The New Year Honours 2011 were announced on 31 December 2010 in the United Kingdom,[1] New Zealand,[2] The Cook Islands[3] Grenada,[4] Solomon Islands,[5] Tuvalu,[6] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,[7] Belize,[8] Antigua and Barbuda,[9] Saint Christopher and Nevis,[10] to celebrate the year passed and mark the beginning of 2011
The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour and arranged by the country (in order of independence) whose ministers advised The Queen on the appointments, then by honour with grades i.e. Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander etc. and then divisions i.e. Civil, Diplomatic and Military as appropriate.
Stephen John Limrick Bubb, Chief Executive, Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Dr. David Edgeworth Butler, C.B.E., O.A., Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. For services to Political Science.
Roger Martyn Carr, Chairman, Centrica plc. For services to Business.
Professor Rory Edwards Collins, Co-Director, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, University of Oxford. For services to Science.
Vernon James Ellis, Philanthropist and Chairman, English National Opera. For services to Music.
Peter Brian Ellwood, C.B.E. For services to Business and to the Public Sector.
Professor Michael John Gregory, C.B.E., Head, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge. For services to Technology.
Ronald James Kerr, C.B.E., Chief Executive, Guy's and St Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Richard Peter Lambert, Director-General, Confederation of British Industry. For services to Business.
Professor Robin MacGregor Murray, Professor of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London. For services to Medicine.
Professor Eldryd Hugh Owen Parry, OBE, Trustee and Founder, Tropical Health and Education Trust. For services to healthcare in Africa.
Companion of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (CMG)
Fleur Olive Lourens de Villiers, Chair, Trustees, International Institute of Strategic Studies. For services to democratic transition, reconciliation and governance in South Africa.
Alan Doss, lately United Nations Special Representative. For services to the United Nations.
Alistair Dewar Kerr Johnston, Non-Executive Member, Board of Management, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. For services to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Board of Management.
Andrew Lloyd, MBE, lately Director, Corporate Services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Trevor Steven Pears, Executive Chair of the Pears Foundation. For services to the community and UK/ Israel relations.
Elizabeth Alison Platt, Non-Executive Member, Board of Management, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. For services to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Board of Management.
Professor Ronald Alfred Laskey, lately Professor of Embryology, University of Cambridge and lately Director, Medical Research Council Cancer Cell Unit. For services to Science.
Arthur Torrington, OBE, Co-Founder, Equiano Society. For services to Black British Heritage.
Professor Nicholas Tyler, Head of Department and Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering, University College London. For services to Technology.
Ms Janet Vitmayer, Chief Executive and Director, Horniman Museum. For services to Museums.
Professor John Williamson Wallace, OBE, Principal, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. For services to Dance, Music and Drama Education in Scotland.
Graham Clive White, Director, International Energy and Technology, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Brian Paul Whittaker, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Merseyside and Chairman, Cheshire and Mersey Group, Crown Prosecution Service.
Tom Williams, Executive Vice-President of Programmes, Airbus SAS. For services to the Aerospace Industry.
Dr David Wilson, Philanthropist. For services to Young People.
Roger Leslie Wilson, Founder, Sarcoma UK Charity. For services to Healthcare.
Diplomatic and Overseas List
John Llewellyn Mostyn Hughes, Non-Executive Chairman, INTEC Telecommunications Systems. For services to international telecommunications.
Professor Barry John Kemp, Senior Research Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. For services to archaeology, education and international relations (Egypt).
Richard Paul Margolis, Regional Director, North East Asia, Rolls-Royce. For services to UK business in China.
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Military Division
Royal Navy
Commander James Stephen Donnelly, Royal Navy, C034959H.
Commodore David John Evans, Royal Navy, C023830S.
Commander David John Faulks, Royal Navy, C027514V.
Commander Stuart Brian Furness, Royal Navy, C029178F.
Captain Anthony Paul Holberry, Royal Navy, C033054Q.
