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Biological tests of necessity and sufficiency refer to experimental methods and techniques that seek to test or provide evidence for specific kinds of causal relationships in biological systems. A necessary cause is one without which it would be impossible for an effect to occur, while a sufficient cause is one whose presence guarantees the occurrence of an effect. These concepts are largely based on but distinct from ideas of necessity and sufficiency in logic.
Tests of necessity, among which are methods of lesioning or gene knockout, and tests of sufficiency, among which are methods of isolation or discrete stimulation of factors, have become important in current-day experimental designs, and application of these tests have led to a number of notable discoveries and findings in the biological sciences.
In biological research, experiments or tests are often used to study predicted causal relationships between two phenomena. [1] These causal relationships may be described in terms of the logical concepts of necessity and sufficiency.
Consider the statement that a phenomenon x causes a phenomenon y. X would be a necessary cause of y when the occurrence of y implies that x needed to have occurred. However, only the occurrence of the necessary condition x may not always result in y also occurring. [2] In other words, when some factor is necessary to cause an effect, it is impossible to have the effect without the cause. [3] X would instead be a sufficient cause of y when the occurrence of x implies that y must then occur. [2] in other words, when some factor is sufficient to cause an effect, the presence of the cause guarantees the occurrence of the effect. [3] However, a different cause z may also cause y, meaning that y may occur without x occurring. [2] [3] For a concrete example, consider the conditional statement "if an object is a square, then it has four sides". It is a necessary condition that an object has four sides if it is true that it is a square; conversely, the object being a square is a sufficient condition for it to be true that an object has four sides. [4]
Four distinct combinations of necessity and sufficiency are possible for a relationship of two conditions. A first condition may be:
for a second condition to be true. [4]
Laypersons or novice scientists may prefer to think of these concepts of necessity and sufficiency in certain ways. In a study of undergraduate psychology students, more students viewed necessity in negative terms of "if no x, then no y" rather than the logically equivalent "if y, then x" than they did for sufficiency; most of them understood sufficiency as "if x, then y" rather than the logically equivalent "if no y, then no x". This result also suggested the students were more likely to prefer thinking about causes in the forward (x to y) direction rather than the backward (y to x) direction. [5]
Misunderstandings may occur regarding the kinds of evidence that can support these causal relationships; a study applying the causal concepts of necessity and sufficiency found that college students in a biochemistry class were likely to erroneously misinterpret correlations as signifying sufficiency to cause an effect. [6] The study on undergraduate psychology students also indicated a potential discrepancy in understanding sufficiency, where it was found that some students understood a cause as being sufficient for an effect even when the effect did not always follow the cause; [5] while in the reverse direction, an effect may have alternative causes, but a cause can only be sufficient if it always results in the effect occurring.
Necessity can only be proven by demonstrating that a system does not work when the piece in question is not active, meaning that it is required for functioning. Biological research uses a variety of techniques to inhibit a structure or genetic player, such as lesions and knockout/deletion. All of these techniques fall into the category of loss of function.[ citation needed ]
Lesioning is a test of necessity involves physically damaging a structure so that it loses its function. If lesioning a structure causes a change in the system, then that structure is necessary. [7] Lesioning can look very different across scientific disciplines.
In psychology, information about necessity may be gleaned by observing changes in behavior when a brain region has been destroyed, either by accident or illness in a human or purposefully in a lab animal. [8] Other disciplines may target specific cell types and tag them for degradation. The GAL4/UAS System "reports" a subset of genes of interest although it has no independent effect on tissue. [9] When combined with an apoptotic gene, such as reaper (rpr), all cells that express the genes of interest along with GAL4/UAS, will initiate cell death, creating a legion specific to a cell type. [10]
A classic example of lesioning in chronobiology is the exploration of circadian navigation in monarch butterflies. In a landmark experiment, Dr. Christine Merlin and Dr. Steven Reppert removed (lesioned) the antennae of monarch butterflies and tested their ability to navigate. [11] They found that the Monarchs could not navigate without their antennae. [11] The investigators’ use of lesioning allowed them to come to the conclusion that Monarch's antennae are necessary for navigation because their absence prevented this system from functioning. [11]
A knockout refers to the inactivation of a gene. This can be done several ways, such as altering the DNA sequence so that it no longer performs its function, altering the promoter region so that it is not transcribed, or deleting the gene entirely. [12] Aside from helping scientists understand the function of gene, observing behavior or some other variable before and after deletion can create an argument for its necessity if a behavior or system ceases to function.
Allada et al. performed a knockout of the drosophila gene CLOCK, a gene earlier identified as a circadian gene via forward genetics. In this experiment, they altered the Clock gene to stop it from performing its normal function. [13] Clock knockout flies did not exhibit a twenty-four hour rhythm as was recorded for unchanged flies. [13] This led the researchers to conclude that Clock is necessary for the twenty four hour rhythm of flies. [13]
Sufficiency can be proven by demonstrating that a system can operate when the element in question is active without the influence of other elements. However, this does not indicate that the element in question is required for functioning. The element allows the system to function, but its presence is not required in order for the system to function.
Tests of sufficiency in biology are used to determine if the presence of an element permits the biological phenomenon to occur. In other words, if sufficient conditions are met, the targeted event is able to take place. However, this does not mean that the absence of a sufficient biological element inhibits the biological event from occurring.
Tests of sufficiency include a gain of function by discrete stimulation and isolation of a biological element to observe a change in the targeted event. These types of methods are imperative to several subfields of biology. Particularly, tests of sufficiency are common in the field of chronobiology.
When performing discrete stimulation, researchers aim to provide stimuli solely to the biological element of interest. Returning to Dr. Reppert and Dr. Merlin's work with monarch butterflies, when inquiring about the role of antennas in the monarch butterfly's sun compass orientation, the researchers only provided light to the antennas of the butterfly. [11] They found that stimulating the antennas alone was enough for the butterflies to entrain comparably to non-stimulated butterflies who were entrained in the same condition. As a result, the flight behavior of the stimulated group was similar to butterflies who were traditionally entrained. As a result, there was evidence that the antennas are sufficient for sun compass orientation.
Discrete stimulation has also been used to investigate the location and quantity of the circadian pacemakers in plants, namely Arabidopsis and the tobacco plant. [14] When investigating the coupling of the circadian systems in the intact plants, Thain et al. placed foil covering over one cotyledon and entrained the other uncovered cotyledon to a light-dark cycle of 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (LD 12:12), 6 hours ahead of the covered cotyledon. Then, the researchers covered the opposite cotyledon and entrained the newly exposed cotyledon to a 12:12 light-dark cycle delayed by 6 hours, creating a 12-hour difference between the cotyledons. Using transgenic bioluminescence, Thain et al. discovered that the two leaves were out of phase with each other, displaying peaks in luminescence at opposite times. This provided evidence for the notion that each cotyledon is sufficient for maintaining an independent circadian rhythm and has its own autonomous circadian oscillator. [14]
The method of isolation to determine sufficiency involves a single biological element undergoing experimentation, being secluded from interactions with other relevant biological elements. This method includes the removal of the element in question and placing it into secluded testing conditions.
Reppert and Merlin used the method of isolation in their research in when examining the influence of circadian clock outputs of the antennas on the sun-compass orientation of monarch butterflies in 2009. The researchers separated the antennas from the butterfly and placed them in separate conditions. Then, the researchers proceeded patch clamp onto a cell in the antenna and puff odorant onto the isolated cell to determine if there is rhythmicity in its firing rate. [11] They concluded that it does show rhythmicity in its response to the odorant, with its firing rate being high at night and low in the day. [11] The isolation of the antenna proves its sufficiency because it is the only relevant biological element sustaining the rhythm in the system.
