Children's Depression Inventory | |
Purpose | rates severity of depression |
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The Children's Depression Inventory (CDI and CDI2) is a psychological assessment that rates the severity of symptoms related to depression or dysthymic disorder in children and adolescents. [1] The CDI is a 27-item scale that is self-rated and symptom-oriented. [1] The assessment is now in its second edition. [2] [3] The 27 items on the assessment are grouped into five major factor areas. [1] Clients rate themselves based on how they feel and think, with each statement being identified with a rating from 0 to 2. [1] The CDI was developed by American clinical psychologist Maria Kovacs, PhD, and was published in 1979. [1] It was developed by using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) of 1967 for adults as a model. The CDI is a widely used and accepted assessment for the severity of depressive symptoms in children and youth, with high reliability. [1] It also has a well-established validity using a variety of different techniques, and good psychometric properties. The CDI is a "Level B test," which means that the test is somewhat complex to administer and score, with the administrator requiring training. [1]
The BDI was used as a model for developing the CDI. The BDI is a clinically based, 21-item, self-rated symptom scale for adults in determining whether or not they are experiencing depression and/or depressive symptoms. [1] Though the BDI was already being used in assessing adults with depression, there was a need for the development of a similar test for children and youth. With those considerations in mind, Kovacs developed the CDI. [1]
The first phase of development of the CDI began in March 1975. [1] It was derived using children as subjects. [1] In total, there were four phases of development of the CDI, including three revisions to the original 1975 assessment. [1] The final version was developed and published in August 1979. [1] Kovacs reported that she and Aaron T. Beck worked together in using his adult scale of the BDI as a model for developing the CDI. [1] [4]
The test was originally designed for English-speaking American children, aged eight years old or older. [1] Skills needed for taking the test are the lowest levels of reading and vocabulary comprehension, so it is suitable for children aged six years old or older. [1] The test is generally administered to children and youth between the ages of 7 and 17. [1] The CDI has been translated into many languages, and has been administered to children worldwide. [1]
The CDI manual includes comprehensive information about psychometrics, norms, and item development. Many relevant charts are also included in the manual relating to reliability, constructs, and other areas. [1] Descriptions of CDI's scales are also provided, including examples of sample tests, along with associated tables of data and information. The directions for administration of the CDI are clear and easy to follow. [1] Information and directions about scoring the CDI, as well as the length of time it takes individuals to complete the CDI, are clear, detailed, and easy to understand. [1] The time it generally takes for an individual to complete the CDI is 15 minutes or less, while scoring time is 5–10 minutes. [1]
The 27 items of the CDI are grouped into five factor areas, including 'Negative Mood', 'Interpersonal Problems', 'Ineffectiveness', 'Anhedonia', and 'Negative Self Esteem'. [1] The 27 items include statements related to the following areas: sadness, pessimism, self-deprecation, anhedonia, misbehavior, pessimistic worrying, self-hate, self-blame, suicidal ideation, crying spells, irritability, reduced social interest, indecisiveness, negative body image, school-work difficulty, sleep disturbance, fatigue, reduced appetite, somatic concerns, loneliness, school dislike, lack of friends, school performance decrement, self-depreciation (via peer comparison), feeling unloved, disobedience, and fighting. [1]
The CDI is an objective and empirical test. Individuals can score between 0 and 54 on the CDI, with those results being converted to T-scores. [1] A cut-off score of 19–20 is generally accepted on the CDI, but is not an absolute. [1] Studies of the CDI have reported lower cut-off scores; therefore, individual cases must be taken into consideration. [1] [5] [6] Additionally, the CDI was designed for individual rather than group administration. [1] A score of 36 or higher on the CDI is generally accepted to reflect a person who has relatively severe depression. [7]
As a norm-referenced test, the CDI was normed with public school students. [1] The standardization sample included the "responses of 1,266 Florida public school students in grades 2 through 8", including 674 girls aged 7–16 and 592 boys aged 7–15. [1] Individual data on the test-takers' ethnicity or race are unavailable. [1] Based on the total demographics of the school districts that were sampled, however, approximately "77% of the children were Caucasian and 23% were African American or Black, American Indian, or Hispanic." [1] "The population was largely middle class, although a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds were included." [1] Further, about 20% of the respondents came from single-parent families. [1]
The Cronbach's alpha was used to obtain reliability measures. Across one group of nine studies, alpha measures were 0.71-0.89, reflecting good internal consistency. The test adequately measures for depressive symptoms. [1] In another group of 16 studies of test-retest reliability, alpha measures were reported as 0.38–0.87. [1] Regarding the short factor subscales, alpha reliability measures for internal consistency reliability were 0.59–0.68. Further, studies in addition to those completed by Kovacs [1] have shown moderate [8] to high reliability. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] One study used the Kuder-Richardson test of internal consistency and obtained results reflecting high reliability. [15]
In correlating the CDI and factors of the CDI with similar psychological assessments for children and/or youth, studies have shown moderate [16] [17] to high correlations, [5] [17] [18] while other studies have shown no correlations (in certain areas).
