Donna Blackmond

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Donna Blackmond
Born(1958-04-19)April 19, 1958
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
EducationB.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1980

M.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1981

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1984


Scientific career
Fields Chemical Engineering
Institutions The Scripps Research Institute
Imperial College London
University of Hull
Max Planck Institute
University of Pittsburgh
University of Essen

Donna Blackmond FRS (born April 19, 1958) is an American chemical engineer and the John C. Martin Endowed Chair in Chemistry at Scripps Research in La Jolla, CA. Her research focuses on prebiotic chemistry, the origin of biological homochirality, and kinetics and mechanisms of asymmetric catalytic reactions. Notable works include the development of Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis (RPKA), analysis of non-linear effects of catalyst enantiopurity, biological homochirality and amino acid behavior. [1]


Blackmond was born on April 19, 1958, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she attended University of Pittsburgh and received her undergraduate and master's degree in chemical engineering. She received the Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1984. She became a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh shortly after graduating and was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 1989. Blackmond remained in academia for 8 years before moving on to the associate director position at Merck & Co., Inc. Her main responsibility at the company was to set up a laboratory for research and development in the kinetics and catalysis of organic reactions. She was a research group leader at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim an-der-Ruhr, Germany, professor and chair of physical chemistry at the University of Hull in Kingston-upon-Hull, UK, and professor of chemistry and chemical engineering and chair in Catalysis at Imperial College London, UK. Blackmond is now a professor of chemistry, department chair, and the John C. Martin Endowed Chair in Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. Her most current research applies the quantitative aspects of her chemical engineering background to the synthesis of complex organic molecules by catalytic routes, particularly asymmetric catalysis. [1]

Areas of research

Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis

Blackmond has pioneered the methodology of Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis (RPKA), which is used for rapid determination of concentration dependences of reactants. [1] RPKA allows for in situ measurements to produce a number of rate equations that enable analysis of a reaction using a minimal number of experiments. The purpose for this type of analysis is to help understand what the driving force of a reaction might be and describe possible mechanistic pathways. [2] This technique distinguishes rate processes occurring on the catalytic cycle from those occurring off the cycle. Notable applications of RPKA include asymmetric hydrogenation, asymmetric organocatalytic reactions, palladium catalyzed carbon-carbon and carbon-nitrogen bond forming reactions, and transition-metal catalyzed competitive reactions. [1]

Nonlinear effects of catalyst enantiopurity

Nonlinear effects describe the non-ideal relationship between enantiomeric excess (ee) of products of a reaction and the ee of the catalyst, a phenomenon first observed by Henri Kagan. Kagan developed mathematical models to describe this non-ideal behavior, MLn models. [3] Blackmond has performed studies that have led to an understanding of reaction rate and its relationship to catalyst ee. Many proposed mathematical models have been tested in the Blackmond lab, which have helped determine possible mechanistic features of reactions, including the Soai reaction. [4] The Soai reaction is of abiotic synthetic interest because it is an autocatalytic reaction, which rapidly produces a large amount of enantiopure products. [5] Blackmond was the first to use Kagan's ML2 model to study the non-linear effects of this reaction. She was the first to conclude that a homochiral dimer was the active catalyst in promoting homochirality for the Soai reaction. [4]

Biological homochirality and amino acid phase behavior

More recently, Blackmond has extended kinetic models to describe the origin of biological homochirality. She has shown solutions of mostly enantiopure amino acids can be produced from nearly racemic mixtures via solution-solid partitioning of the enantiomers. The discovery that eutectic mixtures could be manipulated, depending on the components of the mixture, allows for changes to the crystal structure and solubility of substances. Amino acids crystallize in one of two ways, as a mixture of D and L enantiomers (racemic compound) or as separate enantiomers (conglomerate) . [6] For nonracemic, nonenantiopure mixtures of molecules under ternary phase equilibrium, partitioning of enantiomers occurs between the liquid and solid phases depending on the form that the crystals take.

Achievements and awards

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Soai reaction</span>

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Spontaneous absolute asymmetric synthesis is a chemical phenomenon that stochastically generates chirality based on autocatalysis and small fluctuations in the ratio of enantiomers present in a racemic mixture. In certain reactions which initially do not contain chiral information, stochastically distributed enantiomeric excess can be observed. The phenomenon is different from chiral amplification, where enantiomeric excess is present from the beginning and not stochastically distributed. Hence, when the experiment is repeated many times, the average enantiomeric excess approaches 0%. The phenomenon has important implications concerning the origin of homochirality in nature.

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In chemistry, reaction progress kinetic analysis (RPKA) is a subset of a broad range of kinetic techniques utilized to determine the rate laws of chemical reactions and to aid in elucidation of reaction mechanisms. While the concepts guiding reaction progress kinetic analysis are not new, the process was formalized by Professor Donna Blackmond in the late 1990s and has since seen increasingly widespread use. Unlike more common pseudo-first-order analysis, in which an overwhelming excess of one or more reagents is used relative to a species of interest, RPKA probes reactions at synthetically relevant conditions Generally, this analysis involves a system in which the concentrations of multiple reactants are changing measurably over the course of the reaction. As the mechanism can vary depending on the relative and absolute concentrations of the species involved, this approach obtains results that are much more representative of reaction behavior under commonly utilized conditions than do traditional tactics. Furthermore, information obtained by observation of the reaction over time may provide insight regarding unexpected behavior such as induction periods, catalyst deactivation, or changes in mechanism.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 "Donna Blackmond". The Scripps Research Institute. Retrieved 2 November 2016.
  2. Blackmond, Donna (4 July 2005). "Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis: A Powerful Methodology for Mechanistic Studies of Complex Catalytic Reactions". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 44 (28): 4302–4320. doi:10.1002/anie.200462544. PMID   15997457.
  3. Girard, Christian; Kagan, Henri (1998). "Nonlinear Effects in Asymmetric Synthesis and Stereoselective Reactions: Ten Years of Investigation". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 37 (21): 2922–2959. doi: 10.1002/(sici)1521-3773(19981116)37:21<2922::aid-anie2922>;2-1 . PMID   29711141.
  4. 1 2 Blackmond, Donna (23 June 2010). "Kinetic aspects of non-linear effects in asymmetric synthesis, catalysis, and autocatalysis". Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 21 (11–12): 1630–1634. doi:10.1016/j.tetasy.2010.03.034.
  5. Soai, Kenso (28 December 1995). "Asymmetric autocatalysis and amplification of enantiomeric excess of a chiral molecule". Nature. 378 (6559): 767–768. Bibcode:1995Natur.378..767S. doi:10.1038/378767a0. S2CID   4258847.
  6. Klussmann, Martin; Mathew, Suju; Iwamura, Hiroshi; Wells, David; Armstrong, Alan; Blackmond, Donna (24 October 2006). "Kinetic Rationalization of Nonlinear Effects in Asymmetric Catalysis Based on Phase Behavior". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 45 (47): 7989–7992. doi:10.1002/anie.200602521. PMID   17061299.
  7. "Outstanding scientists elected as Fellows of the Royal Society". Royal Society. Retrieved 2024-05-18.
  8. "ACS 2023 National Award winners". Chemical & Engineering News. Retrieved 2022-11-04.
  9. "2021 NAS Election". Retrieved 2022-11-04.
  10. "Past Recipients". American Chemical Society. Retrieved 2022-11-04.