2008 timeline of the War in Somalia

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Flag of Somalia.svg
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This sets forth a timeline of the War in Somalia during 2008.


5 February
2 March
19–20 April
1 May
1–26 July
20–22 August


See also

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The Battle of Mogadishu began on 21 March 2007 in the Shirkole area of Mogadishu between Somali Transitional Federal Government forces and allied Ethiopian troops, and Islamist insurgents. The battle usually includes the dates, when referenced, in order to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle of Mogadishu (November 2007)</span> Part of the War and Insurgency in Somalia

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The 2008 Battle of Mogadishu began when Ethiopian soldiers started entering insurgent-held parts of the city which sparked heavy street fighting. Between 126 and 142 people died in the fighting. The battle usually includes the date, when referenced, in order to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades long Somali Civil War.

The Battle of Beledweyne took place in July 2008. It began on July 1, when Islamic militants from al-Shabaab attacked Ethiopian soldiers in the town of Beledweyne, Somalia, which was defended by a garrison of Ethiopian troops.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2009 timeline of the Somali Civil War</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle of Mogadishu (2009)</span>

The Battle of Mogadishu (2009) started in May with an Islamist offensive, when rebels from al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam attacked and captured government bases in the capital of Mogadishu. The fighting soon spread, causing hundreds of casualties, and continued on at various levels of intensity until October. The battle's name usually includes the year, when referenced, in order to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades long Somali Civil War.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle for Central Somalia (2009)</span>

A series of battles in Hiraan, Shabeellaha Dhexe and Galgudug, between rebels of al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam and Somali government forces and ICU militants loyal to the government, erupted during spring 2009. The fighting led to al-Shabaab capturing major government strongholds and Ethiopian forces re-entering Somalia and setting up bases in Hiraan. There was a halt in fighting during a government offensive in Mogadishu, which started on May 22.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2011 timeline of the Somali Civil War</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2012 timeline of the Somali Civil War</span>

This is a 2012 timeline of events in the Somali Civil War (2009–present).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 timeline of the Somali Civil War</span>

This is a 2014 timeline of events in the Somali Civil War (2009–present).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2010 timeline of the Somali Civil War</span>

This is a 2010 timeline of events in the Somali Civil War (2009–present).
