Amarna letter EA 288 Titled: Benign Neglect | |
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Material | Clay |
Size | Height: 16.2 cm (6.4 in) Width: 10.5 cm (4.1 in) |
Writing | cuneiform (Akkadian language) |
Created | ~1360-1335 BC (Amarna Period) |
Period/culture | Middle Babylonian |
Place | Akhetaten |
Present location | Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin no. VAT 1643 |
Amarna letter EA 288, titled Benign Neglect, [1] is a tall, finely-inscribed clay tablet letter, approximately 7.5 in tall x 4.5 in wide, broken into two pieces, from Abdi-Heba the mayor/ruler of Jerusalem, of the mid 14th century BC Amarna letters. The scribe of his six letters to Egypt were penned by the "Jerusalem scribe"; EA 288 is a moderately long, and involved letter.
The Amarna letters, about 300, numbered up to EA 382, are a mid 14th century BC, about 1350 BC and 20–25 years later, correspondence. The initial corpus of letters were found at Akhenaten's city Akhetaten, in the floor of the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh; others were later found, adding to the body of letters.
Letter EA 288 (also see here-(Obverse): ), is numbered VAT 1643, from the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin.
A summary of letter structure: EA 288 begins with a short address to the Pharaoh. Immediately, 3 segue paragraphs begin the letter, as "dramatic statements" by the Jerusalem scribe (and Abdi-Heba); a fourth segued statement follows. Then the purpose of the letter begins, covering the second half of the letter's obverse and the reverse.
Paragraphs I-VIII (IX), complete the letter's obverse (as seen in photo).
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Obverse, (Vorderseite):
1. [a-n]a mšarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia dša[mš]i(UTU)[-ia q]í[-bi-ma]
2. um-ma mabdi(ÁRAD)-ḫi-ba ardu(ÁRAD)-ka-ma
3. a-na 2(m) šêpē(GÌRImeš) šarri(LUGAL) bêl(EN)-ia 7(m)-ta-a-an
4. ù 7(m)-ta-a-an am-qut-mi
5. a-mur šarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia ša-ka-an
6. šùm-šu a-na mu-ṣi dšamši(UTU)ši
7. ù ir-bi dšamši(UTU)ši ḫa-an-pa
8. ša iḫ-nu-pu a-na mu-ḫi-ia
9. a-mur a-na-ku la-a lúḫa-zi-a-nu
10. lúú-e-ú <a-na-ku> a-na šarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia
11. a-mur a-na-ku lúruì šarri(LUGAL)ri
12. ù ú-bi-il bilat(GUN) šarri(LUGAL)ri a-na-ku
13. ia-a-nu-mi lúad-da-a-ni ia-a-nu-mi
14. munusum-mi-ia zu-ru-uḫ šarri(LUGAL)ri dannu(KAL.GA)
15. [š]a-ak-n[a-an-ni] i-na bît(É) lúad-da-[a-ni]
16. [...]
17. [k]a-ša-ad a-na mu-ḫi-ia qa-a [...]
18. na-ad-na-ti 1(u)lúardūti(ÁRADmeš)[ a-na q]a-[t]i-[šu]
19. mšu-ú-ta lúrabiṣ(MÁŠKIM) šarri(LUGAL)ri ka-š[a-ad]