The validity of the CDI has been well-established. [1] [5] [12] [13] [14] [17] Construct validity [19] and discriminant validity has also been established. [20] Kovacs used experimental design to obtain discriminant validity between cases that were considered "normal" and those that were considered clinical. [1] Some studies have reflected discriminant validity, while others have not. Kovacs reported in 1992 that further research on discriminant validity was needed. [1]
Most research on the CDI has been conducted with Caucasian participants of middle to lower class socioeconomic status throughout the world. [1] The CDI can be given to children and youth across cultures, though its "internal consistency and factorial structure vary somewhat in different juvenile cohorts." [1] Kovacs and other researchers have reported obtaining higher CDI scores for African-Americans (particularly boys), [21] Japanese (substantially higher), [1] [22] Hispanic (significantly higher), [1] [23] and Egyptian [10] individuals when compared to Caucasians.
Additionally, test scores for older children (aged 13 years old or older) tend to be higher than those of younger children (under 12 years old), though the difference is small and not significant. [1] This is explained with the consideration of the development and maturation of children at this age level, [1] with changes occurring in brain structure occurring at these ages. One study, however, reported that the CDI scores of younger (aged 6–11) children were higher than those of older (aged 12–18) children. [24]
In an analysis of interview data of children who are diabetic, CDI score results may mimic those of having depressive symptoms. [1] However, important to keep in mind is that diabetes "elicits noticeable emotional upheaval (mostly in the depressive symptoms domain) that nonetheless resolves in about six months." [1]
CDI test data is "sensitive to changes in independently determined psychiatric diagnostic status." [1] Test data also reflects that the test is sensitive to changes over time in depressive symptoms. [1]
There are main effects in the constructs of 'Interpersonal Problems', 'Ineffectiveness', and 'Anhedonia' between boys and girls. [1] Girls scored higher than boys on these constructs, based on Kovacs' studies performed on the CDI as of 1992, reflecting that girls had a tendency for having greater distress in these areas. [1] While some studies have reported significant differences between CDI scores of girls and boys, [1] [19] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] and/or more depressive symptoms in girls than boys, [23] [24] [28] [29] [30] other studies have found no significant differences. [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]
Yet other studies have reflected higher CDI scores for boys [36] than girls, including those in single-parent families. [37] Children of divorced parents were found to score significantly higher on the CDI than children of non-divorced parents. [38] Additional studies have found significant differences in CDI scores of children who have experienced sexual abuse; [39] and those who have attention deficit disorder; [40] [41] or learning disabilities, in comparison with controls. [42] Children who were rejected by their peers, when compared with controls, had significantly higher CDI scores in one study, [43] but not in another when compared with children who were considered "average". [44]
Children of individuals who are substance abusers also scored significantly higher on the CDI than children of non-substance abusers. [45] Another study researched levels of depression and self-esteem in gifted children, and found that boys were significantly more depressed than girls, based on their CDI scores. [46] Further, obese children scored as being more depressed on the CDI than their non-obese counterparts in one study. [47] Children who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [48] [49] and anxiety [50] were more depressed, based on their CDI score results, than children who did not have PTSD or anxiety. Females, aged 12–17, who had attempted suicide scored significantly higher on the CDI than psychiatric controls; [51] and girls who were repeat attempters of suicide scored higher on the CDI than first-time suicide attempters. [51]
A 2012 study researched the potential relationship between pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and depressive symptoms. [52] A significant positive correlation was found between IBD and somatic complaints that reflect depressive symptoms. [52] Researchers in this study stated that the CDI test item, "somatic complaints" could potentially be recognized as a sixth and separate factor on the test. [52]
CDI factorial structure and internal consistency have variations in differing juvenile cohorts. The CDI tends to reflect a greater number of false negatives than false positives. As with any test, the CDI is not perfectly valid. [1] It is possible for test-takers of the CDI to "fake good." Individuals who take the CDI whose reading level is not age-appropriate may have difficulty with it, and therefore, their results may be incorrect. [1]
It is important to account for and consider additional information about the individual rather than solely-using CDI test scores on which to base decisions. [1] A variety of individuals may administer the CDI, however, as a caution and for ethical purposes, only those professionals who are trained to interpret assessments should do so. [1]
Psychological testing refers to the administration of psychological tests. Psychological tests are administered or scored by trained evaluators. A person's responses are evaluated according to carefully prescribed guidelines. Scores are thought to reflect individual or group differences in the construct the test purports to measure. The science behind psychological testing is psychometrics.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology. A version for adolescents also exists, the MMPI-A, and was first published in 1992. Psychologists and other mental health professionals use various versions of the MMPI to help develop treatment plans, assist with differential diagnosis, help answer legal questions, screen job candidates during the personnel selection process, or as part of a therapeutic assessment procedure.
