Diaporthe helianthi | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Fungi |
Division: | Ascomycota |
Class: | Sordariomycetes |
Order: | Diaporthales |
Family: | Diaporthaceae |
Genus: | Diaporthe |
Species: | D. helianthi |
Binomial name | |
Diaporthe helianthi Munt.-Cvetk., Mihaljč. & M. Petrov, (1981) | |
Synonyms | |
Phomopsis helianthiMunt.-Cvetk., Mihaljč. & M. Petrov, (1981) Contents |
Diaporthe helianthi is a fungal pathogen that causes Phomopsis stem canker of sunflowers . In sunflowers, Phomopsis helianthi (teleomorph =Diaporthe helianthi) is the causative agent behind stem canker. Its primary symptom is the production of large canker lesions on the stems of sunflower plants. These lesions can eventually lead to lodging and plant death. This disease has been shown to be particularly devastating in southern and eastern regions of Europe, although it can also be found in the United States and Australia. While cultural control practices are the primary method of controlling for Stem Canker, there have been a few resistant cultivars developed in regions of Europe where the disease is most severe.
Stem canker on sunflower is caused by the fungal pathogen Phomopsis helianthi (teleomorph = Diaporthe helianthi). [1] There are many "Phomopsis" species that have a broad host range, but "Phomopsis helianthi" is the primary pathogen that infects sunflower, although it has also been seen to infect other, secondary hosts. Some "Phomopsis" species have been found to be able to cause disease on several host genera. [2] Sunflower hosts that found in high densities are particularly susceptible to attack by the pathogen due to the microclimate formed in crowded areas. This microclimate has a high humidity and allows for infection to proceed rapidly. [3] There has also been recent molecular evidence to suggest there are several genetically distinct species of Phomopsis that can cause disease on the sunflower hosts. [3]
Initial symptoms of P. helianthi infection can be found at the attachment of petiole to the stem on the lower portion of the plant. [4] Initial infection will cause brown necrotic regions with a chlorotic border. Eventually these regions will grow into larger, brown to tan lesions and eventually into large cankers. Cankers are found on the stem and will have a sunken border. Cankers can be long, up to 6 inches, but do not appear until flowering. [3] Other early symptoms can include necrosis and bronzing of intervenial areas of leaves at or above the stem lesion. Wilting and death of leaves above the canker also occurs. [4] Leaves above the site of inoculation can also show symptoms of being water soaked. This is sometimes accompanied by leave distortion. [3] Phomopsis stem canker is also characterized by extensive pith degradation to the point where the stalk is easily crushed under moderate thumb pressure. Wilting is also a typical symptom, and extensive wilting can eventually lead to lodging later in the season. [3] Phomopsis also produces mycotoxins, which can cause additional symptoms such as premature ripening or early plant death. [4]
Disease identification is facilitated by observation of fruiting structures. Perithecia are found on cortical tissues and will produce globular to sub-cylindrical asci with two-celled ascospores. It has been observed that isolates from stem canker in the United States will readily form perithecia when grown in culture, but those from Europe will not. This suggests that there may be several species or biotypes of Phomopsis that cause stem canker worldwide. Pycnidia, the asexual fruiting bodies, can be detected on the stem and leaf lesions throughout the disease cycle. They are embedded in the tissue, dark brown and globular. The conidia come in two types, but the most common is beta conidia that are threadlike, hyaline and can be curled or straight. [5]
Stem canker on sunflower has both a teleomorphic and anamorphic stage. The anamorphic stage is given the name Phomopsis helianthi. When the teleomorphic stage was discovered, it was given the name Diaporthe helianthi. Infection is initiated onto the leaves by windblown or rain splashed ascospores that were released from overwintering perithecia, the telomorphic fruiting body. [4] The infection begins at lower leaves and spreads through the intercellular spaces and terminal veins throughout the vascular system. [1] The leaves that contain the original inoculum will quickly wilt and die but by then the infection has already entered the stem where it persists. [4] Pycnidia, the anamorphic fruiting body, will form in the infected tissue and release two types of conidia – alpha and beta. Alpha conidia are oval to fusoid in shape while beta conidia are threadlike. Both conidia are produced, but the proportion of alpha to beta may change depending on environmental conditions. [6] Beta conidia are most frequently produced. [1] At the end of the season, perithecia formed on leaves and other diseased tissues will remain in the debris and survive for the next season. The perithecia can survive in debris for up to five years and Phomopsis has also been shown to be dispersed through seed. [4]