20. [a]-na mu-ḫi-ia 2(u) 1(m)munusmârāti(DUMU.MUNUSmeš)
21. 1(géš) 2(u)lú.meša-ší-ri na-ad-na-ti
22. [a]-na qa-ti mšu-ú-ta qîšat(NÍG.BA) šarri(LUGAL) bêli(EN)-ia
23. li-im-li-ik-mi šarri(LUGAL)ri a-na mâti(KUR)-šu
24. ḫal-qà-at mât(KUR) šarri(LUGAL)ri gáb-ba-ša
25. ṣa-ba-ta-ni nu-kúr-tú a-na ia-a-ši
26. a-di mâtāti(KURḫi.a) še-e-riki a-di alu(IRI) gín-ti-ki-ir-mi-il
27. šal-mu a-na gáb-bi lú.mešḫa-zi-a-nu-ti
28. ù nu-kur-tú a-na ia-a-ši
29. ip-ša-ti e-nu-ma lúḫa-pí-ri
30. ù la-a a-mar 2(m) înā(IGImeš) šarri(LUGAL)
31. bêli(EN)-ia ki-i nu-kúr-tú
Reverse, (Rückseite):
32. a-na muḫḫi(UGU)ḫi-ia ša-ak-na-ti
33. e-nu-ma gešelippa(MÁ) i-na lìb-bi tâmti(A.AB.BA)
34. qât(ŠU) zu-ru-uḫ šarri(LUGAL) dannatu(KAL.GA)
35. ti-li-iq-qí kurna-aḫ-ri-maki
36. ù kurka-<pa-si>ki x ka-a-siki ù i-na-an-na
37. alāni(IRI.DIDLIḫi.a) šarri(LUGAL)ri
38. ti-le-qé-ú lú.mešḫa-pí-ru
39. ia-a-nu-mi 1(m)-enlúḫa-zi-a-nu
40. a-na šarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia ḫal-qu gáb-bu
41. a-mur mtu-ur-ba-zu gaz(GAZ) d[e4-k]a
42. i-na abul(KÁ.GAL) alu(IRI) sí-lu-úki qa-al šarru(LUGAL)ru
43. a-mur mzi-im-ri-da alu(IRI) la-ki-siki
44. ig-gi-ú-šu ardūtu(ÁRADmeš) ip-šu a-na lú.mešḫa-pí-ri
45. mia-ap-ti-iḫ-dadda(IŠKUR) gaz(GAZ) te-k[a]
46. [i-n]a abul(KÁ.GAL) alu(IRI) zi-lu-ú ka-al
47. [a-mi]-nim [l]a-a i-ša-al-šu[-nu šarru(LUGAL)ru]
48. [ù li]-is-kín šarru(LUGAL)[ru a-na mâti(KUR)-šu]
49. [ù l]i-din šarru(LUGAL)ru pa-ni-šu ù [lu-ṣi-m]i
50. [amêlūtu(LÚmeš] ṣâbē(ÉRINmeš) pi-ṭa-ti a-na mâti(KUR)-š[u]
51. [ù] šum-ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣâbē(ÉRINmeš) pi-ṭa-tu4
52. i-na šatti(MU) an-ni-ti ḫal-qa-at a-ba-da-at
53. gáb-bi mâtat(KURḫi.a) šarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia
54. la-a i-qa-bi-ú a-na pa-ni šarri(LUGAL) bêli(EN)-ia
55. e-nu-ma ḫal-qa-at mât(KUR) šarri(LUGAL) bêli(EN)-ia
56. ù ḫal-qu gáb-bi lú.mešḫa-zi-a-nu-ti
57. šum-ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣâbē(ÈRINmeš) pi-ṭa-tu4
58. i-na šatti(MU) an-ni-ti lu-ma-še-er
59. šarru(LUGAL)rulúrabiṣa(MÁŠKIM) ù li-il-qé-a-ni
60. a-na ia-a-ši a-di aḫē(ŠEŠmeš) ù Ba.Bad(BA.ÚŠ)
61. ni-mu-tu4 it-ti šarru(LUGAL)ru bêli(EN)-nu
62. [a-na] lútúp-šar(DUB.SAR) šarri(LUGAL)ri bêli(EN)-ia
63. [um-ma] mabdi(ÁRAD)-ḫi-ba ardu(ÁRAD)-ma a-na 2(m) šêp[ē](GÌRImeš)
64. [am-q]ut-mi še-ri-ib a-wa-ta5meš
65. [b]a-na-ti a-na šarri(LUGAL)r[i]
66. [danniš(MA.GAL) lú]ardu(ÁRAD)-[ka ù l]úmâru(DUMU)-ka a-na-ku
Cuneiform score (per CDLI, Chicago Digital Library Initiative), [2] and Akkadian, and English.
Paragraph-(lines 23-33)
Note: Segue-(transition), from Obverse, <br> + Obverse-bottom, to Reverse (lines 23-33)
(Sub-Section 1 of 4), (lines 23-26)