The Beck Depression Inventory, created by Aaron T. Beck, is a 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory, one of the most widely used psychometric tests for measuring the severity of depression. Its development marked a shift among mental health professionals, who had until then, viewed depression from a psychodynamic perspective, instead of it being rooted in the patient's own thoughts.
Suicide risk assessment is a process of estimating the likelihood for a person to attempt or die by suicide. The goal of a thorough risk assessment is to learn about the circumstances of an individual person with regard to suicide, including warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors. Risk for suicide is re-evaluated throughout the course of care to assess the patient's response to personal situational changes and clinical interventions. Accurate and defensible risk assessment requires a clinician to integrate a clinical judgment with the latest evidence-based practice, although accurate prediction of low base rate events, such as suicide, is inherently difficult and prone to false positives.
The Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) is a test to rate the severity of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms.
The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is a formative assessment and rating scale of anxiety. This self-report inventory, or 21-item questionnaire uses a scale ; the BAI is an ordinal scale; more specifically, a Likert scale that measures the scale quality of magnitude of anxiety.
Major depressive disorder, often simply referred to as depression, is a mental disorder characterized by prolonged unhappiness or irritability. It is accompanied by a constellation of somatic and cognitive signs and symptoms such as fatigue, apathy, sleep problems, loss of appetite, loss of engagement, low self-regard/worthlessness, difficulty concentrating or indecisiveness, or recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.
In medicine and psychology, clinical significance is the practical importance of a treatment effect—whether it has a real genuine, palpable, noticeable effect on daily life.
The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a widely used caregiver report form identifying problem behavior in children. It is widely used in both research and clinical practice with youths. It has been translated into more than 90 languages, and normative data are available integrating information from multiple societies. Because a core set of the items have been included in every version of the CBCL since the 1980s, it provides a meter stick for measuring whether amounts of behavior problems have changed over time or across societies. This is a helpful complement to other approaches for looking at rates of mental-health issues, as the definitions of disorders have changed repeatedly over the same time frame.
The Luria–Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB) is a standardized test that identifies neuropsychological deficiencies by measuring functioning on fourteen scales. It evaluates learning, experience, and cognitive skills. The test was created by Charles Golden in 1981 and based on previous work by Alexander Luria that emphasizes a qualitative instead of quantitative approach. The original, adult version is for use with ages fifteen and over, while the Luria–Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Children (LNNB-C) can be used with ages eight to twelve; both tests take two to three hours to administer. The LNNB has 269 items divided among fourteen scales, which are motor, rhythm, tactile, visual, receptive speech, expressive speech, writing, reading, arithmetic, memory, intellectual processes, pathognomonic, left hemisphere, and right hemisphere. The test is graded on scales that are correlated to regions of the brain to help identify which region may be damaged. The Luria–Nebraska has been found to be reliable and valid; it is comparable in this sense to other neuropsychological tests in its ability to differentiate between brain damage and mental illness. The test is used to diagnose and determine the nature of cognitive impairment, including the location of the brain damage, to understand the patient's brain structure and abilities, to pinpoint causes of behavior, and to help plan treatment.
Social problem-solving, in its most basic form, is defined as problem solving as it occurs in the natural environment. More specifically it refers to the cognitive-behavioral process in which one works to find adaptive ways of coping with everyday situations that are considered problematic. This process in self-directed, conscious, effortful, cogent, and focused. Adaptive social problem-solving skills are known to be effective coping skills in an array of stressful situations. Social problem-solving consists of two major processes. One of these processes is known as problem orientation. Problem orientation is defined as the schemas one holds about problems in everyday life and ones assessment of their ability to solve said problems.
