Agrostistachys is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1850. It is native to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, India, and Sri Lanka.
- Agrostistachys borneensisBecc. - India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra, New Guinea
- Agrostistachys gaudichaudiiMüll.Arg. - Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia
- Agrostistachys hookeri(Thwaites) Benth. & Hook.f. - Sri Lanka
- Agrostistachys indicaDalzell - India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, New Guinea
- Agrostistachys sessilifolia(Kurz) Pax & K.Hoffm. - Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra
- Agrostistachys staminodiataSevilla - Sumatra
Neoscortechinia is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1897. It is native to Southeast Asia and Papuasia.
- Neoscortechinia angustifolia(Airy Shaw) Welzen - Sabah, Kalimantan
- Neoscortechinia forbesii(Hook.f.) S.Moore - New Guinea, Admiralty Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands
- Neoscortechinia kingii(Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. - W Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo
- Neoscortechinia nicobarica(Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. - Nicobar Islands, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, W New Guinea
- Neoscortechinia philippinensis(Merr.) Welzen - Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, W Indonesia, Philippines
- Neoscortechinia sumatrensisS.Moore - W Malaysia, N. Sumatra, Simeuluë, Borneo
Aporosa is a genus of flowering plant belonging to the family Phyllanthaceae first described as a genus in 1825. It is native to China, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Papuasia, and Queensland.
Breynia is a plant genus in the family Phyllanthaceae, first described in 1776. It is native to Southeast Asia, China, the Indian Subcontinent, Papuasia, Australia, and the island of Réunion.
Drypetes is a plant genus of the family Putranjivaceae, in the order Malpighiales.
Tristaniopsis is a group of shrub and tree in the myrtle family Myrtaceae described as a genus in 1863. They have a wide distribution in Southeast Asia, New Guinea, New Caledonia and Australia.
Arenga is a genus of palms, native to Southeast Asia, southern China, New Guinea, and northern Australia. They are small to medium-sized palms, growing to 2–20 m tall, with pinnate leaves 2–12 m long. Arenga palms can grow in areas with little sunlight and relatively infertile soil.
Pothos is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to China, the Indian Subcontinent, Australia, New Guinea, Southeast Asia, and various islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Barringtonia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lecythidaceae first described as a genus with this name in 1775. It is native to Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and various islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The genus name commemorates Daines Barrington.
Acriopsis, commonly known as chandelier orchids or 合萼兰属 is a genus of flowering plants in the family Orchidaceaes. Orchids in this genus are epiphytic herbs with spherical or cylindrical pseudobulbs, creeping, branched rhizomes, thin white roots, two or three leaves and many small flowers. The flowers are non-resupinate with the lateral sepals joined along their edges and have spreading petals and a three-lobed labellum. The column has projections that extend hood-like beyond the anther.
Dipodium, commonly known as hyacinth orchids, is a genus of about forty species of orchids native to tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of south-east Asia, New Guinea, the Pacific Islands and Australia. It includes both terrestrial and climbing species, some with leaves and some leafless, but all with large, often colourful flowers on tall flowering stems. It is the only genus of its alliance, Dipodium.
Homalomena is a genus of flowering plants within the family Araceae. Homalomena are primarily found in southern Asia and the southwestern Pacific, but there are a few species that are known to be indigenous to Latin America. Many Homalomena have a strong smell of anise. The name derives apparently from a mistranslated Malayan vernacular name, translated as homalos, meaning flat, and mene = moon.
Schismatoglottis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. Members of the genus are similar in appearance and growth habit to those of the genus Homalomena, but the two genera are not closely related. The primary difference is that the leaves of Schismatoglottis are not aromatic. Schismatoglottis are found primarily in tropical parts of Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Melanesia. The majority of the species are native to the Island of Borneo.