23. li-im-li-ik-mi lugal-ri a-na kur-šu
___ malāku (Šár ru)Šarru-ri a na mātu-šu –!
___ Give-concern King ri for Land-His –!
24. hal-qà-at kur lugal-ri gáb-ba-ša
___ halāqu mātu Šarru ri , gab bu [5] -ša,
___ Over-Taken land-("region") King ri , All-His,
___------------gab bu-ša –
___------------All-His –
25. ṣa-ba-ta-ni nu-KÚR-tú a-na ia-a-ši
___ ṣa bā t u nu kurtu a na I ā ši –!
___ "captured-in" warfare, from Me–!
26. a-di kur- hi.a Še-e-ri ki a-di Gín-ti-Ki-ir-mi-il
___ a di mātu-(pl.)-(matāti) Šeri ki , a di Gín ti-k-ir-m-il –!
___ also(plus) lands (pl.) Šeri, plus GintiKirmil–!
(Sub-Section 2 of 4), (lines 27-28)
27. šal-mu a-na gáb-bi, lú.meš ha-zi-a-nu-ti
___ šalāmu a na gab bu, lú(amēlu) meš Ha z a nnu –!,
___ Peace for all, Men pl. Hazannu [6] -(Governors)–!,
28. ù nu-kur-tú a-na ia-a-ši
___ U nukurtu a na I ā ši –!
___ But warfare for Me- (Governor of Jerusalem)–!
(Sub-Section 3 of 4), (lines 29-31.5)
29. ip-ša-ti e-nu-ma lú ha-pí-ri
___ Epē šu [7] enū ma lú Ha pi ru –!
___ (I am)-made now (as a) (("rebel"))- MAN Habiru –!
30. ù la-a a-mar 2(m) înā(IGImeš) šarri(LUGAL)
___u l ā amāru 2 īnupl. Šarru-(Phar.)-
___ and not ((able to)) see (2 eyes)pl. ("Face/Countenance") (of-the) King-
31. bêli(EN)-ia, ki-i nu-kúr-tú–!
___-bēlu-ia —
___-Lord-mine —
(Sub-Section 4 of 4), (lines 31.5-33)
31.5--------ki-i nu-kúr-tu
___------------ — k ī nu kur tu –! —
___------------ — "Because–of" warfare–! —
Reverse, (Rückseite):
(Sub-Section 4 of 4), (lines 31.5-33)
Sub-Paragraph—Exclamation-(lines 31.5-33)
31.5--------ki-i nu-kúr-tu
___------------ — k ī nu kur tu –! —
___------------ — "Because–of" warfare–! —
32. a-na muḫḫi(UGU)ḫi-ia ša-ak-na-ti
___ a na muhhu-(ia) ša kā nu [8]
___ for upon-ME, emplaced,
33. e-nū-ma geš elippa(MÁ) i-na lìb-bi tâmti(A.AB.BA)
___ Enū ma giš MÁ(eleppu) i na libbu tâmtu(A.AB.BA)-(the sea)–!
___ Now (I am) ((wooden))SHIP in the HEART-(middle) (of a) STORM-! (middle of the sea–! )
End of Sub-Sections
End of segue-(transition), to Reverse (lines 23-31.5, 31.5-33)
Paragraph, (lines 34-40)
34. qât(ŠU) zu-ru-uḫ šarri(LUGAL) dannatu(KAL.GA
___qātu zuruh, Šarru kal-ga
___(the)-Hand strong, King-mighty
35. ti-li-iq-qí kur na-aḫ-ri-ma ki
___ha lāqu KUR n aḫ ri ma ki–!
___Over-Took land((region)) Nahrima-(i.e. Aram-Naharaim)–!
36. ù kur ka-<pa-si>ki x ka-a-siki ù i-na-an-na
___u kur ka-((<pa))-si>ki x ka-a-siki, u e ni n na
___and land Kasi (( x Kasi )), and now
36.6--------ù i-na-an-na
___------------U e ni n na
___------------And now
37. alāni(IRI.DIDLIḫi.a) šarri(LUGAL) ri
___alāni(IRI.DIDLI ḫi.a ) Šarru ri
___Cities ḫi.a (of the) King
38. ti-le-qé-ú lú.meš ḫa-pí-ru
___halāqu lú-meš ḫa pí ru –!
___Over-Taken (by) men pl. Hapiru –!
39. ia-a-nu-mi 1(m)-en lú ha #-zi-a-nu
___ia-a-nu-mi 1(m)-EN(bēlu), — lú(amēlu)Hazannu
___"there-is-NOT" One (1) Lord, — Man Hazannu (Governor),..
40. a-na šarri(LUGAL) ri bêli(EN)-ia, — hal-qu gáb-bu–!
___a na Šarru-ri EN-ia —,
___for King-Lord-mine —,
40.6 ------------- ḫal-qu gáb-bu
40.6--------------- halāqu gabbu –!
40.6--------------- (Over)-Taken All–!