Captain Timothy Frederick Wilkins Martin, Royal Navy, C024445M.
Commander Andrew Carnegie Stewart, Royal Navy, C026302P.
Colonel Colin Mark Abraham, late The Royal Logistic Corps, 513289.
Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Godson Eyre Bartholomew, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 533970.
Lieutenant Colonel James Jonathan Brasher, The Yorkshire Regiment, 519638.
Colonel Charles Walter Francis Mowbray Cox, TD, late Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army, 502145.
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Roy Hicks, T.D., Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army, 538502.
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Large, Royal Corps of Signals, 551601.
Lieutenant Colonel David Hugh Meyer, A.F.C., Army Air Corps, 520191.
Lieutenant Colonel Michael James Vernon Smith, Army Air Corps, 524375.
Royal Air Force
Wing Commander Nigel James Colman (8304546T), Royal Air Force.
Wing Commander Andrew John Coope (2633636F), Royal Air Force.
Group Captain Colin Hugh Hickman (5205092W), Royal Air Force.
Wing Commander Andrew Timothy Martin (5204340N), Royal Air Force.
Wing Commander Simon Christopher Prior (8029525E), Royal Air Force.
Wing Commander Harvey Smyth (8304516B), Royal Air Force.
Group Captain Ian Richard Tolfts (8024208L), Royal Air Force.
Civil Division
Sarah, Mrs. Aaronson. For services to Music and to Charity.
John David Adams, General-Secretary, Voluntary Organisations Disability Group. For services to Social Care.
Charubala, Mrs. Ainscough, Founder and Chair, Sahara Project. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic People in Lancashire.
Councillor Nasim Ali, London Borough of Camden. For services to Local Government.
Adrian Allen, Commercial Director, Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. For services to Industry in the Yorkshire and Humber Region.
Miss Kay Allen. For services to Equal Opportunities and to Diversity.
Brian Ambrose, Chief Executive, George Best Belfast City Airport. For services to the Aviation Industry.
Roger Arthur Simon Ames, lately Honorary Secretary, Air Squadron. For voluntary service to Aviation.
Bruce Patrick Armstrong, T.D., Consultant Nurse and Emergency Planning Officer, Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare.
Ms Andrea Arnold, Director. For services to the Film Industry.
Helen, Mrs. Ashby, Curator, National Railway Museum, York. For services to Heritage.
Kevan Baker, Chairman of WheelPower. For voluntary service to Disability Sports.
Ms Alice Chapman, Director, Youth Conference Service, Youth Justice Agency, Department of Justice, Northern Ireland Executive.
Ms Susan Jardine Clarke, Strategic Manager for Achievement Collaboration, Devon County Council. For services to Education.
Adrian Coles, Director-General, Building Societies Association. For services to the Financial Services Industry.
John Patrick Chamberlain Collins. For services to the Tourism and Visitor Attractions Industries.
John William Collinson, lately Director, King's College Hospital Charity and Executive Vice-Chairman, Association of NHS Charities. For services to the NHS.
Councillor Elizabeth Cunningham. For services to the community in East Renfrewshire and Malawi.
Ann Patricia, Mrs. Cutcliffe. For services to Para Equestrian Sport.
John Arthur Cuthbert. For services to Business in the North East.
Gordon D'Silva, Chief Executive, Training for Life. For services to Social Enterprise in London and Devon.
Professor Wendy Dagworthy, Professor and Head, Department of Fashion and Head, School of Fashion and Textiles, Royal College of Art. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Steven John Dalton, Managing Director, Sony Pencoed, Bridgend. For services to Industry in Wales.
Elaine, Mrs. Davidson, Headteacher, Tanshall Primary School, Fife. For services to Education.
Dr. John Davies, lately Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Gwent Hospital. For services to Medicine.
Julie Elizabeth, Mrs. Davies, Business Crime Manager, Staffordshire Police. For services to the Police.
Tom Davies, Commissioner for Wales, Independent Police Complaints Commission. For public service.