The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) is a brief self-report questionnaire developed in 1977 by Laurie Radloff to measure depressive symptoms severity in the general population. The CES-D consists of 20 questions that asks about various symptoms of depression as they have occurred in the past week, and the majority of the items focus on the affective component of depression. Although initially designed for use in general population surveys, CES-D now serves as a screening instrument in primary care clinics and in research.
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a self-report questionnaire designed to help detect bipolar disorder. It focuses on symptoms of hypomania and mania, which are the mood states that separate bipolar disorders from other types of depression and mood disorder. It has 5 main questions, and the first question has 13 parts, for a total of 17 questions. The MDQ was originally tested with adults, but it also has been studied in adolescents ages 11 years and above. It takes approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. In 2006, a parent-report version was created to allow for assessment of bipolar symptoms in children or adolescents from a caregiver perspective, with the research looking at youths as young as 5 years old. The MDQ has become one of the most widely studied and used questionnaires for bipolar disorder, and it has been translated into more than a dozen languages.
The Child Mania Rating Scales (CMRS) is a 21-item diagnostic screening measure designed to identify symptoms of mania in children and adolescents aged 9–17 using diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV, developed by Pavuluri and colleagues. There is also a 10-item short form. The measure assesses the child's mood and behavior symptoms, asking parents or teachers to rate how often the symptoms have caused a problem for the youth in the past month. Clinical studies have found the CMRS to be reliable and valid when completed by parents in the assessment of children's bipolar symptoms. The CMRS also can differentiate cases of pediatric bipolar disorder from those with ADHD or no disorder, as well as delineating bipolar subtypes. A meta-analysis comparing the different rating scales available found that the CMRS was one of the best performing scales in terms of telling cases with bipolar disorder apart from other clinical diagnoses. The CMRS has also been found to provide a reliable and valid assessment of symptoms longitudinally over the course of treatment. The combination of showing good reliability and validity across multiple samples and clinical settings, along with being free and brief to score, make the CMRS a promising tool, especially since most other checklists available for youths do not assess manic symptoms.
The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire is a survey that measures depressive symptoms in children and young adults. It was developed by Adrian Angold and Elizabeth J. Costello in 1987, and validity data were gathered as part of the Great Smokey Mountain epidemiological study in Western North Carolina. The questionnaire consists of a variety of statements describing feelings or behaviors that may manifest as depressive symptoms in children between the ages of 6 and 17. The subject is asked to indicate how much each statement applies to their recent experiences. The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire has six versions, short and long forms of each of the following: a youth self-report, a version that a parent would complete, and a self-report version for adults. Several peer-reviewed studies have found the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire to be a reliable and valid measure of depression in children. Compared to many other depression scales for youth, it has more extensive coverage of symptoms and more age-appropriate wording and content.
The General Behavior Inventory (GBI) is a 73-question psychological self-report assessment tool designed by Richard Depue and colleagues to identify the presence and severity of manic and depressive moods in adults, as well as to assess for cyclothymia. It is one of the most widely used psychometric tests for measuring the severity of bipolar disorder and the fluctuation of symptoms over time. The GBI is intended to be administered for adult populations; however, it has been adapted into versions that allow for juvenile populations, as well as a short version that allows for it to be used as a screening test.
Watson and Clark (1991) proposed the Tripartite Model of Anxiety and Depression to help explain the comorbidity between anxious and depressive symptoms and disorders. This model divides the symptoms of anxiety and depression into three groups: negative affect, positive affect and physiological hyperarousal. These three sets of symptoms help explain common and distinct aspects of depression and anxiety.
The Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS) is a free checklist designed for children and adolescents to report traumatic events and symptoms that they might feel afterward. The items cover the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), specifically, the symptoms and clusters used in the DSM-IV. Although relatively new, there has been a fair amount of research on the CPSS due to the frequency of traumatic events involving children. The CPSS is usually administered to school children within school boundaries, or in an off-site location to assess symptoms of trauma. Some, but not all, people experience symptoms after a traumatic event, and in serious cases, these people may not get better on their own. Early and accurate identification, especially in children, of experiencing distress following a trauma could help with early interventions. The CPSS is one of a handful of promising measures that has accrued good evidence for reliability and validity, along with low cost, giving it good clinical utility as it addresses a public health need for better and larger scale assessment.
Judy Garber is a clinical psychologist known for her research on emotional dysregulation and mood disorders, with a focus on cognitive-behavioral interventions for adolescents who have depression. Garber is Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University.