2004–06 Montenegrin municipal elections

Last updated
2004-06 Montenegrin municipal elections
Flag of Montenegro (1993-2004).svg
  2000-02 June 2004 - September 2006 2008-10  
14 / 21
6 / 21
1 / 21
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Montenegro, municipal elections, 2004-06.png

Montenegrin municipal elections were held in all 21 municipalities, between June 2004 and October 2006. It resulted in the victory of the ruling DPS-SDP coalition in 15 out of 21 municipalities, where they secured a majority, alone or in a coalition with national minority parties.



Herceg Novi


Round One

  1. Stanko Zloković - 5,931 (41.3%)
  2. Dejan Mandić - 5,326 (37.1%)
  3. Vasilije Ilić - 1,201 (8.4%)
  4. Savo Zarubica - 593 (4.1%)
  5. Nada Setenčić - 489 (3.4%)
  6. Helena Vučetić - 405 (2.8%)
  7. Olivera Doklestić - 405 (2.8%)

Round Two

  1. Dejan Mandić - 8,402 (53.5%)
  2. Stanko Zloković - 7,292 (46.5%)


SNP - SNS - SRS, "Together for Herceg Novi, Our Town" (СНП - СНС - СРС, "Заједно за Херцег Нови, наш град")5,51938.9%15
"DPS-SDP for Herceg Novi" ("ДПС-СДП за Херцег Нови")4,09328.8%11
"People's Party - Dr Vasilije Ilić" ("Народна странка - др Василије Илић")1,1458.1%3
Democratic Serb Party - Dr Božidar Bojović and Dr Nada Setenčić (Демократска српска странка - др Божидар Бојовић и др Нада Сетенчић)7014.9%2
"A Recognizable Herceg Novi - Savo Zarubica" ("Препознатљив Херцег Нови - Саво Зарубица")6424.5%1
"New People for Our Novi" Liberal Alliance of Montenegro ("Нови људи за наш Нови" Либерални савез Црне Горе)6124.3%1
Civic Party - "Herceg Novi to Citizens" (Грађанска партија - "Херцег Нови грађанима")6024.2%1
Democratic Party of Montenegro Herceg Novi (Демократска странка Црне Горе Херцег Нови)5193.7%1
Labour Party of Montenegro (Лабуристичка партија Црне Горе)1981.4%0
NSS of Montenegro "For a Herceg Novi with Heart and Mind" (НСС Црне Горе "За Херцег Нови са срцем и разумом")1721.2%0



Round One

  1. Marija Ćatović - 4,464 (42.9%)
  2. Branko Ivanović - 3,583 (34.5%)
  3. Andrija Popović- 1,331 (12.8%)
  4. Emil Kriještorac - 556 (5.3%)
  5. Dragica Perović - 462 (4.4%)

Round Two

  1. Marija Ćatović - 5,218 (52.1%)
  2. Branko Ivanović - 4,792 (47.9%)


Democratic Party of Socialists-Social Democratic Party 3,71135.9%14
Socialist People's Party 2,61125.3%9
Liberal Party 1,0109.8%3
Croatian Civic Initiative 6436.2%2
Serb People's Party 6196%2
People's Party 5905.7%2
Democratic Serb Party 4464.3%1
Civic Party 2822.7%0
Liberal Alliance 2212.1%0
Serbian Radical Party "Vojislav Šešelj"1801.7%0



Round One

  1. Miodrag Kankaraš - 2,378 (40.5%)
  2. Lj. Samardžić - 1,725 (29.4%)
  3. Z. Petković - 1,305 (22.2%)
  4. V. Kovačević - 361 (6.1%)
  5. Radoš Gospić - 118 (2%)

Round Two

  1. Miodrag Kankaraš - 3,158 (54.1%)
  2. Lj. Samardžić - 2,676 (45.9%)


DPS, SDP and DPZSCG - For a European Tivat (ДПС, СДП и ДПЗСЦГ - За европски Тиват)1,96233.48%11
We Can, Tivat Wants - SNP, SNS (Мо можемо, Тиват хоће - СНП, СНС)1,34722.98%8
Croatian Civic Initiative (Хрватска грађанска иницијатива)1,04517.8%6
Tivat Liberals - What else! (Тиватски Либерали - Него што!)4587.81%2
Democratic Serb Party (Демократска српска странка)4107%2
People's Party (Народна странка)3415.82%2
Serbian Radical Party Dr Vojislav Šešelj (Српска радикална странка др Војислав Шешељ)1833.12%1
Civic Group Mr Radoš Gospić (Грађанска група мр Радош Госпић)831.42%0
NSS CG (НСС ЦГ)320.5%0


Democratic Party of Socialists 1,15841.6%14
Socialist People's Party-People's Socialist Party-Serbian Radical Party 79128.4%10
Democratic Serb Party 29310.5%3
People's Party 2318.3%2
Serb People's Party 1415.1%1
Social Democratic Party 1415.1%1
Liberal Alliance 301.1%0

Results in rest of municipalities

In seventeen other municipalities ruling Coalition for European Montenegro (DPS, SDP and HGI) win the power in most municipalities. It seize majority in Podgorica, Nikšić, Rožaje, Bijelo Polje, Budva, Bar, Danilovgrad, Mojkovac, Cetinje, Plav, Berane and Šavnik as well in Ulcinj where they form an post-election coalition with Democratic Union of Albanians to form local government. While the main opposition coalition Together for Change (SNP-SNS-NS-DSS) has secured the majority and forms the local government in Pljevlja, Plužine, Andrijevica and Kolašin municipalities. [1] [2]

Social Democratic Party of Montenegro

Social Democratic Party of Montenegro, or just the Social Democratic Party, SDP) is a centre-left political party in Montenegro. It is the only party in Montenegro to have full membership in the Socialist International.

Croatian Civic Initiative

The Croatian Civic Initiative is a Croat minority political party in Montenegro. The party was formed in 2002. It first participated in local elections in Tivat municipality that year, and established its headquarters in this town. HGI has best electoral results in Boka region, because the Croat minority is concentrated mostly in municipalities of Tivat and Kotor. Marija Vučinović is the party's current president.

Podgorica City in Montenegro

Podgorica is the capital and largest city of Montenegro.

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