Extended Wulff constructions refer to a number of variants of the Wulff construction which is used for a solid single crystal in isolation. [1] They include cases for solid particle on substrates, those with twins and also when growth is important. [2] They are important for many applications such as supported metal nanoparticles used in heterogeneous catalysis or for understanding the shape of twinned nanoparticles being explored for other applications such as drug delivery or optical communications. They are also relevant for macroscopic crystals with twins. Depending upon whether there are twins or a substrate there are different cases as indicated in the decision tree figure. [3]
The simplest forms of these constructions yield the lowest free energy (thermodynamic) shape, or the stable form for a growing isolated particle; it can be difficult to differentiate between the two in experimental data. The thermodynamic cases involve the surface free energy of different facets; the term surface tension refers to liquids, not solids. Those during growth involve the growth velocity of the different surface facets.
While the thermodynamic and kinetic constructions are relevant for free standing particles, often in technological applications particles are on supports. An important case is heterogeneous catalysis where typically the surface of metal nanoparticles is where chemical reactions are taking place. To optimize the reactions a large metal surface area is desirable, but for stability the nanoparticles need to be supported on a substrate. The problem of the shape on a flat substrate is solved via the Winterbottom construction.
All the above are for single crystals, but it is common to have twins in the crystals. These can occur either by accident (growth twins), or can be an integral part of the structure as in decahedral or icosahedral particles. To understand the shape of particles with twin boundaries a Modified Wulff construction is used.
All these add some additional terms to the base Wulff construction. There are related constructions which have been proposed for other cases such as with alloying or when the interface between a nanoparticle and substrate is not flat.
The thermodynamic Wulff describe the relationships between the shape of a single crystal and the surface free energy of different surfaces facets. It has the form that the perpendicular distance from a common center to all the external facets is proportional to the surface free energy of each one. This can be viewed as a relationship between the different surface energies and the distance from a Wulff center , where the vector is the "height" of the th face, drawn from the center to the face with a surface free energy of , and a scale. A common approach is to construct the planes normal to the vectors from the center to the surface free energy curve, with the Wulff shape the inner envelope. This is represented in the figure where the surface free energy is in red, and the single crystal shape would be in blue. In a more mathematical formalism it can be written describing the shape as a set of points given by [4] [5]
for all unit vectors
For the extended constructions one or more additional terms are included for interface free energies, for instance the marked in purple with dashes in the figure. The dashed interface is included which may be a solid interface for the Winterbottom case, two interfaces for Summertop and or one, two or three twin boundaries for the modified Wulff construction. Comparable cases are generated when the surface free energy is replaced by a growth velocity, these applying for kinetic shapes. [2]
The Winterbottom construction, named after Walter L. Winterbottom, [6] is the solution for the shape of a solid particle on a fixed substrate, where the substrate is forced to remain flat. It is sometimes called the Kaischew-Winterbottom or Kaischew construction, since it was first analyzed for polyhedral shapes in a less general fashion by Kaischew [7] and later Ernst G. Bauer. [8] However, the proof by Winterbottom is more general.
The Winterbottom construction adds an extra term for the interface free energy which is assumed to stay flat. These shapes are found for nanoparticles supported on substrates such as in heterogeneous catalysis and also nanoparticle superlattices, and look similar to a truncated single particle, and can also resemble that of a liquid drop on a surface. [9] [10] If the energy for the interface is very high then the particle has the same shape as it would have in isolation, and effectively dewets the substrate. If the energy is very low then a thin raft is formed on the substrate, it effectively wets the substrate.
