Crassisporium | |
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Crassisporium funariophilum | |
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Genus: | Crassisporium Matheny, P.-A.Moreau & Vizzini (2014) |
Type species | |
Crassisporium funariophilum (M.M.Moser) Matheny, P.-A.Moreau & Vizzini (2014) | |
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Crassisporium is a burn-inhabiting agaric fungal genus that colonizes forest fire and campfire sites on ground and charred woody debris in Europe, north Africa and western North America. The small brownish fruitbodies have broadly attached lamellae bordered by cheilocystidia and there is an absence of pleurocystidia and chrysocystidia. Spores are thick-walled, brown, smooth, and have a germ pore. The cap surface (pileipellis) is neither gelatinized nor cellular. Clamp connections are present in the hyphae. The genus is most closely related to the genus Romagnesiella and together both are nearest the Strophariaceae [1] or Cortinariaceae. [2] The generic name Crassisporium refers to the thick spore walls.
The Boletaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi, primarily characterised by small pores on the spore-bearing hymenial surface, instead of gills as are found in most agarics. Nearly as widely distributed as the agarics, the family is renowned for hosting some prime edible species highly sought after by mushroom hunters worldwide, such as the cep or king bolete . A number of rare or threatened species are also present in the family, that have become the focus of increasing conservation concerns. As a whole, the typical members of the family are commonly known as boletes.
The Pluteaceae are a family of small to medium-sized mushrooms which have free gill attachment and pink spores. Members of Pluteaceae can be mistaken for members of Entolomataceae, but can be distinguished by the angled spores and attached gills of the Entolomataceae. The four genera in the Pluteaceae comprise the widely distributed Volvariella and Pluteus, the rare Chamaeota, and Volvopluteus, which was newly described in 2011 as a result of molecular analysis. The Dictionary of the Fungi estimates there are 364 species in the family.
Melanoleuca is a poorly known genus of saprotrophic mushrooms traditionally classified in the family Tricholomataceae. Most are small to medium sized, white, brown, ocher or gray with a cylindrical to subcylindrical stipe and white to pale yellowish gills. The basidiospores are ellipsoid and ornamented with amyloid warts. Melanoleuca is considered a difficult group to study due to their macroscopic similarities among species and the need of a thorough microscopic analysis to separate species. DNA studies have determined that this genus is closely related to Amanita and Pluteus and that it does not belong to the family Tricholomataceae.
The Hydnangiaceae are a family of fungi in the mushroom order Agaricales. Widespread in temperate and tropical regions throughout the world, the family contains about 30 species in four genera. Species in the Hydnangiaceae form ectomycorrhizal relationships with various species of trees in both coniferous and deciduous forests.
The Physalacriaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Species in the family have a widespread distribution, ranging from the Arctic, (Rhizomarasmius), to the tropics, e.g. Gloiocephala, and from marine sites (Mycaureola) and fresh waters (Gloiocephala) to semiarid forests (Xerula).
Mythicomyces is a fungal genus in the family Mythicomycetaceae. A monotypic genus, it contains the single species Mythicomyces corneipes, first described by Elias Fries in 1861. The fungus produces fruit bodies with shiny yellowish-orange to tawny caps that are 1–3 cm (0.4–1.2 in) in diameter. These are supported by stems measuring 2–5.7 cm (0.8–2.2 in) long and 1–2 mm thick. A rare to uncommon species, it is found in northern temperate regions of North America and Europe, where it typically fruits in groups, in wet areas of coniferous forests. There are several species with which M. corneipes might be confused due to a comparable appearance or similar range and habitat, but microscopic characteristics can be used to reliably distinguish between them.
The Inocybaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales, the largest order of mushroom-forming fungi. It is one of the larger families within Agaricales. This family exhibits an ectomycorrhizal ecology. Members of this family have a widespread distribution in tropical and temperate areas.