This disease is most severe in southern and eastern Europe but several cases have been reported from Argentina as well as USA. The overwintering structures (perithecia) allows this fungus to survive in unfavorable conditions. Ascopsores from these perithecia are released during the growing season and are spread by wind and rain splash throughout the season. Relative humidity of 90% and temperatures ranging from 20-24°C favors the disease development. Abundant rainfall during the budding to flowering stage promotes the infection more than the temperature. [7]
The fungus produces overwintering structures which makes it difficult to manage. Proper treatment (burning or burying deep under the ground) of the plant waste in fall and crop rotation can decrease disease incidence and severity. Some Phomopsis resistance hybrids are available in Europe where the disease is particularly severe. There are no commercial hybrids available in US which are resistant. [7] There are several methods that can be employed to control this disease, some of which are discussed below:
In early 1980s all the commercial hybrids available were completely susceptible. Only a couple of varieties like ‘Yubileynaya 60’ and ‘Progress’ were somewhat tolerant with only 5% of plants without disease. It was found out that resistance to this pathogen is polygenic rather than controlled by single dominant gene. After several years of study and research, there were some hybrid varieties developed in Europe that were indeed resistant to Phomopsis. [8] Studies have shown that the genetic mechanisms of resistance correspond to a few genes with additive effects. [9]
Fungicides were also used to control this disease. Although fungicides must be applied before symptoms appear, typically during flowering stage. Treatments after appearance of symptoms were proven to be ineffective. Application of fungicide reduced the severity of the disease and increased the yield but was unable to reduce the number of infected plants significantly. To this date there are no registered fungicides in U.S. for control of this disease. [8]
Cultural control serves a key role in the control of this disease. Controlling crop densities, Nitrogen fertilization and crop rotation may help decrease the incidence of this disease. In 2010, Debaeke and Moinard showed that the early Phomopsis attacks were related to changes in microclimate resulting from crop management practice or cultivar architecture. The later attacks were more dependent on surface area of leaf available and air movement in the canopy provided the inoculum is present and microclimate is favorable to germination of spores. [10] It was found that the pathogen was not found if the infected stems were incorporated >5cm below ground. [8]
There are currently no biological control strategies developed for this disease. [8]
Phomopsis stem canker of sunflower is a serious disease caused by Phomopsis helianthi (sexual stage = Diaporthe helianthi), it was first observed in Europe in the late 1970s followed by U.S. in 1980s. Some of the earliest reports of this disease came from certain areas of Ohio State. After careful studies and examinations, they were able to detect pycnidia of Phomopsis spp. Emergence of this new disease became more and more apparent with increased number of reports from all over the world including Rumania in 1985, Hungary in 1983, France in 1985, and Iran in 1988. Relatively recently, Stem cankers were observed on sunflower plants growing in a field in Illinois. This is also becoming an emerging problem in Australian sunflower plants with yield losses reaching up to 40%. Since the fungus is highly specific to sunflower, it will be difficult to find it in areas without major sunflower production. Disease is most severe in high temperatures and high rainfall leading to significantly high yield losses. [1] NSA crop surveys show significant yield losses in Minnesota (22% infected plants in 2007)as well as North Dakota with an incidence of over 40% plants infected. Yield losses usually go higher with lodging [11]
Grape black rot is a fungal disease caused by an ascomycetous fungus, Guignardia bidwellii, that attacks grape vines during hot and humid weather. “Grape black rot originated in eastern North America, but now occurs in portions of Europe, South America, and Asia. It can cause complete crop loss in warm, humid climates, but is virtually unknown in regions with arid summers.” The name comes from the black fringe that borders growing brown patches on the leaves. The disease also attacks other parts of the plant, “all green parts of the vine: the shoots, leaf and fruit stems, tendrils, and fruit. The most damaging effect is to the fruit”.
