Carrel (crater)

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The crater area (at the right) in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos Posidonius-Agrippa Si - Aldo Ferruggia.jpg
The crater area (at the right) in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos
Coordinates 10°42′N26°42′E / 10.7°N 26.7°E / 10.7; 26.7
Diameter 16 km
Colongitude 333° at sunrise
Eponym Alexis Carrel

Carrel is a small lunar crater on the Mare Tranquillitatis. It has a somewhat distorted appearance, having a slight protruding bulge in the northwest rim. The interior is somewhat irregular, with ridges and some slumped material. This crater lies across a ridge in the surface of the mare.


It was named after the Nobel-winning and Nazi collaborationist [1] French scientist Alexis Carrel in 1979. [2] It was previously designated as Jansen B. The lava-flooded crater Jansen lies about to the northeast.


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  1. [ bare URL ]
  2. "Carrel (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.