Additionally, they utilizes this approach again in their research in 2012 examining the influence of the temporal relationship between antennas of the monarch butterfly on its sun-compass orientation. The researchers analyzed the importance of the presence of both antennas for sun-compass orientation. They tested this by removing a single antenna from the butterfly and assessing its flight behavior. As a result, they found that one antenna was sufficient for correct sun compass orientation, regardless of its laterality. [15]
The method of isolation is not limited to isolating single cells or organs for experimentation. It can be used to analyze proteins and their role in an organism as well. Namely, Nakajima et al. utilizes this in 2005 while working with Kai proteins such as KaiA, KaiB, KaiC, which regulate circadian gene expression in cyanobacteria. These proteins are major components of the cyanobacteria circadian clock, altering their conformation and phosphorylation state throughout the day. [16] Questioning the transcription-translation feedback loop as a means of explaining the cyanobacterial circadian clock, Nakajima et al. isolated the KaiABC proteins by lysing S. elongatus and placing them in test tubes with ATP. Consequently, in vitro phosphorylation of KaiC oscillated with a period of approximately 24 hours at slightly smaller amplitude than the in vivo oscillation. This demonstrated that the KaiABC proteins are sufficient for maintaining circadian rhythm when provided with ATP. It also presented KaiABC as the circadian post-translation oscillator that regulates the clock in S. elongatus, in tandem with transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL) model as mechanism for the organism's clock. [17]
The use of the concepts of necessity and sufficiency in experimental design and research interpretations has been criticized on the grounds that the way they are used may not always be consistent with the meanings of these concepts in formal logic. In particular, Yoshihara and Yoshihara have criticized the usage of the phrase "necessary and sufficient" to describe biological factors in research. They argue that researchers who use that phrase to describe the importance of one factor for another run the risk of miscommunicating their findings to those who interpret the phrase in a logical sense, but at the same time, citing the example of how command neurons are formally defined, that applying the idea of "necessary and sufficient" to biological factors in a strictly logical sense may be overly restrictive and result in some findings being inappropriately dismissed. As an alternative description, the authors suggest using the phrase "indispensable and inducing". [18] [19]
A circadian rhythm, or circadian cycle, is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep–wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. It can refer to any process that originates within an organism and responds to the environment. These 24-hour rhythms are driven by a circadian clock, and they have been widely observed in animals, plants, fungi and cyanobacteria.
Antennae, sometimes referred to as "feelers", are paired appendages used for sensing in arthropods.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus or nuclei (SCN) is a small region of the brain in the hypothalamus, situated directly above the optic chiasm. It is the principle circadian pacemaker in mammals and is necessary for generating circadian rhythms. Reception of light inputs from photosensitive retinal ganglion cells allow the SCN to coordinate the subordinate cellular clocks of the body and entrain to the environment. The neuronal and hormonal activities it generates regulate many different body functions in an approximately 24-hour cycle.
A circadian clock, or circadian oscillator, is a biochemical oscillator that cycles with a stable phase and is synchronized with solar time.
Cryptochromes are a class of flavoproteins found in plants and animals that are sensitive to blue light. They are involved in the circadian rhythms and the sensing of magnetic fields in a number of species. The name cryptochrome was proposed as a portmanteau combining the chromatic nature of the photoreceptor, and the cryptogamic organisms on which many blue-light studies were carried out.
CLOCK is a gene encoding a basic helix-loop-helix-PAS transcription factor that is known to affect both the persistence and period of circadian rhythms.
The PER3 gene encodes the period circadian protein homolog 3 protein in humans. PER3 is a paralog to the PER1 and PER2 genes. It is a circadian gene associated with delayed sleep phase syndrome in humans.
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 1 (ARNTL) or brain and muscle ARNT-Like 1 (BMAL1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ARNTL gene on chromosome 11, region p15.3. It's also known as BMAL1, MOP3, and, less commonly, bHLHe5, BMAL, BMAL1C, JAP3, PASD3, and TIC.
In molecular biology, an oscillating gene is a gene that is expressed in a rhythmic pattern or in periodic cycles. Oscillating genes are usually circadian and can be identified by periodic changes in the state of an organism. Circadian rhythms, controlled by oscillating genes, have a period of approximately 24 hours. For example, plant leaves opening and closing at different times of the day or the sleep-wake schedule of animals can all include circadian rhythms. Other periods are also possible, such as 29.5 days resulting from circalunar rhythms or 12.4 hours resulting from circatidal rhythms. Oscillating genes include both core clock component genes and output genes. A core clock component gene is a gene necessary for to the pacemaker. However, an output oscillating gene, such as the AVP gene, is rhythmic but not necessary to the pacemaker.
Bacterial circadian rhythms, like other circadian rhythms, are endogenous "biological clocks" that have the following three characteristics: (a) in constant conditions they oscillate with a period that is close to, but not exactly, 24 hours in duration, (b) this "free-running" rhythm is temperature compensated, and (c) the rhythm will entrain to an appropriate environmental cycle.
Steven M. Reppert is an American neuroscientist known for his contributions to the fields of chronobiology and neuroethology. His research has focused primarily on the physiological, cellular, and molecular basis of circadian rhythms in mammals and more recently on the navigational mechanisms of migratory monarch butterflies. He was the Higgins Family Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Medical School from 2001 to 2017, and from 2001 to 2013 was the founding chair of the Department of Neurobiology. Reppert stepped down as chair in 2014. He is currently distinguished professor emeritus of neurobiology.