John Richard Kelsey De Quidt, lately Chief Executive, Football Licensing Authority. For services to Sport.
Dr. Pinnaduwage Ariyaraten De Silva, lately Consultant Physician, Genito Urinary and HIV Medicine, Dewsbury District Hospital, West Yorkshire. For services to Medicine.
Ms Jean Dent, lately Director of City Development, Leeds City Council. For services to Local Government. Monsignor John Devine. For services to Inter-faith Relations in the North West.
John Dixon, Executive Director, Adults and Children and Deputy Chief Executive, West Sussex CountyCouncil. For services to Local Government.
Catherine Mary, Mrs. Wellingbrook-Doswell. For services to the Administration of Justice in North East London.
Norman Henry Draper, Justices' Clerk for Merseyside, H.M. Courts Service, Ministry of Justice.
Andrew Martin Duffell, Chief Dealer, UK Debt Management Office, H.M. Treasury.
Keith Duggan, lately Headteacher, Gateway Primary School, Westminster, London. For services to Education.
Ms Phyllis Dunipace, lately Director of Children's Services, London Borough of Lambeth. For services to Families.
Stephen Lloyd Dunmore. For services to the Public and Voluntary Sectors.
Keith Melville Dunn, Chief Executive, Order of St. John Priory for Wales, St. John Cymru Wales. For service to Healthcare.
Stephen Dunne, Grade B1, Ministry of Defence.
Valerie Gail, Mrs. Easterbrook, lately Chief Executive, Institute of Internal Auditors. For services to the Auditing Profession.
John Clayton Edwards. For services to the community in Somerset.
Andrew Digby Emson, Superintendent Pharmacist, Boots the Chemist and lately Chairman, Company Chemists' Association. For services to Healthcare.
Carole, Mrs. Evans, Grade 7, Head of Contact Centre, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Department for Transport.
Richard Anthony Spencer Everard, D.L. For services to the community in Leicestershire and Rutland.
Semage Rupasiri Fernando, Managing Director, Ardmel Group Ltd. For services to Charity.
Ms Melanie Field, Head, Discrimination Law Review, Government Equalities Office.
Dr. Michael John Field, Chairman of the Corporation, Great Yarmouth College. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Johan, Mrs. Findlay, J.P. For services to the Administration of Justice in Scotland.
John Fitzpatrick, Headteacher, Williamwood High School, East Renfrewshire. For services to Education.
Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick. For services to disabled people in Wales.
Professor Christopher Franklin, Chairman, Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors and Professor and Honorary Consultant Oral Pathologist. For services to Healthcare.
James Gale. For services to the Horseracing Industry.
Colin Gibbs, Senior Lawyer, Crown Prosecution Service.
Mimi, Mrs. Harker. For services to Women, particularly Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women in the Public Sector and to the community in Amersham, Buckinghamshire.
William Charles Harpur, Principal, Ballycastle High School, County Antrim. For services to Education in Northern Ireland.
Paul Francis Harris, Operations Director, Makita Manufacturing Europe Ltd. For services to International Trade.
Mark Andrew Harvey. For public service.
John Edward Havard, Head of Gas Policy, Energy Markets and Infrastructure Group, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Patricia Stacey, Mrs. Henchie, lately Headteacher, Lowther Primary School, Richmond-upon-Thames. For services to Education.
Professor Helen Elisabeth Higson, Senior Pro-Vice- Chancellor and Professor of Higher Education Learning and Management, Aston University. For services to Higher Education.
Tatjana, Mrs. Hine, Managing Director, TBDA (Scotland) Ltd. For services to Business.
Ms Marian Holmes, Chief Executive, Civil Service Sports Council.
Ms Susan Hoyle. For services to Contemporary Dance.
Robert Merfyn Hughes, lately Inward Investment Manager, Department for Economy and Transport, Welsh Assembly Government.
Trevor George Hursthouse, Chairman, Specialist Engineering Contractors' Group. For services to the Construction Industry.
