, Grade C2, Ministry of Defence.
Reta Hodge, Mrs. Tweddle. For services to the community in Rowlands Gill, Tyne and Wear.
Maureen Winifred, Mrs. Tweney. For services to the community in Oxford.
Dr. Paul Anthony Twomey, General Medical Practitioner, Grimsby, North Lincolnshire. For services to Healthcare.
Michael Tyler, Chair of Governors, Osmani Primary School, Tower Hamlets, London. For services to Education.
Miss Mary Norah Barclay Tyrrell, Honorary Secretary, League of Friends, Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Hampshire. For charitable services.
Ms Sylvia Sanderson Usher, Honorary Secretary, Development Education Centre, Hull. For services to Children and to Young People.
Josephine, Mrs. Vary, Senior Youth and Community Learning Worker, Young Women's Outreach Project, Gateshead. For services to Young People.
Derek Reed Varnals, Technical Adviser, British Phonographic Industry. For services to the Music Industry.
Leslie Vince. For services to the Marfan Trust Charity.
Marion, Mrs. Vincent. For services to the community in Rothley, Leicester.
Susan, Mrs. Wade, Teaching Assistant, Hethersett High School, Norfolk. For services to Education.
Audrey, Mrs. Wales, lately President, Ballymena Borough Chamber of Commerce and Industry. For services to Business and to the community in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.
Michael Walker, General Engineering Manager, SERCO Defence and Aerospace. For services to the Defence Industry.
Peter George Wallis, Non-Executive Director, former Thurrock Primary Care Trust. For services to the NHS.
Lavinia, Mrs. Wallop, Trustee, NSPCC and President, NSPCC Chelsea Branch. For services to Children and Families.
Patricia Eleanor, Mrs. Walls, Chair, Cats Protection Charity. For services to Animal Welfare.
Edith Hazel, Mrs. Ward, Founder, Take Heart Support Group. For charitable services.
Stella Maria, Mrs. Wardell. For services to the community in South West Surrey.
Gillian, Mrs. Waterhouse, Head of Patient and PublicInvolvement, Heart of England NHS Trust. For services to the NHS.
Anne Marie, Mrs. Waters, Watch Manager, RDS, Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Fire Safety.
Linda, Mrs. Wood, Personal Assistant, Empire Test Pilots' School, QinetiQ. For services to the Aviation Industry.
Patricia Ann, Mrs. Woodman, Member, North Kevesten District Council. For services to Local Government.
Dr. Jennifer Anne Woolfe. For services to Nutrition.
Janice Margaret, Mrs. Worters, Chief Officer, Voluntary Organisations Development Agency and Chair, North Tyneside Strategic Partnership. For services to the community in the North East.
Professor Michael William David Wren, Consultant Microbiologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Biomedical Services.
Margaret, Mrs. Wright, President, Girlguiding Midlands Region. For services to Young People.
Dr. Nancy Vivien Wylie, Regional Director, Aim Higher West Midlands. For services to Higher Education.
William Hugh Yates, lately Deputy Chair, Suzy Lamplugh Trust. For services to Charity.
Francis Dudgeon Bailey Young, Executive Head, Vice-Chancellor's Office, Queen's University Belfast. For services to Higher Education.
John Nixon, Chief Executive Officer, Taipei European School. For services to education in Taiwan.
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Honours Secretariat. "New Zealand Honours 2007". Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Archived from the original on 8 February 2007. Retrieved 30 December 2006.
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