The configuration found depends upon the orientation of the substrate, that of the particle as well as the relative orientation of the two. It is not uncommon to have more than one population of particle on substrate configurations in practice, each being a metastable energy minimum. [11] There is also some dependence upon whether there are steps, strain and anisotropy at the interface. [12] [13] [14] A related form has also been used for precipitates at boundaries, with semi-Wulff construction shapes on both sides. [15] [16]
This form was proposed as an extension of the Winterbottom construction (and a play on words) by Jean Taylor. [17] It applies to the case of a nanoparticle at a corner. Instead of just using one extra facet for the interface two are included. There are other related extensions, such as solutions in two dimensions for a crystal between two parallel planes. [18]
In many materials there are twins, which often correspond to a mirroring on a specific plane. For instance, a {111} plane for a face centered material such as gold is the normal twin plane. They often have re-entrant surfaces at the twin boundaries, a phenomenon reported in the 19th century and described in encyclopedias of crystal shapes. [20] [21] The cases with one twin boundary are also called macle twins, although there can be more than one twin boundary. [21] An example of this called the Spinel law contact twinning is shown in the figure. [19] There can also be a series of parallel twins forming what are called Lamellar Twinned Particles, [22] which have been found in experimental samples both large and small. [23] [24] For an odd number of boundaries these all resemble the macle twins; for an even number they are closer to single crystals.
There can also be two, non-parallel twin boundaries on each segment, a total of five twins in the composite particle, which leads to a shape that Cleveland and Uzi Landman called [25] a Marks decahedron when it occurs in face centered cubic materials with five units forming a fiveling cyclic twin. [26] There can also be three twin boundaries per segment where twenty units assemble to form an icosahedral structure. Both the decahedral and icosahedral forms can be the most stable ones at the nanoscale. [27] These forms occur for both elemental nanoparticles [28] [29] as well as alloys [30] [31] and colloidal crystals. [32] [33]
The approach to model these is similar to the Winterbottom construction, now adding an extra facet of energy per unit area half that of the twin boundary -- half so the energy per unit area of the two adjacent segments sums to a full twin boundary energy. [22] [26] In many cases the twin boundary energy is small compared to an external surface energy, [35] so a single twin is close to half a single crystal rotated by 180 degrees, as observed experimentally. Five units then form a fiveling, which has reentrant surfaces at the twin boundaries and in shown in the figure, while for three boundaries per unit a close to perfect icosahedron is formed. The construction also predicts [22] more complicated shapes composed of combinations of decahedra, icosahedra and other complex twin-connected shapes, which have been observed experimentally in nanoparticles and were called polyparticles. [23] Other recent examples include bi-decahedra [36] and bi-icosahedra. [37] Extended combinations can lead to complex structures of overlapping five-fold structures in wires. [38]
While the earlier work was for crystals of materials such as silver and gold, more recently there has been work on colloidal cluster of nanoparticles where similar shapes have been observed, [32] [33] although nonequilibrium shapes also occur. [39]
The thermodynamic Wulff and the others above describe the relationship between the shape of a single crystal and the surface free energy of different surfaces facets. It is named after Georg Wulff, but his paper [1] was not in fact on thermodynamics, rather on the growth kinetics. [40] In many cases growth occurs via the nucleation of small islands on the surface then their sideways growth, either step-flow or layer-by-layer growth. The variant where this type growth dominates is the Kinetic Wulff construction. [41] [42]
In the kinetic Wulff case the distance from the origin to each surface facet is proportional to the growth rate of the facet. This means that fast growing facets are often not present, for instance often {100} for a face centered cubic material; the external shape may be dominated by the slowest growing faces. [41] Note that other facets will reappear if the crystal is annealed when surface diffusion will change the shape towards the equilibrium shape. Most of the shapes in larger mineral crystals are a consequence of kinetic control. Both the surface free energy and growth rate of different surfaces depends strongly upon the presence of adsorbates, so can vary substantially. [43] [44] [45] Similar to the original work by Wulff, it is often unclear whether single crystals have a thermodynamic or kinetic Wulff shape. [40]
There are analogues of all the earlier cases when kinetic control dominates: [46] [2]
There can also be faster growth at re-entrant surfaces around twin boundaries, [47] at the interface for a Winterbottom case, at dislocations [48] and possibly at disclinations, all of which can lead to different shapes. [49] For instance, faster growth at twin boundaries leads to regular polyhedra such as pentagonal bipyramids for the fivelings with sharp corners and edges, and sharp icosahedral for the particles made of twenty subunits. The pentagonal bipyramids have been frequently observed in growth experiments, dating back to the early work by Shozo Ino and Shiro Ogawa in 1966-67, [50] [51] and are not the thermodynamically stable stable but the kinetic one. Similar to the misinterpretation of the original paper by Wulff as mentioned above, [1] these sharp shapes have been misinterpreted as being part of the equilibrium shape.