The Venerable Dr Michael Ipgrave, for services to inter-faith relations in London.
Elizabeth, Mrs. Ivil, lately Headteacher, Oakley Cross Primary School and Nursery, County Durham. For services to Education.
Ms Jane Therese Jackson, Artistic Director, Artes Mundi. For services to Art.
Mohammed Mossadaq, Equality Adviser, Hampshire County Council. For services to Local Government.
Neville Anthony Nagler. For services to Inter-faith Relations and to Jewish People.
Ms Sally Christine Neocosmos, lately Interim Registrar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. For services to Higher Education.
Margaret, Mrs. Nicol, lately Board Member, Scottish Qualifications Authority. For services to Education in Fife.
Gerald Ernest Oppenheim, Director of Policy and Partnerships, Big Lottery Fund. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Margaret Ann, Mrs. Owen. For services to Human Rights, particularly Widows Overseas.
Keith Bruce Panes, lately Academy Project Lead, Schools Directorate, Department for Education.
Dr. Brian George Patterson, General Medical Practitioner and lately Chairman, British Medical Association, Northern Ireland. For services to Healthcare.
Ms Myra Pearson, Head, School of Education, University of Aberdeen. For services to Higher Education.
Pauline Marion, Mrs. Pendlebury, Consultant Headteacher, Bradford, West Yorkshire. For services to Education.
Dr. Paul Lasseter Phillips, Principal and Chief Executive, Weston College, Weston-Super-Mare. For services to Further Education and to the Voluntary Sector.
Dr. Jeune Guishard-Pine, Educational Psychologist and Counsellor. For services to Families.
William Pollard, Deputy Director, Programme, London, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Ms Sandy Powell, Costume Designer. For services to the Film Industry.
Patrick Ralph Print, lately Chairman, British Horse Society. For services to Equestrianism.
Gary Pugh, Director of Forensic Science, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police.
Miss Alison Quant, President, ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport). For services to Local Government.
John Barrington Quin, lately Chief Executive, Royal British Legion Industries. For services to ex-Servicemen and Women.
Victoria, Mrs. Ranson, Grade 6, Head of Intelligence Assessment, London, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Major Ralston Ashley Rawlins, T.D., D.L. For services to the community in West Yorkshire.
Nicholas Philip Reeves, President, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. For services to the Environment.
Matthew Gilbert Rhodes. For services to Pro Bono Legal Advice.
Nirpal Singh Riat. For services to Charity and to Punjabi People.
Ellis Rich. For services to the Music Publishing Industry.
Rehana, Mrs. Richens, Consultant Midwife and Honorary Lecturer, City University, Warwickshire. For services to Nursing and Midwifery.
Councillor Colin Rigby, lately Member, Blackburn with Darwen Council. For services to Local Government.
Sonia, Mrs. Rolt, F.R.S. For services to Industrial Archaeology and to Heritage.
Ms Shelia Kathleen Rosenberg. For services to ESOL Teaching.
James Hood Ross, lately Chairman, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. For voluntary service to Higher Education.
David Colin Roy. For services to the community in the West Midlands.
Margaret, Mrs. Ryall, lately Headteacher, Our Lady of Victories Primary School, Borough of Wandsworth. For services to Education.
Professor Jennifer Ann Saint, lately Dean of School, Nottingham Trent University. For services to Further and Higher Education.
Tina, Mrs. Sampson, Head, Direct Communications Unit, Prime Minister's Office.
Jonathan Sands, Chairman, Elmwood Design Ltd. For services to the Creative Industries.
Ms Tanya Sarne, Designer. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Ms Gillian Saunders, Secretariat Team Leader, Social Security Advisory Committee, Department for Work and Pensions.
Theonitsa, Mrs. Sergides, Headteacher, Grafton Primary School, London Borough of Islington. For services to Education.