- Schismatoglottis acutifoliaEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis adocetaS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis ahmadiiA.Hay - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis ardeniiA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis asperataEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis barbataEngl. - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis bauensisA.Hay & C.Lee - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis bifasciataEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis bogneriA.Hay - Luzon, Mindoro
- Schismatoglottis brevicuspisHook.f. - Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra
- Schismatoglottis calyptrata(Roxb.) Zoll. & Moritzi - Guangxi, Taiwan, Indochina, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Vanuatu
- Schismatoglottis canaliculataEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis ciliataA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis claraeA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis clausulaS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis clemensiorumA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis confinisS.Y.Wong & P.C.Boyce - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis conoideaEngl. - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis convolvulaP.C.Boyce - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis corneriA.Hay - Borneo, Anambas
- Schismatoglottis crinitissimaA.Hay - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis cyriaP.C.Boyce - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis decipiensA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis dilectaS.Y.Wong, P.C.Boyce & S.L.Low - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis dulosaS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis ecaudataA.Hay - Sumatra
- Schismatoglottis edanoiA.Hay - Samar in Philippines
- Schismatoglottis elegansA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis erectaM.Hotta - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis eximiaEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis eymaeA.Hay - Sulawesi
- Schismatoglottis ferrugineaMerr. - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis gamoandraM.Hotta - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis gillianiaeP.C.Boyce - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis glaucaEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis grabowskiiEngl. - Kalimantan Selatan
- Schismatoglottis hainanensisH.Li - Hainan
- Schismatoglottis harmandiiEngl. - Laos
- Schismatoglottis hayanaBogner & P.C.Boyce - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis hayiS.Y.Wong & P.C.Boyce - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis hottaeBogner & Nicolson - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis ifugaoensisS.Y.Wong, Bogner & P.C.Boyce - Luzon
- Schismatoglottis incultaKurniawan & P.C.Boyce - Sulawesi
- Schismatoglottis jelandiiP.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis jepomiiP.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis jitinaeS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis josefiiA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis kurziiHook.f. - Myanmar
- Schismatoglottis lancifoliaHallier f. & Engl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis latevaginataEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis linaeS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis linguaA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis longispathaW.Bull - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis luzonensisEngl. - Philippines
- Schismatoglottis maeliiP.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis matangensisS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis mayoanaBogner & M.Hotta - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis merrilliiEngl. - Luzon
- Schismatoglottis mindanaoanaEngl. - Mindanao
- Schismatoglottis miraS.Y.Wong, P.C.Boyce & S.L.Low - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis modestaSchott - Kalimantan Tengah
- Schismatoglottis monoplacentaM.Hotta - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis moodiiA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis motleyana(Schott) Engl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis multifloraRidl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis multinerviaM.Hotta - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis nervosaRidl. - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis niahensisA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis nicolsoniiA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis patentinerviaEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis pectinerviaA.Hay - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis penangensisEngl - Penang
- Schismatoglottis petriA.Hay - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis platystigmaM.Hotta - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis pluriveniaAlderw. - Philippines, Sulawesi
- Schismatoglottis puberulipesAlderw. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis pudendaA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis pumilaHallier f. ex Engl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis pusillaEngl. - Philippines
- Schismatoglottis pyrrhiasA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis retinerviaFurtado - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis roseospathaBogner - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis samarensisA.Hay - Samar in Philippines
- Schismatoglottis sarikeensis(Bogner & M.Hotta) A.Hay & Bogner - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis schottiiBogner & Nicolson - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis scortechiniiHook.f. - Peninsular Malaysia
- Schismatoglottis sejunctaA.Hay - Brunei
- Schismatoglottis silamensisA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis simoniiS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis subundulata(Zoll. ex Schott) Nicolson - Sulawesi
- Schismatoglottis tahubangensisA.Hay & Hersc. - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis tecturata(Schott) Engl. - Borneo, Riau Islands
- Schismatoglottis tessellataS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis thelephoraS.Y.Wong, P.C.Boyce & S.L.Low - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis trifasciataEngl. - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis trivittataHallier - Borneo
- Schismatoglottis trusmadiensisA.Hay & Mood - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis turbataS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis ulusarikeiensisS.Y.Wong - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis unifoliaA.Hay & P.C.Boyce - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis venustaA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis viridissimaA.Hay - Sarawak
- Schismatoglottis wahaianaAlderw. - Seram in Maluku
- Schismatoglottis wallichiiHook.f. - Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra
- Schismatoglottis warburgianaEngl. - Sagapan, Mindanao
- Schismatoglottis wongiiA.Hay - Sabah
- Schismatoglottis zonataHallier f. - - Borneo
Scindapsus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Queensland, and a few western Pacific islands. The species Scindapsus pictus is common in cultivation.
Hylophila is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 7 known species, native to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Melanesia.
- Hylophila cheangiiHolttum - Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia
- Hylophila gracilisSchltr. - New Guinea, Solomons, Bismarcks
- Hylophila lanceolata(Blume) Miq. - Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Philippines
- Hylophila mollisLindl. - Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra
- Hylophila nipponica(Fukuy.) T.P.Lin - Taiwan
- Hylophila orientalisSchltr. - New Guinea
- Hylophila rubraAmes - Philippines
Rhodamnia is a group of rainforest trees and shrubs in the myrtle family described as a genus in 1822. They are native to southern China, Southeast Asia, Papuasia, Australia, and New Caledonia.
Adina is a genus of 11 species of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. They are shrubs or small trees, native to East Asia and Southeast Asia.
Phrynium is a plant genus native to China, India, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Melanesia. It was described as a genus in 1797.
Hornstedtia is a genus of plants in the Zingiberaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia, the Himalayas, southern China, New Guinea, Melanesia and Queensland.
Chilocarpus is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1823. The genus is native to India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea.
- Chilocarpus beccarianusPierre - Borneo
- Chilocarpus conspicuus(Steenis) Markgr. - Borneo
- Chilocarpus costatusMiq. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar
- Chilocarpus decipiensHook.f. - Sumatra, W Malaysia
- Chilocarpus denudatusBlume - S India, Nicobar Islands, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea
- Chilocarpus hirtusD.J.Middleton - Borneo, Sumatra
- Chilocarpus obtusifoliusMerr. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia
- Chilocarpus pubescensD.J.Middleton - Borneo
- Chilocarpus rostratusMarkgr. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Thailand
- Chilocarpus sarawakensisD.J.Middleton - Sarawak
- Chilocarpus steenisianusMarkgr. - Borneo
- Chilocarpus suaveolensBlume - Borneo, Sumatra, Java
- Chilocarpus torulosus(Boerl.) Markgr. - Borneo
- Chilocarpus vernicosusBlume - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia