Cyanophages are viruses that infect cyanobacteria, also known as Cyanophyta or blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria are a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through the process of photosynthesis. [1] [2] Although cyanobacteria metabolize photoautotrophically like eukaryotic plants, they have prokaryotic cell structure. Cyanophages can be found in both freshwater and marine environments. [3] Marine and freshwater cyanophages have icosahedral heads, which contain double-stranded DNA, attached to a tail by connector proteins. [4] The size of the head and tail vary among species of cyanophages. Cyanophages infect a wide range of cyanobacteria and are key regulators of the cyanobacterial populations in aquatic environments, and may aid in the prevention of cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater and marine ecosystems. These blooms can pose a danger to humans and other animals, particularly in eutrophic freshwater lakes. Infection by these viruses is highly prevalent in cells belonging to Synechococcus spp. in marine environments, where up to 5% of cells belonging to marine cyanobacterial cells have been reported to contain mature phage particles. [5]
The first described cyanophage LPP-1, was reported by Safferman and Morris in 1963. [6] Cyanophages are classified within the bacteriophage families Myoviridae (e.g. AS-1, N-1), Podoviridae (e.g. LPP-1) and Siphoviridae (e.g. S-1). [6]
The following three families of cyanophages have been recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV): Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae; all contain double-stranded DNA. [7] Initially, cyanophages were named after their hosts. However, the ability of cyanophages to infect multiple hosts and lack of a universal naming system can cause difficulties with their taxonomic classification. [8] Many other classification systems used serological, morphological, or physiological properties. [9] [10] Currently, the suggested procedure of naming strains is as follows: Cyanophage Xx-YYZaa, where Xx is the first two letters of the genus and species names of the host that the type specimen phage is found in, YY is the origin of the specimen, Z is the virus family, and aa is the reference number of the virus. [3]
Like all other tailed bacteriophages cyanophages have a tail and a protein capsid surrounding genetic material. The double-stranded DNA is approximately 45 kbp long and in some cyanophages encodes photosynthetic genes, an integrase, or genes involved with phosphate metabolism (phosphate-inducible). [11] The tail binds the virus to the host cell and transfers viral DNA to the host cell upon infection. Based on morphological characteristics, cyanophages are placed into the families Myoviridae, Podoviridaeand Siphoviridae, and although not formally recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, historically cyanophages have been further classified into as a Cyanomyovirus, Cyanopodovirus or Cyanostylovirus based on which of the three families in which they are grouped. [8]
The type species for Cyanomyovirus of the family Myoviridae is Cyanophage AS-1, which was isolated from a waste stabilization pond, [12] and was also the first genus recognized. [13] The tails have been observed as either contractile or noncontractile with lengths of 20 to 244 nm, widths of 15 to 23 nm, and a shrinking range of 93 nm. [14] [3] Cyanophages generally have isometric hexagonal heads with diameters ranging from 55 to 90 nm. [14] [3] There is large morphological variation in this group, which suggests that they infect a variety of host species. [15] At the point of attachment between the long tail and the head there is a base plate where short pins are attached, a contractile sheath, and an internal core, similar to other bacteriophages in the Myoviridae. [12]
Cyanopodovirus, within the Podoviridae , are present in both fresh and marine water. [16] The type specimen of cyanopodovirus is Cyanophage LPP-1, which infects Lyngbya, Plectonema and Phormidium. [17] Their capsids are polyhedrons that appear hexagonal in 2-D. [14] The tails are hollow with sixfold radial symmetry made of rings of six subunits with unknown orientation. [14] Similar to cyanomyoviruses, they can be found in waste-stabilization ponds and have isometric capsids of similar size but shorter tails. [3]
Cyanostylovirus belong to the family Siphoviridae , where the type species is Cyanophage S-1, which is known to infect Synechococcus . [3] Cyanostyloviridae have smaller (50 nm in diameter) isometric capsids than the previous genera but longer tails (140 nm). [18] Other genera in this family have tails that range from 200 to 300 nm in length. [15]
The host range of cyanophages is very complex and is thought to play an important role in controlling cyanobacterial populations. [1] Freshwater cyanophages have been reported to infect hosts in more than one genus although this may also reflect problems in the taxonomic classification of their hosts. Nonetheless, they have been classified into three major groups based on the taxonomy of their host organism. [1] [3]
The first group is LPP, which belongs to the cyanopodoviruses. [1] This group of viruses includes the original cyanophage isolate that infected "blue-green algae". [13] [3] Cyanophages in this group are easy to isolate from the environment. [3] They carry short non-contractile tails and cause lysis of several species within three genera of cyanobacteria: Lyngbya , Plectonema and Phormidium. [3] Thus, the name LPP was derived from the three genera of hosts that they infect. [13] LPP-1 and LPP-2 are two major types of LPP cyanhophages. [19] This group of cyanophages has the same host same range; however, their serum and other body fluids are not the same. [19]
The AS and SM groups represent the third group of cyanophages classified based on host range. [1] This group of viruses is said to be the “new blue-green algae” and infects unicellular forms of cyanobacteria. [3] [20] [12] The myovirus AS-1 infects Anacystis nidulans, [21] Synechococcus cedrorum, Synechococcus elongatus and Microcystis aeruginosa. [3] Similarly, the unicellular blue-green algae Synechococcus elongatus and Microcystis aeruginosa are infected by the podovirus SM-1. [3] [22] There is a new SM-group of virus, known as SM-2, which also lyses Microcystis aeruginosa [22] .
Cyanophages classified in the groups A, AN, N and NP represent a second group of cyanophages classified based on host range. [18] [1] [23] [24] They play an important role in infecting and causing lysis of members of the genera Nostoc , Anabaena and Plectonema. [1] The A-group of the virus causes lysis and infects Anabaena species. [3] Similarly, the host range of the AN group includes both Anabaena and Nostoc species; whereas, the N group of viruses infects Nostoc species only and includes Cyanophage N-1. [3] Cyanophage N-1 is remarkable in that it encodes a functional CRISPR array that may provide immunity to the host to infection by competing cyanophages. [25] Lastly, cyanobacterial isolates of Nostoc and Plectonema species are infected by the NP group of viruses. [3] These cyanobacterial isolates closely relate to the taxonomic group of Nostoc . [3] They all have a broad host range and mutations are noticeable in these groups of viruses. [3]
Cyanophage replication has two dominant cycles: the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle. Viral nucleic-acid replication and immediate synthesis of virus-encoded protein is considered to be the lytic cycle. Phages are considered lytic if they only have the capacity to enter the lytic cycle; whereas, temperate phage can either enter the lytic cycle or become stably integrated with the host genome and enter the lysogenic cycle. [26] To meet the metabolic demand of replication, viruses recruit a multitude of strategies to sequester nutrients from their host. One such technique is to starve their host cell. This is done by inhibiting the host cells CO2 fixation, which enables the cyanophage to recruit photosynthetically formed redox and ATP from the host cell to meet their nucleotide and metabolic response. [27] Many cyanophages contain genes known as viral-encoded auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs), which encode critical, rate-limiting steps of the host organism. [27] AMGs encode genes for the pentose phosphate pathway, phosphate acquisition, sulfur metabolism, and DNA/RNA processing; these genes interfere with the metabolism of the host cell. Metagenomic analysis highly supports the notion that these genes promote viral replication through the degradation of host DNA and RNA, as well as a shift in host-cell metabolism to nucleotide biosynthesis. [27] Cyanophages also use these genes to maintain host photosynthesis through the progression of the infection, shuttling the energy away from carbon fixation to anabolism, which the virus takes advantage of. [28] AMGs also code for proteins, which aid in the repair of the host photosystem, which is susceptible to photodegradation. [28] One such example is the D1 proteins which replace the host cells D1 protein when it becomes damaged. [28] The virus up-regulates photosynthesis, which leads to an increased rate of D1 protein degradation, the host cell alone can not efficiently replace these proteins so the cyanophage replaces them for the host cell, allowing it to continue providing energy for the cyanophage replication cycle. [28]
It is evident that cyanophage replication is heavily dependent on the diel cycle. The first step in the infectious cycle is for the cyanophage to make contact and bind to the cyanobacteria, this adsorption process is heavily dependent on light intensity. [29] Field studies also show that the infection and replication of cyanophages is directly or indirectly synchronized with the light-dark cycle. [29]
Cyanophages like other bacteriophages rely on Brownian motion to collide with bacteria, and then use receptor binding proteins to recognize cell surface proteins, which leads to adherence. Viruses with contractile tails then rely on receptors found on their tails to recognize highly conserved proteins on the surface of the host cell. [30] Cyanophages also have several surface proteins with Ig-like domains, which are used for adherence. [30]
Some cyanophages also produce a horn like structure, which projects from the vertex opposite of the tail. [31] The horn like structure is hypothesized to aid in attachment to cells in the natural environment; however, this has not been confirmed. [31]
Cyanophages can undergo both the lytic and lysogenic cycles depending on the viruses and their environment. [32] [33] In one study on cyanomyoviruses infecting marine Synechococcus sp., the lytic phase was shown to last approximately 17 hours with the average number of viruses produced for each cell that was lysed (burst size) ranging from 328 under high light to 151 under low light. [34] There is evidence supporting the premise that there is a correlation between light intensity and burst size. [29] Studies show that cyanophage replication is driven by energy from photosynthetic metabolism of the host cell. [35] Lysing of the host cell tends to occur after the completion of host DNA replication and immediately prior to cell division. [35] This is due to the increased availability of resources for the replication of viral particles.[ citation needed ]
Certain cyanophages infect and burst Prochlorococcus , the world's smallest and most abundant primary producers. [37] [11] Marine cyanophages of the family Myoviridae help regulate primary production mainly through infection of Synechococcus spp. [3] The other two families, Podoviridae and Siphoviridae , are usually found in freshwater ecosystems. [3] In coastal oceans, abundance of viruses infecting Synechococcus spp. can reach >106 mL−1 and 105 g−1 in sediments. [3] An estimated 3% of Synechococcus are removed daily by cyanophages. [3] Cyanophages are widely distributed both throughout the water column and geographically. [3] [37] [38] Cyanophage populations have been found to inhabit microbial mats in the Arctic through metagenomic analysis and hypersaline lagoons. [38] [4] They can withstand temperatures ranging from 12 to 30 °C and salinities of 18-70 ppt. [4] The DNA of cyanophages is susceptible to UV degradation but can be restored in host cells through a process called "photoreactivation". [39] The viruses cannot move independently and must rely on currents, mixing, and host cells to transport them. Viruses cannot actively target their hosts and must wait to encounter them. The higher probability of collision may explain why cyanophages of the Myoviridae family primarily infect one of the most abundant cyanobacteria, Synechoccocus. [3] Evidence of seasonal co-variation between the phages and hosts, in addition to an increase in cyanophages above a threshold of 103 to 104Synechococcus mL−1, may suggest a “kill-the-winner” dynamic. [3]
Members of the genus Synechococcus contribute ~25% to photosynthetic primary productivity in the ocean, having significant bottom-up effect on higher trophic levels. [40] The dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from viral lysis by cyanophages can be shunted into the microbial loop where it is recycled or rejected by heterotrophic bacteria to form recalcitrant matter that is eventually buried in sediment. [40] [41] This is an important step in atmospheric carbon sequestration, commonly referred to as the biological pump, and maintenance of other biogeochemical cycles. [40]
Cyanobacteria perform oxygenic photosynthesis which is thought to be the origin of atmospheric oxygen approximately 2.5Ga ago. [42] Population, and therefore, rate of oxygen evolution can be regulated by cyanophages. In certain species of cyanobacteria, such as Trichodesmium that perform nitrogen fixation, cyanophages are capable of increasing the supply rate of bioavailable organic nitrogen through lysis. [43] [44]
Cyanophages also infect bloom-forming cyanobacteria that can be toxic to health of humans and other animals through the production of microcystin and cause eutrophication, leading to oxygen minimum zones. Cyanophages can infect and kill four common bloom-forming cyanobacteria: Lyngbya birgei, Anabaena circinalis, Anabaena flosaquae, and Microcystis aeruginosa , [26] and thus may be able to prevent harmful algal blooms under normal conditions. Blooms cause problems ecologically, economically, and in freshwater systems, adversely affect the quality of drinking water. [45] Spikes in cyanobacteria populations are usually brought on by nutrient increases due to run-off from fertilizers, dust, and sewage. [46] By killing hosts, cyanophages may help restore ecosystems to their natural balance.[ citation needed ]
In addition to regulating population size, cyanophages likely influence phylogenetic composition by allowing other phytoplankton normally inhibited by cyanobacteria to grow. [46] The specificity with which cyanophages target various hosts also affects community structure. Due to the lysogenic phase of their replication cycle, cyanophages may behave as mobile genetic elements for genetic diversification of their hosts through horizontal gene transfer. [47] [27] Whether the lytic or lysogenic phase dominates in a given area has been hypothesized to depend on eutrophic or oligotrophic conditions, respectively. [41] Increase in number of encounters is directly related to an increase in rate of infection providing more opportunity for selective pressure, making coastal Synechococcus more resistant to viral infection than their off-shore counterparts. [3]
A bacteriophage, also known informally as a phage, is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea. The term was derived from "bacteria" and the Greek φαγεῖν, meaning "to devour". Bacteriophages are composed of proteins that encapsulate a DNA or RNA genome, and may have structures that are either simple or elaborate. Their genomes may encode as few as four genes and as many as hundreds of genes. Phages replicate within the bacterium following the injection of their genome into its cytoplasm.
Enterobacteria phage λ is a bacterial virus, or bacteriophage, that infects the bacterial species Escherichia coli. It was discovered by Esther Lederberg in 1950. The wild type of this virus has a temperate life cycle that allows it to either reside within the genome of its host through lysogeny or enter into a lytic phase, during which it kills and lyses the cell to produce offspring. Lambda strains, mutated at specific sites, are unable to lysogenize cells; instead, they grow and enter the lytic cycle after superinfecting an already lysogenized cell.
Cyanobacteria, also called Cyanobacteriota or Cyanophyta, are a phylum of autotrophic gram-negative bacteria that can obtain biological energy via photosynthesis. The name 'cyanobacteria' refers to their color, which similarly forms the basis of cyanobacteria's common name, blue-green algae, although they are not scientifically classified as algae. They appear to have originated in a freshwater or terrestrial environment.
The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. EBV is a double-stranded DNA virus. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is the first identified oncogenic virus, which establishes permanent infection in humans. EBV causes infectious mononucleosis and is also tightly linked to many malignant diseases. Various vaccine formulations underwent testing in different animals or in humans. However, none of them were able to prevent EBV infection and no vaccine has been approved to date.
A prophage is a bacteriophage genome that is integrated into the circular bacterial chromosome or exists as an extrachromosomal plasmid within the bacterial cell. Integration of prophages into the bacterial host is the characteristic step of the lysogenic cycle of temperate phages. Prophages remain latent in the genome through multiple cell divisions until activation by an external factor, such as UV light, leading to production of new phage particles that will lyse the cell and spread. As ubiquitous mobile genetic elements, prophages play important roles in bacterial genetics and evolution, such as in the acquisition of virulence factors.
Transduction is the process by which foreign DNA is introduced into a cell by a virus or viral vector. An example is the viral transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another and hence an example of horizontal gene transfer. Transduction does not require physical contact between the cell donating the DNA and the cell receiving the DNA, and it is DNase resistant. Transduction is a common tool used by molecular biologists to stably introduce a foreign gene into a host cell's genome.
Escherichia virus T4 is a species of bacteriophages that infect Escherichia coli bacteria. It is a double-stranded DNA virus in the subfamily Tevenvirinae from the family Myoviridae. T4 is capable of undergoing only a lytic life cycle and not the lysogenic life cycle. The species was formerly named T-even bacteriophage, a name which also encompasses, among other strains, Enterobacteria phage T2, Enterobacteria phage T4 and Enterobacteria phage T6.
Myoviridae is a family of bacteriophages in the order Caudovirales. Bacteria and archaea serve as natural hosts. There are 625 species in this family, assigned to eight subfamilies and 217 genera.
Lysogeny, or the lysogenic cycle, is one of two cycles of viral reproduction. Lysogeny is characterized by integration of the bacteriophage nucleic acid into the host bacterium's genome or formation of a circular replicon in the bacterial cytoplasm. In this condition the bacterium continues to live and reproduce normally, while the bacteriophage lies in a dormant state in the host cell. The genetic material of the bacteriophage, called a prophage, can be transmitted to daughter cells at each subsequent cell division, and later events can release it, causing proliferation of new phages via the lytic cycle.
Phycodnaviridae is a family of large (100–560 kb) double-stranded DNA viruses that infect marine or freshwater eukaryotic algae. Viruses within this family have a similar morphology, with an icosahedral capsid. As of 2014, there were 33 species in this family, divided among 6 genera. This family belongs to a super-group of large viruses known as nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses. Evidence was published in 2014 suggesting that specific strains of Phycodnaviridae might infect humans rather than just algal species, as was previously believed. Most genera under this family enter the host cell by cell receptor endocytosis and replicate in the nucleus. Phycodnaviridae play important ecological roles by regulating the growth and productivity of their algal hosts. Algal species such Heterosigma akashiwo and the genus Chrysochromulina can form dense blooms which can be damaging to fisheries, resulting in losses in the aquaculture industry. Heterosigma akashiwo virus (HaV) has been suggested for use as a microbial agent to prevent the recurrence of toxic red tides produced by this algal species. Phycodnaviridae cause death and lysis of freshwater and marine algal species, liberating organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus into the water, providing nutrients for the microbial loop.
Photosynthetic reaction centre proteins are main protein components of photosynthetic reaction centres (RCs) of bacteria and plants. They are transmembrane proteins embedded in the chloroplast thylakoid or bacterial cell membrane.