Helen, Mrs. Sexton, lately Principal and Chief Executive, National Star College, Cheltenham. For services to local and national Special Needs Education.
Kay, Mrs. Sheldon, Commissioner, Care Quality Commission. For services to Healthcare.
Emeritus Professor Patricia Shenton, Director of Avis Academies and Trust School Development, Liverpool John Moores University. For services to Education and Training.
Colin Deverell Smith. For services to Assured Food Standards.
Edward Smith, lately Head of Customer Standards, Department for Work and Pensions.
Dr. Elizabeth Ogilvy Statham, lately Head of Ethnic Minority Achievement Service, Hampshire County Council. For services to Education.
Philip John Taylor, Senior Governor, H.M. Prison Wormwood Scrubs, H.M. Prison Service, Ministry of Justice.
Dr. Peter Brian Terry, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Chairman of the British Medical Association Scottish Council. For services to Medicine.
Richard Thompson, Folk Musician and Songwriter. For services to music.
Margaret, Viscountess Thurso. For services to the community in Caithness.
Nichola, Mrs. Tinkler, lately Head of Business Development, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. For public service.
Leslie Tippin, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence.
Professor Geoffrey Railton Tomlinson, Professor of Engineering Dynamics, University of Sheffield. For services to Technology.
Dr. Carol Turley, Research Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory. For services to Science.
Ms Janet Lesley Veitch. For services to Women's Rights and to Gender Equality.
David Waddington, lately Principal, Hartlepool College of Further Education. For services to Education and Training.
Ms Yasmin Waljee. For services to Disadvantaged Young Muslims.
Andrew Mark Weston, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence. Nicholas John Wheeler, lately Chief Executive, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. For services to the Environment.
Roger White, lately Chief Executive, ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network). For services to Young People.
David Whitehead, Director, British Ports Association. For services to the Ports Industry.
Kenneth Wild. For services to Financial Reporting.
Peter Wilkinson, lately Technical Specialist, Environment Agency Wales. For public service.
Paul Michael Williams, Chairman, Deeside College Corporation, Flintshire. For services to Further Education in Wales.
Jean Sue, Mrs. Wilson, Principal and Chief Executive, South Thames College. For services to local and national Further Education.
Margaret, Mrs. Wilson. For services to the Administration of Justice in London.
Robert William Gordon Wilson, lately Deputy Head of the Committee Office, House of Commons.
The Reverend Canon Andrew Wingate. For Inter-faith Relations and to the community in Leicester.
Pamela, Mrs. Wright, Executive Headteacher, Wade Deacon High School, Halton, Cheshire. For services to local and national Education.
Mary, Mrs. Bromiley, Equine Physiotherapist. For services to Equestrian Sport.
Elizabeth Sarah, Mrs. Broomhead. For voluntary service to Netball.
Gary Brown, Fiscal Crime Liaison Officer, British Embassy, Bucharest, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Dr. Lydia Akrigg Brown, President, Veterinary Benevolent Fund. For services to the Veterinary Profession.
Peter Brown, Director, Fairfax House. For services to Heritage in York.
Ms Sonia Brown. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic Women.
Ms Elizabeth Anne Buchanan, Commercial Partners Director, VisitScotland. For services to the Tourist Industry.
Jean Ann, Mrs. Buck. For services to Wildlife Conservation in the Isle of Man.
Anne Elizabeth, Mrs. Buckingham. For services to Beekeeping in Surrey.
Stephen Burrows, Head of Security, Royal Courts of Justice, H.M. Courts Service, Ministry of Justice.
Melvyn Edward Butcher, Chairman of Governors, Leagrave Primary School, Luton. For voluntary service to Education.
Cecilia, Mrs. Butler. For services to Older People in the Isle of Arran, Ayrshire.
Ms Laraine Callow, Director of Deafworks. For services to Deaf and Hearing Impaired People.
Professor Stuart William Cameron, Chief Engineer, Doosan Babcock. For services to Mechanical Engineering.
