Ankothrips yuccae

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Ankothrips yuccae
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Thysanoptera
Family: Melanthripidae
Genus: Ankothrips
A. yuccae
Binomial name
Ankothrips yuccae
Moulton, 1926

Ankothrips yuccae is a species of thrip in the family Melanthripidae. [1] Its host plant is Yucca whipplei . [2]



Both sexes are winged, with light brown to brown body, legs and antennae, with antennal segments 3-4 paler and forewings fuscous with its base a little bit paler. Its antennae has nine segments, the ninth longer the eight, sensoria transverse on the third- fourth, the second segment apex prolonged ventro-laterally into serrate lobe. Head with ocellar setae I arising on conical, slightly bifurcate tubercle, the third setae arise within ocellar triangle. It hears with 3 pairs of prominent postocular setae and the pronotum posterior margin with 5 pairs of prominent setae. Mesonotum has microtrichia, Metanotum striate medially, with median setae near posterior margin. The 8th abdominal tergite median setae scarcely 0.3 as long as tergite; tergite 10 with paired trichobothria well developed. Sixth sternite posterior margin with pair of lobes each bearing two setae at base. [2]


Ankothrips yuccae breeds on Yucca whipplei without leaving major harm in California. It has no known vectors. [2]

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  1. "Ankothrips yuccae". iNaturalist. Retrieved 2021-10-25.
  2. 1 2 3 "Ankothrips yuccae | Browse Species | Thrips of California". Retrieved 2021-10-26.