Haasiella is a fungal genus in the family Hygrophoraceae. It is a monotypic genus that contains only the species Haasiella splendidissima. Haasiella venustissima, formerly considered to be a distinct species based on its one and two-spored basidia, was found by a DNA study to be synonymous with H. splendidissima. H. splendidissima is only known from Europe and is saprotrophic on wood. Haasiella was described as a new genus in 1966 by Czech mycologists František Kotlaba and Zdeněk Pouzar. It is most closely related to the genus Hygrophorus.
Phaeomyces is a genus of fungi in the family Tubariaceae. The genus contains two species found in Europe.
Flammulaster is a genus of agaricoid fungi in the family Tubariaceae. It was formerly thought to belong in the family Inocybaceae. The genus has a widespread distribution, and contains 20 species. Flammulaster was circumscribed by American mycologist Franklin Sumner Earle in 1909.
Phaeomarasmius is a genus of fungi in the family Tubariaceae. It was formerly thought to belong in the family Inocybaceae. The genus has a widespread distribution, and contains about 20 species.
Volvopluteus is a genus of small to medium-sized or big saprotrophic mushrooms growing worldwide. The genus has been segregated from Volvariella with which it shares some morphological characteristics such as the presence of a volva and a pink to pink-brown spore print. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA data have shown that Volvopluteus is closely related to Pluteus and both genera currently are classified in the family Pluteaceae, while Volvariella is not closely related to either genus and its position in the Agaricales is still uncertain.
Pachylepyrium is a genus of fungi in the family Tubariaceae. The genus was circumscribed by Rolf Singer in 1958. The genus Pachylepyrium is widespread in northern temperate areas. Some species of Pachylepyrium have been moved to the genus Crassisporium.
Stagnicola is an agaric fungal genus that contains the single species Stagnicola perplexa. This fungus colonizes plant debris in wet coniferous forest floor depressions and shallow pools, and fruits after the pools drain or dry in late summer to early fall in North America and Europe. The genus is characterized by smooth, yellowish brown basidiospores lacking a germ pore, and a naucorioid appearance, with brownish mycelium at the base of the stems. Phylogenetically, Stagnicola appeared rather isolated and proved to be closest to Mythicomyces and Mythicomyces was closest to the Psathyrellaceae. In 2019 the two genera were shown to be closely related and placed in a new family, Mythicomycetaceae sister to the Psathyrellaceae.
Romagnesiella is an agaric fungal genus that colonizes mineral, calcareous or sandy soils in Europe and North Africa. The small brownish fruitbodies have narrowly attached, broad and distant lamellae and poorly differentiated cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia. Spores are thick-walled, brown, smooth, and lack germ pore. The cap surface (pileipellis) is somewhat cellular with irregular puzzle-like to pyriform hyphae. Clamp connections are present in the hyphae. It is most closely related to Crassisporium, both genera being close to the Strophariaceae or the Cortinariaceae.
The Tubariaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi described by Alfredo Vizzini in 2008.
The genus Saproamanita contains about 24 species of agarics and is one of six genera in the family Amanitaceae, of which the similar Amanita is also a member. Saproamanita differs from Amanita in that its species are saprophytic, and not ectomycorrhizal.
The Mythicomycetaceae is a family of dark-spored agarics that have palely pigmented spores. The two genera are monotypic and share features such as horn-like dark stems, pigmented mycelium at their bases, and are small brown mushrooms in north temperate forests. Their basidiospores lack germ pores. The family is closely related to the Psathyrellaceae.
The Crassisporiaceae is a mushroom family of small brown, naucoroid, brown-spored agarics with thick to slightly thickened, smooth, basidiospore walls that darken to reddish brown in potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution, absence of chrysocystidia, presence of cheilocystidia, nongelatinized tissues in the lamellae, and a filamentous pileus cutis. The family is recognized based upon phylogenetic analyses using DNA sequences and depending upon the analyses varies in relationship to either the Cortinariaceae or, as described in greater detail prior to recognition as a separate family, near the Strophariaceae. Crassisporium is pyrophilous and Romagnesiella may be bryophilous.