Stella, Mrs. Canwell, lately Chief Examiner for A-level English Literature, Assessment and Qualifications Alliance Examination Board. For services to Education.
Alice, Mrs. Carnduff. For voluntary service to Save the Children in Paisley, Renfrewshire.
Ms Catherine Carnegie, Managing Director, Triage Central Ltd. For services to Unemployed People in Forth Valley, Fife and Tayside.
Rosemary, Mrs. Clarke, Director, Bookstart Gifting Programmes. For services to Education.
Andrew Coggins. For services to Contemporary Dance and to Disadvantaged People.
Jane Elizabeth, Mrs. Colclough, Lead Custodian, Rhuddlan Castle, Welsh Assembly Government.
Marie Eleanor, Mrs. Collins. For voluntary service to Sport in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Stephanie, Mrs. Collis, Community Outreach Officer, Sparrow Farm Infant/Nursery School, Feltham. For services to Education in the London Borough of Hounslow.
Ms Alison Comley, Service Director, Safer Bristol, Bristol City Council. For services to Local Government.
Ms Vivien Consalvey, Personal Assistant, Commercial Directorate, Manchester, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Miss Susan Constantinidies. For services to Cypriot People.
Gordon Francis Cook. For voluntary service to the RAF Association in Surrey.
Ms Margaret Cooke. For services to the community in Merseyside.
Christine Susan, Mrs. Cookman. For services to the community in Stillington, North Yorkshire.
Lynne, Mrs. Cooper. For services to the Voluntary Sector.
Dr. Brian William Hill, Head, School Engineering and Science, Northern Regional College. For services to Further Education and Training in Northern Ireland.
Miss Sheila Hill. For services to Women's Cricket.
Herman Hirschberger. For services to the Jewish community and the Kindertransport Evacuees.
Michael Howard Horan. For voluntary service to the Army Cadet Force in Surrey.
Roger Malcolm Hosking. For services to Young People in HighFields Happy Hens Care Farm, Derbyshire.
Councillor David William Houseman. For services to Local Government in Leicestershire.
Alasdair Houston, Executive Chairman, Gretna Green Group. For services to the Tourist Industry in Dumfriesshire.
Glenda, Mrs. Howells. For services to the Salvation Army and to the community in Maesteg and Port Talbot.
Janet Mary, Mrs. Howitt. For services to People with Visual Impairment and to the community in Devon.
Denis Colin Hoyes. For services to the community in Lincolnshire.
Derek Reginald Spencer Huggett, Grade B2, Ministry of Defence.
Mair, Mrs. Hughes. For services to the community in Morriston, Swansea.
Mary Teresa, Mrs. Hughes, lately Executive Officer, Communities Group, Department for Communities and Local Government.
Ann, Mrs. Humes. For services to the community in the North East.
Matthew Humphreys, Chairman, EC1 New Deal for Communities Board. For services to the community in Central London.
James Alexander Hunter, lately General-Secretary, Heathrow Operators Committee. For services to the Aviation Industry.
Margaret, Mrs. Hunter. For services to the community in Thorpe Market, Norfolk.
Yaqoob Hussain. For services to Young People in the North West.
Peter Murray Irving. For services to the community in Drummore, Wigtownshire.
Gordon Jackson. For services to the Scottish Ambulance Service and to the community in Hawick, Roxburghshire.
Robert Jackson. For voluntary service to Cricket in the North East.
Charles James. For services to the GMB Union and to the community in Leeds.
Ms Elizabeth Meryl James, Band D, Transport and Strategic Regeneration Group, Department for the Economy and Transport, Welsh Assembly Government.
Mary, Mrs. James. For services to the community in Tilsbury, Wiltshire.
Sandra, Mrs. James. For services to Nursing in Guernsey and in the UK.
Ms Jean Jarvis, Chief Executive, South Shropshire Furniture Scheme. For services to Social Enterprise.
Linda Margaret, Mrs. Jasper, Founder and Director, Youth Dance England. For services to Dance.