Cyanobionts are cyanobacteria that live in symbiosis with a wide range of organisms such as terrestrial or aquatic plants; as well as, algal and fungal species. They can reside within extracellular or intracellular structures of the host. In order for a cyanobacterium to successfully form a symbiotic relationship, it must be able to exchange signals with the host, overcome defense mounted by the host, be capable of hormogonia formation, chemotaxis, heterocyst formation, as well as possess adequate resilience to reside in host tissue which may present extreme conditions, such as low oxygen levels, and/or acidic mucilage. The most well-known plant-associated cyanobionts belong to the genus Nostoc. With the ability to differentiate into several cell types that have various functions, members of the genus Nostoc have the morphological plasticity, flexibility and adaptability to adjust to a wide range of environmental conditions, contributing to its high capacity to form symbiotic relationships with other organisms. Several cyanobionts involved with fungi and marine organisms also belong to the genera Richelia, Calothrix, Synechocystis, Aphanocapsa and Anabaena, as well as the species Oscillatoria spongeliae. Although there are many documented symbioses between cyanobacteria and marine organisms, little is known about the nature of many of these symbioses. The possibility of discovering more novel symbiotic relationships is apparent from preliminary microscopic observations.
The wcaG RNA motif is an RNA structure conserved in some bacteria that was detected by bioinformatics. wcaG RNAs are found in certain phages that infect cyanobacteria. Most known wcaG RNAs were found in sequences of DNA extracted from uncultivated marine bacteria. wcaG RNAs might function as cis-regulatory elements, in view of their consistent location in the possible 5' untranslated regions of genes. It was suggested the wcaG RNAs might further function as riboswitches.
Enterobacteria phage P4 is a temperate bacteriophage strain of species Escherichia virus P2 within genus Peduovirus, subfamily Peduovirinae, family Myoviridae. It is a satellite virus, requiring P2-related helper phage to grow lytically.
Cyanophage N-1 is a myovirus bacteriophage that infects freshwater filamentous cyanobacteria of the Nostoc genus. The virus was first isolated by Kenneth Adolph and Robert Haselkorn in 1971 in the US, from the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, Nostoc muscorum. N-1 is closely related to cyanophage A-1, but only distantly to other cyanophages of freshwater or marine origin.
Auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) are found in many bacteriophages but originated in bacterial cells. AMGs modulate host cell metabolism during infection so that the phage can replicate more efficiently. For instance, bacteriophages that infect the abundant marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus (cyanophages) carry AMGs that have been acquired from their immediate host as well as more distantly-related bacteria. Cyanophage AMGs support a variety of functions including photosynthesis, carbon metabolism, nucleic acid synthesis and metabolism. AMGs also have broader ecological impacts beyond their host including their influence on biogeochemical cycling.
Mycobacterium virus D29 (D29) is a cluster A mycobacteriophage belonging to the Siphoviridae family of viruses, it was discovered in 1954 by S. Froman. D29 is notable for its ability to infect M. tuberculosis. D29 is a double stranded DNA mycobacteriophage. It is a lytic phage, this means that D29 takes the lytic pathway of infection instead of the lysogenic pathway of infection. There are no human associated diseases associated with mycobacterium virus D29.
Arbitrium is a viral peptide produced by bacteriophages to communicate with each other and decide host cell fate. It is six amino acids(aa) long, and so is also referred to as a hexapeptide. It is produced when a phage infects a bacterial host. and signals to other phages that the host has been infected.
Marine viruses are defined by their habitat as viruses that are found in marine environments, that is, in the saltwater of seas or oceans or the brackish water of coastal estuaries. Viruses are small infectious agents that can only replicate inside the living cells of a host organism, because they need the replication machinery of the host to do so. They can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea.
Algal viruses are the viruses infecting algae, which are photosynthetic single-celled eukaryotes. As of 2020, there were 61 viruses known to infect algae. Algae are integral components of aquatic food webs and drive nutrient cycling, so the viruses infecting algal populations also impacts the organisms and nutrient cycling systems that depend on them. Thus, these viruses can have significant, worldwide economic and ecological effects. Their genomes varied between 4.4 to 560 kilobase pairs (kbp) long and used double-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (dsDNA), double-stranded Ribonucleic Acid (dsRNA), single-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (ssDNA), and single-stranded Ribonucleic Acid (ssRNA). The viruses ranged between 20 and 210 nm in diameter. Since the discovery of the first algae-infecting virus in 1979, several different techniques have been used to find new viruses infecting algae and it seems that there are many algae-infecting viruses left to be discovered