Paragraph-(l. 41-47)
41. a-mur 1=diš tu-ur-ba-zu gaz(GAZ#) d[e4-k]a-(dâku)
___amāru–! —1=diš Turbazu gaz(GAZ#) d[e4-k]a-(dâku)
___Look (here)–! — Turbazu "killed"-!
42. i-na abul(KÁ.GAL) alu(IRI #) sí-lu-úki qa-al šarru(LUGAL) ru
___i na abullu ālu Silu ki ga-al šarru(LUGAL)ru
___in city-gate city Silu ki, "tragedy"?, King ru (Phar.)
43. a-mur 1=m(male)=diš zi-im-ri-da alu(IRI) la #-ki #-si ki
___amāru–! —1=m(male)=diš Zimredda ālu(IRI) Lachish ki
___Look (here)–! —m Zimredda city Lachish
44. ig-gi-ú-šu ardūtu(ÁRAD meš ) ip-šu a-na lú #.meš ḫa #-pí #-ri #
___ig-gi-ú-šu ardu-meš, epē šu [7] a na lú #.meš-ha pi ru
___"killed-by" servants-(pl.), "committed" to men(amēlu)-pl.-(Hapiru("done by men-Hapiru"))
45. m ia-ap-ti-iḫ-dadda(IŠKUR) gaz(GAZ) te-k[a # ]
___m=1=diš Yaptih-Hadda gaz(GAZ) te-k[a # ]
___m=1=diš Yaptih-Hadda slain
46. [ i-n]a abul(KÁ.GAL) alu(IRI) zi-lu-ú ka-al
___i na abullu ālu Silu ki ka-al
___in city-gate city Silu ki ?killed,
47. [a-mi]-nim [l]a-a i-ša-al-šu[-nu šarru(LUGAL)ru ]
Paragraph-(l. ?47-53)
47. [a-mi]-nim [l]a-a i-ša-al-šu[-nu šarru(LUGAL)ru ]
48. [ù li]-is-kín šarru(LUGAL)[ru a-na mâti(KUR)-šu]
49. [ù l]i-din šarru(LUGAL)ru pa-ni-šu ù [lu-ṣi-m]i
50. [amêlūtu(LÚ meš ] ṣâbē(ÉRINmeš) pí-ta-ti a-na mâti(KUR)-š[u
___ _LÚ meš -(amēlu)pl. pí ta ti, — a na māti(KUR)
___men-(pl.) army-(pl.) pítati, — for land-his
51. [ù] šum #-ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣâbē(ÈRINmeš) pi-ṭa-tu4
___u šum ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣābu-meš pi-ṭa-tu4
___and if "there is not" army-(pl.)-pítati -- (lines 57 & 51 are identical)
52. i-na šatti(MU) an-ni-ti ḫal-qa-at a-ba-da-at
___i na šattu (MU) an n û, — ḫalā q u a-ba-da-at(abātu-"destroyed"?)
___in year this, — Over-Taken, (destroyed?)
53. : (– gl – ) gáb-bi _mâtat(KUR HI.A )_ _šarri(SÀR-ri_ _bêli(EN)_-ia
___ : (– gl – ) gabbu mātu HI.A , – SÀR-ru, bēlu-ia, —!
___all lands p l. , – King, Lord-mine, —!
Paragraph-(l. 54-61)
54. la-a i-qa-bi-ú a-na pa-ni šarri(_LUGAL_) bêli(_EN_)-ia
___l ā q a b û pā nu, — King Bēlu-mine
___(( (This-is)-"Not spoken before", — King Lord-mine))
55. e-nu-ma ḫal-qa-at mât(_KUR_) _šarri(ŠÀRru_) bêli(_EN_)-ia
___enū ma ḫalā q u mātu(KUR), – Šarri(LUGAL) bēlu(EN)-ia –! —
___Now Over-Taken land("region"), – King-Lord-mine –! —
56. ù hal-qu gáb-bi lú.meš ha-zi-a-nu-ti
___u ḫalā qu gab bu, – lú(amēlu)-meš-Ha z a nnu –!,
___and over-taken all, – men-(pl.)-Hazannu –!
57. šum-ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣâbē(ÈRINmeš) pi-ṭa-tu4