Michael Henry Jeffries. For voluntary service to Amateur Drama and to Charity in Tayside.
Ivor Jess. For services to Disability Sport in Northern Ireland.
Marcus Jewell. For services to the community in Plymouth, Devon.
Peter Howard Jewell. For services to the community in Bodmin, Cornwall.
John Martin Johnson, Briefing and Secretariat Manager, Child Support Agency, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Department for Work and Pensions.
Professor Eric Raymond Johnson, Founder, Staffordshire Film Archive. For services to the Arts.
Samuel Hague Johnson. For services to Hearing Impaired People in Tameside.
David George Johnston. For public service.
Iain Love Johnston. For services to the Hospitality and Tourist Industries in the Isle of Arran.
Ms Linda Dorothy Jones, Faculty Senior Projects Manager and Operational Manager, Physics Department, Imperial College London. For services to Higher Education.
Peter Jones, Foster Carer, Sefton Children's Services. For service to Families.
Ruby Yun-Yuet, Mrs. Murray-Jones, Head, Hounslow Chinese School. For services to the Chinese community in the London Borough of Hounslow.
Miss Sheelagh Lloyd Jones. For services to the NHS in Wales.
Terence James Jones. For services to the community in Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire.
Trevor Graham Lloyd Jones, Chief Executive, Young Bristol. For services to Young People.
Professor Tudor Bowden Jones. For services to Science.
Stephen Jordan, Watch Manager, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Operation Florian in Macedonia.
Miss Deborah Lynn Neal, Archives Officer, Knowledge and Information Management, Cabinet Office.
Rita Kathleen, Mrs. Nicholls. For services to the community in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.
Raymond Nichols, J.P., Chairman of Governors, Almondbury High School, Kirklees. For voluntary service to Education.
Alasdair Nicholson. For services to the Voluntary Sector in the Western Isles.
Janice, Mrs. Nightingale. For voluntary service to Safer Cycling in Cambridgeshire.
Roger Richard Nightingale. For services to the community in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.
Julie Elaine, Mrs. Noakes. For services to the community in Bradfield, Berkshire.
Pauleen, Mrs. Norman. For services to the community in Aberdour, Fife.
Pamela Irene, Mrs. Norton. For services to the community in the London Borough of Sutton.
Ms Anne Patricia Novis. For services to disabled people in London.
James Joseph O'Connor. For services to the community in Warrington, Cheshire.
Jean Elizabeth, Mrs. O'Donnell. For services to the community in Herefordshire.
Kevin Christopher O'Keeffe, Grade C1, Ministry of Defence.
Susan, Mrs. O'Neill, Flood Risk Manager, Environment Agency. For services to Flood Defence in Yorkshire and to North East.
Ms Beatrix Ong, Shoe Designer. For services to the Fashion Industry.
David Ovadia, Director of International Activities, British Geological Survey. For services to Science.
Captain Christopher Leslie William Page (Retd), Grade B2, Ministry of Defence.
Philip James Parker, Technical Support Unit Manager, Thames Valley Police. For services to the Police.
Stephen Parker. For charitable services.
Charles David Partridge. For services to the community in Walsall, West Midlands.
Babubhai Patel. For services to the community in Tipton, West Midlands.
Lina, Mrs. Patel. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic Carers.
Umeshchandra Babubhai Patel, Community Pharmacist. For services to Healthcare in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear.
Vimla, Mrs. Patel. For services to Asian and Hindu People in Cardiff.
Dr. Ashok Pathak. For services to Medicine in the East Riding of Yorkshire and in India.
Agnes, Mrs. Paul, lately Officer, Charities Assets and Residence, Nottingham, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
Terry Pauley, Business Improvement and Support Process Manager, Local Taxation, London, H.M. Revenue and Customs.
David Sinclair Pearson, Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Nursing, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust. For services to Mental Healthcare.