For completeness, there is a different type of kinetic control of shapes called diffusion control, [53] [54] which can lead to more complex shapes such as dendrites [55] and others. [39]
There are quite a few extensions and related constructions. Most of these to date are for relatively specialized cases. In particular:
These variants of the Wulff construction correlate well to many shapes found experimentally, but do not explain everything. Sometimes the shapes with multiple different units are due to coalescence, sometimes they are less symmetric and sometimes, as in Janus particles (for the two-headed god) they contain two materials. [66] There are also some assumptions such as that the substrate remains flat in the Winterbottom construction. This does not have to be the case, the particle can partially or completely be buried by the substrate. [2]
It can also be the case that metastable structures are formed. [39] For instance during growth at elevated temperatures a neck can form between two particles, and they can start to merge. [67] If the temperature is decreased then diffusion can become slow so this shape can persist. [68]
Finally, the descriptions here work well for particles of size about 5nm and larger. At smaller sizes more local bonding can become important, so nanoclusters of more limited sizes can be more complex. [69] [70]
These contain nanoparticles on a support, where either the nanoparticles or combination plays a key role in speeding up a chemical reaction. The support can also play a role in reducing sintering by stabilizing the particles so there is less reduction in their surface area with extended use -- larger particles produced by sintering small ones have less surface area for the same total number of atoms. [71]
In addition, the substrate can determine the orientation of the nanoparticles, and combined with what surfaces are exposed in the Winterbottom construction there can be different reactivities which has been exploited for prototype catalysts. [72] [73] [74] [75]
As alluded to earlier, many minerals have crystal twins, and these approaches provide methods to explain the morphologies for either kinetic or thermodynamic control for shapes found in the literature [19] for in marcasite, [76] [77] and by Gustav Rose in 1831 for gold. [78] [79]
At small sizes, particularly for face centered cubic materials cyclic twins called multiply twinned particles are often of lower energy than single crystals. The main reason is that they have more lower energy surfaces, mainly (111). [26] This is balanced by elastic deformation which raises the energy. [27] At small sizes the surface energy dominated so icosahedral particles are lowest in energy. As the size increases the decahedral ones become lowest in energy, then at the largest size it is single crystals. [70] The decahedral particles and, to a lesser extent the icosahedral ones have shapes determined by the Modified Wulff construction. [2] Note that due to the discrete nature of atoms there can be deviations from the continuum shapes at very small sizes. [80]
The optical response of nanoparticles depends upon their shape, size and the materials. [81] [82] For instance, rod shapes which are very anisotropic can be grown using decahedral seeds if the growth on (100) facets is slow, a kinetic Wulff shapes. These have quite different optical responses than icosahedra, which are close to spherical, while cubes can also be produced if the (111) growth rate is very fast, and these have yet further optical responses. [83] [84] [85]
Surface science is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid–liquid interfaces, solid–gas interfaces, solid–vacuum interfaces, and liquid–gas interfaces. It includes the fields of surface chemistry and surface physics. Some related practical applications are classed as surface engineering. The science encompasses concepts such as heterogeneous catalysis, semiconductor device fabrication, fuel cells, self-assembled monolayers, and adhesives. Surface science is closely related to interface and colloid science. Interfacial chemistry and physics are common subjects for both. The methods are different. In addition, interface and colloid science studies macroscopic phenomena that occur in heterogeneous systems due to peculiarities of interfaces.