___šum ma ia-a-nu-mi ṣābu-meš pi-ṭa-tu4,
___If "there is not" army-(pl.)-pítati, -- (lines 57 & 51 are identical)
58. i-na šatti(MU) an-ni-ti lu-ma-še-er
___i na šattu (MU) an n û, — lu-ma-še-er
___in year this, — lu-ma-še-er (?lūman)-"Now, alas!"?)
59. šarru(LUGAL)rulúrabiṣa(MÁŠKIM) ù li-il-qé-a-ni
60. a-na ia-a-ši a-di aḫē(ŠEŠmeš) ù Ba.Bad(BA.ÚŠ)
61. ni-mu-tu4 it-ti šarru(LUGAL)ru bêli(EN)-nu
Paragraph, lines 62-66
Note: Final address to the "King-Lord-mine" (Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's scribe)
62. [ a-na ] _ lú#dup-sar(DUB.SAR)_ _lugal-ri_ _EN_-ia
___A na lú#țupšarru-(=țuppu-šarru, Tablet-King, i.e. "Scribe"), ((u)) Šarru-ri bēlu-ia
___To man-"scribe-(King)", ((and)) "King-Lord-mine"
63. [ um-ma ] mabdi(ÁRAD)-ḫi-ba ardu(ÁRAD)-ma a-na 2(m) šêp[ē](GÌRI meš#)
___um ma 1(=diš)-ÁRAD-hi-ba, ardu a na 2 _šepupl._#
___[ message(=Report?)] 1-Abdi-Heba, servant at the 2-feetpl.
64. [ am-q]ut #-mi, še-ri-ib, a-wa-ta5 meš #
___ma qātu, șēru, ((my))-"Story", (word(pl.)) (=a matu pl.)#)
___I bow, (on-my-back) (="defenselessly"), ((my))-story (words pl.))
65. [ b]a#-na-ti a-na šarri_(LUGAL)r[i]_
___[b]a nû A, & banû B a na (Šár ru)Šarru-[ ri ]
___((produced))-"created, and 'to-be-good' ", for King-[ ri ]
Line 66, on Left side
66. [ dan niš(MA.GAL) _ lú] ardu(ÁRAD)_-[ ka ù ] _ lú mâru(DUMU)_-ka a-na-ku
___[ magal (= danniš), (anāku)- lú ]ardu-[ ka –!, u] (anāku)- lú] dūmu-ka anāku((as verb, "I am"))–!
___Fervently(strongly), (I am) servant-yours–!, and (I am) son-(="Compatriot")-yours ( I(=anāku) = "I am", (as verb) )–!
Amarna letter EA 282 is a relatively short ovate clay tablet Amarna letter, located in the British Museum, no. 29851.
Amarna letter EA 252, titled: Sparing One's Enemies, is a square, mostly flat clay tablet letter written on both sides, and the bottom edge. Each text line was written with a horizontal line scribed below the text line, as well as a vertical left margin-line, scribe line on the obverse of the tablet. The letter contains 14 (15) lines on the obverse, continuing on the bottom tablet edge to conclude at line 31 on the reverse, leaving a small space before the final tablet edge. At least 4 lines from the obverse intrude into the text of the reverse, actually dividing the reverse into a top half and bottom half, and even creating a natural spacing segue to the reverse's text, and the story.
Amarna letter EA 365, titled Furnishing Corvée Workers, is a squarish, mostly flat clay tablet, but thick enough (pillow-shaped), to contain text that continues toward the right margin, the right side of the obverse side, and also to the right side of the reverse side of the tablet.
Amarna letter EA 364, titled Justified War, is a clay tablet letter from Ayyab, ruler of Aštartu, to Pharaoh Akhenaten.
Amarna letter EA 86, titled: Complaint to an Official, is a somewhat moderate length clay tablet letter from Rib-Hadda of city-state Byblos to Amanappa, an official at the court of the Pharaoh.
Amarna letter EA 367, titled From the Pharaoh to a Vassal, is a medium-small, square clay tablet Amarna letter to Endaruta of Achshaph,, one of only about 10 letters of the el-Amarna corpus, that is from the Pharaoh of Egypt to his correspondent.
Amarna letter EA 271, titled: "The Power of the 'Apiru," is a moderately short, tallish, rectangular clay tablet letter, approximately 3 in wide x 4 in tall, from Milkilu the mayor/ruler of Gazru (Gezer), of the mid 14th century BC Amarna letters.
Amarna letter EA 270, titled: "Extortion," is an ovate-shaped, medium-sized, tall letter, approximately 3 in wide x 4 in tall, from Milkilu the mayor/ruler of Gazru (Gezer), of the mid 14th century BC Amarna letters.