Malcolm David Pearson, Chief Officer, Special Constabulary Norfolk. For services to the Police.
Arnold Paul Pease. For services to the community in Cheadle Hulme, Greater Manchester.
Richard William Penny, Director, Watershed Media Centre. For services to the Creative Industries in Bristol.
Sarita Day, Mrs. Perkins. For services to Chiverton Riding for the Disabled Association and to the community in Cornwall.
Dr. Kay Saunders, General Medical Practitioner. For services to Healthcare and to Homeless People in Cardiff.
Guy James Schanschieff, Managing Director, Bambino Mio. For services to Business.
Julius Strathmore Schofield. For services to the Fashion and Textile Industries.
Sylvia Doreen, Mrs. Sercombe. For voluntary service to H.M. Prison Ranby, Nottinghamshire.
Chauhdry Mohammed Shafique. For services to Community Cohesion in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
Ratilal Devchand Shah. For services to the Indian community in London.
Ian David Shanley, ICT General Manager, Scottish Ambulance Service. For services to Emergency Healthcare.
Dr. Satya Vrat Sharma, General Medical Practitioner, Wolverhampton, West Midlands. For services to Healthcare.
Evelyn Audrey, Mrs. Sharp. For services to the Mountain Rescue in Cumbria. community in Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard.
Catherine Elizabeth, Mrs. Shaw. For services to the community in Chichester, West Sussex.
Frederick Charles Shaw. For voluntary service to Boxing and to the community in Alderney, Channel Islands.
Stephen Simmons. For services to Dental Healthcare in North London.
Margaret, Mrs. Simpson. For services to Social Enterprise and to the community in the Scottish Borders.
William James Simpson, J.P. For services to Horticulture and to the community in Worcestershire.
Ronald Spence Sinclair, Managing Director, Baseefa Ltd. For services to Certification Standards.
Lynda Collette, Mrs. Slack, Higher Executive Officer, Child Support Agency, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Department for Work and Pensions.
Brian Taylor, J.P. For services to the community in North Lincolnshire.
Ms Doris Telfer. For voluntary service to Save the Children in Broughty Ferry, Dundee.
Ms Alice Temperley, Designer. For services to the Fashion Industry.
Simon Paul Terry, Executive Officer, Child Support Agency, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Department for Work and Pensions.
Urmila, Mrs. Thakkar. For services to the community in North West London.
Ms Gaye Thomas, Librarian, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. For services to Local Government.
Pauline, Mrs. Thomas, Manager, Lloyd Park Centre, Walthamstow, London. For services to Families.
Rodney Mackie Iven Thomas, Chairman of Governors, Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Ramsgate. For voluntary service to Education.
Alison Jane, Mrs. Thompson. For services to Homeless People in Hampshire.
Eric Thomson. For voluntary service to Sport in Haslemere, Surrey.
Ms Jacinta Mary Thorley. For services to Rural Affairs in the South East.
Helen Louise, Mrs. Gill-Thwaites, Occupational Therapist, Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability. For services to Healthcare.
David Peter Tibbot. For services to the community in Llandrillo, Denbighshire.
Rosemary, Mrs. Tocock. For services to the community in Berkshire.
Michael John Benjamin Todhunter, D.L. For services to Special Needs Education and to the community in Berkshire.
Doreen Lilian, Mrs. Tozer, Chair of Governors, Dunstone Primary School and Vice-Chair of Governors, Stuart Road Primary School, Plymouth. For voluntary service to Education.
June, Mrs. Tracey, Chair, Xaverian College, Manchester. For voluntary service to Education.
Ms Emily Anne Travis. For public service.
Norma, Mrs. Trotter. For services to the community in Elland, West Yorkshire.
Derek Andreani Truffas, Clerk to the Corporation, Ashton Sixth Form College, Ashton-under-Lyne. For services to Education.
Honours Secretariat. "New Zealand Honours 2011". Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Archived from the original on 2 January 2011. Retrieved 9 January 2011.
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