In surface science, surface energy quantifies the disruption of intermolecular bonds that occurs when a surface is created. In solid-state physics, surfaces must be intrinsically less energetically favorable than the bulk of the material, otherwise there would be a driving force for surfaces to be created, removing the bulk of the material by sublimation. The surface energy may therefore be defined as the excess energy at the surface of a material compared to the bulk, or it is the work required to build an area of a particular surface. Another way to view the surface energy is to relate it to the work required to cut a bulk sample, creating two surfaces. There is "excess energy" as a result of the now-incomplete, unrealized bonding between the two created surfaces.
Colloidal gold is a sol or colloidal suspension of nanoparticles of gold in a fluid, usually water. The colloid is coloured usually either wine red or blue-purple . Due to their optical, electronic, and molecular-recognition properties, gold nanoparticles are the subject of substantial research, with many potential or promised applications in a wide variety of areas, including electron microscopy, electronics, nanotechnology, materials science, and biomedicine.
A nanoparticle or ultrafine particle is a particle of matter 1 to 100 nanometres (nm) in diameter. The term is sometimes used for larger particles, up to 500 nm, or fibers and tubes that are less than 100 nm in only two directions. At the lowest range, metal particles smaller than 1 nm are usually called atom clusters instead.
Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) are assemblies of organic molecules that form spontaneously on surfaces by adsorption and organize themselves into more or less distinct domains. In some cases, molecules that form the monolayer do not interact strongly with the substrate. This is the case for porphyrins on HOPG and two-dimensional supramolecular networks of PTCDA on gold. In other cases, the head group has a strong affinity for the substrate and anchors the molecule. Such an SAM consisting of a head group, chain, and functional end group is depicted in Figure 1. Common head groups include thiols, silanes, and phosphonates.
Crystal twinning occurs when two or more adjacent crystals of the same mineral are oriented so that they share some of the same crystal lattice points in a symmetrical manner. The result is an intergrowth of two separate crystals that are tightly bonded to each other. The surface along which the lattice points are shared in twinned crystals is called a composition surface or twin plane.
Barium titanate (BTO) is an inorganic compound with chemical formula BaTiO3. It is the barium salt of metatitanic acid. Barium titanate appears white as a powder and is transparent when prepared as large crystals. It is a ferroelectric, pyroelectric, and piezoelectric ceramic material that exhibits the photorefractive effect. It is used in capacitors, electromechanical transducers and nonlinear optics.
Melting-point depression is the phenomenon of reduction of the melting point of a material with a reduction of its size. This phenomenon is very prominent in nanoscale materials, which melt at temperatures hundreds of degrees lower than bulk materials.
Platinum nanoparticles are usually in the form of a suspension or colloid of nanoparticles of platinum in a fluid, usually water. A colloid is technically defined as a stable dispersion of particles in a fluid medium.
The Wulff construction is a method to determine the equilibrium shape of a droplet or crystal of fixed volume inside a separate phase. Energy minimization arguments are used to show that certain crystal planes are preferred over others, giving the crystal its shape. It is of fundamental importance in a number of areas ranging from the shape of nanoparticles and precipitates to nucleation. It also has more applied relevance in areas such as the shapes of active particles in heterogeneous catalysis.
Surface stress was first defined by Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839–1903) as the amount of the reversible work per unit area needed to elastically stretch a pre-existing surface. Depending upon the convention used, the area is either the original, unstretched one which represents a constant number of atoms, or sometimes is the final area; these are atomistic versus continuum definitions. Some care is needed to ensure that the definition used is also consistent with the elastic strain energy, and misinterpretations and disagreements have occurred in the literature.