Amarna letter EA 287, titled: "A Very Serious Crime," is a tall, finely-inscribed clay tablet letter, approximately 8 in tall, from Abdi-Heba the mayor/ruler of Jerusalem, of the mid 14th century BC Amarna letters. The scribe of his six letters to Egypt were penned by the "Jerusalem scribe"; EA 287 is a moderately long, and involved letter. The Amarna letters, about 300, numbered up to EA 382, are a mid 14th century BC, about 1350 BC and 20–25 years later, correspondence. The initial corpus of letters were found at Akhenaten's city Akhetaten, in the floor of the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh; others were later found, adding to the body of letters.
Amarna letter EA 362, titled: "A Commissioner Murdered," is a finely-inscribed clay tablet letter from Rib-Haddi, the mayor/'man' of the city of Byblos,. Byblos, being a large coastal seaport Mediterranean city, was a city that was aligned with Egypt (Miṣri), and housed an Egyptian community. Rib-Haddi, as the city-state leader wrote the largest number of letters to the Pharaoh, in a sub-corpus of the 1350 BC Amarna letters.
Amarna letter EA 245, titled: "Assignment of Guilt," is a medium length clay tablet Amarna letter from Biridiya the governor-'mayor' of Magidda. It is letter number four of five from Biridiya.
Amarna letter EA 325, titled: "Preparations Completed (2)," is a shorter-length clay tablet Amarna letter from Yidya the governor-'mayor' of Ašqaluna-(Ashkelon). It is a letter addressing the Pharaoh in high terms, as well as stating the 'governor of Ašqaluna' is making preparations for the arrival of the Pharaoh's archer-army, the archers. EA 325 is a vassal-state letter, and has some similar appearances, for example appearing like letters EA 270 and EA 271.
Amarna letter EA 15, titled Assyria Joins the International Scene, is a shorter-length clay tablet Amarna letter from Ashur-uballit I of the Land of Assyria,. He addresses the Pharaoh in line 1, the "King (of) Land Miṣri-(Egypt)", thus the use of "Land (of) Assyria".
Amarna letter EA 26, titled To the Queen Mother: Some Missing Gold Statues, is a shorter-length clay tablet Amarna letter from Tushratta of Mittani. Unlike the next letter EA 27 from Tushratta, which is more than twice as tall, and about twice as wide-(XXVII paragraphs), EA 26 is topical and synoptic about recent events about the desire for 'gold statues'. The letter is addressed to the Pharaoh's wife, Teye, and its dimensions are approximately: 6.0 inches (15 cm) tall, 3.5 inches (9 cm) wide, and 1.0 inch (3 cm) thick.
Amarna letter EA 100, titled: "The City of Irqata to the King" is a short-, to moderate-length clay tablet Amarna letter from the city-state of Irqata,, written to the Pharaoh of Egypt. Only one other city sent a clay tablet Amarna letter to the Pharaoh, namely Tunip, letter EA 59, titled: "From the Citizens of Tunip".
Amarna letter EA 256, in short EA 256, catalogued under the title Oaths and Denials, is one of a total of about 350 so-called Amarna letters, belonging to an official correspondence dating to the mid-14th century BC. The initial corpus of letters were found at Akhenaten's city Akhetaten, on the floor of the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh; others were later found, adding to the body of letters.
Amarna letter EA 34, titled: "The Pharaoh's Reproach Answered", is a moderately tall clay tablet Amarna letter from the King of Alashiya.
Amarna letter EA 299, titled: "A Plea for Help", is a fairly short clay tablet Amarna letter from "governor" Yapahu of city-state Gazru. The clay tablet surface has been partially eroded, but the cuneiform is still mostly legible.
Amarna letter EA 75, titled: "Political Chaos", is a short to moderate length letter from Rib-Hadda, who wrote the largest number of Amarna letters in a sub-corpus, from the city-state of Byblos; Byblos contained an Ancient Egyptian colony, and was aligned with a few neighboring townsites.
Amarna letter EA 147, titled A Hymn to the Pharaoh, is a moderate length clay tablet Amarna letter from Abimilku of Tyre-(called Ṣurru in the Abimilku letters, and an island, until the time of Alexander the Great, 330 BC). The letter is a twin letter to EA 149, which is identical in length, and complexity, and EA 147 appears to precede EA 149.