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Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Ulmaceae
Genus: Ampelocera

See text

Ampelocera is a genus of low- to mid-elevation rainforest trees of the family Ulmaceae [1] that occur from Mexico to Brazil. [2]

Species include:

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  1. Citharexylum affineD.Don - from northern Mexico to Nicaragua
  2. Citharexylum alainiiMoldenke - Dominican Republic
  3. Citharexylum albicauleTurcz. - Cuba
  4. Citharexylum altamiranumGreenm. - northeastern Mexico
  5. Citharexylum andinumMoldenke - Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina
  6. Citharexylum argutedentatumMoldenke - Peru
  7. Citharexylum berlandieriB.L. Rob. - from Texas to Oaxaca - Berlandier's fiddlewood, Tamaulipan fiddlewood
  8. Citharexylum bourgeauanumGreenm. - Veracruz, Oaxaca
  9. Citharexylum brachyanthum(A.Gray ex Hemsl.) A.Gray - Texas, Coahuila, Nuevo León - Boxthorn fiddlewood, Mexican fiddlewood
  10. Citharexylum bullatumMoldenke - Colombia
  11. Citharexylum calvumMoldenke - Quintana Roo
  12. Citharexylum caudatumL. - southern Mexico, West Indies, Central America, Colombia, Peru - Juniper berry
  13. Citharexylum chartaceumMoldenke - Peru, Ecuador
  14. Citharexylum cooperiStandl. - Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala
  15. Citharexylum costaricenseMoldenke - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras
  16. Citharexylum crassifoliumGreenm - Chiapas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
  17. Citharexylum daniraeLeón de la Luz & F.Chiang - Revillagigedo Islands of Baja California
  18. Citharexylum decorumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  19. Citharexylum dentatumD.Don - Peru
  20. Citharexylum discolorTurcz. - Cuba, Hispaniola
  21. Citharexylum donnell-smithiiGreenm. - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America
  22. Citharexylum dryanderaeMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
  23. Citharexylum ekmaniiMoldenke - Cuba
  24. Citharexylum ellipticumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco; naturalized in Cuba + Cayman Islands
  25. Citharexylum endlichiiMoldenke - northeastern Mexico
  26. Citharexylum flabellifoliumS.Watson - Sonora, Baja California
  27. Citharexylum flexuosum(Ruiz & Pav.) D.Don - Bolivia, Peru
  28. Citharexylum fulgidumMoldenke - Veracruz, northeastern Mexico
  29. Citharexylum gentryiMoldenke - Ecuador
  30. Citharexylum glabrum(S.Watson) Greenm - Oaxaca
  31. Citharexylum glazioviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  32. Citharexylum grandiflorumAymard & Rueda - Ecuador
  33. Citharexylum guatemalense(Moldenke) D.N.Gibson - Guatemala, Nicaragua
  34. Citharexylum herreraeMansf. - Peru
  35. Citharexylum hexangulareGreenm. - from northern Mexico to Costa Rica
  36. Citharexylum hidalgenseMoldenke - Mexico
  37. Citharexylum hintoniiMoldenke - México State
  38. Citharexylum hirtellumStandl. - from Veracruz to Panama
  39. Citharexylum ilicifoliumKunth - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
  40. Citharexylum iltisiiMoldenke - Peru
  41. Citharexylum × jamaicenseMoldenke - Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico (C. caudatum × C. spinosum)
  42. Citharexylum joergensenii(Lillo) Moldenke - Argentina, Bolivia
  43. Citharexylum karsteniiMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  44. Citharexylum kerberiGreenm. - Veracruz
  45. Citharexylum kobuskianumMoldenke - Peru
  46. Citharexylum krukoviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  47. Citharexylum kunthianumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador
  48. Citharexylum laetumHiern - southern Brazil
  49. Citharexylum laurifoliumHayek - Bolivia, Peru
  50. Citharexylum lemsiiMoldenke - Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica
  51. Citharexylum × leonisMoldenke - Cuba (C. caudatum × C. tristachyum)
  52. Citharexylum ligustrifolium(Thur. ex Decne.) Van Houtte - Mexico
  53. Citharexylum lojenseMoldenke - Ecuador
  54. Citharexylum lucidumCham. & Schltdl. - Mexico
  55. Citharexylum lycioidesD.Don - Mexico
  56. Citharexylum macradeniumGreenm. - Panama, Costa Rica
  57. Citharexylum macrochlamysPittier - Panama, Colombia
  58. Citharexylum macrophyllumPoir. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guianas, northwestern Brazil
  59. Citharexylum matheanumBorhidi & Kereszty - Cuba
  60. Citharexylum matudaeMoldenke - Chiapas
  61. Citharexylum mexicanumMoldenke - Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca
  62. Citharexylum microphyllum(DC.) O.E.Schulz - Hisipaniola
  63. Citharexylum mirifoliumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  64. Citharexylum mocinoiD.Don - Mexico, Central America
  65. Citharexylum montanumMoldenke - Colombia, Ecuador
  66. Citharexylum montevidense(Spreng.) Moldenke - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
  67. Citharexylum myrianthumCham. - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
  68. Citharexylum obtusifoliumKuhlm - Espírito Santo
  69. Citharexylum oleinum Moldenke - Mexico
  70. Citharexylum ovatifoliumGreenm. - Mexico
  71. Citharexylum pachyphyllumMoldenke - Peru
  72. Citharexylum pernambucenseMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  73. Citharexylum poeppigiiWalp. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil
  74. Citharexylum punctatumGreenm. - Bolivia, Peru
  75. Citharexylum quercifoliumHayek - Peru
  76. Citharexylum quitenseSpreng. - Ecuador
  77. Citharexylum racemosumSessé & Moc. - Mexico
  78. Citharexylum reticulatumKunth - Ecuador, Peru
  79. Citharexylum rigidum(Briq.) Moldenke - Paraguay, southern Brazil
  80. Citharexylum rimbachiiMoldenke - Ecuador
  81. Citharexylum roseiGreenm. - Mexico
  82. Citharexylum roxanaeMoldenke - Baja California
  83. Citharexylum scabrumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - northern Mexico
  84. Citharexylum schottiiGreenm. - southern Mexico, Central America
  85. Citharexylum schulziiUrb. & Ekman - Hispaniola
  86. Citharexylum sessaeiD.Don - Mexico
  87. Citharexylum shreveiMoldenke - Sonora
  88. Citharexylum solanaceumCham. - southern Brazil
  89. Citharexylum spinosumL. – Spiny fiddlewood - West Indies, Panama, Venezuela, the Guianas; naturalized in India, Mozambique, Fiji, Bermuda
  90. Citharexylum stenophyllumUrb. & Ekman - Haiti
  91. Citharexylum steyermarkiiMoldenke - Veracruz, Chiapas, Guatemala
  92. Citharexylum suberosumLoes. ex Moldenke - Cuba
  93. Citharexylum subflavescensS.F.Blake - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
  94. Citharexylum subthyrsoideumPittier - Colombia, Venezuela
  95. Citharexylum subtruncatumMoldenke - northwestern Brazil
  96. Citharexylum sulcatumMoldenke - Colombia
  97. Citharexylum svensoniiMoldenke - Ecuador
  98. Citharexylum teclenseStandl. - El Salvador
  99. Citharexylum ternatumMoldenke - Cuba
  100. Citharexylum tetramerumBrandegee - Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán in Mexico
  101. Citharexylum tristachyumTurcz. – Threespike Fiddlewood - Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Islands
  102. Citharexylum uleiMoldenke - Colombia, Peru, northwestern Brazil
  103. Citharexylum vallenseMoldenke - Colombia
  104. Citharexylum venezuelenseMoldenke - Venezuela
  105. Citharexylum weberbaueriHayek - Peru

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  1. Yang, Mei-Qing; Velzen, Robin; Bakker, Freek; Sattarian, Ali; Li, De-Zhu; Yi, Tingshuang (2013). "Molecular Phylogenetics and character evolution of Cannabaceae". Taxon. 62: 473–485. doi:10.12705/623.9.
  2. Plants of the World online