An electrocatalyst is a catalyst that participates in electrochemical reactions. Electrocatalysts are a specific form of catalysts that function at electrode surfaces or, most commonly, may be the electrode surface itself. An electrocatalyst can be heterogeneous such as a platinized electrode. Homogeneous electrocatalysts, which are soluble, assist in transferring electrons between the electrode and reactants, and/or facilitate an intermediate chemical transformation described by an overall half reaction. Major challenges in electrocatalysts focus on fuel cells.
Nanodiamonds, or diamond nanoparticles, are diamonds with a size below 100 nanometers. They can be produced by impact events such as an explosion or meteoritic impacts. Because of their inexpensive, large-scale synthesis, potential for surface functionalization, and high biocompatibility, nanodiamonds are widely investigated as a potential material in biological and electronic applications and quantum engineering.
Silver nanoparticles are nanoparticles of silver of between 1 nm and 100 nm in size. While frequently described as being 'silver' some are composed of a large percentage of silver oxide due to their large ratio of surface to bulk silver atoms. Numerous shapes of nanoparticles can be constructed depending on the application at hand. Commonly used silver nanoparticles are spherical, but diamond, octagonal, and thin sheets are also common.
A plasmonic-enhanced solar cell, commonly referred to simply as plasmonic solar cell, is a type of solar cell that converts light into electricity with the assistance of plasmons, but where the photovoltaic effect occurs in another material.
Spherical nucleic acids (SNAs) are nanostructures that consist of a densely packed, highly oriented arrangement of linear nucleic acids in a three-dimensional, spherical geometry. This novel three-dimensional architecture is responsible for many of the SNA's novel chemical, biological, and physical properties that make it useful in biomedicine and materials synthesis. SNAs were first introduced in 1996 by Chad Mirkin’s group at Northwestern University.
Nanoparticles are classified as having at least one of its dimensions in the range of 1-100 nanometers (nm). The small size of nanoparticles allows them to have unique characteristics which may not be possible on the macro-scale. Self-assembly is the spontaneous organization of smaller subunits to form larger, well-organized patterns. For nanoparticles, this spontaneous assembly is a consequence of interactions between the particles aimed at achieving a thermodynamic equilibrium and reducing the system’s free energy. The thermodynamics definition of self-assembly was introduced by Professor Nicholas A. Kotov. He describes self-assembly as a process where components of the system acquire non-random spatial distribution with respect to each other and the boundaries of the system. This definition allows one to account for mass and energy fluxes taking place in the self-assembly processes.
An icosahedral twin is a nanostructure found in atomic clusters and also nanoparticles with some thousands of atoms. The simplest form of these clusters is twenty interlinked tetrahedral crystals joined along triangular faces although more complex variants also occur. A related, more common structure has five units similarly arranged with twinning, which were known as "fivelings" in the 19th century, more recently as "decahedral multiply twinned particles", "pentagonal particles" or "star particles". A variety of different methods lead to the icosahedral form.
Shape control in nanocrystal growth is the control of the shape of nanocrystals formed in their synthesis by means of varying reaction conditions. This is a concept studied in nanosciences, which is a part of both chemistry and condensed matter physics. There are two processes involved in the growth of these nanocrystals. Firstly, volume Gibbs free energy of the system containing the nanocrystal in solution decreases as the nanocrystal size increases. Secondly, each crystal has a surface Gibbs free energy that can be minimized by adopting the shape that is energetically most favorable. Surface energies of crystal planes are related to their Miller indices, which is why these can help predict the equilibrium shape of a certain nanocrystal.
A fiveling, also known as a decahedral nanoparticle, a multiply-twinned particle (MTP), a pentagonal nanoparticle, a pentatwin, or a five-fold twin is a type of twinned crystal that can exist at sizes ranging from nanometers to millimetres. It contains five different single crystals arranged around a common axis. In most cases each unit has a face centered cubic (fcc) arrangement of the atoms, although they are also known for other types of crystal structure.