KaiC is a gene belonging to the KaiABC gene cluster that, together, regulate bacterial circadian rhythms, specifically in cyanobacteria. KaiC encodes for the KaiC protein, which interacts with the KaiA and KaiB proteins in a post-translational oscillator (PTO). The PTO is cyanobacteria master clock that is controlled by sequences of phosphorylation of KaiC protein. Regulation of KaiABC expression and KaiABC phosphorylation is essential for cyanobacteria circadian rhythmicity, and is particularly important for regulating cyanobacteria processes such as nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis, and cell division. Studies have shown similarities to Drosophila, Neurospora, and mammalian clock models in that the kaiABC regulation of the cyanobacteria slave circadian clock is also based on a transcription translation feedback loop (TTFL). KaiC protein has both auto-kinase and auto-phosphatase activity and functions as the circadian regulator in both the PTO and the TTFL. KaiC has been found to not only suppress kaiBC when overexpressed, but also suppress circadian expression of all genes in the cyanobacterial genome.
Takao Kondo is a Japanese biologist and professor of biological science at Nagoya University in Nagoya, Japan. He is best known for reconstituting the circadian clock in vitro.
Monarch butterfly migration is the phenomenon, mainly across North America, where the subspecies Danaus plexippus plexippus migrates each summer and autumn to and from overwintering sites on the West Coast of California or mountainous sites in Central Mexico. Other subspecies perform minor migrations or none at all. This massive movement of butterflies has been called "one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world".
kaiA is a gene in the "kaiABC" gene cluster that plays a crucial role in the regulation of bacterial circadian rhythms, such as in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. For these bacteria, regulation of kaiA expression is critical for circadian rhythm, which determines the twenty-four-hour biological rhythm. In addition, KaiA functions with a negative feedback loop in relation with kaiB and KaiC. The kaiA gene makes KaiA protein that enhances phosphorylation of KaiC while KaiB inhibits activity of KaiA.
The Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR) is an international chronobiological research society with three key goals: (1) to promote the advancement and dissemination of basic and applied research in all aspects of biological rhythms (2) to enhance the education and training of students and researchers in the field (3) to foster interdisciplinary communication and an international exchange of ideas. The society holds biennial meetings and informal gatherings, and participates in peer-reviewed science and evidence-based policy making. It is one of four prominent existing Chronology Research Societies and one of the 14 societies that make up The World Federation of Societies for Chronobiology. The organization is currently composed of 1,000 scientists and clinicians dedicated to studying biological rhythms and their impact. The society has its own official journal, the Journal of Biological Rhythms. Through its journal and meetings the society engages scientists of all backgrounds and nationalities. It advocates the need for funding in research areas in biological rhythms such as sleep and supports other research efforts such as the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation.
Transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL) is a cellular model for explaining circadian rhythms in behavior and physiology. Widely conserved across species, the TTFL is auto-regulatory, in which transcription of clock genes is regulated by their own protein products.
The food-entrainable oscillator (FEO) is a circadian clock that can be entrained by varying the time of food presentation. It was discovered when a rhythm was found in rat activity. This was called food anticipatory activity (FAA), and this is when the wheel-running activity of mice decreases after feeding, and then rapidly increases in the hours leading up to feeding. FAA appears to be present in non-mammals (pigeons/fish), but research heavily focuses on its presence in mammals. This rhythmic activity does not require the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the central circadian oscillator in mammals, implying the existence of an oscillator, the FEO, outside of the SCN, but the mechanism and location of the FEO is not yet known. There is ongoing research to investigate if the FEO is the only non-light entrainable oscillator in the body.
Christine Merlin is a French chronobiologist and an associate professor of biology at Texas A&M University. Merlin's research focuses on the underlying genetics of the monarch butterfly circadian clock and explores how circadian rhythms modulate monarch behavior and navigation.
Raleighplots, or Rayleigh plots, are statistical graphics that serve as graphical representations for a Raleigh test that map a mean vector to a circular plot. Raleigh plots have many applications in the field of chronobiology, such as in studying butterfly migration patterns or protein and gene expression, and in other fields such as geology, cognitive psychology, and physics.