Diplocarpon rosae is a fungus that creates the rose black spot disease. Because it was observed by people of various countries around the same time, the nomenclature for the fungus varied with about 25 different names. The asexual stage is now known to be Marssonina rosae, while the sexual and most common stage is known as Diplocarpon rosae.
Phomopsis cane and leaf spot occurs wherever grapes are grown. Phomopsis cane and leaf spot is more severe in grape-growing regions characterized by a humid temperate climate through the growing season. Crop losses up to 30% have been reported to be caused by Phomopsis cane and leaf spot.
Leptosphaeria coniothyrium is a plant pathogen. It can be found around the world.
Alternaria triticina is a fungal plant pathogen that causes leaf blight on wheat. A. triticina is responsible for the largest leaf blight issue in wheat and also causes disease in other major cereal grain crops. It was first identified in India in 1962 and still causes significant yield loss to wheat crops on the Indian subcontinent. The disease is caused by a fungal pathogen and causes necrotic leaf lesions and in severe cases shriveling of the leaves.
Ascochyta is a genus of ascomycete fungi, containing several species that are pathogenic to plants, particularly cereal crops. The taxonomy of this genus is still incomplete. The genus was first described in 1830 by Marie-Anne Libert, who regarded the spores as minute asci and the cell contents as spherical spores. Numerous revisions to the members of the genus and its description were made for the next several years. Species that are plant pathogenic on cereals include, A. hordei, A. graminea, A. sorghi, A. tritici. Symptoms are usually elliptical spots that are initially chlorotic and later become a necrotic brown. Management includes fungicide applications and sanitation of diseased plant tissue debris.
Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen that produces a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight. The pathogen produces distinctive "bullseye" patterned leaf spots and can also cause stem lesions and fruit rot on tomato and tuber blight on potato. Despite the name "early," foliar symptoms usually occur on older leaves. If uncontrolled, early blight can cause significant yield reductions. Primary methods of controlling this disease include preventing long periods of wetness on leaf surfaces and applying fungicides. Early blight can also be caused by Alternaria tomatophila, which is more virulent on stems and leaves of tomato plants than Alternaria solani.
Phomopsis obscurans is a common fungus found in strawberry plants, which causes the disease of leaf blight. Common symptoms caused by the pathogen begin as small circular reddish-purple spots and enlarge to form V-shaped lesions that follow the vasculature of the plant's leaves. Although the fungus infects leaves early in the growing season when the plants are beginning to develop, leaf blight symptoms are most apparent on older plants towards the end of the growing season. The disease can weaken strawberry plants through the destruction of foliage, which results in reduced yields. In years highly favorable for disease development, leaf blight can ultimately lead to the death of the strawberry plants. A favorable environment for the growth and development of the Phomopsis obscurans pathogen is that of high temperature, high inoculum density, a long period of exposure to moisture, and immature host tissue. In the case of disease management, a conjunction of cultural practices is the most effective way of reducing the infection.
Ascochyta pisi is a fungal plant pathogen that causes ascochyta blight on pea, causing lesions of stems, leaves, and pods. These same symptoms can also be caused by Ascochyta pinodes, and the two fungi are not easily distinguishable.
Didymella bryoniae, syn. Mycosphaerella melonis, is an ascomycete fungal plant pathogen that causes gummy stem blight on the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes cantaloupe, cucumber, muskmelon and watermelon plants. The anamorph/asexual stage for this fungus is called Phoma cucurbitacearum. When this pathogen infects the fruit of cucurbits it is called black rot.
Phoma macdonaldii is a plant pathogenic fungus that is a major causal force for the disease Phoma Black Stem.
Alternaria helianthi is a fungal plant pathogen causing a disease in sunflowers known as Alternaria blight of sunflower.
Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora is a fungal plant pathogen which infects soybean, causing soybean stem canker.
Diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae is a plant pathogen infecting soybean and peanut.
Septoria malagutii is a fungal plant pathogen infecting potatoes. The casual fungal pathogen is a deuteromycete and therefore has no true sexual stage. As a result, Septoria produces pycnidia, an asexual flask shaped fruiting body, on the leaves of potato and other tuber-bearing spp. causing small black to brown necrotic lesions ranging in size from 1-5mm. The necrotic lesions can fuse together forming large necrotic areas susceptible to leaf drop, early senescence, dieback, and dwarfing. Septoria malagutii has been found only in the Andean countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela at altitudes of near 3000 meters. Consequently, the fungi grows and disperses best under relatively low temperatures with high humidities, with optimal growth occurring at 20 °C (68 °F). The disease has caused devastation on potato yields in South America and in areas where this disease is common, potato yields have been seen to drop by 60%.
Raspberry spur blight is caused by the fungus Didymella applanata. This plant pathogen is more problematic on red raspberries (Rubus idaeus) than on black or purple raspberries. The fungus infects the leaves first and then spreads to the cane. It causes necrotic spots on the cane near the base of the petiole attachment. Raspberry spur blight can cause a significant reduction in yield, fruit blight, premature leaf drop, and weak bud and cane growth. The magnitude of damage is not clearly understood in the United States, however, studies from Scotland suggest damage to the cane itself is limited. The disease has minor economic impacts by reducing leaves in the summer or killing buds. Major economic damage occurs if the disease manages to kill the entire cane. In the United States, this disease is found in Oregon and Washington.
Ascochyta blights occur throughout the world and can be of significant economic importance. Three fungi contribute to the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea. Ascochyta pinodes causes Mycosphaerella blight. Ascochyta pinodella causes Ascochyta foot rot, and Ascochyta pisi causes Ascochyta blight and pod spot. Of the three fungi, Ascochyta pinodes is of the most importance. These diseases are conducive under wet and humid conditions and can cause a yield loss of up to fifty percent if left uncontrolled. The best method to control ascochyta blights of pea is to reduce the amount of primary inoculum through sanitation, crop-rotation, and altering the sowing date. Other methods—chemical control, biological control, and development of resistant varieties—may also be used to effectively control ascochyta diseases.
Phomopsisblight of juniper is a foliar disease discovered in 1917 caused by the fungal pathogen Phomopsis juniperovora. The fungus infects new growth of juniper trees or shrubs, i.e. the seedlings or young shoots of mature trees. Infection begins with the germination of asexual conidia, borne from pycnidia, on susceptible tissue, the mycelia gradually move inwards down the branch, and into the main stem. Management strategies mainly include removing and destroying diseased tissue and limiting the presence of moisture on plants. Junipers become resistant to infection as they mature and the young yellow shoots turn dark green. Preventive strategies include planting only resistant varieties and spraying new growth with fungicide until plants have matured.
Raspberry leaf spot is a plant disease caused by Sphaerulina rubi, an ascomycete fungus. Early symptoms of infection are dark green spots on young leaves. As the disease progresses, these spots turn tan or gray in color. Disease management strategies for raspberry leaf spots include the use of genetically resistant raspberry plant varieties, chemical fungicide sprays, and cultural practices such as pruning and thinning out canes.
Gummy stem blight is a cucurbit-rot disease caused by the fungal plant pathogen Didymella bryoniae. Gummy stem blight can affect a host at any stage of growth in its development and affects all parts of the host including leaves, stems and fruits. Symptoms generally consist of circular dark tan lesions that blight the leaf, water soaked leaves, stem cankers, and gummy brown ooze that exudes from cankers, giving it the name gummy stem blight. Gummy stem blight reduces yields of edible cucurbits by devastating the vines and leaves and rotting the fruits. There are various methods to control gummy stem blight, including use of treated seed, crop rotation, using preventative fungicides, eradication of diseased material, and deep plowing previous debris.